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Q: Console Plantera Am I Ready?

user189931I Have Full Spectre Armour a Deadly Mega shark with cloriphied bullets and a terra blade and 3 friends am I ready for Plantera

This 2010 Photoshop tutorial, showing how to fake a Time cover, includes a sample barcode. Same code on Trump's fake https://leoamoretti.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/its-time-for-another-photoshop-tutorial/
This is the best dumbest thing ever
@TimStone All that work and the fumble at "November 4, 208".
It's even underlined!
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment I know this has been tried at least once before. It did not go well.
And it didn't even have a punny name!
@Ash wasn't that sexuality/lgbt though?
this one seems to cover that and a bit more. Not saying that it's a good idea, just pointing out the differences
I think the one expertsexchange joke more than enough from me.
@Avery I remember one general Sex.SE proposal.
Fairly certain I made an expertsexchange joke that time too.
@Yuuki which reminds me SExchange name proposal for the iphone app.
New 2TB hybrid hard drive installed. Now to transfer most of my Steam library there. One game at a time.
@MBraedley just move the library folder?
@Avery Still have to "reinstall" each game to the new library folder.
I don't think there's a batch move built in
not really. If you copy the tiny .vdf (< I think) thingy, it automatically detects it
you do need to restart steam though
@Avery that also i think had the install dir of the game
@Avery there has been a sexuality one and a separate LGBT proposal (a couple actually)
I'm assuming he already did that
@Ash huh, til
Sexuality didn't make it out of private beta, iirc
it was closed pretty early iirc
A: How can I move an installed game from one Steam library folder to another?

aytimothyAs of the Steam Client Beta Update of January 17th, 2017 you can use the built-in move function from within the Steam client. Since January 19th 2017 it is now possible to use the built-in "Move install folder" function from within the Steam client (even without participating in the beta program...

Easily the best way of doing it, since Steam will do all the heavy lifting.
(Also, that answer needs more upvotes, since it's the only current solution that is officially supported.)
Q: Token collector objective

user189932What is "complete token collector " in temple run2 at level 10? How do I complete it? I am not able to understand what is it. So I did not try it.

just wanting to confirm, the second processor speed is my max speed right?
@BlueBarren ok, so what happens if that second number is less that the first? i noticed on my dad's PC that it was 0.01 less
Shoudn't be :S
legalize ranch cc @GodEmperorDune
Interesting so mine the max speed I thought was higher then 3.5 because the 6600k boosts up to a higher clock or something
but I have 3.5 twice
@Avery would this be comparable to Windows? I would expect Linux to be smarter than Windows
this is the real linux way to get system info:
@Avery but you have two different numbers then, 1.7 and 2.4 2.7 (I can't read)
1.7 and 2.7
1.7 is base clock, 2.7 is turbo clock.
which is likely the case for you people's numbers too.
@Unionhawk ashleyfeinberg intensifies
@TimStone hue
@Avery so dank fam
@Unionhawk you can't spell passion without pee (tape)

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