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And now it's dinner time!
Good luck at whatever you're doing @badp.
If you went with Java's better brother, you could just use Linq. ;-)
Often in general summation functions (like Python's sum), an identity is passed in explicitly
That's a good idea.
Put an identity() method on the interface.
So you can grab a "blank" value to sum from.
@ArdaXi The audience has a Java background, so...
@StrixVaria That would be a way to do it in something like Java
@StrixVaria Sadly Java interfaces don't get to have static methods
(I realise C# is quite often not an option, but if you've ever used both, you'll never want Java again)
That said, I am a Java developer. Not a very good one, obviously.
@badp Implement it non-statically and generate the identity on-demand instead of referencing the same one.
It's meh, but it works.
yeah, it'd be better if Java interfaces could also specify static members too though. It's a pet peeve of mine.
Oh well.
@StrixVaria Or just define the function to return a constant value in the implementation of the interface
@murgatroid99 Still it really makes no sense at all for it to be non-static.
The zero of integer summation is not a property of each integer
it's 0
Wasn't Java supposed to be software engineering's heaven? :P
@badp It makes sense from an implementation point of view, even if not from a mathematical point of view
@ArdaXi This is, unfortunately, 100% true. IntelliJ often gets angry at me because I start typing C# in Java these days, heh.
@badp Seriously, if it was, C# wouldn't differ so much from it.
@badp it doesn't really make a difference if it is static when you actually run the code
@ArdaXi A software engineering's heaven doesn't have the abomination C# calls the Tuple class
Sure, I guess var helps but...
my eyes.
I've never used one.
also OMG NEW TF2 HAT!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111one
and a phlogistinator nerf too. Woot!
amazing how people can still be excited by new TF2 stuff...
For a Tuple<T1,T2> you can just use a KeyValuePair anyway.
how many total items are there now?
@NickT Unique weapons without counting reskins? A little above one hundred.
Not counting stock weapons.
@ArdaXi Yes, but sometimes you might want a tuple of more than two things
how many hats + other vanity items?
No idea
I know I have 106 weapons and lack a few uniques and have a couple reskins
@murgatroid99 Still, if you absolutely don't want to use one, you have other options. It seems to me @badp is just anti-strong typing.
Which I can appreciate if you come from a duck-typed language.
@ArdaXi It has it's uses, but sometimes strong typing is just a pain in the ass
And I love Python, so you're probably right
@murgatroid99 True, but in the long run in makes coding easier, especially if you use a sane IDE.
Both have pros and cons.
Strong-typed languages often require more work to do what you want them to do, but they are also more robust.
I guess it's just nice that in a duck typed language, you just have to add the right operations to something to make it integrate with someone else's code
True, but it's also easier to mess it up, because it fits together so easily.
Like, when I did crypto in Java my code pretty much wrote itself after a few pointers, because only one type was allowed in a method.
C# does have a dynamic type that's only evaluated at run time, if there's a specific need for that, but.
I can't plug a public key into code that expects a private key and vice versa.
@TimStone Which you really should think a couple hundred times about before using.
It was implemented to allow languages like Ruby and Python to run on .NET, and they back-ported it into C# as well.
@ArdaXi But can't you do the same cryptographic functions after switching the public and private keys?
@Fabian Do you have a version of that query for Answers? I ask shitty (and relatively few) questions, but I suspect I'd do well on Answers.
@murgatroid99 The initializer function won't accept a SecretKey where it expects a PublicKey.
Given that whether it's public or private is in the name of the constructor, it's pretty hard to mess it up.
@ArdaXi I see what you mean. But couldn't you send a message by encrypting with a private key and decrypting with a public key?
@murgatroid99 It'd throw an exception because public keys are encoded differently.
@ArdaXi I mean in real life, not in your program
@murgatroid99 That's how digital signatures are implemented, yes.
@ArdaXi So if public and private keys are mathematically interchangable, is it really necessary to separate them in the type system?
@murgatroid99 Yes, especially to make sure they aren't exchanged accidentally.
@MarkTrapp There is absolutely such a thing as a question which is not useful, and/or does not reflect a good faith effort on the part of the asker, which are nonetheless do not fit any of the existing close reasons.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Again, reasserting something with no evidence or supporting argument is not an argument
@ArdaXi I guess that makes sense.
@John I'm around now. What's up?
@Wipqozn Up for a game of Age of Empires 2?
@John Not right now. Trying to tidy up the house for tomorrow, people are coming over.
@Wipqozn Aw, ok.
although this doe remind me to install the game
@Wipqozn Yes. Do this.
well I'm off again
@Wipqozn Adios.
Q: Steam download - skip most of the content?

corsiKaI had oblivion on a disc for a long time. I recently moved and lost the disc. So I decided I'd buy it on steam so I never have this problem again. Well now I'm on really poor internet, and am looking at a 20 hour download at best for this. I already have MOST of the game (the GOTY edition) insta...

Q: How do you earn prestige in Darkville?

AlexBesides having to pay for it or complete missions :) (After you complete the game and there are no more missions)

@MarkTrapp Here, have another and another and another and one more for good measure.
We don't have a 'General Reference' close reason. The SE team has decided that it doesn't work, and it's not coming. But that doesn't make general reference questions good questions.
Nor are questions that are fundamentally unanswerable, such as the rather numerous Skyrim questions that require that the answerer prove a negative in order to properly answer them.
C# is Java done right.
That's something I read, but I didn't realize how true it was until I moved from C# back to Java.
Ah, there you are @LessPopMoreFizz. I was expecting you to magically appear when we were discussing this earlier.
@Brant Me too.
@Wipqozn I was at work at the time.
Good thing I read the backlog!
@LessPop_MoreFizz 1) Off-topic, 2) Not constructive, 3) Perfectly good question, 4) Off-topic
@LessPop_MoreFizz And those questions are either Not Constructive or Not a Real Question. The FAQ even calls them specifically out as questions that don't solve real, practical problems
A: Can Shen teleport Fiora around the map?

M'vyIt is impossible to answer this question. All depends on the implementation of the algorithms by Riot Games. Nevertheless we can state that Fiora should not select a target as valid if it is more than "Range: 400" away, which is her ultimate range. The other rule in Fiora's utl says that the f...

> It is impossible to answer this question...[wall of text]...testing could reveal the behaviour.
hmm, I'm at 3185 war assets going into Priority: Thessia
I have the same problem with Aequitas, oddly enough. I had forgotten about that...
@agent86 Sounds about right. You'll probably end up around 3800.
@LessPop_MoreFizz blargh, looks like multiplayer is in my future
@agent86 Mass Effect Datapad!
I should probably actually play the d3 beta so I'll be prepped for the question flood on release day.
Totally passive readiness!
@LessPop_MoreFizz this is like an iOS thing, isn't it? I own no iOS devices.
@Brant I'm not playing it in order to flood the site with questions on release day,
@agent86 Oh.
Well, Android coming soon.
I got in like 3 months ago but the installer keeps crashing on my imac.
@LessPop_MoreFizz also no android devices
So I put in a ticket and they asked me to do a hardware integrity check and I was like "Maaaaaaaan, too lazy for that, back to Skyrim"
@agent86 I would presume that once an android app is around, this will work
Anyone else notice this game is being made?
It's a "fast-paced" role playing game.
So it's not true at all to the books.
Ahahahaha it's being released the same day as Diablo 3.
Death sentence.
Woe be upon the schmuck at $BIG_GAMING_WEBSITE who is assigned to review it. They're going to rip it to shreds.
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, emulation. I work with android some, perhaps I can make it work on a non-phone device...
Q: Identify this game: 80's, PC, cga, platform game, bad guys are dropping from a machine or pipes above the platform

hexygenPlease help me identify this old game: It's from the 80's, CGA graphics (4 colors), and it's one of the first platform games I ever played (except maybe Lode Runner). Unfortunately I don't remember exactly the goal of the game. My strongest memory of this game is that the bad guys were created ...

Q: What's up with planet Aequitas?

agent86I just finished up Priority: Rannoch, and I'm cruising the galaxy for other things that need my particular brand of Shepard-ing. The Minos Wasteland relay is lit up as if there's a quest there. In the Fortis system (where the Mass Relay is), the planet Aequitas is highlighted with a green arr...

Q: How do I get to the "Personnel Facilities" waypoint in Priority: Mars?

johnjonIn the second mission of the game, Priority: Mars, you fight your way inside a building and go up a large elevator. Once you take the elevator all the way up, you find yourself in an area that kind of looks like a big garage. Some enemies attack you from the walkways above and, once you defeat th...

"Waaah I could be playing D3 right now but I have to review this instead, I'm only giving it a 75%!"
Much better.
no it's not
Goddamnit twitter give me proper links
(Which, on the Games Journalism 75-to-100-Point-Scale, works out to a zero)
Doh. I got all psyched when the D3 installer started actually working, then I noticed the big "StarCraft II" logo in the middle of my screen...
@Brant Related:
@Brant always fun to see in Metacritic how a game needs to be north of 90% to get "universal acclaim", but an album only needs like 70%.
I should have added scare quotes in my comment about the review scale like so: Games "Journalism"
@NickT Music critics use the whole scale, because they tend to value their 'cred' fleeting as it is more than payola.
Bioware has just closed its forums pending a new round of ME3 fan outrage.
Which is not to say that music critics do not value their payola.
@RavenDreamer oh noes, the bioware forums are closed? but where will I impotently nerd out about things that annoy me??
They just tend to restrict the payola they accept to being from things that they would have given good reviews to anyway.
@RavenDreamer Do they have an announcement pending?
so seeing as I'm going to have to play multiplayer to get to the highest war asset tier, is it worth it to get the 5k asset ending?
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, a 3rd party released a "Final Hours of Mass Effect 3" and it's... not what the fans were hoping to see.
and damn you bioware, for saying I wouldn't have to
@agent86 You can get 'best' ending at 4k if you make choices consistent with your alignment.
You can, if you're the crazy 101% completionist type
I'll link you the post if you don't mind the spoilers.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, sure, I've finished.
@Brant No. No you can't.
Oh, I guess I heard wrong then.
You can only get to ~3900 if I'm not mistaken without DLC.
@Brant Bioware overpromised.
(Is Mass Effect something I have to care about to understand?)
@LessPop_MoreFizz so just a tiny bit of multiplayer then
how much of a pain is it to run from the point of no return to the ending?
@agent86 It took me 2 hours.
@RavenDreamer curses like a sailor
I guess I'll play some MP and get above 4k so I only have to do this once
renders up an updated leveling video for Dungeon Defenders
@LessPop_MoreFizz "cred"? Do you mean music is more payola or game reviews?
@NickT 'credibility'.
@NickT Yeah. cred, not fred. Stupid autocorrect.
crashes through making a budget
@LessPop_MoreFizz But you're using replies. Either you have quite a phone or you have autocorrect on your computer?
@RavenDreamer Brilliant
@John Computer. I did an OS update and Mac OS X turned it back on, and I'm too lazy to turn it back off.
@RavenDreamer Yo Dawg, etc.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow. I don't think I would like that.
@John I don't like that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz For some reason, I'm getting 2 desktop notifications per ping from you.
@John Because I am awesome.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah the eternal struggle between discomfort and laziness.
So awesome that you should pay twice as much attention to everything I say.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It happened again...
@John Exactly.
what's Provoke?
> Provoke When a creature with provoke attacks, its controller may have target creature the defending player controls untap (if it is tapped) and block the attacking creature if the chosen creature is able to do so. The ability can choose a creature that can't block the creature with provoke. Provoke is cumulative, though no creature has more than one instance of it. Provoke only appears in Legions.
So sayeth wikipedia
Interesting mechanic.
For the academics.
I'm T-5 years to my thesis (I hope :P)
completing it
Arg! 20min video covering leveling in glitter and when it finishes rendering it up its all black!
glitter is a tool or something?
Why would you cover it in glitter? That stuff is impossible to clean up.
Sorry Glitterhelm.. a map in Dungeon Defenders
Well, great.
are you modifying it or something?
EA's Matchmaking servers are down again.
@RavenDreamer have you tried eharmony.com?
@RavenDreamer wait seriously?!
@BenBrocka From the point of no return? Yes.
@Fabian You should share more things and become a General already.
@James face palm? @NickT's comment was comedy gold.
@Wipqozn Comedy Pyrite, perhaps.
@Wipqozn I stand by my tagging! :)
1 hour ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
No comment.
Krogan sharks?
I thought Krogans were sterile
1 hour ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@NickT Not sterile, they just have absurd infant mortality rates.
Do stillborns and miscariages count as infant mortality?
@NickT Something like only 3-5% of females are able to produce viable offspring. But it's not sterility per se. The rest just end up with stillborns.
Because that's what's happening.
@NickT See, but my headlines are from CNN.
@NickT Also, the latest entry in the very very very short list of Subreddits that are not terrible.
Q: Skyrim Bound Weapons Build

Marcello Grechi LinsI am willing to make a Conjuration character that will only use Bound Weapons and their related perks ( No other conjuration perk will be needed, such as Fortification for Summunings and Raised Deads ). Main source of damage will be the Bow, followed by the BattleAxe. No One handed Weapon here, ...

Q: Are The Skyrim New Kill-Cameras Working Already?

Marcello Grechi LinsAs it is posted here, it is possible to Update your Steam version of Skyrim to the new "beta" patch already, and thats what i did. After updating, i see no change in the Kill-Camera moves and i can't manage to land a Ranged-Kill-Camera Slo-mo thing For the Lazy ones, Here is the ChangeLog: NEW...

Q: What does EDI stand for?

johnjonThis is probably a dumb question, but as I never played the previous Mass Effect games, I don't know the answer. What does the acronym EDI stand for? I assume the last letter stands for Intelligence due to it being the ship's AI, but I could be wrong. Please, illuminate me.

Yeah, Bashar al-Assad is probably one of a handful of people on this planet I would happily shoot in the face if given the chance
My progress rate through ME3 is abyssmal
@Lazers Oh hey, it's another question that I would rather down vote than VTC. How about that.
@Lazers Oh wait, there's two of them.
That EDI question sure got a lot of downvotes pretty quick. lol
@murgatroid99 I don't.
is that the thing's name?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I agree it's a bad question. Too easy to just check the wiki or google it. I just thought it was funny.
@NickT Her name is Luna. I'm guessing since she's drawn much more childlike, they baby-fied it?
oh, so "Luna" in baby-talk?
or pedopony talk?
How many ponies are there?
wait, no
do not want
@NickT The show focuses on the six main characters, but there are several smaller characters.
I already had that typed before you said it, so too late. But I'm done. =P
@Tristan Luna's actually a pretty big plot point, though.
@Brant Hate!!!
You know what's even better? I got into the beta in November but never bothered installing the game until just a few minutes ago.
So I'm guessing GSE will have some D3 promo, but is there any reason not to just buy it whenever as it will probably just be PayPal reimbursement?
or would the receipt need to be dated within some timeframe
@NickT Probably not.
But you can always email someone from the CHAOS team to be sure.
@James Is that a general Diablo hate, or a more specific Diable III hate?
@NickT No, they've said that they encourage you to buy it early.
a meta post gonna be closed if I do one there?
@RedriderX its a hate for people who are in the beta with out me :(
@Ullallulloo where? Why would it matter
@James Aaah... ok.
Blizzard's long awaited dungeon crawler, and one of the most eagerly awaited games of 2012 in general, finally has a release date. "Diablo 3" will arrive on both physical and digital store shelves on May 15. Not too far off I suppose
@NickT idk, on one of the grants. Maybe encourage is a bit strong, but they want you buy regardless of the grant, and it makes sure that you get it early.
what, are they going to run out of GBs on their content servers?
Woohoo! Admiral!
what's it even cost to deliver 1 GB of data nowadays
@NickT over ATT? $10
if that
In actuality? Probably a few cents
I meant for someone like Valve or Activision
@BenBrocka I cast the last up vote. Grats.
Hmm. New Gravatar potential?
wonder if we'll have 10 admirals by the end of the contest? ONly more are close now
14/35 5+'s ... that's a long way for me
Q: Can you aim squad mates' powers?

johnjonIn the Priority: Mars mission, you're introduced to squad mates' powers. The first introduced is Liara's Singularity. When you first access her power, she puts it right in the middle of some troopers above you on the balcony, to great effect. This placement seems to happen outside of your contro...

Q: Does scanning Pinnacle Station give you anything different if you did the DLC?

FAEIn the Phoenix system of the Argus Rho cluster, you can find Pinnacle Station. Scanning it gave me a Turian Spec Ops Team worth 40 War Assets. I didn't actually do the Pinnacle Station DLC for Mass Effect 1, so I'd like to know if there is something I'm missing out on by not having done it. Is ...

Q: If I'm planning on buying a game but there might be some GSE giveaway for it, should I hold off?

Nick TDiablo III...blah, blah, pre-order...going to buy regardless, but if it might incur a promotional grant gaming giveaway should I hold off? Would the "receipt" need to be dated between some specified dates? This is more a question about the behind-the-scenes business stuff, so while yes, this sh...

Q: is there some way to increase my powers in mass effect 3?

crouchin mass effect 3 i play with captin shepard and i keep purchase new powers like slam for example but how to increase the power slots i use in combat? thank you those who ask me not to put ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? alot i put them because of this mess...

@Stephen you can get rank 5 for sure
@LessPop_MoreFizz You didn't even say anything about my gravatar. lol
Wait, it's a different one?
@BenBrocka Certainly not giving up :) Just gotta upgrade my dupeDar :)
@BenBrocka You don't like him????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@Tristan What needs to be said? It is awesome.
no, it's the same guy, he just lost all his rep
@Stephen 14/25 first! Focus on the achievable!
Im just aming for rank 4
@Ullallulloo How could anyone not like him?????????????????????????
so if blizz hosted the D3 content on Amazon S3 and needed to send 100000 copies out to all the good little boys and girls, it would cost them $0.244 to do so per user.
huh, I just FINALLY figured out how this squadmates share ammo powers thing works
@LessPop_MoreFizz Just making sure you noticed. lol
I wonder how much Actiblizz saves by using their hybrid HTTP+BitTorrent system
over $10k? $100k?
I hear ya. Hopefully this weekend I'll have time to get some good questions off and then complete my grad school app :>
@Stephen school for what
M.Sc in Computer Science (Computation Theory)
fun; all the places I was applying to for grad school had their deadlines long long ago :P
@NickT per user per download.
@NickT That said, Blizzard uses bit torrent to distribute large files, so it costs them much less than that.
@Stephen is yours funded through work?
@NickT I'm in Canada if that makes any difference. I already have a prof so I just need to get past the grad comittee
@NickT No, I'll be paying myself.
Yeah, I'm sure bittorrent saves them a bundle on bandwidth
@LessPop_MoreFizz This. It's what Pando Media Booster is.
@NickT What are you hoping to do your master in?
I like that the guy points out that he adds a bunch of ???? because his question doesn't meet quality standards
@Stephen unrelated... PhD, biophysics
Yet fails to figure out that maybe it's NOT because the question really just happens to need some ??? to improve quality
@Sterno ...seriously
@Sterno Problams?
If I don't get a job this summer I'm going to apply for a MSc in Games (Game Technology)
@NickT Very nice.
@NickT I tried for quite a while to get good enough at astrophysics to transfer but was abyssal at it.
my BS is in electrical engineering
not quite sure why this school's gonna fund me for 4 years to do this, but w/e :P
grrr kai leng. I am totally going to do things to you that I can't repeat here.
Hate that guy
@BenBrocka don't talk that way about agent86
I'll talk however I want about him!
@BenBrocka Grats btw!
@agent86 Kai Leng advice: Take the renegade interrupt.
You'll know it when you see it.
It was pointed out to me earlier today that Kai Leng has visual similarities to Adam Jensen from DE:HR...If Adam Jensen hated floors.
great, sounds like I'll be getting even more renegade rep
the bar's already more than two pixels large!
it's like 10 pixels. I'm so evil
The voice acting in the mega man x OVA is so terrible.
@NickT Ours is not to question why, ours is but to publish or die :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz him and Udina both, there's nothing that could stop me from hitting that interrupt >:|
@Wipqozn is that the one with CUTMAN HERE TO MAKE MY ...CUT!
@LessPopMoreFizz When you said that, I was exactly at that time
I took it
@Wipqozn > The English voice acting in anime is so terrible.
Fixed that for you
@Brant haha, yeah.
nah, some can be good
only recent stuff tends to have a chance at that though
@BenBrocka Yes, but the majority of them are terrible.
(With the possible exceptions of Cowboy Bebop, and I guess certain characters in Hellsing)
Mushishi would be an example of an anime with excellent English VA.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Which is curious, because I was wondering how you could see it...Must have been a reflection somewhere, I guess.
Hellsing was pretty good
I assume everyone's heard the Baldur's Gate news by now?
Ooh no!
@Sterno I heard the countdown
@sterno no.. hmm?
Blah blah blah, updated Infinity Engine, artists and programmers, etc...
So it's an HD remake? I guess for PC, although I can't find anything about what platforms?
Man, I don't care about PC, just port that thing to iPad and take my money.
By the MDK2 HD guys.
I hope it's just an HD remake, and not all, "It's going to use 4E D&D" or "be a first person shooter" or whatever other dumb stuff they think of doing
That was a pretty long countdown just to confirm what everyone had guessed and provide no additional detail
Doesn't look like it, based on the four-paragraph press releasy thing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz that was the best interrupt in the series. Kinda wish it was interactive God of War style :)
@TylerShads Second best. Udina wins.
Because I'd been waiting for the Udina one since ME1
@LessPop_MoreFizz eh, he was a jackass, but doing that to kai leng, was so satisfying
or we both could be wrong and punching/headbutting that bitch reporter is actually the best
Q: Skip to the loo, anything happening here?

StephenSo the Normandy has a nice men's washroom, I'll assume for the moment that the women's loo is even more fabulous. In the long standing tradition of space sci-fi, I haven't had to pee yet (unless I've been doing it in my armor .. eww) Does anything actually happen in here or was this just to mak...

@Lazers Okay, so it's a little irreverently phrased, but it's not that bad.
@TylerShads I can't believe how few war assets you get for never punching her. The temptation is so high, that avoiding it should immediately end the invasion.
@TimStone yeah, the chance to bang the other one and keep her onboard are more than worth those assets, however
Well -3 will get me the peer pressure badge right? Something good has to come out of it.
@TylerShads Too bad you have to put up with the terrible voice acting of Jessica Chobot...
@Tristan shrug
I'm willing to go with anything at this point
> Recently, she voiced news reporter Diana Allers in Mass Effect 3. Her performance has been regarded as poorly delivered and not within the game's themes. [10]
You stay classy, Wikipedia.
@Brant I've seen a wiki article reference itself once
> Who whoa WHOA!!! This is Wikipedia. Did you read the citation for that line? Apparently "Song-hee had only practiced moving her fingers on the keyboard. She had never heard of the Internet." somehow becomes equivalent to "According to one report released in 2009, many North Koreans had never heard of the Internet"... – animuson 5h ago
@Brant The problem isn't the phrasing it's that it's just kind of a dumb question.
@LessPop_MoreFizz At least @Stephen got a Peer Pressure badge out of it. :)
@Brant Indeed!
@Brant I just hope that no one else is googling around about having to pee any time soon.
:) (and if they are what are the odds it'd hit stack exchange anyways really ...)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Indeed. The real question is why you can "Use" the toilet in your cabin, but not the one on the crew deck.
@TimStone no, the real question is why is the opposite's bathroom locked this time?
@OrigamiRobot Reach into your head, pull out the remote, and turn the dial back to normal.

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