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Now I kinda want to bake my way through that list....
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cakes Some people have too much time on their hands...
@AshleyNunn If it's not in {{Template:Cakes}}, it's not a cake. That's how Wikipedia works (true facts). But specifically to Jaffa Cakes, they did argue successfully in court that they should indeed be legally classified as cakes
@RavenDreamer Do you have a link to the Bioware PR thing you were talking about?
Woah. Cake is serious stuff.
@MarkTrapp Weiiiird
Yet awesome.
@MarkTrapp Are there templates for everything?
Yes, there are. That's how wikipedia classifies stuff
@AshleyNunn Apparently so
@MarkTrapp Huh. You learn a new thing every day, I suppose XD
but this is one of teh important things you learn in a day.
Q: What's the best space to capture an Anee

EBongoIn the game "Monster Galaxy: The Zodiac Islands" (I can't create a tag for this game yet) - I know that Anees appear on the island of Cancer, and I once even fought one there, but I messed up and killed it by accident, and haven't seen one since. I need to find another so I can catch it, to com...

@AshleyNunn Also, I was being entirely facetious about Wikipedia's normative use of templates to define what is and what isn't a cake to poke fun of their never-ending bureaucracy :P
@MarkTrapp grins I figured. They seem to have rules about every little thing. Which makes sense, I guess, but it amazes me.
@MarkTrapp in order to complain about wikipedia on SE chat, you must first fill out form SE-583, "request to complain about a wiki-type site on a stack exchange data interchange system or device" in triplicate.
@agent86 And then post an RFC on Wikipedia/Chat_messages_for_complaining_about_Wikipedia and wait 14 days for comments
@agent86 If I do that, who do I deliver the forms to?
well maybe not complaining is a good idea
@AshleyNunn your nearest stack exchange complaint resolution associate
@agent86 Sorry, should've guessed. XD
Only available between the hours of 4:13 PM and 5:26 PM Aleutian Standard Time every 4th Tuesday in months that have an even number of vowels.
So, I sign up for xbox live, with a silver account. They apparently give me a tock gamertag....mine was "Snowiest Carton4"........SERIOUSLY? XD
@MarkTrapp Well, now you are just being -picky-!
@AshleyNunn yeah, I think at one point you'd have to fill out your gamertag, now they generate one for you and give you one free "change your tag" pass
@AshleyNunn It's like a porn star name... but better!
after that it costs like $10
@agent86 Yeah, that's what it told me. XD
@AnnaLear >.>
@AshleyNunn indeed. if you haven't used up your 3 free gold trials, they'll also offer you a month free
@agent86 I've never used Gold. I don't need it for anything. I was just using my wife's Gold account to buy stuff and whatever (because I never play multoplayer or anything, and I couldn't be arsed to make a Live account), but then apparently I can't play DLC Quest without a Live account? Least, that's what the error I got when I tried to play it said....
So I gave in.
So yay, free stuff XD
Q: Do not show chat flags outside of large rooms

Nick TTo cut down on network-wide flag spam, flags that occur in "sufficiently large" rooms (with X blues and/or Y 10k's) should not be shown to all 10k's in all rooms. If the flag is not resolved/stalemates after Z minutes, it could then bug everybody. This would both prevent other users from being ...

beyond stuff like that and this:
Q: Revamping the Chat Flag System

0A0DIn response to the effect this question is referring, I am proposing one of two possible scenarios: Once the chat transcript has become more than 24 hours old that users cannot go back and flag posts, or Users can flag posts for removal from the transcript, but the flagging action does not even...

don't have many other ideas
@Sterno It's spread over a couple of posts. Let me find some.
I think I found one
@RavenDreamer This?
@AshleyNunn I was in a similar position for a while. I finally paid for it so that I could play some games with some friends. Other than that I don't really use it for anything
@Sterno That is much more useful than I was expecting.
Live Gold is the reason I'd opt for a PS3 over an Xbox.
Oh crap - I can't get the name I want, and I strongly suspect the person who has it is me. (Because a lot of the profile details match). So I need to sign in to xbox.com with my hotmail email, but I don't remember the password for that, so I have to send a reset to my aol account....which is apparently taking forever to recieve it. :(
Be sure to check your spam folder!
@RavenDreamer and GT5
and a Blu-ray player
@RavenDreamer Oh look...there it is. XD
@NickT I feel like this was brought up elsewhere...but I'm tired, so just have a +1 instead. :P
@NickT Not into racing games.
@AshleyNunn \o/
@RavenDreamer eh, it's where my friends are. They make playing many games more fun.
Q: Add escalation system to chat flags

FabianThe offensive and spam flags in chat are shown to every moderator from a parent site (on chat.stackexchange.com that is every SE 2.0 moderator) and 10k chat users as well. This is potentially far more users than a flag on an SE site itself is shown to. I don't think it is necessary to show the ...

@agent86 Then I am set, because I have no friends!
@NickT Looks about right
I have a self-deprecating sense of humor. I should work on changing that.
@RavenDreamer woooo
I spoilerized myself on the ME3 ending(s)
It's part of the reason I'm taking so long to get around to beating it :P
does anyone know why only 1 share shows up in my me3 missions when 5 different people on 5 different computers with 5 different ips clicked 5 shared links of mine? what did i do wrong?
Did you give them your referrer link?
e.g. http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/112756/<your user number here>
yeah it was the link/21505(my referrer id)
@Portali5t They need at least 1 up vote also.
for each one
yeah they all had 1 or more upvotes
you don't need to share different posts afaik, btw (is this right?)
but only one registered :(
Give it time. System shouldn't update in real time.
They do not need to register
but isnt it strange only one showed up in my missions>
You are having 5 people click one link, instead of 5 people clicking 5 links, yes?
5 people clicked each of the 5 links
I'd wait, and see if it doesn't shake loose on its own.
Alternatively, perhaps one of the five only clicked a single link.
The sharing thing is really annoying.
Occam's razor and all
That's why I used Reddit!
any ideas how long to wait before i contact support? all people confirmed 5 clicked links
I get the point of it and all, that it's to promote gaming.SE, but I've already told plenty of people in real life.
Should I post on Meta?
How long has it been so far?
20 mins
I'd give it at least an hour
Contest has another week, dude. No hurry :)
Wow, congrats to all generals/admirals. Everyone who made it to general made it to admiral. I'm impressed
@RavenDreamer What did you use as titles?
I'm thinking of a new gravatar
@RavenDreamer Woohoo my question is on that list
also, still the highest voted me3 question
ahhh. makes sense, and people click!
Somehow I got the announcer badge for my Coalesced.bin post, which I've never sent a link to anywhere.
But someone else did.
actually, I guess I linked it internally
that works too
@Portali5t Well, if they did, they would have had to stick my user id in it
@Sterno It may have been copied from your internal link and then other people shared
(or copy one of my internal links, if that's what happened)
You should format those to have question names
whoever feels helpful...
Because the average dude is going to look at those links and say "Meh... why?"
Then again, I guess it only takes 5
I would format them to be helpful links instead of just URLs. At least give people some incentive to click on them (or some useful information for those who will)
@Portali5t I'm quite sure that'll get you banned for spamming
from reedit?
That subreddit
@Ktash This.
Well, I dont use reddit that much, so I'm not too concerned.
How the heck do you create a tag for "Monster Galaxy: Zodiac Islands"?
@Sterno Here we go again...
@Mana ...?
I think I am missing something.
@Everyone I'm confuzled
@RavenDreamer Take a look at any r/circlejerk comment thread and you'll get it.
@RavenDreamer The reddit circlejerk is leaking
I don't go on r/circlejerk
just drop the -isl?
@Sterno maybe if it's a sequel or something?
@Ktash Too late! I have made a decision and now you all must live with it!
(or edit it)
Who gave @Sterno the decision pants?
3000 rep, baby!
@Sterno No edit privileges. Curses! ;)
Monster Galaxy is more generic than The Zodiac Islands
At least that's what Google is telling me
but really, I don't play that, so no opinion one way or another
Q: Bukkit plugin for protected blocks

MicrobialI'm not even sure how to search for this and even if I found the right plugin I'm not sure I'd know what I found. I want to protect blocks placed by players from deletion by other players. That is, if player A builds a structure, I don't want player B to be able to destroy any blocks placed by ...

Q: What's happen to my precious?

Luc MFirst, I admit that I taking care about my reputation points. This morning (eastern time), I had 1414 points. Tonight, I have 1379 points. What happened ? Did the reputation of gaming.stackexchange has been corrected like stackoverflow 3-4 weeks ago ? On stackoverflow, there had a link expl...

I'd go for keeping the second part in favor of the first
@YiJiang I don't know. I think that sort of thing is what makes people do things like mistag the xcom games
People start typing, their brains say "Type xcom!" not "type ufo-defense!"
On the other hand, I know nothing at all about Monster Galaxy. I presume there are some sort of monsters, and maybe they're in space.
@Lazers Cleaned grammer
AFAIK from the Google searches there's only one game
Not (yet) a series
@Sterno that's why we have tag synonyms.
anyone feelin helpful?
I am not feeling helpful.
not with a broken link.
and suddenly, I crave pancakes.
any 10k'ers want to tell me if this answer was accepted gaming.stackexchange.com/a/14499/2259
@JohnoBoy Friendly reminder, you still have a bounty on a question I answered and you accpted expiiing soon.
@Ktash It wasn't
I need some clarifications on the me3missions.
@RavenDreamer Hmm, odd. Must be an unaccept elsewhere then for his -15 I'm guessing. But that would show up on the tab. Guess I wait and see what he says
@Portali5t I can try to help?
Does everyone who gets to mission 3 get one of the two prizes?
@Portali5t Yes, as long as they haven't run out.
@Portali5t URLs still, not titles. I'm less inclined to help
@Portali5t > The maximum number of prizes that will be given out per level are as follows: 100 for Mission 3, 50 for Mission 4, 25 for Mission 5, and 10 for Mission 6.
And is it randomly selected which of the prizes?
Your choice.
Can you only get 1 prize?
EG, if I complete mission 4 do I get a mission 4 and a mission 3 prize?
Check the contest rules here: me3missions.com
One prize.
Already looked at that.
> Each user is only eligible for one prize. There are two prize choices for each level. You have your choice of one of the prizes for the highest level you complete.
I'm just quoting from the rules at this point :P
oh got it
@Ashley you asked another KH question and I missed it. I was :(
Now, if I am aiming for the Vita, and I fall short and get a mission 4, then can I choose a mission 3 prize instead because I think the mission 3 prize is better?
@Ktash :( I am sure there will be more :)
@Portali5t Yup!
@AshleyNunn Good. Also glad to see you got some time to play more ;)
OK Then! thanks!
Thank goodness all of your smilies form balanced pairs of parenthesis.
@RavenDreamer, in the rules it reads: You have your choice of one of the prizes for the highest level you complete
@Ktash Yeah, finally distracted myself from Golden Sun Dark Dawn when my wife -wasn't- playing ME3, so the TV was free :D
@Ktash Oh, and I just asked another question. ;)
@RavenDreamer the way i read the rules is that im only limited to the highest rank i get. You have info that says otherwise?
just wanna be sure.
Info that says I can pick a lower prize rank if I fall short of my goal?
@Portali5t Yeah, the "Congratulations winner" email said "you have your choice of anything from the list"
@Portali5t Does my email awarding me my prize count as info?
I'm not going to quote it, but yeah.
(I'm paraphrasing)
/wave @LessPopMoreFizz
@AshleyNunn Woohoo. So, should I consider "worlds not visited" being spoilers if I post a list of mark types for you?
Once again against the Geth!
ok. great, thank you so much that answer my questoin
@Ktash Nah, it's okay - I would rather have clear expectations of what is going to happen :)
Oh god, @Portali5t was indoctrinated!
tired. bye all
@Tristan You might like this:
@Portali5t bye!
Q: How do I use other Trinity marks?

Ashley NunnRight now I can only use the blue Trinity marks, but I have seen other colours around - white ones and red ones, for example. What do I have to do to be able to use them? Is it related to story progression? Or do I have to make sure I do something specific, like buy a certain thing, or reach a c...

@AshleyNunn One spoiler that I put in a spoiler markup, but I added an explanation so you shouldn't need to spoil yourself
@Ktash Cool. :D
@AshleyNunn You read Equestria Daily?
@murgatroid99 Yup. :D
@OrigamiRobot for teh lulz!
Hrm, according to this answer I should be able to make peace between the Quarians and Geth, but I am not getting any option to do so
cant sleep
@Sterno how high is your reputation?
False alarm. It was in the 2nd option, not the first
Uh, I just come in here and I'm greeted by..that.
Thanks, Tyler.
@Snowflake you're welcome
Q: As a jungler, where should I be warding?

Rikki BridglandI like to play junglers, and I was wondering where should I be warding mainly? I know of places like Dragon, Baron, the river in general, but are there other places? Like warding enemy buff camps? Entrance's to my own jungle? Also what kind of wards should I be using? Such as pink around baron a...

Q: Laptop heatup and auto-shutdown. Any perm damage?

Momen AbdelkarimSo I've been using Ubuntu for a week now and I've noticed that my laptop heats up like crazy compared to windows and it auto-shuts down. Now I know that if I go to the terminal and use the command "sensors" it will show me the temperature. During basic browsing (like now), the temperature is abou...

Q: Do body armors have any effect on the head?

galacticninjaI'm just wondering if Fallout New Vegas is like Skyrim, where wearing an armor on one body part will protect other body parts (regardless if armor is worn on that body part). In FNV, do body armors have any effect on the head? Will it be better to use hollow point (does more damage to unarmored...

I should only keep my downvotes for answers that either a) look plausible, but are wrong, or b) those that have a higher score than an actually better answer
flagging stuff I deem "very low quality" doesn't seem worth my rep
A: Portal 2 Co-op with a single Steam account?

MacJust make him a steam it's easy and free

> declined - flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention
if comment-answers are valid flags but that isn't then what's the point.
Q: Can follower take items all on his/her own?

Shadow WizardI gave my follower (Lydia) basic items to improve her chances to survive: armor, weapon, shield, bow and necklace. I also gave her some items to keep if I ever need them for immediate use e.g. fire resistance boots. However, when I check her inventory sometimes new items appear apparently out of...

Q: Flagging "altogether wrong answers"

Nick TI flagged this answer about Minecraft on a question about Minicraft (I think I explicitly mentioned this in the type-in field, as well as in a comment on the post) and it was declined with the reason flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an altogether wrong answer ...

Yay! an influx of non-ME3 questions on the site! :)
@NickT Just let other people flag the site then, 1pt of rep isnt that much to me. One up vote gives me 10 down votes.
@NickT It's an answer, just not a good one. Comment non answers are converted.
@NickT If your reputation is so very precious to you, leave it be.
@JuanManuel what's that mean?
I've flagged and not downvoted plenty of things that seem to be approved
Q: How much better are the higher levels of the ammo bonuses?

FabianThere seem to be different levels of the different ammo powers you can apply as a bonus for one multiplayer round: I just got the Incendiary Rounds II in a Veteran Pack I bought, and I'm wondering how much better the level 2 ammo powers are than their level 1 counterparts. As far as I can tell...

> “If you’re a fan of Jon Stewart, you’re going to find something on GBTV that you’re going to enjoy,” Mr. Beck said. “If you’re a fan of ‘24,’ you’re going to find something on GBTV that you’re going to enjoy.”
The Daily Show + 24, sounds like a winner to me...
@NickT we do need to be more consistent, I think
Well those LoL casters indeed gave us a nice plug (at least on the one match I saw)
@IvoFlipse link?
I watched v8 vs rugaming
from about 30 mins (after the match) they started talking about us
and our logo + site was flashing on the screen while they were talking
@IvoFlipse game 1 or 2?
game 2
@IvoFlipse That's not surprising, given we sponsored them
and epik vs team subterfuge game 2 starts with the contest (though they start midway the conversation)
@YiJiang Some people are all talk and no action, well these guys at least really try to promote us in their casts
"You know what I love about gaming? Not only do they make this tournament happen. Its not really hard to plug them, because I really like what they do. They do great work, their website is fantastic, its easy to use, its fun, its fun to answer questions and its fun to get your questions answered"
That's pretty good :)
I think we get plugged about every other video, obviously I have no idea how many people watch the video's, but its a great support
Q: Is there a way to change Kyogre's nature or any of the legendaries?

corrodedI would like to "choose" the nature of Kyogre and the legendaries. When is the best time to save? Before the battle? Or is it unchangeable?

Q: Javik, only prothean in the world?

AdrieanKhisbeHow explain that Prothy the prothean …. Oups, Javik, is the only real living prothean. Was there any other working pod found on Eden Prime bunker?

@Lazers Can anybody parse the first sentence of this question?
@YiJiang Not with conventional English.
Maybe "How can you explain [link]?"
Yeah, but the first link is to a video of Javik making a joke
Which doesn't make any sense
@YiJiang had to read it 3 times to get it
Maybe the poster doesn't understand the joke?
Actually, both links point to the same video. That's... very weird
@Lazers Should that question be tagged at all?
Is anyone here trying to beat the ME3 multiplayer challenge for Operation: Goliath to unlock the commendation pack?
Q: Can Mass Effect 2 Saves and DLC be used on multiple Xboxes with the same Live Profile?

bconneenI have one XBox 360 in my house, and plan to buy a second console for my office (across the country). I'm playing Mass Effect 2 (using Cloud Storage for Saves). I've bought all of the DLC and thus far have done all of my playing on my primary console. I'm trying to determine if I will be able ...

Q: Do any missions force me to get paragon or renegade points?

Ronan FormanI know morality does not block off gameplay but I was wondering if doing certain missions automatically earns me either paragon or renegade points. Are there any missions that are impossible to complete nicely and will mean I always earn renegade points for finishing (and vice versa) or will ther...

Q: How can I return to menu in Draw Something [iOS]

Chen HarelAfter I solve a friend's painting, sometimes I don't want to send him a new drawing. I wish to return to the menu but I can't seem to find how to do that without forcing the app to close.

@RonanForman ah dang
It would have been funny if you could never play again
Also, the sound seems fine on this video.
@Wipqozn It's after episode 12 that it goes wrong.
I still can't work out why.
I'm not sure if I should go from 12 to 13 with a big gap or go from 12 to 18. As that's how many episodes it would have filled.
2 more votes
Q: Bukkit plugin for protected blocks

MicrobialI'm not even sure how to search for this and even if I found the right plugin I'm not sure I'd know what I found. I want to protect blocks placed by players from deletion by other players. That is, if player A builds a structure, I don't want player B to be able to destroy any blocks placed by ...

@Wipqozn WTF, I just got a ton of popups asking about setting cookies from that link
@FAE That's...odd.
@Wipqozn like... 30+
I manage my cookies manually, so I get popups when I go to new sites, but it's usually like 1 or 2
I'm rather curious what they would be using all those cookies for.
Well, it would appear whoever is in charge of of the MObile/ handheld section is an idiot, you can tell that by looking at the nominees:
WINNER - Peggle HD

Dead Space iOS

Magnetic Billiards: Blueprint


Super Mario 3D Land

The Nightjar
Games like Billiards, Peggle and Quarrel were nominated over games like Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2, Professor Layton and the Last spectre and kirby: mass attack
I like cookies.
I forgot about layton. That game is the best layton game, and even the worst it a great game.
crashes through being in a T-Shirt, outside, in march
Damn, 20°C today in quebec...
Q: Was there a way to prevent Morinth from turning into a Banshee?

yx.With her dying breath, Samara did warn me that I'll someday regret my choice, but I certainly wasn't expecting this: Now I'm wondering if it was something I may have missed that resulted in her banshification since I sort of rushed through the last quarter of the game.

Oh, I forgot to mention the Final Fantasy IV remake for PSP. I wasn't going to include it due to being a remake, but then again Peggle HD is just the same game they've been re-releasing for years.
Well, other games I could have mentioned as well.
@Mana good morning.
Same to you!
Girlfriend's fever has gone down from 101 to 98...hopefully she'll improve today too.
@Mana I was unaware she was sick.
I don't know fahrenheit, what's normal?
@RonanForman Celsius
@Wipqozn Nice!
But seriously what temperature should she be?
> An a.m. temperature of >37.2°C (>98.9°F) or a p.m. temperature of >37.7°C (>99.9°F) defines a fever
@RonanForman 98.6
So she's not below the right temperature? I'm confused.
I think I'm confused too.
Maybe she went down from something else to 101 and I got the details mixed up. I was half-awake when she told me.
she was at 102 yesterday
@Wipqozn that's a low grade fever. A high grade fever is over 100 degrees
@Mana wow. 102 is high for an adult.
she was definitely still warmer than normal this morning though.
@spugsley yeah, it was scary.
@Mana Fever's are no good. I had one the other week too. :(
Was at 38.8C. I was very unhappy because I was trying to get through ME2. :P
yawns and turns 23 Does anyone with an Xbox 360 find themselves lacking a copy of Mass Effect 3, by the way?
@TimStone Tim, you're 4 years older than me. That's so cool!!!!!
@TimStone Happy Birthday!
@TimStone If you yawn again will you turn 24?
I think that's an experiment I'm unwilling to try.
@Wipqozn Thanks!
@TimStone C'maaaaannnn. For science.
@TimStone Happy birthday!
@Wipqozn Every time you link that, my fond memories of TNG decrease a little bit more.
@Mana Just be sure to do something useful with your next four years, because I'm not sure I did. :P
@FAE Thanks!
@RonanForman Well, when you put it that way...
But yeah, due to a birthday present mix-up, I now have a spare copy of Mass Effect 3 for Xbox 360 if anyone who hasn't played would like it.
@Wipqozn Have you read the top comments on that video?
@murgatroid99 I just did, haha
@Sterno That's not good
I would love to know who approved this awful edit
> Approved Jan 17 at 1:28 by yx.
.... He should know better. :(
It turned a correct answer into an incorrect answer. :(
Also the accepted answer on that question is wrong, and it makes me so angry.
Huh, yeah. I don't understand why the OP accepted that answer to begin with. O_o
Ugh, and that's the top result when you search for "Skyrim a timely offer" on Google, too |:
@TimStone Yeah.

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