@Sterno He still came way closer then he should have though!
Although given all the recent polls I'm confident he'll lose
I suspect we'll see his support stay where it is, poll wise, since I think his most ardent supporters are literally insane and never changing thier minds
also the ones that are just "I only ever vote for tihs party, policies be damned"
@Yuuki I kind of wonder how many voters are of the "Paul Ryan ditched Trump, so as punishment I will vote trump and ignore the rest of the ballot" variety
@Unionhawk And the now-cast is approaching the single-digits barrier. We're still waiting on all the polls that take into account the tape drop last Friday too
If you ever have those nights where you don't get ny sleep and need something to wake you up yeah grab a cup of coffee, but don't become addicted to it like so many other people do. Coffee isn't an adequate replacement for a good nights sleep.
Actually I don't drink much chocolate milk anymore because reasons. Delicious, delicious chocolate milk. I used to have like 500ml for breakfast everyday. now it's just a treat.
Now I want to get coffee after class, but if and only if I don't have to suffer through some nonsense caramel blend like I did last time I got campus coffee
In fact no I'm just going to make coffee like a real adult with a coffee maker
@MBraedley What if CGPGrey was owned by the coffee conglomerates all along and put out years and years of amazing videos just to get people in the mindset to believe him when it really mattered?
Generally speaking if I need to keep awake I usually grab the most disgusting coffee on campus, which just conveniently happens to be next to our faculty
Earth/fire/water/air-w/e it's called. I played dawn of souls-and managed to finish these, but never fully explored them. What were the better items you could get in those new dungeons?
My mom got some Very Republican friends and they say insane shit convincingly and she believes it to be true because she works a lot and doesn't enjoy watching the news or anything like that
Hmm... instead of saying "Object.prototype is how we do inheritance", perhaps you should say "Object.prototype is how you mark methods to be inherited". That's a lot more clear and requires less 'I'm going to look this up in the blagosphere because I don't understand this code'.
Ok I was hunting for. P switched from my bow to my sword then back to bow and then was gonna use sword and it was gone. Freshly ,are gold sword ienchanted looting1. Then I opt out to title thinking I was glitch I got get back and my bow gone. Not sure what happened? Didn't die at any point.
Speaking of alcohol, I had never really understood wine fanatics until I had a glass of the more expensive wine when my family had a celebratory dinner at a fancy steakhouse.
I know this is pretty basic, but I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. Base.prototype.methodname = function(){...} means that the method is defined as whatever the function does and also marks it to be inherited whenever another class does Extended.prototype = new Base();.
So Extended.methodname() will inherit the aforementioned function(){...}.
@GodEmperorDune When it comes to beer, I do no wrong. Other than drink Coors Light when I drink at parties because it's cheaper than drinking something more pallette friendly. Guinness is shit.
So my first week is for getting acquainted with the libraries and then I can get started on programming exercises to assess my knowledge. Is it too forward to ask for the exercises ahead of time? I'm not sure I know the libraries well enough to do them, but I like having something to work with.
Rather than just trawling pages of code, trying to understand them all.
With the release of Gears of War 4, the servers appear to be down (likely because of the flood of players trying to play - this seems to happen with every new game that's anticipated when its released). I would like to play horde mode to kill time, but the game sits there and says "Connecting to...