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I've always strongly believed that games should either do just SP or just MP. A game is normally only created for one of them, and more often than not the other one is just tacked on and terrible. There are exceptions (like SC2), but I think the game would be better overall for it.
I'm not saying story should be the main part, but if you stop playing and your not like "I wonder what happens next" then it's lacking in the story part. Whether that's bad or not is irrelevant.
@Wipqozn Throwing in a multiplayer mode just because everyone else is doing it is stupid.
@StrixVaria Exactly, and it's the same for SP.
But that doesn't mean that you can't develop fully realized SP and MP modes in the same game.
It just takes more time and money.
Blizzard is willing to do that, but most companies aren't.
@StrixVaria Yes, that's true.
Just in the average case the other mode is just tacked on, and a complete waste of time and money.
Yeah, like Soul Calibur 5's story.
I've always been the kind of person that buys a game for either SP or MP, and rarely plays the other mode.
SC2 for example, I've played 4 level of the campaign.
I really don't care about the campaign of SC2, since that's not why I bought the game.
Although I never got into PvP either.
Pressing that "find match" button was too stressful.
I bought it thinking "Here's my chance to finally get into RTS!" and then didn't.
A similar example would be Bioshock 2. I played the multiplayer for about 30 minutes, just to try it out. That was it.
I bought Bioshock 2 for the SP, not the multiplayer.
There was multiplayer in Bioshock 2?
@StrixVaria Yes.
From what I can remember it was fairly terrible.
Although it did receive a lot of praise.
Q: How to survive Survival Endless on Plants VS Zombies?

Geraldine JainDespite all my best efforts, I have not made it to more than 18 flags. Most of the solutions I have found do not display back up sun. Is there a special trick I'm missing?

I didn't get into Bioshock 2, for some reason.
I mean, I completed it, and got the special edition and everything, but it didn't hold my interest the same way as the first game.
@GnomeSlice Did you "get into" the first one?
Moreso, yes.
Well, the second one wasn't that different really.
In fact the only major change to the SP was the ability to dual wield.
I don't remember being able to dual-wield.
In fact that's why I'm not excited for the third one at all. I assume it would be exactly the same as the previous two games.
@GnomeSlice You remember incorrectly.
Could wield plasmids in one hand, gun in the other...
Also, they took out one of my favourite things from the first game.
et cetera
@GnomeSlice ?
Which was being able to pick up dead Big Daddies with telekenesis and stand them on their heads with their legs flopped out to either side.
I remember one particular area where they kept spawning, and I had like four of them in a ring.
It only worked on 'Rosie' types.
i.e. the riveters
Yeah, if you picked one up with telekenesis and held it in the air, it would rotate to be head-down in the first game.
@Wipqozn Oh right.
I thought that was in both?
@GnomeSlice nah, only the second.
I also didn't find the dialogue as interesting in the second one, although Andrew Ryan in the first game was basically just as repetative.
But most of the dialogue from Sofia Lamb in Bioshock 2 just seemed like the same thing repeated over and over.
@StrixVaria I fooled around with Yoshimitsu a bit last night.
He's changed some since SCII.
I recognize most of the moves, but the combinations are all different.
I still haven't figured out how to change to 'facing away' stance.
It sounded like he was saying "show me your butt!" to Natsu.
Can't say I blame him, to be honest.
@GnomeSlice It more or less was.
In short, Bioshock shouldn't have had a sequel.
A lot of games shouldn't
the same goes for movies
and tv shows often go on much longer than they should
The point is everything is terrible and I'm a bitter and old.
I thought a sequel to Bioshock was strange, but not actually a bad idea.
It just seemed too much like more of the same, I guess. The first one was so engaging because it was a new experience/atmosphere in a game, which you hadn't really seen before.
The second one was just... eh.
Still can't wait for Infinite!
Been there, done that.
@Mana Oh man, yes.
@Mana Yes you can.
That might be the first game I'll play in a while.
@Mana :/
@Mana What do you program in?
VIM, Visual Studio, et cetera...
Notepad, bitch.
@Wipqozn VIM/DrRacket/Notepad
Visual Studio for XNA
Have you used Notepad++?
@Mana Then you play games all the time!
@Mana I hope by "Notepad" you mean "Notepad++"
@Wipqozn I don't have achievements installed
@Wipqozn No, I do use plain Notepad for hammering out some quick code from time to time
VIM is my preferred environment by far although I love DrRacket
@Mana VIM <3
VIM is the only editor I'll code in.
The only exception would be if I was on windows and, for some reason, lacked putty.
I would then use Notepad++
I'm going to go shower and grab food, be back in 45
@Mana 45 what?
oh damn
Seconds? Cookies?
Minutes, I'm guessing.
@Mana Uh oh...
@Mana damn! He changed it..
You should have flagged it @GnomeSlice, and then I could mark it valid!
@GnomeSlice Those shoes must be terribly uncomfortable
@Mana I'm assuming you have a shared shower or some non-sense, and it is already in use?
@Wipqozn No, nothing like that, I just realized that there's something I need to do before that
@badp I've given up the idea that Soul Calibur character design is based on plausible real-world functionality.
@Mana Push-ups?
@GnomeSlice Were you ever under that impression?
I dunno, they seemed better in Soul Calibur 2.
Well, except for Ivy...
Who, by the way, has really been portrayed as a 'dominatrix' in Soul Calibur V. Like, more than usual.
If you don't know what that means... don't google it at work.
@GnomeSlice Well, yes. They've been increasing that in each game.
@GnomeSlice I like how your warning has become useless due to my ninja picture post.
@Wipqozn How is it useless?
@GnomeSlice The idea is to catch people before they google it. Due to my image, it is unlikely anyone would see your warning in time.
Okay so I'm running voxelsniper on my local host, how long until it crashes?
@RonanForman Yesterday.
@Wipqozn The poker face line isn't well done
@badp Which?
Third column/row
Q: Mouse Cursor Won't Display in Full Screen Games

GnomeSliceWhenever I run a game full screen, if it doesn't have a custom cursor built into the game, I basically can't play it, because for some reason, my system mouse cursor simply won't display when I run any game in full screen. I know it's still there, because I can see menu item rollovers animating ...

@badp That's "me gusta"
ME gusta:
@badp The one that says 'Okay'?
poker face:
@Mana Well, yes.
@Wipqozn Oh yeah, they're so different. I really don't know what I was thinking.
Agreed that this should be closed?
@Mana FAQ says... yes! 100 points!
@Mana Yeah, how would we know.
@Mana Yes.
Although it's been answered.
All flags: cleared!
Now resuming normal morning schedule.
@Wipqozn You might like this.
@Wipqozn .....what?
@Wipqozn I must have these.
@Wipqozn Well if you're going to study pornography... academically...
@Wipqozn Actually you now make me wonder how many units is a EU credit.
That is the dumbest course description I think I've ever read.
Except I don't even know what country would that thing come from
Language doesn't 'drive' the narrative forward in porn.
It's just there because the actors are pottymouths.
I wouldn't even call it 'dialogue'.
...I don't think that's what the professor is referring to.
Then again I haven't seen a lot of porn movies.
Actually I don't think I've ever seen a proper porn movie.
but you didn't want to know did you?
@badp Oh, you think they're talking about like... the in-between dialogue in the actual movies?
@badp I did.
Because how is that different from studying dialogue in bad non-porn movies.
@Wipqozn I see you no longer do, then.
@badp I'm not sure what else they could be referring to.
@GnomeSlice Perhaps. I'd have to take the course to be certain.
@badp I don't know about that though, if that were the case, then why porn movies and not just any bad movies?
@GnomeSlice "What does any of this tell us about gender, sexuality and erotics in non-pornographic contexts?"
Why did someone up vote this?
Q: Need help beating Spice Bandits level Wooden Walls

CatI've tried and tried, replayed earlier levels over to level up...nothing I do is working. Can anyone help? Wooden Walls - the third level in Africa. Please and thank you!

This is very likely the real point the professor wants to explore.
The "OMG YOU CAN WATCH PORN FOR UNIVERSITY" bit is probably just to hook people in and have them subscribe.
@badp Except... there's nothing to explore, really.
@badp Yeah, probably.
@badp Agreed.
@GnomeSlice I guess there is if the professors have put this course up. Again I'd have to sign up.
I suppose.
agent86 on February 17, 2012

Before playing the demo, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning wasn’t really even a blip on my radar. It’s a weird post-holiday-season release from EA that is dropping a month before the real anticipated EA release of the first half of the year – Mass Effect 3. I’m really looking forward to ME3, but I was intrigued by the prospect of a new fantasy RPG series from a major publisher. I was really looking forward to something new and fresh, but I wasn’t really expecting what I ended up getting. …

What do we think of this trailer?
gah, erotic poetry poster is back again...
@agent86 Er...?
Poster as in 'large print media' or as in 'user who posts a lot of it'.
I made a hill!
@RonanForman Worldedit?
@GnomeSlice this is at least the third time (that I've seen) where someone posts a link to some erotic poetry book on the internet and asks "what game is this from?"
@agent86 On... on this site?
@GnomeSlice yeah.
Does anyone want a tour of my hill?
I just obliterated it :/
but if they're active, it'll probably be back
@agent86 I've never seen those, what was the title?
"What game is this work from"
This plugin is so cool!
@RonanForman Which? Worldedit
Yeah, it's lovely.
@agent86 ...Hah.
@GnomeSlice Voxelsniper/
As I said last time you asked.
Oh, my mistake.
@RonanForman I saw a demo of that on YouTube the other day. It looks really really awesome.
Don't think I've used that one.
It also looks really really complicated.
Oh, Worldedit can do all of this.
It's really not.
@StrixVaria Yes, it is.
Are you free now?
It's easy to do simple things.
But if you really want to take advantage of it, it's pretty complicated.
I've used world edit, you can't do much with it.
Lol, overlay lava brush.
@RonanForman Yes you can.
There are a ton of commands.
I think I'd hate ITGs less if people didn't try answering bad ones
My hill is now made of lava, not covered in it, made of it.
@GnomeSlice I've had this problem too, can't remember how I fixed it :/
@Wipqozn hm
Q: Need help beating Spice Bandits level Wooden Walls

CatI've tried and tried, replayed earlier levels over to level up...nothing I do is working. Can anyone help? Wooden Walls - the third level in Africa. Please and thank you!

Is this really all that vague? He's asking for tips on how to beat a specific level in this game.
@Mana Yes.
@Mana He's not asking anything at all for starters
"Can anyone help?"
doesn't mean anything. It's NARQ.
If someone posted a segment of code
and said "Can anyone help?"
that would be closed for the same reason
It's no different here
Fair enough.
In fact, to me it looks like he's asking for someone to play co-op with him and help him that way.
Which is obviously not allowed on the site.
That's a good point; hadn't thought of that.
Well, I'm gonna go grab food.
He just wants a friend.
@badp - What does the Closed? column indicate in the ItG cleanup spreadsheet?
@JasonBerkan uh, it's there to tell me if 7 days have passed or not from the day of last activity. It's... not very well organized yet.
Actually I'm surprised none of the 28 people who got their questions straight-out deleted raised any stink about it
so I guess it's time to do another batch of 20 or so closures
@badp I'm more than willing to help with this, but not sure what needs to be done. I only have the rep to throw on a comment or a close vote.
just one like you isn't a lot to go through. If we get six or seven more that would be more interesting
Q: Who should I give titles to?

RodolfoI've been playing for a few days, but still I'm not sure who should I give or not give land titles. Should I give it all to my heir so when I die he gets everything? Or should I spread it to people in my family? or maybe to people not in my family? (I've noticed some vassals in my family (with t...

@badp I will be able to help after work.
@badp Is there anything I can do to help?
@AshleyNunn, @OrigamiRobot - have either of you cast a close vote on gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/50488/…
@JasonBerkan Just did.
@JasonBerkan I don't know. I would have to remote in to my home machine to see.
@OrigamiRobot Ashley got it. It was at 4 close votes from when it was asked.
@OrigamiRobot You can't go to the main site from work?
@GnomeSlice If you don't think there's anything to talk about there, than you don't have much academic history in formal media criticism. Because there's a whole lot you could talk about there.
Semiotics is a Big Thing.
@Wipqozn Disable pointer trails.
I know the answer now, just posting it for everyone else.
@GnomeSlice somebody else apparently answered pretty quick
Yeah, I should have asked a long time ago.
shoulda asked on here a long time ago, would have had it fixed in mere minutes :)
I've been having this problem for like 2 years.
Oh shit the new Grimes album came out?

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