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@KevinvanderVelden yeah gamedev is where I found it
I stumbled across it while resolving a flag
the guy behind me just made a weird bird noise
For profit friends....
What about friends Early Access?
@Wipqozn I know what flag you speak off =p
Humanity is definitely a freemium experience
to some extent it's pay2win really
would not recommend
have you tried video games instead?
.@michaelgove Michael Gove, your take has been rated: https://t.co/n0SEyjPQlH
New favorite thing
@badp I usually play video games instead of living
Q: How can I use my mouse to play PS1 games in ePSXe205?

Rebecca CunninghamI wanted to play Walt Disney World Racing and move the racers with my mouse instead of the keyboard. I clicked on Config, GamePads, Port 1, and Pad 1. Then I selected [SCPH-1090] Mouse/Digital (F5) from the second pull-down menu to try to set up the mouse. I was unsure how to set the first pul...

@Unionhawk hue
Brains suck
Hopping from an event today to x memory last week to y memory 7 years ago.
And tldr that memory triggered some deeper ptsd and I just cried for 15 minutes.
Brains suck.
@Avery agreed
Q: Non Portforwarded minecraft server, how do I connect on a different computer with the same internet?

Cylixtywith a Non Portforwarded minecraft server, how do I connect on a different computer with the same internet? didnt work, LocalHost and LocalIP didn't work, and the (computer that had the server)'s IP4 address and our external IP didn't work either.

> FBI Director nominee removed reference to case involving Russian government from law firm bio.
At this point, I'm partly less concerned with the possible corruption and more concerned with the "WHY IS IT ALWAYS RUSSIA?".
Why can't Trump get leverage on an appointee through some other form of corruption?
Why is Russia always involved?
To distract Louise Mensch types from the healthcare bill
Note that it isn't just distraction; as it turns out multiple significant political events can occur concurrently
I'd just like a Trump nominee with possible ties to China, I'm just saying.
@Yuuki because trump has the biggest hardon for vlad
Or, I 'unno, Saudi Arabia.
@Yuuki CHYNA
But everybody is too busy talking about the fucking Russia thing to talk about how the GOP is about to adversely affect the lives of millions
Ask your doctor if GOP is right for- oh wait.
And we have to fight through the last minute fuckery in order to even get to the substance of the bill so McConnell has himself positioned brilliantly
@Unionhawk because russia intrigue is more interesting for the MSM to cover... i guess
@Unionhawk seriously, that dude is like a procedural wizard
Because once he allows the bill more than 10 hours of debate and such then he's such a nice guy except no fuck you the bill is almost definitely still bad
@Lazers2.0 we really need a way to filter lazers by tags. I don't want to see this stuff on arqade but I have to still see it here :/
@GodEmperorDune I always knew procedural programming was the work of the devil.
But then we have spent all our political capital on being able to read the stupid thing and McConnell gets his way
@Unionhawk is portman gonna flip?
Everything about what is happening is horseshit and I hate it
@GodEmperorDune I'm thinking about printing a script here at work to take it to a phone call room
There are tailor made scripts in the 10 keys
The Portman one talks about opioids because that's one of his signature issues
do eeeet
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha and they have a button labeled "submit your amendment" because that's Schumer's next procedural move
Is to just fuckin hand amendments to the floor all day
That because they're going reconciliation, must be voted on
oh the infinite amendment thing?
can someone just amend the text to "nope"
I wish you could play videos of a representative's talking points as part of a filibuster.
I would love to play (I think it was Ryan?) "this is a secret bill crafted by secret representatives in a secret room with secret..." back from when they were debating Obamacare.
@Yuuki they're going reconciliation so filibuster doesn't apply
I mean, I know it would be immediately taken advantage of by someone playing the entirety of the Lord of the Rings Extended Trilogy, but still.
Unless you submit an amendment like "WHEREAS Paul Ryan 2009: SEKRITS ARE BAD, the act will not take effect for 50 years" or something dumb like that
You guys should just get rid of Paul Ryan
I really dislike people who smile when they f--k over millions of people
@BlueBarren That's like pulling the head off the weed. It's still there and it'll still grow back.
Side note: why are dandelions considered weeds? IIRC, every part of it is edible and apparently not bad tasting either.
@BlueBarren fortunately, I don't live in Wisconsin, so I can't vote for or against him
My friend has family in Wisconsin and they're all diehard Republicans from what I've heard.
@Yuuki that just means you have to pluck every single weed
@murgatroid99 sounds like everyone's moving
I love that this script has spaces for "THATS NOT FUCKING TRUE AND YOU KNOW IT" like in re "the Democrats did exactly this"
So a guy from the main office on the west coast wants to talk to me about the tools I'm using on my project, as a broad, company wide effort to streamline what tools we use. I specifically tell him that he should schedule something for his morning, but instead he sends a calendar invite for 2-3PM Pacific. At that point in the day, I'm already at home eating supper.
There was an issue with our Redis instances... investigating now.
@MBraedley "The only timezone that exists is my timezone."
@Yuuki Like, that isn't even an appropriate time for our offices in Ontario and Quebec.
Hahahahaha holy shit
Oh hey, now I only have to fill in a spreadsheet
@Yuuki They take over your lawn if you let them. Hence, weed.
So ouramendments.org generates an amendment that is basically just "SEC. 1. GUARANTEEING MAINTENANCE OF AFFORDABLE COVERAGE FOR <individual's name>" and delivers it to the minority leader
As ammunition for the procedural nightmare that's about to follow
@JasonBerkan I mean, grass will take over your lawn if you let it.
Q: What's the best tactic in Stardew Valley to get more money?

moTHO.I'm wondering how to become good, my play is already good (9k+ income) but I want to get much more money. I'm fishing all day, but this is very boring. How do I get more money? I changed farming every year to keep good fields, but still no quality crops.

Pass my amendment Rob Portman you know you want to
@Yuuki My grass doesn't. I have to maintain it or it dies.
Q: How to connect to European servers?

ruipachecoI've downloaded the mac wrapper for World of Tanks but I can only connect to US servers. Is there a way to force the client to connect to European servers?

The biters on the bus go WAAH WAAH WAAH
Man, I should play that again
@fredley you put batteries on your main bus?
@MadScientist Might as well, needed for lasers, accums and gold science
@SaintWacko Me too.
@MadScientist Do you just ship the sulfuric?
@SaintWacko @Ronan @KevinvanderVelden Big Bridge game?
I can set up a server
@fredley I did add sulphuric acid to my main bus in the last base.
@MadScientist I always forget to add fluids to the bus
I usually end up jamming lube and sulfuric acid down the sides somehow
@Yuuki they aren't as nice to walk on as grass or ground-creeping vines and they grow so agressively that if you don't wage constant war against them they cover the entire lawn within like two years
Mario Kart VR. I want it and I want it now.
@fredley At some point sure.
that's my last, incomplete attempt at a proper mainbus
@MadScientist That's some conservative bussing
pls to press alt
I did, for some reason it doesn't appear on screenshots
So you've turned a colossal facility into a processing bus?
I want a factorio mod that adds actual busses now
I'm thinking about making a factorio mod for the skyblock thing
@Unionhawk But it's called Factorio Shuttle.
@KevinvanderVelden Vechs made a map that's sort of like that, there's like 1 tiny patch for each ore, but it's practically infinite.
I want to make it more like modded minecraft skyblock, with ex nihilo
@KevinvanderVelden How long has it been since I declared you insane? It needs repeating.
Apr 11 at 9:04, by Arperum
I hereby declare @KevinvanderVelden completely insane for wanting to build crazy CPU things.
Building CPUs is fun though
An errant keys * command was run on production Redis, stalling the service for 30-60s. We will be renaming that cmd… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/877211204220887040
Hmm. Maker Ultimate 3D Printers $150 off on Monoprice.. Kind of want.
@MadMAxJr How much is it after $150 off?
It's a rebranded Wanhao Duplicator 6.
Question: if Mario-possessed things wear a red hat and a moustache, does that mean Trump supporters are mind-controlled?
@Yuuki you're not going to tell these folks the whole story? Apparently the dude who found them got some Disney animal thing to adopt the ducks
@BlueBarren The whole story doesn't matter, that's a horrible parking job and he knows it.
Kirby eating a mario possessing another kirby
@Yuuki when Yuuki has become Reddit itself
@BlueBarren I mean, I'm pretty this has been known for quite awhile.
@Yuuki Yes, t his is a well known fact
Fortunately you are mostly the cute-animal related parts of reddit
@Yuuki I feel like it's been getting worse
or better depending on how you feel about Reddit
Is this an intervention? Are you trying to start a reddit-intervention for yuuki?
@KevinvanderVelden I haven't posted food in awhile.
@KevinvanderVelden I decline to comment at this time
So when Mario puts his hat on himself.....
Cc @Sterno @fredley on this amazing lifehack
@Yuuki Agreed
No amount of cute makes up for that
@MadMAxJr Mario is the hat.
So the Mario we all know and love is some poor Italian husk.
> Hey, this coffee tastes like dirt.
> That's weird, it was ground this morning.
cc @GodEmperorDune @Wipqozn
@Yuuki HUE
also coffee is gross
coffee is amazing. i am going to ignore anyone who says otherwise
user image
@BlueBarren So now we can say "But will it run Hunt: Showdown?" now?
@Yuuki tree fitty
also bridge i have a weird issue
typing + in nano gives ,
typing , also gives ,
how can i type a plus?
@Yuuki if they game actually gets released
@GodEmperorDune Hit the key next to 's', followed by a space, then the key next to 'o', the key next to 'k', the key between 'y' and 'i', and the key between 'a' and 'd'.
@Yuuki ಠ_ಠ
@Yuuki d ijus
A pjis.
@SaintWacko Why'd you start off with the key between 's' and 'f'?
@Yuuki Because you said to start with the key next to 's'
@SaintWacko Given how I was careful to use "key between <character> and <character>", that implies the one that isn't also next to another letter on the same row.
@Yuuki Well, I hadn't gotten to those bits yet
@SaintWacko Well maybe you should learn Heptapod B.
@Yuuki then I would already know the solution to my nano problem
Why is Bethesda so enthused about republishing Skyrim on everything anyway?
@GodEmperorDune The solution to your nano problem is pretty self-evident.
@MadMAxJr Because Fallout 4 didn't do as well as expected so they don't want to make more DLC for that.
I'm just curious if they think Skyrim has universal appeal like Mario.
To be fair, it's been years and it still regularly shows up in /r/gaming.
@Yuuki i copy/pasted a + from a diff application
Well, that works but I was going to say that the solution is "don't use nano".
Well, it's good to see that /r/conspiracy is back to stupid normal crazy ideas after being a secondary T_D.
Although I guess this is still kinda Hillary-related.
> Hillary Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency
I mean, I don't really care about the "NATO killed Gaddafi" part but the "Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency" part is what really bothers me.
I thought it's been long established that a commodity-backed currency is incredibly unstable in comparison to a fiat currency. Someone trying to establish a gold currency is of no threat to you. Unless that person is trying to establish said currency in your country.
@Yuuki is this an extension of the "abolish the fed reserve" thing?
I dunno. I find this conspiracy theory to be uniquely dumb because while there may or may not be something conspiracy about what happened (Libyan intervention and Gaddafi dead), the reasoning for the conspiracy is dumb as hell.
It's like saying JFK was assassinated because he put mustard on his hot dogs and Heinz couldn't let that catch up.
@Yuuki really it was to stop gaddafi from putting libya on bitcoin
@Yuuki hue
Skyrim is a conspiracy.
this war of mine is $4.00 on steam
@GodEmperorDune That game is draining. I can't get myself back into it because I just come out feeling worse.
Like, it's not a bad game at all.
It's just...
@Yuuki the book american gods was like that for me
fantastic book, well written, but SO DEPRESSING
pls no combat
I would love a pure space exploration game.
@Yuuki isn't that No Man's Sky
That's space exploration with no game.
@MadMAxJr Eh, it's more like missing features exploration with no game.
(Yes, I know it's a lot better now after updates compared to launch day)
And possibly whatever thing they're hinting at by sending tapes to reddit mods
> With its foundation based in scientifically accurate game-play, you'll be immersed in biology, chemistry, geo-science, and engineering as you build and explore planetary systems.
Sounds cool, let's hope it isn't what @BlueBarren mentioned
@KevinvanderVelden the game that shall not be named? What is this Harry Potter?
Mostly I wanted to say you already talked about NMS
So as not to get an "INB4"
> Her official description for Mario Party 4 states that she and Luigi have a rumored love interest, more so from Luigi; but Waluigi likes her too, which she does not appreciate.
that's about Daisy
Q: Can I buy games off of the PS Store without being on the console?

NexI bought a PS4 Slim and I want to buy Battlefield 1 on PSN, but my PS4 hasn't arrived yet. My question is: can I buy the game without using a physical console?

Q: Minecraft | Teleporting with poitions

FroggyTheGamerIs there a way to teleport a thrown splash potion to en entity/player on 1.12? If so, please tell me.

Keanu's non-action roles are hit-and-miss, but he's done some really good dramas so I'm cautiously optimistic.
And Lily Collins looks good in this too.
Oh my God this code is going to work
@Yuuki I've watched one where's a lawyer who killed his bestfriend because he loved his wife, it was awful
Keanu doesn't play a good lawyer
@BlueBarren Is that The Devil's Advocate?
@BlueBarren If not, counterpoint: The Devil's Advocate.
@Yuuki that title doesn't sound familiar
Ah it was The Whole Truth
@Unionhawk huzzah
Hmm there's still a couple potential weird cases
@Unionhawk ur a weird case.
@Unionhawk what are you building?
@Yuuki i am torn on whether to back this
the features they've laid out sound very pricey and probably online only
and entirely unrealistic for a december 2018 delivery date
and the mention of "in game currency" sounds very :/
also this
> We are aiming for an "E for Everyone" rating as this will be the very definition of an amazingly fun, family-friendly game! Space Odyssey will absolutely NOT contain graphic violence, sex, or profanity.
i don't remember the last game i played rated E
@MadMAxJr i would play a game rated S for SCIENCE
in The Sphinx's Lair, 37 secs ago, by Deusovi
On the subject of gaming - would you all recommend Factorio?
Factorio strikes me as a game for engineers and electronics experts.
Person wearing explosive belt "neutralised" inside Brussels central station, reports say http://bbc.in/2tq9YyO
I recently got back into Factorio because my friend started playing and made a server
Before you ask: I'm safe. Haven't been in Brussels for like 2 years now
So yeah, looks like we were pretty close to another attack in Brussels
@murgatroid99 how is multiplayer vs single player?
Multiplayer seems basically the same as single player, except with more people
If an if clause has a breaking call (like return), there's no need to use else if, right?
@Yuuki yeah it would just be a regular if
@Yuuki those seems like mostly independent things
Example: if (thing == null) { return this; } else if (thing == otherthing) { ... }
if x:
    return y
if z:
    do thing
I mean, yes, if you have a return inside of an if statement, everything after it is implicitly in the else case
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, that's what I'm thinking about refactoring/changing it to.
@Yuuki the technical term is called "early return"
i like it because it reduces nesting
and seems conceptually easier to me
Looking over an old change and the nesting indentation is getting annoying to me.
instead of needing to scroll down past all these elses to find out that it doesn't do anything the rest of the function
Gah, if (condition) { throw new Error; } else { ... }.
grinding teeth
So you guys are just going to ignore that attempted terrorist attack in Brussels?
@Yuuki wat
12 mins ago, by Nzall
Person wearing explosive belt "neutralised" inside Brussels central station, reports say http://bbc.in/2tq9YyO
@Nzall Depends, are we allowed to try to shame other people whenever they don't mention news they haven't heard yet?
@BBCBreaking My 10 year old just told me about this after you Tweeted it. He said Daddy it was on BBC shall I Googl… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/877256968410419201
@Yuuki I literally linked it 10 minutes ago
@Nzall I was literally working on reading a poorly-indented piece of code because of these early returns and else branching on thrown errors 10 minutes ago.
Don't let this code issue distract you from the fact that the Atlanta falcons blew a 28-12 lead in super bowl LI
@Unionhawk that game was such a 2016 election all over again
Well, it's good that they neutralized it.
Oh, "small explosion".
But no one else injured other than the guy?
@Yuuki Yeah. If you look around a bit online, you can find pictures of a fire column from inside the central station
And regardless of whether you linked it 10 minutes ago, you shouldn't be trying to shame other users because they're not talking about what you want them to talk about.
@GodEmperorDune Okay, maybe it's because I'm not British, but what 10 year old uses "shall"?
@Yuuki Well, it was less "want to talk about" and more "there's this thing going on of a type that we always talk about when it is shared. What's different this time?"
@Yuuki a british one
And what 10 year old has some kind of internalized concept of mainstream fake news?
@Yuuki idk, my bff jill?
And what 10 year old is following the BBC Twitter account?
In fact, the BBC Breaking News Twitter account specifically.
Wait, is alt-right tween the new woke toddler?
To be fair, bbc breaking news is a good account
@Yuuki according to the guy's bio: "Political Correctness is a lethal cancer to the host. Leftards are the carriers, the host is the UK. Voting is an illusion of choice. Holohoax denier"
so yeah, probably UKIP
@Nzall holohoax?
@Nzall What is "Holohoax denier"? I'm guessing "holohoax" refers to the "Holocaust is a hoax" conspiracy theory.
I bet he's fun at parties
@GodEmperorDune I think he means the Holocaust
So does "Holohoax denier" mean that he denies the "Holocaust is a hoax" conspiracy?
@Yuuki yes, its that double negative
@Yuuki the more logical conclusion here is "the man is an idiot"
Brb, adding "Anti-Trump non-hater" to my Twitter bio.
@Unionhawk flagged and account banned on twitter for insulting someone on twitter
@Unionhawk Sure it's a good account, but the question is what 10 year old would be following it?
3 mins ago, by Tim Stone
Wait, is alt-right tween the new woke toddler?
As opposed to, I dunno, Minecraft and CallOfDutyTeaBags24/7?
Thanks for forcing me to consider the possibility that the kid became this way through notch instead of his dad
@Unionhawk Oh god, I don't even want to know what Notch is up to these days.
Checking his Twitter Account, he also believes in a number of other conspiracy theories, like chemtrails, nanoparticulate poisoning, Islamisation of Europe, extinction of the white people in Europe, ...
20 hours ago, by Avery
Very sad to hear about Notch. Nothing happened to him, I'm just very sad to hear about him.
wait what did notch do?
is notch alt right?
He's gg adjacent afaik
i thought we were done with that after milo got kicked out
lol no nothing ever dies amid the lonely brood
He's a shitlord with a lot of money. Nothing real specific
Either I'm somewhat deaf now, or modern audio compression is getting really impressive. I don't think I can distinguish between Opus 1.2 at 48 kb/s and uncompressed audio. jmvalin.ca/opus/opus-1.2
@Yuuki Seriously? Holy shit
@SaintWacko Note that the judges are wearing shinguards.
This is not their first robot sumo.
Notch has a huge house and occasionally tweets about how hard it is to make friends at this point. You know. But he's still rich.
Canada releases world's first glow-in-the-dark coin to mark 150th anniversary http://trib.al/YoYhv8j
@MadMAxJr Doesn't he live in Hollywood right now?
Or Beverly Hills?
Somewhere in there.
He's got a very fancy house with a view and art pieces.
But like nobody to share it with.
> Lives in California
> Wonders why he can't make friends while espousing alt-right/Gamergate views
@Yuuki maybe i should go over there and deliver a swift kick
I mean, I'm sure there are parts of California that are just as conservative as other parts of the US, but I'm at least mostly sure those parts aren't in Beverly Hills.
@Yuuki yes, those areas a very rural
or orange county
Psst @Unionhawk ya boy Portman is still undecided on these healthcare shenanigans shakes head
Q: Minecraft json file error!

user189426When I play in offline mode this pops-up, first time. (Windows 10 (not Windows 10 edition though))

@TimStone @uni you best get to callin
@TimStone Huh, and using it for the aurora borealis, and not just random elements for the sake of glow-in-the-dark.
This is why we can't have nice things, because Canada took them all!
Things that annoy me: people trying to affect some kind of German and "mein" gets autocorrected to "mean" or "mien".
RIP @Uni
So Daniel Day-Lewis is doing a Miyazaki.
@TimStone I'm going to have to start looking at my change!
@TimStone Whoa, that's awesome
So The Mummy reboot/remake is set to lose almost $100 million.
So here's some tips we've learned from this failure about how to create your own cinematic universe. It took DC five tries, but here's step 1: don't make terrible movies.
@Yuuki the universal monsters CU was a stupid idea to begin with
@Yuuki the one where steve mansplains the entire time?
@GodEmperorDune I think it'd be fine if they were actually horror movies.
The two cinematic universes out right (Marvel and DC) are both somewhat generic-ish action movie ones.
@Yuuki but the problem is that the recognizable characters from these movies are the villains, not the heroes
so how are they going to team up?
and the villains get defeated every time
@GodEmperorDune Yeah and it'd be interesting to see a take on a cinematic universe that doesn't involve "let's you and him team up to beat up the Big Bad Guy".
I have no idea how they'd pull it off but it'd be better than this attempt at a "Spooky Avengers".
@GodEmperorDune I don't know if it's "mansplaining" but it's definitely not the tone you want to strike for a Wonder Woman movie.
(tip: deconstruction doesn't really work until you've constructed something first)
One could argue that Watchmen wouldn't be nearly as groundbreakingly amazing with the whole of superhero comic book history before it.
Q: LAN back to normal?

Illeloria GamingIs there a way that when I turn a world to LAN in Minecraft, I can make it normal again? Basically, can I un-LAN a world? Frankly, I'm new to the multiplayer aspect of Minecraft, and have NO idea what I'm doing....

@Yuuki definitely
it probably would've been better if they did the movie later on too
like an anti-hero avengers
Whoops, meant to say "without" not "with".
Sentence doesn't really makes sense with "with".
Come on Ossof you can do this shit
@Yuuki i understood what you meant
Please do this shit
Hey we're almost close to the first brexiversary
@GodEmperorDune It's the same reason that I'm puzzled over the choice to adapt parts of The Dark Knight Returns comic for BvS.
@badp same day as start of negotiations?
@Unionhawk Hype
It just seems like DC has been reaching for their grimdark storylines first before actually establishing the universe where those grimdark storylines work.
Should be close to frexitversary too
Like vengeful Batman after the death of Jason Todd doesn't quite hit as hard without being acquainted with Grayson-era Batman.
@Yuuki yes, it was too far removed from the nolan trilogy to effectively deconstruct that one, instead it deconstructs man of steel? except tdkr doesn't make superman look good at all?
@Yuuki i think they went 'what are our most popular storylines? adapt those'
inb4 DC makes superman: red son
Or the plot of Dawn of Justice is Kingdom Come.
i really hope not
Yes, Superman has retired from the Justice League before the Justice League has actually formed.
thats what happens when you do death of superman
And Batman is magically 80.
@Unionhawk What Women Really Think, the New York Times bestseller written by men.
@Unionhawk incoherent angry squid noises
God dammit
Well, I guess that solves the question of whether there's a rape culture.
And unfortunately the answer is yes.
Oh, the survey was localized to the Middle East and North Africa.

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