i remember from USC games that one opposing team got this soccer guy who could get it all the way down the field but didn't have very good control so he just kicked it straight back every time
because reggie bush would return it for a touchdown or near touchdown almost every time
@GodEmperorDune You also want to force a fair catch, which is pretty common on relatively short punts where you could conceivably kick it through (or at least into) the end zone.
@GodEmperorDune The differences in rules between the CFL and NFL aren't huge (at least in the kicking department). Also, I watch NFL games, not CFL games.
American and Canadian football are gridiron codes of football that are very similar. Both have their origins in rugby football. There are, however, some key differences.
== History ==
Football was introduced to North America in Canada by the British Army garrison in Montreal, which played a series of games with McGill University. In 1874, USA's Harvard University hosted Canada's McGill University to play the new game derived from rugby football in a home-and-home series. When the Canadians arrived several days early, to take advantage of the trip to see Boston and the surrounding areas, they held...
lol, I just got an email "Do you have a big idea? One that could improve how your office delivers on its mission and improve services to the American public?"
Yes, yes I do. But I don't think the Administration will like it
There's literally no other word but "evil" to describe denying rape victims medical coverage,which is what you're basically doing by denying them medical insurance
one of my wife's friends has reported this mindset amongst elderly republicans in florida. You're like 80, exactly when do you expect to suddenly get rich in the years you have left?
@BlueBarren i dunno what's worse, the craven attitude of "i got mine so fuck you" or those that genuinely think that this is helping the american people
@MadScientist part of it is money in politics and industry pressure from that, part of it is that the US is kind of a mess logisitically compared to other countries so what works elsewhere won't work here
@DanmakuGrazer The 'special' legendary megas that don't count towards the normal one transformation per battle were a mistake. Megas themselves are fine.
@GodEmperorDune what surprised me more is that a substantial number of voters seem to think that it's just fine that you don't have any guaranteed access to healthcare
@MadScientist What's important is that your tax money isn't going to help other people because it's sure not helping you
If it were, you'd totally be super rich like the American Dream suggests you should be!
People are pretty terrible because they think their own circumstances should be better and anyone else who benefits from their work is somehow leeching off them
One thing that is probably positive about this is that because ACA was passed, they now have to take away something instead of simply never granting it. People tend to get far more upset if you take away stuff than if they never had it in the first place
@MadScientist but i'm sure you could find people that were covered by the ACA but never knew about it and never used it and will not know that its missing
@MadScientist unless they are given an alternate scapegoat
like trump saying something horrific and blaming it on minorities instead of the obamacare repeal
once there is no penalty for lying to constituents, i dunno how you come back from that
it's now a competition for who can deliver you the juiciest lies
"yes your entire mindset is exactly correct and all the negative repercussions are the fault of people you already didn't like"
there are people who don't understand that the financial crash of 2008 was due to banks fucking up instead of minorities defaulting on loan payments
I'm trying to remember the name of an RPG that I played maybe 10 years ago. Pretty insane, but here I am.
The camera angle of the game should be similar to Neverwinter Nights or Divinity -- it's looking down on you. It's a PC game, for sure. I played the game around 2004-2006, when I was fairly ...
I am trying to collect the Oddities in Warframe, but I don't want to look up all of the locations. Do the Oddities glow while looking through the scanner like other scan-able objects?
I have looked all over the internet and can't find how to get double cash mode in balloon tower defense 5 battles. I know how to get it in regular balloon tower defense 5, but not battles. I seen on you tube videos they have like 500 Eco to start with where I always have 250. I play on PC. Are th...
I used Paypal for online purchases, but it draws directly from my bank account, so there is never a balance. You never know when they'll freeze your account, so I wouldn't keep anything there
When was paypal was shutting down here, a charity made a campaign asking people to send the leftover balance. They got over 100k try IIRC.
(that's a remarkable amount in turkish lira)
Nevertheless, I've signed up to the root waiitng line. It's unlikely that I'll use it as my main source of banking actions, but I'll probably keep some amount of money in it, 50-100$ etc.
Even if you don't use it, showing support to such a thing makes me feel like it might become more common with banks in the future.
That the state is pushing the federal government to bypass patent protections while its representatives work to strip federal support for healthcare is just, wow
Not that those aren't insane prices, but the contrast makes my head hurt
Lets say I am playing veigar, the ultimate works as an execute.
If my ultimate is the ability that triggers the thunderlord. What applies first?the ultimate damage or thunderlords?
If thunderlords applies first, then I get more damage on my ultimate.
I want to know if it makes any difference in ...
Whenever I get onto a server, for example, Hypixel I get about 20 seconds for me to play then everything stops I can move but I cannot drop items or register changes. This only happens on Minecraft and my internet connection is pretty good at an average of 10mb/s.
@DanmakuGrazer you can add friends in-game (if you are in the same game, which requires you to log onto the same region), but battle.net app has separate friend lists for each region, and I'm pretty sure the in-game friend lists are also separate
> KkOma: “My first goal was to retire after four world championships. I’ve won three more quickly than I thought, so I don’t know what I should do if we win a fourth.”
So I'm playing work at a pizza place and I'm wondering how to start a party? This is making me really confused because of about 6 months ago when I played it, I could start a party! Please help me!
@DanmakuGrazer again, I haven't played it myself, but I did watch my wife 100% it and it looked really fun. I hated Ocarina of Time and I felt Majora's Mask was much better, so maybe if you liked OoT, MM might not be your cup of tea?
Currently with the release of Breath of the Wild, here's the state of the Zelda franchise:
> - Breath of the Wild sucks. - Skyward Sword is underrated - Wind Waker is the best in the series - Majora's Mask is overrated - Ocarina of Time is an outdated classic, "good for its time"
Before BotW came out, Skyward Sword sucked, Wind Waker was underrated, Majora's Mask was the best in the series, Ocarina of Time was overrated, and Link's Awakening was an outdated classic.
I was looking up some Marin quotes to defend Awakening as best Zelda game, and found out she's DLC in Hyrule Warriors... And she summons the Wind Fish as an attack!
@DanmakuGrazer Why do we not want unnecessary noises in the workplace? So people can work in peace. Swap "work" for "study" or "learn" and "workplace" with "classroom".
@Unionhawk I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.
@DanmakuGrazer I literally told you why people need them. If you're construing that as passive-aggressive, I really don't want to see your idea of "aggressive-aggressive".
Are there any cheat codes (certain combinations of buttons, etc.) on the PS4 edition of Skyrim? I was hoping there might be a code that gives me a jump boost or reduced fall damage, as I'm currently stuck on the side of a mountain with no way up or down.
Trying to make as overpowered a Skyrim character as possible (I am doing this out of boredom and though meh could be fun) I made a mistake and added all the shouts rather than unlocking (new to console commands, didn't realize they were different) so I added like 50 dragon souls with console comm...
I'm playing First Steps and on the third level. when i built my first Gun Turret I got confused at first because while I had ammo for my Sub-Machine gun and just crafted a new batch nothing showed up when i went to load my Turret.
I thought then that i miss-identified the icon and the Turret nee...