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It looks like it.
Oh, that was back when I liked Jeff.
Also one-boxing in our history doesn't look like that.
So it's a chat.meta thingy.
How do I one-box?
@JohnoBoy Just paste the question/answer link on its own.
Same goes for Wikipedia pages, YouTube videos, images and a couple others.
@ArdaXi Ah, I posted a link eralier but it was in another message so that's why it probably didn't work, thanks.
Yeah, exactly.
The only thing it can be preceded by is :123456
Man, unless you work in an office with a mom who has a daughter in Girl Scouts, getting your hands on Girl Scout cookies is harder than getting your hands on crack.
@ArdaXi From what I can see, the HTML was manually placed there (not like the auto-oneboxing we have now). Could've been an old, broken implementation but it could've just as easily been Jeff dropping in the HTML himself
OK, I answered his question, I tried explaining without going too much into detail so I don't stray into the piracy territory
A: How can I play Excitebots on a UK Wii?

JohnoBoyAccording to Wikipedia, Excitebots only came out in the US. If you do wish to play it however, I recommend you get a US copy from a store that ships to the UK (I use VideoGamesPlus to get my US games) and soft-mod your Wii to play games from all regions (you can also get a US Wii, but that'll be...

@MarkTrapp I remember we all had one-boxing then though.
Must've been an early implementation, then. When you edit a one-box now, you just see the URL. Editing that message shows a bunch of divs
Umm, what is the number I'm seeing under my gravatar and nick? It's certainly not my reputation...
@JohnoBoy Your total rep across all SE sites
…taking into account heavy caching, of course
@MarkTrapp ah, makes sense, I got all of those 101 rep bonuses from logging into the occaisonal site...
@JohnoBoy Yeah, it threw me for a while too.
That'll do it :) If you logged into all the sites on the network, that would pump your chat rep by ~8000
It's the 101 rep sites that really throw it off.
@MarkTrapp Which, when you think of it, could arguably be considered an exploit in the reputation system.
I mean, 8k Rep gets you flag review if you have even a token amount beyond the base on a few sites.
Well, you need to be active at least on one site to get the 101 bonuses, so it's not really given instantly
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's true. I don't remember off the top of my head and can't find the list, but I vaguely recall most chat features had low rep requirements anyway.
@JohnoBoy Only need 200 (or 250?) rep to get that bonus on all other sites
It's something. I would think it would take you at least a few good answers/question to reach that on any site, no?
this comment is kind of needlessly rude. Oak did some heavy editing to the question (doesn't seem like english is the asker's first language), and it still took me probably 10-15 minutes worth of work to figure out the second name it was released under and link the two together.
@JohnoBoy Good point, but I offer up ronnie, who has 439 rep, as a counterpoint :)
@MarkTrapp Yeah, but ronnie is pro
@MarkTrapp last time I checked, ronnie's rep came mainly from an answer he gave that got heavily edited to pass muster.
I guess that's kind of a side effect of editing; you can turn kind of a marginal answer into a much better one that attracts many upvotes by cleaning it up and putting effort into it.
@agent86 Looks like every single one of his answers was heavily edited by others
Asking/answering skyrim questions seems to generate a lote of rep around here. It doesn't surprise me
@agent86 There should be a medal for editing a low scored answer into a high scored one :)
@MarkTrapp yeah. kind of disguised his "poor" answers that way.
it's probably more of an exception than the rule though.
Q: What is this Steam Captcha?

Jonny BI'm making an account on Steam and I have no absolute idea what the Captcha is. I've refreshed it several times and i still have no idea what I'm suppose to type. Anyone mind telling me what the characters are suppose to be? I just see a bunch of " | " and "_" scrambled across the page, some even...

I don't think this falls on any category...
@JohnoBoy That's how Skynet started. First they enslave humans to solve captchas, then they take over the world.
@JohnoBoy man, so many close reasons... I picked "too localized"
You're not the only one who couldn't decide
Huh, Google+ is letting me join still, even though I'm not even 17 yet...
@MarkTrapp Enslave?
Actually, they put honeypot CAPTCHAs in front of free porn sites.
I assume Jonny B is really an alt-account for @OrigamiRobot. Trying to trick us into solving his captchas for him.
@ArdaXi You know, bend humans to their will to solve captchas. The nuclear launch codes are behind a captcha challenge
hm, I'm surprised this question was never closed:
Q: Are Steam price cuts predictable?

Jader DiasFrom observation, can I expect that a game will get a permanent price cut (or a weekend special deal) X weeks after its launch, or after the sales dropped by Y percent or whatever other reason?

Q: What Does 'Exit' Mean?

GnomeSliceI've noticed a small square button hiding in the top right corner of my Die2Nite screen. It simply bears a red X and the ominous intonation, "EXIT" I fear greatly what would transpire if ever I clicked upon it. What severe fate awaits all ye who depress the button (What does it do)?

@MarkTrapp You around?
@RonanForman ni hao
@Wipqozn Noooooooo!
crashes through Steam... oh, its already down.
@MarkTrapp I didn't mean you, I meant the other M.
@MarcoCeppi You around?
@MarkTrapp I'm sorry.
It's okay, I'll try to manage and live my life after this unspeakable tragedy.
@MarkTrapp We'd understand if you just couldn't go on anymore, and withdrew from the election, thus freeing up more votes for me.
@Wipqozn This is all part of Ronan's masterplan.
@Wipqozn And just like that, I'm suddenly over it. It's a Gaming.SE miracle!
Actually, it looks like you couldn't withdraw anyways.
57 mins ago, by Arda Xi
Oh, that was back when I liked Jeff.
@ArdaXi: I think I'll start quoting the second half of that message
> "I liked Jeff." - @ArdaXi
No, the second half of that message is "when I liked Jeff."
@ArdaXi Too late, already pinned.
No changing it now.
@Wipqozn I know.
If we're being technical, the second half of that message is "vhen I liked Jeff."
the w is split in two you see.
Oh, huh. Pins are cumulative.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ba-dum tish
> Please cast your vote in the Gaming 2012 Objection #3: I don t have TIME to learn anything NEW! Rebuttal: "Learning" is!
Oh horse ebooks bookmarklet, I love you so.
@Wipqozn The pause button there is so useful. :P
@Wipqozn I've always preferred instantrimshot.com
@Wipqozn It cuts off too early.
@RavenDreamer omg, your question is only 20 views behind mine now! How did this happen!??!?!
@spugsley F-5. F-5. F-5.
@LessPopMoreFizz last night I had a 200+ lead. I call shenanigans! lol
@spugsley Clearly, you need to go to a public library and/or internet cafe, and change the homepage to your question.
@LessPopMoreFizz obvi
Sounds like a plan!
I wish I'd picked up Amalur. I could be winning a chair right now.
@LessPopMoreFizz also, it's super fun and you're missing out :)
@spugsley I should start linking everyone I know to @RavenDreamer question.
@LessPop_MoreFizz How about this. Ask a question, and then we can just start linking everyone we know to it! After you win the chair, we can split it!
@Wipqozn :(
@Wipqozn How do I split a chair?
@LessPopMoreFizz chainsaws are good for that
@LessPop_MoreFizz We can worry about that later.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Both of you get really skinny?
@spugsley: What question of Raven's are you referring to anyways?
And which question of yours
Q: How do I decide who to murder?

SternoIn the city of Ysa, I was approached by Ambassador Keen, who gave me the Uprising quest, which requires me to assassinate Ambassador Brenner. However, if I speak to Ambassador Brenner about it, she in turn wants me to murder Ambassador Keen. Since letting them both lives earns me no experience po...

Q: What is the order of arrivals at each world in Birth By Sleep?

KtashIn Birth by Sleep, what is the order of character arrivals at each world? By that I mean, at each world, who arrives first, who arrives second, and who arrives third?

@spugsley That's not a zoom question at all.
@Lazers Are you sick?
just kidding! Also, I'm wrong
Lookin' kind of green there...
I meant respec
and his is the max level question
@Ullallulloo It would explain why he's so slow lately.
@spugsley That race is heating up. I think you guys are like 20 votes apart or something
@Sterno I know!
@spugsley I don't know if you've been to Ysa yet, but there are like 8 trainers there. It's awesome
@spugsley Okay. Just a second, going to post his question on all of our social networking sites...
@Wipqozn I will punch a baby in the face if you do that. It will hurt so bad
@Wipqozn and it will be your fault
@spugsley Oh, wow. I was just joking, but now I really want to do it!
@Wipqozn I have no words so I'm just going to make rage noises. ahem arhghghghghgghghghhhhhh
@spugsley You're hit #6 on Google for "Kingdoms of Amalur how do I respec?" @RavenDreamer is #2 for "Kingdoms of Amalur what is max level?"
@spugsley Rework your question to be more google friendly!
@Sterno hmmmmmm
@Sterno that's an excellent plan.
I think I will change the title.
Heh, someone linked me Freeman's Mind again. Best LP ever.
Other than that Animal Crossing one maybe.
@spugsley What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of E-Mailing @RavenDreamer question to all my friends.
Of course, more views to your question means more chances for Stephen to get upvotes on his answer, and he's my main competition right now. Self-sabotage!
@Wipqozn The baby I'm punching says 'thanks a lot, you bastard'.
That baby has some advanced language skills.
@Sterno I know! Pretty impressive.
@Sterno okay, I changed my question a bit. We'll see what happens. :)
@Wipqozn Need your face on the baby
I'd edit that to say "This is all Wipqozns fault." and "I love doing this"
but I'm far too lazy
@Sterno naw, she said punch a baby, not me.
@Wipqozn I'm just saying, there's got to be an underserved "see Wipqozn getting punched by spugsley" audience here that you could satisfy at the same time.
@Wipqozn I got back on just so I can ragequit
@Sterno True...
@Wipqozn the poor image quality of her picture makes this look even funnier
spugsley's still in the lead, right?
@GraceNote Just barely.
@GraceNote I just checked. Identical views.
Holy crap. I thought @spugsley was pulling my leg.
On an unrelated note
what is this?
A: Found the Space Core in Skyrim, what can I do with it?

BobThe one floating through the skills menu is not the space core its Wheatley from Portal2

Wow, this is pretty close
Still 5 days yet
@RavenDreamer looks like a comment on the answer above it
Crap. Linked the wrong thing.
I meant the question itself.
Why is portal in skyrim?
(The steam link itself is down)
@RavenDreamer the creation kit got launched about a week ago, along with "steam workshop" support for skyrim
in celebration, valve/bethesda modded the space core into skyrim
you can go find it in the world, carry it around, and build a hat with it.
there's talk of a hidden portal 2 quest, potentially, but it could just be us getting trolled a bit or misinterpreting the data in the mod...
Anyone else having connectivity issues with Steam?
oh... fun.
Stupid incompatible program.
@Tristan Yes
Also, I'm irritated no one has answered part 2 of my "what is the max level" question.
Our data center's UPS experienced a power failure. Power is back on now and working to get service restored asap - http://bit.ly/zUBZzz
@RavenDreamer, your comments on my blacksmithing question might be better as another question altogether. I've done a bit of research if you're interested in making a question...
And come to think of it, I know the answer is no, too...
@RavenDreamer pew pew pew
@DMA57361 Oh! Thanks. =D
Aha! I thought that was Claudia Black's voice in KOA.
UPS power failures are ironic.
@Tristan np
Nope. Looks nothing like Thousand Needles from WOW!
Q: Can I make a profit off blacksmithing?

Raven DreamerIn Kingdoms of Amalur, my character found putting points in blacksmithing rapidly generated a hurricane of parts, pieces, bits, bobs, and odds n' ends. This sent my OCD into panic mode, and I immediately went on a selling binge, because having so many components was mindbogglingly overwhelming. ...

@Sterno Course not. 1k Needles is flooded.
@RavenDreamer charging science lazers
@Sterno Looks more like the badlands.
One problem I'm having with KOA is you see just about every monster type by level 6, it seems
Q: My Doctor became a consultant before completing his training and how he won't sit and be taught anymore

JasarienIn Theme Hospital, I have two doctors and a training room. One doctor is a Consultant Surgeon and the other is just a doctor. The consultant was training the Doctor to become a surgeon, however, the doctor became a consultant before finishing his surgeon training (it is stuck at 81%). Now when...

Q: What are the different monster attributes?

bwarnerWhen I look at a monster it has several attributes listed with it. I understand the "early starter", "late starter" ones, but there are others that don't really seem to be defined anywhere. Things like "Meleeproof" or "Noisy". What do these attributes mean, and is there a way to view the defin...

Q: Can I make a profit off blacksmithing?

Raven DreamerIn Kingdoms of Amalur, my character found putting points in blacksmithing rapidly generated a hurricane of parts, pieces, bits, bobs, and odds n' ends. This sent my OCD into panic mode, and I immediately went on a selling binge, because having so many components was mindbogglingly overwhelming. ...

pew pew pew
@agent86 That was fast.
Almost as though you knew that question in advance.
@ArdaXi shhhh, don't tell anyone.
@Tristan My server is up so you can work on the surprise.
@OrigamiRobot k Thanks.
@RavenDreamer, not sure if this is something within your powers, but the banner ad for the elections is gone off the site.
Ah yes.
I can fix that.
I have to tell myself not to obsessively refresh the elections page, since I can't see the voting. stupid secret voting.
@agent86 rifles through the ballot box
looks up at agent86
raises an eyebrow
rifles through the ballots again
No comment.
@RavenDreamer if you found several expired packets of mustard, you're supposed to keep those as a bribe. I've heard that helps in elections.
@RavenDreamer oh, shit.,.. ah.. it may look like there are a lot of ballots in there for me with the same hand writing... just ignore that...
I'm running out of possibly expired condiment packages though :/ I hope I've done enough bribing already...
The ballots say that @FallenAngelEyes won in a landslide!
Write in candidate wins!
What is going on in Greece?
Are people still protesting that they can't keep their 30 hour work weeks and all that?
(against the austerity measures or w/e)
@Tristan Fun Fact: Minecarts despawn when hit by an arrow.
@RavenDreamer That... might be the most ridiculous mischarecterization of the protests I've seen yet.
@LessPopMoreFizz All I know is that I know nothing.
Wait, I know they're rioting.
I don't know more than that, though.
Oh, reddit...
Matryoshka Llamas.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Has he been accidentally making multiple accounts and talking to himself?
@RavenDreamer Don't think so...?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Back?
@ArdaXi His past answers have... all been deleted for terrible.
(Note my edit to his current one answer.)
Yeah, he left a comment on that answer of, "Who is this and why are you using my name? o.o"
Except... it was his own answer...
@RavenDreamer hahaha I can't see deleted comments.
Q: Is there a "wait" command?

MarceloI need to wait for the night to be able to steal something. Is there a "wait" command, kind of the one in Skyrim?

@RavenDreamer Ahahahahahaha!
@badp yo.
A: What Does 'Exit' Mean?

badpYour session is eaten by Cthulhu.

Shouldn't this be deleted, as it's a "joke" picture answer that doesn't actually answer the question?
Hmmm... finally finishing Alderaan... need to decide which title I want for my BH
_____ the Homewrecker, Baron _____, or ______, Knight of Alderaan
@LessPop_MoreFizz Which one fits your character the most?
@FallenAngelEyes Meh, none of them.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You got made a Baron?
@RavenDreamer I could.
I don't think I picked up any titles from Alderaan.
@LessPop_MoreFizz do whichever one's the most fun then
@RavenDreamer It's a BH Class Quest thing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aha.
@RavenDreamer At the end of a chain, the Baron you've been working for is dead, and for some reason you get to decide his successor.
I switched to ____ the Revanite when I ran The Foundry on Friday.
If you choose his daughter/son you can marry them and become baron yourself.
Choose the other one, and you become Knight of Alderaan.
Kill them all, and you become The Homewrecker.
(And get handed a fat stack of credits.
Ooh, Homewrecker.
Marry the Son, and the Daughter, then get them to make you a Knight.
@RavenDreamer I don't think it workst aht way.
I think I have a caffeine withdrawal headache.
@RavenDreamer It's not a withdrawal headache. It's the headache you had coming back now that the caffiene is wearing off.
Clearly, the solurion is to consume more caffeine.
A wild headache appears! Wil uses ADVIL... it's not very effective. Wil uses COFFEE! It's super effective!
Q: The emperor keeps talking after he is dead?

ArafinweSo... I walked into the Emperor's room aboard the Katariah, expecting a full-on fight with the guards, some agents, and the man himself. Instead I found the Emperor telling me calmly to kill him. He was, in my opinion, quite rude about it indeed – kept going on about how he didn't have all day an...

I think Marco's shut down the mumble server again.
@Wipqozn How romantic.
@GnomeSlice Well... At least I'm in Heaven/space.
I'm actually surprised your replacement managed to stay alive through the Mothership, since new mercs are hired at level 1.
@ArdaXi I thought so.
@GnomeSlice Did I survive..?
Assuming I even existed in the first place.
@Wipqozn You were in the first run I tried. We all died. But you were first.
I made sure of that.
@GnomeSlice I assume that means you'll be voting for me in the election?
@Wipqozn Not likely. I'm currently setting up a crew of four of the candidates.
I'm going to base my voting on performance.
Do you use this same process when voting for elections in RL?
wait...this is RL.
You know what I mean.
No, I don't.
Also, in case you couldn't tell, I'm joking.
provincial elections, et cetera
I've already cast my votes.
@GnomeSlice Oh, I thought you were being serious.
well, thanks for voting for me @GnomeSlice.
whispers don't tell @RonanForman I stole his joke
@Wipqozn Way to steal Ronan's joke.
I didn't vote for you, sorry.
Or maybe I did.
@GnomeSlice You can still change them.
@GnomeSlice that makes it sound like you voted for me, but forgot.
Quite possible.
@Wipqozn Then I'll steal all your lines, like the handsome, talented and awesome person I am.
This took entirely too goddamned long. (And the people raging about it in the comments are somewhere between hilarious and absolutely terrifying.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I call absolutely terrifying!
@Wipqozn Also, I lol'd that's about it
@RonanForman You forgot one
for example..
clears throat
@LessPop_MoreFizz A private organization can #$*@ all over your free speech because they're a private organization.
The ragers need to shut up.
@RavenDreamer Your KOA question is shooting ahead of @spugsley's today. It's +50 now. it was -100 like 4 hours ago!
'Free Speech' doesn't apply to the Internet.
So like I was saying, <person who just entered chat room> is a terr- errr wonderful person! Hello there @<person who just entered chat room>
@GnomeSlice Sure it does. But it doesn't apply to your hosting provider.
Just because your country gives you the right to free speech.
@Sterno Wonder why. I haven't touched it in days.
@Wipqozn That doesn't apply though.
@GnomeSlice You want to put up a white supremacist website? You sure can! but I am under no obligation to host that shit for you.
I guess I'm talking about something else.
Actually, maybe not.
147 votes so far
@Sterno I wonder if @spugsly editing the question messed up something with the google linkage.
Or maybe yours just got linked somewhere.
@GnomeSlice I'm self-deprecating by nature.
@RavenDreamer Hers was falling behind well before she edited it.
Also, @GnomeSlice - I found out today that you can't use MIDI instruments with synth'd instruments in the same song in Musagi.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow, about time.
@RavenDreamer Uh... yes you can.
@RavenDreamer Maybe everyone's been playing all weekend and they're all like "Damn, how long is this friggin' game anyway? google"
MIDI isn't the instrument.
MIDI records keypresses.
That's why you can take a MIDI track and change the instrument of it without breaking the melody.
I was missing context.
What do you mean 'MIDI Instruments'?
I mean, Musagi has a "MIDIInstrument" instrument.
Let me take a look.
@GnomeSlice > MIDI instrument. Select an instrument to use and it will be played through your default midi-out device. Adding one of these to the song will disable normal wave output and only allow midi instruments to be heard (this is due to the midi system using a different timing mechanism and it's currently not possible to sync it with the regular audio).
Hm. I broke the auto-quote.
@FallenAngelEyes Now if only they would get rid of reddit.com/r/Beatingwomen
> MIDI's primary functions include communicating event messages about musical notation, pitch, velocity, control signals for parameters (such as volume, vibrato, panning, cues, and clock signals (to set the tempo)) between two devices in order to complete a signal chain and produce audible sound from a sound source. As an electronic protocol, it is notable for its widespread adoption throughout the music industry.
@RavenDreamer It's probably because Musagi is a chip synthesizer.
@RavenDreamer My point is that redditors are terrible human beings.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wait what, is this... actually serious?
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I'm not questioning it. I'm just ಠ_ರೃ because I'm now exporting Musagi's Midinstrument as a .Wav so I can reimport it into a vsmp instrument.
Which strikes me as very similar to the "print out a web design, take a picture of it, then upload said picture back onto the computer" method of website design.
@RavenDreamer You should check out Reaper or FL Studio.
@GnomeSlice Eh.
I found out how to copy and paste in Klystrack, finally!
copy is ctrl + c
paste is SHIFT + INSERT
@RavenDreamer If it's playing through your MIDI out, you should be able to record it to another track. You can probably mix it down to a flat audio track.
Why they wouldn't just make that ctrl + v, I have no idea.
@FallenAngelEyes Like I said. Reddit is a terrible terrible place.
@Gnome When we get round do it, could you compose the score for out machinima?
@RonanForman I could TRY.
@RonanForman @GnomeSlice Do it!
@LessPop_MoreFizz I did not know that one existed. Just... ugh.
I've been learning about this stuff, and I'm certainly musical, but I've never found making music from scratch to be very easy.
Hang on, Let me link some of the stuff I've done using loops.
@Gnome We wont be finishing it for a while and you've got no time limit or anything.
@FallenAngelEyes reddit.com/r/shitredditsays is... educational, if somewhat depressing.
I wish I could figure out how to really get into this music stuff.
Aaaah! The Community user has a new, horrifying user picture!
I never know where to start.
@RonanForman I'd be happy to try though, when the time comes.
(I can't believe it took two years for somebody to think of doing that)
Anyway, here's some of the stuff I've done with loops, and one track I did using FL Studio and some synths: gnomeslice.newgrounds.com/audio

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