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Does anyone want to check out the spleef arena I made, it's finished now.
@RonanForman I DO I DO I DO
I've been sitting here all freaking day!
Doing, like, a 30 line program.
@GnomeSlice Yeah...welcome to my life bro.
@GraceNote Perfectly acceptable!
But the part that isn't working now I didn't even change!
@GraceNote The only reason I changed mine was because @RonanForman made me one. The process for changing it almost made me change my mind.
@OrigamiRobot It ain't all that hard to change gravatars
@GraceNote It was more work than I wanted to do :/
@GnomeSlice That shouldn't happen. You are just assigning the onload handler, not executing it.
Good ol' Mrozek and his stash of secret pages.
@JasonBerkan Well, it stops on them if I put them before the .onload thing.
But now my onclicks aren't working.... T_T
@FallenAngelEyes Guess what I got today!
> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'onclick' of null
I hate this.
@GraceNote It's a pity it works unreliably
@GnomeSlice There is a reason we all use jQuery now.
@RavenDreamer Sharkbait?
@FallenAngelEyes Is that like Catnip?
I digress.
@GnomeSlice Wait, did you wipe out your button by accident? Or change the name?
No! Diablo III beta invite.
@FallenAngelEyes: @OrigamiRobot and I are going to play some diablo 3 if you wanted to join us
@Mana No. The ids are all still the same.
@GraceNote Holy crap. How do you do that?
@RavenDreamer lucky you
@RavenDreamer :D
@GnomeSlice If you switched to use getElementById(), did you forget to remove the '#"?
@RavenDreamer @OrigamiRobot and I each got one last night
@TimStone I didn't, so no.
What is that I see? A male gravatar on Grace?!
@Wipqozn yeah, me too.
I mean... this looks kinda male.
@RavenDreamer Get around to installing/playing it yet?
@badp I can almost guarantee you it's not.
> What is that I see? A male... on Grace?!
yup, not male.
@GraceNote When it comes to avatars, yes.
@Wipqozn No. Just found out this morning.
@FallenAngelEyes How do I make the page (I didn't), how do I make so many images (I have lots of email addresses), or how do I find so many images (I have sources)?
I have no idea what's causing it.
@badp Everything in there is a girl in the image, girl or otherwise initially.
@GraceNote Ah, was wondering about the page.
@GraceNote Lego GraceNote is best GraceNote
@RavenDreamer Heehee ♪
@GnomeSlice Oh no.
I put () after my onload function
window.onload = function beginDoingThings();
I thought you needed them.
But it works without them, and not with them.
@Wipqozn I can't, I need to have dinner soon, so I wouldn't be able to stay
@FallenAngelEyes ah I nifty
@GnomeSlice Right. Putting the parentheses means "call this function NOW, and assign the result of it to window.onload"
Once @RavenDreamer gets set-up perhaps we shoudl all play a game. Start new characters, et cetera.
@Mana Oh.
Removing the parentheses means "when the window loads, call this function"
@Raven It was originally going to be the one I just posted, but then I found that Endergirl and I was like "Okay, that's the one for me."
@FallenAngelEyes: The beta ends after killing the skeleton king, right?
oh, so that is supposed to be an enderman.
@Wipqozn I've been checking my e-mail hourly just in case I get a beta invite. >.>
@Wipqozn you can go and replay it
Even the one reference I could've gotten, I missed.
@Wipqozn Leoric is back?
but that's the furthest you can progress
@GraceNote What ever happened to cute girl cho'gath?
@GnomeSlice This is what we were discussing earlier: onclick = changeFont; assigns the function as the handler, onclick = changeFont(); assigns the results of the function as the handler.
I guess I'll just go back to my corner
@Wipqozn Yes
@RavenDreamer Area 51 isn't on the API
@IanPugsley Yeah, I know, thanks.
@GraceNote Yes
She's still my Area 51 avatar, though.
@JasonBerkan That would be why it was skipping my globals too, then.
@Wipqozn ...do you get his awesome crown?
And now... The Daily Show
@GnomeSlice Yup, though it should have executed them once it was done executing your onload function.
@JasonBerkan The onload function has like everything in it, it would have reached the functions it needed those variables for before it compelted
@badp Don't take it too hard, it is one of those things where you can't quite be sure.
@GraceNote I found a crown, but can't recall if it was his.
@IanPugsley: How many people can be in one game at once?
At any rate, @badp, which one were you saying could be construed as male, or was that a bluff?
@GraceNote The enderman one.
Q: What is fuzzy guard?

Ian PugsleyThere's some hubbub being made about the launch (1.00) and first patch (1.01) version of Soulcalibur V having fuzzy guard. How do I perform a fuzzy guard, and what does it protect against?

@GraceNote What, no Sailor Moon Avatar? =[
@GnomeSlice Not a game.
I guess I missed the endergirl when it was posted on Reddit or somesuch
I used to love that show when I was a kid.
Toooo mainstream. :P
@GraceNote Did you find a worthy LoD image?
The requirements for my images are: "Must originate from a video game", and "Must be a girl, girl or otherwise". I am currently also trying to keep up a "Don't use any IP more than once"
@OrigamiRobot Nay. I found a grand total of 9 images in my first run through, the majority of which were Meru in her normal outfit.
@GraceNote This is why I always think of Grace as a girl.
@JasonBerkan Thank you ♪
Though I have a habit of playing female characters in RPGs, so it doesn't mean Grace is a girl.
The Sailor Moon video games were released in Japan during the height of the media franchise's popularity. By 1998, twenty games were released. The games released as of 1995, each had sales figures of about 200,000 to 300,000. They have never been released in any other country, with the single exception of the Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon game developed by Angel, which was released in France in 1994. The games are hard to find in any other country unless downloaded from the internet as ROMs. Bandai produced a small number of Sailor Moon games, but the majority were handled by a Japanese g...
Oh. 'Originate.'
@GnomeSlice Series didn't originate as a game.
@GraceNote Yeah, saw that after I posted it.
@Grace Yes, it's Leoric
That "originate" is how I get away with, say, my History gravatar.
@Wipqozn I don't actually know this - has nobody asked it?
I don't think so.
@GnomeSlice These need to come to the states...
I liked the green chick the best.
At the moment, I currently figure @Mana to be the one who has the best chance of naming a lot of the ones in the current roster of avatars I have.
@GnomeSlice Sailor Jupiter was the best.
This programming thing is almost working now.
@GraceNote probably, not gonna try atm though.
If I log the two global variables, they give me the correct values
@Mana You know you want to
But the font size isn't actually changing.
@GraceNote Yo, I need to prove some stuff about binomial heaps first. It's serious.
@GnomeSlice What's in the fontSize variable? It should be a CSS class that sets a specific font size.
@JasonBerkan It is.
@Mana You know you want to after you prove stuff about binomial heaps. ♪
Weird, if I do just the .classname of the element now, and click one of the fonts, it says this:
> Resource interpreted as Other but transferred with MIME type undefined.
@GraceNote And I will
The fonts are the ones that work though. :S
@Mana How much do you have to do?
(hint: the correct answer is heaps).
@GnomeSlice I hate you.
Nice one
That got starred?
@GnomeSlice it's probably the best pun you've ever made.
@Wipqozn What do I need to add you to the friend's list? Just your Battletag?
@GnomeSlice Are you assigning the fontsize class second? Order is important with CSS.
Arrgh, I don't get why this isn't working.
@FallenAngelEyes yes
@JasonBerkan Uh... yeah. Should I try the other way round?
No difference.
@GnomeSlice Would you really prefer we all continued to focus on things that make you look like a jerk? ♪
Aw hey, who starred that...
Bah, whatever.
@JasonBerkan That's what it looks like.
Yes! I have the highest rep earned for this month! <.< Which is only 1 day old. But still... It's the only time I'll ever see my name higher than @RavenDreamer or @agent86
Actually, maybe just the CSS classes aren't taking precedence over the default font-size CSS class.
Ah, they character wiped again
You've earned the "status-completed" badge. See your profile.
@badp Hah.
Hm... There's a really good Mass Effect question up, but I'm worried it will be closed with ME3 not being out yet...
@badp On... which site?
@FallenAngelEyes :/
are achievements active again?
@IanPugsley looks like
@FallenAngelEyes well at least there's that
Why isn't this working....
I don't understand...
If anyone is free... I'd really appreciate it if you'd take a look at my files.
What have you changed since the last time it worked?
@GraceNote No, I figured that out. What's not working is the last thing I tried to get working.
The font-size change doesn't do anything.
Oh, so it's a completely new element. Are you certain you're modifying the correct attribute/element/whathaveyouthatIdon'tknowthepropertermforsynecdoche?
@GraceNote Yes, hence my issue.. I don't see an problems.
It must be a problem with my syntax.
@GraceNote I believe the proper term is sinekineydoadeychodey
Q: Should I buy the memento plates?

Ashley NunnIn the China Shop in Airedale, you can buy plates that are mementos of your journey. They cost $300 each, and there are quite a few of them. Other than to haves nice random record of my journey, is there a good reason to buy the plates?

Q: To what extent do your choices in Mass Effect influence the story in the sequel?

m3tron0meI am about to start the first game and would like to know how much the sequel relies on choices made in the first game. Is the story rather set in stone and just little things are influenced, or can the story across the first two games change drastically depending on your choices?

@GraceNote Can you remove one of those?
I think I'm going to give up on this assignment, and just hand it in half-complete.
@GnomeSlice CSS class names cannot start with a number.
@JasonBerkan Well... fuck.
Let me try fixing that.
@JasonBerkan Can they end with a number?
@GnomeSlice You shouldn't
@GnomeSlice Yes.
Wait for us to give help before you give up, hehe.
Q: What characters are valid in CSS class names?

Darryl HeinWhat characters/symbols are allowed within CSS class names? Characters such as: ~ ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = , . / ' ; : " ? > < [ ] \ { } | ` # I know a lot of these are invalid, but which are valid?

I didn't even know about it until the day before it was due, which was yesterday.
@GraceNote It's already overdue.
Wow, chat is having some issues.
@GnomeSlice Unless you're penalized by the hour, you should be fine.
@JasonBerkan WOW.
@GnomeSlice yarp
I don't think I would have ever figured that one out.
@GnomeSlice Congrats.
Handing in an incomplete assignment late is really bad. If you at least make it complete, then you stand to at least make that effort.
Thanks so much for your help, everyone. x_x
@GraceNote You posted that twice.
@RonanForman Thanks. Chat is having... fun. Also, et tu.
How did you even mange that? It deletes one if I try to post twice.
@GraceNote what 2 parts of cavestory is your answer referring to?
The same way you did it - the server broke your message on you.
How many people just left?
@RonanForman Heaps (to quote @GnomeSlice).
@RavenDreamer Two parts that you're forced to do if you're gunning for the Best Ending
Did you guys not notice that chat went down for maintenance a few minutes ago? I assume that has someone to do with the chat behaviour.
@RonanForman Somebody had set the LAZERS all the way down to LASER.
I got the booster .8
@GraceNote Ah. That'd be why I'm unfamiliar with it.
I said "May be" because one of them is a place you traverse whether or not you're getting the best ending.
The bridge was about to collapse under its own zeta emissions.
@GnomeSlice I noticed, and also noticed you mention it.

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