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Meanwhile in copyright
...eh? Just got an email from Youtube that I started a counter notification process.I didn't. Anyone else get that in this Starr Mazer mess?
@Memor-X you still do. it's just 5 higher now
The article fails to do a useful comparison but it's not even clear that their attempted goal is better than burning natural gas even in the ideal case, so like, why? >_>
Q: Is there any reason not to turn on Morrowind's "Always Use Best Attack" option?

ThunderforgeIn the preferences for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind is a toggle named "Always Use Best Attack", which defauts to "off". Is there any reason not to turn this on? Are there circumstances where I would want to use a worse attack instead of my best one?

Because burning coal makes liberals mad.
i read in the paper that california has surplus solar and wind but is still building new gas power plants
so much surplus that we pay arizona to take the excess
that is the opposite of how "going green" is supposed to work
I think there are still challenges in grid-effective storage
Although there have been some pretty crazy-pants solutions in the works lately
fair, but the solution to that is not to authorize new plants that won't come online in time to make a difference
Reminder that tonight is the end of matching for donations. Also note that if you donate to MarioMarathon in the next ~40 minutes you'll be entered in for a chance to win a switch (for every $10 donated)
there is also some misincentivization where it is apparently more profitable to energy companies to build new plants but not to operate them at capacity?
and some bureaucratic thing where 2 different agencies have different visions on what needs to happen and neither one is fully in charge
See: This massive flow battery, the Germans creating a totally-not-ominous UNDERWATER POWER ORB,
and a little less directly these AC units that make ice
Stupid Ars URLs being all long and wrong
i'm sad that the underwater power orb doesn't glow like covfefe
if it glowed it'd be wasting energy
What's the use of storing all that power if you don't use some of it to do something cool, right?
you silly leftsideright disembodied head
how can you tell it's on without the blinkenlights
it's not going to be on
Oh, of course. The share links
Stupid hiding of functionality behind THE SOCIAL
RSS Superiority
@badp no one uses RSS anymore
@GodEmperorDune don't project your inferior news acquisition channels onto others
@TimStone whats the context on this zillow thing popehat is talking about?
Actually the story isn't that long
pulls up a comfy beanbag chair, drops down and makes themselves comfy
McMansion Hell is an excellent site critiquing McMansions which are often unsightly and sad
And omfgbbq it used pictures sometimes that were found on Zillow
@badp Yes this is part of the story
So Zillow whipped out its lawyers and got the site taken down on Tumblr and threatened to sue and blah blah
As it relates to Popehat it's an obvious fair use case threatened by corporate muscle so everyone on the entirety of Twitter made sure he was aware of it
(since the dude needs representation and whatnot)
Q: weapon_tttbase errors

Yeniaul AdrianadI've downloaded quite a few SWEP addons meant specifically for Sandbox that require weapon_tttbase. However, even after moving the script, the game won't load it. I do, however, get output to the console when trying to either use a weapon that requires it OR flat-out give myself it: Error creat...

@TimStone I'm very confused
maybe if I knew what a McMAnsion was...
Oh goody we get to tell the story about American excess too
3 cheers!
Oh, hrm
I'm disappointed because there's a King of the Hill episode relevant to this but I'm not able to find a clip on a non-sketchy source
If I wind up watching King of the Hill it's 100% your fault @TimStone
@Wipqozn it's a good show, bront
Anyway, McMansions are a product of Americans always wanting more, so they build obnoxiously large houses on moderately sized land plots
also i should probably rewatch it as a missed a lot of seasons
They usually feature pillars and stuff that adds to the ridiculousness
McMansion is also the less offensive term, i have heard them called more colorful things dipped in racism too
Ohhhh okay
basically race/racial slur + word for big home that rhymes or alliterates
looking into them, and basically @TimStone, it's what the Bluth company builds in Arrested Development
@Wipqozn no those are just model homes
Those look a lot sillier than the pictures in the Wikipedia article
Here's one by me. They managed to get a decent bit of land there too, but it's like a grouping of a few obnoxious $$$ houses
@murgatroid99 Yeah the Wikipedia article seems to count the bigger builder template homes as McMansions too
(Those aren't what the blog in question is about, though)
We have a whole neighbourhood here of $500k+ homes that are like what's in the Wikipedia article
@murgatroid99 mine is from LA where we like to take things to extremes
lol, i've seen some of these example mcmansions in person
i parked near this one when i went to a talk/book signing by the XKCD guy
Wait, 1 more hour before 10pm their time. So $10 donations enter you for a chance to win a Switch for another hour. Maths is difficult. Donate via the link in the star list <3
Q: What is a "Fat Scout"?

Steven VascellaroWhile playing Team Fortress 2, I've sometimes head players use the term "Fat Scout". Last I checked, the Scout can't equip the Three Level Chin, so what are people referring to when they say "Fat Scout"?

@TimStone Can confirm
My opinion of the USA has decreased significantly since Trump took over. Many of my Canadian friends agree.
I mean you did elect an actual crazy person to office
not you personally
but the country did
also Trump seems determined to just, like, destroy the world. The man is nuts.
If the midterms result in the GOP losing a lot of seats then my opinion will shoot back up again
@Wipqozn If recent special elections are any indication, that won't happen.
@Fluttershy yeah my opinion got even lower after that
It would be much lower if there wasn't a large portion of the country protesting against Trump
that march for women that happened shortly after he took office helped
Although everyday he doesn't get impeached certainly hurts, because come on now
It's going to be a long 8 years, I tell you what
@Wipqozn He would have to actually be caught doing something illegal. Being a shitty person isn't grounds for impeachment
"Senate Republican healthcare bill would cause 22 million to lose insurance" - reuters.com/article/us-usa-healthcare-idUSKBN19H1NZ
@murgatroid99 firing the head of the FBI to halt an investigation into himself seems illegal enough for me
@murgatroid99 with that Covfefe act if Trump deleted an old tweet would that be illegal?
@Memor-X I suspect it wouldn't be a serious enough crime to justify impeachment
@murgatroid99 I would've assumed the witness intimidation would've been enough for an obstruction of justice charge, at least.
@Fluttershy I'm not aware of the witness intimidation incident
"I lied about the tapes to influence Comey's testimony." Like... Come on, really? How is that not obstruction?
@murgatroid99 Threatening Comey with "tapes" ahead of Comey's sworn testimony, and then admitting to the reasoning for doing so after the fact.
@Fluttershy I think what he originally said was "Comey had better hope I don't release any tapes", which isn't a specific claim that he actually has any tapes
@murgatroid99 Right. It was a veiled threat with the sole purpose of influencing a witness ahead of testimony.
And, in theory, such tapes would only be damaging to Comey's testimony if Comey was actually lying
I think that claiming that you have recorded evidence of something that someone is testifying about is not in itself obstruction of justice
@murgatroid99 i think it was "had better hoped that there isn't tapes" rather than threaten to release any said tapes
@Memor-X yeah, that sounds more accurate
though i think that sparked Comey to then leak his own notes
I mean meanwhile independent of the president ugh I need to call Rob but I hate phones
@murgatroid99 And it wasn't, up until the point that he openly admitted he only sent the tweet to try and influence Comey's testimony.
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure what qualifies as obstruction of justice. Attempting to influence testimony may not be sufficient
@TimStone The solution is easy: impeach him. We might end up disliking Pence just as much, but at least we'd have confidence in his ability to govern effectively.
> To be charged with witness tampering in the United States, the attempt to alter or prevent testimony is sufficient. There is no requirement that the intended obstruction of justice be completed.
My understanding is that if anything would be obstruction of justice, it would be his firing of Comey, if it can be demonstrated that he did so in reaction to or in order to influence an investigation of him or someone associated with him
@murgatroid99 wasn't Comey the lead investigator for the Trump Campaign Russian Links thing? if anything isn't firing him obstruction?
@Fluttershy From what I can find, witness tampering has to involve physical force or the threat thereof
@Memor-X As I said, I think it needs to be demonstrated that the firing was actually related to the case
That was the point of Comey's testimony, but it's still his word against Trump's
@murgatroid99 I doubt that. Bribery or blackmail would probably be sufficient
@MBraedley The law is right here, and it is specifically restricted to physical force
@murgatroid99 Check section B.
@Fluttershy Yeah, I just saw that
> Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to
Just about to quote that
Sounds a whole lot like blackmail to me
McCaskill admits attending reception at Russian official's residence despite saying she never met him… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/879513882569715712
Yeah, "engages in misleading conduct... with intent to influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding" seems to exactly cover what he admitted to
They've gotten so used to lying it happens reflexively
(politicians in general, that is)
"the ahca actually expands Medicare, l2r"
@TimStone depends. a political lie would be to twist it and say "while yes i attended however i was there on official state business with someone else and was never actually introduced to the guy". a normal lie would be "no i didn't even went there fake news"
I mean but then we elected Donald Trump so now they're trying patent nonsense
@murgatroid99 At this point, if asked to choose whether a random person I had never met or Trump was more likely to tell the truth, I'd choose the random person
@SaintWacko or maybe Trump is just honest?
> Jack Sparrow: Me? I’m dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly… stupid.
@Memor-X Hm... Nah
Q: Can I join my neighbor on Minecraft PE if we have different internet providers?

RainbowCatIf my friend is a few blocks down the road. Would I be able to join her? We are on two different wifi networks, but we share the same provider (Verizon, AT&T, etc.). Would we be able to join each other?

user image
So that's a thing you can buy.
CENTCOM officials told @BuzzFeedNews they have "no idea” what prompted the White House’s Syria statement tonight https://www.buzzfeed.com/claudiakoerner/white-house-says-syria-may-be-preparing-another-chemical?utm_term=.ffYjZZJ8r#.qod2bb0z6
@Memor-X - sorry for the confusion. And this (forgot to attribute), just after I had my bi-annual that's-not-what-plagarsism-is debate with our language overlords. ;)
@Mazura don't worry about it these things happen
@Ash Not sure what to think. I think I'll buy it.
but bi-annual that's-not-what-plagarsism-is debate with language overlords?
Hi Bridge!
@Memor-X Mods over at ELU hating on SWR answers that are answers consisting only of block quote C&P
They call it plagiarism just so they have more ammunition to fight Single Word Request posts.
@Mazura I sincerely doubt that's their motivation.
@Coronus yo
Heh, shall I link the transcript? ;p
@Mazura No.
It can also be found about 6mo ago, and about a year prior to that. After that my memory is a little fuzzy.
It's not worth it. Please don't come in here just to complain about how other sites/rooms/mods/whatever are handling things on their own sites.
If you have issues with how they are doing things, there are ways to raise that, coming here to complain is NOT one of them.
@Coronus I would but, well, it's increasingly inaccurate as a personal descriptor :P
@Ash So are half the shirts I buy. I am hardly an Iron Man or a Tony Stark...
@Coronus you're not a superhero? Well darn, I was hoping. :P
(I also don't love purple as a shirt colour)
@Ash maybe think up another reason why you could say your single like.....you're single as in an individually unique person
> I am the single [REAL NAME] in the world
today's shirt, however, is quite accurate.
@Coronus ???
@Coronus Oh that's excellent I like that one
@Ash Upload delay. :P
@badp nothing surprises me nowadays
Made it to Sector 6 that run.
And then got swarmed by ships everywhere.
I fell asleep during a chat and now feel extremely terrible. Ugh.
@Frank Run on what?
@Coronus Everspace
It's a cross between FTL and Rogue Legacy.
That sounds like fun!
I just checked it out on Steam and that's exactly what I was going to ask. :)
'tis. Very much so.
All from the cockpit viewpoint?
Run was going so well. Then RNG hit and took away any new service stations.
@Coronus Or third person.
You can choose.
Q: Does the Super NES Classic Edition cartridge slot actually work?

SchneiderThe image looks like it has a cart slot but it's hard to tell if its active or just a non-functional aesthetic thing. Maybe it's just too small to be real?

Looks gorgeous, too
You're gonna die. A lot. And love it.
@Frank i watched it on TB's WTF is... video. can't see why you'd want to play in third person
@Memor-X It's how I play. Better navigation in tricky and tight areas.
Is Stellaris' Utopia DLC worth picking up?
@Frank So... roguelike! <3
@Coronus And you progress by dying!
@Ash you can only wear it for the next 12 hours tho
@GodEmperorDune true ture
We weren't hearing from a friend in the last couple days. And someone just sent me this (well, whole screenshot, but that has pii).
@Avery oh shit, sorry fam
At least she survived.
Damn, hun. :(
@Memor-X is there a tl;dr on what they did with their prices?
@Avery oh that was not an exaggeration? :/
@GodEmperorDune i don't see it but i think it was because of the Summer Sale
> I just came off the phone with Steam and they say we can't do the roll-back before the Summer Sale is over (otherwise it would mean we have to take all Paradox products off the summer sale) but it will be done right after
and from my understanding these price changes came close to the start
Donations matched. Thanks everyone for donating and supporting things :D
anyways i got Europa Universalis IV when it was on sale before the summer sale but the discount was the same, just that the DLC was cheaper and the DLC i am missing ain't on sale
@Ktash :thumbsup:
might get Stellaris now if it gets cheaper as apart of an apology discount/whatever
@Avery not your fault fam
1 hour later…
Allan Rickman is really a Wizard!
Morning chat
@KevinvanderVelden morning Kevin
I don't want to act like a dick or something, but did you guys really give @Ash a stuffed toy without removing the tags first?
@Nzall i didn't but why would you want to remove the tags? Ash might want to return it
@Nzall The gift was shipped to toxicfrog directly, who handed the box to ash, who opened the box. They were the first person to open it, so we couldn't remove the tags. Besides, it's marked as a gift so nothing like price is revealed.
@Nzall there was no price on the tags, because of what it was through, and because it was sent as a gift. It also didn't really have tags, because again, marked as gift.
ah, okay. I thought that WWF thingy was a tag.
(also as a general rule, phrases that start with "I don't want to be x, but..." usually mean you will sound like whatever x is. Just something to keep in mind.)
@Nzall just a soft tag that indicates it's a WWF item, noting more :)
@Ash I wasn't going to point that out this time =p
@KevinvanderVelden I'm sleepy so less filters
goes back to sleep
@KevinvanderVelden I was sleeping. Then I had a paranoia that alarm wasn't art.
Wasn't set, I mean
Aah fun times
Go to bed, tomorrow is already going to be exhausting enough with proper sleep =p
When the PM notices your 🌈Turban #LoveIsLove #ally #PrideParade2017 @PrideToronto #prideTO @CanadaMoments @Canada… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/879136901873233920
Q: In iOS edition what NPC comes after the Truffle?

Diamond dudeme next to Truffle thinking what NPC could come next

watch with closed captions.
You can nearly hear them speak.
2 hours later…
"Image of the United States has plunged under Trump, survey shows" - reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-image-survey-idUSKBN19I00F
Not just us Canadians that don't like you anymore
Which isn't surprising
Gonna be a long 8 years
@Wipqozn You're assuming Trump will last 8 years. I mean, there are a bunch of official government agencies that consider some of his actions to be obstruction of justice
which is grounds for impeachment
even if he lasts 4 years, he won't get re-elected
Or so everyone hopes.
hello me in 4 years: I know that I totally made a wrong guess. Enjoy.
@Wipqozn Israel and Russia like him more than Obama though!
Stefán Karl Stefánsson is expected to die in a couple days... or so imgur says.
@Avery I'm surprised his role on For Honour isn't mentioned on his wiki
@fredley oh goodie!
@Arperum seriously. Everyone thought he wouldn't get elected to begin with. Then 'he'll be impeached within a few months'. Then 'the gop will lose that Florida seat and that'll show' em'
Well not everyone
@GnomeSlice knew he would win.
I'm just going to listen to @GnomeSlice on all things going forward.
@Wipqozn He changed his name and avatar to something I can't remember. But he's not a sliced gnome anymore.
@Arperum He's now some sort of unsliced human
Those are the most boring kind
@Jutschge neither. that's a trombone.
@fredley I would assume so.
if only some people trash could leave well enough alone this could get entertaining
taking out all the death threat shit this doesn't even sound real
I think that it's about time we leave the alex mauer case alone to those that are affected by it.
she wants visibility and that's what we're giving her.
@Avery she seems to want the kind of visibility where people side with her but ain't getting it but instead is destroying any career she had
Yeah, she definitely wants visibility, but she's not getting the kind she wants.
This is all negative publicity, and all of it reflects extremely badly on her.
I'm tempted to replace the "credits" button with this on 1% of app launches.
@Avery No why.
mostly for meme reasons. Similar to minceraft.
@Memor-X taptap apparently had the counternotice process started on his behalf, so I think YouTube might be doing things and stuff
@Unionhawk yeh SidAlpha said something about that suggesting Youtube Gaming is behind it? (not sure what Youtube Gaming is or if it's related to Youtube)
totalbiscuit was offering to reach out to the people he has contact with as well
@Memor-X YouTube gaming is really just a different YouTube app that focuses on gaming streams
So in this context "youtube gaming" probably refers to some division of youtube
Q: What quests become unavailable after "Capture the Castle"

DeputyDildogI am up to the main quest "Capture the Castle" in the Blood & Wine DLC. While going to the mission, I got a warning telling me that doing this quest may result in some side quests becoming unavailable, so I've decided to not do it just yet. I've read that there isn't any quests that become unav...

All right code
What do I have to do to convince you to work
@Unionhawk Fix the bugs.
ran the storedproc myself, seems like it should work
all right
I guess the question is what the hell is my code running if it's getting a different result
@Unionhawk bribe me with chocolate
I don't know if that will help with the code but you should do that anyway
you can bribe me with drinks :thumbsup:
I wonder...
@Unionhawk cookies, or cake always work as a bribe where I am concerned and I am sort of cyborg which is like robots which is like computers so just shove some cake in there
Chinese grandma threw coins into turbofan engine to pray for flight safety. engine disassembled. real story that ha… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/879674204865429505
Le sigh
Did they charge her with attempted mass-murder/suicide?
@Ash just...shove cake into the computer?
brb, writing a programming language that runs entirely on cake emoji
@Avery rolls all over their bed
Q: Why the corpses disappear?

Mathias FalciLately I've had some nasty experiences in dayz, I know the game is in the beta version and I understand it contains bugs, but I want to understand why after a while the corpse disappears, I imagine it's some system to clean the items and not become "overweight " in the memory. Does anyone know i...

@Ash wedding day train: goo.gl/photos/NghXkf1JxeaxMQSH6
(sadly the view isn't as nice as from my old desk)
(but it does have a black engine, which I hardly ever see! Usually they're all orange.)
@GodEmperorDune so I had texted her asking why. You know those abusive people who say "I will kill myself if you X"? Apparently her father was like that. And apparently he didn't approve of she not being his son. Meh. Told her to report him for suicidal tendencies and just live with fosters as she used to.
Super fun :/
huh, I got invited to the lbry thing.
oh, yes, another blockchain on my ssd. Amazing.
@ToxicFrog aww heck yes. I know I loved you for good reasons! Like trains! should really get out of bed
@Avery why do you have the blockchain on an ssd? o.o
code status: working even less than before somehow

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