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Chat without porkchat is almost as good as chat without @fredley and as such nearly the best thing ever
Honestly, I just need the dark theme because I'm accustomed to it, the greyed-out images script, and the Friday script because I'm in the Bridge.
It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.
Well that's extremely terrifying
Notably the fact that Trump thinks he's been acting with shackles on.
@TimStone He's just saying that he's now ready to respect the hell out of us
I miss the conspiracy theory that Trump was actually going to be moderate and was just putting on a show to win the Republican primary.
@StrixVaria I do too
I look forward to him losing so we can go back to mocking @fredley about Brexit
@StrixVaria Those were way less bad times
@Sterno Right?
@fredley is in a lose-lose situation here with Trump
Which I guess means I'm in a win-win situation!
@Unionhawk i prefer the DBZ Abridged version
Raditz: "Ah-ha! so nudity makes you stronger on this planet!"
@Sterno Does it? Does it really?
@Sterno yay!...I...think...wait no
@Sterno He still came way closer then he should have though!
Although given all the recent polls I'm confident he'll lose
I suspect we'll see his support stay where it is, poll wise, since I think his most ardent supporters are literally insane and never changing thier minds
also the ones that are just "I only ever vote for tihs party, policies be damned"
Polls-plus says 20%
Clinton is apparently releasing a bunch of ads with Republicans saying they're voting for her, so we have a week or so to see how that plays out.
@Sterno Poor bastard. I can't believe I inflicted you with that.
Hopefully by starring it others will suffer too
@Yuuki I kind of wonder how many voters are of the "Paul Ryan ditched Trump, so as punishment I will vote trump and ignore the rest of the ballot" variety
@Unionhawk And the now-cast is approaching the single-digits barrier. We're still waiting on all the polls that take into account the tape drop last Friday too
@Wipqozn tempted to cancel suffering
Despite winning the second debate in a landslide (every poll), it is hard to do well when Paul Ryan and others give zero support!
Also what
Everybody knows the Clinton Crime Network (CNN) can't be trusted
Yes that's a Thing Trump Supporters Have Been Tweeting
I'm not sure they notice the acronyms don't even line up there
I doubt it, because they're dumb
Like honestly. I don't get it.
Trump just straight up lies, all the time, and his supporters buy it.
It's horrifying to think there's this many stupid and horrible people in the world
He won the DRUDGE poll before the debate by a margin of 90%
online poll
Of course he did
Trump supporters are a good example of why some people shouldn't be allowed to vote. Also that democracy has a lot of problems.
I've only seen two scientific "who won" polls, both said Clinton but not by a blowout this time
I assume there's one that says trump by a small margin
The whole debate was kind of a mess
@Unionhawk ... but that's CCN?
Coffee is gross
/remove Yuuki
3 mins ago, by Unionhawk
I'm not sure they notice the acronyms don't even line up there
@Unionhawk Maybe I'm doing it wrong, because I don't see the appeal taste-wise.
@Yuuki Honestly if you don't need coffee, then don't drink it. Just go to bed at reasonable hours.
I tried coffee again recently to see if my hatred for it changed. It tasted like ass and gave me a headache.
@Yuuki The ability to put cream and sugar into it, it makes it like chocolate
Like "Clinton News Network" was kind of clever, but this time you just look stupid
@Sconibulus Cream and sugar is for quitters
And people who don't like black coffee
@Wipqozn It was mostly that CGPGrey video that got me interested.
If you ever have those nights where you don't get ny sleep and need something to wake you up yeah grab a cup of coffee, but don't become addicted to it like so many other people do. Coffee isn't an adequate replacement for a good nights sleep.
Isn't CNN like... the righter of the ostensibly non-partisan networks?
@Yuuki That is also why I tried coffee again.
@Sconibulus Well, I dunno how much to put in. And our workplace has big shakers so "two sugars" isn't a very helpful descriptor.
@Sconibulus No
@Yuuki This is the main reason why I just started doing black coffee
@Yuuki I honestly have no idea, I just stick with delicious delicious tea
When I need caffeine I just get a French Vanilla
CGP Grey says coffee is awesome, therefore coffee is awesome
oh, wait, that's CBS isn't it, CNN is the middle one
@Wipqozn You monster
@Sconibulus we invented something for that, it's called chocolate
He also says the only downside to it is the addiction, iirc. Imo addiction is enough of a downside.
@MBraedley Coffee is awesome, therefore coffee is awesome, QED
I don't want to be addicted to anything. Except Chocolate Milk.
@MBraedley I can't really argue with that logic... but it's still wrong somehow
Actually I don't drink much chocolate milk anymore because reasons. Delicious, delicious chocolate milk. I used to have like 500ml for breakfast everyday. now it's just a treat.
I mean if you're going to have a caffeine addiction coffee is probably the healthiest way to do it
I just don't want to put so much sweetener and cream that it becomes a diabetic mess.
And it doesn't seem like the taste is manageable without extreme amounts of diabetes.
Now I want to get coffee after class, but if and only if I don't have to suffer through some nonsense caramel blend like I did last time I got campus coffee
In fact no I'm just going to make coffee like a real adult with a coffee maker
@Wipqozn Everybody knows strawberry milk is the best flavour of milk
Thanks @Wipqozn
@MBraedley What if CGPGrey was owned by the coffee conglomerates all along and put out years and years of amazing videos just to get people in the mindset to believe him when it really mattered?
@Unionhawk /yeah but you could also just not have a caffeine addiciton
@Wipqozn I don't, I just like coffee
Generally speaking if I need to keep awake I usually grab the most disgusting coffee on campus, which just conveniently happens to be next to our faculty
I don't wake up early enough to have a caffeine addiction since I don't have time to make coffee
Just enough time to put pants on, laptop in bag, and walk to class, basically
I don't know if I want to play Alien Isolation or Evil Within
I owned Alien, and there's a demo for the evil within
Q: What was the best equipment you could get from the bonus shrines?

King of NESEarth/fire/water/air-w/e it's called. I played dawn of souls-and managed to finish these, but never fully explored them. What were the better items you could get in those new dungeons?

Let's start with Alien
but let's have food first
@Yuuki Really? That's amazing
I like how the whole world is uniting against trump
And yet he still has supporters, because fuck people
In a way it's a good thing Brexit happened, since itproved that 2016 is out for blood, and will elect Trump to fuck with us
Also I blame @Fluttershy, since he just now joined chat
I blame @Coffee
Man... Coffee is delicious. After working thirteen hours yesterday, coffee is helping.
GOP men finally disavow Trump. https://t.co/ypqFHwd3vB
I hear that trump drinks it during his 5 am twitter tyrades
The grimmest of takes, the most likely of takes.
@Yuuki Of course, I saw one yesterday where a woman was comparing Trump to her autistic son, so that was kinda weird
@Wipqozn There's a good number of people who enjoy being terrible. There's also a lot of people who live in a bubble informed by those terrible people
@Wipqozn Please don't. That's how you get more Trump supporters.
My mom got some Very Republican friends and they say insane shit convincingly and she believes it to be true because she works a lot and doesn't enjoy watching the news or anything like that
(she's not voting Trump though, at least, whew)
I haven't asked my dad what he's going to do
I'm too afraid, so I probably won't
Hmm... after choking down half of this mug of coffee, I can say that it has become slightly more tolerable.
We are aware of issues on data explorer. We are working on it.
You know you all have to disown your parents if they vote trump
@Yuuki that's the poison talking, DON'T GIVE IN
@Yuuki Because half of your tastebuds are currently unconcious from the horror.
Hmm... instead of saying "Object.prototype is how we do inheritance", perhaps you should say "Object.prototype is how you mark methods to be inherited". That's a lot more clear and requires less 'I'm going to look this up in the blagosphere because I don't understand this code'.
Great, first coffee and now @Yuuki is doing javascript. I think we've lost him =[
@KevinvanderVelden As long as I don't get started on PHP, there's always a chance at redemption.
True, you're not as bad as @Wipqozn yet
For therein lies the path of darkness, from which there is no return.
@KevinvanderVelden :(
@Yuuki What the hell is wrong with you
coffee is the best liquid
@fredley it's not a liquid
@KevinvanderVelden Coffee is a liquid
@Wipqozn You're on quite the horror game kick, aren't you?
@KevinvanderVelden You can tell that it's a liquid, because if it's not in a cup, it's everywhere
@fredley Well, I can tell you that's true. I think there are three Starbucks on this street block.
@Yuuki Starbucks is barely coffee
@fredley it's a suspension, duh
INB4 mod abuse
I INB4d you
So you aren't allowed to
@KevinvanderVelden A suspension is a liquid though, so you're still wrong
Well the water is a liquid, it's just contaminated by... stuff
Horrible, foul, icky stuff
The "suspension" refers to the solid state stuff. It doesn't really matter what the liquid is
I don't think you typically make coffee in, say, mercury
But you can if you try. It's not as if you can make coffee worse than it is already
Though I'd pay money to see someone make coffee from alcohol instead of water
@KevinvanderVelden I think FourLoko is that but with Red Bull instead of coffee.
It's also illegal in few states because medical emergencies.
Stimulant + depressant = Bad Idea(tm)
Still mostly water, I'm talking about swapping H2O with C2H6O
So instead of, say, sending pressurized water vapor through beans to get coffee, you send pressurized ethanol vapor through it
This silverlight project takes forever to build. I suddenly understand the time estimation. (Yes, we're working on getting it deprecated)
The boiling point is even 20 degrees lower than water, that should work fine
I mean sure it has a flash point of 12 degrees. But that's fine
Please don't make me search "making coffee with alcohol". I just got this job.
Can't find anything, but you can make alcohol from fermented coffee beans
And of course there's plenty of coffee variation with booze added
BUT THOSE ARE LAME SAUCE. I say @Uni should try this, he's (one of) our regular weird beer drinkers and he likes coffee to
Q: Why my items disappear?

TerryOk I was hunting for. P switched from my bow to my sword then back to bow and then was gonna use sword and it was gone. Freshly ,are gold sword ienchanted looting1. Then I opt out to title thinking I was glitch I got get back and my bow gone. Not sure what happened? Didn't die at any point.

Thank god the breakroom has tea. That's much better.
Although I think I'll start bringing my own leaves.
Teabags, eurgh.
I'm one of those lazy people that is fine with tea bags
Tea bags are fine, especially compared to coffee taste. But tea leaves are just better.
Yes, leaves are bit more annoying to deal with, but you can get a lot of labor-saving stuff.
Do you make a pot at a time or?
Like we have a thing that I would best describe as a cup-in-a-cup.
The inner cup, where you put the leaves, also has tiny slits and holes for the tea to escape.
When you're done brewing, just remove the inner cup and you have tea without the leaves.
I know the thing yes
Brewing by the pot is best if you have a group of people. Otherwise, I brew cup by cup.
If you don't want to boil water over and over again, there are giant thermoses that you can use to store hot water.
I have one for that reason =p
Heat water, fill the thing, have enough for an afternoon
@KevinvanderVelden I'm one of those too, BTW
@MBraedley I don't hear read as much about weird beers from you though
The Nuisance Committee hired George Takei to do political ads and they're great
@Unionhawk OH MY
Most of that could just as well be regular beer
Suffice it to say that I don't buy mass market beer very often anymore.
It's almost all micro-breweries, or at least independent breweries.
I'd drink to that but it's 11:30 and I have a 12:30 class
@Unionhawk so chug it really quick
@Unionhawk If you're attending class and you're not either hungover or partially drunk, you're not an actual college student.
(I apparently wasn't an actual college student)
And when it is a bigger brewery, it's usually a small batch brew.
@Yuuki or you're an engineering major
(That happened to me once, recently, but the beer was still good.)
Speaking of alcohol, I had never really understood wine fanatics until I had a glass of the more expensive wine when my family had a celebratory dinner at a fancy steakhouse.
That stuff was really smooth.
@Yuuki I was trying to make a your mom joke in reply to some message you made but mobile chat is mobile chat and so I lost the message location.
The difference between a $200 bottle and a $20-30 bottle is astounding.
So, in summary, your mom's a lost message
@Yuuki white wine is acceptable, red however is just horrific
And there were wines on the list that were $1000+ per bottle.
@sequoiad The thing is, I had a red wine. And it was fantastic.
I enjoy red wine
@sequoiad when its a fancy bottle, either one is great
and that food pairing stuff is legit too
I enjoy wine on rare occasions. Mostly weddings.
granted I've never had the expensive stuff, but cheap white wine I've always found better than cheap red
i had fancy red wine, then ate some chicken and the wine tasted awful
@sequoiad That's because red wine has more tannins and therefore cheap red is more bitter.
The issue is fixed. Data explorer is back online.
@MBraedley at usually $10 per 6 vs $10 a bottle (for decent stuff) beer is more cost effective
@Unionhawk Man, I wish I could get 6 beers for $10. Even $12.50, which is closer to the current exchange rate.
Mind you, a 6-pack is still about the same as a bottle of wine.
24 beers: 15 euros
And not a cheap-ass budweiser brand either
Guinness is love, Guinness is life
Hmm... now that it's been about an hour since I switched from coffee to tea, I think coffee has a much harsher caffeine cycle than tea.
Peaks may or may not be higher, but the valleys are definitely deeper.
I'm noticeably slowing down and I imagine I'd be worse if I dropped the coffee for water.
@OKAY,PANIC. (Wasn't me! Probably!)
@Sterno I should have listened to you. Decided to watch the first 30 minutes of aliens, but now I'm about an hour in.
Guinness is probably one of the worst beers ever produced. <_< I've had IPAs that taste better than Guinness.

Proposed Q&A site for researchers and students working with Neuroimaging experiments or data - be it MRI, EEG, MEG, NIRS, PET or other modalities.

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Business Analysis and Product Management

Proposed Q&A site for business Analysts, Product Managers, System Analysts

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Proposed Q&A site for k.io Beacon / Bluetooth / IoT Tech (Hardware & Software)

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@Fluttershy Conversely, I've had Guinness and I think I prefer it to most if not all the IPAs I've encountered.
Q: Unable to play Minecraft Story Mode DLC (PS3)

ConnorOn the PS3 disk version of Minecraft Story Mode why does it say coming soon on the Adventure Pass that is out and I have already bought?

@Fluttershy wat
Guinness tastes like motor oil. And I know what motor oil tastes like. It's slightly better than diesel fuel.
@Fluttershy heresy!
yeah @Fluttershy i think you are doin it wrong
@Fluttershy Agreed. Guiness is crap.
I know this is pretty basic, but I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly. Base.prototype.methodname = function(){...} means that the method is defined as whatever the function does and also marks it to be inherited whenever another class does Extended.prototype = new Base();.
So Extended.methodname() will inherit the aforementioned function(){...}.
@GodEmperorDune When it comes to beer, I do no wrong. Other than drink Coors Light when I drink at parties because it's cheaper than drinking something more pallette friendly. Guinness is shit.
No wait, if you want to call inherited methods, you would do Extended.prototype.methodname()?
@Yuuki No need
If methodname does not exist in Extended, the engine will look up the prototype chain until it reaches Object for methodname
@Fluttershy this is really an orthogonal comparison
@Fluttershy you probably shouldn't be drinking motor oil
Game over man, game over
@Unionhawk God I hate people.
It's going to die pretty fast so you know
My hands smell like oil now
I went over to learn about how the ESP pumps are built, and got to help build one
@SaintWacko oh I thought you were drinking Guinness
So my first week is for getting acquainted with the libraries and then I can get started on programming exercises to assess my knowledge. Is it too forward to ask for the exercises ahead of time? I'm not sure I know the libraries well enough to do them, but I like having something to work with.
Rather than just trawling pages of code, trying to understand them all.
@Yuuki Honestly it doesn't hurt to ask. Just explain why.
@Yuuki I don't think it's too forward
I'm the same way. I learn better by having something to do
Q: Can Gears of War 4 be played offline?

Timmy JimWith the release of Gears of War 4, the servers appear to be down (likely because of the flood of players trying to play - this seems to happen with every new game that's anticipated when its released). I would like to play horde mode to kill time, but the game sits there and says "Connecting to...

@Fluttershy how do you know these things

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