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But, It also forced them to keep the gift... It is freaking impossible some times to give things to people
If someone regifts an iPad they're not your friend. ಠ_ಠ
@MarkTrapp Was more of they would not accept it.
Ahh, I see
@MarkTrapp Need financial advice? Why not Zoidberg?
@MarkTrapp Hehe, I follow the developer of Mono. He put in an order for 7 of whatever apple announced, even if its just an iPencilSharpener :)
Once again it pays off for the iPad heavy portfolio!
I hate it when I get random downvotes with no explanation.
@RavenDreamer I can randomly downvote you with explanation if you prefer.
@James I wish there was an MSDN-esque subscription plan for Apple hardware for developers. Just send me whatever it is when it comes out.
@MichaelMyers "You wanted a downvote with an explanation, so I'm downvoting you, and explaining it."
-1: No Zoidberg.
Q: Are there negative consequences to ignoring a floor type when adding floors in Tiny Tower?

tiddyThe Food floors are just an annoying time-sink for me. They are constantly out of stock, and floor upgrades only add minimal inventory. Ideally i'd never build one, but I'm content with just waiting until that's all that remains. Are there any negative consequences if I hold off on building Food...

Q: How do item qualities work for items purchased in the store?

Bryson DudaIn the multiplayer store, there are two item qualities mentioned; Uncommon and Rare. Are there other qualities above or below these two? How do you know qualities the items in a pack are after purchasing it?

@RavenDreamer -1 Not enough deference to ME3.
-1: Not enough downvotes
You guys know I was suspended, right?
@RavenDreamer +1, but I can give you an explanation right now.
You got an upvote on something I posted on meta.
@MarkTrapp It was a ME question, though.
@GnomeSlice We knew you'd be back eventually!
@Sterno Glad to see people making the site more helpful to future visitors by making sure only the correct ITG answers are voted up!
@GnomeSlice Nah, not on meta.
Why don't you just permanently ban me and get it over with... =[
I figured that was the reason for the meta post :P
@RavenDreamer Well, you got one there too.
I thought i was at the bottom of the chat but it turns out that post was from like an hour ago.
@disinter I'm not sure that really helps...the only vote that counts in ITG is the accept vote
What is it with you guys and whining about this 'habit of mine' of posting 'those questions'!?
It's memory bias.
@BenBrocka Yes I was being sarcastic. I was hoping @Sterno was being ironic by braging about voting down incorrect ITG answers.
Please calm down.
There's absolutely nothing offensive about it, and I've edited the name to be even less juvenile...
They only remember the controversial posts.
@disinter You are correct. I was not being serious about ITG downvotes. Though I have no objection to it if it does happen.
@Sterno I'm glad I interpreted your post correctly. I found it very humorous.
The Von Restorff effect (named after Hedwig von Restorff), also called the isolation effect, predicts that an item that "stands out like a sore thumb" (called distinctive encoding) is more likely to be remembered than other items. For instance, if a person examines a shopping list with one item highlighted in bright green, he or she will be more likely to remember the highlighted item than any of the others. This distinctiveness may also come in the form of humor, in which case the humor effect occurs. Similarly, specific examples include the bizarreness effect and the serial position eff...
@GnomeSlice "Offensive" is pretty subjective. There were definitely more polite ways to ask it, though.
@Sterno I've edited it, but it's still a problem, apparently
@GnomeSlice I believe the saying power corrupts applies x10 to gamers. Anyway we should really cut off downvotes after 3 or so
No reason that it has -7 or whatever it is currently
jfc lol record!?
@GnomeSlice Meta discussion indicates that, while the question's initial phrasing was vulgar, there were other problems with the question mostly on terms of broadness.
Peter Molyneux is leaving Microsoft and LionHead Studios. His new studio is called "22 Cans". http://bit.ly/wBj66x
I also kinda have to strongly agree with Fallen's comment on the matter.
@GraceNote I agree, and I see where that's coming from, but I take offense at the 'I'm sick of Gnome posting these questions' comments.
@GraceNote the downvotes were based on the phrasing and the content, the close votes were (I hope) due to broadness
@BenBrocka Yeah, not likely.
Find me another broad question with 11 downvotes and I'll relent.
@GraceNote Me too, I even gave her an upvote.
I said the downvotes where in part (largely) due to the way you phrased it, not the broadness
@GnomeSlice He said the close votes were for broadness.
It should probably stay closed, even
@GnomeSlice As he said, that was due to your wording and lack of knowledge of the game.
@Ullallulloo Well, that's dumb.
So edit the wording.
@GnomeSlice You've posted a fair number of those questions in recent memory, and you also know there are people who are really annoyed by it.
@Wipqozn Define 'those' questions, for me, would you?
Jiggle physics
Q: How is this a duplicate?

GnomeSliceHow Can I Bed Each of the Available Characters, as Either Gender? The question asks for much more detail, and different information than the linked 'duplicate'. Why was this closed? I can change the title if it's offending someone, but honestly...

The one about which SCV is wearing the least clothing
Also, why did this end up with a score of -1...
The King's Bounty one
Honestly it's perfectly valid for downvotes to be based on "Oh it's one of those questions again", as the lack of research and questionable intent are valid reasons to downvote
@GnomeSlice two examples
Even if I post a meta topic with the goal of getting some more information, it's DOWNVOTEDOWNVOTEDOWNVOTE
@GnomeSlice I bet your question will get a lot of hits from google returning the result heh
@Wipqozn Alright. Now tell me what characterizes those as 'those questions'?
@GnomeSlice Because people disagree with your statement.
shoulda left it in the original phrasing
@Wipqozn It's a question, not a statement.
@BrianColvin Which?
votes on meta indicate whether or not someone agrees with you. You made a post asking how something was a duplicate, people down vote it to indicate it is a duplicate.
the phrasing at like 1230 or something
On other sites there's the bike beating and potato mashing ones.
@BrianColvin ...Pardon?
@Ullallulloo Those were clearly jokes.
@GraceNote And I regret my actions terribly.
Which isn't tolerated.
@GnomeSlice It's also why people don't take some of the questions you post seriously.
When you ask a question about a"breast physics" people think you're just joking, because you've done it multiple times in the past.
It's also combined with the volume of stuff you post that does get flagged - even if there is some standards issue, you do post stuff which people are uncomfortable with, that people have asked you to stop, that you have even mentioned you think you should stop, and yet you still post the stuff.
@GnomeSlice Regardless of the question title, I'm sure there are many people who will google 'how to get me3 characters to bang' or whatever it was orignally titled. And your question will bring them to this site which will introduce them to the community, and serve benefit to the site as a whole
@Wipqozn I most certainly have not.
@BrianColvin Because people looking for those search terms are very likely to contribute quality content.
@BrianColvin Oh, undoubtedly. Which has been my argument for some of my 'THOSE QUESTIONS' in the past.
OMG. We played Egypt.
2 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
@Ullallulloo Those were clearly jokes.
It finished 5-1
@GnomeSlice Again, bike beating and potato mashing say otherwise.
@GnomeSlice I'm referring to "joke questions", not questions about breast physics, in case you misunderstood.
five to one
@Ullallulloo Hello? They're gamers.
@GraceNote He said 'breast physics'.
@Ullallulloo You assume gamers are not the dirtiest minds on the planet
we got to the fifth point omg omg omg giggles uncontrollably
@GnomeSlice what is that supposed to mean?
then I didn't know where to build for the sixth and we lost.
@JuanManuel Have you ever been to the internet? Gamers are largely assholes.
(I still don't)
@BrianColvin Not all of us are, and I'm kinda tired of seeing that assertion as any form of justification.
Someone should reset my rep, then.
Because I clearly am not going to figure out the boundaries of what's removable and what isn't.
@GnomeSlice I can only think of few who are here
I voted to close due to the reasons outlined in meta. I downvoted due to the way the question was asked. And I don't believe that you were oblivious to the fact that people would take issue with the title. But that's what downvotes are for. And what mods are for, if a question title is REALLY bad.
@GnomeSlice That's why we've been trying to help you on this, by telling you when things are unacceptable, by telling you when we find things offensive, by informing you when you're hitting those boundaries.
@GnomeSlice :O You are over halfway to being a 10k...
@GraceNote yeah, I hate that too. The only reasoning behind it seems to be that because young males tend to play video games (even though they're hardly representative of gamers as a whole anymore), all gamers are young males, and particularly immature ones
Most of our traffic doesn't hang out in chat.
that embarassing moment when somebody asks on TF2 alltalk, "what's a wank"
@Ullallulloo Doesn't that concern you?
Honestly, if you don't play video games these days, I assume something's wrong with you
@BenBrocka That's an equally foolish statement.
@badp I wouldn't know, the first time I played TF2, I turned that off and never looked back
@GnomeSlice No, they don't, although I've noticed a decline in the frequency of some of our chat regulars in recent times.
@GraceNote Well, in my defense, I keep getting suspended.
Anyone who has played any multiplayer video game knows that a good amount of gamers enjoy discussing boob mechanics or @GnomeSlice related questions
@badp You're an Italy, right?
...Although that's not a terribly good defense, is it.
@GnomeSlice Not really, it's pretty normatively unusual
@GnomeSlice It's very much the opposite of a good defense, actually.
@BrianColvin Then most of our questions should be about your mother going by that.
@Ullallulloo Not sure how that relates to what i said but thanks? Anyway I'm not condoning it but ignoring it isnt the answer either
@BrianColvin Cutting off downvotes at -3 makes no more sense than cutting off upvotes at +3
Why are we still arguing about this.
(sorry, catching up on chat)
I said I agreed it should remain closed, I guess.
@BrianColvin That problem is mostly because little 12 year olds are never afraid to chat in online games. Civil adults more often are
@GnomeSlice If you're referring to me, my bad. I keep getting something halfway typed and then get interrupted
@Sterno the other stack exchange sites ive looked at rarely get upvotes over 3 anyway
@BenBrocka back when i played eq in and I was 16 everyone else was 30s the older people were the most vulgar
@BrianColvin There's always going to be the issue of anonymity and such too
@BrianColvin Age != Maturity
@OrigamiRobot completely agree
@Sterno What?
@GnomeSlice You'd said you didn't know why "we" (whoever we was) was still discussing it
@Sterno Oh. Just everyone.
Q: Where is the Krogan DMZ?

murgatroid99One of the side missions has the goal of rescuing mercenaries from the Dranek system, inside the Krogan DMZ. None of the clusters in the galaxy map show that mission under the name, so which cluster/mass relay should I jump to in order to complete this quest?

Q: I accidentally said "no" to the reporter in the Citadel, can I change my mind?

Marcus SwopeI was approached by a reporter in the Citadel who was asking to join me aboard the Normandy and report what was going on. I don't remember her name, but I think she was wearing a white tank top. On accident (actually the Kinect heard my wife saying "No" to her mother on the phone) I told her that...

@BenBrocka I love that one. It's the only one I remember from Penny Arcade.
@AshleyNunn Also, here's something you might be interested in:
Anyway imo @GnomeSlice questions serve a purpose even if they are closed as it will bring people to the site, however, excessive downvotes discourage question asking
which in turn makes the site less valuable
@BrianColvin I appreciate what you're trying to do, but just let it go.
@GnomeSlice "Cast Tentacles" => horrible thoughts
@GnomeSlice sorry It helps my crusade on excessive downvoting :/
@BenBrocka Sounds like Sling a bit.
@Wipqozn Wow. For some reason - I can't remember what it was - I was on that site recently. Like, within the last month. And I thought the same thing.
@Wipqozn that was 1996 man
that was premo web design
@Wipqozn Needs moar rotating gifs!
You'll also want to view it on a 800x600 monitor to get the intended effect
@Wipqozn needs more gifs of workers in construction hats
Oh, please don't make this into a contest for who can find the worst website. You will not survive.
Q: How do I find out which version of Windows 7 I need for my gaming machine?

an1m473dph33rI'm building my first computer and I have all the parts I need. The tower is pretty good as it will be costing about $1000. All I need to know is what exactly is going to fit my needs fine as far as an operating system is concerned. If I can, I want to just get Windows 7 Home Premium and that ...

@BenBrocka AWESOME gonna use that when i leave computer
Really, don't.
@BenBrocka Wow, one of those is not really SFW
@Ktash oops, is it? I never actually looked at them all
@BenBrocka Haha, it's nothing too bad
just not really something that is SFW.
On my screen, 5th row up from the bottom... big fat man gets "happy"
Also, Gohan construction worker is a nice touch. Classy
You're going to make me post it.
Let me know when you find the media player to stop the music, then I'll give you your next challenge.
Yeah, I've seen that one too
@balpha yaaay
I could give you more.
@GnomeSlice hey, you didn't find that! You stole it from @GnomeSlice:
Nov 10 '10 at 22:25, by GnomeSlice
@RavenDreamer http://yvettesbridalformal.com/ Here's an excellent example of meticulate design.
@BenBrocka Reminds me of barneysvideoresume.com
@GnomeSlice Ha, I don't have QuickTime!
@Ullallulloo Blast.
Did you find it anyway?
@RavenDreamer Oops
set up level 3 tp at spawn
drop tele exit in metal, grab 200, drop sentry, drop dispenser bring everything to level 3,
@badp You've played Death Vs Monstars, right?
other engie comes in, drops teleporter, drops dispenser, drops sentry
Gmail changed their loading screen it seems.
Gourmand syndrome is a rare, benign condition that sometimes occurs in people who sustain injuries to the right frontal lobe. These people develop a new, post-injury passion for gourmet food. It was first described by Regard and Landis in the journal Neurology. References External links * [http://www.sciencenews.org/pages/sn_arc97/6_7_97/food.htm Science News - Lessons from Gourmand Syndrome] *
and I help him upgrade his shit
then base goes under attack and I have no metal
but... I have a dispenser level 3... he has a dispenser level 3... surely...
seconds pass by...
@Ullallulloo Gmail sucks now.
I see a pill coming for the sentry I literally eat it to buy some more time
get back to the dispenser for health... but still no fucking metal
@badp literally?
eventually they bring everything down T_T
but then WHO WAS METAL???
@GnomeSlice Because of the loading screen?
@badp Do we really need a play-by-play?
@JuanManuel I see what you did there.
@Ullallulloo Because of the 'new style'
@GnomeSlice Do we really need questions about boobs or recommendation spamming
@badp No, but isn't there a TF2 room?
@GnomeSlice What part of it?
@GnomeSlice it wasn't me actually, someone tampered with my words!
@badp recommendation spamming?
@Ullallulloo ALL parts of it.
I think play by play narrative of cool gameplay moments is cool. You think suggesting people things they might like is cool
@badp Noted.
I'd just like to go on record to say I enjoy your play-by-plays @badp.
@GnomeSlice I don't mind since I noticed that you can make it compact.
Who said I didn't enjoy them?
You guys take everything so personally.
@Ullallulloo Explain.
@GnomeSlice If you click the one gear, it opens a drop-down to select sizes and stuff.
@Ullallulloo Oh, it doesn't make it any smaller though... just the text.
@GnomeSlice It doesn't change the text size any.
@Ullallulloo ...What? 'compact' just makes it show more, at a smaller font for me.
Still a full window.
It should be a crime to send an email with more than 200 email addresses in it
It should be a crime to have an email client that makes it easy to send any email to 200 people
It should be a crime to have an email client that makes it easy to forward emails mindlessly with quote pyramids of emails and emails and emails
That should be a crime too?
@GnomeSlice oh please
@badp Not sure what that means.
there are specific laws about protection of personal data
mailchimp lets me unsubscribe
what am I going to do, sue a random fucktard in greece for being a fucktard?
Q: How do I interpret the "grenade warning" indicator?

agent86When someone lobs a grenade in my direction, I get a little warning icon on my HUD. However, I've never been able to determine how severe the danger is - sometimes I lose almost all my shields and many of my bars of health, and other times I barely take damage when it goes off. Is there some ...

Q: Change a Mass Effect keybinding for vault?

MufasaI find it very annoying that the run, hide, and vault are all the same button. I can't tell you how many times I have been trying to unhide so I could backpedal to a different cover position, when because I had the joystick slightly pressed I instead vaulted at the attacker and got killed. Is th...

Q: Is it possible to save ventboy?

SmashinMuffinzIve played the demo for mass effect 3 and was a tad upset when the ventboy died, i was wondering if their was a certain choice that actually lets you convince him to come with you? i had put my game on action for the story experience but would definantly go back if saving him was a possibility, d...

Q: Can I play Mass Effect 3 in First Person Mode?

Tom WijsmanIt bugs me that my character covers part of the screen. Can I play this game in First Person Mode or in a less annoying Third Person Mode? How?

@badp what about emailUnlock?
man, it is flying fast and furious out there.
I still need to share like... a dozen links, hmm
I am getting very tired of Shepard's PTSD dreams. I mean, I understand why they're happening, but they're not compelling gameplay in the slightest.
"Let's run around the shadows of Shepard's mind in slow motion!"
ugh. I haven't gotten that far
doesn't sound fun though
Datarock is so weird.
@agent86 You remember ventboy?
^ Computer Camp Love ^
He's there. He's always there.
I started last night and cleared Mars, but then my buddy got online and wanted to talk about his wife
@agent86 Yeah, you stopped just before the first dream sequence.
@RavenDreamer sigh. it was compelling in the opening, but that just seems silly and heavy handed
you sir, seem to have a lock on a TV by the end of this contest. Maybe even by the end of the week.
@agent86 That's my majorest complaint, so far.
Also, the fact that the interface still sucks for PC users.
@RavenDreamer that's pretty par for the course these days, no? even skyrim on PC feels like a console game
@agent86 Yeah, but Skyrim they rebuilt the UI.
Mass Effect 3 is still using the same basic stuff as Mass Effect 1.
They've not improved over iterations.
Which is sad.
Another question about the chase scene.
yeah, the dupes are likely to keep popping up...
As long as its by new users each time, it's good news.
I just wish Origin sucked less.
@RavenDreamer why does it suck?
@RavenDreamer indeed. new user work is the best kind of work.
@Oak Crashes, lags, and has trouble alt-tabbing.
Also, EA.
@#$* those guys.
Also, gifting doesn't work :@
also it sucks. did we say that yet?
I ran into her at computer camp. Was that an 84? Not sure, I had my Commodore, sixty-four, had to score.
These guys are really... weird.
Well, I remember Steam sucked royally at the beginning (though it was mostly server load issues), so hopefully Origin will get their act together soon
@Oak Origin has been gestating for years as "EA Download Manager".
@RavenDreamer I'm sure they have big plans for it now, and will work on it
Hey @EA, you were named one of the top influential #VideoGame companies at @official_gdc! http://bit.ly/x1AFMa
Do they have frequent sales, like Steam does?
@Oak I liked Steam from the start. Sure, it was a lot different from what it is now, but still.
As a download manager, it always worked perfectly.
@ArdaXi if the Internet is anything to judge, you're one of the few. The vast majority of people, including myself, despised it at start
And it most definitely does not work perfectly today, and definitely didn't at the beginning
@Oak Really? Why?
I loathe Steam with an unbridled passion.
@Oak I dare say it worked better then than now, due to load issues.
I like the idea, but not the execution.
Also, their matchmaking / multiplayer servers suck.
So hard to connect to
@ArdaXi until it came along, you didn't need any 3rd-party whatever to just buy and install games
And suddenly they demand their own software as a game manager? It was very controversial
@Oak I actually like the idea, because it means you won't lose your games, and the automatic updates are nice... but still...
@ArdaXi like 90% of the people who ordered Half-Life 2 could not download it at launch
(made-up statistic, but still, you get the idea)
Terrible server load
@GnomeSlice I like the idea as well, it grew up on me. But I didn't like it at start
The thing I hate the most about Steam.
Is that I boot it up (after a few tries) and try to open a game, and it takes like 10 minutes.
Or 'this game is unavailable'.
I hate that.
Q: Can I use Mass Effect 3 DLC while offline?

Raven DreamerEvery time I open Mass Effect 3, it connects to the EA network with the message "Validating DLC". For something like the Pre-order guns, I don't see this as being a big deal, but for something bigger, like an entire DLC Squadmate, I don't want to be "always online" just to use my Rastafarian squa...

Q: From Ashes DLC mission start?

SmashinMuffinzI haven't been able to acutally play mass effect 3 too much yet and was wondering how to start the DLC so when i jump back on i can.like ive mentioned i havent been able to play much ( due to personal event's) but ive never actually been able to start dlc's on the the previous game. so it would h...

Q: Why can enemies see me when I'm cloaked?

KotsuI am currently near the beginning of the game (Mars Archives), and I'm at the point in the area where I ride a tram. Soon after, a fight ensues. To reposition myself to a better spot during the fight, I've used Tactical Cloak to become invisible and move to the other side of the room. However, a ...

I'm sad when people accept the answer but don't upvote it. 0 vote accepted answers are lonely.
I doubt it will be 25% of my total :P
but that is an upside!
Q: Does my multiplayer Galaxy at War progress count towards all my single player saves?

agent86If I've got substantial Galaxy at War progress via the multiplayer mode, does that carry over to each different playthrough or save I might make? For instance, right now I'm doing a Paragon run. If I opted to restart the game with an evil Shepard, would I have to play more multiplayer on that...

Q: How do i promote from multiplayer?

SmashinMuffinzIn Mass effect 3 there is this achievment for promoting a multiplayer character, i have been trying for this since it came out( i always look at the achievments before i play any game), and im not quite sure as to what this mean's or even how im supposed to pull this off. can anybody help?

I hate when I try to Biotic Charge onto an enemy, and I Biotic Charge onto a turret instead.
@MarkTrapp The lack of apostrophe and an H is grating.
@Raven I have the moment for a quick match, but I have a feeling you're occupied now.
Ye old ryme of the ancient napiner. The lack of apostrophe annoys me too, though. Won't answer it until this injustice is corrected
We need to form a vote ring that goes around and downvotes all answers on ungrammatical posts, to discourage people from answering them
@GraceNote What does that mean? You'd rather play dominion?
@RavenDreamer No, I'm good for SR, just that I figure you might still be in ME mode.
I'll boot up LoL
do you think this spray is clear enough?
@GraceNote I'm in, "Goodness, how much worse can EA's servers get? All I want to play is one multiplayer match!"
It keeps disconnecting me.
probably not
@RavenDreamer Ah, gotcha
What could I do then
@GraceNote sent you an invite; brb
@RavenDreamer Send another one. It broke.
@GraceNote What a tanky, AP heavy team.
Q: Missing questgivers - cannot return quests

kotekzotAfter repelling the Citadel attack, I am unable to find Barla Von and Sellea in Presidium COmmons to return their respective quests. Am I too late to ever turn these quests in, or will the quest givers eventually return? If so, when?

Q: Are there any advantage to having a high galactic readiness rating in multiplayer?

heisheIn Singleplayer, the rating affects the outcome of the ending of the game. However, does it make any difference in multiplayer?

crashes through receiving your copy of ME3 you won the same day you bought it because you thought you didn't win because you didn't receive any e-mail saying so. And yes, that totally happenend
@Fredy31 Sooo does that mean you have an extra? :)
Gonna take it back to the Store tomorrow
Except if you want to come all the way to quebec to buy it
Preemptive grats to @RavenDreamer on beating me to General by the way, since he's only one upvote away.
That jerk.
@ThomasMcDonald how about this one?
needs more stickies. and rockets.
eh... wouldn't it go back to being too cluttered and unclear
I think they both do a pretty good job.
Kewl, unanswered closed questions dont count against your Acceptance rate.. I am finally back up to 100% :)
@James I'm sad that unasnwered ones do
@RavenDreamer Ya mean like a question that receives no answers at all so you can't even try and accept one?
@RavenDreamer Yeah I can see that being a pain but no real good way to handle them...
@GraceNote -_- these 8 others...
@RavenDreamer The idea is telling "does the user know what the answer checkmark is?"
rather than "does the user ask questions that can be answered?"
In my case Ive only asked a handful of questions (I mostly answer). So one question with out an accepted answer knocked me by 20%
@RavenDreamer I know... yargh
But yeah.
Fancy-pants Battlecast Urgot.
So it seems
Though I guess he doesn't wear pants. He wears robot spider legs.
Fancy ones, though
Well, Ima do a small Coop vs. AI to pick up first win, then
@GraceNote Cheers. I already got mine.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I dunno. I like Captain Darth Shark.
Q: Characters with love stories?

Fredy31I'm wondering which characters can you have a love story with in Mass Effect 3? And also, are there some blocked to a Male Shepard but that can be done with Female Shepard, and vice versa?

Q: How come console graphics are still looking good?

sterzBy consoles I mean PS3 & Xbox360. I've seen my friends playing Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2/3 etc. and they really look as good as almost latest PC GPUs can generate. PS3 was released 6 years ago! So my question is, are PC GPUs are not developing as much or the developers do not fully utilize PC G...

Q: Playing Mass Effect 3 without XBox Live - Any other way to boost galactic readiness?

Fredy31My XBox Live just expired, and I dont want to buy it again for another year only for ME3. I heard I'll be missing on for galactic readiness, lowering my chances for the good ending. Is there another way to boost galactic readiness that is not tied to multiplayer?

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