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Way back in the day there was a browser-based space game called Pardus
Possibly it's still around
I authored a greasemonkey script for it, although I no longer remember what it did
and kolmafia has its own scripting language built in
@Ash it changes the game drastically, takes some of the fun out of it and makes it into a more programmery kind of fun
@GodEmperorDune yeah, you guys can have that fun
@Ash as a non programmer, you can still play it and it improves the UI, gives hints, that sort of thing
@GodEmperorDune yeah, but if I gotta install a thing, I don't think I should do that here
and I kinda like my routines. And the wiki generally helps me if I need
@Ash then i recommend continuing in browser
shall do :)
looks at budget, tries to decide if buying a Mr. Accessory is in the cards or not
encounters the Toot Oriole
Epsilon has purloined my chair.
@ToxicFrog you know it belongs to cat-kind anyhow, as do all house furnishings
@Ash did i send you a wedding gift in kol? i don't remember
Also this is reminding me that Progress Quest exists
I wonder if I still have my saves somewhere
@GodEmperorDune you thought about it but I don't think so
Wooo liver popsicle
not that I can use anything you send right now anyhow >.<
silly ronin
arg, ronin
I don't know if I can even get out of ronin fast enough to use anything any time soon, I still have like 900 turns
It won't let me mix whiskey with grapefruit
ok, are you overdrunk yet?
Zero stars
What kind of game lets me make liver popsicles but not grapefruit whiskey
@GodEmperorDune Nope, just at peak drunk, am out of martinis
@Ash ah :(
Please VTRO the Monkey Island Games question, if only so that it can be closed for a legitimate reason... or not.
@Mazura please give us clear reasons why we should and why the current close reason is not sufficient.
N/A: Questions asking for help identifying a game, based on a description, feature list, or any other criteria are off-topic; this blog post might help. One exception is identifying games based on an actual piece of the game, i.e. screenshots or audio clips." –
"based on a feature list or any other criteria" applies though
It's basically "tell me which games do a thing"
So that's why that reason was used
So it should be broken into one question for each game?
If it gets reopened, I'm voting to close it again instantly.
A bit superfluous, no?
Sounds a bit more like a game design question than a real, practical problem.
its asking to prove a negative which is basically impossible to do across 4 games
@Frank eh, I disagree - "can I potentially render this game I own unbeatable" is somewhat a legit concern, if I am understanding what they're asking
@Ash But they're asking in the aspect of, "How can I design my own game to ensure that doesn't happen?"
@Dragonrage You sound pretty confident that you can't brick an MI game...
Not in any, "I'm stuck and can't progress" sort of way.
@Frank oh, I missed that context
@Mazura well, so far, there's little evidence presented that you can.
So, it's easier and nicer to believe that the game isn't going to die on you.
@Ash And there won't be if it's closed.
@Mazura it's still kinda a problem because of the above that I first mentioned, though, scope wise
@Mazura if you cant prove you can, its impossible to prove you cant without an exhaustion test
"Perhaps I'll expand this question to all LucasArts games" does not fill me with hope, either
"Has anyone ever found such a bug in the Monkey Island games?" This is a bad premise for a thing because yeah, a millino people who have played it will be like "nope" but it's very needle in haystack to find maybe if someone has
I'll admit, asking if breaking one quest or w/e is kinda useless. Can I break a MI game is an awesome question though.
@Mazura Why?
@Mazura Why is it awesome?
@Ash SE is for finding needles in haystacks.
@Mazura Not always, no.
@Ash Because I don't think you can.
@Ash its asking to find a needle that may or may not exist in one of 4 haystacks
IMO, "here is my current game state, is it broken" is fine, and "has anyone broken it" is fine-ish because if someone has you can point them at that, although if no-one has it's hard to say if that's because no-one has or because they just didn't document it
@Dragonrage at that point, just go buy a needle!
"can it be broken" is much broader.
So, less haystacks then, or what?
@ToxicFrog "has anyone done x" is bordering on weird discussion-y forum territory that we generally try to avoid
Please see the comments on the question.
The problem isn't so much that it has multiple games, I feel. It's more about there being no real practical utility to it. It's trivia.
Because we could get a lot of "Not me <here are more words because character limit>" posts
@Mazura I have.
Multiple times now.
I think the closest you can come to definitively answering this question is "the developers tried to make this impossible", possibly with "but they failed here, here, and here" if people have in fact broken it.
Like, if I were asking this I would accept an answer that's "here's a quote from a lucasarts dev talking about how they tried to make it impossible to get their games into an unwinnable state"
its essentially one of those things where you just have to assume innocent until proven guilty
@ToxicFrog Yeah, I guess. I'd rather it be a walk through of how to brick MI.
I don't find myself agreeing with @Frank a lot but hey it happens
Like all FF games, unless you die I'm pretty sure they're all still beatable no matter what.
Where's that question ;)
In MI you can't even die...
@Mazura I'd rather have that as well, but there is no guarantee that such a thing exists, and it's functionally impossible to prove that it doesn't, sooooo
To me, "how can you softlock game x" is at least too broad for any x
Yay! Ni no Kuni II comes out November this year!
@ToxicFrog So give it a few days at least...
@ash, quick question, how hard is it for a mod to change a tag name?
@Unionhawk Not for any game that no one here thinks is possible.
@Dragonrage In what sense?
It's not even about it being impossible or not
woo paypal softlocked my account
Gah, now I'm going to try and look up the the answer to a closed question, because I want to know the answer. SE you failed me today.
@Avery aww damn :(
@Ash for changing the tags now that we have a tentative 35 character limit to see how it works and to make sure nothing breaks
technically I was violating half of EULA.
@ToxicFrog right, but in that case, if it requires dev knowledge to answer, that's usually a different close reason ;)
still, 60usd wasted is 60usd wasted.
@Avery how do you softlock a PayPal account is off topic on gaming dot stackexchange dot com
@Dragonrage not too tricky, I know @badp was poking sticks at things
@Ash It requires someone who has done it to tell us how to do it.
@Mazura and if no one has done it.....
ok, i was just hoping we didnt dump a ton of work on our mods with the extra character limits on the tags
@Unionhawk but what if I need the account to buy steam wallet codes so that I can buy shovel knight?
@Ash I'd take a dev's word on no though.
@Ash if the dev knowledge is something they've posted publically, though
@Dragonrage It shouldn't be too bad, likely once we know we won't explode a thing, we'll work on hammering them out
Like, there's a difference (or if not, IMO, there should be) between "answering this requires asking the developers" and "the devs have already answered this in a talk/web page/blog/commentary"
@ToxicFrog but how do you know that it will be answerable?
That's the hard part
@ToxicFrog i think the general rule is if its dev info required, it doesnt matter if it is released or not
I just don't understand how the question Can you F-up in MI? is off-topic.
@Mazura We're trying to explain that.
@Mazura I don't think off topic is correct, however it is too broad as far as I'm concerned.
@ToxicFrog There is, but how do you build a consistent policy on that?
@Frank Exactly - because we have no way to know when the question is asked if that info exists.
(short of self-answers but that's a different beast)
The question is asking to consider an entire game and asks if there is any unintended way to cause a softlock
Which in my experience following glitchy games creates 2 possible scenarios: it is impossible, but that answer just gets "-1 HOW DO YOU KNOW" comments, or there are a million ways to do it
"Most Lucas Arts adventure games didnt have an unwinnable state. that happened more in Sierra games. There are a couple games, but you should be good in Monkey Island." –did-i-fail-monkey-island
@Unionhawk I'd agree on that, but I can also see how the current close reason was selected, and I'm not sure reopening a question just to close it for a different reason is a good use of time.
@Mazura "There are a couple games" which ones? how do you get there?
That's the question
Vague forum post is vague.
@Ash it isn't
Which LA Games are breakable?
@Mazura ITG based on list of features.
Likely to be closed.
(also thats hella broad)
Ok fair point. Separate question for every LA game ever made then...
@Ash 95% sure almost any bridge member would vtc within 5 seconds of seeing that
@Dragonrage I was trying to be conservative, but likely yes
@Mazura Still too broad, because it stems from a potentially negative question.
Although now I'm realizing that softlock isn't the right word, since a softlock usually frees up with a reset
@Frank Questions asking to prove a (in your opinion) likely negative, fall under too broad?
"Can this be broken" "well I didnt" "neither did I" "me neither" "Nope, I managed to play without issue" "I've played them all 1000x without problem" "well I broke it this way"
@Mazura reopen one bad question or i'll create several bad questions isn't much of an argument
@Ash That last guy, he's who I wanna talk to.
@Mazura "Consider this entire game. Can I somehow glitch it to cause this specific scenario?"
@Mazura what if there isn't that guy
Literally useless.
@Mazura but questions are not for spurring conversations
they are for getting answers
Or what if someone thinks they're that guy, but then someone else comments and is like "nope dude you just missed putting the mustache on the pumpkin"
asking on a forum would probably be better.
we don't do well with trivia question type stuff
those questions dont really work here
Mods having to delete crap isn't my concern. The one guy who knows something about this could end the "discussion"
@Mazura that is literally a strawman
It's called throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Not in this case.
I don't think there's a baby in that bathwater.
That's the problem. You wouldn't even let them bathe.
@Mazura Sometimes, the baby doesn't need a bath!
(yes I know this is a silly continuation but it's a silly metaphor anyhow)
And I'm the strawman here? ;p
This is officially a silly discussion
puts on their silly hat and does a silly walk because it's almost going home time anyhow
Your current argument is just "maybe the question is good"
My argument is that maybe someone has the answer to the question. Who are we to say that it's out of the realm of possibility?
@Mazura the reason it's closed is because it's not a good fit for arqade
Ah ha.
All I'm saying is that if it gets reopened, I'm voting to close it again. Too broad, game identification, whatever. Close vote ahoy!
So the close reason is BS window dressing. OK then.
@Mazura no?
whether some human exists that could potentially answer it is irrelevant
Answerability is a poor metric for everything ever
@Mazura the close reason goes into specific details for why it doesn't fit
So "maybe it can be answered" is not an argument for reopening
It's not a good fit here, if we reopen it because you don't like the current reason, it's going to get closed for another reason more than likely because at the core, questions shouldn't be judged on pure answerability
Maybe it can't be answered isn't either
if you feel strongly about this @Mazura, please make a meta post about it
(@Unionhawk is reading my mind, it's great)
(nor is "this cannot be answered" a good argument for closure on its own)
Nor is we don't like it
@Mazura we aren't just being playground meanies, here. We're trying to clarify why we judge things the way we do and why we use our close reasons the way we do and how this ended up as it did.
And why it isn't a good fit.
unrelated question, what is the proper thing to do on a late answer that duplicates an earlier answer?
@GodEmperorDune does it add anything new?
@GodEmperorDune like plagiarized dupes or just says the same thing?
@Unionhawk On the surface, I want to kneejerk disagree with that. But then I think about it some more, and, yeah, none of our close reasons are for, "This can't be answered."
@Dragonrage some rambling about how cool it is that the poster is at max level
@Ash says same thing
In general, vote on it on its own merits if it doesn't smell like a copypasta
@GodEmperorDune link
Q: How do you get wheelspins in Forza Horizon 3?

FrosteezeI noticed that you can get wheelspins, the game's equivalent of a gacha roll, every time you level up. I also noticed that you can get it at the end of a race. But what happens when you reach max level? What are the ways to get wheelspins?

A: How do you get wheelspins in Forza Horizon 3?

Akhanu HuskyI am level 1000 or platinum as they say. The way it works is you need 93,585,000 exact XP to make level 1000 and after that you get a wheel spin every $200,000 XP. You don't get any extra money however ...my lifetime earnings when I made level 1000 was 580 million. I have every car in the game in...

A: Duplicate answers and you

FrankClarification going forward: I classify reorganizing information into a more readable format as something new. I would also classify an overall answer, pulling together information from all other answers, as something new. Both of those show effort. I classify adding anything, content, organiz...

Id just downvote it and move on, myself
In other news:
My apologies - I guess I should have read the rules! Kudos to the community, though, for not being rude about my rudeness. I shall be more compliant in the future :). — mdip 21 hours ago
I was actually flabbergasted when I got that response.
@Frank aww heck yes
That's awesome. Hopefully they stick around!
i almost want to give OP a badge for being a reasonable person
@GodEmperorDune it doesnt really seem to answer the question
@GodEmperorDune I kinda want to be like "do you like cookies because I wanna give you cookies"
@Frank on its own is the operative phrase yes
@Dragonrage it answers "you get wheelspins every $200,000 XP"
That reminds me of this:
but the accepted answer has that and other ways to get wheelspins
Oct 22 '13 at 19:55, by Wipqozn
wait, that's it? No huge fight? You guys are just going to agree to respect each others opinion and move on?
Oct 22 '13 at 19:55, by Wipqozn
This is ridiculous. I demand internet bloodshed.
@Wipqozn no. bad turtle.
blood is hard to get out of the carpets
@GodEmperorDune thats like an afterthought to the whole answer though
I don't want to be responsible for that cleaning bill
@Dragonrage its really poor quality, i agree
@Ash Even harder to get out of turtleshell!
@Ash i feel like replacing the carpet would be easier
sounds like a great question to ask over at domestic chores
@Dragonrage and that's not cheap either! gotta move all the furniture and rip up the old and get the new installed and I just don't think I am made for that kind of headache
how do i get bloodstains out of my carpet?
because reasons
@Frank @Wipqozn will just jump in the sea to clean it
@Ash This is step one when I take possession of my place.
@Dragonrage tomato sauce
salt water is pretty good for cleaning things
@Memor-X cold water is good for tomato stains
Man what a terrible picture of me

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