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> 'Star Wars': Han Solo Film Loses Its Directors
Weeeeeeell, fuck.
@BlueBarren I'd give this a try. But I wouldn't pay for it. lol
@Yuuki RIP Han Solo Solo Film.
the only part I think is actually bad about it is the protruding touch pad part
Also, RIP my wallet. Apparently the steam sale starts tomorrow.
it makes it seem like the left side would be weighted oddly
lop off that part so it resembles more of a Wii nunchuck and I'll be happy
@MBraedley inb4
can someone explain these things to me? I don't actually understand their purpose
@Fluttershy You didn't link it, doesn't count
@BlueBarren They're potentially useful for a game like Elite Dangerous when using a full HOTAS. Additionally, they generally give more buttons that are easily accessible to the thumb than a standard keyboard.
@BlueBarren I know that they're sometimes used in MMOs although I don't know why exactly... I usually stick to my normal keyboard
@MBraedley ... Fair.
But yay, I can pick up Hollow Knight for cheap maybe!
HOTAS, an acronym of Hands On Throttle-And-Stick, is the name given to the concept of placing buttons and switches on the throttle lever and flight control stick in an aircraft's cockpit, allowing pilots to access vital cockpit functions and fly the aircraft without having to remove their hands from the throttle and flight controls. Application of the concept was pioneered with the Ferranti AIRPASS radar and gunsight control system used by the English Electric Lightning and is widely used on all modern fighter aircraft such as the F-16 Fighting Falcon, the A-10A/A-10C and others. HOTAS is a shorthand...
I need to get one of those
Although I don't actually play any games that use it right now
Everyone should pick up Ori and the Blind Forest this steam sale if they don't have it already
@Jutschge Well back before Blizzard slimmed down some rotations, you could easily have more skills than you could put on your number keys.
@Yuuki that's what modifier keys are for :P
Mice with like 25 extra buttons were a big thing.
I know I still had issues with fitting all of my useful skills on keybindings in FFXIV. Even using modifiers.
Hmm how do you walk in MMOs?
Q: How can I use Bowser's Fire Breath to Edge-Guard?

B. S. MorgansteinSo it seems to me that Bowser's Fire Breath (neutral special) could potentially be used as an edge guarding move, given that it is angled downwards, and can damage characters trying to recover. Currently when using it to edge guard I will stand on the edge, and use the move to hit players trying ...

I started walking with the mouse only and now I have like everything bound with shift and ctrl modifiers
usually I don't have too much of an issue (getting used to it is a pain though)
@Jutschge W?
Right-wing media have finally figured out who is really behind all of Trump's problems https://t.co/bPxqb7uX2y
Also lol Roger Stone's camera is impressively bad with that green screening
oh no, the republicans are discussing a horrible healthcare bill in complete privacy. this is totally the fault of entrenched career bureaucrats that have no say in the legislative process.
@BlueBarren Yes. I support this statement.
@Yuuki Are you jumping back in for Stormblood, btw?
@Jutschge one virtual foot at a time
@Fluttershy I dunno. I'm interested and the jump potions they're talking about would save me a lot of time, but I just stopped raiding on WoW.
And am feeling a little burnt out on doing regular raiding schedules. Granted, that's not something that I have to do in FFXIV.
I did watch some Red Mage gameplay though.
And that was interesting.
@Yuuki Ah, gotcha. I've been pondering getting back into it... But when my HDD crashed, I lost all of my macros and skill setups, and it wasn't able to get everything back to how I had it before. So I just quit playing. lol
Well, apparently they've streamlined a lot of rotations.
But I don't know if they did that for sure or it's just something they said they were doing.
@Yuuki Yeah, that's part of why I've been thinking about going back.
I'd probably give a week or so after release and look what the rotations look like.
Red Mage's playstyle looks interesting, but I'm a little daunted by the number of skills they use in their rotation.
@Yuuki That's why I quit playing Monk. I couldn't get the rotation right. :(
Lemme count them (from memory, so some stuff might be wrong). Red Mage has 3 melee abilities, 3 white mana builders, 3 black mana builders, 3 neutral combo spells, 1 white mana spender, 1 black mana spender, 1 heal spell, and 2 combo starters?
Huh. That's simpler than my old MCN rotation.
@Fluttershy And that's why you take regular backups
@Nzall Yyyyep...
@Yuuki BRD 4 lyfe
Huh, they removed Cleric Stance.
Am I looking at a corporate flow chart or a game guide?
@MadMAxJr yes
@Yuuki WHAT
Half the fun of WHM was knowing when to switch stances, and then screwing up a heal when you hit a lag spike, and it doesn't register that you switched back, so you're spamming heals in cleric stance...
I think if I get back into FFXIV, I'd either play Red Mage or Astrologian.
@Yuuki Oh, hm... Well, that doesn't sound so bad.
If I got back into XIV, I'd probably work on my PLD some more.
I do like that healers seem more encouraged to DPS in FFXIV than in other MMOs I've played.
Q: How to get artifacts 45 and 46?

IsukaI am in the phase of the game where I need to hunt artifacts to continue the story (I guess?). I was trying for this matter to get all the special artifacts, which are artifacts which will only appear under specific conditions. I am currenctly stuck with the artifacts 45 and 46, which are describ...

Q: Call of Duty Russian protagonists

Sapien2Which games of Call of Duty series you can play for Russian protagonist? As far as I remember there are russian arks in early games of the series (1-3), but I have not played modern ones.

@Yuuki pls
And since I've posted two rotation charts, I have to finish with the classic:
@Yuuki never seen a more accurate guide to feral lol
@Jutschge Although a recent one for elemental shaman is becoming a classic.
cc @badp
What are these?
They're visual guides to ability rotations.
in what?
For the last two, WoW.
For the first two, FFXIV.
Granted, the last two are also half-parody/joke.
WoW seems to be of higher quality
I'm on the verge of buying stormblood and coming back for the first time since they re-released FF14. Been trying to hold off for elite dangerous to release on the PS4 , but I doubt I will.
What's the player base like compared to other MMOs? Typical toxicity?
I dunno, it's been awhile.
And I never raided in FFXIV.
is FFXIV still sub based?
That's disappointing
@HazyKingdom I've found the overwhelming majority of XIV players to be non-toxic in my experience.
Hmm... I wonder if PUBG will get discounted for the Steam sale...
Whenver I've heard anyone who is at the real end-game of an MMO talk about their experiences playing, I get less and less likely to ever get fully invested in an MMO.
I've enjoyed some of the early leveling and stuff in a few, some of the low-level instances and stuff.
But end game sounds like work.
Q: Terraria - four identical houses: two are "valid housing", two are not

HewwoCrazinessI have four identical houses in Terraria. Two are considered houses, and two are not. I cannot figure out for the life of me why this is... They appear to meet all requirements.

@Beedrill See I want to try doing that "work" at some point but I can never get to end game...
When I played WoW I just managed to get to max level for everyone to abandon me
@Beedrill it's a lot of work but also extremely rewarding.
I'm sure it is for the people who participate.
I miss my Orc warrior Boredag
he was a good warrior
@Beedrill Honestly, the endgame is fun but the whole meta and community structure around the endgame is what makes things not fun.
@BlueBarren play again :P characters aren't deleted.
Like nobody says you need to do raiding schedules and whatnot, but that's how guilds put raids together.
Also WoW has done a lot of things to make the game casually playable. There's usually something for everyone
Sometimes, I wonder if I wouldn't have burnt out on Legion so quickly if I just freelanced the raiding scene.
@Yuuki to be fair it's impossible to clear a release raid with an unorganized group... And try getting all the members of your main raiding group to show up at the same time...
Schedules are necessary if you wanna raid mythic
At least in the beginning
@Fluttershy sweet, I'm pretty tired of BS ppl in MMOs. PUBG will probably not be on deal either, hate to burst your bubble. D= You probably don't want to play it right now anyway, it's really needs some optimization. Unless you have a pricey rig with a stellar internet connection you're bound to get frustrated.
I actually stopped play for now until they fix some of the rubber banding.
I'd like for them to guarantee at least one non-pistol weapon in an area with more than 2-3 houses.
It could even just be a crossbow.
ohmygosh, it's in less than a week?
@Yuuki I hear that, nothing gets me more ragey than dropping into Novo and not finding anything in any of the containers or warehouses.
@HazyKingdom And on top of that, the circle is on Zharki.
I've long-dropped Primorsk, found nothing, and wound up with the circle around Stalber.
I didn't play PUBG for a week after that match.
@Yuuki lmao those games are hilarious
@HazyKingdom Oh, I already own it. But I have some friends interested in it. PUBG, that is.
You have to take some of those games as bad luck.
Hmm, is there anything I need to get from Amazon?
Even better when you get a car in that scenario but there isn't enough fuel to get the circle.
@MBraedley You need to get the Twitch Prime Overwatch loot
@HazyKingdom Already done
I think my most hilarious match was when I long-dropped Severny and then two other groups roll up on me.
@Fluttershy Ah! Gotcha, I feel like it's worth the 30 dollars frankly. I've poured a lot of hours into that game, definitely get the value out of it.
I hid, waited until I heard some shots, ran out with a shotgun, shot out the tires on one Dacia, and drove off in the UAZ.
The circle was on military island.
I also proceeded to also get out of the UAZ and shoot out the tires of every vehicle I came across.
@Yuuki haha, probably like 10 "died outside the playzone" messages in the console.
What do you think about the climbing mechanic they got coming up? I think it's going to change the game entirely.
@Jutschge I found the experience boring ergo not worth the money
@HazyKingdom It's going to be interesting, I'm probably going to be more suspicious of closed doors.
I wish they had a better practice range.
I have no idea of the bullet velocity or drop of some guns because I simply don't shoot them a lot.
@Yuuki I agree, I feel like squads is going to turn into ambush city.
I agree, I'm not a fan of the loading stage area.
I also wish the VSS didn't drop nearly as badly.
Really? I get VSSs all the time. I'm a huge fan of that gun actually.
I mean, it's already basically a worse UMP except for the suppressor.
@HazyKingdom I'm not sure what to say about the fact that Amazon recommends the Echo and Echo Dot alongside it
I can see where some people get that. It's a headshot machine though. Pretty bad w/o headshots.
I want to like PUBG. I want it to clean up its netcode.
@HazyKingdom Which is beyond difficult when it has such crazy drop at even just 150-200m.
It drops like a quarter to halfway down the scope.
I'd also like a 5.56mm sniper.
Are the handguns any good or are they mostly junk?
Mostly junk.
I saw there's a revolver. Probably also junk.
I mean, they're good at the very beginning when no one has any armor.
The revolver typically one or two taps unarmored people.
@Yuuki It honestly feels like a crossbow at that range. 556 sniper would be broken, ammo is the big issue there though.
Revolver is useless and bugged.
On average my animation puts in 13 - 15 rounds into the 6 round chamber.
Damnit Youtube...
They need to add a speedloader attachment for the revolver.
I've won games with a pistol though.
Every single time I disable my adblocker, they pull this kind of shit on me
So do the drops get progressively better closer to the center/final area?
For those that don't know, the music video is 3:48 long
p92 w/ pistol suppressor and ext. QD = instawin when theres 3 or less left.
@MadMAxJr Nope, just randomly scattered.
@MadMAxJr Completely random.
@HazyKingdom I don't think the pistol suppressor actually works.
So you could find amazing gear not long after drop, if RNG praises you.
I once found m24 in a bathroom.
@MadMAxJr Basically.
Q: Autoexec and host_writeconfig

CommandoAirOk, so I have two questions. Question 1 I am trying to create an autoexec. But the problem is, it isn't running the settings that change any commands. I don't think the problem is the autoexec not executing, because it runs the echo commands that I have in it. The problem is that I have lines...

The fact I found a sniper rifle in a bathroom totally threw off the realism for me. Like who would leave that there?
Does the motorcycle helm protect against anything or is it purely cosmetic?
@MadMAxJr It does provide some low-level headshot protection.
@Yuuki It works against less experienced players IMO
Saw a player get a kevlar mask with a black motorcycle helm. Looked silly.
It stops 1 headshot from killing you or something? Unless it's a high caliber.
I also want them to buff the range on the crossbow a bit. Its effective range is 25m? That's kinda terrible.
Is the crossbow silent?
25m? Jeez. Should be more like ~60
And it should totally ruin a guy in full plate. I doubt the game has full plate.
@Yuuki I agree, it needs a rework, either that or the reload needs to be faster.
@HazyKingdom Oh god, the reload.
My brain has suppressed that information.
@MadMAxJr They have different levels or armor. Level 3 (Military Vest) is basically full plate.
Every time I decide to try out the crossbow for a match, the reload time on the crossbow makes me instantly regret everything and I swap it out for an micro Uzi.
@PrivatePansy hahahaha oh my gosh that's so great
Did you make that?
Yes. It was suppose to be up much sooner, but work got in the way
@Yuuki lol I know right? if you shoot and miss, you may as well go for the pistol because you'll probably before you even pull the arrow out in the animation.
Saw the chat message and thought "hey wouldn't it be nice if that actually updated live"
Starting tomorrow it'll be illegal to wash your car with drinking water in Flanders. Because it needs to start raining already.
Things I want added to PUBG: bicycles (silent, no fuel, but slow transportation), removing carrying capacity on the utility belt, netcode optimization.
Not necessarily in that order.
Does it have four wheel ATVs?
I saw the buggies.
No ATVs yet, but they did add motorcycles which perform the same single-person function with the added ability to kill yourself horribly.
@Yuuki omg that's a brilliant idea, would beat running every time.
I need optimization stat, I'm tired of dying because I'm rubber banding around.
I've died in a half second from a Micro Uzi while wearing level 3 gear and the Micro Uzi was shooting from at least 25-30m out.
I still don't understand how I died.
Or at least how I died so quickly.
> Go to a pet shop and get some dead fish
> Pet shops don't sell dead pets
the micro uzi is pretty broken once fully upgraded.
especially with a extended mag
I like the uzi a bit more than the UMP frankly, minus the iron sight req.
Sounds like a haxor though @Yuuki
@fredley @Ronan So what do you call your grandmother now that Brexit's happening? "Gram" is metric after all.
@HazyKingdom I use the UMP as an AR replacement, it's more of a mid-range SMG.
Uzi and Vector are the close-range monsters.
@Yuuki cc @GodEmperorDune @Wipqozn
@HazyKingdom I've noticed that my team tends to do much better when I skip ARs and so I've mostly stuck to SMGs and shotguns these days.
@Yuuki what a nice TM you are. The thing I hate most is someone who thinks they're a pro with a gun and winds up getting 0 kills with it. Pretty common with randoms these days ...
I mean if you have a Kar98k with 8x , how do call for the gun and then get zero kills?
Yeah, one of my friends is a much better sniper than I am and yet I seem to be a scope magnet.
So I typically pick up 4xs for him.
Incidentally, since I run SMGs and shotguns, it's a lot less damaging to the group for me to run out for crates.
How big of a zoom can you find on a scope?
@MadMAxJr Crates can drop with 15x scopes.
Does the game do bullet-drop over distance?
Man, that's awesome, I usually wind up with on scope towards the end game. Scopes are like the best drops in the game. haha, you play duos or squad?
So I normally drop my weapon in the nearest bush, run out for the crate, and grab the sniper for a friend.
@MadMAxJr Yep! which varies by caliber and gun.
@HazyKingdom Typically duos or squads, depending on who's on.
@Yuuki I hear that. I've been trying duos a bit lately, tends to feel a lot like solo after a while.
I'm also normally the one pushing since my weapons are basically worthless to the enemy.
See, people think shotties are not great, but I've racked up a ton of kills with the pump action.
The distance is really shocking.
I want to use the S12K more, but I'm hesitant about the spread without a choke.
Apparently suppressor tightens spread though, so I might hilariously try that out on the S12K.
Look at those stinky stats. Clearly best at solo, the first three games I played after the reset were top 10s.
@Yuuki Love the S12K, I didn't know that the suppressor helps accuracy on that thing. I've used the suppressor before but it's like counter intuitive since you're so close to your enemy. Kind of laughable really.
All right, let's test out smashburger online ordering
@HazyKingdom I typically pass AR suppressors to the other guys anyways. Need to figure out if compensators can tighten the S12K spread.
@Yuuki Let me know what you come up with on that. AR suppressors are my jam, especially on an m16.
Q: How to defeat Fnarf

vianna77It seems to be impossible to defeat Fnarf! I already spent half an hour trying all kinds of combinations and nothing works. Those three discussions say it's possible but none provide a good strategy: Steam community IGN idlethumbs Is there a strategy like location, weapon and follower that ...

We should do some some sort of Bridge PUBG Custom Game event
How many people here actually have PUBG?
@BlueBarren Everything about this genre of games goes against everything I could like about a video game.
@Beedrill I'm just not a fan of early access (although PUBG looks really fun)
In competitive games, I prefer very short matches for quick iteration and more chances to learn from your mistakes, as well as having less investment in the outcome of the match because losses are then so devastating.
So you probably didn't like Hots too much when you played that?
There is nothing that is more awful to me than spending 30+ minutes trying my hardest to win a thing and then losing with no consolation.
The wins don't make up for the losses.
@BlueBarren HotS is the least bad about this in its genre but yes, as you may have noticed, I'm no longer playing HotS.
Tekken 7 has gotten my interest recently, I'm a big fan of how short the individual rounds are.
I wouldn't turn away from a game simply due to it's match time but I certainly wouldn't be able to play it frequently if that were the case
As evidenced by me not playing solo, PUBG is something I play because friends.
@Yuuki This is legendary.
As with a lot of things I complain about in games, a long match time in competitive games isn't something I decided I don't like, but rather an explanation I've come up with as a common link between games I haven't liked.
It has to do with investment. I get too invested in the outcome of a single game if I spend too much effort in that individual instance.
@Beedrill I agree with you on PUBG, the learning opportunities are really rare. I still don't have a great feel for all of the guns and I have a ton of game time.
Losses feel devastating and wins, rather than feeling great, only feel like a relief that I didn't lose.
What's also annoying about long games is when you're clearly going to lose
@BlueBarren That's what grenades and bad netcode are for.
Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 release announced as August 24
@Beedrill Eh, I disagree with this in PUBG. It has been a really long time since I've felt such a rush playing a game. Try playing the game when you're in the top 10 of a 100. I think the fact that there is so much on the line really amplifies the game towards the end.
A friend of mine theorizes (with some plausibility) that this is what makes the MOBA playerbase so toxic
Long games where it's often clear early on that you are likely to lose, but are punished for leaving early
@Beedrill there was so much GF rage when they pushed back the release date. I'm pretty amped for this game, going to try to stream it.
@HazyKingdom The first is one of my favorite games.
So you're stuck in a fight you know is hopeless for another ~30 minutes, which engenders frustration.
@ToxicFrog This is why i hate HotS for not having a forfeit.
@Beedrill The first game was so well developed and the replay value was incredible. We still play it a little bit.
HotS matches rarely go over 20 minutes, and especially not if it's to a point where you'd want to forfeit, and also have some of the most comeback potential in MOBAs.
@HazyKingdom I am trying to hold off on loading it back up between now and CSD2 launch so that I'm as ready as possible to get back into it.
But yeah, I absolutely hate not being able to forfeit.
@HazyKingdom LoL does but you need 4/5 votes in favour on 5v5 maps and unanimous on 3v3 maps
And there's always at least one player who will never, ever vote in favour of surrender no matter how one-sided a beatdown the match is
For some catastrophically stupid reason, if you play in one of the 8-player double-elimination tournaments online in Tekken 7, and you're eliminated, you have to wait for the whole tournament to finish to get any rewards from participating.
Wow that's awful
If you quit early it takes away your rewards and lessens the rewards for everyone else in the tournament.
So now you're sitting there for up to 30 minutes not playing the game.
I guess the answer is to alt-tab out and play something else once eliminated?
My solution was to just stick to 1v1 ranked.
Where, win or lose, I just get in another match right away.
@Beedrill Smart idea, probably don't want to get burned out right before release.
@Beedrill That seems ridiculous. Hopefully they update this.
Despite that tournament nonsense and a questionable but manageable comeback mechanic, Tekken 7 is the best fighting game I've played in years.
=O That's a big statement.
What's this comeback mechanic? Have you ever played For Honor? They have a similar mechanic that basically breaks the game if you're 2v1.
I've never played a Tekken game before this, to be fair.
My favorite fighting game franchise of all time is Soul Calibur, but 5 was meh and is already a few years old at this point.
@HazyKingdom Yeah revenge is silly.
In Tekken 7 the comeback mechanic is called Rage. Once you're below 20% health, you gain access to two different "Rage" moves. One of them has super armor and does more damage the lower your health is, up to a good like 45%.
So if you get your opponent to below 20%
and you're below half...
You have to play super ultra conservative for the rest of the match.
Unless they waste their one rage move.

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