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James' Avatar looks too much like Tzenes', I think.
Not sure who that is but great minds think alike :)
@RavenDreamer Ok, Mine is a cat, his is a something or other.. how do they look alike?
@James I think @RavenDreamer is just crazy.
Also, it's a roach from Starcraft II.
@James whitebrown shape on black background.
It's more ambiguous when it's the small size.
@RavenDreamer I'm sticking by my "you're crazy" theory.
That jiggle physics answer is up to 27 upvotes now.
20% of his rep came from boobs.
@Wipqozn do we/you wanna unveil the secret project tomorrow?
@OrigamiRobot It's your project, so I'm leaving it up to you.
That said, maybe it would be better if we waited until the third week.
And did it for the last week of this cycle.
@Wipqozn That's more what I was thinking.
I don't know if I should hide it or just leave it there
Ooh, I've got an answer for the recording question, it costs $30 though.
You can't really tell what it is from the main area
Is this the same secret project?
Yes it is now the not-so-secret project
@Wipqozn When can we add set building to the schedule?
I keep forgetting to mention it.
Although it will be a lot easier with the jungle now.
But we do need to wait for a voxel sniper update.
@RonanForman set building?
Do you mean a building contest?
or something else?
Oh, geez. Family Guy. >.<
I'm rather curious what lunbrooks edited in this question
Absolutely nothing, according to the source.
@Wipqozn Apparently the position of last editor.
@Wipqozn The sets for our machinima-we-still-need-a-name-for.
@RonanForman ah, I see
has no idea what you're talking about
Oh look, it's @AnnaLear and her pet human!
@Wipqozn :D
More of why Italy is bankrupt
Q: How can I diagnose/fix a Rock Band 3 Midi controller which stopped working?

mattdmWe have Rock Band 3 for Wii, with the Mad Catz Rock Band Midi-Pro Adapter. And, we have a Yamaha P-95 keyboard. This was working just fine. We hadn't used the keyboard with RB3 for a while, and when we plugged it back in, no go. The buttons on the controller itself work fine to talk to the Wii a...

Q: How do I zoom in with my bow?

SternoI've started playing Skyrim again after a few months and am having some trouble with archery. I've got the Eagle Eye perk, which says I can zoom in by holding the Block button. However, I'm not sure what the block button is. I've never used a shield in this character's life so I've never had reas...

Q: Can I unlock Crushing difficulty after beating the game on Normal?

Ben BrockaIn Uncharted: Golden Abyss, can I unlock Crushing difficulty if I beat the game on Normal or do I have to beat it on Hard to unlock it?

Q: Have LittleBigPlanet downloaded, want to delete it, don't want to lose my save data

BryceI downloaded LittleBigPlanet almost a year ago when it was free and recently, I got the Game of the Year edition. I was hoping to just delete the game from my system and just use the Game of the Year edition from now on, but I noticed that the save data wasn't in the PS3 memory. I believe that al...

everyone must be sleeping...
@JuanManuel SSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!
sorry, sorry
have the ME3 grant emails already been sent out?
@Basil Nice to see you too!
what is that supposed to be
@NickT says REDDIT
oh...but what are they
I have no context for this, Iassume it's pokemon
Yeah, pokemon
they're special pokemon that take the form of the 26 english letters
@Sterno Whoops, heh. :D
@TimStone Yeah. Doh.
My big clue was when the removeperk console command didn't change anything :P
I'm cleaning up the question a bit, and you can probably edit your answer a bit to better fit it too
Will do.
@RonanForman When do you have time for Asteroid 5251 this week?
Hooray, 1K Gaming reps. And ME3 hasn't even come out yet.
@NickT They're called Unown, someone beat the Elite Four with only these Pokemons in that order to get them to spell out something amusing at the end when they congratulate you
@YiJiang do they suck so doing that is hard?
@NickT Don't know, but to beat the Elite Four you need your Pokemons to be pretty levelled up, plus you'd want a wide range of Pokemons since you'll be fighting all types
Q: Age of Empires Online - Error Message: An instance of the game is already running

setatakahashiWhen I open the launcher for Age of Empires Online, it shows the error Message: An instance of the game is already running. I already rebooted my computer but the message is appearing again. Does anybody know how to fix this error?!

@JuanManuel I'm sorry, so you closed my post as a "dupe" of a post that doesn't exist?
@NickT There. Do whatever you like.
@JuanManuel If there's some sort of master plan, that's fine, but don't hide it then get punchy when us plebeians try to move forward.
@NickT The main reason is just that we're planning on making a large meta post aimed at figuring out how to solve this problem on Monday, so for the sake of organization it might be best to just wait for the topic then.
Sorry, we should have made the master plan more clear. scratches head
Not sure which post we are talking about, but I assume the problem is ITG?
I'm fine with that, I'm just really put off by it
A good assumption to make, generally.
@NickT Sorry.
Is there an actual plan plan or just a chat log saying "lul, ITG, wat nao" "I dunno, post about it later"
If the former, please post it.
or either for that matter
... Single parenthood as a form of child abuse...
@James ?
@James I think you're in the wrong room
@James should generalize it to any 'mono-gender parental household'
then they'll strike two birds with one stone
@YiJiang I am just jaw droppingly amazed at how stupid some people are is all :)
And on that note, I am going to play Katamari for a bit :)
and by "birds" I mean The Birdcage birds.
is it just mean or is "bird" a really strange word
it just looks...weird
what the fuck is with birds
@James Words alone cannot describe the unfathomable stupidity of that law.
@NickT just because it was linked to yesterday, I thought of that Look Around You video about water
@NickT agent said we'd have something on monday several times
@JuanManuel Oh, so I'm supposed to check chat transcript to see if my post is a "duplicate" before I make a meta post?
@Wipqozn I agree. It looks like that guy is completely insane. I can't help but notice that it would be a big step towards prohibiting premarital sex
@murgatroid99 why's that? Just use birth control
or was that a separate law
@NickT I would bet that a significant proportion of children with a single parent have a father that is not legally obligated to take care of them
@murgatroid99 aren't people that father children outside of wedlock still subject to some type of alimony?
I'd be fine for broadening those sorts of laws
@NickT I think the answer is no. As far as I know, being the father of a child does not alone create any legal obligation
@StrixVaria you LoLing?
I don't really know enough about the subject to be certain, though
@murgatroid99 that doesn't stop politicians, why should it stop us? I like discussing stuff I don't know that much about.
@NickT I know, but I usually say something that ends up not being true, and then I feel dumb
@murgatroid99 I love "Look Around You".
on one of my grad school interview weekends, a bunch of us interviewees were discussing physics crap (dark matter, blah blah), then one of them asked if physicists talk about biological crap (we were all biological science people) at bars.
@NickT Of course, nobody really knows what dark matter is
@NickT yes, they only know one move and it's really bad (usually)
Hmm, "Ridership on the Pere Marquette has continued to rise.", I wonder if that means they'll ever add more times to the line, stupid train only arrives/departs my city once daily
If you're interested in dark matter I highly recommend Lawrence Krauss A Universe from Nothing. youtube.com/…
Blergh - after playing so many games that guide me pretty much by the hand through what I have to do every step of the way, playing Kingdom Hearts is haaard. XD
1v5 LoL bots...wonder if I can do it with Lux
probably not...shit sustain
@disinter I haven't finished it yet (obviously), but that video is worth watching
@murgatroid99 Thanks I love that video. I looked at his other presentation of it at some university and he doesn't perform nearly as well.
Q: Why does my Kingdoms of Amalur take so long to load?

StephenI recently installed a fresh copy of Kingdoms of Amalur on my i7-2600k, 16 gb Win 7 Pro machine through Steam. After looking through the settings I hit new game and was able to preview almost every game clue before I gave up trying to get the game to do something other than "Loading" My ATI dri...

Q: Where is Alice?

Ashley NunnApparently I have to find Alice, because she has gone missing and you can't have a trial without a defendant (or so says the Queen, and I am going to take her at her word, because I don't want her to threaten to cut my head off again...) Problem is, I have searched all over and I can't find her....

Q: Civ 5 unit experience per Age

AlbortWhat is the maximum amount of experience a unit can receive in each age? Or put another way, how far through the experience tree can a unit progress is each age?

@AshleyNunn Did you see that comment on your question yet?
Oh, she left.
She just replied, it looks like. :D
Wish you could -1 comments.
Back to making retarded mistakes in Skyrim!
@Sterno Oh, yes, yes I did. XD How dare I expect the site to do....what the site does. XD
@AshleyNunn Maybe he thinks this site is only for ITGs. I'm pretty sure they don't have those on GameFAQs
Let's see.....waste time wading through a walkthrough that might not help me, or wait a while, maybe make a sandwich, and come back to a nice answer that helps me specifically. Which one would be more awesome....gee, that's tough.
did we ever reach an ITG near-consensus again?
yeah, I've gotten tired of reading walkthroughs for one thing too
@Sterno Riiiight, that would make the most sense. NOW I UNDERSTAND YOU, GAMING.SE!
It would be even moar awesome if you made extra sandwiches and were willing to donate one to me. nods
@TimStone laughs What sort of sandwich do you prefer?
@Lazers Clearly I should visit GameFAQs.com and find the answer, then post it here.
I'm surprisingly non-picky when it comes to free food.
A: Do we still like 'Identify This Game' questions?

StrixVariaIdentification questions are a poor fit for the StackExchange network, and actively play a part in bringing down the overall quality of the site. On Gaming specifically, they tend to take the form of Identify This Game (ITG), where a user will recite some details on a game he or she once played i...

@John Hahaha, that would be one way to solve the problem ;)
@AshleyNunn And gain me rep in the process! :D
@John Perhaps.... ;)
This on a PS2?
@StrixVaria that's the old one we dug up...wasn't there a recent one with voting and such?
On Monday, when Grace returns, we'll be taking another step forward in the ITG discussion.
@John Kingdom Hearts? Yes
@BenBrocka That answer is brand new, but no, the voting question was deleted.
@BenBrocka Ok you with a blue name is throwing me, stop that ;)
@StrixVaria no wonder I couldn't find it
@agent86 ohhh, k, thanks
now I sleep.
@agent86 night night
@BenBrocka Oh, congrats on modship!
@James isn't it awesome?
@BenBrocka Its starting to make me think I am in the minority in here by not being blue :D
I can't figure out what date format convention GameFAQs.com uses. Score one for SE.
@BenBrocka It -is- a very nice shade of blue ;)
@James There are several hundred folks with blue names.
@John I think it is m/d/y, but I am not 100% sure.
@James RED scum!
BLU shall be victorious!
@BenBrocka Hahahaha, I smell a challenge!!!
Unfortunately I play almost only co-op games though :D
@John we have that many moderators? I thought it was just a couple hundred
@AshleyNunn o.O How old is this game? If that's the case, it has reviews from '02...
@John That would be the year it came out, yes.
no count!
@BenBrocka I bet @agent86 has an app for that :)
@ktash I am pretty sure I haven't done -any- of the proper things in the bizarre room - I keep falling through the door that leads back to the lotus forest.
@agent86 Isn't it kind of silly that there is even so much debate over what is so obviously just a forum game, not a serious petition for help? I agree strongly that ITG is a poor fit for a SE site.
Alright, I'll cover it all then :)
Also, this is what I hinted at the other day, you can't find Alice, but there is one more thing you have to do
@Ktash Rock on. :D I am like..he said something last night about this, but OMG I AM SO LOST. XD
@BenBrocka If I did this right, Python says there are 273.
Happens to everyone
@Ktash Oh good. XD Thought I was just a herpaderp.
@John haxs! nice job though
@AshleyNunn Yeah...I'm going to leave this to the people who know this game...
...though ctrl F for Find Details shows 273 so yeah probably should have just done that
I'm uncomfortable posting Googled answers.
@BenBrocka facepalm
@John Fair enough. :) Thanks for the attempt!
@AshleyNunn Heh, no problem.
@John I'm just keeping your Python skills sharp
@BenBrocka Thanks, though I wouldn't exactly call C&P+len(st.split("\n")) a very sharp way to do it... :P
@John how is the mobile steam app?
@John worked, didn't it?
@James I tried to use that and got the EXTREMELY infuriating message that I wasn't in the beta so FU for inputting your password and authorizing over a mobile device!
@James I only ever use it for chat, but I quite like it.
@BenBrocka LOL Niice.. I just saw the message about it last night or so and I see @John on it today so I thought I would ask :)
@BenBrocka True.
@BenBrocka The beta is long over.
It's open to everyone now.
Q: What does "Tech 1pt" and "Tech 2pt" mean?

Ashley NunnI know that when I kill various enemies, I get experience points that help me level my characters. However, sometimes I see "Tech 1pt" or "Tech 2pt" after hitting (not necessarily killing) an enemy. What does that mean? What does "Tech" do?

@John it should have been over before they released the damn thing on the app store...
@BenBrocka But they had the public beta test it... By authorizing, you put your name in the hat. Had they selected you, you would've received an inventory item telling you that.
Can tell I order pizza too often when they can tell who I am by my voice.
@AshleyNunn answered. I think you'll be able to tell from my answer that there is a reason everyone gets confused. If you get stuck again just let me know
One can gain a lot of XP in Oryx's Castle by staying at the back pretending to be helping.
- watch George Clooney live!
- and Brad Pitt
@Ktash Where is the shelf latch?
@AshleyNunn It's on the underside (floorside) of the shelf. If I remember correctly its on one side or the other
- and Kevin Bacon
@Ktash In the room where the wall hte shelf is on is the floor?
@Ktash Ah, found it!
Good, 'cause I couldn't remember which bizarre room it was in lol
- and Captain Sulu
forgot his name
@NickT George Takei
@NickT ohhh myyyy.
Q: Is it possible to undo 1 click in command queues in Starcraft 2?

ayckosterSuppose I am in a battle and I play MMM vs Stalker & Immortal. If both armies clash I chain a command to focus all Immortals one after another with Shift. Sometimes I click 2-3 Immortals and afterwards misclick on the ground. This will either issue the command move or attack ground (nearest ...

@John Secret project get?
@OrigamiRobot Pretty please.
@John The usual
@OrigamiRobot In progress. My usual version changer doesn't have 1.2 yet, so I'm having to make due.
Why would someone shorting Hero of Might and Magic to HOMM?
Why include O but not A?
@YiJiang Who knows.
Q: How do I restore mana?

solmyrI've seen wells that fully replenish the mana of a hero that visits, but since that is just a map feature, I can't always rely on it to be there. How else can I restore the mana of my caster heroes?

@Lazers You took your time
@YiJiang He always does...
Q: How should I setup my minimap in Starcraft 2?

ayckosterHow should I setup my minimap in Starcraft 2? There are two options: Normal background with a small image of the map. Black background What do professionals use and why? Sometimes I have difficulties seeing enemy units on a normal background, especially on huge maps (4v4).

Q: Unable to switch primary location in demense upon inheritance

canadiancreedSo have a weird situation going on in my ireland game. Have the duchy of leinster and meath, has it so the eldest son inherits everything. I gave all the sons mayoral titles while they wait for dad to drop dead. So dear old dad finally drops dead. The eldest inherits two duchies, four counties.....

Q: Wulfgar bug - skyrim (I now HATE Bethesda)

DaveI am seeing this bug in Skyrim (Wulfgar sits there like an idiot even though you found his stupid horn). I have tried t...

Q: Are there any unique bows whose enchantments make them a better choice than a custom enchanted bow?

galacticninjaInspired by this answer on the "Is there a definitive 'Best Weapon' for each weapon type in Skyrim?" question: Are there any unique bows whose enchantments make them a better choice than a custom enchanted bow?

3 hours later…
Q: Can I manually trigger a "scenic" sneak attack?

Florian PeschkaWhen I'm sneaking up on an enemy and kill him using my dagger, sometimes it triggers a "scenic" (I don't know a good word for that, any help? What I mean are the attacks when you see your character in 3rd person performing the attack, grabbing the enemy from behind, slicing the throat, holding hi...

Q: Changed difficulty accidentally in Reckoning: KoA. Reload save to get the "Destiny Dominated"-Trophy?

warschibarschiI do not found any answer to my specific question anywhere, so I will try it here. I play Reckoning: KoA on PS3. I try to hit the game on hard difficulty for the "Destiny Dominated"-Trophy. But I changed the difficulty accidentally due to the suddenly up popping screen which asked me to change t...

Q: Assassin's Creed 1. Completing memories

EmmaDo you get anything after collecting all the different flags and completing all the memories so everything is full? Like, I don't want to try and collect everything in every memorie if I don't get anything in the end?

Q: Can you play all the HD remake collections on Vita?

SirYakalotI just bought the Jak HD collection and I was wondering if it's playable on the Vita in any way? If not directly is there some remote play function?

@badp Is that and actual game?
Aww big mario doesn't get to have hats.
Is the multiplayer purely local?
Shouldn't be
Also I love how here as well the portal gun is mainly a suicide button
typical stabyourself style
We should record us playing together then.
@RonanForman I don't see a way to do proper multiplayer though
But you said it wasn't local?
@RonanForman Well the blog showed gameplay that didn't look local mp in prev iterations
I can only see local.
Q: How to swap modded xbox dvd drive key to a new dvd drive?....Please help!

Shoeiwell I purchased an xbox 360 a few months ago. Just got Battle Field 3 and it gives me a E66 error code when the game starts. I looked around and found out that my drive is modded (hacked firmware). I have parts from another xbox 360 and the dvd drive are the same, I know that I cant just swap dr...

1 hour later…
I wonder who that was.
@Lazers Is he asking on how to unmod his XBox?
@badp Not sure why, but I find the controls fairly awkward.
@Wipqozn Basic Mario controls plus portals.
@ArdaXi Indeed, but I find using the WASD very awkward.
Plus shift + space
So rebind it.
Is there any thing i should know about the se game on! on minecraft today? Such as how is pvp played? do i need any ammount of rep?
@Wipqozn So change it so W+space jumps ever so slightly backwards!
Just like WASD.
@Nosedrool There are no rep requirements for today. As of right now the plan is to have unstructured PVP, like we did the first couple times we played spleef.
define "unstructured"
FFA? (free for all)
@Nosedrool No, I mean there are no set games.
i think it would be cool if we could set up a clay soldiers arena if that works for SMP (using The "clay soldiers mod")
@Nosedrool No idea what that is, but I'll look into it for next time.
Could you provide me with a link?
@Wipqozn wat.
@Wipqozn @IanPugsley Are either of you free to do some mumble testing?
@RonanForman Yes
<a href="http://imgur.com/Rc2kp"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/Rc2kp.jpg" alt="" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a>
@Nosedrool you can edit your old chat posts (for 2 minutes), just hit up
thats clay soldiers mod You create clay armies and then send them into battle
@RonanForman and I woke up @OrigamiRobot
Q: How to script autobuy of specific items

Wandangi was told / i read that it was possible to buy from shop via hotkeys. (not quickbuy) i tried to build a script: bind KP_8 shop_nav_to_search //with the shop open, makes the search box active bind KP_9 shop_nav_to_tab //switch to a particular shop tab ( 0 - 12 ) bind KP_4 shop_select_i...

Q: Are there different fences giving different prices for loot in the city?

CortI just started playing Thief: Deadly Shadows. I'm now in the city for the first time. I'm wondering if there will be differences fences over the course of the game. Will they give different prices for my loot? Does it make sense to hold back on selling now, to get better prices later on? If not...

@Wipqozn That's what I get for leaving myself logged into mumble overnight.
@OrigamiRobot do you like the idea of either capture the wool where you build your own base or sending armies of clay soldiers to fight each other to the death?
A capture the flag in MC where each team gets a set amount of time to build a base would be really cool.
Kind of like Source Forts.
i tried to post an image idea but it wasn't a good picture
@StrixVaria I used to love that mod.
uh… for-pay DLC of a F2P game?
continuing on my idea. heres a picture of the map: i.imgur.com/UVNI6 And a key to under stand what the squares are: i.imgur.com/72vbJ the key says 1 square= 1 chunk, green square=forest, red square=nether, blue square=water, ice or snow, orange square=lava, yellow square=desert, black square=bedrock wall, purple square=mountainous forest, gray square=neutral spawn zone, X=team main base, line with arrow=minecart rail to team base
hmm, another PC game troubleshooting help concept: PCGamingWiki or the kotaku article
@Nosedrool Yes?
look at the post above
continuing my idea....
its my idea for a "build your base" capture the wool
Why bedrock?
choke point... the map is 576x192 in size
They're really bad pictures.
@RonanForman success
sorry unless i get the time to make a pixen document thats as good as it gets
Can you get back in now?
@RonanForman are you talking to me?
Q: How do create simultaneous double doors from a 2-wide power source?

AndrewI've got a double door which I power from below, using a T-flip flop triggered by a pressure plate on the inside so that when I walk out, the doors open before me and when I walk in, the doors close behind me. It's a very good design for me, but, while powering the doors from below, I usually hav...

Q: How do I change my appearance in battlefield 3?

SirYakalotI got the spectat DLC, but all I seem to be able to do is change what camo the guy is wearing. In one match my people looked a lot cooler with various masks and different helmets etc. How do I change these things?

Q: Why progamers use two pairs of headphones?

ClarityForceWhy to use two pairs of headphones? Isn't that cheating?

so do you like my idea?
@Lazers Wat?
@OrigamiRobot , @RonanForman , @Wipqozn do you like my idea?
my idea. heres a picture of the map: i.imgur.com/UVNI6 And a key to under stand what the squares are: i.imgur.com/72vbJ the key says 1 square= 1 chunk, green square=forest, red square=nether, blue square=water, ice or snow, orange square=lava, yellow square=desert, black square=bedrock wall, purple square=mountainous forest, gray square=neutral spawn zone, X=team main base, line with arrow=minecart rail to team base
@Nosedrool Like I said before, we've discussed making "build your own base CtW before", so I'll add your voice to the people who like that idea.
Okay Thanks
You'd be better off posting things in the game on chat though
This chat is a lot more active, so it's easier for things to get lost.
@Nosedrool Why have the bedrock?
like i said choke points so you dont have to build a 192 block long wall.
the map is 576x192 blocks
or 36x12 chunks
They could build over the wall
the wall goes to block 256y
you cant built over or under it
i have to leave but ill be back in an hour
Q: Why do pro gamers use two pairs of headphones?

ClarityForceWhy do they use two pairs of headphones? Isn't that cheating?

You guys sure this should be closed? It's answerable, and I know it.
@Mana I think the issue people have is that it's not about gaming, but about people working in the gaming industry.
Tournament rules could differ.
I think the question is fine myself.
@Wipqozn ...? If that's the case, shouldn't the close reason be off-topic?
@Mana I'm just theorizing. Like I said above, I think the question is fine.
I can only guess at why people are VTC.
@OrigamiRobot Not really; this is a standard practice at many tournaments, and it doesn't really have anything to do with rules.
If you know the answer @mana, you should answer the question. I'm curious what the answer is, and providing an answer may deter more people from VTC.
I didn't know you could do custom overlays using mumble.
@Wipqozn Done.
@Mana huh, interesting.
That's pretty cool.
Q: Where can I find Siemens cellular network game?

moonhouseAbout ten years ago Siemens networks had a promotional game on their website (in Flash if I remember correctly). The main objective was to place out their network products on a map (with orthographic projection) to provide network coverage where there was customer demand. I would like to play th...

Q: Does the 1.2 map generator generate structures heigher than the old limit?

Fox32We are running a Minecraft server (bukkit) with new version 1.2. The height limit was doubled in the release, but I can't find any natural structures that use the new space above 128 blocks. I found some jungle trees and mountains that are 122 blocks hight, but nothing above 128. Does the 1.2 ma...

Okay, so the first mission of Saints Row is appropriately ridicolous
the weapon cache thing was dull though, and the OnLive demo ended in between that
someone should talk to me because I'm at work and very bored :(
Hi @spugsley, how's it going?
I think the problem there is being at work. Of course, I am also at work, but there's no escape for me.
@badp you are cursed :( As soon as you said hi, I had a bunch of people walk in booo
@TimStone I can escape at 1:00. And it can't come soon enough :/
Tuesday can't come soon enough, argh. Must. Save. Galaxy.
oh god
crashes through spiderman
The first car in Driver is terrible
It's like it turns by emitting smoke from the tires until you ram into something that makes your car take the desired heading
Of course, having a car you could actually drive in a game called Driver would be too predictable.
@TimStone tuesday, eh?
I keep forgetting how time is passing, even if I'm not taking explicit note of it
Yeah, apparently there's not enough time for my replays. Well, there might be if I forego sleep and don't go into the office tomorrow, but...I suppose I'll just stick with one of my existing saves for now. :P
hah. I don't tend to replay games, so my existing save is going to have to save the galaxy. Commander Shepard told me it was his favorite save though, so there's that anyway.
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