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Like I want to start a family before I'm 30
@DanmakuGrazer if you can like provide me with a list of things to do I'll do them. However I'd rather not have to go down the rabbit hole of figuring out which touhou is which :)
@BlueBarren I'm 25, don't remind me
@BlueBarren I'm not sure tinder is the best for that.
@Avery It's not, but it's actually pretty helpful for breaking some barriers
also I don't know if the reason for the inconsistency between tag names isn't down to banal SEO stuff
@Avery yeah I figured but when 95% of your life is spent around men what can you do?
My first was a girl from tinder. whatever. no regrets. Really opened my eyes to a lot of things I didn't understand before that
@GnomeSlice 21, so I'm getting there too
@Avery tinder isn't that bad
no but if you're going in looking for a potential life partner you should try match or at least okcupid
@Jutschge a friend of mine has an actual relationship that formed from tinder
@GnomeSlice yeah, might help with social anxiety and getting used.
tinder is where you go if you WANT to get used, lol
@GnomeSlice yeah okc is more for serious stuff while tinder's more about casual stuff.
Yeah I also know 2 couples that met on tinder.
I met a good friend of mine on tinder
All in all I can just adopt and be a solo dad
there just wasn't a spark for me after a few dates and I told her that and we're friends now
@badp Well, if it's just that
I certainly have the bod for it
@BlueBarren lmao
but I'll need to borrow some of @Yuuki's puns
@badp Can you create synonyms that don't have 5 score yet?
speaking of dad jokes
@GnomeSlice classic
@DanmakuGrazer yeah
@badp [touhou-eosd] should get a [touhou-6] synonym, [touhou-7] should be renamed to and made synonym of [touhou-pcb], [touhou-7.5] should be renamed to and made synonym of [touhou-iamp], [touhou-12.8-fairy-wars] should be renamed to [touhou-great-fairy-wars] and get a [touhou-12.8] synonym
@BlueBarren 9 matches today
but I mean if you don't use the app for a while tinder feeds in people who righted you so you get a bunch in a row
@GnomeSlice slow down champ
and I haven't used it since april 1st apparently
I have no use for it now
and there's that
well for the time being anyway
@DanmakuGrazer wait, why isn't this happening the other way around
are those abbreviations in common use?
or are we shortening common use abbreviations to make them fit?
Well, ideally we'd want the full name
Since that's the most common way to refer to the games
But where that doesn't fit, we use the abbreviation
The numbers are not as immediate and recognizable
does anybody else remember The Hampsterdance
jesus lol
found it again the other day
such a dank beat
I have hit the jackpot.
The world is downhill from here.
I opened a mini pack of Skittles and it was mono-colored.
All lemon.
I dunno, but I believe in God now.
@Yuuki Was it just one Skittle?
@DanmakuGrazer 15.
@Yuuki The worst kind. But buy a lottery ticket!
@Fluttershy You are reaching @Wipqozn levels of wrongness.
Lemon is only matched by orange in original Skittles "flavors".
Everyone knows the best skittles are the purple ones. Second only to red. Then green, then orange, then yellow.
@Fluttershy WHO HURT YOU??
Red M&Ms are the worst, orange are best.
@Beedrill Did you just now change your name and profile picture?
@StrixVaria is the worst.
He has never once been an owl in a Metroid suit.
I feel lied to.
I guess the correct term is actually "Chozo powered armor" but still.
I like how they managed to make your sub box harder still to reach
I have eaten skittles like, once in my life
Wait, @Beedrill is @StrixVaria?
"is a mod" and "has a Pokemon avatar" are my identifying characteristics for @StrixVaria.
I can't remember why I did this but I'll stick with it for a while I guess.
y as mny mouse stopped workinhg /l
@Beedrill I bee-lieve it's so you can beedrill-ing a lot of puns into our ears.
Nah that's probably not it.
weirdky tgh bnumpad starteedd working
@djsmiley2k Do you type with your mouse?
@Beedrill I have been a chat user for one more day than you
No, he is incapable of typing without errors and uses autocorrect, which he now can't because his mouse is broken, duh
@Beedrill My name change was for April Fools.... like... four years ago.
lol bnio
Also, who is that
So be cautious. "Stick with it for a while" can quickly become four years.
i have a 9 mioinjthg old oinmy lap feeding
is there some win10 hortcut that disables trackpad>
@djsmiley2k go to driver settings and mess around or device manager and deactivate the device.
@Fluttershy correct
@Beedrill you do know all M&Ms have the same flavour, right?
@BlueBarren Orange are the best.
@Fluttershy yes
@Beedrill what does that have to do with them all being the same flavour...?
Nothing, you're the only one who said anything about flavor of M&Ms.
well I-
why you-
this isn't-
@Fluttershy more like tasty
Piffle, Candies.
@Fluttershy aaaaaaaaaaa
@Fluttershy that also fits
Throw some UK smarties in there just for the extra kicker.
@Fluttershy rekt
also two points
@Ronan also turkish bonibons
15 mins ago, by Yuuki
@Fluttershy WHO HURT YOU??
both are different sizes
@Fluttershy This is nightmarish, but a bowl full of M&Ms and Reese's Pieces is pretty great.
and both have a different letter on them
@Ronan uk smarties are just M&Ms for kids right?
so unless you just shove things into your mouth I really don't see the problem
@KevinvanderVelden They're a slightly different size and I think have more coating on them.
Okay, I'm done now.
@Ronan Yeah, so just like dutch M&Ms then
@Fluttershy even better
@Fluttershy This still has the Skittles. I have nothing against Skittles, but I just don't want to mix Skittles and M&Ms. They should be enjoyed separately.
@Fluttershy @Wipqozn level right there
@Beedrill yes, the flavors are too disparate
oh hi @Beedrill, welcome to the bridge. what site are you a mod on?
@GodEmperorDune Arqade.
@GodEmperorDune AKA @Strixvaria
ok now iot no mouse curso
@Beedrill damn i slept through another election
(it's there, i can click, but i can't move it either
@KevinvanderVelden wut
@KevinvanderVelden aka new retrosaur
@Avery I will ban you.
@Avery shots fired
@Beedrill modabuse
@Avery getrekt.com
preps /contact form
@Beedrill hmmm I'm feeling a little deja vu
ah I know why
Apr 12 at 17:04, by StrixVaria
@BlueBarren I can ban you.
I did run in the election on a platform of "we don't ban enough people".
@Beedrill but all we've seen so far are hollow threats
Actually since I became a mod there has been less ban-worthy behavior.
I have banned some dudes though.
I gave a year-long chat ban to someone.
what did they do?
actually goes on to prepare /contact form
@Beedrill shakes fist
@BlueBarren Not going to get into details.
@BlueBarren mod terms disallow going into details.
@Avery This was an empty threat, but pls no comparisons to Retrosaur.
I'm fairly sure the only person we should compare to retrosaur is @fredley
@Avery something something law, lawyers, justice
@Beedrill prepares /contact form over lies
@Avery I want proof
we need evidence
@BlueBarren There was once one who made more puns than I.
@Yuuki oh dear sweet christmas
It is not a story the mods would tell you.
Why am I expecting a pun out of this?
@Yuuki It's a bridge legend.
@Avery I'll just leave it at that.
How did I end up here?
@Avery Darth Texenox was a Green Lord of the memers, so powerful and so wise he could use the Memes to influence the fourchan to create memes...
I'm starting to question why I'm here
We all wonder that sometimes
What happens to these people?
do you kill them?
If you die in the Bridge you die in real life.
The body cannot live without the mind.
RIP @OrigamiRobot @twobugs
@Beedrill can confirm, i died for 30 minutes during my chat ban
@Avery He had such a knowledge of memes that he could even keep the memes he cared about from going stale. The green side of the Memes is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his meme powers, which eventually, of course, he did.
@Avery Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice every meme he knew, then his apprentice staled his memes in his sleep. Ironic. He could save other memes from going stale, but not himself.
@GodEmperorDune wait... how did you get chat banned? o.o
And yes, I just wrote a whole darth texenox copypasta.
@BlueBarren He prevented the spice from flowing.
@BlueBarren flags
flags result in 30 mins of ban
By virtue of being the only sandworm in the galaxy.
@GodEmperorDune I just looked up the message that got you banned and laughed.
@Yuuki has handful of experience with that, heh. (rip bridgedealsbot)
@Avery who was his apprentice?
@BlueBarren you're looking at her.
@BlueBarren during the election, trump complained about hillary clinton playing "the woman card" so someone went and kickstartered a deck of cards with influential women. I linked to it with a "play the woman card" refrance and got flagged
@GodEmperorDune That is not the message you got banned for.
@GodEmperorDune hahahaha
@Avery I was kinda hoping it was @Yuuki....
@Beedrill oh? i give you full permission to describe it
I personally deserved all the chat bans I got.
I think it was a quote from a show called "Veep".
About Frankenstein's monster and what he's made of.
oh that one when i was talking to @LessPop_MoreFizz
yeah veep quotes are highly NSFW
I wonder if I'll ever get banned
@BlueBarren Want me to remove all doubt?
let me think about this
I actually had @GraceNote ban me for 7 days once.
Before I was a mod.
i also remember when @fredley linked some chuck tingle stuff, then other people linked other chuck tingle works (with the name in the link text, of course) and everyone other than @fredley got flagged
I wanted time to cool off after a stupid argument.
@GodEmperorDune I got flagged too IIRC ugh
i'm starting to think mods are a bad influence
@Avery No Chuck Tingle bans in your chat history.
I wasn't banned for it but IIRC but it was removed by a mod or smth, Or at least a flag.
hey don't dig in my ban history it's a mess in there >:(
There are only 4 and TBH nothing I'd have banned you over myself.
first one was wrong
last one was written in a relaxed manner and therefore didn't fit the strictness of the other room
Oh, was that not the Bridge?
I wonder if it's a good or bad thing that hearing it's another room explains the context.
No, IIRC that was TNB or something
and the best part is that it did get flagged at first, then got denied, then I got banned like 7 hours after the post time
Fun fact, mods can only manually ban in hour increments, so if you get a 30 minute ban it's because a message was flagged.
@Beedrill Couldn't you just have not come here for 7 days
yeah, it was in TNB
@GnomeSlice That requires willpower.
@Beedrill so to ban someone for days you have to do the math?
@Beedrill yeah, I know.
@GodEmperorDune Yes, but it's not hard math.
Q: How do you test what block is underneath you?

Survivor OflifeI want to test if any player is on a certain block. I want to kill them if they are standing on that certain block.

Also we have things that do math for you
@KevinvanderVelden heresy!
@Lazers2.0 Pretty sure this is a dupe
woooooooo it's back
@djsmiley2k \o/
wait what's back?
my mouse
\o/ (Cursor) and it moves.

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