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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@Oak :(
So I can't do anything heavier than general browsing
So I came here :)
Though this chat also occasionally fails
It's all about ignorance. There was a guy on some kind of forum who had this reputation of being a hacker extraordinaire, yet I managed to impress him by gaining root access to some box by using an upload form on the site to upload a PHP file and then reading a file on that box containing all his passwords.
@badp well not really dying, I'm just working it to death. I have no server to exploit atm
I told him he shouldn't be impressed, he should be appalled.
I could so use some future kilo-core machine
ah, php.
String concatenation ftw!
Well, no, the worst part was that it was a flash upload form.
It had a tag in the HTML denoting the whitelisted extensions.
@ArdaXi Shinier!
All I had to do was use Chrome's Developer Tools to modify it to include php in the list.
@ArdaXi Browser inspection is cheating face the facts.
I could've modified the HTTP stream on the fly, but seriously, why bother?
@ArdaXi Burp proxy doesn't even make it that hard.
Just as much cheating.
I would have to write my own proxy.
I still wanted to write my own Firesheep, but I got demotivated by the WinAPI
OK chat is starting to die. Laterz.
RT @videogamenews Dreamcast Collection hitting PC, 360 in Feb http://bit.ly/gIt9cF
oh man what Roland V-Drums HD-1 Lite for only $700
well yeah but it normally goes for like $1100 - $1300 in Canada
they're pretty much identical these days
That's like a few pence then right?
Whomever will I strangle now?
stares @Brant
points at @ArdaXi
oh yeah good one
look at that long dutch neck
@Oak HELP!
steps away from teleport receiver
so the CAD is stronger than the USD actually.
You didn't know that?
Both are weaker than the EUR.
It's always been that way.
For like a while.
...and the GBP is stronger still.
Closely though.
Yup! Yet we still pay more because of outdated MSRPs and such.
EUR is one of the strongest economies.
Book prices are especially bad.
Also the US gets way better deals on Electronics usually
through amazon.com, which doesn't ship Electronics to Canada
Seriously? Wolfram Alpha?
so we're stuck with amazon.ca and their worse selection + higher prices
@ArdaXi No, it's client-side blocking.
I know, but it's based on the idea that Wolfram Alpha is overloaded.
@ArdaXi No, it's based on the idea that you made too many requests, too fast.
stop holding down F5.
"It is likely that the server hosting the webpage has been overloaded or encountered an error."
Sometimes I feel like party-goers speak an entirely different language than me
@Mana please add an event 6 months from now to the Die2Nite room.
call it "End of Season 1"
huh what oh man END OF SEASON 1
in 6 months.
well cool
@Mana sorry
three months
not six
Short season.
pfft, marginal difference
Event added
@Mana Thanks
Q: Stack exchange badges

PollyannaIt might be useful to encourage existing users of stackoverflow to cross pollinate other stack exchange sites. While rep-sharing is not useful, as rep is meant to be a measure of expertise in one subject, badges may be one way to encourage participation across many sites. This was triggered by ...

In Focus: Apple Unveils New Product-Unveiling Product http://onion.com/9D9Ghp
Q: Are profession specialties relevant post-Cataclysm?

Mag RoaderI am playing a new Death Knight with intent to tank for my guild at max level. As part of this, I decided to take up Blacksmithing. At around 200, the Blacksmithing trainer started asking me about Weapon/Armor specialties. I remember these specialties actually mattered back in Vanilla WoW, but d...

Q: StarCraft2: Outmatched: 4 Very Hard AI

BuddaHow to pass "Outmatched: 4 Very Hard AI" achievement: Win a 1 vs 4 Multiplayer Custom Game with no Allies against 4 Very Hard A.I. opponents. Any tips are welcome. Thanks. P.S. I would probably better to start from easier achievements, but it should be feasible to complete the hardest one too.

@Feeds Dear lord, look at that last tag.
Q: Badges: shared across all stackexchange sites?

PollyannaBadges are achievements. Reputation is a measure of their ability to help others in one expertise. It seems that it might be useful to make the two more distinct by treating one's badges commonly across all stack exchange sites. This won't make badges and reputation orthogonal to each other, b...

A new challenger appears!
@Lynne Hi!
A wild Pokémon flees
@Lynne Hello. :)
Heh... what are you guys doing.
awkward dead turtle
CATS IN SPAAAAAAACE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9XtK6R1QAk
Unhappy cat is unhappy.
"What was the the point of this experiment? Confirming that weightless cats are indeed, hilarious?"
Poor creatures
I'm guessing it has something to do with the whole "always landing on the feet" thing. Maybe they wanted to see if they would always float on their feet.
They are kind of tossing them around, but the cats seem ok.
Well they're just dropping them. Basically saying "Watch, really. He'll be fine."
Anyway if that clip pisses you off, you should see the one where they give a cat LSD.
It is either funny or heartbreaking...
I suspect it will be both.
@Lynne Yeah, a mix.
That's the consensus I had landed on.
When I consider the kind of experiments that were ran on humans a mere 8-10 years earlier... eh.
man they gave out LSD like candy
To military.. civilians.. even children.
They probably all had a wonderful time.
I thought the zero-g cat thing was okay and kind of funny, but I didn't even want to try watching the LSD video.
Yeah it's not for everyone
Dec 17 '10 at 7:45, by LessPop_MoreFizz
user image
Dec 17 '10 at 15:31, by Brant
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh man, meth sounds awesome.
I want that costume.
Q: Age Of Empires III : Lag in Multiplayer game ( LAN )

VivekHi All I am trying to play AOE3 in LAN. My Desktop and Laptop are connected to a modem through ethernet cable. Desktop Config: 1 GB RAM Intel P4 Processor (1.66 GHz) 512MB NVIDIA Windows XP Laptop Config: 3 GB RAM Inter Core 2 Duo Processor (2.10 GHz) 256MB ATI Radeon Windows 7 ...

Q: Associated Account?

GnomeSlice Does anyone know what this notification means? Or why I got an extra 100 rep?

Resonance of Fate is so awesome. you guys should try it if you're into j-rpg and gun-kata
I are not.
@Jin It was nominated in a bunch of categories on Gamespot in this year's awards though.
@GnomeSlice i only found out about the game by accident, from some youtube related vid. the battle system is so exciting even though the story isn't
@badp Grace period! Haha... ha... ha... yeah, it's not very funny
erm... erm...
It was nominated in that category, which is a good sign.
@GnomeSlice do you have a link?
@Jin That is a link. Unfortunately, as the game did not win the category, they don't really talk about it.
"Stylish combat that is as challenging as it is exciting provides the backbone for this great role-playing game."
hmm Vanquish looks really good, never heard of it
I really want to play it.
It's supposed to be short, and the voice acting is almost an outright parody of Gear of War, but it looks like so much fun.
i got Just Cause 2 for xmas, really liked it
although i always feel so lost in those sandbox type of games
Same here for me, but that doesn't make them any less fun to screw around with. :P
On an unrelated note, this was rather unexpected:
I wanted to see if fonejacker had a twitter.
That top result seems rather odd.
Weary Haitians Shrug As Ragnarök Begins Outside Port-Au-Prince http://onion.com/hjI1Tn
whoa 999 hit combo in resonance of fate. i need me some machine gun scopes.
@Jin Is that the max?
@GnomeSlice yeah. you need a lot of upgrades to the guns to pull that off.
i can see why RoF didn't catch on though. The combat system has a lot of learning curve. I didn't quite understand it too well even after about 10hrs into the game
@Jin You could also pull it off with a handgun that has about 8 surplus barrels attached to its magazine
Our first iteration of "Ridiculous guns" involved a machine gun with an extended barrel... jutting out in front of the main barrel and pointing upwards... originating from a complex barrel extension system joining the handguard and the magazine.
@Jin Gamespot noted that. :P It was the only demerit they gave the game.
It was almost more beautiful than what we affectionately call out "Blunderbuss Handgun"
@GraceNote How does attaching another barrel to the magazine make the weapon any more potent?
@GnomeSlice It increases your charge acceleration.
Which, admittedly, for getting hit counts isn't too important, but it helps for lots of nice Bonus Hits.
it's so hard to get money in the game though, there's a lot of grinding.
@GraceNote I'm still not sure I understand how gluing extra barrels to your gun makes it more powerful.
@GnomeSlice each add on gives the gun more attributes, recharge time, accuracy, power etc
@GnomeSlice About the same way adding 3 more handguards to your gun makes it more accurate
@GraceNote See, that one makes perfect sense to me.
By Chapter 6, we were already hitting the maximum charge levels during Bonus Hits thanks to a nice 30% acceleration. Our Blunderbuss Handgun currently has 51%
@Jin Arena helps a lot. But really, the big money sink is all the clothing.
@GraceNote my guys are still wearing the default outfits.... i'm cheap.
@GraceNote i was bummed out after i saved for that first handgun, only to find out my guy was't strong enough to dual weld...
@Jin Haha, yeah, I did that in my own save. Spent a long time farming it up so I could have it in chapter 1
Well, I would imagine it was ridiculously heavy, after watching this video...
@Jin Not a bad idea... the most expensive item we've seen so far is 198,000 Rubies... and it's a skirt.
Naturally we bought it just out of sheer puzzlement as to how this was almost twice as expensive as the aforementioned handgun
Se, I don't get how adding a handgrip onto your handgrip improves weapon performance.
@GnomeSlice What about adding a sniper scope onto the back of your magazine? It'll improve your charge speed.
And then sticking 4 barrels to this stack of two handgrips.
Don't forget to add more barrels onto those barrels. I'm not joking when I say the Blunderbuss Handgun has about 40% of the schematic covered in barrels.
Make that 7 barrels.
One of which justs out downward from one of the other ones.
@GraceNote have you beaten the game? i'm only on chapter5 still. saving up to upgrade more parts from Cranktown
@Jin No, we're only on Chapter 8.
sigh Firearms ...
@GraceNote how many pieces of bezels do you have? i have 4.75, i feel it's not enough
@Jin It's very slow in the early game, actually. Have you been clearing every red encounter you find?
I shit my pants last night, but what worries me is that I wasn't wearing them.
At risk of sounding Juvenile.
As you progress a couple more chapters forward, you'll start to find a whole bunch almost at once. I went to bed one night, and woke up the next morning to find that my brother had gotten 3 full bezels overnight, without progressing the story.
@GraceNote not all. do red spots give 1/4 shard?
Some do.
Maybe 1 per chapter or so.
But not for the first 2 chapters or so. The other source is just uncovering them with energy hexes
Does anybody here know Russian?
I wanted to counter with "I know Russians", but that's not even true. All I know are Estonians, Finnish people, and a ton of Ukrainians.
In Russia, Russians know you.
nope, sorry
In soviet Russia, arms fire you.
in Russia, cats are big
@Jin in my days, one gun shot was enough to bring a man down
if you need ~2,500 ammo to kill somebody you're doing it wrong
@badp Weren't those the good old days.
@badp Ammo is not specific enough. That could be 2,500 belts.
I feel like asking another question with a misleading title.
@ArdaXi okay, ~2,500 "hits"
@badp in my days, a poison-coated shuriken did the trick.
@Jin I know, but it seems like those guys just had to get fancy and use guns
In my days... shit, that's now.
but it did suck when the guy kept on transforming, and then i had to bust out the Masamune for the final boss form.
@badp Rainbow Six ftw
Ok, here it comes...
Brace yourselves
@badp Actually, in-game, it only takes one bullet to fire 30+ rounds.
That's with 30 barrels? :P
@badp No, that's firing from two guns.
@badp Including the ones stuck on the handgrips.
@feeds Hurry up.
@GraceNote i wish there were more types of guns in RoF. i love everything except for the itemization.
@GnomeSlice That tag you created worries me.
@Jin Aye, it would be more interesting.
Your highschool Physics teacher told you that your thinking about murder worried them?
@ArdaXi Oh that one.
@feeds Hurry up.
in Die2Nite, 1 min ago, by Feeds
Q: How do I Poison Someone?

GnomeSliceThis is difficult to ask. Ok, so this guy is really getting on my nerves. He's stubborn, obnoxious, idiotic, and completely driving me up the wall. It's time for him to go. I figured poison would be the best way to get rid of him, because I could probably get away with it and not be noticed b...

i love these Gaming questions, when presented out of context, they're just... weird.
Q: How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat?

Kaestur HakarlI am playing a human wizard, and I just killed a monster, leaving a corpse on the ground. How do I tell whether it is safe to eat this corpse? I leave the monster unspecified because I am interested in "how can I figure out whether this is edible," rather than whether any particular monster is e...

@Jin I'm rather infamous for that.
@Jin Although that one is the reigning champ.
Q: How do I Poison Someone?

GnomeSliceThis is difficult to ask. Ok, so this guy is really getting on my nerves. He's stubborn, obnoxious, idiotic, and completely driving me up the wall. It's time for him to go. I figured poison would be the best way to get rid of him, because I could probably get away with it and not be noticed b...

There it is.
Hrm, I thought you just used the cyanide, but I can imagine that could have... adverse effects.
I should say so.
Do you need to be a Hero?
No, Verve did it too.
And it's been done in my prior town before anyone was hero
@ArdaXi wait, what?
Fixed it.
btw, @ArdaXi, 34
How do you combine those items?
the disciplined badge comes with a cost.
Do you need a pharma lab?
No, you just do it at home
Rats, we don't have any corrosive liquid.
I suppose I could just give him the Cyanide and hope he takes it.
I wouldn't put it past him.
....And the upvotes start rolling in.
Wait...... rats.
Upvote me! Not him! Me!
I needs it!
@Jin I still want to start playing Nethack because of that question.
Yep, now I'm rolling in the upvotes.
Huh wha? Hahahaha.
Sorry @Brant. The tag stays.
If my rep drops back below 2k, do I lose my newfound editing abilities?
In case you haven't seen this, it seems that @GraceNote's Minecraft-centric plans for world conquest may be showing signs of progress...
Five emotions invented by the Internet: http://bit.ly/epZPoi
Commence movage!
90 messages moved to Nethack
There goes another bounty.
Does this mean I lose my editing privilege?
Q: The Sims 3: Earn 10,000 Simoleons?

oKtosiTeIn The Sims 3, one of my sims has the wish to "Earn 10,000 Simoleons". Even though she is at the top of the corporate career ladder, she doesn't even make close to that much. Is there something I should do outside of her regular job to fulfill this wish?

Q: What does the 'Enable Challenge Mode' check box on the ranked multiplayer Find a Match window refer to?

tQuarellaThe question says it all. How does the Enable Challenge Mode setting effect match finding or MP game play?

Good Evening Gaming.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Evening.


NetHack is a single player dungeon exploration game that runs ...
@badp But I don't actually play nethack.
like, I have in the past.
but not in a long time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz it's okay, just pointing you in the general direction of activity
@LessPop_MoreFizz ha
Q: When exactly are you detected as the pursuer?

LudoMCWhen my pursuer is doing silly things in front of me, he's detected and a red arrow appears above his head. But how to know when a red arrow is pointed on your head? Does it appear as soon as the controller is vibrating (ie when you're running and in your target's sight) or does it need more indi...

Q: PS3 games that fully supports move

DrakeWhere can I find an updated list of Sony Playstation 3 games that fully supports Move. With fully I mean games that has been developed with Move in mind.

this is the greatest review of any video game ever.
Watch out Yahtzee, Axman13 is coming.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you play the actual game?
I have now.
Jan 11 at 19:28, by Oak

1. Play the following flash game (it takes like 100 seconds to complete it, don't be afraid to try): http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/495903
2. Are you done yet? If you are, here's one of the reviews:


i reley dont wan to say this, but i have to now.
this game is so esey. i mean, all you do is hit the spacebar. thats it! how is this an RPG anyway? you cant contrail anything but what it says on the screen! what if i didnt want to buy the potion? what apout quests? all you can upgrade is stranth? there is no way you can lose to the boss at the end! this game is crap!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Actually I looked through the reviews -- his has been deleted
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