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@Yuuki do you want to be the one?
@BlueBarren specifically when it comes to groceries, some groceries are taxed and some aren't and I don't know exactly which ones are and aren't. Also bottle fees and whatnot. i mean, I can roughly estimate the total costs, but exact costs are going to be a guess at best
@Zachiel Currently have my fingers in two pies, so to speak, so I won't be playing any more campaigns.
@Avery people hate VSCode and love Atom and sublime it seems. Good thing I'm using sublime.
Did I miss a dark souls discussion
(I should try out atom)
@Avery oh and there's now a license argument, people bashing random licenses. MIT > Rest.
@Chippies oh yeah see stuff like that I just sort of buy
I would be in the same boat then
@BlueBarren I mean, I do too now, but as I lived in Latvia for the first 21 years of my life, where taxes and everything is included in listing price and I always paid exact cash and I counted my money before it was my turn to pay, this was a huge change for me
Well I'll certainly agree it's a stupid system how we do things
especially at first, I hated being like "oh, that's only 5$? nice, lets get that!" and then go to cash and it's closer to 6$ and I'm like "whaaaaaaaaaat?"
and even as someone who's used it for the entire 21 years of his life I can agree that's stuipd
it was just confusing
now I pay with a credit card and just shrug it off and go with it
I think that's what most people do
I mean, I can easily get scammed at the store now, because I don't pay that much attention to the total anymore
they could easily add an extra 10% on the price and chances are - I won't even notice, as long as there's more than 5 items
I don't pay that little attention but you could definitely get a dollar or two from me
Ah capitalism
what a fine system
of course I'll notice if it seems way off
As would most people
which sometimes it does, when I'm buying meat at dollar per pound listed price, but dollar per kilo is also listed on it and I look at that, as I don't do pounds and then at the checkout I get confused over the price difference, because I got lost somewhere in the kilo vs pounds
There's no harm in asking what the deal is
so if you're ever confused just ask
I know it'll annoy the cashier
but w/e that's not going to be the worst part of their day
@Yuuki How's that D&d thing going?
@BlueBarren I mean, the deal is clearly listed, it's just that I have had times where I get confuse dollars per pounds price with dollars per kilo (because I'm dumb sometimes) and I go to cash and I'm like "this is more than it should be, whaaa?" and then they're like, "no the price is right it's x$ per pound" and I internally facepalm and just go like "oh, right."
Imperial is just stupid
we need to let that system of measurement die
I wish imperial was phased out, considering it's only NA and couple countries in the british colonies use it, but I guess it would take a lot of effort to do that
It's always America's fault
@MadMAxJr Pretty good. I had to leave just before the conclusion of the last fight/session and apparently I got downed, but we had an interesting fight with some goblins.
we need them to just stop being dumb
we use a mix of imperial and metric around here, which is better than purely imperial, but worse than purely metric
@Yuuki Ah, no, I was just looking for someone who would want to be that guy and tell me to GIT GUD.
@Avery pretty much singlehandedly won an encounter with five goblins with a well-placed Burning Hands.
That's always fun.
And then we fought big boss Goblin King who could magic with a staff/club/thing.
Burning hands is such a close range AOE, it's always risky.
@Chippies we do too for two reason, 1. American influence 2. The old people, they were raised on imperial so they just keep using it
You took on David Bowie? D:
at least we use km/h for speed and km for large distances, but a lot of people use inches for measurements and feet for measuring one's height or pounds for weight
@GnomeSlice you did, but I'm still here (somewhat)
@RedRiderX lassoed it and I helped pull it out of his hands.
He then fell down, went prone, and we all took potshots at him for a bit.
@BlueBarren yep, and a lot of industrial stuff runs on imperial, so it would be expensive to convert
@Chippies I can safely say except for my height and weight I will use metric so if you try imperial on me I'll have no idea what you're talking about
@BlueBarren I only know my weight and height in imperial because I have googled the conversion. if you tell me how tall or heavy you are in imperial and it's not near one of the few reference points I know, I'll just nod and pretend I know what you're talking about, even though I don't
I thank D&D for having let me know that 3m is equal to around 10'
@Zachiel there's roughly 3 feet in 1m, so I'd have to think about it, but I could figure that out
but I'd have to think about it to remember that it's roughly 3 feet in 1m
@Chippies In D&D (the roleplaying game) each square in the combat grid is 5'×5' in the American edition and 1.5 m×1.5 m in the Italian one.
@Chippies See I just nod and pretend I know what's going on all the time, doesn't even have to be about height/weight
@Chippies "What's that in normal people units?"
@BlueBarren I do that too. I hate though when I nod and pretend I know what's going on, and they were actually asking a question and expect an answer
I may have had to ask that last night during DnD =p
@Chippies and you have that brief moment of panic because they're onto you
@KevinvanderVelden It's around 1 normal man and 1/47 high
@BlueBarren it doesn't help that many people here have a strong accent that I'm not used to and I can't tell what they're saying half the time, especially if they just randomly start speaking to me without me being ready to listen
Uuugh, as if I didn't have enough to do yet this weekend, it's tabletop day on saturday
I work with a guy who's from one of the bay areas and, while he has improved a lot since I started working here, he still speaks like everything is one mumbled word
sometimes I watch him talk with other people and I just look at them in amazement that they can understand each other
the first time he talked to me, I literally asked someone if he was speaking english
@Chippies I remember having a conversation with someone from the UK and I remarked on their accent and they retorted with something about my accent
I was like, "I have an accent?"
But that's applicable for any region of people I guess
@BlueBarren see, the big city accents are a lot clearer than the small town / bay accents
people in big cities tend to actually pronounce their words, whereas the bay accent is literally just throw sounds at you with very little effort
and the weird part is that the bay people can understand each other no problem
I can appreciate that low effort speak
because who has the time to speak properly?
@BlueBarren aint nobody got time fo dat
but a common thing is people will call Toronto "Trawna"
@GodEmperorDune affirmatively grunts in return
@Yuuki heh
@BlueBarren Tronc?
@Yuuki people actually say that?
or what are you doing?
You know @Yuuki sometimes I find you confusing because you're too punny/more hip than me
@BlueBarren It's, ironically enough, the sound of a stack of newspapers hitting a dumpster.
@Yuuki sounds like you need to recycle
@BlueBarren About the only other time I've been described as "more hip" than someone was in a retirement home. Which I think was because I literally had more hip than most if not all of the residents.
@Yuuki I cannot confirm if you have more hip than me, that's classified
@Yuuki ba-dump-tschhh
@fredley To be fair, I don't imagine the jobs they're hiring for require a lot of technical skill.
@Yuuki Also Timpson's is a pretty awesome company, they are a big provider of employment to ex-prisoners
but still
@BlueBarren Ew, size comparisons with no context
@BlueBarren It's interesting because BotW doesn't feel bigger than Skyrim.
Probably because my memory of Skyrim involves lots of featureless/samey terrain with lots of emptiness and trudging down the identical forest paths or snowy mountain paths.
But Skyrim definitely feels bigger than BotW in my recollection even if it's not actually.
@DanmakuGrazer what kind of context would you like? I offer quite a wide selection of context for low low prices
@Yuuki Oh the caves, the same copy pasta caves!
@Yuuki could be that BotW has faster means of traveling, which makes it seem smaller
traveling in Skyrim was pretty slow and boring without fast travel
Even the horses were slow in Skyrim
@Yuuki When that worked I felt like I successfully rogued it up.
So someone chained himself to the office of immigration and stuff in protest of deportations and locking up people without papers. Reaction of the police is to put a screen in front, so noone can see the protest. That means it isn't happening right?
Fuck Belgium.
Time to food. But what to food?
burger king hot dogs.
oh, sorry, you said food.
@Yuuki Good plan. I'm gonna make me some wok thing.
@fredley so what Mr. Man are you
@badp he's Mr Brexit
and then @fredley was brexit
Small brain: Trump won Bigger brain: Bernie would have won Mega brain: Hillary did win COSMIC BRAIN: https://t.co/wKgX5EfkLd
Louise Mensch is cancelled
Like, my brain can't process "everyone is a Russian agent, the impeachment will see President Orrin Hatch nominate HRC and step down in one swoop and everything will be fine"
Like that's not even remotely a thing that will happen
I think the Democrats are trying to dump the Clintons as quickly as possible.
They haven't been in the news at all though not for lacking of trying from the Trump support community.
I mean but like either way
"President Orrin Hatch nominates HRC" is not on the plane of possibility
You didn't even have to finish with "nominates HRC".
🤔 I should sue my parents and get rights of my siblings, (plus the house), plus some money every month. They both are narcissists and suck at looking after children.
Heroes of the Storm 2.0 tomorrow!
bring on the loot!
>French centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron has launched his presidential campaign with a plan to tackle terrorism by forcing internet firms to release encrypted messages.

>Speaking at his Paris launch, Mr Macron said he wants to legally compel social media companies to give authorities access to encrypted messages between terror suspects.
well macron is an anti-priv guy too it seems. And it's le pen vs macron... rip france.
@Unionhawk those are some serious not-understanding-how-it-works people there.
Factorio 0.15 is out, one day earlier than announced
@Avery Macron is definitely the much less bad choice in that election
@Avery Thanks a lot, FPTP.
Macron is a centrist pro-business politician with some bad tech policy ideas (what's new there?). Le Pen is a far-right racist nationalist
@murgatroid99 BUT HIS MAILS
@Yuuki (France does a 2 round setup which is much less fptp than America fptp)
Man, fuck democracy
France's elections are literally just two-round runoff elections
@DanmakuGrazer Democracy is the worst form of government if not for all other forms of government. Winston Churchill said that and I think he knows a little bit more about politics than you do, pal, because he invented it!
And then he perfected it so that no man could best him in the ring of elections!
@Yuuki I think that Winston Churchill also said "Your 14-day free trial for winstonchurchillquotes.com has expired."
@Yuuki I want an argument bait Twitter bot that just responds with this and nothing else
@murgatroid99 It depends on how you define "far right" and "centrist"
Maybe with the occasional incorrect *you're response
The only true centrist is Hamon, and by many measures of modern governance, he's an extremist.
(Albeit not as extreme as either Le Pen or Macron)
Yeah well I blame right wing framing of true centrism as being extremely far left
And @Wipqozn
In that order
And then he used his election money to bribe one of every representative from all political parties and he herded them into a room and then he beat the crap out of every single one.
Man I need to get my Reddit karma past 5k
I need a really popular post
Imaginary internet points
muh points
That's a great question
And from that day forward, any time a bunch of politicians are in one place, it's called a "caucus" (short for "concussion").
I mean, unlike on SE, imaginary points on reddit don't even do anything
There's a reason I actually slightly care about arqade rep, because at least that has nonzero weight
I always need to make sure that I have more points than my friend who way too competitive
That's the excuse I tell myself
Other than that no real reason
I just want them
@BlueBarren You need to get more points because your friend is the one who is competitive?
He makes everything a competition
or maybe I make everything a competition because I think he's the one that makes everything a competition... am I becoming @MetaEd?
closed chrome, memory went from 32gb commited to 11gb
gg Chrome
Sounds like you need more RAM
opened it back up, same tabs, same everything - went up to 15.8gb
@BlueBarren I have 24gb, chrome just needs to stop leaking memory
I can help with that
@BlueBarren chrome-plugs?
Q: How do I maximize the market share of my console?

XenoxWhen I develop my own console I never seem to get above 1-2% market share. I've tried marketing it so that hype is at maximum, lowering licensing cost and developing exclusive titles for it. What else can I do to maximize my console's market share?

I mean, I could have infinite RAM and Chrome would still use it all
@Avery to click or not to click, that is the question
@Chippies listen
i can help with that
it doesn't even use all of my physical RAM, that's the problem. It just commits the ram and won't give it back for other software to use
just go to firefox.com
@Avery I'm getting a sense of deja vu here
@Avery yeah, no. I'd rather download more RAM
why not?
too sluggish, not a fan of interface and doesn't sync between my devices
I like firefox/am perfectly fine with it but I'm to invested in my google account at this point
to not use chrome
I used to use firefox before I found out about Opera and then I used a cracked version of Opera until that became free to use, which is when I just used legit Opera. Once Opera switched to chromium, I switched to Chrome instead
an Opera user
I've downloaded firefox many times to give it a try and it's always been a lot more sluggish than both Opera or Chrome and it just doesn't feel good
out in the wild
@BlueBarren hey man, Opera was great before chromium
I don't doubt Opera was actually good
(I mean, it probably still is great, but it lost all of its appeal to me now that it's basically a crappier version of Chrome)
but you have to admit statistically you'll see someone with a third nipple more than you'll see someone using Opera
@BlueBarren hey now, I know at least two other Opera users! TWO!
but I suppose as an Opera user I tend to hang out with other Opera users more
@Chippies Don't make me show you my third nipple
I'll have to grow it first
@BlueBarren chances are, you'll grow a third nipple before I find a third Opera user
... wait did you just...? Yyyeahh! Take that!
I sure showed you!
I mean, I never said Opera users were common out in the wild :P
and it's going to be hard to find someone who still uses Opera
5 years ago maybe
back then Opera was unique
Especially since you switched
I don't really know why anyone would still use Opera today
@Chippies make that three
@BlueBarren wow
ff is falling down steadily since 2009 july or so
back in my day opera had an onboard torrent client and everything
and an app store
And a mail reader.
misses Opera actually being good
(and built in userJS support! That was great.)
@ToxicFrog When, exactly, was this?
@MBraedley before chromium
2002-2009 or so? Opera 7 through 11, IIRC
It had userJS and client-side CSS before greasemonkey existed, tab support a decade before anyone¹ else
@ToxicFrog Oh, so when Firefox was the best option? :P
¹elinks excepted
Q: Fallout 4 powering up radio transmitter

ChloeSamaaI am doing a minuteman quest name Taking Independence and it wants me to power up a radio transmitter. I built a small generator and attached the cables, but it doesn't seem to work. Any advice?

@BridgeDealsBot :|
@BridgeDealsBot top 10 anime betrayals
I kinda feel like buying it as it might be removed but then again I have no intentions to give a cent to this person 🤔
let's do it I guess
Q: What are all the high-score rocket ship animations?

KaizerwolfIn TetrisDX for the Gameboy Color, when a certain score is achieved, an animation plays after the Game Over screen depicting a rocket of some sort taking off. I've only seen a small rocket fly after a bird, a giant soda bottle rocket, and the Statue of Liberty. What are all the rocket ship anim...

it should be easy to find the footage on youtube, if you are so inclined to the feeling of nichilism
Asdfjdbriednfoendgekngisnwhskfneiamsnf FUCK
I swear to God we need to primary this idiot
Holy shit
@Unionhawk (you can't refund after card drops)
"if you didn't want a low premium high deductible plan maybe don't buy one, idiot"
-literally my rep
(also keybase mobile app's beta goes live in an hour apparently, I've prepared myself, let's do it)
(send me random encrypted messages at /ardao I guess)
@Unionhawk stop hitting yourself! stop hitting yourself! stop hitting yourself!
@Unionhawk "So when you become a republican politician, do they like surgically remove your soul or is it just a natural atrophy?"
I think it's a surgical operation for freedom caucus to optimize the lack of soul
@KevinvanderVelden I should ask that to my rep 🤔
Game AI is hard
@KevinvanderVelden yup
A: What is the crafting recipe for these taunts?

ShitterI know how to craft it. First you need a jag. Then a jag. Then a jag. Then kill yourself.

...apparently, I've forgotten how to format links.
That needs burning, though.
Oh right
It's [text](link)
Til there's a warning message if your last flag was declined
@Unionhawk there's a different one if you have multiple ones declined too
Wait, did we already cover that Chobani is suing Alex Jones?
Because that's a thing
In addition to his custody battle he's now also being sued by yogurt
@TimStone NICE
@TimStone wait what
What's Chobani?
It's greek yogurt
> Chobani, the Greek yogurt maker, is suing Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist who says the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting was a hoax, 9/11 was an inside job by the U.S. government and Chobani imports migrant rapists to Twin Falls.
wait wtf
'sandy hooks wasn't real" "9/11 was faked by govt" AHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
But the guy who runs it is very pro-immigrant so of course Alex Jones has gone off the rails about him
Alex Jones actually said sandy hook was an inside job?
What a fucking insane douchebag
I hope they take his children away from him, and he's never allowed to them again. Sounds like it would be the best thing for them.
@Wipqozn Not an inside job, didn't happen and was made up to "take our guns!"
Also He should probably be sent to an actual mental health hospital.
And to be clear I'm being serious., not like hyperbolic
see that's a turk I like (the ulukaya guy, head of chobani)
Because if you seriously think sandy hook was a hoax then you must have some mental health issues, and you should get professional help
@Wipqozn And then everyone claims his kids never existed and they were just paid actors.
@Ronan Good
It's unclear if he actually believes these things, but it's also unclear which possibility is more evil
The Sandy Hook conspiracy theory is probably the most despicable of them all.
My other question is why is he calling out Chobani of all companies?
Surely there are other companies with pro-immigrant CEOs?
He's a (non-white) immigrant, he's described the travel ban as "personal", etc
And there was a sexual assault by a non-white person in Twin Falls, I think?
The seed from which the crazy sprouts
Will 2017 be the year where bad things happen to bad people?
> Will 2017 be the year where bad things happen to bad people?
@Unionhawk well we'll have elections soon, so we'll see if erdo wins or not.
@Yuuki yes
@Avery they'll probably make stamps labeled "erdoan" that you have to use to mark your choice
and accept noncertified ballots nationwide
Trump invited all 100 senators to the White House for a briefing on North Korea. I don't think that can mean anything good (it probably is just posturing, at least I hope so)
"Can you believe what's going on in North Korea?"
Senate Intelligence Committee: "Uh, yeah? It was literally in the brief"
"A lot of people don't know realise that"
we had a tremendous victory in this election
five hundred and thirty nine electoral votes, they said we couldn't do it but we did it
I think legally, the president is immediately removed from office if he "mentions the previous election one more goddamn time"
I think, I'm no expert though
Apparently, a solar panel installation company can't conduct business over email. They have to call me. I find this questionable.
you know how ios puts a blue icon next to apps that are updated?
it puts an orange one to testflight apps. And you can't remove it \o/
@Unionhawk Good, because listening to experts is a thing we don't do.
AGH so much ocd
...HBO charges for full episodes of John Oliver.
There goes that desire to watch.
@Avery OR it has to do with the kbfs notification, and kbfs is totally borked on beta, and pc shows no notifications...
@Frank welcome to literally HBO's business model
@Unionhawk One that I don't participate in, I guess.

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