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@Yuuki Bad Rats doesn't require a helmet and camera system that effectively renders your enclosure invisible.
You have been thoroughly inb4'd my friend
Part of me wants to believe some crazy older budget planner thinks we'll have an air war again, probably somebody from the vietnam/korea era.
@Unionhawk I don't care
@GodEmperorDune Welcome to The Last 30 Minutes Right Now With @GodEmperorDune.
We now return to 'Trump pokes gender issues with a stick' already in progress.
I just woke up and don't really care about @Wipqozn comparisons rn
Part of me is going to put some money on Trump reacting to the current backdraft on his tweet with something along the lines of how he's protecting transgender people by keeping them out of the military and how he's totally the most LGBTQ president and, by the way, did you know that he won an unpresidented landslide electoral college victory?
I may have joked about that on other platforms
I mean it's like "how can I respect trump even less and he's like "hold my beer""
I expect him to comment on the topic at a completely unrelated event/affair
at least he didn't at the BSA thing
we already won that fight for the most part
I heard a little bit about that yesterday. Made some interesting statements in front of the Boy Scouts?
I heard something about some packmasters getting awfully upset, but I didn't see what the stir was over.
@MadMAxJr He's going to show up at Big Brothers of America convention thing and mix up this with his Obamacare BSA speech and spout out "transgender in the military is death".
The tradition is to do some apolitical speech on Freedom or some shit
> It needed only 15 of the gears. The 9,164 extra pinions are worth $572,000, the Inspector General reported.
Oh right he tried to politically stir the BSA, which by charter is a non-political entity, right?
I mean... how?
@GodEmperorDune don't hate him too much
@MadMAxJr mhmm
might underflow
The policy on political participation by scouts is "don't."
@PrivatePansy tfw you have 9,164 extra pinions
@SaintWacko I miss Dubya.
Q: I cant get mods for minecraft working please help

KimberlyI have everything i need 1.12 forge, modloader, and 2 1.12 mods... Battletowers and biomes o' plenty. I used the 1.12 forge and clicked mods in game and they dont show!

hmm... what do I want for lunch today
How do you accidentally order 60 000% more parts than you need?
not qdoba that's far and I don't feel like going that far
@PrivatePansy I ordered 1500 resistors today, does that count?
@Unionhawk A visa out of this country?
That doesn't sound tasty at all
depends where you're going
@Avery Sure, if you only used 2 of those and threw the rest away
> Activate this card by targeting 1 monster your opponent controls; it cannot attack or change its battle position. When it leaves the field, destroy this card. During each of your standby phases: inflict 500 damage to your opponent. That monster must be on the field to activate and to resolve this effect
honestly IDK why I'm freaking out about US doing this move so much, trans/gay people were unable to participate in military since forever here. Seen as mental disorder, you get "unfit report". Oh and you need to prove it if you want to just ditch conscription (and have it not found out randomly). With photographic proof. 10/10
@PrivatePansy Well, their mistake was fixing the underlying problem. If they hadn't done that they might still have needed the parts no one bothered to stop ordering after the fact!
But then again that's generally an attack and is giving power to phobes and all questions in /r/science today will be about that I guess. So I guess that's why I'm freaking out that much.
@Avery it's worth noting that the social safety net/trans rights in the US in general are a dumpster file and for (at last estimate) >20% of trans people joining the military is the best and in many cases only way to get out of a shitty home situation
@Avery you need photographic proof of being trans/gay if you want to drop out of the Turkish military?
Also, a WH spokesbot has since come out and said that it's not actually about the military, it's about using this as a wedge issue to drive working-class voters away from the dems in 2018: twitter.com/jonathanvswan/status/890202683721863168
(It's unclear how legitimate that is because that is also stupid, but they are stupid, so maybe)
Honestly, the best thing the democrats can do in 2018 is stop sucking so badly and I do not expect that to happen
@TimStone I mean, it's totally believable that it's either, or even both depending on who you ask
There are an awful lot of really stupid hateful people in the US government right now
Like, I think if you polled the government and asked "is this primarily about [pick one] (a) keeping the military a competitive fighting force (b) political ammunition for 2018 (c) fucking over trans people" you'd get at least 20% on each option.
@BlueBarren Yes. I am not aware of the proof requested for trans people but gay men apparently need pictures of them in sexual acts, and said person needs to be um, the sub, because that's how being gay works.
@ToxicFrog Yeah, it's just that the assertion that it's a big issue for 2018 is a terrible reading of those voters. I wouldn't say that transphobia might not be prevalent in some relevant areas, but with regard to more local politics they're much more likely to care about the lack of progress on other things
@ToxicFrog Don't forget (d) dumpster fire to distract from mounting thermobaric firestorm that is the current administration.
well, not just those, but you can drop out with other reasons too, mostly inability to participate for some reason.
And it only is about dropping out from conscription, not the professional stuff.
nothing matters
let's be honest here
everything is going to be terrible forever
the democrats are going to fuck it up in 2018
and we're all going to die
Those are my official predictions
I hope to be wrong about 2 of them
But if there's anyone who's capable of screwing this up it's the democrats
@KevinvanderVelden nah we need to drain the swamp first
@Avery so wait if trans/gay people aren't allowed to join the military but you can join the military then prove that you're actually one of those things to leave the military?
If we drain the oceans we'll also drain the swamps
Is there some kind of weird loophole here or am I missing something?
Always fun when you buy 2 books to a series via a webshop and when you get the package, the cover of the second book spoils a key plot point in the first
@BlueBarren I'm not seeing the loophole
Someone bring us some happy game-related news
I'm only a little sorry
@ToxicFrog Something just seems off, aside from refusing citizens of your country from joining it's military for no good reason.
@BlueBarren every male has to go to military through conscription
I mean I guess uh hold on
@Avery okay I think that clears some things up.
Nope, Google Now has got nothing good
Always fun when viagra and similar takes like 10X the value of the cost you're trying to reduce
You can get out if you're unable to perform properly for such an environment, and being trans or gay is seen as "stuff that makes you unable to perform properly for such an environment"
aside from "overwatch report penalties will be more severe"
@Nzall I mean it improves quality of life, then again hrt does too.
@Avery Don't take this the wrong way, but are there people who fake being gay or trans to get out of conscription?
"Trump to disallow Hanzo Mains from military service."
@Nzall probably, but many people are too "manly man" to even think of the stuff they need to do of the said pictures required.
Q: Hearthstone strategy problem, kill with hero ability or minion, secret involved?

Tyler DurdenI ran into a typical Hearthstone strategy problem which is quite common, whether to kill an enemy minion with hero ability or my own unit. The problem is especially tricky because the enemy has a secret. Here is the situation: So, here we have the situation: Board: Mage vs Mage, 3 mana ...

@Nzall why does the military need viagra?
@BlueBarren Because some people apparently get affected by the killing and fighting they do to a point that they can't perform in bed anymore
@Nzall I'm not following why that's the military's concern though
honestly I can see why
cc @Ash @Canadians
@BlueBarren The idea is that things that HINDER fighting are unwanted, while the consequences of fighting are treated
@BlueBarren as part of the "healthcare for life" deal
@Unionhawk oh, they get that?
that's good
Like, you don't become trans (or gay) because you fight, but the psychological burden and physical consequences of the transitioning process might interfere with figthing
VA medical benefits yeah
From what I've read, the US military is concerned if there is a medical process involved, be it HRT or reassignment surgery.
Simply declaring you identify as something else, they consider a psychological issue and will likely have you sent to evaluation.
Protip: Do not tell your superior you sexually identify as an F-35 and require a ground crew.
That is one hell of a euphemism
@PrivatePansy checks out
@BlueBarren well, it's "good" in a "this shouldn't be necessary in the first place what the fuck" kind of way
@TimStone there was some meme image floating around about how transitioning chelsea manning cost as much as an F-35
Yeah, it was the "would you rather your tax money be spend on this or this?" one?
@Nzall on the other hand, my understanding is that if you, say, break a leg while on leave or catch the flu or some other thing that interferes with your fighting, you get military medical treatment for that too
@TimStone something like that
Like, they don't go "oh, you broke your leg skiing while taking a week of leave, into the public system you go"
The military has a vested interest in its members being fighting fit, after all
Short of giving you machine gun hands.
@Nzall TBH, if trans individuals join the military solely for the medical coverage, i am 100% fine with that
Free market solutions to military recruitment
also i have called one of my senators and my rep
@GodEmperorDune yeah, there are an assload of people who join the military because it's the best/only way to get medical coverage or a college education or the like.
looks at Twitter
raises brow
stares off into the void
How is it not even lunch time yet wtf?
@TimStone lol if you aren't just constantly staring into the void these days
@ToxicFrog yep, or support their family because no other jobs are available in their area
@ToxicFrog ;__;
I mean I'm eating lunch so
now it would be great if govt took care of those without forcing people to put their lives on the line but one thing at a time
We got malicious evil out of the way early today so we pivoted to the extremely dumb stuff
@Unionhawk Hmmm, I admire your ambition
trump is like that villain who has hostages on one side and the hero's family on the other and is like "you choose who gets to live"
@Unionhawk we was too busy seizing property without due process
among other racist policies
@Unionhawk Like if this wasn't real life that impacted people it would make for the most delicious of TV dramas
No this is an objectively dumb tv show
Trump is like that one Counterstrike 1.6 terrorist who is totally sure that moving all the hostages into the bathroom is the only way to play the map.
@TimStone we watched this show already, it's a much darker veep without the jokes
@GodEmperorDune No, Trump is that villain who has hostages on one side, the hero's family on another, and says, "Did you know that I won an unpresidented landslide electoral college victory over SAD Hillary Clinton?"
@GodEmperorDune house of cards x veep
@Unionhawk house of cards ideas and veep execution, yeah
I'm just waiting for a Metal Wolf Chaos scenario.
or veep where the american people are jonah ryan
is it just me or the "sexually identify as an attack helicopter" snowclone is pretty transphobic :/
@Yuuki As a third option, the trolley problem but Trump put everyone on the same track not understanding how the trolley problem works yet someone is still debating over which choice to make
It is not you
I never found it to be particularly funny, though I guess it was brought up as a response to the probably-now-mostly-forgotten otherkin thing
> unpresidented
I like it
@badp iirc it was a 4chan response to a trans rights issue
oh nvm
@badp I agree
4chan is bad, news at 11
I thought that was Trump's primary constituent base?
> The top Democrat in the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, noted that a study commissioned by the Pentagon found that the cost of providing medically necessary transition-related care involving transgender service members would amount to one-100th of 1 percent of the military's healthcare budget.
"Trump says transgender people will be banned from U.S. military" - reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-military-idUSKBN1AB1TM
@MadMAxJr while I understand the joke you are trying to make here, I don't think this is the best response to this. Maybe I am being hypersensitive, I don't know.
Just in case there was any doubt this was based on anything other than bigotry
@Ash i don't think you're being hypersensitive
@Wipqozn wait is this the first you're hearing of this?
@Wipqozn Distract from [Russia investigations] and other scandals by throwing [trans people] under the bus. In other words: business as usual.
54 mins ago, by Unionhawk
You have been thoroughly inb4'd my friend
I don't know anymore, honestly. So much of the internet just makes me want to cry, and I am even rather isolated from actual effects mostly by being Canadian
54 mins ago, by GodEmperorDune
I just woke up and don't really care about @Wipqozn comparisons rn
@badp I wouldn't be against clearing the stars
@GodEmperorDune no but I've been in an all morning meeting so I haven't been able to look into further than it's a thing that happened
@TimStone Uhh... PUBG announcing cosmetic microtransactions soon before they exit Early Access?
cc @fredley
@Unionhawk I still need to check this out
@Ash sends e-hugs
@Ash It'll be ok in the long run, even for trans people currently in the military. However that run will be very long, and probably very painful.
> GOP lawmaker: McConnell is the "head of the swamp"
Okay. Look
@Avery thanks.
@Ash A partial reference to when I first got into the room today to see F-35 slander / cost overrun on top of the gender issue political debate. It has made for a very grumpy morning on multiple fronts.
@TimStone Do turtles live in swamps?
I managed to get my Pokemon dailies done today. Is that good news?
He might be onto something here
We really, really need to stop letting politicians try to be clever
@Unionhawk Hmm, fair
@Frank yes, because I suspect that's been a struggle while you've been healing?
To be clear I was posting it just for that cost estimate
@Frank I'll take it!
@Ash the heartening thing is that i'm seeing a bunch of veterans who are like "fuck you trump, i like my transgender squadmates"
Same ^
@GodEmperorDune that makes me feel better.
There's a ton of it
@Ash I've been up and mobile, but haven't really had the stamina to go out for long periods.
Even standing for ten minutes makes things hurt.
@Frank I can imagine. So this is a victory!
@Frank what's the normal recovery period on a surgery like you had?
@GodEmperorDune No surgery.
I'm just healing my creaky bones on my own.
Doc said 12 to 16 weeks.
@Frank i thought the doctor jumped on your upper arm to get something back in place
Oh hey, they're adding cards to the limited/forbidden list in Duel Links
@Frank ugh, ouch
so grateful you're in canada and not the US
ah they're limiting the "duel, standby" OTK deck
@GodEmperorDune It was dislocated. I've got a fracture in the joint, but apparently everything is hunky dory enough for them to leave it alone.
@Frank \o/
or maybe not, probably not that range of motion yet
21 hours ago, by Wipqozn
U.S. Senate votes to open debate on Obamacare repeal
Shared via the CBC News Android App
@GodEmperorDune Well, the hematoma doesn't help.
Just want to be clearI wasn't that slow3 cc @
My right bicep has almost no strength.
8 mins ago, by Wipqozn
"Trump says transgender people will be banned from U.S. military" - http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-military-idUSKBN1AB1TM
@Wipqozn different thing
@Wipqozn that's 8 minutes ago
@Wipqozn these are unrelated horriblenesses
@GodEmperorDune …Orrin Hatch's office tweet that he also stands with the transgender community in Utah?
@Frank yeah, it wouldn't. :(
@Wipqozn done goofed, bringing lulz to a shitty day
This is good news
@TimStone apparently, but see if that translates to votes
It won't
make all the goddamn speeches you want
I'm so confused
@GodEmperorDune At least he didn't call it a dipsy doodle this time
@Ash It does, however, give my arm a fantastic rainbow-y color hue.
@GodEmperorDune "we need to return to civility" votes to proceed a bill that would literally kill people
if the legislature could pass "don't ask, don't tell" decades ago, they could pass a "transgender, no problem" bill if they wanted to
Oh wait I'm sorry I mean John McCain is a hero who deserves respect
@Frank perhaps it is slowly turning into an embedded hug gun
Man, all of my chat circles are just rife with this topic today. Thanks Trump. Thanks for tweeting things to polarize people over people who are just trying to find what they want from life.
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, on the one hand, I'm not sure I like people calling out John McCain so quickly after his brain surgery, but on the other hand he's calling for removing health insurance from people while his own insurance paid for his brain surgery.
@GodEmperorDune It'd have to get rid of my forearm for that to work.
@Yuuki yep
if he voted differently, it would be a different thing
But he didn't
@Yuuki let's be fair here: saying he won't vote for something and then voting for it is classic McCain. It's not like he's malfunctioning because he just got out of surgery.
@ToxicFrog yes
As atonement for my general state of hey let's cry all the time, I bring you kitties in a tiny house. nutiminn.is/kattarshians
@ToxicFrog Well, it's more of a "dude was just informed he has cancer, that's a bit rough".
But at the same time, f--k John McCain.
@Ash .... Is this a tiny cat house?
@Wipqozn yesterday, the senate voted (barely) to begin discussing the potential of maybe creating bills that would repeal the ACA. They have since voted on (I think) 2 actual bills, neither of which were even close to passing.
@Frank I bet you have all the colours right now.
@MadMAxJr yes!
@ToxicFrog there are some explainers for what is going on
@Ash Red and yellow and green, oh my!
iirc the next thing they're looking at that has a chance at succeeding is full repeal?
This kinda makes me miss the red-panda camera that was all the rage a few years back.
or mostly repeal at least
@Frank sometimes I am amazed at how many colours a bruise can be.
to go into effect in 2 years
the tl;dr: is that there are a lot of bamboozle votes happening right now so that senators can say "i voted for/against thing x" in campaign ads
IIRC, they're looking to repeal the mandate and a few other things.
@Wipqozn unrelated to this, earlier this morning, Trump tweeted about banning trans people from military service, and one of his spokesbots chimed in saying that they did this so they could use it as a wedge issue to drive working class voters away from the dems in 2018. This appears to be entirely unrelated to the health care stuff, it's just happening at the same time.
@ToxicFrog Yes I know all this
I just copy/pasted the wrong message
@ToxicFrog they blamed it on transgender health care costs though
Also seriously if anybody can tell me how to not die the moment I'm spotted by any other player in Splatoon 2, that would be super.
I cannot
I do know that I perform better at this with splat dualies with my ability to roll back into friendly ink to recover
You're too busy believing in the heart of the cards.
but aside from that idk
@MadMAxJr it's time to du-du-duel
I'm still trying to get to level 4 so I don't have to rely on this shootypuff jr gun.
You unlock others at 2
splattershot, roller, and charger
Huh. I got to 3, but I only see the splattershot jr in my inventory.
You have to go to Sheldor's store, it's the one next to the single player grate (or you can press X)
Ah, okay.
You should have more than enough to unlock all 3
I chose not to unlock charger because screw that
You can test drive them too for free in the store, so that's good
@GodEmperorDune He's such a maverick, rebelling against the establishment that is himself.
I think you also unlock dualies at 2 but I'm not certain
Since it was unpinned, I'll note for the mods the F-35 remark was merely an absurdist comment of the conversations going on in here today and not intended as slander.
@GodEmperorDune chicken!
@Ash what is it packing for? where is it going on holiday?
Chicken, what are you doing?
In other hilarious game-related news that probably no one else will understand but I'm willing to explain, Team Liquid is re-acquiring Dardoch.
What is Dardoch?
Dardoch is a player and he's notoriously toxic.
To the point where he's been on 3 different teams.
All of which parted with him and cited "internal issues" and "team communication".
But he also has very good mechanics.
Which is why he's been on 3 different teams.
One of which was Team Liquid.
@GodEmperorDune I have so many questions
They're currently at the bottom of the NA LCS (the North American pro league) and they've been making some radical roster changes.
In any case, about a month ago, Dardoch released a video where he flamed Team Liquid rather intensely, both the players and the management.
Also, checking my fimfiction.net feed before sleep was a bad idea. One of my favorite authors posted their dog is dying
So it's a bit funny that he's rejoining them when it's pretty clear that there's no love lost between the two of them.
It's a long read, bug if you have half an hour and want to cry, read this
nyuuu my feels
Kayak front page claims that 12/30 has a great price
I am skeptical
not bad
but it's the 5:55 am flight
Oh joy, my brother had an accident while getting the chinese food
as in a car accident
someone ran into him while overtaking
@Nzall Shit, he ok?
Is he alright? :(
just material damage, but they had to call in the police because it wasn't entirely clear who was in their right
@Nzall :(
My brother thinks he was in the right, but the lady who was in the other car disagrees
@PrivatePansy :(
Q: How do you get a Umbreon or Epseon during reduced buddy distance?

GoodraIt is known that if you set an Eevee as your buddy for 10km (2 candies), then evolve it, it will turn into an Epseon or Umbreon depending on the time of day. Now, there is a reduced buddy distance bonus from the Pokemon GO FEST. Eevee now requires walking 1.7km for a candy. So, is it still requ...

btw, I googled that eromanga sensei thing you were talking about a couple of hours ago.
according to the myanimelist, it's about stepsiblings, is that right?
@Nzall Yes. It's almost an anime cliché
@PrivatePansy Is it an anime, or a straight-up hentai with explicit scenes?
@Nzall It's pretty bad, TBH
The ending is the best thing about it
@DanmakuGrazer yeah, but usually you need to sit through the whole thing to really get the ending
It's anime, not porn. There's a ton of fanservice, but it's an adaptation of a manga series
but that doesn't answer my second question though. how explicit is it, exactly?
@PrivatePansy ah, okay
the line in japanese media is... very thin though
so it's not something like Boku No Pico, i assume?
@Nzall No, I mean the ending song
@Nzall It's a standard harem anime
Except with some dumb parts
The story is so bad
Seriously just find the ED and listen to it. You've just finished possibly the only worthwhile part of the show
@badp I thought the only line in Japanese media was genitalia, everything else they seem to be okay with.
I just assumed the Japanese were naturally pixelated.
Also Android for fuck's sake stop updating the app that I'm currently using
Not even Windows is that stupid
At least defer installation until I've switched to another app
@BlueBarren no, that's the line between legal and illegal material

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