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Q: Does your current character selection affect multi-player pack contents?

CaulynDarrWhen I was playing my infiltrator, my packs seemed to pull lots of sniper rifles and sniper rifle upgrades. Now that I'm playing other characters I'm getting a more eclectic selection of firearms and upgrades. Am I just suffering from a bad case of confirmation bias, or are the packs smart en...

Q: Supporting civilians on the Citadel in Mass Effect 3

tiddyAfter the Priority Pavlaen mission, I returned to the Citadel to soak up bonus missions and assets. Trouble is, I have no idea what I need to do regarding the many "Civilian Arguments". An example would be a situation where a family man is trying to get his docked shuttle permission to deliver...

It's written in Java?
Well that's just silly.
All the cool kids program their roguelikes in assembly.
rjmp troll
this respawn cost me $12k
Portal 2 is $10 on Steam today, Portal Bundle is $12.50
The portal bundle is €10 in Italy <3
€12.49 here
I still haven't actually played the coop
I'll trade someone Borderlands GOTY for Portal 2
@OrigamiRobot You haven't played Portal 2?
@ArdaXi Not for PC.
You haven't played Peer Review then?
How do you guys think this came out: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/4237/…
Is that the co-op?
The Part Where He Kills You
@tzenes What do you mean?
I am not good with the paints
Oh, the comment
I don't know if I like the name but the images looked nice
Your Chrome link doesn't work
Also as a general note, we wouldn't use a .net for an official redirect. I'm also glad you liked the name, haha~
@Sterno If I don't remember to update the fish answer later tonight, shake your fist angrily in my direction.
I just couldn't get .com
An error occurred:
Item not found. This item may have been removed by its author.
Yeah, I know that the .com is a mite expensive still
that seems to suggest only I can see it
@TimStone I'm not even sure why I asked since I don't care about fish.
@Sterno Thoroughness is good!
It's good information to have for completeness, and I'm prone to extreme forgetfulness.
That's probably why. It's just weird to see my own comment on a question I have no interest in and don't remember leaving :P
@TimStone Can I shake my fist angrily at you now? Since it is later tonight, just not in my current timezone but in my other timezone?
@OrigamiRobot I totally forgot, that was you, wasn't it?!
Oh, @Origami's presence reminds me that @StrixVaria was in my dream last night. But I forgot everything about him other than the fact I said the name "StrixVaria" when addressing someone at some point.
@FAE Yes, it was
@FAE Yes. :D
@tzenes Error still
@GraceNote You could, but I would have thought you'd be one to aim for maximum effectiveness. I'm already running quite late for work, so it's unlikely you'll get much response from me at the moment.
@OrigamiRobot :D
> There was a problem loading the item. Please refresh the page and try again.
@tzenes Worked for me to load it, at least.
@TimStone The effectiveness of shaking a fist is not in getting you to do something, but in the vigor of shaking of the fist!
@OrigamiRobot I remember that because I'm addicted to ingame fishing it made me boggle a little
Fair point! I also have three other answers open that I'm trying to update, so there's much fist-shaking to be done.
Although it doesn't look like I'll get the answer to the "numerous" question before LessPop's bounty expires.
I was having a lot of fun last night googling chunks of some of my answers to ME3 questions and seeing where else they ended up. Highly recommended you all try it on your own answers as a way to pass the time at work. :P
@FAE The funnier thing was there were quite a few questions it was "appropriate" to add the tag to.
well, I'm off to slave away
I"ll see you all guys later
later @tzenes
@OrigamiRobot I <3 ingame fishing. <_<
@FAE the Dreamcast had a really good fishing game
I haven't tried any of the ones for the Wii out but I bet there's probably a good one
@IanPugsley I've never really played a game only about fishing, like Bass Hunter or anything
It's like, the minigames
@FAE that's the next level of enjoying fishing in games :P
like in Zelda, Torchlight, Chantelise...
@FAE You must play the hell out of Animal Crossing
@Wipqozn <_< >_>
Which reminds me. Animal Crossing 3DS needs to hurry up and be in stores.
I miss Dreamcast, I really need to hook mine up
Later @tzenes
@Wipqozn I have Gamecube, DS and Wii versions.
@IanPugsley There's a fishing joke in here somewhere, but really all I can think of is using a rod to liberate the system from your clutches.
I like collecting things in games. That game's pretty much entirely about collecting things...
@FAE I had the DS version, but now I only own the Wii one.
@FAE yup.
dashes off to work
@GraceNote stealing someone's Dreamcast is probably the worst possible crime you could commit
@IanPugsley Possibly. But I don't even own a fishing rod to begin with, so it's a futile plan to start.
Q: How to get more colours?

MieQooHow can I get different brush colours? I am on iPhone and my friend on Android has different colours. This post mentions that there is a colour shop, but I can only seem to find a bomb shop.

Q: What happens if I free Jona Sederis?

Mr SmoothDuring Aria's side missions to unite the gangs, you're told to free Jona Sederis so that Aria will gain the allegiance of the Eclipse mercs. In my previous playthrough, I instead told Sayn to take over the Eclipse, as he seemed like less of a psycho killer. This time around though, I'm playing ...

@GraceNote I don't own one either, but that makes me sad - now I want to actually go fishing
I got a N7 SMG in my Commendation Pack. :( I almost never use SMGs.
@FAE I got a shotgun and don't use shotgun :/
@IanPugsley Uf, it's been a long time since I last went fishing.
Unless I count that shrimp fishing. That was recent-esque.
@Blem I'd rather that than the SMG. Trade you!
@YiJiang I don't get the punchline there
@GraceNote Same here, I miss it.
@IanPugsley I am from the South. I can get all the fishing rods you'll ever need.
@FAE Isn't the Netherlands a peninsula? Or at least, close to one?
@GraceNote Uh... no, not really
We're just mostly under sea level and have reclaimed a good chunk of the inland sea.
> @BenBrocka Can you update this to specify where exactly you run into her on the Citadel the first time? I had a fairly thorough ME3 playthrough yet somehow managed to avoid ever running into her, and the wiki link just says "on the Citadel". More detail would be helpful. – Sterno 15m ago
@FAE I'm mixing you guys up with Denmark again, aren't I?
If I ask about specifically this in a new question, is it just going to get closed back as a dupe of what I just left a comment on?
Depends - is it enough to warrant its own question?
@GraceNote Methinks so, yes.
I get "Norway" a lot
@GraceNote Normally I'd rather see it covered by Ben's answer, but he doesn't know, and I don't think it will get any attention otherwise. But maybe I'm wrong. I can always wait a while and see.
my US friends just remember "She lives in a country that starts with N"
@GraceNote yes, but we prefer calling the people who live on the peninsula for half german
@FAE Norway's up in the north area. I can't possibly confuse you for them.
@Blem ...let me guess, you're Danish?
@GraceNote yea
I guess even if it's closed as a dupe, it's not a terrible fate
@Sterno Basically, is it enough of an independent point that it can survive on its own? Is there, for example, utility to seeing Kelly Chambers other than for the romance? Or is it essentially all just part of the first step of this one process?
@Sterno I can add a screenie to that answer
I had her in mine
If it's all subsumed and dependent on this interaction as part of the romance plot, then it's a lot weaker as a separate question because it should be covered by the romance question as that's where it is most relevant. But if it serves many other uses, it can survive on its own because it doesn't have to be covered in the romance question.
Also, I'm pretty sure you had to have had dinner with her in ME2 to get her to show up, otherwise, she doesn't.
@FAE Nicaragua?
Yeah, that's noted in Ben's answer at least.
@Blem (I actually cheated - I saw you mention it a couple days ago)
@OrigamiRobot +in Europe
@OrigamiRobot No, Narnia
Hey @AshleyNunn
@FAE North Ireland?
@GraceNote Hey :)
@FAE Norway?
@OrigamiRobot We already hit that one >>
@GraceNote Yeah, you can run into her without the intention of romancing her
@Sterno IMO it's a distinct Q. You're asking where she is, not if you can romance her
@Wipqozn I assumed so.
@FAE Oh, I missed it. That means I'm out.
@BenBrocka I posted. I realized that being worried about it being closed as a dupe was dumb anyway. If it is, it is. It's definitely a different, valid search term.
Did you know you can have a flag weight of 0?
@Sterno yeah, if it's a dupe that gets traffic it's still good for the site (if it's distinct)
@RonanForman Yep
is flag weight still real in the backend?
I'm pretty amazed I missed her. I was pretty religious about running all over my ship and all over the Citadel after almost every mission
4 mins ago, by Wipqozn
@GraceNote I can't remember which site, but one of the site's ChrisF is mod on has someone who's flags are ignored.
@RonanForman Programmers.
DIY are too nice, WebApps aren't ornery enough.
@Wipqozn eh, if nobody can see it and it does very little, whether or not they deleted that column in the database means very little to me :P
@agent86 I believe it's still used to determine how high you appear in the flag queue.
Or whatever that mysterious thing I'll discover in ~150 rep is called.
Extra credits are doing another episode on day 1 DLC. penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/mass-effect-3-dlc
@Wipqozn ah. UX barely gets any flags so I haven't noticed much sorting
@Wipqozn Only in the moderator queue as far as I know, and yes.
Essentially, we've made the part important to moderators (priority and visibility in queue) hidden while leaving the part important to users (number of successes) public.
Aha! According to that wiki article, she won't show up in ME3 unless you had dinner with her. I never had dinner with her. Talk about Butterfly effect!
The weight algorithm was way too unnecessarily complex to expose to users anyway...or anyone outside of SE employees really
@Sterno How DARE you not have dinner with her!
Also, what's this ping about flags and suspension?
@GnomeSlice um what
that is awesome
@BenBrocka Clearly, she never even went to the Citadel. She's safe!
@GnomeSlice welcome back!
@GnomeSlice This kingdom is in....unacceptable...condition!
@Sterno Ben's answer does state that
Hey! It's my favourite garden ornament piece!
@RonanForman ...
I suppose I should take that as a compliment.
Somebody made a calculator that can do some basic scientific calc stuff in Minecraft o_O
@FAE Yeah, I see that now. I'd missed it :(
@FAE Seriously? That's awesome.
@GnomeSlice If you like,
@FAE That's cool and all, but what's the point?
I have a calculator on my laptop that can do more than that.
I need a TI 83 emulator in minecraft
@FAE wow that is not what I was expecting, lol
@FAE I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to carry around a calculator that is over 5 million cubic meters in size.
@GnomeSlice trololol
@GraceNote Heh.
@GnomeSlice "Because we can"
@GraceNote 5 million seems a little high, based on the screenshot.
@GraceNote at the pace of technology, it will be a mere 500,000 cubic meters in a few months!
@GnomeSlice There's a lot more if you look at the video.
@GraceNote Ah, I suppose.
Mar 12 at 21:12, by GnomeSlice
@OrigamiRobot Again, why does everything have to have a point with you guys.
@OrigamiRobot Shush.
@OrigamiRobot Because you can't stab people unless you have a point
I'm still trying to decide if I want to make a meta post about my last suspension or not.
On what grounds, specifically?
Six days seemed a bit extreme, considering there was no one specific thing that garnered the suspension.
Q: Delete Saved Games in Half Life 1

Agnel KurianI am running short of disk space and would like to delete some saved games. How do I delete saved games in Half Life 1?

Q: Where on the Citadel do I first run in to Kelly Chambers?

SternoSomehow I went through my otherwise-pretty-complete Mass Effect 3 playthrough without managing to run in to Kelly Chambers. I did import a save from Mass Effect 2 in which I'd saved her, so my understanding is that she should have been there for me to find. I've seen this answer about how to rom...

@GnomeSlice So you didn't learn anything from your suspension?
It seemed to me that @badp just decided he didn't like a bunch of the stuff I'd said recently and suspended me.
@GnomeSlice That it was not a single incident is why it was 7 days (which is the default starting suspension - the previous suspension you'd had was lenient)
@FAE Probably the most impressive thing I've ever seen build in mincraft
@StrixVaria Not really, no.
@GnomeSlice -.-
(welcome back)
Second, it wasn't just @badp who came to that decision.
@GraceNote No, I'm aware of that.
@badp Thanks.
@StrixVaria Actually, that's not entirely true.
@GnomeSlice Then please don't make such an accusatory statement.
Mar 14 at 15:45, by agent86
@FallenAngelEyes a pattern of negative behavior, which required intervention.
@GraceNote That's not really what I meant it to sound like.
Q: Gimp 2.8 unaviaible

legospace9876Is it possible somehow to install Gimp 2.8 to Ubuntu?

@GnomeSlice I'm not sure how "@badp just decided he didn't like a bunch of the stuff I'd said recently and suspended me" can come across as anything other than accusatory in the current context of discussion
@GnomeSlice: I don't think making a meta post will lead anywhere good, I think you'll just get people angry at you. If you want to discuss this, you'd be best to do it in private with the mods.
@GraceNote I said that's what it seemed like.
I'm aware that's that's likely not the case.
@GnomeSlice But you're considering that it's possible. Hence you're accusing of the potential of that actually being the case.
Which means you think that, while it might not be the case, you do think that badp has it within him to just suspend you on whimsy.
@GraceNote No, I don't think it's possible, I'm just saying it's what it felt like happened.
Anyone free for mass effecting? I've got 3 days to get 3 more questions.
> A problem was encountered while trying to load the trial period
Adobe... what the hell.
Also @OrigamiRobot I may be able to fix the footage of your session after all.
The world will know about commander baby after all.
@GnomeSlice You like to ride the line between what's acceptable and what's not, and you frequently cross it. You've shown in the past you enjoy the drama. You got suspended because of it. If you don't like being suspended, stop. If you keep stirring up the drama, you're going to keep getting suspended. This is pretty much all I'm going to say on the subject. Good luck.
@RonanForman SUCCESS! And headhones?
@OrigamiRobot Yes, and headphones. Although he's dead now.
@RonanForman NOOOOOOOOOOO....What about Scaleface?
I just read an entire plot synopsis about the ME series so I can see what all the fuss is about the ending.
Anyone who's complaining doesn't understand how stories work.
They end.
Hey @Strix
@StrixVaria was it worth the effort?
I'm going to say "no"
@agent86 Meh. EA didn't get any money from it.
@agent86 Drama?
@GraceNote Uh...hi?
@StrixVaria I think this article communicated the issues pretty well, if you want to do more reading.
Just sayin' hi
@StrixVaria I suppose :)
@FAE I'll check it out.
@GraceNote Sup.
I don't know that if I was starting at this point, I'd want to play ME1 and ME2 so I could play ME3, personally. Maybe I'm just short on time these days, but I feel like I put up with a fair amount of "padding" in all 3. I was trying to advise a friend who didn't finish ME1 if he should give it another go, and just couldn't honestly say that he should.
they're good games, but I feel like I was willing to put up with a decent amount of filler each time, which ended up being necessary to really get the most out of the series
@agent86 I still haven't finished ME2 - just finished Legion's loyalty question
it's taken soooo long
peeking through the Wiki it seemed like there was some cool stuff in each game, but I don't think I'd be willing to go back and play ME1/2 for the first time myself right now
> the story is wrapped up via a barely-interactive cutscene lasting less than 10 minutes
That's a long cut-scene.
@StrixVaria All the cut scenes are long cutscenes, I don't think the writers knew they were making a game.
@StrixVaria Didn't MGS4's ending cutscene clock in at 1.5 hours or so?
@fbueckert I think that's the total cutscene time of the game.
@fbueckert I don't count MGS4 when thinking about cutscenes. That "game" was a movie.
yeah, for a 60~ hour game series 10 minutes wasn't that amazingly long
hell, the intro is probably at least 5 minutes
@fbueckert ugh, I can't take the MGS series anymore. that whole series is dead to me
@StrixVaria Frankly, if you haven't played the games, it would be easy to be dismissive of the complaints and focus on the stupid arguments people are making against the ending. But really, it comes down to the fact that it felt pretty disjointed, came out of left field, wasn't really what was promised, and had cutscenes that looked like they'd been repurposed in a nonsensical way from some previous iteration of an ending
@StrixVaria 2 words for you. The Bouncer.
@agent86 I would like to point out, I haven't played ANY of the MGS series. Some of my friends swear by it, though.
@Sterno So maybe there was no foreshadowing of that ending.
@Sterno yeah, anyone thinknig the complainers wanted a "happy ending" are completely out of tune with everything
It wasn't really what the ending was that was the problem. It's how it was delivered.
@FAE Have you finished ME3 yet?
@RonanForman Yes.
But from the synopsis, it actually seems like a pretty sweet ending.
It actually ended.
MGS 4 was actually really fun, I wish there were a way to auto-skip all cutscenes though...and some of the loading
That's something that stupid Lost didn't do.
@FAE Want to do some commentating? You and LessPop are the only people who haven't said no.
@fbueckert it's about 6 hours of game wrapped in about 10 hours of unintelligible dialog and cutscenes. I finished the second "level" of MGS2, and I thought I'd just cleared the tutorial, but then the game was over.
Oh and Ian, but he's always busy.
Anyone can make a "and then the universe exploded" ending
@RonanForman I don't really want to do anything related to ME3 right now, I'm sorry. I need a break from it and I'm still bummed about the ending situation, so my commentating would probably not be very positive. :P
@GnomeSlice sweet monitor specs
Plus I need to go afk now and do some housework that I neglected because I was playing ME3.
@BenBrocka Lol. No, I used a capture tool. Look at what I've circled.
@FAE Okay, if you ever want to help, let me know.
@RonanForman Will do.
@GnomeSlice I know, just being a smartass
@BenBrocka Heh.
Anywho, later all.
@Sterno It's about that controversy where Tali was suppose to give Shepard her picture, Bioware used a stock image instead of something more original. The punchline is Shepard returning the favor by giving her another stock photo (from the 'why can't I hold all the lime' meme)
Why can't I, hold all these plotholes?
@BenBrocka Ask @IanPugsley about The Walking Dead.
@YiJiang I was missing at least two data points to understand that joke, then. 1) That it was a stock photo and 2) The meme. :P
So is it spoilers in here?
I should leave
@tiddy Minorly spoilery, but we've tried to be pretty vague I think
@tiddy Harbinger was a sled
By the way, any ratings and comments/suggestions on this would be highly appreciated.
Got ME3 a week ago
Didn't like my ME1 decisions... so
Replayed ME2 with a perfect lvl 60 ME1 save I had made since first playing ME2
Anyway, just started ME3 on Monday
I wonder if there's somewhere you can download files with different past decisions for the ME games.
Needless to say the internet has been a minefield
@GnomeSlice I'm sure there are, game FAQs probably has them actually, though I didn't think to get one before I played ME3
@GnomeSlice MassEffectSaves.com
You can, but I luckily had a perfect paragon 60 I made myself
Playing through ME2 again with all DLC was great
Glad I did
@tiddy Me too. The ME2 DLC was better than I had been led to believe based on reviews of it I'd read
@Sterno I actually quite enjoyed Overlord
despite hearing "meh" things
So, nobody has any feedback on that track?
The Overlord and Shadowbroker DLC is fantastic
Q: Is there a way to see sidequests before deploying?

fbueckertWhen selecting a mission on the world map, the only sidequest indicator I've seen is the little crown that appears when you've completed all sidequests for that mission. One of the loading screen tips states that you can view all sidequests for a particular mission after completing said mission....

Q: Success criteria for OpenTTD

PeterI started playing OpenTTD again after many years and enjoy it a lot just building stuff. I am just wondering what can be seen as the objectives of the game, besides accumulating money. I also don't play with competitors, so I cannot compare myself to others. Thus I was thinking of some other met...

Q: Does filling your reputation bar with paragon prevent you from filling it with renegade?

StephenIf I have played through the game and done a good job of responding to all the opportunities to gain reputation and paragon points then my bar will probably be fairly full and I might have 2 or 3 tick mark levels of Paragon points. Let's assume that when I play through again in new game+ I want ...

Zaeed and Katsumi are also positive assets
> No matter what your job is, you can always make it more interesting ....
That question is pretty spoilerific
Respawn fee: $27k
Suddenly I feel the urge to spend all my cash on purple-level ammo hold upgrades

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