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It's a super giant sun.
@BenBrocka And you can fly through it later with the Normandy's awesome "fly through planets and stars no problem" drive
lol, +1 experience? Seriously?
@Resorath Haha yyyeah
nite guys
@badp sleep well
danke, you too
Hahahaha, Now because of tethering I have a 20Mb/s internet connection almost anywhere I go as long as I have my iPad.. where is @GnomeSlice when you really want to bug him :D
@James I don't understand how those are related
Hey guys
Q: Who to kill with Ebony Blade

DragonordSo I got The Ebony Blade and I figured out what I must do. But I wanna kill a person that trusts me but the person doesn't have a significant use to me. Like Someone who I won't have a quest that involves them later on

That is a valid question
See my comment.
@FAE You can just mention a zippy internet connection and Gnome will validate its existence by complaining about how slow his is :)
Anywho, That question is no different than asking 'If I join the dark brotherhood will I have to kill anyone and lose access to some quests' etc.
(which is a question I asked and got a very good answer to :))
Q: What new moves has Shepard picked up since Mass Effect 2?

johnjonFrom what I've experienced and seen in Mass Effect 3, it seems like Shepard has added a good number of new moves to his kinetic arsenal. Just to be sure I haven't neglected anything he's capable of, I want to know exactly what's changed, combat-wise, since Mass Effect 2. From personal experience...

@OrigamiRobot You around?
@FAE Come to think of it I havent seen @GnomeSlice in a while and he was a staple here when I started.. Everything ok with him? Wasn't he working on some music or some such for a project?
@James He's been suspended.
@James He's on suspension currently.
Like, from the site.
Wow, how did he manage that this time?
It ends tomorrow, but that's why you haven't seen him around for the past week.
And GnomeSlice just left...
Kinda creepy. Knowing he's always watching...
yeah I saw that... made me do a double take.
And knowing that he's about to berate me over Steam...
I dont think I have him on steam yet
Ugh, Gotta go home.. Be back in a bit!
He says he only left so you could see him join again.
@James Auf Wiederlesen!
Time to get out of the office and get home to do some gaming :D
@James :D
Hey @GnomeSlice, My steam name is 'Crysyn' send me an invite :D
@OrigamiRobot You around?
GnomeSlice says "done".
5 mins ago, by John
@OrigamiRobot You around?
Whaddaya want my robot for, anyway?
Hey! I hit 20k network rep! :D That puts me higher than Arda! \o/
@TimStone I did a lot better when I figured out I just had to survive for that last minute or so
Is it just me or does Battleship look like Crysis: the Movie
@NickT It looks terrible.
Yes, but from the previews were you like "Is this Crysis?"
@Tristan and I think it looks great, but will undoubtedly be terrible on the whole.
Oh my god. That post-credit scene in ME3 has some of the worst voice acting ever.
And I'm counting Jessica Chobot in there
@Sterno Yeeeeeeeah. He tied for Chobot.
(She sounded so bored all the time)
He literally sounded like he was reading the script off the page for the first time. And having trouble seeing the words.
@Sterno Well, Buzz Aldrin's pretty old.
@FAE Not worth it just to have his name attached!
@Sterno Yyyyeah.
Chobot would read off those headlines as you enter Starboard Cargo and just... yeah... no inflection whatsoever...
Like the whole war was some stupid internet meme she was reporting on or something
@Sterno blah blah in the Battlespace blah blah
Not letting her on my ship if I ever play through again
When the interview in the cabin occurred and the flirting option came up, I was like "No. Nonononononono. slams Renegade option "
I really want some sushi. I've had a craving for it for awhile now (been some time since I've had any), but that vide nickt posted just made it worse.
@Wipqozn om nom nom
that guy charges about $400 for 20 pcs. of sushi
and reservations are several months in advance
Q: RTS and FPS with Trackball

EddieI've recently bought a Logitech M570 and am an avid gamer. I used to have my Windows sensitivity 6/11 with my Logitech sensitivty setting on the highest and realized that I was having trouble when needing to do minimal motions (clicking on a small button or copying pasting a few words in a line);...

Dream sequences, why you no let me shoot the little boy?
> How do you guys play RTS's? What are your sensitivity settings for web browsing vs gaming?
Burn that with fire
There might be a question in there
but not in it's current form
nor do I feel like trying to salvage that wall of text
@Wipqozn that was what I was guessing
but I don't know how to fix it and keep the existing answers valid
could just edit them too
I think this is a situation where the question should just be closed.
If there is a good question in there, I'm sure someone else will eventually ask it.
Wow I'm terrible at Braid.
Q: Where are the Cerberus ciphers?

johnjonIn the Embassies area of the Citadel, I talked to an officer named Delk. He's requesting I find some Cerberus ciphers for him. The specific quest text is as follows: A C-Sec officer needs updated ciphers to break Cerberus codes. Find the ciphers and deliver them to him, at the Citadel embassy...

Q: Why can I only upgrade my guns to level VII?

Ben BrockaI was told a new game plus allows you to upgrade your guns to level X. But here I am stuck with guns maxed at VII (seven), which is a boost from V from the last playthrough, but I thought the new game + meant I get level X guns. Why is my upgrade max level VII?

On the up-side, I just got several puzzle pieces I've never gotten before.
@John cast a close vote on this
Q: RTS and FPS with Trackball

EddieI've recently bought a Logitech M570 and am an avid gamer. I used to have my Windows sensitivity 6/11 with my Logitech sensitivty setting on the highest and realized that I was having trouble when needing to do minimal motions (clicking on a small button or copying pasting a few words in a line);...

@Wipqozn Wow that's old. How did we miss it?!
@John No idea.
when I have some time, Im going to go through all the questions ever and look for questions which were not closed by should be.
Make a meta thread with all of them.
and ask people to cast close votes or try to salvage them.
and defend them if they don't think they should be closed.
@Wipqozn That's a lot.
Noble effort, though.
@John I'll be a hero.
12 secs ago, by John
Noble effort, though.
I was going through some of the 0-score questions the other day and came across a lot of questions which should have been closed but never were.
Clearly I can not stand for such an injustice.
@Wipqozn Clearly.
You ever install AoE2?
Haven't really had time to look for the disc.
@Wipqozn Excuses excuses...
Not sure if you've seen me bitching in here lately, but trying to make a module in a terrible unsupported broken piece of software called Open Wonderland for a class.
@Wipqozn Ah! I have heard you mention your hate of this program. Once.
Go upvote me, people.
Q: How do I crop from the default image viewer?

JohnI recall an "Edit Image" button in 11.04 that would bring up a second window with a "Crop" button easily visible. But now, in 11.10, I see no such button. In fact, I can't find a way to crop at all from the default image viewer. How can I crop an image from the default image viewer?

ah dang. Why do I need 125 rep to down vote?
@Wipqozn ...
I've actually not created accounts where I otherwise might've because I knew I wouldn't've been able to downvote the question I wanted to. >.>
@Wipqozn you mean you STILL don't have 125 rep?
@Fredy31 Yeah, @Wipqozn tends to get downvoted too much to ever get any rep.
@John yeah, most of my answers are completely inane and my questions are normally about scrabble.
@Wipqozn nods I noticed that 2 rep you got.
Hm, my Seiklus saved game is gone.
Or maybe I never saved it.
And a bird comes and swoops me away...
Ooh lava.
And a chest!
But I can't get to it...
And this weird soundboard thing...
And a menu that I can't decipher.
I think I may have to ask a few questions about this game.
Q: What weapon/boost combo allows for fastest cash generation?

EBongoThere are several boosts and weapons that confer different benefits which can directly or indirectly net you more cash. It is hard for me to determine the best load out for maximizing cash.

@Sterno Technically different, though the answer ended up being the same.
One asks if it's possible, the other asks what exactly is carried over.
Body of the dupe says If so, what gets carried over?
@Sterno Meh, true.
"Works best with Firefox or Navigator"....Navigator?
who wants to play a LoL ARAM
@AshleyNunn As in Netscape Navigator? Old!
Netscape Navigator was a proprietary web browser that was popular in the 1990s. It was the flagship product of the Netscape Communications Corporation and the dominant web browser in terms of usage share, although by 2002 its usage had almost disappeared. This was primarily due to the increased usage of Microsoft's Internet Explorer web browser software, and partly because the Netscape Corporation (later purchased by AOL) did not sustain Netscape Navigator's technical innovation after the late 1990s. The business demise of Netscape was a central premise of Microsoft's antitrust trial, w...
(I couldn't resist. :P)
@John ....so why is my University library telling me to use this ancient artifact? XD
@AshleyNunn ...how old is your university?
Huh. I din't realize I had actually put messages in that chat clipboard that @agent86 hooked up.
2 of them would ping myself...
@John I have no idea.
Hm, pasting it doesn't seem to be working.... (@agent86)
Hey @RonanForman, here's what I was talking about in yesterday's commentary and why I wanted you to talk to that salarian scientist (but I think you had Mordin anyway)
@AshleyNunn Oh, and I can't guess your bearded dog.
I was wondering what those are...
@John :'(
@John what?
chat clipboard?
@AshleyNunn Hello! =)
@Tristan hey! :D
How's KH treating ya? Make it to Halloween Town yet? =P
@John Draw Something?
@Tristan Not yet. I just finshed the Tarzan area. Have to wrestle the TV from the wife who is playing ME3, and we are also heading into end of term, so I have essays galore X(
Anyone know if there's a way to look and see if a specific Skyrim mod is on the steam workshop? It seems the best I can do is hope I picked the category right and then scroll through 10+ pages of mods until I maybe find it
@Ashley exactly. :(
aaaaand... I may have just found what I'm looking for. nvm
@agent That chat clipboard userscript. Unless that wasn't you. Then Nevermind.
@Ull Yeah. You play it?
@John No, but I found the original computer version Draw My Thing today.
@AshleyNunn Understandable.
@Tristan But as soon as I get a break, I am SO playing more. It is such a fun game, even if I suck royally at the bit where you have to jump on the backs of the hippos.
@John if it was good, I'll totally take credit.
Q: Dumb Guards Attack Me for No Reason

DragonordI swear i didn't do anything. The Guards of Whiterun Attack me for no reason. I don't know why. I have any bounty. Can anyone help me. This has happened in Solitude the first time i went there, but The guards stopped attacking me. Oh yah I'm not a Vampire

@Lazers I'm sorry to hear that
@Ullallulloo that sounds..wrong.
@TylerShads Which is probably why they renamed it, but still...largely how you hear it. =/
@Ullallulloo Wait...they renamed it to Draw My Thing? o.x
who is my guest?
@TylerShads no to draw something
for the mobile version
@Ullallulloo ohhh, you mean Pictionary that everyone is suddenly obsessed with.
@AshleyNunn No rush. I'm not in a hurry to get them back. I was just curious. =P
@Tristan I figured. Thanks again for sending them my way. :)
@AshleyNunn No problem!
@MatthewRead cringe
Irregardless!? and Let me the higher ups on the phone?
@agent86 Well, it's not working now, and I really can't remember if you made it or not.
@John no, I didn't make that :P
This is interesting, and explains where my phone battery disappears to: kotaku.com/5894554/…
@John Oh, you're talking about the chat modifications script, with the clipboard button? Uhh...blame @YiJiang for that specific functionality.
(and ignore the fact that I'm the one who probably broke it)
@agent86 Ok. I thought I had only installed your scripts, but I guess not. :P
Everybody wants to hang out with me!!!!
@TimStone I don't remember installing it, but I don't remember installing really any extension I've installed, so yeah, probably that one.
/blame @YiJiang
@AshleyNunn Wow. Interesting. Simple solution though, root, and edit your host file to block the sites that serve the ads. Simple as that. :P
@OrigamiRobot O rly?
Mar 9 at 16:13, by OrigamiRobot
EA Support: Thank you for calling EA Support. How may we help you today
Customer: Hi, I'm having a problem with [game].
EA Support: Have you already purchased [game]?
Customer: Yes, of course. [description of problems]
EA Support: Thank you for purchasing [game]. I am marking this issue as resolved.
@John ....I don't know if I would call that simple.
I saw that me and @Tristan did, anyone else?
@AshleyNunn Hence the ":P" because it really isn't.
@John Apparently you, @Tristan, and @FAE
@OrigamiRobot Ah. I wonder what about.
@OrigamiRobot I'm flattered to be one third of "everyone".
@John She wanted to play D3, you wanted to play SOF I assume, and I don't know what @Tristan wants.
@OrigamiRobot I like how your certainty diminishes as you go on.
@John This is my life.
@OrigamiRobot :(
@OrigamiRobot So, you busy?
@John I've got an hour or two.
@OrigamiRobot SOF?
My friend drew an inappropriate drawing for Peacock in DrawSomething, so I drew a picture of me punching him in the face for Olympics.
@StrixVaria LMAO
@OrigamiRobot Worldstone Chamber?
Q: Is there a way to reset all my stats?

ElGringoGrandeAnd I mean all stats. Including unlocks, dogtags etc. And I want to do this without re-buying the game.

Q: How should I get started in ANNO 2070?

ryansworld10Well I just got the game, and so far, I'm completely stumped. I click on the campaign quickstart button on the menu, and I was promptly thrown into the game with little to no explanation what-so-ever on how to play! Is there some sort of tutorial I'm missing here?

Q: How do I get my lost space hamster back?

johnjonMy cabin just doesn't feel the same without my little space hamster friend to keep me company. I've heard that if you bought the space hamster in Mass Effect 2 and import your save into Mass Effect 3, the little guy can be found running around the Normandy somewhere. It sounds too good to be true...

oh snap
it's now my birthday
which I only just realized since a friend just gifted me something
Happy birthday! Where's the cake?
@TimStone In the freezer.
@Wipqozn Now, the important question - what kind of cake?
@Wipqozn Happy birthday!
@Wipqozn Also, happy birthday :D
@AshleyNunn Homemade by my mother. The top layer is cool whip + chocolate sauce + caramel. Below that is a layer of ice cream sandwiches, then another layer of ool whip + chocolate sauce + caramel, then another layer of ice cream sandwiches
at least I think it's cool whip...
@Wipqozn That sounds like awesomeness.
@AshleyNunn oh it is.
Haha I have my sound muted on my laptop (where I am now) but apparently I never sighned out of my desktop in the other room, so I can hear it beep (or whatever you want to call that) when someone replies to me XD
@Wipqozn Happy birthday!
THanks everyone :)
@Wipqozn How old are you now? 8?
@Tristan 23
You're close
So young. I feel old now.
@Tristan I feel young...
@Ullallulloo How old are you?
@Tristan 17
Damn. Now I really feel old.
Q: Where are the hahne-kedar arms in Mass Effect 3?

JoshI played through the entire game and was unable to find them, I checked after every mission I did. The only thing I can assume is that it may require the Hanar Diplomat mission, as that is the only one i didn't do (not my choice.. the bug happened to me,) does anyone who has them not do that miss...

Q: Where can I find my "face code"?

johnjonFrom what I understand, when you're editing your appearance at the beginning of the game, at the bottom of the screen a "face code" is generated. This "face code" consists of a string of text that represents the details of your character's face. For example, this one possible face code: 141.1...

@Tristan wait, you're only two years older?
@Ullallulloo More like 8 years.
@Wipqozn Happy B-Day man :)
@Tristan I am older, so no worries
@Ullallulloo dot dot dot
@Wipqozn I said it once, and I'll say it again: "Happy Birthday!"
@Tristan Wow, 17 was 8 years ago!
@John thanks
@OrigamiRobot mmm image not found. Delicious!
@Wipqozn It was found for a second...
@OrigamiRobot I'm going to have nightmares now. Thanks.
@Wipqozn tips hat
@OrigamiRobot oldies but goldies
@NickT It is my favorite.
I like PBF
Q: How can I rescue dorfs trapped in semi-molten rock?

R. Martinho FernandesMy dorfs took the risk and decided to dig out a cotton candy vein. The legendary miners quickly dug out everything above the magma sea without finding it hollow, and then proceeded down through it into the part encrusted in semi-molten rock. And that's when they made a terrible mistake: by diggin...

Q: How does armor stacking work?

Some guyI have read that you can stack armor buffs but how does armor stacking work? For instance if I was to stack the basic tech armor (25% damage reduction) with the basic barrier( 15% damage reduction) would I get a 40% damage reduction or would the second power to be applied reduce that percent of t...

@NickT "You can't be a bear."
@OrigamiRobot Not sure if I agree with your edit on the diablo question.
Wouldn't rebinding the mouse to keys make the mouse unusuable for movement?
@RavenDreamer Mouse buttons.
Cat buttons.
I guess, since it's impossible, it's irrelevant?
He is specifically asking if he can rebind the buttons to keys so he can use the mouse only for movement.
@FAE other random thing you can do when doing minor copy edits, italicize Game Titles
@OrigamiRobot I don't think you could rebind part of the input, though.
@RavenDreamer Sure you can, in other games (and maybe after the beta since it is in the options)
It's just greyed out.
@OrigamiRobot oh?
I should check this out.
Quick! How do I make a new tag?
Same way you add an existing tag.
@RavenDreamer You can rebind mouse buttons and axes separately in lots of games.
@OrigamiRobot I wouldn't know. I've never tried.
Have to update
No longer true. Now there's one. :(
@RavenDreamer Use moar emulators :P
@RavenDreamer So I have to ask a question first?
Is BLEACH on hiatus or something?
I'm trying to find a good chat to put into my website.
@Tristan Yes. Or edit an existing question.
In computer networking, IP over Avian Carriers (IPoAC) is a humorously intended proposal to carry Internet Protocol (IP) traffic by birds such as homing pigeons. IP over Avian Carriers was initially described in RFC 1149, a Request for Comments (RFC) issued by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) written by D. Waitzman and released on 1 April 1990. It is one of several April Fools' Day RFCs. Waitzman described an improvement of his protocol in RFC 2549, IP over Avian Carriers with Quality of Service (1 April 1999). Later, in RFC 6214 released on 1 April 2011, and 13 years after the...
@OrigamiRobot how is that a chat
@NickT Same way anything else is chat. Sending packets.
@Lazers Are these typos or is that the actual spelling?
so a USPS flat-rate box is 8.5" x 3.25" x 1.5" internal; if you filled that with 16 GB microSD cards and mailed it, what's the bandwidth if it took 5 days to reach it's destination
@OrigamiRobot Ah, I see what you mean.
It's not pretend authority. It's real authority.
But left click is "move/primary/use"
That part appears locked together.
@RavenDreamer Yea I noticed.
But they could always change.
I'll have to keep that answer in my mind to check on launch.
@Tristan I meant than Wipqozn.
@RavenDreamer Thanks.
15 year olds don't make me feel old. :P
@Ullallulloo The fact that the 90s were over 10 years ago makes me feel old. I remember sub $1 gas prices.
Yayy! I made my first tag.
$.75 gas for a week in 1999. Good times!
@OrigamiRobot I vaguely remember those!
Or one year in the 90s.
@Tristan Now make sure it gets two questions that use it, or it'll end up auto-deleted in 6 months.
@Sterno Oh, I think it'll get some use.
why are google search links 500 characters long
Was anyone here looking forward to Legend of Korra?
@murgatroid99 YES!
@murgatroid99 ya
@murgatroid99 No! I can't!
Heh. "Orc"
@NickT I don't know, but it looks legit so far
@Sterno Can you think of a better way to tag it? =\ I tried...
@NickT I wish I hadn't read that. It's bugging me. It's such a snide attitude.
@Tristan Nope. That name is way too long. Even if you did it wouldn't fit. Yours works.
@Sterno The other resident evil tags are "Resident-Evil-X"
so there's something to be said for consistency also
When is Korra supposed to premiere? I thought like Apr 12
@NickT 14th
@Sterno Thanks.
@Tristan I just got a snicker out of "orc" is all. Took me a minute to remember the new RE game was coming out.
@Sterno Orkz iz made fer Rokkin!
@Sterno It's out now! =P
Someone lives by the SE offices, right? LessPop? Let's take up a collection to go have him sing "I am Henry the VIII" outside their windows until they increase tag length.
@OrigamiRobot It was leaked. It showed up on Fandom Base and someone had that link
@OrigamiRobot What's Korra?
@murgatroid99 Is it the actual episode or is it dubbed for some reason? I am confuse.
The Legend of Korra is an upcoming American animated television series, set to premiere on the Nickelodeon television network on April 14, 2012. The series is a sequel to ', which aired on the same network from 2005 to 2008, and is currently set to run for 26 episodes. It will take place in the same fictional universe as the original show, whose societies include a multitude of elements derived from East Asian and Inuit cultures. In it some people have the ability known as 'bending', by which they control and manipulate either water, earth, fire, or air. A single being known as the 'Avatar...
@OrigamiRobot Probably just called "dubbed" because it was in English anyway
@NickT That was my thought.
@OrigamiRobot It seems like an actual episode as far as I can tell. They probably just called it the English dub because they expect all anime style shows to come from Japan
@Tristan Is it a typical RE game, or is it some sort of weird multiplayer battlezone kind of thing? I haven't read much about it but what I have read has left me confused.
@murgatroid99 I can't watch it and then wait a month for the next episode.
Q: Are any missions mutually exclusive?

johnjonThis is a pretty simple one. Are there any missions in the game that are mutually exclusive? That is, are there any two or more missions that are uncompletable in a single playthrough? For example, say the missions Kill Guys #5, Fetch Quest #11, and Planet Scanner #19 are available to complete. ...

Q: Do I need to play other games first?

TristanResident Evil: Operation Raccoon City takes place during the events of Resident Evil 2. Having never played Resident Evil 2: Will I miss out on any significant story related points?

Even though Nickelodeon will likely make me do that anyway.
Do what now?
@OrigamiRobot Well I'm not going to make you watch it. I just gave you the option
@Sterno Four player squad based survival horror. You play as Umbrella operatives trying to contain the incident in Raccoon City... By hunting down Leon and Claire.
@murgatroid99 A tantalizing option!
@OrigamiRobot could just watch the intro (lol)
@NickT I already did!
@Tristan Does that mean it's primarily multiplayer?
@Sterno That's a good question... I haven't read whether it was exclusively multiplayer or not...
@murgatroid99 are the people in the intro Kyoshi, Roku, Aang, and Korra?
@NickT I wasn't paying that much attention when I watched it and I can't find the video right now. But probably
@NickT I watched it again, and yes, that's who they are
@murgatroid99 You guys talking about Avatar? Or something else?
@Tristan Yes, avatar. The pilot was leaked and I just watched it
@murgatroid99 Pilot? Are they doing a new series? O.o
@Tristan Legend of Korra starts on April 14
@murgatroid99 O_O Sweet!
@Tristan If you want to watch the pilot: animeultima.tv/…
@murgatroid99 I hear Batou
@murgatroid99 Tempting... But I'm gonna wait for the premiere.
@NickT I couldn't tell. I don't often recognize voice actors.
a lot of anime voice actors stick out
well, english dub
@NickT Argh. I closed the tab so my buffer went away
Steven Jay Blum (born April 28, 1965) is an American voice actor known primarily for his work in anime dubs and video games, using his distinctive deep voice. Among his credits include the voice of Spike Spiegel of the anime series Cowboy Bebop and Mugen of the anime series Samurai Champloo. He has also played Roger Smith from The Big O, Orochimaru and Kuromaru in the Naruto anime, X-Men's Wolverine in numerous games, in the animated series Wolverine and the X-Men, the animated movie Hulk Vs, The Super Hero Squad Show and Marvel Anime: X-Men. He is also well known for providing the voice...
English voice actors seem like a fairly limited bunch
Just noticed that they said the colonies were united into the "United Republic of Nations"
that said, it's probably necessary to rip out a ton of gigs to make a living at it, so no wonder one person will be in tons of TV shows/movies/games
That reminds me of countries like "People's Republic of China" and "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"
probably more United Soviet Socialist Republic
@NickT All the same trope
yeah, but USSR has 2 of the 3 words right in there :P
@NickT True. I just wonder if the show's creators meant it that way
I dunno, clearly the show has strong socialist undertones meant to condition the youth
@NickT I don't know, I just thought they wanted to stop the crazy guy from setting everyone on fire

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