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@TrentHawkins That's a good point, but I still think the concerns are valid
And okay to have and express
@GodEmperorDune they can be legit
Q: CSGO Becomes Unstable when i open any other application any fixes?

user167528Soon as I lunch any other application on my pc csgo becomes unstable and realy laggy i go from 400fps constent to fps dropping as low as 50 but keeps changing evry second so it becomes realy laggy does anyone know how to fix? I tried to uninstall did not work

Q: What are those warp points in GTA Chinatown Wars?

BobThere are several things which look like warp points in GTA CTW (on Android, if that matters), for example: What meaning do they have? What can I do with them?

@badp legitn't
@GodEmperorDune on a scale from one to skittles? Totes legit
skittles are way more legit than eggs
let me ask you if you had a basket of two skittles and one of them was trump would you take it
@badp yeah, the orange skittles taste the best
hmmmm… merican tears.
i want skittles now
but the vending machine is like 30 meters away
too far to walk
checkmate, @badp
@GodEmperorDune I'm eating skittles right now actually
sweet burn @Wipqozn
wait are skittles people?
@GnomeSlice They're only valid if you don't do any actual research into the facts.
@Wipqozn No, but Soylent Green is.
@Wipqozn And only okay to express as long as they don't perpetuate negative stereotypes.
@Fluttershy yes, and when your conerns amounts to nothing more than "brown people are terrorists", then it's certainly a negative stereotype
@Wipqozn yeah, white people are terrorists too
The muslim population in the world is 1.6 billion people, which is 23% of the worlds population
also not all muslim people are brown
The fact that there are terrorist groups made up of that large population isn't surprising
@GodEmperorDune Nope, but let's be honest, skin colour is the main thing those people are looking at
Look at all the racist "Obama is a muslim" bullshit
@Wipqozn the majority of american muslims are african american actually
Source needed.
@GodEmperorDune Didn't realize, I just meant that racists just see "not white, terrorist"
the converse is not true
@Fluttershy looking
a local cat really wants to get in and it's melting my heart
@Wipqozn Half of my family still believes this.
I peeked out and he perked up against the door
or she
I don't know
@badp That's so sweet
last Saturday the landlord's dog came in and I hated it :/
and then his friend, and then his friend's friend
while the place was a fucking mess due to the paintings
"yeah... pleased... to meet you... can I... offer... you... some... paint? no no no not in THAT glass"
@badp Let them in!
@SaintWacko I WANT TO :(
@badp Why can't you?
@SaintWacko building inspection next week
If I have to have a mess on my hand, it has to be by my landlord's hands
I cannot take risks
I haven't even been eating home
@Fluttershy looks like i was a bit off
(tho tonight I'm going to eat home)
african americans are tied for second
mind you the error rate is +/- 7 to 8 percent
38% white, 28% black, 28% asian
@Fluttershy I'm so sorry
@GodEmperorDune tied for second and dropping?
I'm grateful that most of my family is fairly progressive.
52% of white mericans pray once a day?
I'm sorry, what
and about 60% of Mericans think Hell is a real place that exists.
Clinton never stood a chance
@badp Does this surprise you?
70% believe in actual Heaven.
It doesn't surprise me at all. USA is a fairly religious place.
unless this is the percentage of all people who identify as religious
wow they have breakdowns by geographic area too
41% of adults in los angelese meditate at least once a week
@Wipqozn It's okay. I just have don't really talk politics with that side of the family. Or my brother.
not sure if you are doing it right
Honestly, I don't care whether or not you believe in a particular religion. So long as you don't go out of your way to push your religious beliefs and morals on other people, you do you.
@Yuuki well yeah
but not sure if i am understanding how someone is atheist (separate from agnostic) yet is "farily certain" that god exists
@Yuuki This
And I think you can be progressive and be religious at the same time. Ostensibly, many progressive principles line up with religious doctrine.
Giving the poor and needy is a central tenet in many religions, be it Christianity, Islam, or what have you.
So can HTML be linted, or is that like trying to use a regex on it?
@SaintWacko what's so bad about parsing html with regex?
@GodEmperorDune The <center> will not hold.
@SaintWacko "Linting" just means "Checking for syntax correctness and common errors" You can do that to any parseable language (which is a lot more general than "regular languages").
i have done it
i have conquered the pny
@GodEmperorDune <hr/> :P
@Yuuki I generally agree with this, but I think there are some subtle ways that people can (maybe unintentionally) push their religious beliefs on others. For example, they may push for laws or policies with arguments whose premises trace back to religious instead of factual scientific beliefs
@GodEmperorDune Have fun with the one unterminated string somewhere
@Ktash yeah i pulled it off the internet so i'm pretty sure it doesn't work
@murgatroid99 Drug laws, particularly marijuana, are a good example of this.
I think.
Is it?
Now I'm not particularly sure.
@Yuuki I think that's a better example of one where the premises subtly trace back to racism
@Yuuki the anti-gay marriage stuff was this
I was thinking of abortion laws
Fact Checking

Proposed Q&A site for politicians, students, fact analyzers and citizens of communities who want to check whether things said by other people or agencies are true or false.

Closed before being launched.

Malayalam Language

Proposed Q&A site for all who wants to learn reading and writing in Malayalam language. Also to ask questions about Malayalam spelling, exact meaning etc....No literature please...

Currently in definition.

@murgatroid99 not even subtly, nixon's aides have explicitly said they were intentionally targeting black communities and hippie activists (their main political opponents) when they started the war on drugs
Yeah, I didn't even think of that. Living in Texas, nobody discusses abortion because how dyed-in-the-wool pro-life most people that don't live in college campuses are.
I think some people's beliefs about the morality of abortion trace back eventually to their religion's beliefs about when the soul enters the body, and about the inherent value of the soul
lets not get into abortion discussion
@Sterno But it can only lead somewhere good!
Let's instead talk about the mess that is WoSign
I might need to learn how to make my own beef jerky. Every brand I've tried this week is way too sweet.
@Yuuki did you try snackmasters?
Q: Installshield error 1628

BenjiI am trying to install Zoo Tycoon 2 African Adventure. As the install starts, it all looks good, but when it gets to preparing installation, the progress bar stops about a third of the way in and I am given Error 1628 Failed To Install. I have had this installed before, but I uninstalled it and ...

@TimStone more like whoaSign, amirite?
Enter to win: meet Pusha T. Register to vote and you’re automatically entered to win. https://cards.twitter.com/cards/18ce53zrgzb/2a6zz
Sure, why not
@TimStone So, quick gloss-over is telling that WoSign is backdating SHA-1 certificates to get around Mozilla's and Google's restrictions?
@TimStone opens twitter sees exact link posted by swiftonsecurity that's one hell of a popular link
@Yuuki Technically yes but as @GodEmperorDune pointed out it's just a complete sham of an operation
> Mozilla, as one can imagine, frowns on this practice.
@GodEmperorDune fun to read
> WoSign joined the conversation, saying they didn't realize the vulnerabilities had to be reported.
> Strangely, he said that WoSign would only revoke those certificates if the people who created them contacted WoSign to request revocation!!
cc @badp on that wargarbl
Someone simple english explain that to me?
TLS/HTTPS relies on Certificate Authorities being trustworthy and they pretty much did all the things you shouldn't do
I should go for a bike ride. IT's chilly. I wonder if I'll turn around and come home
and by "chilly" I mean 13 degrees, so cc @Frank to shame me for not being a true Canadian if I come back cold
@TimStone "things you shouldn't do" ranging the gamut from what is explicitly forbidden (backdating things to get around audit requirements) to what is more implicit (not revoking all the questionably generated certs from their security bug)
> That is essentially the same as saying the police would post Wanted posters of criminals, but only if the criminals emailed them a photo of themselves and requested the police to put their photo on a Wanted poster! No one who maliciously exploited the validation bug would ever contact the CA to request their certificate be revoked.
I think I can imagine the policy decisions that led to that. A policy that says "A certificate revocation can only be initiated by the person/company who owns the certificate" sounds reasonable, and basically works as long as they actually do the rest of their job correctly.
@murgatroid99 but it's like saying that only the user can initiate a password reset; when a breach happens, best practice is to force a password reset for all affected users whether they want it or not
@TimStone Yikes.
Jamaican Language and Culture

Proposed Q&A site for experts on Jamaican culture, linguists studying Jamaican Patois, and anyone interested in sharing knowledge about Jamaica

Currently in definition.

OY VEY: Poor Pepe the Frog Labeled Official “Hate Symbol” by the ADL http://theralphretort.com/oy-vey-poor-pepe-frog-labeled-official-hate-symbol-adl-9027016/ #MAGA… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/780907963439542273
"pepe the frog's ties to white supremacy"
This is like ultimate meme status
I guess
hopefully it passes, gotta love that sad frog
Pepe stocks have plummeted, gotta invest in more niche memes.
20 hours ago, by Yuuki
user image
@Sterno Resident Evil HD is free for PS Plus users this year. I'm just going to assume that's you, so you should play it for free while you can. PLus then I'll mock you for giving up on halycon and playing it on not a pc.
Best professional development event ever
Be prepared: now Disney is rebooting The Lion King, too http://vntyfr.com/8iLnxZu https://t.co/FV7VXscnBi
I'm getting pretty sick of your shit, 2016
Wiring LEDs is turning out to be a challenge.
@TimStone wait what
@TimStone Eh, Disney's been on a roll. And if the reboot means we get a watchable version of The Lion King 2, I'm all for it.
@GnomeSlice It's been co-opted by them, yes
@Yuuki Yeah but they're also looking at buying Twitter so I have to assume they're drunk
In that literal context Trump Jr. said he was honored to be associated with it
Hey, if you told me Disney was looking at buying Marvel several years ago after the fiasco with Daredevil, I'd have told you they were drunk too.
Especially after the big moneymakers like X-Men and Spider-Man were already licensed to other studios.
@Yuuki I'm just nervous it will make the things less awesome
But then again, I am kinda excited for the Beauty and the Beast reboot/remake whatever you call it
(also nervous)
Belle has always been my favourite princess
I will allow that
I think Mulan had the best movie though
I can't not love a book-loving princess tho
It's like...the rules
@PrivatePansy wait what was censored?
@TimStone Same. My mother just broke her arm.
2016 seriously needs to end
Then we can go into 2017, which i'm sure will be fantastic
I don't see how it couldn't be
If Trump wins, 2017 will be waaaaaaaay worse.
Trump really screwed up at the debate and he has a lot of ground to make up
Granted, we're still over a month out
I mean he basically lost his temper and went off the rails
That's all Clinton could have hoped for
@Wipqozn It better be. I feel like it owes us.
@Wipqozn Aww, boo :( Poor @Wipqozn's turtle-mom.
Q: Is there a specific difference for "dwellings" in RPG's in terms of storage, and if so, what is it?

BenFrom experience (in-game, and through discussion), in games like Fallout or Skyrim, it is generally advised not to store gear/treasure in a random barrel in a cave, because Obviously because you can easily lose where that barrel was More specifically, because the game can "reset" in that area, ...

@RedRiderX Iron Republic. Day CENSORED.
HackMud sounds pretty cool
@TimStone it's not a reboot. It's the son of whoever was in the lion king. And it's been on for months
@PrivatePansy I haven't gotten to the Iron Republic yet.
Are you talking about something in my profile?
Seriously though, HackMud looks fun
Hmm so it's a thing in the iron republic
Man I need to finish my ship...

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