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Q: Cave Story weapons upgrade too fast?

Steven JeurisI'm playing through Cave Story on hard, and am a bit puzzled by how fast weapons are upgraded to their maximum level. The only 'hard' aspect seems to be the limited amount of hits you can take. Nowhere can I check which difficulty level I am playing on to double check whether I did select 'Hard' ...

so much blue
No one here is an Authorized StackExchange™ BridgeControls KnobFondler™
someone changed it??
@JuanManuel yes, Ronan.
Wait, he could still access Stack Exchange from his father's laptop.
@badp Er... does that 'off' switch actually work?
Only appropriate reaction.
@Mana You finished your legions of hordes of heaps of work?
@GnomeSlice I have no idea. I'm not an Authorized StackExchange™ BridgeControls KnobFondler™
When it fondles itself to BOOBS there's nothing I can do but facepalm
@badp There's a BOOBS setting?
Why does everyone hate boobs?
Oh god it's now on BOOBS.
Oh, okay.
See nothing bad happe---
@JuanManuel UNPANIC!!!
@RonanForman I call not at all.
Well, at least I can say I died with a girlfriend.
@ArdaXi Great, now we have to panic.
room topic changed to The Bridge: oh god oh god it is too late it is too late it comes tony the eye-mounted-lazers pony the laser grid cannot hold it is too late [laser] [lazers]
@ThomasMcDonald Bears.
@ArdaXi I was actually considering capitalizing it.
@Mana So you have a girlfriend. Are you going to marry her?
@Mana ah... I remember that phase...
Also, it hasn't been a week yet!
enjoy it... snif... enjoy it
@JuanManuel Oh, I am.
@Mana You should buy her one of these:
@ArdaXi wat
@JuanManuel Aren't you happily married?
@GnomeSlice thanks Gnome, you're a gentleman.
@GraceNote I am married, yes
@GnomeSlice and you claimed you weren't good at HTML...
@Mana Are you?
@Mana I know.
@ArdaXi I don't think that's something one answers after two days of dating someone.
@JasonBerkan This kind of HTML, surprisingly, gets me motivated.
I figured, I figured.
At any rate I'm surprised I could get away with that ominous typo no one seemingly noticed.
@Mana Do you love her?
lazer laser
@ThomasMcDonald ...is it a Brit thing?
@ArdaXi Probably; again, not something I'm willing to judge after two days, especially given that it's my first girlfriend.
The two largest advents for pro-LASER (and it bounces off walls, too!) are UK. I smell a conspiracy.
@ThomasMcDonald My campaign is centred around that fact.
@GnomeSlice ...
@Mana You don't play along. :(
@GraceNote No, it's the proper method of spelling it.
@ThomasMcDonald Light Amplification by Zeta Epsilon Radiation from Space. LAZERS.
We brits care about speeling.
It's entirely SFW.
@GraceNote Apparently you mean proponents.
@GnomeSlice Classy as always.
@GnomeSlice not with a name like that it's not
@GnomeSlice I'm starting to notice a pattern in your messages
@GraceNote An advent is the arrival of something or someone.
A laser is a device that emits light (electromagnetic radiation) through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of photons. The term "laser" originated as an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The emitted laser light is notable for its high degree of spatial and temporal coherence, unattainable using other technologies. Spatial coherence typically is expressed through the output being a narrow beam which is diffraction-limited, often a so-called "pencil beam." Laser beams can be focused to very tiny spots, achieving a very ...
@RonanForman I don't bother myself with details like "correct vocabulary". I could of, but it can get rises out of some people.
@RonanForman shall we revisit aluminum vs aluminium?
@JuanManuel I got suspended yesterday for a poem about tits.
@ThomasMcDonald That's so 2001
> Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
@IanPugsley Yes it is.
@GraceNote You could of but?
Interesting proposition there.
@ThomasMcDonald Again, watch my proposal video.
@ArdaXi Aye, quite interesting, neh?
There's no stimulated emission of radiation going on here, noob. L2LAZERS.
It has stuff like this on it:
@JuanManuel Only just now?
Bacon wall art.
@GnomeSlice I bet @powerlord has three of those in his room.
@badp We can tell.
@GnomeSlice I'm trying... but I cannot see what's offensive about it... I'm sure it is somehow though
The 'tits' part is because they're all about Breast Cancer stuff.
@ThomasMcDonald Specifically this bit.
@Mana I'm slow
How about this one?
It's just meat-related humour, mostly.
Why do these exist? Why did somebody make that?
because lol
@RonanForman There's people doing stupid nonsense crap all the time dude. See above.
oh god, so bad
@RonanForman Because it's great?
Note the placement of 'rack' on that woman's dress.
@NickT Noone should care that much.
@badp Your poor virgin eyes.
Q: How do I deal with the turrets whose projectiles circle around me when blocked?

AlexSome of the turrets in Bastion fire very slow-moving, pinkish projectiles. Naturally, I tried to counter-block, but as soon as I blocked the projectile, it moved behind me in a really small circle and hit me anyway. How do I block these effectively? I've seen some of the blocked projectiles boun...

Q: Does ping matter much under 30s?

m3tron0meI play Quake-Live a lot, and hear people claim that they miss or are at a disadvantageous because their ping may be 30s while the person they are playing with will have 20s. Sometimes it seems even more ridiculous like 20s vs 15s. If a ping is that low, does goes lower have any noticeable effect...

Q: How do I counter-block the spinning Gasfellas?

AlexSome of the Gasfellas (I believe it's the higher-level, boss-type guys) spin around and around and do quite a bit of damage if the Kid gets caught in their attack. I realise they're best dealt with from a distance, but that luxury is not always available. Is it possible to counter-block them (I...

Q: Where are some good places to grind CP?

YuckI'm looking for some good places to grind CP. Ideally they would be: Relatively quick and painless fights. Mindless button mashing at its best. An amount of CP such that it makes sense to stop and grind there. If subsequent areas of the game are going to reward double or triple CP for the same ...

@Lazers pewpewpewpew
@Mana So, as we were attempting to mention before we went into widespread panic and GnomeSlice, you finished your assignment, neh?
@GraceNote Checking answers using Python atm
@Lazers Mindless button mashing - that's why I'm not playing FFXIII-2.
@Lazers seems like another one of those sub-tags we could do without
Can someone just verify that my font thing works for them too? It's uploaded on the college webserver, so you can view it right from the link.
@FallenAngelEyes likely
@GnomeSlice Works fine for me on IE9.
@GnomeSlice Works on my machine (Chrome, Win7)
@GnomeSlice Doesn't work on Lynx, plztofix
@badp No.
@GnomeSlice Works for me, on Chrome
@GnomeSlice Also works on Firefox version 3.OLD
@FallenAngelEyes The 8 instances are all pretty bad. I'm down with killing it
I just saw an advert for a 'fully hybrid' car...
@RonanForman Er...
@GraceNote It seems terribly inconsistent. Shall I manually nuke from orbit?
hybrid of a car and what
@FallenAngelEyes Yes, please
It meant petrol and electric, but I cant work out how it's fully both.
@Fallen Remeber to take off first.
@RonanForman It can run solely off either?
? 3 uses, all on FIFA 12.
@RonanForman wow... I totally misread that...
@Grace Crush and kill?
Summat along those lines
@Juan How did you read it?
arstechnica.com/gaming/reviews/2012/02/… Sheesh - this review cites the combat (of XIII and XIII-2) as a good point. Did I play a different version of XIII than everyone else?
@JasonBerkan ugh, I have very little interest in this game, and it's the first time since... ever that I won't play a FF game
FF13 was the first one that I don't own a copy of in my collection
@agent86 XIII was the first FF I had played since the first one on my NES. I was....underwhelmed.
@JasonBerkan don't judge the series by it, it's a pretty awful game imho. FF6 was probably the high point, although there were a few in there that are worth an investment.
@JasonBerkan That's a hell of a difference
@agent86 FF6 <3
FF4 and 6 are the best in the series in my correct opinion.
@FallenAngelEyes After high school, I didn't have much time for gaming, so I missed a lot of good games.
Time to start catching up!
@JasonBerkan Usually, the main qualitative change between Final Fantasys is the combat system; compared to FF12 (where you could literally let the game play itself), it's much more interactive
@Wipqozn eh, 4's a little overrated, as is 7. 5's pretty decent though, as is whatever PS2 one came after X, I got lost when they started including MMOs in their numbering
@agent86 I agree with your point on 7.
I've never touched 5 though.
@MarkTrapp I found myself wishing it was turn based. It was so quick, I just hit X X to autoselect my attack and switched paradigms every second attack.
@agent86 12
then 12
but I'm assuming you mean 12
I enjoyed 5 the most
@FallenAngelEyes yes, 12. Not 10-2. God no.
@agent86 Admittedly, having the job system again was neat
I lost track of the whole series around that point when they started making sequels and mmos out of my final fantasy :(
I like to overrate 7 :)
but you could skip like... 75% of the game
@JasonBerkan They introduced ATB (Active Time Battle, which makes battles pseudo realtime) in FF6, but FF13 is still a bit too frantic and FF13-2 doesn't that any better. But when all the reviews say "the combat system is the best part of FF13", they're going to play that up in the sequel.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, the mechanics weren't bad but the whole thing felt like playing pretty pretty princess dress-up
@MarkTrapp They had ATB in FF4 and FF5
@MarkTrapp yeah, if you take a poop after you swallowed a coin, it's safe to say that the coin is the best part of the poop, but that's still not complimenting much.
it's still covered in poop
10 was good - in combat character swap, sphere advancement tree.
@GraceNote Oh did they? Oops. Misremembered ATB as being the big feature of FF6's combat system
@agent86 Dude, Paine's Full Throttle form was badass though.
I liked 12, it managed to do a bit of the automation while still letting you have control over the fight. it was fairly streamlined but still a lot of fun.
@DavidB I would have loved in combat character swapping in XIII. It felt like the only strategy was ensuring you had the right 3 characters for the battle.
and if you didn't - you died and loaded from a save.
@FallenAngelEyes yeah, they always go over the top on the "super moves" though.
@agent86 That's kinda part of FF though
@MarkTrapp Honestly, the battle system wasn't too different between 4 and 6. The main differences were the relic system and the specific commands that characters got.
For 13, I felt like I needed to combine 2-10 different setups, but only had the 6 slots and couldn't really work out the timing of the switches.
@JasonBerkan this. it's like they decided the difficulty ramp should be a straight upward 90deg line
Q: Why am I losing power after I fire my weapons?

AubergineI've started playing Space Pirates and Zombies, and while I am enjoying it immensely, I've come across an issue that I am sure someone here would be able to shed some light on. I have found that with one of my ships, once I fire my weapons, I do lose energy for the shot itself, which makes perfe...

Q: As a non-magic user, is it convenient to go to college (of Winterhold)?

MarceloNidoru is a level 32 sneaky archer assassin thief. She has been called "dumb" by a number of city guards (all are dead now). Well, Nidoru now wants to go to college to prove all the dead guards wrong. What benefits will she obtain from going to this college and completing their quest? Is it even...

Q: Where does the experience awarded at the end of a wave come from?

Bryson DudaPreface: From this question, we know that experience(XP) is shared among all participants for each enemy killed. You can see your XP meter increasing as enemies are killed, so that's fairly obvious. Once the final enemy in the wave is killed, you get an additional lump sum of XP from somewhere. I...

@FallenAngelEyes indeed. I was just noting that there's almost always a pretty awesome super move.
@agent86 Also the Sen no Kotoba song scene always makes me tear up :(
@agent86 yeah, I stopped at the start of that Chapter11.
may go back some day. dunno
the first half of 13 it was like "press forward on the stick and tap A to win" and then the second half is like "EXTERMINATE"
I still load up XIII to show people the graphics, though. Beautiful game.
@agent86 I haven't gotten past that first half yet. I'm trying but argh. It's like 20+ hours in. >_<
@JasonBerkan They fixed that (somewhat) in FF13-2. Paradigm shifts are much more an integral part of the battle system, to the point where you can/need to shift as an attack is being landed. The character development system is less stacked towards characters being predisposed to certain paradigms, as there are only two constant members of the party
@GraceNote Ah, right
@FallenAngelEyes it's a slog, that's for sure
Oh, and I don't recall if FF4 had it, but FF6 also had the fancy-schmancy "Let 2 Player control some characters in battle"
@MarkTrapp Cool. I'll have to go back to the demo then. I loaded it up the other night, but my wife mocked me because I was so negative towards XIII as I was forcing myself to finish it.
@GraceNote now That's what more games need. couch co-op.
@DavidB Aye to that
@DavidB This.
It's so hard finding a decent couch co-op game to play with my b/f. :(
@DavidB Fourthed.
This is why Kirby remains one of my favorite series.
@GraceNote Excellent point.
Current gen stuff is mostly shooters, and he doesn't like shooters, especially on console
@JasonBerkan hah. I think if you didn't like FF13, you're not going to like FF13-2. But it did address some of the minor niggles people had with various things. There's a lot of crazy stuff they added I'm not too wild about either: only one save file, the illusion of choice (read: required multiple playthroughs to see all content), and the talk of monthly DLC
We tried playing Gears of War but neither of us really cared about the story or enjoyed the gameplay enough to get through it.
@FallenAngelEyes Do you have a gamecube?
or a Wii and a DS?
@MarkTrapp ...........Only 1 save file?!
or two DSes
portal 2's co-op was.. not so good. One person breaks the puzzle and gets the other person to do the dance.
@Wipqozn Yes, yes, yes, no.
last good co-op experience I had was Borderlands
@DavidB Yeah, we did enjoy that decently.
@DavidB Dead Island was some brainless fun
@MarkTrapp 1 save file? Yech.
@FallenAngelEyes Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time is a good choice for coach co-op
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous. It auto saves, and if you press save, it just saves to the file you create at the beginning. I've already had to restart four times because I didn't pick the optimal choices and min-maxing in Final Fantasy is my favorite part
@Wipqozn I heard that was unfortunately short :(
@MarkTrapp Whaaaaaaaaaat.
I've been playing a game where I'm reminded not just in the instructions, and by an incredibly ominous opening sequence, but repeatedly by NPCs, to abuse the number of save slots I'm allotted.
That... noooooooo.
I cannot deal with a FF with only 1 save slot.
@MarkTrapp Only one save file? There is no reason for that at all.
Ooh, Final Fantasy conversation? =3
Which I recently did by saving after every single choice in a new slot
Or even current gen games with only 1 save slot at all.
I don't know if I can get through a whole playthrough because of it: only so many times I can restart the game
The last restart was because I made the wrong choice on the Crystarium grid and I accidentally chose "save" instead of "exit game"
forgive me if these have already made the rounds here, but: tumblr.com/photo/1280/jenovaii/14962882898/1/…
@MarkTrapp I don't blame you. I stopped playing Assassin's Creed after realizing I'd have to start over for some achievements because there was only 1 save file. I haven't gone back. This was... 3.5 years ago.
my best FF moment ever. Bahamut finishes countdown, kills cecil and rest of party. Kain falls out of sky and one hits Bahamut.
@MarkTrapp Forcing players to replay parts of a game is one of the most egregious game design sins.
@MarkTrapp Nyerrrgh
Welp, guess I'm definitely not getting FFXIII-2.
@FallenAngelEyes Why not? What'd I miss? O.o
@AbbyTMiller Haha, that's cute.
It's like, even why would you not allow more than one slot for a game with multiple choices?
@JasonBerkan Replaying parts of the game I don't mind, and it's cost of doing business if you want to choose the best options. But replaying the whole game if you make one mistake and the game saves is just… what @GraceNote said. Nyerrrgh.
@AbbyTMiller That's pretty awesome
@FallenAngelEyes Whaaaaaaaat!? Why would they do that!?
@Tristan I have a sneaking suspicion one of the forthcoming monthly DLC will be save slots. One save slot: $3.99
@MarkTrapp If they do that, I'll never play another FF game...
lol, silly squareenix.
@Tristan I might stop buying Square games all together actually.
oh good lord i read "grind" as "find"
Q: Where are some good places to grind CP?

YuckI'm looking for some good places to grind CP. Ideally they would be: Relatively quick and painless fights. Mindless button mashing at its best. An amount of CP such that it makes sense to stop and grind there. If subsequent areas of the game are going to reward double or triple CP for the same ...

> The TF2 team is working on something brand new for 2012. We can't tell you what it is, because they won't tell us, but what they WILL say is that it isn't a hat, it isn't a map, and go away. From this we can only conclude that the TF2 team is working on some ungodly hat-map hybrid that you can wear on your head while you run around in it. You heard it here first. Also last, because they just told us it's not that either. But it's really cool.
also Meet the Pyro this year. lol.
@Tristan Still not as bad as Ubisoft telling us we can't play our games from Feb. 7th until ????
@MatthewRead I lol'd
I can understand how you would get a little worried.
i almost pulled out an offensive flag lol
@JasonBerkan link?
@JasonBerkan thanks
> We got Roman Numerals, we got Base 10 numerals. The only thing we need to finish this out is some binary and then we can progress to hexadecimal and REALLY confuse the crap outta people.
I agree. The world needs Final Fantasy XII-2-1F-017.
@badp isn't that a movie
@badp You're missing binary though.
@Wipqozn binary is overrated. Base 9 is where it's at.
@badp Well, colour me embarrassed.
@badp You jest, but they're moving in that direction with Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy Type-0 (previously Final Fantasy Agito XIII)
012 being pronounced "duodecim" and not "twelve"
hooked on roman numeral phonics?
@MarkTrapp Haha, yeeeeah. I did actually play Dissidia, I found it fun enough.
I didn't pick up 012 though
I played the first few stages of the first one, but had no idea what I was doing and I think the Star Ocean remakes for PSP came out around the same time so I played those instead
user image
I'm already loving the representative screenshot
although I'm a little heartbroken that this'll be the last Meet the Team video.
So 2012 valve time is when?
@RonanForman 2018 Q3.
@badp *Q5.
there's a radio commercial for tf2 now... I've heard it 3 or 4 times
eh, give or take a couple decennia.
@DavidB orly?
Q: Do I have to stick around to get co-op loot?

NickI dropped in on a couple co-op games in the beta today and the first thing I noticed was that everyone wasn't running for loot. This is a thing of the past, apparently, as any loot that you can see is yours and yours alone. That said, is there a limit to when loot drops for me during co-op play?...

Q: Does staying level 1 reduce the requirements for gaining xp/levels?

CreeDoroflI read somewhere that staying level 1, and refusing to enter the level up screen, would allow you to get every perk. I think the logic was something like... the game doesn't increase required experience for gaining skill levels until you take the level-up. At first this seemed true, every sne...

@Lazers I know how this currently works, but it could easily change post-beta...
@OrigamiRobot how is that different from Minecraft, or any other game?
Stupid 100k players and 3 diablo beta servers.
Disconnect every 10 minutes, I guess I'll have to wait until all the east coasters go to bed
@Nick I'm not having any problems.
@OrigamiRobot Are you on Steam? AKA can I add you there and can we swap Battletags?
@FallenAngelEyes Steam: fdisk7mbr I already sent you a friend request on bnet
Oh. Well then.
That is one scary book.
Are you guys still playing?
@FallenAngelEyes I am. @Wipqozn went to eat.
Add me on bnet when you get on: [email protected]
@Nick added
That was easy
@Nick I keep getting an error when I try
@OrigamiRobot I finished eating now, but currently doing an assignment.
everyone please add me too (ipugsley is goofy 'battle name' or some such, email is [email protected])
Are we sharing Diablo 3 thingadongdongs?
Is Diablo III technically a Diablo clone?
by definition
Wait, no. I need to ask that with Philosoraptor.
@GraceNote Yes
@GraceNote assuming "thingadongdongs" is contact info, sure
I keep getting errors when I try to add people :(
> There was an error (ERROR_5012).
^that is incredibly unhelpful
Oooh. Error 5012. That's very bad.
@IanPugsley Summat like that
@nick @IanPugsley added
@DavidB All doors in France are French. By definition.
@GraceNote can't argue
@IanPugsley Do you have #'s on your battletag?
@FallenAngelEyes apparently - IPugsley#1951
> This account has limited posting access due to the following condition:
> You cannot post on this account due to Parental Controls settings.
@FallenAngelEyes They default to that I believe. Not sure what age you filled in to deserve that though.
@ArdaXi women, always lying about their age so people think they're younger :P
I've never touched the setting
Okay. Time to look into this "Diablo III" shindig.
@RavenDreamer You do that, and then share your ID and what not.
Tried to set up parental controls, then it says I've already done that...
Q: Keyboard selective ghosting

AlexRednicI've been experiencing a problem with my keyboards lately. I own an Alienware laptop M11x. I've attached a USB Trust keyboard first and experienced some problems while playing FIFA 12. Namely: When the Left and Up buttons are pressed I cannot press the buttons S, G, B, N, H. S is very important s...

@FallenAngelEyes google?
I have no email though with that, so I've asked it to send another
@Wipqozn If only there was a website to ask questions about gaming or gaming services!
@RavenDreamer I know! Someone should really make that website.
My BattleTag is OrigamiRobot#1358
I'd post mine, but I'm too lazy to re-open Diablo 3.
If you wanna add me, poke me on Steam or ask someone who already has me on their list for my nick, I'd prefer not to list my battletag in here.
Woo! I found a flag and handled it!
And destroyed a user to boot.
Sigh. No e-mail. And now that I think about it, I tried to fix this 2 weeks ago or so and I didn't get one then either. Ergh.
@JuanManuel It's Starry Night. It's offensive because it's Copyright Infringement.
@FallenAngelEyes Honestly, I've been leery of Blizzard customer service ever since they banned me from WoW for botting when my account had been frozen for months.
Guess I should contact CS.
Can I get an invite to GSE steam group for "authenticgeek"?
@Nick Does he need an invite? The group is public.
NM, I found it
If somebody completely unrelated to me invites me to some random group, I typically ignore it
It's all over the internet
@badp I want to know how they figured out some of that info
@badp At least we have more Asians?
How come we have 13,000 visitors from Council Bluffs, IA (assuming I'm reading those numbers correctly)?
@badp How can we be sorry losers? Apparently, we're Asian.
@RavenDreamer Low-income, no education, no kids, ...
also inbound TF2 update
@badp Wake me when Meet the Pyro gets here.
@RavenDreamer See you in a couple years.
@badp I'm going to Rip van Winkle this thing.
So much.
I wonder if I can play a bot game with gloves on.
@GraceNote Cold fingers?
@GraceNote Killing time while ice-fishing?
@GraceNote Bot games can't wear gloves.
None of the support options are regarding parental controls
@FallenAngelEyes Quite. You know how it gets.
I wonder if I should just call
@RavenDreamer We don't even have snow anymore (did the Groundhog see its shadow?)
@GraceNote Spoiler Alert: The Groundhog is a lie. 6 weeks of winter. Always.
@OrigamiRobot You'll just robot up some way to get around that restriction. I'm on to you...
@GraceNote It's a work in progress
oh Reddit
I like the use of robot as a verb
@RavenDreamer Except how it's barely been winter at all so far.

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