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yay for BludBath drama!
Eh, drama? ears perk up
Q: BLUDBATH.T? (Turing Game)

SynetechTo be honest, I’m not sure whether this belongs more in Gaming or StackOverflow, but anyway… In one year of high school, we learned the Turing programming language. One of my classmates found a violent hang-man game made in Turing on the Internet. It was quite the hit in our class for several re...

Oh. Feh. There's long-standing precedent questions unloved and unanswered on SE are considered delete-worthy
It's a bad sign I want to downvote it just because the guy is complaining about downvotes. Something is wrong with me.
You probably spend time on Reddit.
@ThomasMcDonald I rarely go to Reddit and I felt the same way.
The spite is strong with Gaming.SE chat :P
I didn't actually do it though
I didn't either, for the record. In fact, I voted to reopen it, and I hate ITGs
Q: How up to date is the Android version of Tiny Tower, compared to the iOS version?

Simon ScarfeLooking at friends (with Apple devices) screenshots of Tiny Towers, there are small differences between the iOS version and the my version - the most obvious being star icons to indicate dream job assignments. Roughly how far behind is the Android version? How long ago did these stars start app...

some say this is too localized, as it asks us to compare two very specific versions of a game. what say you, people of gaming :)
@Sterno Not that I have 3k, but I don't really think it should be reopened. The argument that someone who recognizes some obscure game might show up eventually could be applied to just about any ITG question.
@agent86 I was going to bring this up earlier, but I got sidetracked. I think it is too localized
@agent86 If it were phrased as "How closely does the Android release cycle of Tiny Tower follow the iOS release cycle?", it could be brought out too localized, I think. Otherwise, the question's obsolete as soon as a new iOS version comes out
@murgatroid99 But the main purpose of the recent purge was to close all the ones that don't have active users waiting for answers, who could actually mark an answer as correct if they get one. This one does.
@OrigamiRobot the counter argument is that looking at the version number(s) and checking the release notes answers the question in the general case
@MarkTrapp even then it would be a bit speculative, I think. Because the only data we have is about past updates
@Oak Right, yeah: it would be contingent on some public statement by the developers, like "We plan to release the Android version after a timed exclusivity of two weeks on iOS" or something
@Sterno OK that's a good point. I am kind of on the side of the argument that says we should get rid of ITG entirely because it doesn't fit well with our system
@agent86 A question that says "How can i tell the difference between the iOS and Android version?" seems fine.
@OrigamiRobot Look at the back of your phone/tablet. Is there an apple?
@murgatroid99 I agree. I don't like them. I hate that wrong answers have a bunch of upvotes. I hate that people get mad when wrong answers get downvotes. I hate that most remain unanswered. But until they're officially banned, I think the BludBath one is valid. It's actually more descriptive than most. :P
@Ullallulloo No.
Time to finish my Stack Exchange API wrapper, I guess.
@OrigamiRobot Then it is the Android version. :P
wait... I heard android
Since I have what, 9 days left to try and win that Kindle Fire.
@GnomeSlice how interested are you in composing for an iOS game?
@Sterno The problem I see is that they are looking for one of about ten thousand different ports of hangman, and the one they are looking for is not even distributed or sold in any standard way.
@RavenDreamer I'd give it a shot! What's the project?
So, the probability of anyone here actually knowing about is very small
That would be impressive.
@GnomeSlice My senior design team is making an iPhone game. We're providing the code. The sponser company's got a graphic artist for the sprites. But we haven't yet figured out what we're doing for music / sound fx
@RavenDreamer I can give it a shot, for sure. I wouldn't get paid, I presume.
I'm sad I went to college before portable games were a realistic senior project. Heck, instant messaging was new and exiting back then.
@OrigamiRobot Is there an Xperria version or whatever?
@RavenDreamer What happens if I mess it up?
@Ullallulloo I don't know what that is.
I did get to work with the guys who made Deer Hunter. They're scary dudes. One dude walked barefoot around the office and had dirty feet with black (not painted) toenails, their conference room was full of trash, and he had a very dirty beard. I felt fear.
@GnomeSlice Yeah. We aren't getting paid either, if it makes you feel better. On the other hand, you get your name on a published iOS game!
@GnomeSlice As in, "can't provide requisite sounds in time?"
@RavenDreamer Sure, I'd give it a go. =]
@RavenDreamer As in 'sounds suck'.
@OrigamiRobot I'm not sure if you got my joke or not?
@GnomeSlice Do you think "Sounds suck" is preferable to "no sound"?
Well, no.
@Ullallulloo Probably not.
@GnomeSlice Awlrighty then, I'll talk it over with my team and get back to you on Wednesday with more infos.
@OrigamiRobot "How can i tell the difference between the iOS and Android version?">"Look at the back of your phone/tablet. Is there an apple?"
@Ullallulloo Yea I got that part.
@OrigamiRobot okay, I just saw "sonyericsson" in your link and assumed it was the PLAY, since that's a phone that was largely promoted for gaming.
@RavenDreamer What kind of game is it?
@Ullallulloo It is not. That was my joke. :P
Finally a nandroid backup. This makes me feel so much safer.
So because I really badly want people I know to play EvE with me, I will offer 200 mil to anyone who joins the game and plays with me (I'll give you a 21 day free trial as well, this is double my normal offer)
@OrigamiRobot Then you wouldn't be asking that question if you didn't have a phone that could play it. :P
@badp Wait, what did I do? I'm not useful
@GnomeSlice Canabalt-style infinite runner.
I see.
Is there a theme?
@Ullallulloo I still might want to know the difference :P
|Enter username and password for sockets.or.stackexchange.com
@Pyrodante I'd be tempted to retry, but since I've never been able to be self-sufficient in EVE, I've sort of given up on that game.
Is anyone else getting that message?
@OrigamiRobot Look at the back of their phone. Does it have an apple? :P
Remember a while back when we were discussing doing the ludum jam?
@RonanForman yes
@Ullallulloo You should post this flowchart as an answer.
@ArdaXi too bad :(
@OrigamiRobot Did they edit the question to that?
@Pyrodante People constantly tell me it's really, really easy to make 300 mil a month. Then they tell me it takes like 10 hours a week to pull that off.
@Ullallulloo No I don't think that conversation went anywhere.
@DaveMcClelland Uh, gimmeh a moment...
@OrigamiRobot Probably my fault. :P
@Pyrodante I've been an on-off subscriber for... two years now?
@GnomeSlice Yes. I'll tell you more if my team agrees to use you. I don't want to get you too worked up, just yet.
@Ullallulloo I'll blame you if you are.
@Ullallulloo I can still chat - I just keep having to cancel the dialog. No rush :)
@DaveMcClelland The "server is having trouble connecting?"
@RavenDreamer ...I resent that wording.
4 mins ago, by Dave McClelland
|Enter username and password for http://sockets.or.stackexchange.com
@DaveMcClelland Sometimes you click the dismiss button too many times?
@Ullallulloo I click a lot of buttons. Sometimes I am too good at it, I guess
@GnomeSlice Sorry.
Hah, 'tis fine.
@GnomeSlice I just meant, i don't want to have to come back here on Wednesday and tell you that I've cancelled Christmas. (Metaphorically speaking). Your feelings aside, I'd feel awful about it.
@OrigamiRobot @Everyone Please go back to discussing this question.
I see, I see, no problem.
You hear that everybody?
I'm canceling christmas!
With Incursions you could get 400 mil in about 8 hours... on a REALLY bad day, 4 hours with a good fleet
@RavenDreamer Fine with me. Bah humbug
@RavenDreamer I'm against anything that makes children happy
I have not gotten less then 60 mil an hour in Incursions and the most people get is upwards of 130 mil
@DaveMcClelland that sounds odd; where are you seeing that? what browser etc?
@MarcGravell Firefox 8... something
@MarcGravell Let me check
and how does that manifest? a js error? a screen prompt?
@Ullallulloo I don't think it worked.
@MarcGravell Firefox 8.0. It's a corporate image with a corporate plugin. I've never seen it before
@MarcGravell It's an authentication prompt. It only happens in chat, it seems
k; any chance that is some kind of blacklist/whitelist/network-blocker at your end?
@MarcGravell It's popping up every minute or two
Q: Official PS3 Bluetooth Headset

KorroziveI have an official Sony PS3 Bluetooth Headset, one of those you clip on your ear (the second generation)... I've used it with Skype, both on my laptop and on my phone, and it's awesome... but when I try to use it on my PS3, its volume is so low, it's like people are whispering to me, so much I do...

Q: Do the Cages in Electric Cage Matches spawn in specific patterns?

BeofettI've only played a couple of levels on Story mode, including the NYC Electric Cage Match. I found the match more than a bit frustrating, as I sometimes burned quite a bit of my grace period just trying to find the next Cage. Do the cages always spawn in the same spots, in the same order, so o...

to clarify: there is no auth on that
@MarcGravell It's totally possible, but I've never seen it before and have been in chat
is it your corporate logo?
or ...?
@OrigamiRobot :(
@MarcGravell The only strange thing I've done was coming into chat through a chat notification on gaming proper. I clicked it, went to the transcript, then hit reply on that message. That brought me to chat... I think that's the first time I've ever done that
reply from transcript is new but unrelated
@MarcGravell It's my employer's corporate image, but I don't maintain it. If that was what you meant
the sockets thing is also new; it sounds like your corporate proxy/filter doesn't understand web-sockets and is throwing a bit hissy fit
if that is happening constantly, that is obviously a pain
Each time I want to play Spiral Knights, "heading into town" takes a long time and the it says "you're disconnected from the server. Is it my connection?
I might need to find a way to detect that and somehow disable it
@MarcGravell Yeah, it's a bit of an irritation. I work for a rather large corporation too, so I would hazard that I'm not the only SEer affected
@MarcGravell about:config>network.websocket.enabled>Toggle
@MarcGravell If it's any help: i.imgur.com/J6G6N.png
can you join me here, to see if it is "us" vs "your proxy" ? html5demos.com/web-socket
@MarcGravell Same thing: Enter username and password for node.remysharp.com:8001
k; then it is "your setup" (that page is nothing to do with us)
that's really really annoying....
(not you - the network stuff)
@MarcGravell Yeah. The worst thing is that it actually forces the active tab to switch too
network.websocket.enabled is true (@Ullallulloo @MarcGravell)
can you turn that off?
for now, I mean, to stop it annoying you
because : your network proxy simply can't handle it
@MarcGravell I just did. I think my employer may run a daemon to reset changed settings every so often, but I'm not sure.
and perhaps more importantly: if you do turn it off - does the problem go away?
@MarcGravell It seems to - that html5 demo page doesn't prompt anymore, and I haven't seen it in chat since then
@MarcGravell Do I miss out on any functionality without websocket support?
no; there is no new functionality there - it is simply an alternative message delivery channel so your machine isn't polling every few seconds
instead, web-sockets allows us to actively send you data as it becomes available - and without any http overhead too
@MarcGravell Cool, I still haven't seen it, so this seems to work for me. Sorry for de-optimizing your servers :)
do you happen to know anything about the network setup - what the proxy is? don't worry if you don't
@MarcGravell I know where the proxy configuration file is, but that's about it
k; not to worry - I'll do some googling - see if it is a common problem
@DaveMcClelland lies
@MarcGravell Let me know if I can be of anymore help in testing the problem. If I'm not around in chat just ping me and I'll get back to you
much obliged - thanks
@badp I do have a tendency to lie
@MarcGravell Thank you for the prompt response!
thanks go to Rebecca for noticing and alerting me
@MarcGravell I think @GraceNote may have let her know. The StackExchange grapevine, I guess
Q: Does magic damage add on to a weapon's damage or is it a part of it?

KecoeyIf a weapon has 26 damage, and does 10 fire damage to the target, is it (16 base damage) + (10 magic damage) = (26 total damage), or (26 base damage) + (10 magic damage) = (36 total damage)? Also, what if it has absorb health? Does that act the same way?

Q: Is there a hardware mod that I can implement, or a specific model that I can buy, which will result in quieter "button mashing" for my PS3 controller?

BeofettI tend to be a bit of an insomniac, and when I bought my PS3 and installed it in our bedroom, I had delusions of gaming on those nights when I am awake long after my wife was asleep. To this end, I bought some good wireless headphones, but when I tried them out my wife's complaint was actually t...

Q: lost my pouch!!! Zelda Skyward sword

pumzillaplease help. For sum reason i cannot access my pouch. Im about 1/2 way threw game, and 4 sum reason the - button will not respond while im in game play. It's not the button/contoler, the - works off screen when checking my gear. My son wasveiw tthe pouch just b4 he noticed he could no longer use ...

Q: How much of an RPG do you think MASS EFFECT 3 will be?

Kevin MaschkeGOOD DAY! Hi, I just would like to hear your opinion. I think that ME2 distanced somehow from the ME RPG style and focused more on action and shooting. For some people this where great, but for others not. I recently played the ME3 demo and I liked the "Game Style" each one can select dependi...

@Lazers I don't even have words.
@StrixVaria You have 6 there.
@Dave do you have any other browsers available? or just FF8?
@MarcGravell I've also got IE 8.something
IE is no help for web-sockets. It won't error, though ;p
@OrigamiRobot I didn't know when you planned on unveiling the project. I'm having trouble finding my wireless router so I can set up the internets here, so it may be a while before I'm back with any sort of regularity
@MarcGravell What browser would be most useful? I'm a local admin, so I can install whatever's helpful
@StrixVaria How about I tell you that this user asked the same question on RPG Stack Exchange 3 days ago? ♪
chrome would be nice; or even better, a network trace so I can see the actual traffic ;p
@MarcGravell I've got wireshark installed, if there's specific packets you're looking for.
@GraceNote :'(
@GraceNote still better than Rondo :P
@Gigili I would assume that yes, it is your connection.
@IanPugsley ...who?
anything to/from sockets.or.stackexchange.com would be telling
it should actually be insanely simple
@GraceNote Mr. "Robots and time travel"
@IanPugsley That's such an awesome question though!
Oh, him. Yes, getting asked if Mass Effect is an RPG is a lot better than dealing with infinite counts of time travelling robots or which games feature a specific erotic poem.
@Sterno so awesome he asked it 20 times
@IanPugsley How did I miss this?
I want to hear more about these erotic poems.
@StrixVaria it was on Scifi :P
@StrixVaria The SciFi people are good at removing them as they come.
Oh that would explain it. I don't visit SciFi.
k... the robots and time thing... officially old :(
@Dave apparently FF8 is hibi-10 or above, so it should be just:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocol
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: some gibberish

[then binary, but not immediately]
@Pyrodante lol I didn't mean to bring it back up (I figured Grace might remember Rondo's name)
and that's all!
@MarcGravell Sorry it's taking so long, it's been a while since I've actually used wireshark productively
please - no need to apologise
@MarcGravell If you happen to know what I should filter by in wireshark, that might help. I'm somewhat blindly trying to reteach myself :)
@DaveMcClelland in truth wireshark is not my forte - any chance you could try in Chrome? might make checking things easier...
Oh, hey, I dropped 2 places on the all-time board by doing a recalc.
@GraceNote Sorry
What do you guys think of This?
@MarcGravell I installed chrome. I'm doing actual work for a couple minutes - I'll get back to you. How would I do it in chrome?
The bass sound is really shitty, but it was my first attempt at combining more than one wave into a new sound, and feeding the result into a filter.
@badp You don't need to say that - I'm more than fine because, especially in those two cases, I didn't really need it.
I just didn't realize I'd lose two places, haha.
just browse to the page - and see if it works without erroring ;p
I've lost a hundred reputation myself
I'm surprised, given that I barely ever answer ITGs myself.
I stand to lose another 450 reputation if I lose all my remaining answers.
@badp I have far fewer actual answers than I expected.
Let's hope we don't have to do that.
I'm not in a good position to listen to music at the moment.
@Sterno They're actually not poems and not erotic
Q: Game where player could extend his neck very far

ZerdUsed to play this game on my PC about 14 years ago. He could extends his neck, you could grab the ceiling and lift your body. Here's an image of the guy (has nothing to do with the logo): Google image search returned nothing.

@badp HOORAY.
Their tears. So delicious.
@MarcGravell I'm on chrome now - no errors
And it looks like at least one of them has cast a revenge downvote on my Meta question. Hooray.
@Dave intriguing; any chance of trying that html5 chat with me too, see if it works?
@MarcGravell Sure, let me find that link
55 mins ago, by Marc Gravell
can you join me here, to see if it is "us" vs "your proxy" ? http://html5demos.com/web-socket
Recalc gave me 3 rep back. Refunded downvote rep FTW!
@MarcGravell Yep, it seems to be FF8, i guess
hmmm... so; it looks like "FF8 has a broken web-sockets implementation with the combination of your network setup"
I might try to detect FF8 and just not use web-sockets
And now they are backing each other up. I'mma go get some popcorn.
@MarcGravell That works, but I'd hate to force SE to waste bandwidth for just me. I'm perfectly fine leaving my about:config changed
k; apparently FF8 is completely unsupported even by Mozilla
my advice: upgrade ;p
obviously corporate policy may dictate otherwise
@MarcGravell Does non-proxied FF8's implementation of websockets work?
@MarcGravell This is true. It's not really my call :/
no idea; since FF is auto-updating and Mozilla only support the current version, I haven't explicitly tested it
have tested FF vCurrent though
@MarcGravell Ah, fair enough. Hopefully corporate will upgrade soon enough. If you hear more complaints though, there's an easy fix
thanks for the heads-up
@MarcGravell No problem, glad I could help!
SD is spinning up a VM to test FF8 ;p
@MarcGravell I am honored
@MarcGravell I am also the .1%
3 recalc'd rep means I have 3 more ITG downvotes to give!
@GnomeSlice Don't talk bad about @IanPugsley's mistress!
@Sterno Hooray!
Q: Which multiplayer map has the Cleaver as a weapon pickup for Horde

mpenrowWhich of the multiplayer maps has the cleaver as a weapon pickup for Horde mode? I am trying to get the 40 kills needed to unlock the execution and it is very slow going waiting for a butcher.

Q: What do Ds mean?

aslumSo in my dumb some items are marked with a pink D. Some are now. What does it mean?

Q: SWTOR security key and app

NicShaydesI'm curious if you can set up the mobile key on a android and then order the physical key later and then use it too? I am always misplacing either my phone or keys and would like to have the ability to use either to login with.

@GnomeSlice Steam is your friend.
@FallenAngelEyes We should have a GSE Guild.
@OrigamiRobot Well, you'll be able to be part of multiple guilds in GW2, so that could be a possibility.
I'm already a co-guild leader for another guild though, so it's not something I would be able to run.
I don't need no other guilds.
@FallenAngelEyes How is the combat going to be? Is it going to be passive like in WoW (choose your target, sit back, and watch) or more active?
Active like in the Diablo games.
@StrixVaria Way more active.
@FallenAngelEyes Ok I'm going to seriously consider getting it then.
Positioning and dodging are really important.
It really really depends on how close the release is to Diablo 3, though.
Because Diablo 3 takes precedence over every other game ever.
The press embargo has been lifted, so there's tons of vids out there right now from this beta weekend.
I'll try to find some footage tonight.
Also again, this is awesome:
39 mins ago, by FallenAngelEyes
That is pretty neat.
What is the capacity on a server like, though?
Compared to how many people are playing.
I mean, since it's not out yet, we can't know for sure, but what was Guild Wars 1 like?
I don't know, we don't have that info yet.
Completely incomparable to GW1 because that game was heavily instanced.
And judging from the name, it seems that Guild play is a big part of it.
I'm not one to commit to a "gaming schedule", though.
So hopefully that's not stressed too much.
How is that a solution? It's just increasing capacity, it'll still get full.
I'm trying to find reasons to play this game, but just voicing my concerns with MMOs in general.
@StrixVaria You can still solo decently if you want.
@FallenAngelEyes GW2 is not instanced? (spoiler alert: I don't know a lot about GW2)
I still have an unopened box for the first Guild Wars. That pretty much says my stance on how much I play MMORPGs...
@GraceNote This makes me sadface. Also that thing may be worth money if it's a Collector's Edition.
I got it... as like a prize or something. I don't even remember other than it being free. I may have given it to one of my good friends.
@FallenAngelEyes I don't mean solo; I'm willing to temp party, play with friends, join a casual guild, etc. I just mean that I'm not going to be one of those players who says "Wednesday night is raid night. I will play all night every Wednesday."
But I might have given a different game instead that I had won. There were 3 games in that prize pack.
@StrixVaria That won't be super necessary either. They will have dungeons, but they won't be doing the loot treadmill thing
@FallenAngelEyes I don't know what "loot treadmill" means because I've never actually gotten into an MMO ever.
@FallenAngelEyes It probably means you're going to also have queues to overlow servers.
@OrigamiRobot Not in the way that GW1 did. In GW1, you basically only had towns where you could team up with people, then you went out into your own instance of the world with up to 7 other players.
Q: Is there a faster way to get Potions of Steeling?

corrodedI am already at level 5 and so far I have encountered only one. I obviously don't have the Alchemist tree so I won't be able to craft one to save my life. Right now I have like 20 each of Iron and Steel Ingots and am planning to create a couple of the Royal Beatdowns and some Rings of Iron Thorns...

@StrixVaria Yea I can't play like that either (obviously)
@StrixVaria Raid night is synonymous with "Slowly tear away at personal relations" night.
@StrixVaria Having to grind the same dungeons over and over hoping for that rare armor/weapon drop and then praying you win the roll.
@FallenAngelEyes I know how GW1 worked :P
@OrigamiRobot I forget who knows what already! But yeah, GW2 is an open, persistent world in contrast to 1.
Loot Tredmill is when you do a tier of content, to get the loot, so you can do the next tier. Basically new content eventually becomes old and is replaced by new content
no REAL progress is ever made, your on a tredmill of increasing numbers
@FallenAngelEyes This reminds me that I still need one piece of armor in Order of Ecclesia.
@GraceNote That's the DS game where you have to fill in the map yourself?
@OrigamiRobot That would be Etrian Odyssey you're thinking of.
Yes, you are correct.
What are you talking about then?
@StrixVaria It's also still free to play, no monthly fee, so you can always just play Diablo III and come back to it when you have time!
I want them to remake Bard's Tale in Etrian Odyssey style
And no, because I got everything in Etrian Odyssey. 100% Complete. Woo~
@FallenAngelEyes see? TF2 has this problem solved by replacing grinding dungeons with grinding keys. No need to allocate an entire night to that!
@OrigamiRobot Order of Ecclesia. A Castlevania DS game, so it follows the trend of random drops established by Symphony of the Night.
@FallenAngelEyes Once Diablo III comes out, I will not have any more free time for years.
Huh. @badp, I think we might have a problem forming...
I picked it up because there's this rune system on it that I wanted to do some research on, which did kinda result in the conclusion I had expected.
@StrixVaria Are you in closed beta?
@GraceNote Castlevania! That's the missing piece. I knew I had played that game.
@OrigamiRobot Ah, I see. I'm missing a Military Uniform from the rare chests in Prison Island.
But I dont remember which Castlevania DS game it was.
@FallenAngelEyes No but I've played through it twice.
@OrigamiRobot Main character is a girl who uses glyphs to manifest weapons/spells instead of using actual equipment.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Tell me more
Dawn of Sorrow -> Order of Ecclesia -> Portrait of Ruin?
@OrigamiRobot No, Portrait of Ruin came before Ecclesia.
@badp Going through closed ITG's and making minor edits to things... sounds like an exciting way someone might be spending his afternoon.
We'll see if it was a 2-off or if he keeps going.
@LessPopMoreFizz He's been leaving comments on a ton of them too
@GraceNote This mechanic doesn't ring a bell. I know I have played it though.
He's on a one man crusade to solve every ITG! Which, incidentally, would also solve the open-ITG problem
@Sterno Oh really, I was just looking at the active list and so I missed that.
@OrigamiRobot I'm not sure how much more I could tell you without treading into spoiler territory for others. Portrait of Ruin is the "You play as two characters", Dawn of Sorrow was "Sequel to Aria of Sorrow".
@LessPopMoreFizz Yeah, for about the last 2 hours now
@fredley I'm not sure if your latest question was meant as a joke or not, but I'm laughing anyway
@LessPop_MoreFizz If it's not a significant edit, why does it matter?
@GraceNote I remember both of those things. I am just having a brain fart. I'll fire up my DS when I get home.
Next best thing I can do for you is link the Wikipedia article and see if the character's appearance rings a bell.
@Brant I read a post about Dwarf Fortress. The key combinations reminded me of Emacs.
Tried it. Looks like any of the three.
@Sterno He'll find out most of those questions really are abandoned
Blwargh. Um... elevator boss fight was only in this one.
@Mana The point is he's systematically bumping closed questions in protest of meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/3998/…
@GraceNote I remember this.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know
@MarkTrapp are you still having issues connecting to chat?
@OrigamiRobot I had hoped that would work, because the fight was very enjoyable.
@GeoffDalgas Lounge.
I have so many downvotes to give.
@GraceNote But I also remember using a medusa head soul to kick all the way down the empty shaft afterwards, and that sounds like Dawn of Sorrow.
@fredley does Dwarf Fortress read e-mail yet?
@Brant I... I would not be surprised if it did.
@Brant I imagine that in decades to come DF and Emacs will converge into essentially the same thing
@OrigamiRobot Well, you can drop kick without needing a soul in this game... um... what about the magnetic power to grab onto small metal orbs for slingshot effects that make physicists cry?
Which is your primary means of travel prior to learning how to double jump (and by extension, downkick)
@badp Why delete this answer? (gaming.stackexchange.com/a/51754/3129) It's complete and correct, if somewhat simple.
I haven't actually played Dawn of Sorrow myself
@GraceNote The medusa head soul meant that the father you travel while kicking, the more powerful it was. Nevermind my memories are all messed up.
I'll just play it when I get home.
I know I beat it.
That reminds me, I should start heading home soon.
@OrigamiRobot Your quantum origami is messing with your databanks
@FallenAngelEyes I think @StrixVaria's compartmentalized mind is leaking into mine.
@OrigamiRobot I don't actually know about that because I only played Aria, where Medusa Head was just the situationally useful "hover in place" effect.
@GraceNote Yes that's what it actually did. And the longer you held it, the stronger your kick was.
Oh, right, because your kick just naturally was increased by "time spent falling".
@fredley I'm not sure Gaming.SE really needs :P
Ecclesia opted to just include a special kind of boot that "You do more damage if you rapidly combo downkicks without touching the floor".
@Sterno It's a valid gaming platform!
Yea, thats why I remembered using the elevator shaft to get a really high damage kick
@GraceNote You mean the way I naturally traveled in SotN?
@OrigamiRobot I preferred "Headbutt and roll along the ceiling" as my preferred form of travel.
Yeah, so I guess Dawn of Sorrow might have an elevator shaft of its own, but it sounds like a very different battle than the one in Ecclesia. At least, I hope, because there was an impressively cinematic feel to the Ecclesia fight and I'd hate to see it be "Carryover".
@fredley Yeah, but platform tags are largely unused anyway.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Meh, remove it if you want. I'm sure emacs gamers can use search to find other questions quite efficiently anyway.
@LessPop_MoreFizz because the questions seems to ask for a list ("Where are good [...] sites") and the answerer only supplied one
@GraceNote No I was just combining the two kicking memories.
so it smelled like not an answer
@OrigamiRobot Ah
also see Martin's answer
@badp Should probably delete every answer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I really only look at what's flagged :P
My brain was like "Kicking shenanigans? Not SotN? Same game."
Q: Is it possible to play Dwarf Fortress in Emacs?

fredleyIs it possible to play Dwarf Fortress in Emacs somehow? Just curious - the philosophy between both pieces of software seems similar.

Q: Who were the people in Dear Esther and how were they linked?

borisCallensPOSSIBLY SPOILER ALERT Throughout the monologue of Dear Esther, several names are mentioned. On the surface, there is the story of the car crash, but looking into it a bit, there seems to be more then is visible on the surface. A few of the characters have been able to link back to biblical fig...

@badp Point is, I would never upvote that answer, but I also don't think it should be downvoted or deleted.
@OrigamiRobot Haha

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