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@fredley If it's Windows 7 + Metro...
And given that I don't have a tablet, Metro has no added value for me.
@ArdaXi So if it has everything that W7 has, how can it be a downgrade?
@fredley If it has everything Windows 7 has with a horrible UI layered on top of it, it's a downgrade.
@ArdaXi The Desktop environment is separate from Metro. You're in one or the other
@fredley Last time I tried W8 I couldn't use the Start menu without switching to the Metro UI.
@ArdaXi You can switch that behaviour off
Well, yes, but... upgrading to an OS that has everything I already have plus something I absolutely do not want seems senseless.
@ArdaXi Well don't upgrade then!
I just think it's nonsensical that Microsoft has decided to throw Metro on a desktop OS. For a phone, it's great. For a tablet, it's great. For a home PC with a keyboard and mouse, not so much.
@ArdaXi It works better than you'd imagine, they've made massive improvements in The Consumer Preview. It is heavily geared towards touch though, you're not going to get the most out of it without a touch screen.
Exactly. I think that's a horrible decision from Microsoft. We aren't ready to move to touch screens for everyday computing. Especially not in this economy.
@ArdaXi I think we are though. iPad sales have shown that. For the majority of people, they can do everything they want a PC to do without leaving the Metro interface. Can't blame MS for optimizing for the common case.
@fredley An iPad is a tablet.
A tablet is not a computer. Especially not an iPad.
An iPad is an entertainment device above all.
Most people don't care at all, they just want something to read their emails on and look at pictures of cats
I'm talking about all the PCs and laptops people have in their house. They aren't just all going to upgrade to touch screens all of a sudden. Touch screens are not the common case.
@fredley Yes, and people who don't care like familiarity. They don't want to learn how to use a whole new UI.
Not currently, but MS is abandoning the desktop PC model
@fredley Exactly. This is terribad.
@ArdaXi Fair point, but the Metro UI is really nice
At least it gives me incentive to switch to Linux soon enough.
@ArdaXi Why? As a programmer it doesn't affect me, I'll spend my time in the same desktop environment.
@fredley For now, yes.
@ArdaXi Until someone invents a better way of manipulating text than a physical keyboard that is not going to change, don't worry
After Windows 8, what comes next? A UI that only allows you to do what's safe for you to do? An app store that only allows you to install apps verified by Microsoft?
If MS really went hostile on keyboard+mouse they'd have no developers left and a dead platform
@ArdaXi Again, developers would walk away.
@fredley And I'm saying they will.
Except they won't because Windows still has such great market share.
@ArdaXi Well fine, then they'll go bust.
Money > convenience.
Otherwise there wouldn't be so many iOS apps.
@ArdaXi That doesn't make sense at all. There are a great many factors that explain that, including convenience.
It's in the interests of all these companies to make life as easy as possible for their users and their developers. If they compromise one group for the sake of the other it's bad.
@fredley A developer doesn't get a Mac because they're such great development machines.
Windows 8 is a nice balance IMO
@fredley Not really. It's in their interest to get the market share up. That's all.
Developers are dependent on market share, not convenience.
@ArdaXi They're not bad actually, I use PC, Mac and Linux pretty much every day, and Mac is no worse than any others. They all have reasons they're bad and reasons they're good
@fredley Yes, but you have to consciously get a Mac if you want to develop for iOS.
If you want to develop for Windows, you can do that from a Linux machine if you want to.
@ArdaXi Or run a VM, it's not impossible.
@fredley It's illegal though.
@ArdaXi With a similar level of inconvienience
@fredley Not really.
@ArdaXi Depends what country you're in.
@ArdaXi I'm a cross-platform developer, trust me, I know these things.
@fredley It's against the EULA. You can't use the software.
@fredley So am I.
That's what I think Android did so well, to be honest. They have a great, accessible SDK which you can run from any platform.
@ArdaXi Yes. Although it has its downsides, the amount of UI code and resources needed is vast compared to iOS. Then again a lot of stuff is easier. Swings and roundabouts.
Although I'm not sure whether that's true, it still beats getting a Mac and paying an exorbitant developer fee.
@ArdaXi Depends on your economics. Apple and Android use different economic models, both of which work quite well.
:3636858 Hi, we're having an argument
I'm not really sure what it's about any more
oh what I thought I noticed was just a temporary flunk by chat
nevermind me
@fredley Me neither.
All I'm saying is that these companies really don't need to make their platform accessible to developers.
Apple's model of "EVERYBODY GIVE ME MONEY MONEY MONEY" seems to work quite well.
Basically I don't think I'm worried about what companies like MS and Apple are doing, as a developer.
@ArdaXi For them, and for devs. A lot of people pay the bills with the App Store alone.
through publishing the one-millionth Dream Angry Towers HD Free clone
@fredley And a lot of them just pay Apple.
@ArdaXi So? As long as there's food on the table what does it matter?
Every iOS developer, successful or not, is a gain for Apple due to that scheme.
@ArdaXi So?
@fredley It matters because Apple doesn't need to help developers be successful.
You can't really blame Apple. It's their model, it works.
It doesn't matter to them.
It doesn't matter to anyone!
@fredley It matters to the developers.
If they aren't successful, they're at a loss.
@ArdaXi That's the same for any platform though. Apple just runs a game with slightly higher stakes, which you are free to participate in, or not.
@fredley Not really. Android development can be started without any initial investment.
I think that iOS developing might just be the only reason that's keeping up sales fro MacBooks and the such
@ArdaXi Of money. Still requires a hell of a lot of time.
@badp I think you meant Mac Mini.
@fredley I've finished an app within a week of starting, I really don't think it takes that much time.
@fredley What kind of programming doesn't require a hell of a lot time?
@badp None at all. The extra money you have to give Apple is microscopic in terms of the amount of time you have to invest is what I'm saying.
I'd assume that programming in C or Objective-C is bound to be slower than programming in Java given that Java gives you more inbuilt tools to work with
@fredley I think you've over-estimating the difficulty of Android programming.
(Android programming is mostly Java yes?)
@badp XCode, however, runs quite a bit faster than Eclipse
@badp Almost exclusively.
@fredley Who cares about the IDE?
@badp It depends. If you ever need to use the JNI all that benefit is lost
@fredley Talk about microscopic differences.
@ArdaXi I'm just saying. IDE makes a massive impact on speed of coding
If you have to write memory management from scratch that's going to take you much more time than any amount of time an IDE can waste you.
@fredley I don't think so. Going from Visual Studio to Eclipse, sure, I notice the difference, but it doesn't make my coding much slower.
@fredley Perhaps on a Mac Mini...
(Also Eclipse has a lot of wonderful refactoring tools for Java that make sure you almost never have to write trivial bits of code. They're also non-obvious to find.)
@badp XCode deals with almost all the boilerplate for iOS apps
@fredley noted
@fredley Really, all the boilerplate for Android is all the same for every app because stuff like menus should be inflated from XML anyway.
What I've heard from a dev writing for iOS is that the #1 time sink of iOS development is memory management, which you get for free in the JVM.
At the end of the day, Apple/Android are very different ecosystems, both of which are very successful.
@fredley Exactly.
Even though one is clearly much more accessible to developers.
At the end of the day, Win8 might just be the bigger gold mine of them all though.
Thus, it stands to reason that the success of a platform is not connected to the developer's convenience.
Just in terms of volumes
@badp Oh yes. Windows 8 apps are going to be huge
@ArdaXi So I can make a system that's actively hostile to developers (but wonderful for users) and it'll do ok? I'm not convinced.
@fredley Uh, that's Apple isn't it?
When the company continues changing the rules on a whim and devs just have to suck it up
@fredley So long as it has dominant market share, sure.
There's a relevant article about this on Ars from a while ago
Especially looking at the early days of iOS.
recalling cases such as instapaper and 64bit photoshop X (IIRC)
@badp Apple's not hostile. They make stuff hard, yes, but it's for your own good, mostly.
@fredley Having to get a Mac is for your own good? Oh, I can see how they think that.
Having apps denied for completely nonsensical reasons is for your own good?
There's a reason jailbreaking is so much more mainstream than rooting, you know.
@ArdaXi I'm talking about the constraints they place on how you write your code
@ArdaXi I did say mostly
@fredley I'm talking, and I think @badp is too, about Apple's hostility to developers in general.
They do a lot of stuff that's bad. So do Google, so do MS.
I'm really not a fan of Apple, they cause me problems on a daily basis. I'm just saying other ecosystems also have their problems.
@fredley Yes, but that's not my point.
My point is that you can be as hostile to your developers as you want and still come out on top.
@ArdaXi My point is that that only works so far. Eventually you'll lose developers.
@fredley Not before you lose market share. Developers go where the money is.
@ArdaXi But there's the overarching time vs payoff equalizer: Spend loads of time battling a hostile API to make something that will make a lot of money, or use that time to make more/better apps with a less hostile API.
Eventually you'll reach the tipping point and developers will abandon your platform
@fredley If nobody will buy your app, why bother?
@ArdaXi Luckily we have more than one dominant platform, so that's not a problem (for now)
@fredley We've got one dominant platform, although Android's quickly closing in on iOS.
@ArdaXi Windows is now an app platform too, and could be bigger than both of them (just think how many windows pcs are out there).
Yeah, but on the PC Windows is very clearly dominant.
@ArdaXi And not particularly hostile to developers, yay!
@fredley Not yet.
I'm just saying, nothing stops them from becoming hostile other than the fact Microsoft always seemed to really like their developers.
They don't need to facilitate their developers to be successful.
@ArdaXi If Metro is going to work they do
They've got to persuade people to switch to a brand new platform
@fredley Not really. People will develop for it whether they like it or not.
@ArdaXi Or just carry on writing Windows apps for the desktop
Windows is two platforms
@fredley Consumers will probably like Metro. Developers, not so much.
Most developers write for consumers, not fellow developers.
@ArdaXi It's not so bad. We got an app together in a couple of weeks for MWC. Niggles, obviously, but it's quick.
@fredley I'm not saying it's difficult for developers to write for Metro, but to work with it.
As in, use it on your PC.
@ArdaXi Not too bad. We developed with VS11 on a desktop PC and a tablet running the app over remote debugging. Very pleasant experience for the most part.
@fredley For now, I'm guessing it's fine. I'm just worried about the future.
Microsoft has no incentive to keep the desktop UI, other than that familiarity.
@ArdaXi You're too pessimistic.
@fredley I've seen the way OS X has degraded over time. I've reason to be pessimistic.
@ArdaXi As you said, you can develop on Unix anyway
@fredley For now.
@ArdaXi Yes, since SL it's been going steadily down hill
@ArdaXi Developers will find a way.
e.g. Xcode is a bloated piece of crap now, I hate it, but SublimeText 2 is wonderful, I use it for everything except xib editing now.
I've tried Sublime before, but paying $59 for a glorified text editor is really over-the-top for me.
@ArdaXi It's worth it.
Okay, what does it offer over Vim?
@ArdaXi Nothing, but then they're different products
@fredley One at $59, and one at $0.
So what makes Sublime worth $59, with a similar product at $0?
You don't need to learn to use it.
It needs to offer $59 worth of features over Vim to be 'worth it'.
@fredley Nor do you need to learn Vim to get as much out of it as you can get out of Sublime without learning anything.
Just press i and type.
If you're a die-hard vim user I'm not going to even bother
I'm not really die-hard.
I just look at Sublime's selling points, MultiSelect and Automation.
Vim's offerings in those aspects are ways more powerful.
The HUD in ST2 is very, very useful
Go to anywhere is fantastic
@fredley Which is?
@ArdaXi But sublimes are far easier to learn to use
@fredley Okay, pay more for less.
@ArdaXi You hit command-p and type the name of a file, or a function, or anything
We're back to Apple's scheme it seems.
OS X is a more user-friendly OS at twice the cost. I... really didn't expect developers to need that kind of hand holding, but okay.
It's just my preference. You don't have to attempt to tear down everything I say.
@fredley I don't, I merely challenge the notion that a slightly simpler UI is worth $59.
If a paid product competes with a free product, it better damn have something to show for it.
Eg. Visual Studio is definitely better than the free alternative IDEs.
Q: I'm finding Brutal: Paws of Fury very hard, what am I doing wrong?

dreaganI bought Brutal: Paws of Fury about a year ago, but put it away because it was too damn hard to beat the game (I only got to level 3 by mind-numbingly blocking all the time and inserting a punch per minute or so). Is there any real strategy as to how I should handle the game? Is there a way to m...

1 hour later…
A: Microsoft Office Macro games

badpI'm not aware of any, but there are a few games written in Javascript that do this to webpages. Try Erkie and Destroy the Web (Firefox only).

@badp How does this answer the question at all?
Q: How reliable is reballing a 60GB PS3?

Joe WreschnigMy 60GB launch PS3 has finally given me a yellow light of death. Luckily I married into a second PS3 over a year ago (phew!), but my wife's Slim has neither most of my saved games nor can it play our PS2 games. The Internet seems conflicted on whether or not reballing is a good long-term solutio...

Q: Shooting from the highway bridge in Tehran Highway: hack or bug?

Federico ZancanIn Battlefield 3's Tehran Highway map, I often notice (for the most part) opponents shooting from the highway bridge itself, almost undisturbed. Honestly I'm on BF3 since a certain time actually, but I can't figure out how to climb up there. Is it a hack or is it a bug?

The bridge is dead
Ding dong~ ♪
no upload button
There isn't? There should be, next to send.
Or are you on the mobile UI?
Yeah, on recheck, mobile UI doesn't have upload capability.
@Nosedrool You finally use your account :P
Nosedrool has had one for a while, actually
yep and i have an idea for game on and capture the wool
build you base
Just never had enough rep to chat until recently, haha ♪
theres no upload button?
for images
@GraceNote Right, what did I say?
If you're on the mobile UI, there is no upload button.
im on a mac computer.
@OrigamiRobot Mine was a two parter
do you need 100 reputation or somthing
@GraceNote The sequel is never as good as the original.
@OrigamiRobot I dunno. I've seen some pretty impressive S2E1s.
@Nosedrool I don't think you do.
k cuz i see no upload button.
It's usually right next to "send". I don't recall it being a reputation limit beyond that on the site (which, image is just 10 reputation needed)
it's not there
@GraceNote I have neither the time nor the wit to cross words with you right now. :P
@james if you have a PS3 you might be able to transfer more PSP games (downloaded ones only) onto your PS Vita than I thought
@OrigamiRobot You probably wouldn't have had the time to watch an entire first season just to appreciate the ridiculous splendor of the first episode of the sequel season, either.
@GraceNote What show are we talking about?
@james and yeah, I didn';t expect the free Vita games to all be AR but they're actually pretty fun. Using a phone to emulate the card is a great idea though, I wonder if there's an android app for it yet
no upload button
@OrigamiRobot Well, one usually would bring up Nanoha for this example, but Read Or Die (which in this case, would be OVA -> Series) is another example. In ROD's case, though, you want to watch the OVA moreso than the series, anyway.
Is uploading a rep privilege? Might need more rep total before you can upload images, I know that's how it is on the main site
How much?
@Nosedrool I'm looking this up for you. And if I can't find anything, you can file a report on our Meta site including details on what Mac OS you're running and such
@badp on the subject of booting Win8 natively without actually dual-booting: hanselman.com/blog/…
@GraceNote In that case, you are correct. I was hoping I could save time by having already seen the show in question.
@OrigamiRobot I know how you feel. Nanoha in particular is very slow to start - it's really hard to recommend slow starts.
Rumoured SimCity 5 concept art
@YiJiang! You know everything about chat!
@GraceNote There is no rep limit for image upload AFAIK
Sounds like it's time to file a bug report, then, @Nosedrool.
It's not mentioned in the help, so I'd presume it's a bug
@Nosedrool it's 10 rep, if you can talk in chat you should be able to upload images
i have 35 and i still dont see the upload button
Yo dawg, I herd you can't upload images, so I came her to see what the problem is.
@RolandTaylor worst use of meme evar
@Nosedrool can you paste images?
@BenBrocka ;)
@BenBrocka I concur
can you add images to questions/answers on the site?
@BenBrocka Problem?
@GraceNote Plus, to date, I have only liked a handful of anime.
@OrigamiRobot I second this
@GraceNote You need 100 rep
Or, I believe that's still the case
Oh well in that case, my work here is done!
weird, that's not listed in the privileges list
To the bat cave!
@William back to gajim :P
@OrigamiRobot That's also why I don't usually recommend the stuff in here.
I treat it like any other cartoon, really, but on that same vein, you don't see me recommending western cartoons, either, haha.
@TimStone Well, this should be clearer.
goes to harass devs
@TimStone hands Tim sharp stick
Much obliged
heres the map i drew an idea for
Q: Chat requirement to post images should be made explicit

Grace NoteThere is (apparently) a 100 reputation requirement to upload and post images through chat. There isn't any actual documentation on this, however. 100 global chat is listed as the privilege for creating chat rooms, while the chat FAQ and help both do not mention any restrictions on uploading imag...

in Chat feedback on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, 2 mins ago, by Tim Stone
Bug: If the reputation requirement for seeing the upload button in chat is still 100 reps, the FAQ should probably mention that in the bit about using it.
Also, that onebox notification is weird...Hmm
@GraceNote I don't have anything against anime per se, it's just a trend I noticed. The two series I like (FMA and FLCL) I really liked.
@OrigamiRobot Those were good series.
I don't actually know your tastes, though, so unless you like ridiculous action scenes and the like, I can't really give you recommendations.
@GraceNote I think the fact that I liked FLCL says a lot about my feelings on ridiculous action scenes (also, The Pillows are awesome).
@YiJiang balpha ran away, he must have seen me coming with the sharp stick. :P
Yes, the pillows are awesome indeed.
I should...go to work, I guess. sighs
@OrigamiRobot FLCL is... a different class of action. A very, very different class of action...
In all the good and right ways, of course.
@OrigamiRobot I rather enjoy those series.
@GraceNote Quite.
Nanoha is something you'd get if you meshed together magical girl with mecha style. The first season pretends to start off like a traditional magical girl series. It... really isn't. It's closer to a mecha series. Meanwhile, the ROD OVA is mostly non-stop action adventure.
@Wipqozn Did you watch both FMA series?
I would recommend ROD over Nanoha, if you like exaggerated action scenes. It's faster to start, only 3 episodes long, and entirely worth it for everything.
@OrigamiRobot I have yet to watch the second one, but that's because I read the manga.
I don't watch anime as much as I used to.
@OrigamiRobot I haven't watched the second one because I haven't had the time to watch anything seriously for over 2 years, haha.
Also, you should all watch/read Mushishi
Everyone tells me this.
I also liked the Tenchi series when I was younger, but I have no idea if I would like them now.
It's my favourite anime/manga of all time, and by a very wide margin.
Ooh, the university I'm planning to go to is hosting a masterclass on exactly the field I'm interested in.
If you like Space Opera (and if you were a fan of Firefly), I'd also recommend Outlaw Star, just to look at a completely different direction.
@GraceNote I don't really understand anime genres.
@OrigamiRobot A magical girl series is typically about a little girl who can transform into a "magical girl" style and usually fights a monster of the week, and is typically very light and bright. I don't mean necessarily in decor, I mean specifically that the level of violence and action is typically lower (for example, they tend to get bound more often than they would get directly hit)
A mecha series means that most of the action is with giant robots. So there's lots of explosions and firepower. LOTS of explosions and firepower. Also lots of cool machines.
Oh, great. hops off to lecture the Ubuntu room again
I think the thing I like least about a lot of anime I've seen is too much flourish.
@ArdaXi What field are you interested in?
@GraceNote Cryptography and cryptanalysis.
@OrigamiRobot Not entirely sure what you mean there.
@ArdaXi Why are you on our Bitcoin site but not our Cryptography site?
Q: How could I fill up my Pokedex

Michel AyresI tried battle subway and the battle institute, and none of the new encounters came to my Pokedex.

@GraceNote Neo Genesis Evangelion. Lots of flash, nothing happened. At least from what I saw.
...or maybe you are on our Crypto site, but you've all crypted your links to your main account, so we don't actually know you are there!
@GraceNote Well, frankly, because A. I was curious how that site existed and B. I wasn't aware we had a Crypto site.
@OrigamiRobot This is not what most people tell me about this series. I've actually avoided watching it, though.
@ArdaXi We have a crypto site. It's actually older than the Bitcoin site, too. Please help make it awesome ♪
@GraceNote I... think I only use my super-secret alt on Gaming... but I'm not really sure what he's up to half the time.
@OrigamiRobot Well, if that's against your tastes, then ROD doesn't really have any of that. But it can't afford to waste your time with its pacing, anyway, haha. I'll make it my sole recommendation for you.
@GraceNote What I recall was half an hour of someone getting into his mech and lots of flowers/birds.
@OrigamiRobot Haha... yeah... that is a very bothersome attribute of a lot of series.
@Wipqozn is Mushishi the one with the ghosts?
@IanPugsley What was that series we tried to watch with the insane immortal couple
@OrigamiRobot something about a train and the devil giving people immortality - Bakano or something?
@IanPugsley Well, the first episode/chapter has a "ghost", but it's actually a mushi
(The exclamation mark is actually part of the title)
@GraceNote we made an attempt
@GraceNote haha I did actually think you were excited
@Wipqozn I have that on my netflix queue, I might check it out
It's very hectically paced. I actually liked that one, but not for action. It's something of a... thing of its own.
@GraceNote Yea I kinda liked this one, I don't remember why we stopped watching.
Although Ladd was insane. In all the awesome ways (other than the dislikeable ways, but that's what makes him a good character).
@OrigamiRobot I wasn't crazy about it
@GraceNote Hmm, it's not true that I didn't know of that site because someone sent me there when I asked whether DHKE was quantum-safe.
Watch it without @Ian, then.
@ArdaXi You asked anonymously, then?
@GraceNote No, I hadn't got around to asking.
@GraceNote I think my reason was simply something else came along and it fell to the wayside.
@OrigamiRobot That's a very common reason that I can empathize with.
@GraceNote Then again, I knew the answer all along because DHKE is based on integer factorization being hard, which Shor's algorithm makes easy. So the answer is no.
@ArdaXi This is going over my head, though it also makes me wonder if this still would be a valuable question.
Q: How could I fill up my Pokedex

Michel AyresI tried battle subway and the battle institute, and none of the new encounters came to my Pokedex.

Is there some sort of universal law that states that any movie/TV adaptation of Stephen King's work must be unbearably bad?
can someone please explain to me what he is asking based on the comments to my answer?
@YiJiang Shawshank Redemption wasn't bad.
@YiJiang what is this in reference to specifically?
@ArdaXi The Green Mile was also not bad
@GraceNote Oh, it's literally called the Diffie-Hellman problem. I've got more research to do.
I liked The Mist, even though they changed the ending
@AshleyNunn He's basically trying to get the non-standard Pokemon. The global trade network requires you to have seen a Pokemon for your Pokedex in order to request it.
@YiJiang IT was one of the two horror movies I was actually scared of as a kid.
Secret Window is a 2004 psychological horror film starring Johnny Depp and John Turturro. It was written and directed by David Koepp, based on the novella Secret Window, Secret Garden by Stephen King, featuring a musical score by Philip Glass and Geoff Zanelli. The story appeared in King's collection Four Past Midnight. The film was released on March 12, 2004, by Columbia Pictures. Plot Successful author Mort Rainey (Johnny Depp) suffers a psychotic break when he catches his wife, Amy (Maria Bello) having an affair. He procrastinates finalizing the divorce by retreating to his secluded c...
@GraceNote Oh, okay, I thought that was what the comment said, but I wasn't sure. I haven't used the network much, so I wasn't as familiar with it.
Stephen King's Desperation is Stephen King's television movie adaptation of his own novel of the same name, which was filmed in 2004 and broadcast in 2006. The film is directed by frequent King collaborator Mick Garris and stars Ron Perlman as Collie Entragian, Tom Skerritt, Steven Weber and Annabeth Gish. Filming primarily took place in Bisbee, Arizona, in the nearly deserted Lowell borough, with other sequences in Old Bisbee, the outskirts of Bisbee and Tucson, Arizona. During filming, a set in the Tucson Convention Center (TCC) caught fire. Five people were injured. The fire destroyed...
@OrigamiRobot I remember being scared of 1408 for reasons I can't remember.
@AshleyNunn The Battle Subway part is that the Super Trains include Pokemon from outside Unova, but indeed it does not count for your Pokedex.
@GraceNote Right, so basically, he is using things that don't work for what he wants.

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