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Important cat ninja news
@Beedrill I love Soul Calibur. They need to make another one ASAP. The customization was my favorite thing in 5. Wow, that is a seriously game changing dynamic.
Tekken plays the most like Soul Calibur of any non-Soul Calibur fighting game I've seen.
It's not exactly the same, but it's close.
The character customization in Soul Calibur was great, the fact that you could stick any moveset on any one of your custom characters was super fun.
Comeback mechanics are pretty out of place in fighting games IMO.
I didn't like x-factor in MVC3 either.
It does make for really dramatic tournament moments, though.
I can't wait to watch Evo this year.
I hear Street Fighter introduced a lot of unpopular things.
Or at least unpopular with the competitive crowd.
Hmmm, I may have told my factorio logistics system to stop building assembly machines when it had more then 10 requestor chests
@KevinvanderVelden rekt
while (x<10) y++?
@Unionhawk yeah
In my defense, they're both blue
Q: Is there any type of Coop Career Mode for the recent FIFA and PES?

AndraSolYears ago, I remember playing a couple of versions of FIFA for PC that had a game mode that I loved. My cousin and I were able to each create one player character and play with them off-line (side-by-side) to develop them over time. It was similar to a player career mode, but each of us could h...

Q: Does using the Console in Don't Starve leave a mark?

jvriesemSuppose I want to use the console to spawn an item, fix a bug, or do whatever. Will it leave a "cheater flag" in my save file?

@Yuuki One of the things it introduced is unpopular with the competitive crowd because it invalidates a skill that they spent a long time perfecting, but that provided a huge barrier to entry for new players.
In old street fighter games, there were a lot of combos that required 1 or 2-frame links (i.e. you have only 1 or 2 frames, and those frames only, to press a button for the combo to work).
@KevinvanderVelden while(◻️<10) ⬜++
In SFV the minimum number of frames for a link is 3, which is considerably easier to execute.
So the ability to execute combos is extended to pretty much anybody who puts in a few minutes, rather than only people who practice and drill their muscle memory daily.
IMO it's a good change, but people who had already put in the time on previous games were upset.
Most of the other complaints about SFV are lack of features or technical complaints about input lag or netcode.
@Avery those are medium white square and large white square, respectively
Street Fighter has to appeal to new players if it wants to thrive. This makes the ELDER ONES angry.
@MadMAxJr Pretty much.
There is a trend in fighting games recently towards new players and accessibility, though, which I think is great.
Letting new players do OK at the game doesn't have to mean that the skill ceiling is lowered.
That's why I liked BlazBlue when it first hit the scene. It had some characters with very basic combo strings.
BlazBlue's real combos were insanely difficult, though.
Still, with Ragna I managed to work my way up to more complex combos.
@Beedrill 2 days after my birthday!
I just love the style of BlazBlue.
Still sad there are no more dubs of that game. Loved Makoto's VA.
@PrivatePansy it delights me.
The BlazBlue finals at Evo in either 2014 or 2015, can't remember, were absolutely bonkers.
Still, I suck at fighters and I could do enough in that game to have some degree of my fun with friends who were way more into regular fighter play.
I found BlazBlue to be one of the least new-player-friendly fighters in recent memory.
Maybe I just tried playing as particularly complex characters.
Admittedly I had two combos I kind of used as crutches and they punished the hell out of me if I had a slight misstep.
You don't pick up that game and go right for someone like Bang.
I forgot her name, but I played as the girl with the stick mostly.
Yeah, that's it.
Deploy stick, recall stick, punish them for moving anywhere on screen with stick.
Then in later games the story mode turned into light novel mode and I fell asleep.
Does anyone ever actually care about the story in a fighting game?
I tried to find it interesting in the first game, some kinda weird time loop they're trapped in.
But then it got too left-field and I just wanted to hear the squirrel girl talk.
Curious if they'll do one of those games on that fancy new engine they used for Guilty Gear.
I'm going to look into Guilty Gear if I tire of Tekken 7. I never got into that series.
I'm just going to slowly skeletonize while waiting on a new Soulcalibur.
Should go with Dragon Ball Fighter Z
I don't think competitive players take Soul Calibur seriously, but for casual fighting game players it is unmatched.
instead of Guilty Gear just because Dragon Ball
There's a Final Fantasy fighting game coming out I think later this year.
It has the over-the-shoulder-type perspective like Naruto, though, instead of a side view.
> On June 15th, Jones was released from jail on a $100,000 bond with orders that he must abstain from using the internet while awaiting trial.
why are these people even allowed to bail
Bail just means he can go home before the trial rather than waiting in prison. He gets the money back if he shows up for his trial, and he doesn't get the money back if he flees.
I didn't know that's how bail worked
The point is that he's not guilty yet because you're "innocent until proven guilty", so holding him with no possible way for him to get out is potentially a violation of his rights.
up until now I thought you could just pay not to go to prison
A lot of people think that.
Once you're convicted, you can't just pay to be released.
There's parole and stuff but it's not money-related.
The bipartisan Stronger Patents Act will protect America's perpetual motion machine: innovation http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/article/2626618 via @dcexaminer
@TimStone there is no way in hell this is good news
So one of my Senators is sponsoring that bill (I haven't looked at it, really)
But uh
@TimStone I don't have the heart to tell him
You do it
@TimStone Why am I getting a Rebecca Black warning on that?
Plus I've got enough bullshit to deal with
> See, we already have a perpetual motion machine: it's called the American economy, and we need to make sure nothing stops its forward momentum.
I thought it was Twitter outrage
@MBraedley Uhhh
@MBraedley I'm getting it too.
Actually, I don't know
@TimStone cc @fredley wtf
> As just one example: the Patent Trial and Appeal Board – created just a few years ago as part of the America Invents Act – is now invalidating parts or all of at least 92 percent of the patents that are subjected to the approval process. One former federal judge called PTAB judges a "Death Squad" looking to kill intellectual property rights.
yes yes there is no way this is good news
Of course it's not good news this is 2016 cont'd
> For the first time, the United States has slipped out of the top spot in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's global intellectual property index for patent protection – we are now an embarrassing 10th!
I'll take 10th tbh
Fuck it
> The Stronger Patents Act also restores funding to the Patent Transfer Office and helps stop large infringers from wearing out their smaller competitors in court by permitting preliminary injunctions
wait how does this
There are at least 10 good countries
is this the bit where the neo-speak begins
@badp Does...does it go both ways?
So the only metric is the number of patents?
> We need to lead the rest of the world into the future, and we can only do that through defending strong patent rights.
@TimStone Well obviously you have to protect the large company against the small potential infringer, DUH
Can we talk about how the article literally opens up with an anecdote about the author actually spending time trying to create a perpetual motion machine?
@TimStone god fucking dammit
I mean at least the article doesn't mention "software" even once
dunno about the bill
@TimStone You can't trust any scientists until you verify their findings for yourself.
That's because all software is actually an intellectual property idea like all ideas
I mean
Can we also talk about how the bill's name abbreviates to SPA?
software is considered to be art and thus intellectual property right?
@TimStone Francorchamps?
me, an intellectual, pointing at a passing seagull: "patented"
Alright, now I'm going to have to read the actual bill. Damnit
@Unionhawk me, mod abuser for good: fixed that meme for you
I can't do enter on mobile
So thank
Q: Did any of the Monkey Island games have unsolveable states?

palswim"Bug reports" abound regarding supposed bugs in the Monkey Island series, though I've found very few that represent actual bugs. Most bug reports seem to arise from a frustration at the player's inability to solve a particular puzzle in the game. In my younger days, playing through the games for...

Okay, I got bored and started skimming
There are some Bad Things and some Good Things
that's almost miraculous
Unfortunately I feel like the Good Things are not specified completely enough to outweigh the Bad Things so I might have to make some complaints
It basically restricts inter partes review and prevents post-grant challenge on the basis of anything that could have been determined during the initial filing, unless the requesting party is being sued and/or claimed to be infringing, which isn't horrible per se, but likely ripe for abuse
Then a whole bunch of other things that just make the process harder
But then later it also includes provisions for requiring that cases against individuals/small businesses claimed to be infringing be expedited, presumably to reduce the scenarios in which going to trial is so much more costly than settling even if you aren't guilty
Hmm, it does include an interesting bit about bad faith
This language would actually be good RE: copyright tbh >_>
Like those companies that spam YouTube for stuff they don't actually have a right to enforce copyright over
@TimStone Maximum penalty of $5,000,000 for bad faith claims of infringement
@TimStone this sort of already is a thing in copyright
it proved to be completely toothless
Yeah what does bad faith mean etc
Hmm it's worth noting that this patent legislation stalled out in an earlier Congress, which apparently led to a bunch of states already enacting similar laws
@Unionhawk It defines it, no worries :P
Well, it constitutes what is considered a violation. I guess if you came up with a plausible explanation for how it was totally an accident then maybe you'd get away with it?
@Unionhawk this is all from that image you posted a while ago
TIL @TimStone is a patent expert
@GodEmperorDune I was like "wtf is the last word" though and apparently I'm dumb
@GodEmperorDune Who isn't an expert in everything these days?
@Unionhawk I knew it from a golden girls refrance
But yeah, there are some pretty Not Good parts. I'm gonna have to annotate this ish |:
That's 100% to be expected though because the co-sponsor is Tom Cotton soooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Surprised it doesn't include a provision for the patent holder to just wait until the infringer dies and then take their entire estate
Hmm, someone stabbed an airport police officer in Michigan?
@TimStone were they arguing about who is more racist?
lol yeah I saw that too
CNN's breaking news bulletin currently says "Preliminary indications are that the Michigan airport suspect said something in Arabic before stabbing officer, officials say" even though the article doesn't mention this at all
So that's super helpful gg CNN
@TimStone Maybe open with "officials say", CNN.
Yeah, or just don't quote people off the record on something like that |:
Tim Stone 2016+4
yesterday, by Tim Stone
"—No, no, shhhh"
A tequila company George Clooney started by accident is being sold for $1 billion http://read.bi/2sqjl2Q https://t.co/sPwCdLZ5tP
I too wish to be Very Popular and thus paid handsomely for things I do accidentally
have you tried being a presidon't
"The Stronger Patents Act also restores funding to the Patent Transfer Office and helps stop large infringers from wearing out their smaller competitors in court by permitting preliminary injunctions" doesn't this just make it open season for patent trolls?
I mean, this might make sense in a world where the PTAB has finished burning down 95% of filed patents
Huh, that's an interesting way to conceptualize Gabriel's Horn: "You can fill it with paint but you can't paint it."
@Yuuki Damned limits
> Despite being similar shapes, the vuvuzela is the opposite of Gabriel's Horn: finite surface area but with infinite volume.
@ToxicFrog The text of the bill only touches on this briefly because it's amending an existing code (which I'd have to look at in full, ugh >_>), but the implication seems to be that only in cases where someone was blatantly infringing would the court then now have the ability to issue a preliminary injunction
@Yuuki NO
@TimStone my concern is rooted in the fact that a lot of patent troll activity is rooted in "infringement" that is blatant, but of a patent that should never have been issued in the first place.
Can we get badp carbon dated? Homestuck memes... That's Mesozoic level internet strata.
@Beedrill Yeah, I'm not a fan of vuvuzelas either.
@ToxicFrog Yeah, it seems like a pretty valid concern. I'll make a note
IIRC, communicating with a central database is currently a patent.
(and the patent troll is gambling that most targets will be willing to settle rather than paying 10-100x as much to drag it through the courts and ultimately get a ruling that either (a) the patent is much, much narrower than the troll is claiming or (b) the patent shouldn't have been issued in the first place and is invalid)
@badp isn't that what he does when he <insert twitter notification sound> #tweets?
@Avery twitter makes no notification sound
do not be silly
it would be awful if this happened
it does
on iphone, at least.
if it makes any notification sound it shall be the default notification sound
no application gets a custom notification sound except maybe my work email
and if you think your thing is more special than that, fuck your thing
spams tweet sounds
replaces @Avery with a very tiny bash script
how do you know I'm not?
> The word 'bed' looks like a bed.
Now that I saw that pattern, I can't unsee that
Then clearly Italian is the superior language since letto looks like a more properly proportioned bed. with cat ears
@Yuuki OK looks like a dude with arms and legs.
riding a skateboard
the dude is grinding a rail
Doing an ollie.
His skateboard has good suspension.
He put too much weight on the front and back and bent the skateboard.
or rather
O-|-< ):
he's charging some sweet jump
@Yuuki Let's keep it PG please.
that is not how to land a sweet jump
He tried grinding down a handrail but messed up and is about to lose the ability to have kids.
I thought that was pretty PG. It's like every AFV skateboarding video.
what does int[,] do in c#?
@Dragonrage with a comma?
Q: What does it mean when there is a comma inside an array declaration? e.g. float[,]

rickyI have some code I'm trying to understand while learning C#. I do not understand what I even need to search Google for to get here, but the code is as follows: float[,] heightAll = terData.GetHeights(0, 0, allWidth, allHeight); Why does the array declaration have a comma in between the bracke...

First hit for [C# array comma]
ah, ty
2d arrays were a thing in C#?
my whole life has been a lie
@Avery n-d arrays! You can add more commas to get as many dimensions as you need.
kills avery.sh
I am a plantom process.
like those f-ing terrible ones that don't die even when you run kill -9
But it actually didn't close though.
why would you want to adjust bounds from 0...X to X...X?
Q: How to cancel a scheduled delivery gift on steam

Alex BanThe title says it all. I've tried searching for the answer but I couldn't find anything. Please help

@Dragonrage hm?
you can change the lowerbound on an array so you could have an array with indexes -5 to 5
well, to force size of data, maybe.
or to create an authentic lua feeling
if you're into that kind of thing

Proposed Q&A site for people seeking answers about ketogenic diet

Closed before being launched.

Hot water circulation

Proposed Q&A site for discuss technology related to hot water circulation, hot water circulating pumps, hot water recirculation and making hot water convenient and more efficient.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment ...that's horribly speciifc.
Q: PUBG Texture isnt loading

Jw MarSo when I drop out of the plane the houses and everything is blury . It takes like 1 minute or 2 to load which by that time I would be dead . I have set everything on very low . SPECS : GTX 950 OC I5 4590 3.30ghz 8 GB RAM

Q: MCPE chunks.db to level.db

Toufic BatacheI was searching in my old files and found a Minecraft PE world that dates from when the world was stored as chunks.db. I tried to open it using the latest version of MCPE but the game crashes. The problem seems to come from the chunks.db file as it is not supported in 1.1.1. I searched on Google ...

if you call array.length on a multi dimensional array, it will give you the amount of elements within the entire array correct?
@Dragonrage that's really useful when the array represents, say, coordinates on a grid -- you can make the array coordinate space match the coordinate space of whatever it's modeling, rather than needing to offset the indexes every time you access it
@Dragonrage What language?
Does the language support actual multidimensional arrays (I think C# does), or do you just have an array of arrays?
C# does
@murgatroid99 this is C#
Oh, I see. I missed the context
can someone explain to me why i would be 8 here?
string s = "\\My Test\\\\";
int i = s.LastIndexOf(@"\\");
Q: Minecraft /testfor item rotated a certain way in an item frame

DonielFIs there a way to set a command block to detect if an item frame has a certain item in it rotated to a certain position?

Q: How to stop thrown eggs from spawning chickens?

SonicBlue22I'm using retextured snowballs and eggs for the different paintballs for two teams in a paintball map, so I can't replace the eggs with snowballs. I have tried using /gamerule doMobSpawning false, but that still allows the chickens to spawn. I have also tried using /tp @e[type=Chicken] 0 0 0 on ...

@Dragonrage My best answer is "Why wouldn't it be?", heh >_>;
@Dragonrage 8 looks like the correct answer to me
Isn't @”\\" literal \\?
@Unionhawk Yes, it is
wouldint s[8] be t?
backslashes are weird
@Dragonrage 0-indexing.
Hold on my brain is melting because you have mixed @"\\" and "\\"
s[0] is '\\', s[1] is 'M', s[7] is 't' and s[8] is '\\'
@ToxicFrog I think you miscounted
Wait, now I'm getting confused
No, @ToxicFrog is right
"\\My Test\\\\" is stored as "\My Test\\" I think because escaping.
(s not being a verbatim string)
What @Yuuki said.
So the answer is 8 and s[8]=@"\"
And it looks like @"" is rawstring, so @"\\" is two backslashes, rather than one backslash represented by a two-character escape sequence.
@strings are best strings
So lastIndexOf @"\\" eqv lastIndexOf "\\\\" => 8
oh, ok, that makes sense now. @"\"'s are confusing
i had myself confused
i was pretty sure initially that it was 8, then i confused myself
The entire point of the @ is to have it not evaluate escape sequences
Very useful for regexes
Or sql
or cases where your string is "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
for some reason
Q: Armor_Stands "disabled slots" bug?

GanjalfSo i've noticed that you can't spawn an ArmorStand where the hand can only be removed whereas replace/place are locked. (DisabledSlots:2039582) Instead it only seems to work when using the following code which allows both hand remove and replace: (DisabledSlots:2039326) Is there a way to fi...

Q: Pokeman Go --unable to authenticate

Margo Hein-MunizI am using a Samsung Galaxy 7 and set up my acct through the trainer Club. I had to reinstall the program and now it states unable to authenticate. I am entering my password, date o birth, etc correctly. any ideas? I am able to access the trainer site on the internet.

@Unionhawk to confuse people who are taking a test when applying for a job
if it's paper write a big "this is confusing and silly use @"\your string etc\\""
Except it isn't so
i had a programming question asking what happened when you have a default constructor that threw an exception
the constructor was literally THing(){throw new exception;}
@Dragonrage "If you have that, then you get fired."
Intuitively that seems like the exception gets thrown at the point an object of that type is instantiated, but I don't know what happens if you have a statically initialized variable of that type; presumably it throws before the first instruction of main() and you have a bad time.
Oh, update on the "birb nest in my mailbox situation": babies have hatched and they are adorable.
Such adorably ugly mofos.
@Yuuki yaaaaaaay!
I put some seeds in the mailbox but momma doesn't seem to have eaten any.
Although she has a long beak so maybe insectivore and not seed-ivore.
I'll have to go buy some mealworms.
@Ash Every time I peek in the mailbox and momma's not there, they raise their heads and cheep for food.
Still young so they don't cheep very loudly.
if you are wanting to feed them, i suggest wearing latex gloves. human smell tends to be offputting to animals
also, if you were to actually handle them, some have diseases so its also good to have gloves for that
Eh, I don't want to feed them myself, I just want to feed momma bird so there's a less chance for her to get killed in the "wild".
Every now and then, I worry that she'll die and now I have three baby birds in my mailbox that I have no clue how to care for and then they'll probably die too.
I like that you are trying to help them :)
Yuuki's great.
@Yuuki that is the most adorable thing ever
@Yuuki i was meaning if you are putting food out for the mother to collect. i dont know about birds specifically, but a number of other animals wont touch food or other things that have human smell on them
@Dragonrage Ah. Smell should only last two or three days, right?
Hmm... I wonder if they remember if something had human smell on it but currently doesn't because it's been so long.
And whether that matters.
Depends on the species of birds
Crows are really fricking smart, seagulls are really dumb
Stop cyberbullying A_Seagull
(as in, crows are smart enough to know seagulls are dumb and they barely need to hide food from them, just put it out of sight, while they'll actually hide food from smart animals)
@KevinvanderVelden what about unionhawks?
@Dragonrage Research has shown they're kinda dumb citation
Harsh but fair
It was a dark time when the hawks decided to unionize
@Avery I misused 's probably agh
Skellige is fucking annoying
I wonder if a flock of robot doves will be released at @Ash 's wedding.
I almost won, but they keep digging out most of their graveyard
Sweet. 27 pounds of kickstarter waiting for me at home.
More like $0.27 lolololololololol (it's a brexit joke)
@Unionhawk cc @fredley
@Dragonrage cc @Ronan
lol, moon2 discord: "wait you legit got bronze" "I don't want to talk about it but yes" "just spam pharah and Winston"
This season is wild
Oh wow, Winston is a good pick again?
More importantly, Winston is a good solo queue pick?
Winston's always been on-and-off in the comp scene, but I don't think he's ever been anywhere close to key in the solo ladder.
porbably if you are good with winston
This season is dive meta af
when i played ranked, i would almost always play dva because i was good with her
@Unionhawk What changes did they make recently?
Haven't really been playing Overwatch.
If they buffed Lucio ... I might start playing again.
Yeah, would love to see some patch notes.
Q: Minecraft: How to extend redstone signal with only a few redstone items

EquinoxI am playing on this server and I need to either. 1) Make a redstone clock or 2) Make a redstone signal longer, The problem is, I only have a few items i can do either of these with. These consist of: Any pistons Lever or button Redstone I think daylight sensor can be used (I am not on right n...

@Dragonrage There's a train that will take you far away...
Why are direct links no longer direct?
I keep getting a white background and buttons and stuff

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