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Q: What is the lifetime of player-placed Geotags?

Doozer BlakeIn the 2012 version of SSX, what is the lifetime of a player-placed Geotag? Do the lifetimes of the Geotag depend on their value/color (green, purple, gold, red)? The description indicates there is a maximum value and there are badges related to placing certain numbers of Geotags that are abandon...

I should probably try W8 before mindlessly bashing it.
@ArdaXi That's not how you do it on the internet.
Is it just me or is down-voting 'identify game' questions because of lack of information becoming too strict? If people had all the information they wouldn't need the game identified ~_~
@BrianColvin Check the meta for the many ITG discussions.
@James Why on earth did you answer this?
A: How is the " The Two Worlds 2 " Gameplay?

JamesThe game play is live action combat and such and I do not recall having any issues with them... Nothing is sticking out in my memory as cumbersome or annoying. As for the historyline, I only ever played the second one (and even then only about half a dozen hours before I got distracted by who kn...

@OrigamiRobot ty
@BrianColvin Unless the ITGs are truly terrible, they're ending up with a net vote/rep gain anyway. I wouldn't worry about some downvotes
@StrixVaria [shrugs] Why not.
@BrianColvin I downvote every ITG question, all the time, no matter what.
@James Because it's clearly off topic and you're giving users the wrong impression by answering it by setting a terrible example.
It sucks because alot of them are getting closed with plenty of information
@StrixVaria Sometimes twice!
@BrianColvin It sucks because they exist.
@RonanForman I'm not from the internet.
@StrixVaria maybe, but since they do exist, might as well give answers
@BrianColvin Our purpose is to give answers to expert questions that require expertise. Not just "whatever has a question mark on it".
I keep on forgeting that I've got the 'Listen!' sound as my notification sound, so it surprises me every time.
@StrixVaria I do not know.. If you remove that its on sale this weekend a guy was asking if the gameplay mechanics of a game were complicated or not and if the storyline of the game required playing the first one or not.
Those were the questions I answered and then summed up my answer by saying I am not giving any more information as that would turn it into a review blah blah blah
@James It is a terrible example and you should feel bad for it.
@RonanForman Sunrises are beautiful, but I wouldn't know because robots have no concept of beauty.
@StrixVaria And yet I do not even feel remotely bad for it :)
@James It's still a "Will I like this game" type question.
@James There's no way to say this kindly, but I'm going to attempt to say it in a way that's at least not unkind. I don't think you have ever said or done a single thing that has positively contributed to the advancement of the site.
@OrigamiRobot I saw it as a 'WIll I like this game if I have not played the first one' Of which there are quite a few questions out there (Can I play ME3 with out playing 1 or 2 for example).
@StrixVaria Your opinion matters to me as much as your view of my effect upon this site :)
@James I know. Your arguments don't make any sense and you seem immune to all logic and reason. You are infuriatingly asinine.
@Sterno I've been on the internet for a very long time... Words on a screen do not get to affect me that much ;)
They affect me. I'll be up tonight crying.
@StrixVaria Alright man, I suggest you go read your chat FAQ, I will start flagging shortly if you want to keep up the personal attacks.
@James I really hope you lose interest in this site soon and just go away. :)
If I put smilies at the end of everything, it comes across like I'm super cool. :)
@StrixVaria Wont happen.
I agree that James probably should not have posted the Two Worlds answer as the question was clearly off topic, but I just looked at his profile and he had some good questions and answers, so I have no idea where this is coming from.
@James That saddens me deeply.
@StrixVaria That's the GIR spirit!
@Sterno I haven't seen any of his real questions or answers, so I'll withhold judgment on that. But I have seen some of his meta opinions and chat contributions, and...well...:(
@Sterno Like I said, his words dont mean much to me
Why are you in chat if you DISLIKE WORDS?
Wait, to be fair, we do have some cool images in here from time to time.
@OrigamiRobot I was thinking hard. How would hardcore work? If one of us dies that one's not allowed back on the server until the other 2 die and we delete the world? That doesn't sound fun.
Anyway, I need to go now, what time are we playing tomorrow?
@John It could be the honor system, but I think simply hardmode is the better option.
We ought to start as early as possible.
@OrigamiRobot Hardmode not being hardcore, right?
@RonanForman I was about to ask what time we should start.
@John Correct.
@OrigamiRobot Good. I agree.
Seeing as you're a later time zone, what's the earliest you can do? We need to stop before 7 for game on!
@RonanForman I am free all day tomorrow, except Game On!
@OrigamiRobot Give times. How early are you willing to get up?
And I'm free the rest of today, after I go do errands.
@John 10am EST
Ok, so 1500UTC is the earliest we could start.
afk for a bit, meeting a friend from another game development company for lunch today to catch up with him :)
I will be back to spew my pointless dribble later ;)
Well if everyone is online by 3, then we can start whenever.
Did anyone here just subscribe, if so, thanks!
@RonanForman what's the count up to?
@RonanForman @OrigamiRobot mentioned having time to play today. Do you?
No, friday is one of the few days I'm only free in the morning.
Ok then.
@John Today we can get a list of the goals we know (farms, etc)
@Ian why don't you check yourself?
I think it's 49 though.
@OrigamiRobot First goal: food. Remember that on hard, starvation will kill you.
@John Yea, farms as in food and mobs.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah
Oh God, the live question tracker thing is going to ruin my life
Well that's a great way to start.
I have seen the future, and it is full of pointless clicking
@RonanForman at work, no Youtubes :(
@IanPugsley 43
afternoon folks!
@Basil Good afternoon.
@Basil Hello
well if it isn't @SimonSheehan
hello @Wipqozn!
How have you been @SimonSheehan?
Actually quite good! been enjoying school lately a lot. (As shocking as it sounds.) How about you @Wipqozn?
@SimonSheehan He's just been tormenting me as usual.
I've been rather excellent.
@John that's not true at all! I torment other people as well.
He's a nice guy @John, dont be too hard on him ;)
@SimonSheehan Yeah @John, don't be a such a bully all the time.
I just had to sit in a "safe" room for 30 minutes due to a tornado siren. BORING
@Sterno My word. Sounds stressful.
@SimonSheehan We're frenemies. I'm allowed to be as hard as I want on him. :P
@SimonSheehan liez
quick, Canadians must now group together against @John!
Sadly, our tornado saferooms are also the restrooms. it's unpleasant
Canadians give atomic wedgies with hockey sticks
@SimonSheehan I support this.
is it normal to get lost in Dear Esther?
I'm stuck in level 2.
@badp No.
@Basil Americans use Eagles or something.
@SimonSheehan I laughed audible. That was great.
Q: I literally got STUCK in Dear Esther - how do I get "unstuck"?

CodemonkeyJust 30 minutes into the game I try to walk onto a rooftop for some reason... I promptly got stuck and literally can't move an inch. It's as if my walk buttons are disabled. Is there any way to get unstuck in this game, or will I have to start all over? Note: this game is based on Valve's Source...

@Wipqozn Classic moment in our proud history.
Reminds me of when our Prime Minister got pied in the face..
I need to resist the urge to spam the chat with phineas and ferb videos now.
@SimonSheehan Oh man, that was awesome.
I saved that poster :)
@Wipqozn Haha yes indeed.
@Mana Are you only just discovering Carles now?
In other news, some days, I feel like Horse_ebooks is the only entity that ever really gets me:
Hesitate. Did not hesitate (to) Do not hesitate (to) Do not hesitate to accept Do not hesitate to refuse Do not hesitate to reply If you do
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you hear some journalist looked up the guy that runs that account?
@Basil Yeah.
I love my country.
some countries will storm the offices of the government when they become enraged with the government, or try to remove them by force!
But Canadians?
We just throw a pie in your face.
Or hire a auto-tele-marketer to call people telling them their polling station has been moved.
War? We do pie war.
@Basil Oh Steven Harper, how you're corruption grows by the day.
@Basil Pfft, that shit's been going on stateside for over a decade.
I'm assuming you're Canadian @Basil?
Meanwhile in America, Herman Cain has transitioned from 'wacky candidate' to full on performance art:
@LessPop_MoreFizz Just because you have rats doesnt mean the rest of the world wants them
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thanks to Steven Harper we're slowly catching up.
@Wipqozn Indeed, proudly :P
I'm usually quite proud... then we do something stupid :p
@LessPop_MoreFizz wtf was that? lol
@Wipqozn That was Herman Cain.
I keep watching this.
Demis Bellot on March 02, 2012

A few months ago I joined as a developer on the Careers 2.0 team – this is my story of bringing Careers 2.0′s new Apply button to fruition. Or, what happens when an Enterprise boy meets a Consumer Product Development company and gets exposed to how things are done on the other side.

One of my first projects after joining Stack Exchange was giving the job application process an improved, stream-lined experience. This experience gave me a different perspective on Enterprise and Consumer product development, which I’d like to share. …

Q: Is Bioshock 2 harder to understand while playing if the player never played Bioshock 1?

EnderI own Bioshock 2, and I'd like to give it a try, but I do not own Bioshock 1 and know nothing about it. Will my ignorance of the first game hinder my ability to understand whats going on in the second? Edit-Afterthought: Please do your best to keep any answers spoiler-free if possible.

If you had to pick one, what's your favorite flash game?
@Basil Gemcraft.
It's the only one I was ever bothered to beat, and while I wouldn't play through it again, I had a lot of fun the first time.
I didn't like the sequel, Gemcraft 0, nearly as much.
@StrixVaria Oh God, so many hours
@StrixVaria That's the tower defence where you put gems into towers?
@Basil It is.
There was another one, I think, that was also pretty amazing.
Infectionator World Dominator or something like that.
I tried a few levels, but it didn't suck me in like some others
I can't look on Kongregate right now because I'm at work.
@StrixVaria That was fun- Madagascar jokes still make me laugh
@StrixVaria Is that the one where you tried to make everyone zombies?
@DaveMcClelland Yes!
@Basil I think you might be thinking of a different game.
There was another game where you tried to take over the world by mutating a plague, and Madagascar always shut itself off from everything.
@StrixVaria Oh, I was thinking of the one where you create a virus
@Basil @StrixVaria Pandemic 2's the one with the madagascar meme
I'll have to try infectionator then
Oh, I already beat infectionator.
@Ullallulloo thanks :)
Out of them, probably Rebuild.
A game came out last week called "fairway solitaire" or something like that. I spent a crapload of time playing that this week. Check it out if you haven't
Or Amorphous+.
I generally don't like zombie games unless they're strategic...
@Basil This one is.
I'll check out rebuild
Also, the space game :D I forgot about that!
@DaveMcClelland Yes. This. It is awesome.
@DaveMcClelland what's it like?
There was also a game from last yearish called "Final ultimate adventure RPG 3" or something crazy like that that was a lot of fun
@RavenDreamer Solitare
But it's cool.
@RavenDreamer It's sort of a combination of solitaire and mahjong
@DaveMcClelland With the guy with the sword, the mage girl, and the gunner guy?
@RavenDreamer Yes, that's the one
Epic Battle Fantasy
@Ullallulloo That sounds about right
Someone asking what carries over from ME2 to ME3... What would we generally close that as?
What's closeworthy about it?
@RavenDreamer The fact that we've closed the other ones like it?
@RavenDreamer I figured the fact that the game isn't out yet, so it'd be relatively speculative.
@AshleyNunn That's currently being debated on meta.
@Tristan Hm. Sounds like they actually have the game, though.
Q: A loop of closed Mass Effect questions

m3tron0meI'm kind of having an issue with a question I had closed and not sure what to do about it, so thought I would bring it to attention here. I originally asked about changes imported from ME1 to ME2. Recently I wanted to ask about changes from ME2 DLCs to ME3, since enough reviews are popping up t...

Maybe they got one of the games that went up into space, or a review copy?
@RavenDreamer But they are still asking us (who don't) about it....
That's a meta topic on that question, right?
@RavenDreamer Which begs the question as to how they got it. Whether it's a review copy/pirated/hard street date violation.
@Tristan That's not relevant, honestly.
We don't close emulator questions, even though 90% of them might highly imply that piracy is occurying.
@RavenDreamer We do close emulation questions though.
@Tristan Not on principle.
(Though if you're arguing that we should, take it to Meta)
We don't close piracy questions even if it's obvious they're pirated, unless the fact is actually pointed out.
This has been policy since the very beginning.
@RavenDreamer I'm not saying we should close them, as emulation itself isn't piracy, assuming they own an original hard-copy, but I don't think I've ever seen an emulation question that wasnt closed...
A: What's the official stance on console emulation?

BrantActually linking to (or asking where to find) ROM sites ought to be against the rules (as would asking where to find a Photoshop torrent on Superuser, for comparison) but there's nothing inherently wrong with discussing emulation. The real question here should be "Are questions about console emu...

So can I start posting a bunch of ME3 questions while pretending I have the game?
i.e., what is max level?
@Sterno 60.
@Sterno I don't think we have any policy on that, except it might be closed as speculative.
@Sterno You can't assume that.
Well, there was this:
Q: How should we handle non-beta pre-release questions?

Grace NoteThis is separate from questions about gameplay during betas, which are a beast of a different caliber with a different set of issues. We all know the feeling of being excited about an upcoming game release. I mean, we're all gamers, after all! But our FAQ prohibits questions about speculation ...

shrug he might actually have the game.
@Sterno That's what I was going to post.
And.... why is EA sending me an email saying that ME3 releases on March 5th?
I thought it was the 6th?
@RavenDreamer but either way, how are -we- supposed to answer the question?
My point is, @gracenote's question becomes moot if I can bypass by saying I have the game
@RavenDreamer Yeah, but it'd have to be illegal pretty much.
@RavenDreamer I saw that too, and am hopeful!
@Ullallulloo Review/press copy, and/or the whole "we're sending ME3 into sapce" bit, I guess?
If you can't question whether or not I actually have it, then why are we closing ANY questions prior to release?
@Sterno If we weren't 3 days away from the actual release, I'd close this in a heartbeat.
@Sterno This.
@RavenDreamer So, to answer, we'd still need review or space copies.
or pirated.
@RavenDreamer Why does three days matter? would five be okay? ten?
BRB... asking a bunch of ME3 questions to whore some future rep
@Ullallulloo Or a store that violates the hard street date.
@DaveMcClelland Save some for me!
@AshleyNunn It's not binary. It's a limit. As X-> day of release, Ravendreamer's willingness to close a prerelease question decreases, reaching 0 when the day actually releases.
@RavenDreamer Do you feel strongly enough you'd reopen it if 5 of us voted to close it on the same basis the others have been closed?
@RavenDreamer I don't get it as a policy, but okay.
Do we allow questions about the Diablo 3 beta?
@AshleyNunn It's not policy, it's my opinion.
@StrixVaria Yup.
Because if so, we should allow questions about any game that anyone has access to.
@StrixVaria And the mass effect 3 demo.
Because that's not widely available yet.
@RavenDreamer I know
@StrixVaria Much more widely than ME3.
Q: Is there a Book within Skyrim that translates the Dragon Tongue?

EnderI'm aware of lore webpages dedicated to tranlations and education on the Dragon's Language in the game, but is there any in-game source that does something similar?

Q: What carries over from a masseffect2 save import?

Epsilon ΩI am already playing Mass Effect 3(woo!), and I'm noticing that somethings from my me2 game are showing up. Like, I spoke to Miss Al Jilani again, and there was some remark about Sheperd punching her every time they met (HA!) Also, the Nomandry has the Thanix Cannon upgrade, which I'm pretty su...

This all reminds me... time to start my ME3 pre-load!
@StrixVaria So long as they specify they're for the beta release, I see no problem with that. But he's asking about the full game. Which, unless he can show proof he got legitimately, shouldn't be available.
@Ullallulloo Rules need to be enforce-able. I don't want an argument every time a new game gets a limited pre-release. Either questions are allowed or questions aren't allowed, or come up with some concrete metric.
@StrixVaria Allow if it's a beta/alpha/demo; otherwise, don't.
@Ullallulloo And how do we define beta? Based on what the company labels it?
@Tristan It shouldn't matter whether he got it legitamately. That's not the issue.
Does a "demo" count?
I do see that ME3 is on TPB now. People make me sad
@StrixVaria Pretty much.
@StrixVaria sure
@Ullallulloo Then include that in your definition.
You're pretty much arguing for "accept all of these questions" at this point.
@RavenDreamer I think we can agree it doesn't matter how he got the game. What matters is setting, definitively, when it's okay to ask questions about a pre-release game.
@StrixVaria This is not part of any of those.
Claiming that he actually has it, versus me posting the same question and NOT claiming to have it, also shouldn't matter.
I say the line should be drawn at whether an NDA is involved.
Oh what are we fighting talking about?
@OrigamiRobot Whether to allow questions about games likely gotten from piracy.
I say "don't ask questions for a game before its release date" full stop.
Like ME3 now.
@OrigamiRobot If/when questions should be allowed prior to a game releasing.
@agent86 That's easily enforce-able too. I like it.
demo - when was the demo release date? is this question specific to the demo?
@agent86 So, not demo or beta?
okay, great, it's a question about the demo that is already out.
@agent86 I agree with this phrasing. Questions about betas are acceptable whenever the beta is available. Questions about the release are allowable whenever the full game has been released
@Tristan We should not.
is there a beta? private beta, but it's been released to those in the beta? fine.
@agent86 Well, you answered the question I was about to ask. So, I agree with you completely. Either fully allow it, or not at all.
@Tristan Didn't I say this?
I don't care if Commander Shepard came back in time to hand you a copy of the game and said play this today, and please please ask questions about it - NO. BAD.
@Sterno So what, in your mind, would be an acceptably "not too broad" question about ME / ME2 -> ME3 save file transfers?
@StrixVaria Probably.. But it's hard for me to keep up on my phone. X.x
It stops automatically updating the chat so I have to manually refresh, by which time half the conversation is gone. =(
@RavenDreamer That's not a bad question. And I'm not sure of the answer. But his question as it currently stands seems like it can only get a really generic answer "i.e., your choices from the previous games!" or else a really, really long list of every single decision point
@RavenDreamer But to be fair, I wouldn't have voted to close if not for the pre-release issue as well.
Hunh. Question's tagged ME2.
@Sterno Same. The only reason I started this discussion was because I didn't know what to close it as, being a pre-release...

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