@DanmakuGrazer if you can like provide me with a list of things to do I'll do them. However I'd rather not have to go down the rabbit hole of figuring out which touhou is which :)
@badp [touhou-eosd] should get a [touhou-6] synonym, [touhou-7] should be renamed to and made synonym of [touhou-pcb], [touhou-7.5] should be renamed to and made synonym of [touhou-iamp], [touhou-12.8-fairy-wars] should be renamed to [touhou-great-fairy-wars] and get a [touhou-12.8] synonym
@Fluttershy This still has the Skittles. I have nothing against Skittles, but I just don't want to mix Skittles and M&Ms. They should be enjoyed separately.
@Avery He had such a knowledge of memes that he could even keep the memes he cared about from going stale. The green side of the Memes is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his meme powers, which eventually, of course, he did.
@Avery Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice every meme he knew, then his apprentice staled his memes in his sleep. Ironic. He could save other memes from going stale, but not himself.
@BlueBarren during the election, trump complained about hillary clinton playing "the woman card" so someone went and kickstartered a deck of cards with influential women. I linked to it with a "play the woman card" refrance and got flagged
i also remember when @fredley linked some chuck tingle stuff, then other people linked other chuck tingle works (with the name in the link text, of course) and everyone other than @fredley got flagged