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@MarkTrapp Glad I could provide.
I agree with you @MarkTrapp. I hate questions asking about the difference between two completely different games.
waves goodbye to the ME3 theme
When do the emails about free stuff get sent out?
Q: Can I deflect enemy grenades?

ResorathIn single player "Insanity" difficulty, Cerberus agents throw grenades with pinpoint accuracy all the time. Due to the deadlyness of grenades of this difficulty, it always forces me out of cover and into the line of fire of the enemy. What can I do about these grenades other than flee from cove...

Q: How do I get access to the cannon outside of the castle?

FoxtrotThere is a cannon just outside of the castle in Super Mario Word 64 but it's locked ! It is near the water, on the beach. Can I get access to it ? If so, how ?

Q: Scene-it Box Office Smash, how much are the last-round bonus points worth?

JohnI'm trying to look everywhere for a guide, but can't find anything. Does anyone know if there exists a list of the final-round bonus point award amounts? I just lost to my wife EVEN THOUGH I was ahead by 900 points before the bonus. ...or is it random?

Q: Lazerpewpew will return!

JinI made a dumb dumb. I thought the the ME3 contest ends at midnight, EST. but it turned out to be midnight UTC. I need to do some extra css work to get the mothership back. yes mothership lazerpewpew will be back in the next production build, don't panic!

There is absolutely no value in that quesiton, and borders on game-rec. In fact, as far as I'm concerned the only point of the question is to help you decide which one to buy, so it is game-rec.
Just disguised,
@Lazers Good job preempting that, @Jin :P
@TimStone Can you prepend that question with an Eeeek? :P
The lazers are now gone. My life is now incomplete.
@YiJiang Done!
Q: What's the difference between FortressCraft and Minecraft? Who cares?

Mark TrappRecently, a question has been asked about the differences between Minecraft and FortressCraft. To save you the trouble of having to click on the link, I'll copy the entire question here: What is the difference between FortressCraft and Minecraft? That's it. No context, no problem to be solv...

snifffff laaaazers!
Okay, I'm now going to cast a close vote on every game asking for the differences between two games.
@Wipqozn Hey, I know that guy! He makes a compelling argument.
@MarkTrapp Indeed!
@RonanForman If I had to guess? Monday. Staff at StackHQ have gone home for the weekend by now.
I was just looking to see if there was a meta on this topic, and long behold, there was your question.
Track down all those questions post them in that meta.
Either that question should be undeleted, or the others should be closed.
@Wipqozn I completely forgot I even asked that. Good to see I haven't contradicted anything :P
But I want free stuff naow!!
@YiJiang \o/
I kid of course.
I want free stuff at some point!!
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Chat Room for Gaming.SE. The main quarters of Gaming's SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we compare and contrast the relative merits of LASERs and LAZERS as we languish in their absence. [no-lasers]
room topic changed to The Bridge: General Chat Room for Gaming.SE. The main quarters of Gaming's SEI AskQuestion Mothership, wherein we compare and contrast the relative merits of LASERs and LAZERS as we languish in their absence. [ex-jin-lazers-fanclub] [no-lasers]
Light Amplification by Zorro Emissions of Radiation?
I need an answer to downvote :(
But first
Q: How difficult are Nethack and Crawl?

Sadly NotLooking through a list of roguelikes to sink my teeth into I've narrowed down my choices to Nethack and Crawl. The problem is that I'm not experienced with roguelikes so I don't know what to expect in terms of difficulty, and I want to choose the one that is easier to get into and beat. So how s...

@MarkTrapp Zeta
@YiJiang Ah, that's substantively less disturbing.
@MarkTrapp Luminous Amazing Zapping Energy Ray System
Lincoln A. Zwift's Excellent Raygun Surprise
(Note that is LAZERS vs. LASERs.)
I love bacronyms.
Lemur And Zebra Entanglement Response System
Longitudinal Angles of a Zither's Ethereal Rays
A: What's the difference between FortressCraft and Minecraft? Who cares?

WipqoznWe have several identical questions on this site, which I shall post below. Either they should be closed (which I think they should be), or Difference between Minecraft and FortressCraft? should be re-opened and undeleted. As far as I'm concerned they should be closed, since the only value thes...

Limping Angry Zombie Eating Radish Surprises
> We reserve the right to delete any malicious posts, or to just re-edit them to make the original author look like a moron, or a pedophile.
> Do not discuss Europa. Please avoid discussion of the sixth moon of Jupiter, Europa.
> Tolerate all humans. If you post anything that is racist, sexist, or homophobic, the forums will come alive and bite you on the face. It will hold on tight, no matter how much you scream, and not let go until you tolerate all humanity and promise to change your ways. Then we will let go, but by then it will have laid eggs in your sinus cavities, and if you ever post anything like that again the eggs will hatch, and you will sneeze earwigs for years.
71 rep to go...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Isn't that similar to Something Awful's forums? Might be thinking of the wrong forum.
Man, requiring the circle pad pro and hte stand thing.....makes Kid Icarus Uprising not very portable. TIme to play, and see how it goes....
@Tristan Ohhh! Lisa Simpson!!!
> Be not profane. Keep your nastiness to a minimum. Do not post dirty pictures. Don’t be inordinately offensive. Why? Because many of us like to read the forums at the office, instead of doing the jobs we are paid to do.
Ok i can see that!!! :)
@AshleyNunn Are you wrong left-handed?
Story of my life.
@Wipqozn Yup. Sure am. :)
@AshleyNunn That's what Ars said too without the circle pad pro.
> Discuss only activities that are legal. If you talk about illegal drugs, how to pirate software, or anything else that violates the laws of cows or man, you will be instantly BANNED across all space, time, and dimension. Nobody will like you, and you will probably die alone. And high.
And high.
@AshleyNunn I'm so sorry.
@Wipqozn eyeroll :P
So, I need help. Who here knows soul-calibur 5?
@Oak GnomeSlice is the only one I know of. :P
@AshleyNunn +1
@TimStone Hurray :)
Q: Does Vayne's Tumble make her forget what she is shooting at?

OrigamiRobotWhile trying out Vayne, I noticed that I was dying. Alot. Far more than my lack of skill would normally merit. It seems like after I tumbled, I stopped attacking. I could have also been clicking elsewhere in the mayhem. Does Vayne's Tumble cause her to lose her target?

Q: Do structures count as terrain?

OrigamiRobotVayne's Condemn says: If they collide with terrain after being knocked back, they are dealt the same amount of physical damage again and are stunned for 1.5 seconds. Similarly, Poppy's Heroic Charge says: ... if they collide with terrain, her target will take a high amount of magic dama...

@Oak @IanPugsley @StrixVaria @Gnomeslice
Pretty sure @FAE has it too @Oak
Cool, thanks
Okay, so I have to put the 3DS out of the circle pad if I want to change games? Laaamesauce.
Just trying to understand if the user is asking about "why the developers did it" or not
Q: Yoshimitsu Moves

buddyIts one thing to change its another to take away yoshimitsu was the most respected character from personality to unorthodox fighting style i don't under stand why they would take her away and replace her with this new guy we no nothing about besides he killed the yoshimitsu. They said he killed h...

I'm guessing he does, but not knowing the game, I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt
And the buttons/stick are tighter. :(
"Don’t post stupid junk. For instance: Short, one word, meaningless posts. Multiple, repeated posts. Posts that say nothing. Posts that mean nothing. Posts that no one wants to read. Posts that say, “First post!” Irrelevant posts. Inappropriate posts. We know why you are doing this—You want to artificially bump up your post count and achieve new, incredibly-valuable and hilarious post count rankings." -- that's just not true!
i is sorry
@RonanForman I am sooo sorry about that picture my friend wanted to draw one and picked Kate Moss and I went Ugh!
@OrigamiRobot Robot wants a new GPU?
@RavenDreamer I'm gonna use it to build a girlfriend.
Read my questions. For love.
@OrigamiRobot I'm suddenly reminded of a scene from Robots.
@Jin Less talking; more fixing lazers.
"Awww, sweetie, you missed the delivery. But that's okay - building the baby is the fun part!"
@Jin That's all right. FIX IT NAOW!!!!
Also, @AshleyNunn, you don't need the stand.
I haven't been using it.
i thought i had 4 extra hours to redo the mothership stuff for "normal mode" gaming.se.. but i thought wrong!
A weekend without lazers? So this is what hell must be like
@Jin ah, procrastination. The best excuse for anything.
I liked this most of all:
> Do not discuss Europa. Please avoid discussion of the sixth moon of Jupiter, Europa.
@MarkTrapp it should be up later tonight, when devs make another prod build
@Oak It is the best rule.
@Jin The best thing to do now is to spin the Wheel of Blame and divert all responsibility to a dev.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, by Wipqozn
@MarkTrapp That wipqozn guy is pretty handsome, I agree.
I'm sensing the Order of the Lazer is out in full force tonight.
@TimStone i blame UTC time zone!
why can't everyone just use EST?? AMERICA! F YEAH!
@MarkTrapp Honestly, I thought that was what I linked. Oops.
I should probably make a witty remark about lazers to get stars.
@Jin I know, if only I had three more hours to get 18 more 5+ ME3 posts, I could make General!
@Wipqozn Don't want to serial vote but boy are you getting close
@RavenDreamer Oh I was just pointing to the earlier conversation. What Wipqozn linked to is what you linked to :P
@Stephen eeee, 36 rep :D
@Wipqozn Or robot ladies.
@MarkTrapp It's not fair. I confuse you with Matthew Read, because you both have names that start with M.
I forgot q's were 5 ... duh
@OrigamiRobot No stars for robot ladies.
6 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@RavenDreamer I'm gonna use it to build a girlfriend.
@RavenDreamer They also both have photos of themselves as gravatars, which at very low resolutions, can look similar because they have largely shared color palettes.
@Raven By that logic I am a mod! Yay.
@LessPop_MoreFizz They both have heads, with faces, even!
@RavenDreamer That shocks the conscience: Mark is by far the better name. One syllable, appears first in alphabetized lists, and can always be used old games that let you name the protagonist.
@RavenDreamer And they both have two eyes in roughly the same place!
@MarkTrapp So can Matt in fairness, aside from the alphabetization issue.
@MarkTrapp I swear to Lazers that I read this, thinking you were Matthew, and wondering why you were so unenamored of your own name.
Of course, if we're talking alphabetized one syllable names, I beat the both of you.
I think it's time to lay off the antihistimines.
@Wipqozn Oh thank god because it kinda doesnt work with the circle pad.
@MarkTrapp Yea? Well "Nic" can be entered into high scores!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Abel?
@RavenDreamer what
@LessPop_MoreFizz As in, the brother of Cain.
1) I think you mean Abel, and 2), no Abel would beat me.
D'oh. Can't spell.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What about McClelland?
@RavenDreamer He beats me too.
@Wipqozn Congrats ok 10k :)
But! I share my initials with a city that has a Baseball team! So I can get my initials on a hat any time I want!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh. One syllable.
@Stephen tab to autocomplete, up to edit last message
@YiJiang Yeah I couldn't have butchered that more if I tried... I didn't know about the up though. Thanks
So...the Papa John's that's 5.3 miles from me apparently "no longer delivers to my area".... raises brow
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am a network interface card. I do not know why this is supposed to be impressive.
@Wipqozn Not what you usually post when you gain some new power over someone.
@TimStone You live in a bad neighbourhood? :P
@Ullallulloo: Better?
@Wipqozn yep
I live in a pretty nice neighbourhood (if I still lived in Philly, I wouldn't order from Papa John's). I have no idea what their issue is, especially given how much I've ordered from there. I'm also not sure where exactly they deliver to, if not to my area.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah yes. Now I remember your name.
@Wipqozn We need an IRC bot in here that will tell you how often things get posted and how many times certianpeople post specific things :)
When does the fanfiction competion end?
@James Just use search.
There we go. Just used up all my delete votes for the day.
@Wipqozn Nah nah, I want it posted for the offender to see it, not "gee I wonder how long its been since I last saw that" :D
... nVidia is up to the 600s already??
@Wipqozn MsDugITBANI
I still have a 580 sitting on my shelf Ive not opened yet! :(
Contentious Statement of the Night: The final three tracks of Purple Rain could basically stand on their own as the greatest live album ever recorded.
@RavenDreamer did you just delete your answer?
@James Yeah, well... the computer I'm on now still only has a 8600
Wonder how long it'll take for them to go down to single digits
@Blem Yeah, I was fixing it.
lolol Oh you
Did you serial up vote me @Sterno?
Because it just got reversed.
@Wipqozn hahahahahahaha
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, it is pretty funny.
@YiJiang Haha, No idea :)
@James The numbers don't actually mean anything, though, I think.
@RavenDreamer OF COURSE THEY DO.
@RavenDreamer first number is revision level, as of late.. the second set of digits generally mean how tuned the card has been going from I think 40 to 80 then getting like a 45 or 65 to 85
They're about as useful as Intel's i3, i5 and i7 - ie. not very
@RavenDreamer and/or choppy
@YiJiang But seven is clearly a larger number than 5!
Okay, now I'm 10k again.
@Wipqozn The brandy snifters and cigars are in the parlor. Ask Jeeves for your monogrammed smoking jacket.
Q: Is Poppy's Valiant Fighter applied on full damage or excess?

BlemPoppy's innate ability Valiant Fighter is as following: Any damage dealt to Poppy that exceeds 10% of her current health is reduced by 50%. This does not reduce damage from structures. But is the 50% reduction applied to the full damage or only the excess of the 10%? In other words if Po...

ALso, being able to read this is the best thing about becoming 10k yet.
@Wipqozn Ahaha, missed that one
@Wipqozn That's just depressing.
@OrigamiRobot I've only been 10k for a short while.
I'm sure there will be more amusing deleted posts,.
> notice on Where is the "impossible space" in Portal 2? This post has been locked while disputes about its content are being resolved.
@Wipqozn I meant the post itself is depressing.
There is more mod-only stuff :)
@Wipqozn :)
is there a TV.SE?
for non-SFF stuff?
isn't that just movies?
hmm, did they expand it recently?
@NickT Almost immediately after the public beta launched
Q: Should we merge with TV?

Abby T. MillerNow that Television is on-topic for the Movies site, I move that we include TV completely, and invite people following the TV proposal to come hang out with us. I noted in another answer that being a Movies site that also allows TV questions doesn't make any sense to me. TV is a huge subject th...

Q: Final TV Decision

TylerShads From the result of a majority vote between the moderators, it has been decided that: Television will be on topic for this site. I think with this, it is time to shape the FAQ from more than just the general beta description. If the title: Has had a major theatrical release (recent exa...

he doesn't have any rep at all...?
ah, suspended, what happened there?
9 mins ago, by Wipqozn
ALso, being able to read this is the best thing about becoming 10k yet.
@NickT he made it to the "suspicious activity during the contest" list, and balpha looked into it, and it turned the suspicions were true
@NickT It's depressing because LPMF and I were just talking about how nice his progress was.
@agent86 It's funny how often people ask about that like they don't know what's going on too, heh.
@Wipqozn I did not serial upvote you.
@Sterno I'm 10k again anyways.
what's wrong with cereal upvoting?
I don't know what happened.
I really like Cheerios
@Wipqozn in soviet russia, bear friendships YOU
I think you mentioned in chat you were close and someone probably actually did it
@Sterno I thought may have due to the comment you made before about resisting the urge.
4 of my 5 serial upvote incidents during the ME3 contest were right after I mentioned something in chat.
@Wipqozn I say a lot of smartass things, but I generally don't do them. :P
Oh, hey, 10k site rep
Where's Gnomeslice when you want to see what flags look like?
Oh, I guess I'm 19 points shy. Stupid round-up!
Chat Poll: Xbox360 or PS3?
@RavenDreamer depends.
what do you want to play, and who with, and what do they own?
You've got a gaming-capable PC. So PS3
@RavenDreamer Xbox 360
@agent86 I don't have friends who own consoles, currently.
I own a PS3, but rarely use it.
And I have no desire to play Halo.
@RavenDreamer do you own a blu-ray player? (and if not, do you want to?)
@agent86 Oooh, good point. I do not.
I would never have bought the 360 if not for the fact that Mass Effect 1 was originally exclusive to it
And since, almost every 360 "exclusive" game I've bought has come to the PC
the same is not true for PS3
Q: Can the same rune be used on multiple pages?

OrigamiRobotIf I wanted to start buying runes based on different build guides, can I use the same individual rune on multiple pages or can they only be used on one page at a time?

Q: Yoshimitsu was cheated

buddyIts one thing to change its another to take away yoshimitsu was the most respected character from personality to unorthodox fighting style i don't under stand why they would take her away and replace her with this new guy? we know nothing about besides he killed yoshimitsu. They said he killed he...

If you have a decent PC, PS3 > X360 imho
Plus: Dark Souls
and GT5
(though that might come to PC too)
Oooh. You just reminded me of how much I enjoyed Legend of Zelda: Darksiders
I own an xbox (and I'm happy with it, fwiw). I play on it primarily for the cheevs and because that's where my friends are
Why is Disgaea 4 so expensive?
$80 new on Amazon. $60 used
Released... 6 months ago?
@OrigamiRobot Give me all your accepted answers! >:D Bring on more quexstions!
@RavenDreamer I can't think of anymore...
@OrigamiRobot I have some I could give you, but...
I'm suddenly filled with apathy, and no longer have a desire to answer questions.
Am I the only one with the mindset "If it's worth my time to answer, it's worth an upvote."
Clearly, you missed your window.
@RavenDreamer Liar.
it just occurred to me that I spent all day playing the same game of Civ5
@OrigamiRobot No. The rest of us don't mind rep-whoring bad questions!
@agent86 Your game only lasted 1 day?
I sometimes answer questions I downvoted!
@Sterno dot dot dot
What? Bad questions still deserve answers. It's closed (or on their way to being closed) questions that don't
That's maybe comment worthy
Argh. This game is not very lefty-friendly. :( :( :( :( :(
@Sterno If you thought it was good enough to answer, it should be good enough to upvote.
I'm pretty sure we were promised the lasers would stay
@AshleyNunn Ars Technica said that the controls were all around fail, if you're talking about Kid Icarus.
@OrigamiRobot I disagree with your premise that I'm answering because it was "good enough"
@AshleyNunn You have the hand of the devil! What do you expect!
I have a lot of free time. I don't require a good question to find a reason to waste some of it
@TimStone Eh, I have heard from other places that it wasn't so bad.
Q: EEEK! Lazerpewpew will return!

JinI made a dumb dumb. I thought the the ME3 contest ends at midnight, EDT. But it turned out to be midnight UTC. I need to do some extra css work to get the mothership back. yes mothership lazerpewpew will be back in the next production build, don't panic!

@RavenDreamer Fair enough. Your point is valid.
@Sterno I don't waste time on purpose.
Wasting time is the worst.
@AshleyNunn I think the Vita has vastly superior controls to the 3ds.
@OrigamiRobot You're talking to me. You must have free time to waste.
The 3ds is just... why would you be so asymmtric!
@RavenDreamer Eh, I'm probably not ever going to get one.
@Sterno Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.
Now I'm going to go eat some carrot cake
@Sterno Your tongue is in your mouth and you are blinking manually.
@Sterno Mmm, carrot cake. With cream cheese frosting?
@OrigamiRobot If you have to ask what it symbolized, it didn't.
@AshleyNunn Indeed!
@Sterno That's the best way to have it :)
@RavenDreamer If you have to explain why it was funny, it wasn't.
Where is @ArdaXi? I want to argue about semantics.
I saw The Hunger Games tonight and I really don't know how it has a 86% on Rotten Tomatoes
shaky cam sucks
Wow. The AR cards are kinda cute. Although an enemy called "Eggplant Wizard" is only moderately less weird than Tempura Wizard
man, this guy just doesn't get it...
Q: Yoshimitsu was cheated

buddyIts one thing to change its another to take away yoshimitsu was the most respected character from personality to unorthodox fighting style i don't under stand why they would take her away and replace her with this new guy? we know nothing about besides he killed yoshimitsu. They said he killed he...

same fellow who posted this:
Q: Yoshimitsu Moves

buddyIts one thing to change its another to take away yoshimitsu was the most respected character from personality to unorthodox fighting style i don't under stand why they would take her away and replace her with this new guy? we know nothing about besides he killed yoshimitsu. They said he killed he...

@Wipqozn Oh, man >.<
@RavenDreamer I like the . :P
Does Gaming have the question ban system in place?
@AshleyNunn: How do you find Kid Icarus?
@Wipqozn "This is not a question. This is a Q&A site, though. You are in the wrong place."
@YiJiang Hmm, somehow I thought the entire network did, but I'm not positive enough on that to state it as fact.
@Wipqozn Kinda tricky... being a lefty probably isn't helping. Do you have to use the L button to shoot? I don't like using the same hand to shoot as I am using to aim - it jams my poor pinky finger.
@StrixVaria is cold.
@AshleyNunn I use the L-Button yeah. I find the controls to be less than perfect.
Another bad one
@Wipqozn I suspect if I could switch it to be on the right - matching my hand using the circle pad - it would be a tad easier
Q: Miss Fortune or Caitlyn?

Shade28Which should I main. Miss Fortune or Caitlyn? What's your opinions and whatnot. I mean... Their totally different but I do need opinions. Going into ranked soon so I dunno. I feel Miss Fortune has an advantadge but Caitlyn seems better late game. ggClassic woo! <3

If it does this could be an interesting experiment to see how many downvotes on posts triggers it :P
@OrigamiRobot Huh?
@StrixVaria Read a bit farther up.
@TimStone For SCIENCE!
@Wipqozn But I like it as a game, which is unexpected. I really thought the whole shooting thing would bore me. Which do you prefer - land or air?
@OrigamiRobot Oh right.
The funny part about his rants is that Yoshimitsu is barely different from the last game.
@AshleyNunn IT's hard to say. Right now I prefer air, but that's mostly just because I find the controls are a lot better for air than for land. I suspect once I become more comfortable with the land controls I'll prefer that.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I find the land controls a bit weird, especially turning.
Also, re-posting this since there are more/different people in chat right now:
A: What's the difference between FortressCraft and Minecraft? Who cares?

WipqoznWe have several identical questions on this site, which I shall post below. Either they should be closed (which I think they should be), or Difference between Minecraft and FortressCraft? should be re-opened and undeleted. As far as I'm concerned they should be closed, since the only value thes...

@Wipqozn Congrats on 10k
@StrixVaria Thanks.
I feel like I'm part of the cool crowd now that I'm 10k.
Q: Is there any way to change which button I use to shoot?

Ashley NunnI poked around in a bunch of menus, and found a lot of interesting stuff, but I couldn't find any way to change the controls. I would love to be able to move the shooting button to the left trigger on the Circle Pad Pro, or to the R button. Is that possible? Or am I stuck with having a sore pinky...

Q: Miss Fortune or Caitlyn?

Shade28Which should I main. Miss Fortune or Caitlyn? What's your opinions and whatnot. I mean... Their totally different but I do need opinions. Going into ranked soon so I dunno. I feel Miss Fortune has an advantadge but Caitlyn seems better late game. ggClassic woo! <3

@Lazers Closed, BAM!
@Wipqozn Hahahahahaha
That gorilla versus shark image is awesome

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