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@Wipqozn Who is, by @Unionhawk's reckoning, either the first or second President Bush.
(unionhawk is still processing)
That's going to annoy someone
that's a deadpool joke
good one uni
They're good jokes, Onee
@Unionhawk I wasn't paying attention so I was waiting for a gif to load
The gif did load
This... is now becoming a weird problem
if it's a gif of a loading circle then yes it did
I just thought that gif was the loading wheel for another gif
or was that not the gif?
I'm confusing myself again, quick someone get the elephant tranquilizer
Clicking on a gif will reveal if it's ajaxloader or not
For example that one is also ajaxloader
Man so many good games coming out in the next few months
Resident evil 7, probably Nioh, Zelda, Styx 2, Dark Souls 3 DLC...
@Wipqozn At least 3 of those games are Breath of the Wild.
I'm really happy Chrome phased out "backspace = back button"
@Unionhawk If you hit backspace a few times, it'll pop up a hint window telling you to hit alt left.
@MadMAxJr Yep
In other news: god dammit I just realized alt+right is forward
@MadMAxJr hue
nyah or something.
There, catgirl banter quota fufiled.
Why is this thing
owo? what's this
@Unionhawk I'd say the alt-right is pretty backwards
oh are we back to calling them alt-right? i thought "white male supremacist" was more apt
@GodEmperorDune No, we're not back to that
We're back to calling the alt key "alt" and the right arrow key "right" to make a dumb joke though
@Unionhawk good, we wouldn't want any confusion about who will be allowed in the ethno state
Fortunately I think (and or hope) that the President will go "wait hold on what no" if those policies come up
Though then again it probably won't just be a "sign this to ban all people except for white people"
@Unionhawk "hey guys, it can't be all white... someone needs to manage the grain pyramids"
@avery damnit not again
you're lucky I lost my italics or else I'd have considered adding it to /rooms/info/35
I probably wouldn't have because it would have been a dumb joke on top of a dumb joke
We don't have the worst catgirl banter, btw. We have the alternative best catgirl banter.
hahahahahahahahahhahahaha dammit
One of my column names has commas in it, and we're doing a string.split on commas to get a list of column names
@Unionhawk escape characters ftw
@Unionhawk why would you put a special character in a column name?
I don't think that'll work in this case
*notices ur bug*
@KazWolfe damnit
@GodEmperorDune The column "name" is something like "fnFormatAddress(street, state, etc)"
the actual "name" is "Address"
@Unionhawk wut
@Unionhawk Why are you doing this thing?
you are doing some weird coding over there
@Unionhawk Y u do this
@avery hey, you started it.
i don't think that's how functional programming is supposed to work
@KazWolfe yes
@badp I blame...
@Unionhawk Why u no alias the column?
@Unionhawk wait, are you processing CSV? How is that even legal for CSV? It should be in quotes or something
@TimStone I DON'T KNOW
meaning you can just parse quotes as part of your delimiter.
calls shenanigans
@Unionhawk Also, QUADS!!!
Silly Tim
@KazWolfe CSV is a rather vague format, anything is possible there
you need to give that DB designer a swift kick @uni
Obviously the query is like
Wait, hold on
select name as 'fnFormatAddress(street, state, etc)', …
You know how impatient I am, that's a big ask
Q: Dealing with commas in a CSV file

Bob The JanitorI am looking for suggestions on how to handle a csv file that is being created, then uploaded by our customers, and that may have a comma in a value, like a company name. Some of the ideas we are looking at are: quoted Identifiers (value "," values ","etc) or using a | instead of a comma. The b...

Q: Is storing a delimited list in a database column really that bad?

Mad ScientistImagine a web form with a set of check boxes (any or all of them can be selected). I chose to save them in a comma separated list of values stored in one column of the database table. Now, I know that the correct solution would be to create a second table and properly normalize the database. It ...

(if it's CSV, i'm honestly not sure, so...)
and the C# back end parses the column name
and calls that function on those parameters
That's terrifying, don't even suggest that
by using reverse prepared statements
I don't quite know how the middleware works
which allows DBAs to change the deployed code
without changing the application binary
There's some layer between the XML screen definition and the code
just like prepared statements
just in C#
That's obviously it
@MadScientist Why would you want to prevent 1, 2, 3, banana, 5? Bananas are yummy.
and obviously those functions change the global state of the webserver
@Unionhawk :thinking:
@badp stop, stop! this can only get so bad.
so that you can for example bump up the db timeout
@KazWolfe Well yeah. After that, it gets @badp.
@Yuuki Not sure, I never prevented the bananas. (I'm still amazed that my most stupid question on SO got me the most votes and a very rare gold badge)
when the database load gets high enough
that production starts going down
The DBAs can do that autonomously
@badp if that happens, just DEPLOY MOAR SERVERS!
This is an improvement over storing source code in the database
in a relational approach to code versioning
Q: Fallout 4 power relay?

AustinI'm playing fallout 4 on ps4 and Ive got power to everything on my power relay but it still will not allow me to complete the mission. Is there something I missed or forgot to do?

where you need to grant developers the rights to create a table whenever they wish to add a new file
and add a column whenever they wish to add a dependency to another file
simply specify the version of the dependency you expect
protip: don't use the @badp versioning system
protip: don't let @badp within 50 miles of an IDE.
After all they keep saying that in good programming languages code is data
and if it is data
it should live with the rest of the data
You get CVEs. Lots of CVEs.
Cool Versioning Engines
I invent them
> protip: don't let @badp within 50 miles of an IDE.
I have patents
The best patents
Terrific patents
> protip: don't let @badp within 50 miles of an IDE.
[narrator: badp doesn't have any patents]
@Yuuki I have attempted this several times, so far none of them led to death and/or permanent disfigurement
Using badp's code guarantees your program uses every possible CVE in 2017.
I have the top 0 patents
> protip: don't let @badp within 50 miles of an IDE.
CVE-2017-0001 to CVE-2017-9999: Badp did it.
@badp a period is just an alternative comma
> protip: don't let @badp within 50 miles of an IDE.
Hmm, I just realized something. I'm fairly sure @badp is currently within 80 kilometers of me
this was a vast improvement on the previous system
> protip: don't let @badp within 50 miles of an IDE.
wherein the connection within data and code was maintained in ini files
@badp Yeah, from what I heard, everything needed to be written in 8086 assembly.
@badp why not YAML files?
because it was ini files
YAML is objectively worse.
which lived in a completely different unmanaged part of the filesystem
and had to be deployed manually
for security reasons
(ignoring the fact that it had to be chmod 777, owned by root:root)
Protip: do not search "zaml" on Google.
> Protip: do not search "zaml" on Google.
I mean, it's not as bad as some things, but don't do it at work.
Of course the path to this file was controlled centrally by performing a reverse DNS lookup of an hard coded DNS address,
which would reverse resolve as f.config.sys.webserver-2011_04_03_bak2_donotdelete--ini.local
This allowed the network admins to simply change the corporate DNS servers
to perform a partial roll back of the application
by pointing them to an older version of an ini file
*cries in a corner at this setup*
of course should this file be deleted the web server will fall back to whatever is the oldest ini installed
Sometimes this would be a completely different ini file
wait, @badp, how could it roll back if it couldn't establish a DB connection to get the code?
if it has a launcher, why is the launcher's code not stored in the DB?
No this is a previous system, and again, you synergize DNS servers as your bootstrap configuration system
@KazWolfe the launcher jar can only be changed by Jeff
Only Jeff has the source code
jeff, the IT guy?
or jeff the UX designer?
and only Jeff knows the password to the safe where the source code is printed in enigma encoding
Code modifications to the launcher involve retyping the encrypted base 64 into a physical enigma typewriter
Who would flag such lovely ASCII art?
I wish I saw the flag
but I was too slow
That's a common problem for turtles
The only reasonable course of action is to ban @Unionhawk
@Wipqozn *sending PM to Shog regarding performance*
Once edited
The source code must be retyped with the next enigma machine setting
and all other copies must be destroyed
Also Trump withdrew from the TPP, which might be good. I remember hearing a lot of negative shit about that. Wouldn't it let foreign companies sue nations, and make copyright rules even worse?
@Wipqozn tbf copyright is already really really bad in the US.
Naturally the launcher must be launched
@KazWolfe Yes, but I think TPP was going to make it equally bad literally everywhere else if TPP was part of it.
That said I don't know too much about the TPP. Although I know reddit hated it before Trump withdrew from it.
In order to achieve this a remote code execution plugin in the Windows XP NTP stack is used
@Ash @MBraedley "If Andrew Shaw totally whiffs on a wide open empty net attempt and then recovers and puts it in, would that be a Shaw shank redemption?"
@Wipqozn And now reddit loves it, of course.
@badp STOP! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE STOP! I'm having "Database via Excel" flashbacks...
@Sterno So are you buying RE7 tomorrow?
@Wipqozn It wouldn't change copyright rules in the US, it would just ship shitty US copyright rules overseas.
@Wipqozn No
@Yuuki Yes
@KazWolfe how do you think authentication is performed
@Sterno PC?
@Wipqozn Of course
@badp /me *has another mental breakdown*
@Sterno I see I see. Well I plan to buy it eventually, which I'm sure will turn into a lot sooner than planned since I hate money.
@KazWolfe Jeff is the guy with the nukes
@Yuuki I believe it would
Let it be known that I have personally written my own Excel formula for secret storage
@Wipqozn Money is the root of evil. Therefore the only thing you can morally do with it is spend it as soon as possible
I didn't realize Russia had more nukes than the USA
so that people could log into the spreadsheet
@Sterno but that just spreads the money around. It would make more sense to burn it.
and achieve access to the VeryHidden sheets with data
Highly sophisticated securirty
@badp if you say VBA with ActiveX, I swear to god...
I was 14
> Spicer has been waging a quiet, one-sided Twitter with [Dippin' Dots]. It started in 2010
and I didn't have VS6 on the same machine as the spreadsheets
I mean, I agree that Dippin' Dots aren't the ice cream of the future.
@Yuuki they're also way overpriced and taste pretty meh.
I hope someone makes a chart of reputable charts so I know how reputable this chart is
@Wipqozn Buying games you'll never play is ALMOST as good as burning it
Like, say, Bad Rats 2 for every Bridge member
@Sterno That's true
@Sterno You didn't even do that though, you coward.
@Wipqozn but will a chart of reputable charts include itself?
I was the only one to do that! and only for you.
@Wipqozn Due to laziness, not cowardice
Now onto logging. Since we were already paying for an internet porn filter,
@Sterno That's fair
He has also referred to Daft Punk as "Daft Funk".
some lines of the ini files specified the fqdn of the porn service they'd GET their error logs onto
@Wipqozn I'm surprised that The Wall Street Journal isn't farther to the right, and that NBC isn't farther to the left
Now you just made me remember how much I hate the "Get Lucky" song
@badp you know what's really sad? this sounds like it could be some giant enterprise software, like for real.
Like the legend of the phoenix
All ends with beginnings
What keeps the planet spinning (uh)
The force of love beginning
cc @Sterno
Man what a terrible song
That song is so awful, made worse by the fact that it's insanely popular
I've never even heard of it before
Really, some stuff in the WSJ reads like it's written directly by Rupert Murdoch
@Sterno People have the worst taste in everything
Would seriously rather listen to Friday
@KazWolfe since the porn service in use was actually different between each machine this conveniently solved the perennial question of what should the naming scheme for physical nodes
@Sterno such a great song
@Sterno $50 says they don't.
this lead to somewhat questionable discussion about logging into youporn to deploy the ini payload
@GodEmperorDune That's an alternative fact
@badp wait, you're not naming machines based on what Ethernet jack they're plugged into? For shame.
@Yuuki wat
which effectively banished sysadmins from the 8th floor to Below 1st
a quality of life improvement since they were now that much closer to the building exit
> The Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be privatized, while the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities would be eliminated entirely.
@GodEmperorDune Oh and nuclear physics research.
the wait times to reach proper coffee were cut by as much as 45 seconds
it adds up.
very quickly.
@GodEmperorDune Well, I guess that's one way to be right about fake news. Turn the one news source under your control into fake news.
Like the Postal Service all over again.
unfortunately so did the time savings.
the whole department productivity increased to the point where they accidentally replaced themselves with a very short bash line
> At the Department of Justice, the blueprint calls for eliminating the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Violence Against Women Grants and the Legal Services Corporation and for reducing funding for its Civil Rights and its Environment and Natural Resources divisions.
actually, @badp, question. I'm assuming you had something to auto-generate the ini files?
sad but unfortunately not unexpected
That was written in LISP, correct?
@KazWolfe obviously not.
This was to be edited by hand by policy
the method used to have radio stations in fallout 4 play in realtime while not listening to them is astonishingly c… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/823470212402085888
in order to ensure that the text editor would not do funny things like macros
the mandated text editor was edit.com
why not use a LISP generator with everything hardcoded? Then, just edit the LISP source code?
and at any rate this bash oneliner is how we are stuck today with this architecture
@Frank pls to help
it's just a simple bash change.
you can do it in thirty seconds.
@TimStone I really want to see the bug report that spawned this
@TimStone It's like how trains in New Vegas were a guy with a train hat running really fast.
@TimStone a... cat?
why a cat?
So radio is actually a series of invisible cats behind you.
@KazWolfe because puppers were unavailable
@GodEmperorDune What's a pupper?
@KazWolfe a small doggo
Slang for puppy/dog
@GodEmperorDune What's a doggo?
@KazWolfe big pupper
@GodEmperorDune QUADS!
There was a secret URL in WebEx that allowed any website to run arbitrary code. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1096
My insistence on always downloading the temporary application because using the extension turned out to be the Very Right choice
Is there an exploit in that WebEx URL that lets it run WebEx properly and maintain a connection?
Because I would love that exploit.
@badp Eh?
@Yuuki "Overall, the blueprint being used by Trump’s team would reduce federal spending by $10.5 trillion over 10 years." funny how first day in office he started tearing up Obama's stuff and he assume he'll be in office for all 3 terms so that no one else can do the exact same
Uh... Presidents can only be in office for two terms.
Exceptions allowed for people who become president via succession.
@MadMAxJr Or declaring a state of war/emergency/other exception.
it's okay, Trump has a wife and many "adult children"
@MadMAxJr And even then, only if they aren't completing more than two years of the previous president's term.
@Frank so at the end of the term, trump is gonna declare war to keep himself in power?
@KazWolfe Would it honestly surprise you if he did?
@KazWolfe I'm pretty sure the President can't unilaterally declare war
@Frank Nope.
@murgatroid99 Unless trump "fixes" that.
Q: Valid?? Orc's and Elves java game on PC?

CaolanMCI played Orc's and Elves 7 Years ago and upon coming across it recently really want to play it again. I want to know if there's any way to play it on Pc (Win 7 , 64 bit) or mobile sony xperia Y5 (not mine) . I've tried downloading jar files on the xperia but i am unsure how to run them and or if ...

@KazWolfe He can't really fix it on his own.
@KazWolfe He can't unilaterally legislate either
I mean, unless he manages to convince the military back him over the Constitution.
We do still have those checks and balances in the federal government
meh. it's gonna be hell.
@murgatroid99 The power of those checks and balances depend on how much of the military is loyal to the Constitution vs. how much is loyal to Trump. It's very, very, very not likely (to the point where I'd say it's impossible) and at that point, he wouldn't need unilateral legislation to give himself unlimited terms.
@Yuuki Yeah, a military coup isn't really the kind of thing I expect any time soon
But again, not likely so it's the least worrying thing to panic about.
@Frank i don't know where being in a war allows you to suspend elections
@GodEmperorDune Something about transitioning power while attempting to prosecute a war, etc., etc.
Not sure if it applies to the US or not.
@Frank That's often named as a reason to re-elect a President to a second term, but I don't remember if that's a thing to allow a third term.
> Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative
So some signs point to the first new Star Wars trailer reveal during the Super Bowl.
Are we going to get another 1984?
because a propaganda ad on the same lines might be a kinda cool event during the otherwise boring Superb Owl.
> These football teams should be really excited to play at the Lady Gaga concert.
> Lady Gaga must be pretty excited to perform at the Star Wars trailer premiere.
I demand a Last Jedi song in the form of The Last Unicorn.
@MadMAxJr disney is not stackexchange
Yeah I have one less beer to drink. Boo
I don't care enough to get my $1.60 back though
Abusing data to fit your point:
Q: Did more people use the DC Metro transit system on the day of Trump's inauguration than on the day of Obama's second inauguration (in 2013)?

A EOn 21 Jan 2017, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said in a press briefing: We know that 420,000 people used the D.C. Metro public transit yesterday, which actually compares to 317,000 that used it for President Obama's last inaugural. Source: "Sean Spicer held a press conference. He...

To be fair, there were also plenty of protests at that time, with people actually blocking the metro platform, checkpoints into it, and several roads both nearby and in unrelated areas. — Matt Brennan 6 hours ago
Alternate facts are like those alt-history books and games we all love!
@GodEmperorDune While believable, that doesn't change the facts of the subway ridership numbers
So Trump's poor inauguration attendance was the protestors' fault, who prevented hundreds of thousands of riders from getting on the metro
@murgatroid99 i could see blocked entrances contributing to a slight downturn, but not a 50% drop
@GodEmperorDune To be fair, there were also plenty of people during the 2009 inauguration with people actually taking up space in the cars.
@GodEmperorDune I meant that those things plausibly contributed to the difference. I don't think they completely explain it
Or whatever you call individual metro/lightrail whatevers.
@murgatroid99 yes, i agree with that

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