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@Unionhawk Sad!
@TimStone my file is 44 MB
Kill me
Why is it so big?
And at the other end of the camera...
@badp yep. I can see that happening. I have taken similar calls along the "you are the internet company therefore you are the internet" line.
@Unionhawk Why are you editing a 44MB file by hand?
@murgatroid99 I'm building a worst case "if you added 500 of a thing this is how fast it would load" output
@Unionhawk It's fun trying to explain to a user that no amount of optimization will bring adding 100+ separate instances of a complex object to a canvas below 1 second.
Woo, having your pupils dilated is fun.
I mean, I've already cut a significant amount of seconds off the tasks, it's much more optimized than it was before.
So what did I miss from the hearing, other than Rubio was being an ass (at least according to @SirTapTap)
And still can't focus on anything closer than about 2 feet.
Hey @Unionhawk, did you play yugi-oh 3 hours ago?
bridge I'm scared aa
@MBraedley McCain's non-existent spine and therefore lack of cerebrospinal fluid has possibly impacted his mental faculties.
holy crap all these lightnings
Don't worry, the good thing about lightning is that it's quick and therefor only hurts for a very short period
My dad got hit by lightning
Holding his HAM radio antenna onto his car roof with his hand during a storm
Like a dumbass
Q: Is hacking spectres in the game mode 'Attrition' recommended?

MarcusWhen hacking a spectre in the game mode 'Attrition', you'll get points (about 4) for that and nearby spectres change sides and start following you. But they now can be killed by the enemy team. Will the enemy team receive points for that? (making your points gained by hacking useless)

Q: Does a sunfire cape still hurt ennemies while you are not in an 'active' state?

Fredy31Does the sunfire cape still apply AoE damage for the few seconds you are golden from zhonyas, or during the revive of a guardian angel?

Or... Idk he was with somebody else
I don't think he was driving at least
Is he Electro now?
No he just has a scar
I heard that for a short while after being struck by lightning, some strike victims had a sort of EMP-like effect on their immediate surroundings.
Can't remember where I read it.
mind you it's 9pm here, it's completely dark outside. You can't even see the roof of that house normally.
@Yuuki kachow
as per ususal, twitch stream up in a mo
@Yuuki my hope is it loads in <10mins roughly
Since a similar 100 location thing loads in like an hour on current system
ministry of education (in turkey) made 4-8 year old children fast (well, not for ~16 hours but for ~10 hours) to teach "religious values"
'made children fast'. Picturing Turkey covered in Sonic rings.
Removing and then subsequently adding a node feels like a hacky way to push something to the tail of a queue.
(I am perfectly fine with religious people, as long as they don't push their views on unwilling/gullible people. Religion should be a choice person makes on their own, not something pushed to someone starting from childhood.)
So apparently the abortion rate has dropped faster under supposedly anti-life Democratic administrations then "pro-life" Republican administrations.
Preventing teenage pregnancy via contraception is a hell of a thing
Yeah, a healthy climate towards contraception methods does tend to lower the number of unwanted pregnancies.
@Avery at what age are you considered old enough to fast?
I didn't know there was an age
9, but your parents are supposed to enforce it at that age.
It only becomes your requirement at the moment a) your puberty kicks in b) you turn 15
@Avery Counterpoint: there is a general, reasonable expectation that parents will teach their children the truth about the world as they see it. For many people, their religious beliefs are as core to their beliefs as other things that we would see as unassailable facts.
You can kinda draw a parallel to teaching a child a language.
As an atheist, I completely sympathize with the desire to not indoctrinate children into a religion before they're old enough to think critically about it. But to do that, you would either have to discard the idea that parents can and should generally pass their worldview on to their children, or someone who is completely unbiased has to decide what things are OK to teach your children.
I've now broken 6k karma on Reddit
ooo and 7k comment karma
The fundamental problem here is that most people don't agree that the scientific method is the only viable method for determining truths about the world. And for people who believe in some other method for finding truth, convincing them that religious beliefs are not as true as scientific beliefs would require changing some of their deepest core beliefs, and that kind of thing rarely succeeds.
@BlueBarren i have one reddit karma
@Yuuki A third of babies in the US were aborted in the 80's? Interesting.
Now I want to plot that chart, but over the data markers of Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3.
@RedRiderX A fourth. Aborted fetuses aren't a subset of live births
@murgatroid99 Ah okay
And, strictly speaking, not every abortion was even necessarily a viable pregnancy
@MadMAxJr I really, really need to upgrade my computer so I can play Dark Souls 3.
So, that comparison is probably a little misleading, because it implies that the options are abortion or live birth, instead of abortion or several months of pregnancy that could result in a live birth
I know. That's how I read it at first. https://t.co/5vba4YbbJT
But you can't really compare to pregnancies to abortions because pregnancies aren't necessarily recorded that early
@GodEmperorDune Aaaand that top comment chain.
@Yuuki meh
Q: How far can i make a wire go?

VahxSimple question, how far can a wire go from a power source to any object in one line? And/or are there any tricks (not mods) to make them go further?

i don't think any lulzy images on the internet are truly unique
@Dragonrage Gotta shitpost a lot
@RedRiderX Regarding the CDC data that was used for this visualization:
> For the purpose of surveillance, a legal induced abortion is defined as an intervention performed by a licensed clinician (e.g., a physician, nurse-midwife, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) that is intended to terminate an ongoing pregnancy.
So, how hyped is @badp for "Superdimension Neptune vs SEGA-Hard Girls" I wonder
also it seems i have stumbled yet again into a convo with @murgatroid99 being ridiculously eloquent and insightful
@KevinvanderVelden reasonably
Why is it out?
I don't know about release date details
Thanks for giving me Neptunia news
(watching co-optional podcast)
@GodEmperorDune Thanks. Mostly, this is just something I've already put a lot of thought into
I suppose they gave it half a footnote at the end
During the release section
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://t.co/oJSCTxsmE8
I mean, it's not like there's any news-worthy thing to mention about it (AFAIK I don't keep track) other than it being released
Which is what the release section is for =p
This is way too much information but the Cyberdimension release later this year is more important since it's the first of the franchise where PS and Steam get a same day released
@murgatroid99 like i've tried to think up several ways to respond to that passing on the worldview message and it all boils down to what you've already said
@TimStone I mean, no one should be up late watching Diamondbacks games.
I would argue that even the Diamondbacks shouldn't stay up late for their own games.
It's not like them being there would affect the outcome.
@HazyKingdom are you Dexxterr on league?
@badp but there won't be any anime girls called "Mega Drive" there
I'm not much of a sega fan, or hard girl
and neither game has an anime girl named Gabe Newell
@TimStone Note that they could be first in the league and I would still make this joke.
@badp ... this is the internet, that has to be a thing that exist
I am not sure I should google that
Naturally, but not in those games
regrettably this is the closest thing I could easily find
his face is too much of a meme
I'm sure @Avery can give us a more detailed meme report
I'm fairly sure she's our go-to meme-person
@GodEmperorDune If you look at arguments between scientists and people who firmly believe in something unscientific (creationists, climate change deniers, antivaxxers, etc.), it often seems to come down to "What makes your faith in science more valid than my faith in religion/oil companies/random people on the internet?" And if they don't understand the math underlying the scientific method, or they disagree with the premises, then they're basically never going to understand.
so, in the UK
who won
@murgatroid99 You think people would do that? Just go on the Internet and lie?
is @Ronan who the winner
Gabe Newell (GabeN) is the co-founder and CEO of Valve, which owns Steam and many popular games like CS:GO, Dota 2 and Ricochet.
@Yuuki trump is still allowed on the internet
@badp Those crazy people don't stop voting until 10:00 pm
so 63 more minutes?
means I've started asking way too late
Nov 4 '16 at 16:26, by badp
@TimStone so who won
Gaben has mostly earned his meme value through his controversial statements, his character and the "3" meme.
It's not as weird as it sounds
@badp You barely even get to do the n hours remain schtick
it's a funny link I swear
@BlueBarren but butt why
@TimStone I didn't do it for Trump
@Yuuki it's okay, you'll laugh, I promise
@BlueBarren what did I just watch
Matrix fan art
@Avery ricochet was great though
Unrelated to the current conversation, but you guys have affected me somewhat
A couple of years ago, someone from this room had testicular torsion, right?
@Avery Also associated with valve is the "Valve time" meme, which is a subset of the "3" meme, caused by the constant delays in release dates of nearly all games released by Valve Software. 3 meme is mostly caused by the years long wait for the third installation in the Half-Life series, along with lack of third installations in other series like Team Fortress and DotA.
@Avery (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
can't exactly remember who, but someone did
@Nzall that doesn't sound fun
Fun fact: Valve has published 33 different games. None of them have the number 3 in the title.
@Nzall that was a painful google
And ever since then, even tiny amounts of pain or discomfort down there make me worry I have it too
@Avery now that you've made the sacrifice, what is it?
> Testicular torsion occurs when the spermatic cord twists, cutting off the testicle's blood supply, a condition called ischemia. The principal symptom is rapid onset of testicular pain.
thou shall suffer
@Nzall yes fredley
CC @Arperum
oh no
I don't want that
I really don't want that
I extremely don't want that
Testicular torsion occurs when the spermatic cord (from which the testicle is suspended) twists, cutting off the testicle's blood supply, a condition called ischemia. The principal symptom is rapid onset of testicular pain. The most common underlying cause is a congenital malformation known as a "bell-clapper deformity" wherein the testis is inadequately affixed to the scrotum allowing it to move freely on its axis and susceptible to induced twisting of the cord and its vessels. The diagnosis should usually be made on the presenting signs and symptoms and an urgent ultrasound should only be done...
Can we not?
May 27 '15 at 14:18, by fredley
First up: 2 weeks ago I suffered a testicular torsion. This is not as painful as it sounds, it's much much more painful than that.
oh my...
@Avery The reason gaben is a big name is because of the online visiblity of him, along with stuff like the intros of dev commentaries in Valve games or simply because he likes making the announcements in expos like E3.
the treatment section is metal as fuck
@Nzall so, what was your reason of bringing this up?
poor fredley
Because ever since I heard about Fredley getting it, as I said, every time I feel something in that area I wonder whether it's that
and I wanted to let you guys know that
Are you screaming from the pain? If no then it's not that
@Nzall I take it you just felt a disturbance in the force?
@Yuuki right I have to go to school tomorrow
can I not
@Yuuki crap, friday tomorrow
@Avery yes, you cannot
Friday isn't cool
ha I don't go to work tomorrow
I only got 2 hours of sleep today
longggg weekend for this guy
summer vacation started
I should start knocking the doors of embassies again 🤔 [< thinking emoji, for murg]
In more fun news, I've finished another minor milestone on my way to getting all the class mounts
@KevinvanderVelden probably
All my characters now have their Legionfall Campaign follower unlocked
@Unionhawk Then I should add that unionhawk to my friendslist and not the fake one
If you're looking for who I am, Silver 1 Pegasus icon
The other one is also me but that was a previous app install
Note that everything beyond this is just a grueling grind, times 11
11 invasions, 27500 nethershards, 1100 mob drops from difficult enemies, 132 world quests, 1100 dead demons, 55 wyrmtongue caches, 33 rare elites, 11 order hall missions and then another 1100 dead demons, but in another zone
@Yuuki still feels like tuesday
@Dragonrage Hey bud, nope, I'm pretty sure I'm Grio on LoL, it's been forever since I played though.
@Dragonrage My Battle.net tag is Grio#1429 though if you wanna hit up some HotS
@Yuuki Looks like a bunch of flashbacks hit him all at once lol
@Yuuki So much regret in that tiny kitty face
~All around me are familiar faces...~
HIV superinfection (also called HIV reinfection) is a condition in which a person with established human immunodeficiency virus infection acquires a second strain of the virus. The HIV superinfection strain (a recombinant strain) appears when a person becomes infected by two different strains, allowing DNA to fuse and create a new one. The second strain co-exists with the first and may cause more rapid disease progression or carry resistance to certain HIV medication. People with HIV risk superinfection by the same actions that would place a non-infected person at risk of acquiring HIV. These include...
TIL Super AIDS is an actual thing.
Q: how often are official Ark servers created?

Sparta270I would like to start playing Ark online as i have only played single-player up until this point. I do not want to start a world with established tribes and bases. How often are official Ark servers loaded?

looks like someone done goofd again
cc @fredley @djsmiley2k @Ronan
what would these numbers mean
@GodEmperorDune BBC is cycling through party leaders saying they wouldn't ally with either Labour or Conserva'tory
I can't believe I only understood "tory" kust now
@badp as i understand it, conservatives need to do a coalition govt
with labour (unlikely), SNP, or lib dems
SNP doesn't want brexit so probably won't join
i dunno about lib dems, but if they are more left than labour
lib dems also don't want either tory or labour
so there is No PM?
Well yeah, we're a Google-indexed chatroom. Direct messaging doesn't have to be on every chat platform.
also where is UKIP
@Yuuki i see what you did there
@GodEmperorDune they brexited, duh
@GodEmperorDune They got Brexit, so the party shriveled up and got eaten by the Conservatives.
@Unionhawk stealing an opponents monster and then using it as a tribute is still one of my favourite moves
@Yuuki i would've voted for this Good Dog
@KevinvanderVelden soul exchange is real good yes
Unless there's another method I'm not aware of right off
Don't have that, I have cards that just give me control of their units until my unit dies, at which point I tribute summon them
Skelesaurus I guess ye
@GodEmperorDune another election is possible yes
@badp wait really?
according to the BBC.
I mean it's TECHNICALLY possible
"you yanks with your confusing elections"
You have trump
i suppose no leader would've been better than trump
Being able to say "This won't work, let's have another vote" is a lot better then shutting down government
And now for bed
I have 0 understanding of what is happening there or what the outcomes are and I feel bad for that >.>
@Ash in the UK?
@badp I think it got corrupted, all I see is line noise
@Ash The main party is the one led by May (was Cameron). She called elections early hoping for an easy win
And I'm assuming she's not getting that?
The converva'Tory campaign championed "banning" crypto, suspending human rights to fight terrorism and a hard brexit
@badp O.o that all sounds awful
she also was the minister that cut off 20,000 police in the last few years
@Ash nope, they are projected to win a plurality of seats but not outright majority
which people didn't forget in the wake of the last few weeks
@GodEmperorDune these are exit polls
@GodEmperorDune And what happens if there's no majority? Is it like us where most seats still wins, they just don't have a majority government?
but yes her "lead" rapidly vaporized in the past few weeks
as i understand it, they would need to form a coalition with one of the other parties, but none of the other parties want to join up
@Ash I don't exactly know. It seems the third parties don't seem very interested in forming coalitions
> The exit poll puts the Tories on 314 seats. If it is right, then Labour (266), the SNP (34) and the Lib Dems (14) would have exactly the same number of votes. A minority Tory government could probably rely on the votes of the 10-odd unionists from Northern Ireland. But a minority Labour-led government (or the “coalition of chaos”, as Theresa May used to call it), could rely on Plaid Cymru (3), the one Green MP and the SDLP (3 in the last parliament).
also UKIP (Farage, Brexit, etc.) is exit polled to get a grand total of 0 seats.
sucks for my product owner who is trying to sell his house in London these weeks
his house apparently just lost 2% more value
So basically, things are unknown and chaotic right now
wait, what is the difference between shove and cutin?
and vip does nothing i guess? that's a useful function
@Ash yep
@badp wait so the UK parliament has an even number of members? why wouldn't they set it up as odd for natural tiebreakers?
remind me to add perl to the list of languages that i never want to use. right next to php and java
@GodEmperorDune because multiple parties solve that in a way better way
@KevinvanderVelden please explain
Nice, my secret hitler Donald Trump pack made in China came in
@Ash yes the BBC is enjoying itself
Even Conservatives + Irish are 4 short of goal
@GodEmperorDune wait no that's a different problem my brain had just shut down
Ignore me, I'm going to bed >.>
It is becoming ever clearer that this country was completely fucked by that stupid bloody referendum
brits are great
@Dragonrage as it was explained to me, cutin is a function where you have a slightly rude Italian and he kinda tries to cut midway in line
whereas a VIP gets to skip the line entirely
why would you need these weirdly specific library functions
I mean have you BEEN in an airport
like i get that these are scenarios that happen to real people
but it still is weird
you don't HAVE to use all features
there are other great features to get excited about like automatic git conflict resolution
but someone went to the effort of coming up with this feature and maintaining it in the core of the language
@GodEmperorDune Seriously though
It's a perfect example of what happens when politicans are fucking corrupt and do stupid nonsense
like no one promoting brexit wanted it to happen, they knew it was a terrible idea, but just wanted to get some votes
so they lied about brexit, and what it would do
brexit wins
(and also probably the UK)
or the yadda yadda alotta operator
where Perl, according to the Do What You Mean philosophy, figures out what you meant for it to do and then does it
or the did-you-mean assignment operator that rejects your variables and replaces them with what you wanted
(just in case I have to explain the joke, the entire presentation is a parody)
Anyone game for some HotS?
democracy everyone
@badp With 2/650 seats counted.
@badp ahhh, as they from the same place?
@Ronan I hope that isn't the results from just 2/650
if it was they would have to put it on the screen surely
@badp That's the results from the two.
And also it's a swing to conservatives from 2015.
That video is also a good example of why Trump is a shitty human being too. His talk about bringing jobs back is all "blame china and mexico! (because racism)", which means he's making everyone blind to the real problem of "robots are stealing our jobs"
but yes
the real winners are Newcastle
@Wipqozn is it that robots are stealing the jobs or that the jobs were never well suited to humans anyway and robots are actually freeing up humans for better pursuits?
@GodEmperorDune I, for one, would just watch the video (yolo)
@badp They already were a labour seat.
like what kid grows up going "i want to do difficult, dangerous work until i inevitably get hurt or my body slowly breaks down from years of accumulated little damage"
@Ronan but they are the first labour seat!
@Wipqozn On the plus side, this advocates for a guaranteed personal income.
There were gasps at the Sunderland count when it filtered through that Newcaslte had declared first.
Yeah Sunderland are always first.
BBC World News went only slightly short of televising the race
@Frank Yeah that's the thing. It's the kind of thing where it has the potential to make humanity better, but the question is "Will it?", because there's also the option where instead we'll be living in a a terrible future where the superrich control everything and everyone else struggles to survive
which I found refreshingly silly
thanks for that
which hopefully wouldn't happen, because if nothing else, VIVA LA REVOLUTION, but yeah
@Wipqozn If we live in the land of plenty, and there's literally no work for us to do...what good is money?
@badp It's not like anything else is happening for a while.
But the flip side is also, "Why would people do business?"
@Frank the bigger question is "we have built a society/economy/government based on every able bodied adult working around 40 hours per week, wtf do we do now that the underlying premise is fuct?"
@GodEmperorDune Hobbies!
...Which would kill my dad.
He doesn't know what to do if he's not working.
i think people would just turn to sex and/or violence out of boredom
i would hope they would go star trek instead, but i see mad max as more likely
because change is hard
so fuck that, let's party
if i ever get Cryoed i'm taking all my games and anime with me so when i wake up in the Federation i'm spending my life coveting them into Holodeck Programs
also yes the numbers above are just for the two seats
I was misled japed conned etc. etc.
@badp Bamboozled!
@badp rekt
@badp come on labour you got this
so is labor more like to not go for Brexit? or is it too late and regardless who wins the country is stuffed
2-0 so far come on
@Unionhawk *6-5
@Memor-X you know Theresa May? Imagine Not Theresa May.
That's essentially how I understand it
so I guess people are surprised that, as UKIP completely vanished overnight, some voters went to Labour rather than all to Conservatory
I mean Nigel is in America now so it makes sense
"Why did Theresa May call an election?" Top trending questions in the UK since polls closed #GE2017 https://t.co/s3MpCW6kB6
@badp hue
@Unionhawk i bet trump wanted him for FBI director

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