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I think asking a question specifically about one piece of hardware to run a game is fairly localized.
Blem, what did you win?
And on that note, TIme to go home.
Q: Can I ask if a specific game will run on a specific computer system?

overmannI want to ask if the Penumbra series will run on a playable and consistent framerate on a medium to high setting (this you can't assume from minimum system requirements) on a AMD A4 apu processor. This is considering I don't have a computer to play the game with. One thing about the demos is th...

See you, James.
@agent86 Kewl, so I made the right call on the vote casting?
@Snowflake Ill be back, I just need to get some food and get home :)
@James you did indeed
Just glad Work is over :D
@agent86 Haha, nice.. I am slowly learning the ins and outs and tolerances of this site :)
Well, in that case, I'll see you when you get home, if you get back on.
Er, rather, type in the same chat? :P
@John It was red with a white roof!
Q: Does shaking off a Husk count as a melee kill?

JohnoBoyThe Striker/Bruiser accomplishments/achievements/tropies require you to "Kill 25/100 enemies with melee attacks" respectively. Seeing as I'm the "shoot enemies from far away as possible" type of player, I rarely get up close and personal, however, Husks that latch on to you can be killed by a mel...

Is Lazers a person, or some sort of automated thing?
Anyone got a link to the new Battlestar Galactica trailer?
@Snowflake lazers is a feed
What is it? A game, movie, tv show?
tv show
Ah, I see.
Hello, Gnomeslice.
I didn't realise how much I missed you @Gnomeslice.
That, just that.
@Blem That looks pretty cool
@Tristan Did you get it working?
yea, I loved the remake, Caprica was ok, so looking forward to this
I'm debating whether or not DCUO is even worth installing.
I spent hours downloading it, and now theres a 6 gig update. >_<
Any more comments on this?
@Snowflake That happens to me all the time.
I was up to like 1.2 Gb out of a 1.5 Gb update and then just before we played it for game on, there's a 3 Gb update.
@GnomeSlice Hah. Which game was this? Same one I'm talking about?
@Snowflake Dungeon Defenders, so I doubt it.
Oh, okay. How is that game on PC, by the way? I got it on mobile for free, haven't tried it for PC.
@Snowflake Funnily enough, I haven't played it yet.
I like it, but the progression is a bit steap
My friends rave about it though.
Sounds like the kind of game I'd like, but I may never get it updated.
Also, @RonanForman
12:22 PM - Nanor: Hi, you busy?
What did you want?
I was at school when you sent that.
@GnomeSlice it sounds ok, just needs a bit of tuning for the loop
@Blem Yeah, I agree, but that's probably not going to happen.
Because of the reverb it will always sound a little messed up, although it does seem to miss a bit of time at the very end.
I didn't hear that it started over the first time (or maybe the first 2-3 times) before i read the text and listen for it
@Blem The other one, the in-game music loops much better, but it's actually even shorter.
^ The other one ^
yea, that is really good
For a second there I thought you were mana @RavenDreamer
@Wipqozn That had better not be what I was just oh, you saw it from my facebook didn't you.
@GnomeSlice I did indeed.
Apparently steam is giving free coupons if you log out and back in.
I have 2 50% off coupons now.
Maybe it's a bug.
Q: Is it a bad idea to take [crewmember] onto the Geth Cruiser?

aslumMinor Spoilers: Is this a terrible idea? Could she get taken over by the Geth or otherwise subverted?

@Wiqpozn ME3 recording, it must have been just after you left.
@RonanForman Yeah, pretty close to it.
I left ~30 minutes before you sent the message.
maaan, if these questions get deleted, I'm going to lose ~200 rep
Q: How should we handle questions about game completion time?

SternoI've had my eye on this question for a while: How long is Mass Effect 3 on normal difficulty? I didn't think it was a very good question, but I answered it and pointed to HowLongToBeat.com and tried to explain in my answer specifically why a site like this is needed to provide a good answer to t...

A: How much play time to complete Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

WipqoznThis thread contains the completion times for various people, in response to someone asking the same question you did. The hours for completion ranged from 40-65. The total completion varies - some are for 100%, some for much less. Another thread asking the same question had an average complet...

@Wipqozn You should try logging out to people don't try to talk to you.
@Lazers Do you guys think I should replace "[crewmember]" with "EDI" as MatthewRead suggests?
@RonanForman You seem to be under the impression I'm bothered by this.
It'd save you the trouble of having to ask.
@RonanForman It's no trouble.
Oh well, I did it. There are a bunch of other question titles that spoil the same thing
It's rather funny as it only switches status' to away after it gets an update. So after I messages you it switched to away, making it seem like you were purposely ignoring me.
@RonanForman Well, I am a dick.
@Wipqozn Flat out banning them doesn't seem to be the popular opinion thus far.
@Sterno I don't care if we ban them, just don't delete them :P
@Wipqozn Your answer was pretty awesome
Yet it looks like even after you posted it, you still get people saying "It took me X hours". So frustrating!
@RonanForman Not yet. Maybe when the trial version expires, it'll keep working?
@Sterno I know.
I don't think that's what happened, I'll look into it tomorrow for you
The only way to answer those questions is like I did, by drawing on multiple sources.
hello internet
@RonanForman Was that in reference to me?
Even then, how many sources are enough sources?
@LessPop_MoreFizz ... and the internet says hello back.
@Tristan yeah.
question, were all identify this game questions deleted?
@RonanForman Alright. I appreciate it. I havent tried with AE or Premier yet, but I'll let you know if it works for that.
@Jeff Yup, every last one.
Strix put them through his industrial grade laser shredder.
oh man, this was such a good place to come to
@RonanForman Indeed
@Jeff Got that right!
I agree "How long to beat X" should be closed.
I just don't want them deleted... because of my precious, precious rep.
for those types of questions i meant, as this place generally found out what games they were really fast
i remember beating tp in 33 hours my first play through
Lol, one of the ways to get credits in the Priority: citadel mission is from a terminal labeled "account details"
Petty theft: just one of the ways Shepard protects the galaxy
@Wipqozn if we close them as dupes we can help people AND remain in google search results for future visitors with the helpful link
@BenBrocka broken windows though
plus the traffic via us to the how long are games website might help boost their SERP so people will find them
@FAE how? dupes aren't "broken windows", we keep them for a reason, and Closed indicates they were problematic
It should be quite clear to someone finding one closed as a dupe that future questions would be similarly closed
@BenBrocka Some people are stupid.
as for the people that don't read the dupe message, well they won't read the nothing that's there to warn them if we delete the posts, and they'll ask anyway

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