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I got bored today and decided to make a python script to grab data on this long email thread that my friends and I have been having
2486 emails long over about 2 years
@NickT Looks like purple and green got into a bit of a heated debate back in summer of '10.
I was thinking about trying to add something else to look deeper at the messages to see if I can figure out how the themes changed over time (sports, politics, etc)
that's a ton more advanced over looking at the from: and date: fields in a header though
That's better.
Yeerks find oatmeal addictive? SFF.SE + Wikipedia is almost as bad as TV Tropes
As in... Animorph brain slugs?
@NickT Yeah, I remember that. There was a specific kind they preferred.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, it's been on my to-play list for awhile. I'm planning to play through Ico once I finish Shadow.
Chronological order. Nice.
@Wipqozn 'sdawayt'doit.
@LessPop_MoreFizz w....what?
Oh, okay. Now I think I understand your message.
you'll need to excuse me, I'm not up on all the hip lingo you kids use.
This one needs a lot more...
Yay! Fraud detection just caught those 18 fishy upvotes I got in 2 minutes yesterday. Weird part is I asked my friends and none of them claim to have done it.
goes to bed
Oh man that game is good.
@OrigamiRobot On what grounds?
@GnomeSlice It is a duplicate....it says so in the comments...
@OrigamiRobot Just from the titles, I don't see how they could be similar.
@GnomeSlice Then maybe you should read the questions
Maybe. Or I could leave the voting to someone who actually will do it correctly.
If you read the questions, youw ill see that they are exactly the same
fine. I'll bite.
Q: Overwhelmed about Mass Effect 3 promo missions

NachoSince Mass Effect missions started, gaming portal has become a bit of a monotony of questions of questions tagged mass-effect-3. I think it's really cool for this site to attract games this way, even more if people is attracted in here, it's fantastic! Make gaming.stackexchange grow!! I really w...

Q: When does the romance occur?

SternoMass Effect 2 had a very definite trigger point when the romance would culminate with your chosen paramour. If I remember correctly, Mass Effect 1 did as well. Is there a certain mission or event that triggers it in this game, or does it happen some other way?

Q: Where are the experience level breakpoints and current total displayed?

johnjonIs there somewhere where I can view the current amount of experience my character has earned? I understand my current level is displayed in the Squad menu, but I want to know what my current experience total amounts to. As a corollary question, is the amount of experience required for each level...

When he says "spawn point change" he is referring to spawning on different blocks within the same spawn chunk.
The spawn point isn't actually changing.
These really aren't the same, in my opinion.
How so?
Well, one asks if everyone spawns at the same point. One asks why his spawn point is moving.
the point is not moving
I don't really see how those could be figured as dupes.
@OrigamiRobot The questions aren't dupes, even though the answers may be.
... They are asking about the exact same mechanic
@Wipqozn I'm older than you.
In any case, I'm not going to vote to close it.
@OrigamiRobot Maybe it's just me then.
@GnomeSlice The spawn point is not changing. He is asking why he is spawning on different blocks. The second question is asking if you spawn on different blocks.
@OrigamiRobot It's asking if multiple players spawn on the same block as one another.
He is asking if everyone spawns on the same block. There is no spawn block.
I think they're different enough, in both information asked and wording to be left separate.
@OrigamiRobot So?
No, It's not just you, @GnomeSlice. Origami asked me to close it a couple days ago, and I declined for the same reason you are now.
It's still part of the question.
The Mass Effect wiki gets really confusing when you search for a topic and then aren't really sure which of the 3 games the result is for
If I asked "Why do all players arrows point the same direction on my map?" and then later someone asks "Do maps show the direction players face correctly?" those are dupes.
@OrigamiRobot Not in my book. Well actually, hm.
I'm not sure this situation is entirely like that though.
They are about the same thing and the answer is exactly the same.
You don't close as dupes based on the answer though.
The answer is just supporting evidence
Why am I even discussing this with you, my opinion doesn't mean shit around here any more.
Both questions are essentially "How do SMP spawn points work?"
@OrigamiRobot Yes, but both more specific than that, and asking about different things.
What is different?
"Why don't I spawn on the same block?" vs "Do all players spawn on the same block?"
@OrigamiRobot What isn't different?
We have more than one question about Romance in ME3. Are those all dupes?
@GnomeSlice No. Most are not.
"Why does X happen?" is the same as "Does X happen?" in this case.
@RavenDreamer I just want you to know I stopped playing minecraft to star this :)
I still don't see how.
What's going on?
@Mana Reapers are invading Earth.
People are explaining to @GnomeSlice about duplicates
5 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
"Why don't I spawn on the same block?" vs "Do all players spawn on the same block?"
@Ullallulloo Also, your customer affiliate thing worked, thanks. =]
@GnomeSlice no prob :)
@James Really? That's how you're wording that?
Why do I even bother.
@James and vice-versa, seems like.
2.7 GB downloaded
As I said; my opinion doesn't count for shit around here any more.
@Ullallulloo ...That was fast.
@GnomeSlice My internet finally got fixed yesterday.
@Mana Duplicates are explaining to people about @GnomeSlice?
It's back to 500 KBps.
@OrigamiRobot @GnomeSlice When thats the two phrases being discussed, yeah that is how I am choosing to word it.
@Ullallulloo Mine would take days to do that... and it's not broken. ;_;
@OrigamiRobot shush
@GnomeSlice Yeah, we got super lucky with this ISP. It's five times faster than we signed up for.
@OrigamiRobot ROFL
@OrigamiRobot Hey! Quit stealing my meme, people!
> I Am You From The Future! No Time To Explain, Follow m-OH CHRIST!
Game looks positively awesome.
@GnomeSlice That's a full game now?
@Ullallulloo Appears so.
@Ullallulloo Interesting... wonder if it's any good. Never played the flash game.
@James I do not understand these words.
It does look even more awesome now.
@John I hate this "meme" and everything it stands for.
@Mana this.
@Mana :(
@GnomeSlice :(
@OrigamiRobot I resented his phrasing of 'people are explaining to gnomeslice about duplicates'.
Now I can't even be sad in peace...
@OrigamiRobot No worries, was a response to Gnome but I wanted to direct it to the topic on hand
@OrigamiRobot You may safely ignore the response :)
Okay, gotta get back to work. Peace.
@Mana How could you not like sadness?
@Ullallulloo I bask in sadness. It's just that shutting this meme down creates more sadness.
@Mana :(
@Mana Well said.
Oh, he's not kidding. I shower him in sadness every day.
@GnomeSlice oh god. Shower isn't even the appropriate word here.
@Mana 'Piss on'?
It's like a one-man depression orgy or something.
...I dunno what kind of orgies you go to, but...
A Depressiorngy?
@Mana I won a TV!
@RavenDreamer That was terrible.
@RavenDreamer Nice job!!
@GnomeSlice Agreed.
I was really proud when I saw your name up there. I shed many delicious tears of joy.
@Mana 42 inches! I don't know what to do with all that girth!
@RavenDreamer but Gary Oak does.
Also, you should probably not enjoy eating your own tears.
@RavenDreamer That's weird, when I was a kid, I used to love eating my tears. I used to not feel so bad about crying because I had this salty snack to cheer me up a little.
@RavenDreamer eh. If Binding of Isaac taught me anything...
...it's that something something witty.
@Mana It's that your tears are a deadly deadly weapon, an should, under no circumstances, be turned upon yourself.
2 days ago, by Wipqozn
The best puns are the terrible ones.
I'm not even joking, either.
I always thought it was sort of weird myself.
I mean, when I was a kid, I used to enjoy the taste of my own blood for similar reasons...
I never really did that.
Not that I was prone to bleed, or anything.
You humans and your bodily fluids.
@RavenDreamer By the way, do you own Greed Corp?
I do, actually.
I don't have access to my computer, however.
Interesting. We should play some time.
I don't have access to the internet for much longer either.
I went home so I could have a car for an interview tomorrow.
My folks asked me what I'd been doing over spring break.
I said "nothing"
They said "Have you been winning prizes on the internet again?"
I said... "Maybe."
Did they actually ask you that?
That's funny.
I didn't say anything
because I want the incredulous calls when a 42" TV shows up at their door.
@RavenDreamer Oh man.
@RavenDreamer I just came in the bridge before go to bed to congratz you
Q: Does installing ME3 to xBox 360 prevent disk swapping?

NA SlackerI've installed both disks of Mass Effect 3 to my xBox hard disk, but every time I enter a new mission I am asked to swap disks out. Does anyone know if installing it to the hard drive is supposed to prevent having to walk across the room up every other mission?

Q: Old russian tetris/blockbreaker mashup windowsgame

MathildeAt least ten years ago i played a game with (or against) my friend, and we would love to play it again for fun, but have no clue what name to google for... The top player would play tetris and some blocks had special abilities like bomb or baloon, and at the same time the second player would pla...

@RavenDreamer for the ME prizes =) i was voting for you in some good questions and answers as well =)
Thanks, and thanks!
Night everyone ^_^
My god, what did the Alliance do to my ship?
@MBraedley For The Horde!
@MBraedley You don't like the TSA?
Every time @feliciaday rejects an iPhone game request, a kitten dies.
@RavenDreamer It's not that, but they left shit all over my ship. And they totally re-arranged the CIC deck
@MBraedley They turned Mordin's lab into a conference room, the armory into a communicator room, and the communicator room into a war room.
And installed the TSA
@MBraedley I hear you can find your space hamster scuttling about.
@Jeb_ If I can put a torch on the bottom of a set of stairs that are upside down, why not on the back of the stairs?
hehehe :)
@RavenDreamer I never bought one. Too epensive
@James I thus deduce you are in Western Europe
@RavenDreamer California actually
So Western USA :)
@Lazers Any one else feel like downvoting this because he wants to know if installing the discs prevents disc swapping then said it doesnt in the question itself?
@James Your twitter is 5 hours ahead of me, though.
@RavenDreamer I think those are GMT ... I likely dont have my time zone set on there.
Actually, nevermind
And guess where GMT is?
Western Europe.
Can't explain that!
That is just how SE's chat one-boxes it
On my screen it shows 8:26 for my post.
That makes it about 8 hours off.. soo.. wayyy off :)
Hmm, no wait that is 8hrs, :D
Wow, I should really head to bed if I want more than 6 hours of sleep.
Dunno why I thought four.
I wonder, if you release a mod that does nothing but fix odd logic bugs in Minecraft, if they could incorporate them into the real Minecraft.
It worked for Toady in Dwarf Fortress
I gotta say, I like Jacks new look.
Clothes totally work for her.
Yeah. Clothes > tatoos of clothes.
So, I got an email from Seth today.
(About prizes)
@RavenDreamer gurts
The guns are sold out, so I'm not sure if the fleet admirals are actually going to be able to win one.
@RavenDreamer hahaha. Not terribly surprised.
(This also made picking a prize very easy)
Also, Jack bitching about having been my Biotic specialist during the suicide mission was awesome.
"Let the Salarian handle it! He can talk 'em to death!"
Yeah, haha, I got that too.
That mission took me for*EVER*.
Gorram cerberus turrets.
By the way - Sabotage? Totally overpowered.
Hey look! A Geth Prime!
Hey look! A Geth Prime on my side!
@RavenDreamer Do you not need to strip away shields before it works anymore?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not in multiplayer at least
Which I wish applied to more powers
Maybe reduced effect with biotics, but biotics are really boned on the higher difficulty levels.
Except Warp.
Warp's good.
Stasis too, I guess, now that it doesn't provide damage immunity
Q: When can I activate EDI?

MBraedleyTitle was left intentionally vague. Spoilers ahead. So one of the first things to happen after leaving Earth is to recover a Cerberus infiltration unit. From the wiki, I know that EDI can inhabit the mech and become a squad member. When exactly does this happen?

Q: What are all the models that Shepard finds for?

StephenI assume that this is some recurring element I don't get, but what are the models for? I've found a handful of them and saw the completed ones in the Captain's Quaters, how many of them are there?

for @GnomeSlice: i.imgur.com/eMFD4.jpg
(Potentially NSFW Soul Calibur character progression)
@RavenDreamer Haha, Nice. Who did that up?
Q: When can I activate EDI?

MBraedleyTitle was left intentionally vague. Spoilers ahead. When exactly does this happen?

Good edit or crappy edit?
The more I look at it the more I am thinking crappy
@RavenDreamer Stasis is amazing now.
Also, Charge is as awesome as ever against any defense.
Being able to move crap with your mind is not a handicap.
Inappropriate uses of the word "cockpit"
Joker and EDI are the best comedy duo out there.
Welp. Looks like being nice to Thane one last time broke any romance I might have had with Liara.
Should "being nice" be in quotes there?
Hopefully it didn't break her conversation trees so badly that I can't get power upgrades from her.
I think this is "not an answer", but who knows, there's that 1% chance the guy is right
A: Total possible outcomes in the Mass Effect Trilogy?

SilenThere's 42... no seriously... bioware are funny that way

Isn't that question a dup of this: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/53964/…
(I don't know how you inserted the question header into chat like that.)
Hmmm... Blood Dragon Armor, or Terminus Armor?
@johnjon Questions are oneboxed when they get linked with no other text.
Q: How many endings are there and what will it take to see them all?

yx.With all the possible permutations between choices in ME3 and in previous ME games, how many different endings are there in the game and what is the most effective playthrough method to see all the endings?

Q: How many endings are there and what will it take to see them all?

yx.With all the possible permutations between choices in ME3 and in previous ME games, how many different endings are there in the game and what is the most effective playthrough method to see all the endings?

Ah, got it. Thanks.
Apparently Nintendo can't do math - I looked in the "Popular Games under $2" category on the eshop, and there were things that were $5.99. >.<
@AshleyNunn Maybe they would be popular if they only cost $2
Q: What's the signifcance of the sector breakdown on the War Map?

SternoI've played a bit of multiplayer now and whenever I do, the readiness rating bonus that I receive seems to get applied to every single sector. When I go to my single-player game, these values always seem to be exactly the same. Do the values for these sectors ever change so that they're no...

Oh come on, really? |:
Why, ending, why?
> The Salarian Union formally requests that you stop touching that.
I dunno what I expected the ending of ME3 to be, but...that wasn't it.
From what I keep hearing, it sounds more and more like the best ending for this game would be dying horribly
I dunno how else to describe it other than I feel like I was just Deus Ex'ed again.
...I hate you EA.
Box pops up at the end saying that Command Shepard has become a legend, and now I can "continue to build that legend through further gameplay and downloadable content!"
I know that's how I like to continue legends, by shelling out more cash.
Q: How can I upgrade my weapons to level 10?

FabianThe description of the Gunsmith achievement seems to indicate that you can upgrade your weapons to level 10. So far I can only upgrade my weapons to level 5, no higher upgrades are available to me. Do they appear later in the story or do I have to do something else to get them?

Q: How can I regenerate health?

FabianWhen Shepard's shield collapses, she takes damage to her five health bars. I noticed that while partial damage to a health bar regenerates quickly, the health bars themselves don't regenerate. The health you lost stays lost until the end of the mission. Is there any way to regenerate that he...

The ME3 quest description in your journal seem to me to be far worse than before, it's like they wrote them for a game with quest markers, and then removed the quest markers so that you have to guess where you need to go. My Where is General Oraka question got nearly 2k views already, because the game doesn't tell you where the damn general is.
The maps always seemed up-side down to me, too.
@Fabian now if only 1% would vote it up you'd be set.
@disinter Only views from inside the SE network help there, random people from Google usually can't upvote
@Fabian ah right obviously.
I just tossed two low-hanging-fruit questions out there for someone.
Good night all
Q: Where can I find the heating unit stabilizers?

Sterno Where can I find the heating unit stablizers for the mission Citadel: Heating Unit Stablizers?

Q: Where can I find the schematics for the power grid?

Sterno Where can I find the schematics needed for the mission Citadel: Improved Power Grid?

Q: How to kill a guardian

LyrionRight i'm playing as a sentinel, and my playstyle is mostly rushing with my shotgun blasting away, and also using melee attacks. Now the trouble i'm having is with the guardians (the cerberus guys with the shields). Rushing just doesn't work, and aiming on their feet with a shotgun or trying to r...

Q: Viable Troll Builds LoL

DashzappI wonder what troll builds are viable and that you guys tested in PvP matches! I have tested a lot of stuff including AD Cho, AD Rammus, AD Lux, AD Ryze, AP Yi (which is called not viable for a lot of people), AD Shen, ... But what are other builds that I can test and yet remain viable (= possi...

Q: Does the first rank of "upgrade" skills provide any benefit?

ResorathI noticed that the first rank of "Fitness" provides an extremely powerful upgrade: However, the next level provides a much smaller upgrade, but displays a "green bar" showing what is actually being improved: So does this mean the first rank (for a measly 1 point) really give me 15% health, ...

Q: Reapers are coming after me in a star system. How do I reset the meter?

ExtrakunAfter scanning a few planets in a star system, the Reaper bar fills up and they start coming after me. When will that bar resets so I can have access to the system again?

We should have a question velocity plot for specific tags, I'd be curious how the amount of questions against time of ME3 compares to Skyrim
Q: Information about who is in war with who

PierreIs there a way to now which country is in war with another country? I know that there is the Diplomacy Panel, but it only tells my situation with other IA civilizations. What I want to know is : IS there a war between other civilizations (IA).

Q: Do your squad members have a weightlimit?

LyrionIf check at your loadouts you see that Shepard has a weightlimit depending on to much waight or to less weight your power levels switch accordingly. But there are no such thing on squad members, do they also have a weight limit? If not can you just fill all the slots with weapons? A second quest...

@fredley - cheers for your answer on my TNT launcher question, led me to building this:
A: What are all the endings of Facade and how do I find them?

TYABAlso, note that in every game, there is a time near the end where they say about what you've told them. I noticed that the combination of those things defines the ending. What you've been saying, about marriage/trip/grace/communication/love/blah. Do you think that saiying that trip is cheati...

A: What are all the endings of Facade and how do I find them?

TYABI flirted and kissed Grace (agreeing about everything and saying she looked good somehow made me able to do that) and told (lots of times) that Trip cheated on her with Maria. In the end, both were uncomfortable, and akward Grace and mad Trip insisted that everything was fine with their marriage ...

Shouldn't these two answers be merged?
Ronan Forman on March 09, 2012

Bittersweet factory is a puzzle platformer about escaping from an evil factory, you must flip tiles to change the platforms and complete the levels.

If you have any games you’d like us to review, be sure to give us a shout.

Please remove this spam. Also, some of the images in the blog post seems to have disappeared
@tombull89 TNT fireworks are awesome
They need to have their URLs updated
@YiJiang TCO of spam
@YiJiang TCO of images
Thank you
Q: How do I solve Soko-Trolls 7 puzzle?

HenryHeyI can't get pass this one. Here's a screenshot of it:

Q: Move the "hide ignored tags" option to the main page

OakOn this site, whenever a new prominent game comes out, the main page is spammed with questions tagged with that game. Occasionally new users complain about this, because they don't know how to hide those questions. They do find the "ignored tags" mechanism, which is immediately apparent on the ma...

Q: What is the last level in Spice Bandits and where in the map is it?

IIISkyBlueIIII have played factory backyard, but then I had to stop playing. When I came back I could tell what level was next. It says that the location progress was 98%, so I'm pretty sure that there is only one level left... can somebody tell me what is it and where to find it?

Q: Do power upgrade bonuses max out at 100%?

row1I am trying to upgrade EDI's "Unshackled AI" power to level 5, her power damage is currently at 80% and when I select "Tech Damage - Increase tech power damage by 30%" the power damage bar does not increase as I might have expected? Perhaps it "Tech Damage" doesn't mean what I think it does? Do ...

Q: Am I supposed to know who James Vega is?

staticbeastAt the start of Mass Effect 3, James Vega comes to collect you for a meeting with the higher ups. The conversation between you implies that there is history, but I don't recall ever encountering him. The wiki on him states: [James] had taken up residence in Omega playing cards in bars. Durin...

Q: How to effectively engage enemies at medium to long range?

OakI have a level 10 character with high small arms and energy weapons skills, which is very effective in dealing with enemies in close to medium range - with assault rifles, laser rifle, combat shotgun or machine pistol. However, I find myself having trouble with enemies in longer ranges. The weap...

Q: Is there a way to use an iPhone as bluetooth headphones for a PS3?

LordScreeThe Sony Playstation 3 provides support for a Bluetooth headset so you can sit and relax on your sofa without having wires from the TV, etc. The iPhone smart phone is Bluetooth-enabled. Is there an app, or some other method available to allow the iPhone to act like a Bluetooth headset, thereby ...

@Lazers Oak is playing Fallout 3!
Are these 2 dupes? A, older vs B, newer ?
Q: Are Strongholds more common in Swamp Biomes?

UnionhawkIn my experience with generating new worlds and finding the stronghold is close, they've almost always been in a swamp biome. Is this intentional, a bug, or just a coincidence?

@RavenDreamer That's just depressing.
> Breast armor removed in favor of a bit more flimsy rag. Amount of flimsy rag covering breasts reduced.
What's wrong with the initial character design!?
@RonanForman Ah, you took their offer? Neato.
http://blog.stephenwolfram.com/2012/03/the-personal-analytics-of-my-life/ love this. Stephen Wolfram plots his personal data
I have no idea what this means, but some of the people who come here often might find it interesting.
I really hope that clothing isn't listed as one of @StackGaming's most influential topics because of my questions.
@GnomeSlice Klout is some sort of social networking impact measuring service
@YiJiang Yes, I know, that's not what the 'I don't know what that means' was referring to.
I've been using Klout for a while.
I presume Gaming.SE is listed because it has a Twitter account
@YiJiang No, it is. But look at the topics listed.
@GnomeSlice It's also because of all the steampunk discussions
How does a bot get influence anyway?
@OrigamiRobot It doesn't take into account chat discussions though though.
@YiJiang Retweets.
27 isn't a particularly high score.
@GnomeSlice It does when I make up the statistics.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, okay.
Huh, StackGaming's score is actually 10
@GnomeSlice It could be because of all the armor questions for Skyrim
@YiJiang Probably.
I'm still not 100% sure how Klout picks topics.
A search for the word cloth only gets 51 questions gaming.stackexchange.com/search?q=cloth
Eh, could it be the Google+/Facebook fan page
@YiJiang It probably uses keywords that relate to clothing. For example, 'armor', 'costumes', 'breasts', 'custom'.
Somebody find me a bad answer to downvote. I need to lose 1 rep.
@YiJiang Looks like the only linked account is Twitter.
A: How can Astaroth get his opponents out of his face?

GnomeSliceOne of his best moves for this sort of thing is 88B or 22B, which does a quick step to the side followed by a vertical axe whirl with a massive arc that launches the opponent into the air if it lands successfully, giving you time to back off a bit. It can also be powered up with the Edge bar by ...

A: Can people steal my icons?

victoriahYes. Don't give your key to anyone you don't trust.

Q: What's the difference between a Defense Drone and a Combat Drone

MBraedleyI was reading through the wiki and saw that Tali now has a Defense Drone in addition to her Combat Drone that she's had forever. Unfortunately, the wiki is so vague as to be completely useless as to what's special about the Defense Drone. What differentiates a Defense Drone from a Combat Drone?

Q: Where can I find a fusion chart?

yx.Are the fusion combinations for Devil Survivor 2 the same as that of the first game? If not, where can I find an updated fusion chart?

Q: How Can I Bed Each of the Available Characters, as Either Gender?

GnomeSlice Possible Duplicate: Who can you romance in Mass Effect 3? The Mass Effect series is [in]famous for its sketchy 'romance' segments. However, I've heard some talk about playing as a 'female' Shepard in ME3, which raises some... questions. Notably, being able to play as a woman will cle...

I know this question has a few issues, as someone explained to me... but 15 downvotes? Really? Is that a new record?
Pure awesomness!!!
@Unionhawk Wow.
Q: Log In/Out Screen is Vertically Challenged on High Resolution

GnomeSlice I'm on a 2560 x 1440 monitor running Chrome. As you can see... the page background isn't quite able to man up and fill the entire page.

Her +K change in the last 90 days is +221. Wow.
Has she done something important recently?
@GnomeSlice Hah. Misanthrope.
@GnomeSlice She starred in that Dragon Age DLC/Web video thing. That's not very recent though.
I'd never actually heard of Felicia Day until she joined the cast of the TV show Eureka.
And still didn't realize she was so big in the gaming media until later still. I think when someone linked that 'year's best things' video. Can't remember who did it, other than that it was a parody of Spike TV.
I think I first saw her in Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
i.e. 'Worst person on the planet' and 'Hottest chick I want to bang' were both Felicia Day.
This question has the worst collection of answers I've ever seen.
Yeah, she's pretty cute.
Strangely enough this was where I first saw her
@YiJiang That's not really strange, I think that's how she got so well known.
Q: Log In/Out Screen is Vertically Challenged on High Resolution

GnomeSlice I'm using a 2560 x 1440 monitor and Chrome. As you can see, the page background isn't quite able to fill the entire page.

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