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borderlands thinks I'd seriously spend 60k$ in going from holding 900 smg bullets to holding 1,080?
If it was infinite ammo, perhaps...
@badp yes, yes you would
In fact, you must be a pathetically poor person to ever baulk at buying more ammo capacity :P especially with SMGs
but 60k$ is all I got!
@GnomeSlice 2581=2581
Pathetically poor person :)
@OrigamiRobot I have no idea, is that correct?
@GnomeSlice It never says anything about a pattern.
@GnomeSlice Why did you do this to me?!
@OrigamiRobot syntax error
@OrigamiRobot No, it doesn't. I was wondering that too.
I don't think that's it though.
@BenBrocka Don't act like you know my syntax.
@GnomeSlice I don't either, I'm just being technical.
He was clearly assigning a new value to 2,581
2,581 is the new 2,581
it's good practice. It prevents number rot.
You stop doing that and suddenly 2,581 = 2,583.
and then the terrorists win.
It says "This problem". Well, I only see one problem and 21 incorrect statements.
@badp You will eventually have enough to buy the planet
Hell, one of the DLCs even touches on how much you are disrupting the economy of the planet :D
@OrigamiRobot This is true.
I thought the millions digit was there mostly for show :P
also I don't have the DLCs.
@James did they reference that?
@badp HAH
Figured it out...
I'm but a level 25 soldier :(
It's possible to get so much money, so far beyond 9,999,999 that you get an integer overflow and start back from $0
But @Gnome I hate you for that
....which I've done
@Ktash Do tell.
@BenBrocka Doesnt the Claptrap DLC mention that he is there because you just rampage around and pick up all the guns and sell them off, etc??
now back to looking for a smg magazine
@GnomeSlice Do you really want to know?
@James I forget if it does reference that
@Ktash Yes?
The answer is 2
@Ktash Logic?
The only logic you ever need is that the answer is always 1. Unless it's 0.
@GnomeSlice 9, 6, and 0 each represent 1. 8 represents 2.
@Ktash I would have never, ever figured that out.
@GnomeSlice The "programmers will figure it out in an hour" thing tipped me off.
@OrigamiRobot I was going to say that myself but I got pulled away by work stuff.
@badp There's NEVER an opportunity to quote that
@BenBrocka Hmm, I may be mis-remembering.. I thought Hyperion sent the bot to the planet to take care of the people messing up the economy and then it went haywire.
@GnomeSlice what was the source on that?
@Ktash facebook.
Some person I went to highschool with posted it.
No idea where she got it from.
It was @Mana's not-girlfriend.
@James I know they sent it to kill you, but I didn't know that was why
@Ktash I stand by my answer.
The only thing I remember is that if it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakob's!
About the Game
It all started when the Hyperion Corporation decided it had enough of the greedy, haggling treasure hunters on Pandora. They were always selling, selling, selling and hardly ever buying high-quality, previously-owned munitions. This was acceptable when there was The Vault to hunt for and Eridian Guardians to clear out of the way, but now they were just a drain on the local economy and resources. Hyperion, like most corporations, was neither good nor evil. It was all about profit, and now the most profitable action was to unclog the drain. Of course, Hyperion already had just
@James Which game?
Borderlands DLC: Claptrap Revolution
Also, how do you post that much text?
@James ahh
@GnomeSlice Cut and paste
@StrixVaria Damn responsibility!
@GnomeSlice Interesting, I just found the logic for why the numbers are all equal to those values...
@James Oh, I thought it was longer than the character limit.
@Ktash Do tell.
@GnomeSlice You count the circles in the numbers
tbh it's probably a bad idea to amass a lot of money
@Ktash aha!
I feel like I'm grasping at emergency induction ports, sometimes.
The more you have the more you lose on death :/
@Ktash So a better explanation of the values would be 'the answer is the number of circles in the text'.
@badp You have no choice really. But here is a helpful hint, Dont die ;)
@RavenDreamer Don't touch those! I need an adult!
@RavenDreamer It's called a straw, Raven
@GnomeSlice Yes. And 0, 6, and 9 all have 1 circle, and 8 has two
@Ktash Interesting.
@GnomeSlice While that explains things a bit, the other logical evaluation of the numbers works out as well.. I do think the heading of the problem is mostly spiteful though :)
@Ktash 0 is not a circle.
@OrigamiRobot depends on the typeset, of course
@OrigamiRobot k, how many enclosed sections the characters have.
Why am I an owner of the Writers.SE chat?
I have never even been in that room.
@StrixVaria All part of my plan to send you around the bend :)
(Actually I have -no- idea)...
@BenBrocka My twos have "circles"
@OrigamiRobot If you want to get technical, we can call them n-sided polygons, where n increases with the size of the shape when represented on a discreet surface. But I think I'll stick with "circles"
@Ktash 8 is not a polygon.
@OrigamiRobot No, but we're not counting 8. We're counting the polygonal shapes that can be used to construct 8 ;)
@ArdaXi while 1 {}
@Ktash 8 is not constructed by polygons.
Q: Shiny Pokemon change they "shiny"?

Michel AyresAs it says on Bulbapedia "Upon evolution, a Pokémon will retain its Shiny status. A Shiny Charmander, if leveled up, will eventually become a Shiny Charmeleon and then a Shiny Charizard, just as a regular Charmander will become a regular Charmeleon and then a regular Charizard. This is due to th...

Q: where ashley had gone?

crouchin mass effect 3 every ojne tells that you have to visit ash in the hospital after every mission and i did till she wake up and accepted the new job spectre and told me hat her mother and sisters are good but the sister's husband died and after i left to the mission i went to her but she was gone...

@LessPop_MoreFizz WRONG
Thanks for the crappy questions, @lazers
@BenBrocka !!!!!1
Iddn't dat cute?
@Lazers ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????‌​?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????‌​?????????????????????????????????????????????????
@BenBrocka You know what's wrong? not being able to romance Ashley with a FemShep... that's what's wrong with this world.
@JuanManuel Everyone loves a lesbian.
@JuanManuel You know what's wrong? I didn't shoot Kaiden because I'm paragon :/
@JuanManuel I hate Ashley so much. I wish she had died on Virmire. Oh, wait! She did.
Do you prefer that notation ;)
@LessPopMoreFizz I fixed your typo. You want me to unfix it?
In geometry a polygon () is a flat shape consisting of straight lines that are joined to form a closed chain or circuit. A polygon is traditionally a plane figure that is bounded by a closed path, composed of a finite sequence of straight line segments (i.e., by a closed polygonal chain). These segments are called its edges or sides, and the points where two edges meet are the polygon's vertices (singular: vertex) or corners. An n-gon is a polygon with n sides. The interior of the polygon is sometimes called its body. A polygon is a 2-dimensional example of the more general polytope in ...
@OrigamiRobot, but that means you kept Kaidan alive.
@BenBrocka "I swear to god, if you question my motives one more time..."
@LessPop_MoreFizz you get the solution to that problem
@LessPop_MoreFizz As long as Ashley is dead, I don't care.
Also, Ashley is much more satisfying to shoot in the face.
In computer graphics, the midpoint circle algorithm is an algorithm used to determine the points needed for drawing a circle. The algorithm is a variant of Bresenham's line algorithm, and is thus sometimes known as Bresenham's circle algorithm, although not actually invented by Bresenham. The algorithm can be generalized to conic sections. The algorithm is related to work by Pitteway and Van Aken. The algorithm The algorithm starts with the circle equation x^2 + y^2 = r^2. For simplicity, assume the center of the circle is at (0,0). We consider first only the first octant and draw a c...
Which uses a n-sided polygon to approximate a circle in pixel representations ;)
@TimStone I did tell him to GTFO my ship though. I went against my wishes to not shoot you, and you're a DICK about it. Come on.
Also, ^ lol ^
@Ktash approximate a circle.
@Ktash Then it isn't a circle.
@BenBrocka Yeah, I did the same thing. :D
Do not fight me. I am a robot.
@StrixVaria Fixed
@OrigamiRobot Clearly you've never seen Pluto Nash.
"herp derp you shot someone who deserved to be shot, HOW CAN I TRUST YOU!?"
@OrigamiRobot Haha, but that's the only way a robot knows how to draw a circle silly
Or a facsimile of one at least
@TimStone I know. Arg.
@Ktash You underestimate me.
@OrigamiRobot rm -Rf /
@OrigamiRobot lol
@OrigamiRobot This statement is false.
@Ktash It's quite easy for a robot to draw a circle. You forget the beauty of sine waves.
Not all electronics are digital.
@JuanManuel sudo rm -Rf /
@OrigamiRobot Yahoo answers !== Proof
Ask it on SE and we'll see :P
@OrigamiRobot Citing Yahoo answers. At least go to Math.SE ;)
@Ktash I see you like jokes.
Yeah but that answer is right.. A polygon has a finite number of sides, circles are by definition a collection of Points equidistant from a central point.
I asked a question on Math.SE once and someone said "This is too trivial for me to farm rep off of so I'm going to put my answer in a comment instead."
@StrixVaria A robot could know of a representation of one given a mathmatical equation, but in theory movments would still need to be discreet (at least to my limited knowledge or robotics)
oh god oh god
> FUNimation showed off some new artwork from their Mass Effect anime feature, Mass Effect: Paragon Lost, at SXSW, including a look at the animated version of lead character James Vega.
someone call @Sterno, we need a Vega exterminator.
But at the end of the day, I question @OrigamiRobot's ability to understand human language if he could not figure out what was meant by the counts represent the number of circles present in character representations of the numbers :)
@agent86 Portmanteaus make me want to strangle kittens.
@agent86 But...That's not fun at all! What the hell, FUNimation. D:
@Ktash You assume @StrixVaria and I are bound by your puny human technology.
Q: Is there a specific name for a portmanteau of two alternative spellings?

GnomeSliceThis question came about in a discussion between myself and another user of the Gaming.SE chat after I linked in this chiptune track called An Eskimeau Experience Here is the gist of the discussion: It's either Eskimo or Esquimaux. Not a portmanteau of both. "Eskimeau" is a portmanteau...

Q: where ashley had gone?

crouchIn mass effect 3 everyone tells that you have to visit ash in the hospital after every mission and i did till she wake up and accepted the new job spectre and told me hat her mother and sisters are good but the sister's husband died and after i left to the mission i went to her but she was gone i...

Okay, stop downvoting it now people.
@James Who said I could not figure it out?
@OrigamiRobot lol
@OrigamiRobot You are the one who took issue with them being called circles.
@James Because they are not. I know what was meant. I was arguing against what was said.
I swear, I wonder why I bounty things sometimes.
@GnomeSlice That dude is awesome. All 3 of his questions have been about Ashley
@LessPop_MoreFizz To have clean clothes? @StrixVaria needs to see this.
Seriously, why is that question still at -4
@Sterno A true man, if there ever was one.
@sterno and they're all largely the same question about Ashley.
@LessPop_MoreFizz All that rep is weighing you down.
And all have featured 9 million question marks
@OrigamiRobot PUN :(
@gnomeslice it's still at -4 because it's still a shitty question.
@GnomeSlice it still sucks, I just removed the ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
@LessPop_MoreFizz =[
Plus, I doubt it's uncommon to see a question, downvote it, and then never look at it again
@BenBrocka I'm really tempted to put it back.
Just because it doesn't have 45 question marks doesn't magically make it a good contribution to the site.
@Sterno Agreed, which I think is a pretty big issue
@StrixVaria I resolve to ping you on all puns.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It means it's 45 times as good as normal questions.
@Gnomeslice my Downvote doesn't mean 'fix this' it means 'this is bad make it go away'
@LessPop_MoreFizz If a post gets improved, shouldn't your vote be revised?
What's with people and "improving" stuff?
Just kill bad stuff.
Depends, if something is legitimately wrong I'll downvote and comment explaining how to fix
Then stuff will be better by default.
I'm assuming everyone downvoted it because of the atrocious grammar.
what the hell is this mass effect thing on this guy's profile?
@GnomeSlice If it makes him consider writing better questions, downvotes being left on there even after an edit, and even assuming the only problem is grammar, is cool with me.
@Wipqozn why didn't I know that site exists...should have imported someone else's ME2 sve
@GnomeSlice Only if it improved enough
I've been voting on so many more questions now that I don't lose rep to do so.
@Wipqozn Oh my God, this is hilarious.
Everyone click that link.
If anyone wants to play ME3 multiplayer tonight, just ping me. @RavenDreamer @Fabian @LessPopMoreFizz @FallenAngelEyes @WhoeverElse
@Wipqozn bwahaha, a galaxy of colors
Are there any Hanar in ME3?
@OrigamiRobot There's a page in there titled 'beep boop I'm a robot'
@BenBrocka Yes. One.
@Wipqozn She was asari!
I just randomly remembered the end of HL2:E2 and curse you Valve!
@StrixVaria Never finished it. Too boring.
@StrixVaria :(
@OrigamiRobot Did you not understand the acronym?
> Tuchanka is a crumbling nuclear wasteland that tests the survival of its inhabitants every day. But the krogans love it! They have many effective tools at their disposal. However, it is up to you to make them fashionable!
@StrixVaria Apparently not?
@StrixVaria Did you get the Gnome into the rocket?
@OrigamiRobot I don't actually remember much about the middle of it, but I know the end made me want more and there's no more.
@GnomeSlice I don't waste my time doing stupid achievements.
@StrixVaria I did it for the fun, not for the achievement...
That was harsh.
I didn't mean it to judge you.
@StrixVaria What are you talking about an acronym?
@StrixVaria No worries.
It was just how I viewed that particular goal and my stance on such goals.
@GnomeSlice @StrixVaria Hug it out!
The segment with the car was completely idiotic.
I almost never play through something more than once.
@GnomeSlice Just gotta jam it in there so it gets stuck.
You had to stick it on the hood and stop every time it fell off.
@StrixVaria Doesn't work as well as you'd think. The car isn't completely solid.
@StrixVaria That's what Alyx said!
Getting out and throwing it with the gravity gun and driving up to it again worked too.
@GnomeSlice Stick it in that anti-strider orb-holding thingajigger.
@StrixVaria Didn't work.
@GnomeSlice Walk?
@StrixVaria Eh, it would stay on the hood until you turned, usually.
Q: How do the regular monsters "see" in Amnesia?

commandoIn Amnesia, you obviously want to avoid all monsters. Most commonly, you encounter zombie-like creatures that you really don't want to mess with. I'm talking about these pretty princes (image is a little PG). Sometimes, however, you're forced to sneak around near them, and you can get into some ...

Q: CItadel: Inspirational Stories is not finishing

FallenAngelEyesI agreed to do the CItadel: Inspirational Stories mission for a salarian who wants to make a documentary. However, I can't find any more locations that trigger for it. I've run around the entire docking area now, to no avail. To note, I was able to do the following: One area in the Memorial Wa...

Q: How much readiness do I get from recruiting the gangs in the Citadel?

Juan ManuelThe missions I have to do for them are questionable, and I'm a Paragon in this playthrough. Is the benefit I get from recruiting them significant enough to betray my beliefs and morals, or can I do without them?

"Did you hear about the soldier who got blown up on Virmire?"
"She was Ash!"
I found a really great way to nearly lock up my Xbox playing HL2 on the Orange Box.
When you're in that prison place, there's one room with a bunch of wheeled carts and toilets.
If you pile a bunch of toilets in a cart then toss a grenade in, your console will pretty much freeze until you manage to tip it over and spill out the debris.
"Are you engaging in reproductive behavior with this one?"
@GnomeSlice That sounds like it also has the potential to lead to the source engine randomly killing you because you collided with a stationary object.
@StrixVaria ...Does that happen?
It just dropped my fps to like 0.5, didn't actually lock up.
@GnomeSlice I might be thinking of Oblivion, actually.
I know that I've had a game where I walked into some innocuous item on the ground, and the sheer force of me stepping on it rocketed it into my body and instantly ended my life.
@Wipqozn Have you decoded the 'secret message'?
@StrixVaria Most dangerous thing in Skyrim are either the random skeleton rib cages... or those carts...
@StrixVaria Lol.
@GnomeSlice No, didn't bother.
Although I assume it says "Bryan is awesome"
@Wipqozn =[
Well that was fun. Except the bit where I kept dying.
@RonanForman I thought that was the best part.
Hah, the bit about Tali is awesome.
Actually, no, the best part was where you didn't know how to - err, actually, I'll keep that a surprise for everyone to discover when they watch :)
@Wipqozn I gather you enjoyed it then.
Was anyone else watching?
Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
@RonanForman Which?
I gather that will be a theme with my co-hosts from now on.
What are you guys talking about?
Mass effect 3 I was livestreaming me playing it just now.
What's with this guy and adding 30 question marks to every question?
I was commenting
> Tali wants to go on a picnic with you, how fun! But your food got all mixed up in the basket! Circle the dextro-DNA foods that Tali can eat. Don't be wrong or Tali will die!
@Wipqozn Why is that a problem?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????‌​?????????????????????????????
Oh, time to ask those questions.
Q: Can't find Faralda

LaurenI never tried getting into the college of Winterhold until I needed info on the Elder Scrolls. I told Faralda I was dragonborn and she wanted me to demonstrate a shout. I did, and she thought I was attacking her, so I had to leave town. When I came back, the dragon was attacking. I killed it, but...

Q: Does the singularity clear fog?

Ronan FormanWhen I was playing I noticed that the singularity ability seemed to clear the smoke from the grenades, is this just a coincidence or does it have an effect on it?

Q: What is the significance of blinking systems on the galaxy map?

staticbeastWhen I'm viewing the Galaxy Map form the Normandy and selecting where to go with a mass relay, some of the systems appear to pulse or blink. At first I thought this was to indicate mission locations, but some of them are blinking with no obvious missions to complete. It's clearly not the presenc...

@gnomeslice honestly?
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...
@rlemon I loved that one
> While multi-tenancy and richer browser capabilities are valuable, I believe we have to start architecting multi-tenant solutions while incorporating the rich differentiation of new client platforms in disconnected and connected capabilities with the ability of ad-hoc collaborative communities forming around these services without centralized service friction.
oooo now I see the comma, right there in the beginning. not helpful.
I'm going to have some fun editing tomorrow.
Hopefully this will mean I get quite a few of the shares done too
Q: How Many People Can I Have Sex With At Once?

GnomeSlice Possible Duplicate: Can you romance multiple people? Are there any opportunities in the game to enter a 'romantic encounter' with more than one character at a time? Or does Shepherd not roll that way at all.

@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh I seen it, hence my ...
These questions of his are really pissing me off.
@Wipqozn Yeah, that's just abuse right there.
I'm certain he is just making these titles /question to get attention now.
"As we’re counting down the days until we’re ready to announce a release date for Diablo III" - Blizzard YESSSSSS
A hint that they'll set a date!
I'll take it.
They're delaying PvP to get the game out sooner!
That means the game comes out sooner!
@LessPopMoreFizz I'm sure it was perfectly innocent and it only sounded crass because he "doesn't have the same vocabulary we have". Totally plausible!
@Sterno See, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt the first time, but not anymore.
not sure how I typed "craft" instead of "crass" there
@Sterno It's because you don't have the vocabulary we have.
It's okay.
Blizzard used the word "soon" to describe Diablo 3's release!
No one?
I want to cast an upvote to push @FallenAngelEyes over the edge so I can move on to stalking a different profile, but she has no +4's.
I've got to ask some more questions.
Q: How does "auto-resolve" work in battles?

commandoOftentimes I'm not quite in the mood to enter a whole battle sequence, and my army significantly outnumbers that of the enemy, so I'll just use auto-resolve to get it over with (it's that button in the middle of the interface right before a battle). However, I'm always uncertain if I should use i...

Q: What is the purpose of copper ingots, etc?

victoriahWhen I'm looting treasure chests in tombs I pick up a lot of random metals. What are they for? What can I do with them?

argh, images in bullet points float out of the answer
meleed a banshee
closevote power get!
I'm gonna close ALL the questions!

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