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@Tristan Yeah, that's where I am and my brain twitched
Q: Do characters share weapons?

Ronan FormanDo you have one set of weapons for everyone or does each character have their own set? If it's the former, does selecting a weapon stop other characters from using it? Does this also apply to weapon mods?

Q: What is the Mass Effect 3 Value for Miranda to edit in Save Edtior

RevI'm trying to toggle Miranda's Romance to True in ME3 right before I meet her for the third time in the apartment so I can trigger the romance dialog option. I have found ID Value's for most of the characters besides Miranda. Romance Value ID's for MS3 Miranda - ????? Liara - 19722 Ash...

Q: Mass Effect 3: Is there a squad mate limit?

miracle2kIn Mass Effect 3, I am at a point were I am given the option to choose whether I want to take on a certain character as a squad mate. Doing so means I have 5 squad mates in total, which judging by the rendering of the selection screen seems like the max. If I opt to choose this character, does t...

@Lazers Hm, those IDs are for the "TrueLove" plot event for those characters, which Miranda doesn't have...
First World Problems: I'm hungry and my GF can't cook dinner yet because she's too busy cooking cupcakes.
Did this answer really require a downvote?
A: Cortez thinks I'm gay, will it affect my chances to date women?

TristanNo. Cortez thinking you're interested in him will have no effect on your chances of romancing the other potential candidates (except Traynor since she bats for the home team). Like the previous titles, you will reach a point where you tell your potential suitor that you just aren't into them lik...

@StrixVaria dot dot dot
@Tristan What downvote?
@StrixVaria Sorry. Un-upvote. Someone upvoted it and then removed their upvote.
This one got the downvote
A: Does the Quarian "history lesson" change if I've seen Tali unmasked?

TristanShort answer: No. Long answer: This is apparently a fairly significant plot hole. If you romance Tali in Mass Effect 2, Shepard does remove Tali's mask. Her face is Not shown to the player, but Shepard should at least have a general idea of Quarian anatomy by the time he views these memories. Ho...

@Tristan That question's title should have a semicolon, not a comma.
@OrigamiRobot You at home or at work?
It's probably not the best way, but I find asking questions even if it could be a dupe and then just looking at the original gets me just as good an answer.
@RonanForman cringe
It's easier than trying to use the search function.
@RonanForman Google
I use a technique called the human search.
Grrr... It still won't let me award my bounty...
Pre-Purchase Now: Yesterday: #PrePurchase http://bit.ly/zGApe6
Don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it.
It's rather paradoxical, the way it's phrased.
> Pre-Purchase Yesterday and receive a copy of The Next Big Thing to play now!
As in, if I pre-purchase the day before today, I get the next big thing now.
Oh, Kal'Reegar, why'd you have to go and get yourself killed?
@ArdaXi Oh, you have to follow the link.
@MBraedley aaaaaaaagh
@GraceNote Pre-Purchase Now: Yesterday still has that slightly paradoxical quality to it.
I won't say any more if that's a spoiler
@FAE You should just ignore everyone playing ME3 until you finish it.
@Wipqozn I'll just leave chat again. Later all.
@FAE toodles
@Wipqozn I think that's nigh impossible
Q: Do you get more Experience on higher difficulties?

Ben BrockaI noticed you seem to get more XP from Medi-gel pickups in Hardcore mode compared to regular mode. Do you get more XP in story mode when you're on higher difficulties?

Do we need an ME3 spoiler room?
If so, someone needs to come up with a catchy title.
@ArdaXi I'll likely forget all this by the time I play it.
Anyways, back to the game. Got to go <REDACTED>
damn you kinect for failing me
@MBraedley kinect fails everybody.
"kinect" is English for "fail"
I kinect'ed my history test today.
Hello chat.
yep, 25 minutes gone because kinect couldn't tell "Yes" from "No"
@ArdaXi The Citadel?
@ArdaXi Better yet, The Catalyst: Do not enter if you do not know, or do not want to know What The Catalyst is.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Both work
"Emergency Induction Port" oh Tali
@LessPop_MoreFizz it's Kingdom Hearts, isn't it.
that game had the weirdest ending, except for every other square game.
@Wipqozn You around?
@StrixVaria No.
It won't let me install until it launches!
this is actually a dream. In a few minutes you will wake up, and it will still be years before you can play D3.
That's going to waste my time come midnight!
I don't understand why they let you download D3 2 months before it comes out. Does the pre-sale come with beta access?
It should install and then not let me play until launch.
@MarkTrapp So that I don't have to deal with downloading 7GB at the same time as everyone else.
@StrixVaria Sure, but regular companies open preloading like a week or two before launch. There's still 2 months of dev time. Just gives people an inordinate amount of time to attempt to break the encryption on an unfinished game
@MarkTrapp That's a good point. I'm going to have to patch at launch :(
That's going to waste even more time!
Any of you fluent in Java?
@badp Yes?
because I'm having a hard time making the following stink less
I write Java code for money, so hopefully.
public interface Summable {
  public Summable __sum__(Summable other);

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

public class Summer {
  public static Summable sum(List<Summable> items) {
    Summable result = items.get(0);
    bool skipThis = true;
    for(Summable item: items){
       if(skipFirst) skipFirst = false
       else result = result.__sum__(item);
    return result;

@Paralytic oh hey, you found your way to chat. Welcome to Gaming.SE!
Q: Can you upgrade normal to collector's edition

ChrisI have been playing SWTOR since launch but I have now just seen a local game store selling collector's edition boxes for cheap (comparatively). I'm tempted to buy one but I wouldn't really want a second account, I'd just want to upgrade my current account to a collector's edition one. Does anybo...

Q: Why can't I target the reaper?

fredleyI'm fighting Geth, and I'm at the part where I have a targeting device and I have to 'target the reaper' All that happens is after a few seconds the reaper shoots me, I die. When I try and fire the device, all I get is a sort of impotent clicking noise, nothing happens. I've retried this 10 secon...

Q: What is the war asset value of the Krogan Clans if Eve survived?

ShurikenAfter the mission Priority: Tuchanka you are given some war assets, one of them is called "Krogan Clans". It has a value of 250 because in my play trough Eve died, I didn't save Maleon data. What is it value if Eve survive the mission?

I didn't write this with the help of an IDE so I've probably got a few things wrong to boot
What are you trying to accomplish?
the most faithful equivalent of this piece of Python
@Paralytic Also, as a heads up, there's a bit of a promo going on surrounding Mass Effect 3. You already have enough answers with high enough scores to win some good stuff you just need to use the share links on a few ME3 posts and get some friends to click on them within the next week. You should do that, because prizes are awesome.
def sum_of(*items):
  result = items[0]
  for item in items[1:]:
    result = result + item
  return item
(trying to introduce duck typing and whatnot)
(He's in striking distance of Captain if he just gets some shares. Which, for a new signup, is pretty awesome.)
the idea is having a function that returns the sum of a bunch of stuff regardless of what "sum" does actually mean for the input
Duck typing is going to be tough to do in Java.
Well really it's an implicit interface
it was more like the body of the function and having to skip the first item that bothers me
@StrixVaria Yeah, I think duck typing is pretty much completely incompatible with Java
but the sum has to start from some value
@badp You could do something like this
be it 0 or "" or []
How do I format fancy code like you did?
@StrixVaria ctrl-k
So, I just turned on CNN.
    public interface Summable {
	public Summable __sum__(Summable other);

public class Summer{
	public static Summable sum(Collection<Summable> items){
		Iterator<Summable> iter = items.Iterator();
		Summable ret = iter.next();
			ret = ret.__sum__(iter.next());
		return ret;
I would do something like that.
def sum_of(identity, *items):
    for item in items:
    return identity
Using the iterator explicitly.
@RavenDreamer I think you have some 'splainin' to do.
So you can grab the first one and then iterate over the rest.
@StrixVaria looks much nicer, thanks

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