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But we can undo that
Hell, I can undo that now
That was glorious
@KevinvanderVelden oh right, the !timeout 24
That was amazing
@Nzall not here.
Anyone got a link to then?
Not in any real sense.
@KevinvanderVelden They were the best of times
@Ash I mean on the Chat Exchange network
They were the worst of times
@Nzall I am sure you could find stuff in the chat search logs if you wanted but why bother rehashing old boring drama
I'd like to say we run a tighter ship than SFF
Q: How do i add names in /tellraw

PlayerI'm working on a server and when a player joins i want it to say their name. I'm pretty good with commands so you don't have to give me a full command.

@Nzall check bookmarks
We try to.
@Unionhawk Maximally tight
Minimum compliance, at least
Uncomfortably tight.
@Lazers2.0 There's something special with tellraw, but I forget exactly what it is.
Excitingly tight.
(removed) tight.
@Unionhawk we have to, not having everything tightened down in space leaks atmosphere and nobody wants that
So many bars here :o
@arda I don't know. It called anyone who votes against Hillary a racist (or so I assume, I didn't see the context). I've seen flags for less. cc @twobugs
Aug 20 '14 at 16:15, by badp
This room was placed in timeout for 1 day; the topic of this room is "General Arqade chat room, wherein adulthood is mandatory." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
Unless you were talking about another flag. I alt-tabbed out for a while
@Sterno There were 2 about the same thing
Sass is cash money, if you know what I'm saying
@Sterno Never forget the fear of rectangles, which is very real
@twobugs 7/whatever/2016. NEVER FORGET
I need to go to Blizzcon one year
How it it lunch time already?
@Sterno you know the day but not the month? Weird
At least I don't want McDonald's anymore.
@Sterno well, that's something at least.
or at least Gamescom
So on November 4th and 5th, we will have one final glorious party, before the world ends on the 8th of November
@Sterno did you go and talk to a psychiatrist? :o Good job!
@RedRiderX I do know what you're saying
@fredley Who needs icons to be meaningful anyway.
@KevinvanderVelden a day that could have been spent watching the Italian Spiderman
@RedRiderX Just chuck in any old thing
@badp But fortunately @MadScientist saved the day
@KevinvanderVelden doesn't mean you had to stop watching the Italian Spiderman
@sequoiad Yeah it sounds fun
@badp didn't even start
@fredley Make it mean what everyone wishes it meant
@KevinvanderVelden unacceptable
I wish i could turn sass into money
We should take @badp with us to Blizzcon, he would be very happy
@fredley sassy trump would have soo much money
@twobugs I could get a chance to talk to Those Responsible
@twobugs it looks great, but the cost going from UK would be huge
at least Gamesom is realistically feasible, financially
So, my cat died last night. (not looking for sympathy, he was old and had a good life, but it's the setup to this story). So I'm out there at midnight digging a hole for him because I don't want the kids to see him when they wake up, nor have him sitting around all day until I can do it after work. And I read the hole has to be like 4 feet deep. And it's amazing how fast your brain goes from "I'm sad my cat died and digging his grave is sad" to "HOLY CRAP I AM TIRED OF DIGGING THIS HOLE"
Human brains are weird
@fredley I don't understand that video.
Neither the original or the sassy version.
@Sterno brains are weird. They context switch like that remarkably unexpectedly
@Sterno one last sacrifice to your master
@Sterno brains are indeed weird
but now what kind of story are you making up to cover for the cat's absence?
Q: How do I perform a stealth, non-lethal takedown on an exosuit enemy?

pushashaWhen I try to do a non-lethal takedown the normal way (sneaking up behind the enemy and pressing the takedown button) against an enemy in an exosuit, the attack just bounces off the exosuit, doing no damage and alerting the enemy to my presence. How do I do a non-lethal takedown of an enemy in an...

@badp Oh, we'll tell them he died. We've been talking about it for weeks. But knowing he died and seeing the body with rigor mortis set in are entirely different things
But being lied to by a parent is a rite of passage!
That's what Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are for
And you're just passing up on this chance to troll someone?
I don't think @Sterno is horrible enough to troll children with dead cats
He's gone to a place where it is always Friday...
Any C++ people online?
@KevinvanderVelden but... how do you explain to them what death is?
@badp Not by hitting them with a dead cat
@SaintWacko \o
@KevinvanderVelden What is the difference between String and std::string?
@KevinvanderVelden but that's when a cat is at its best blunt weapon potential
@SaintWacko one doesn't exist and the other is the standard library implementation of a string
@SaintWacko time to "git grep String"
(Seriously, String is something defined elsewhere in your code, could be a typedef or custom class)
> no matching function for call to 'CBlock::CBlock(String, String)'
It's the type returned by server.arg() in ESP8266WebServer
Is that the Arduino thing?
Pmuch everything seems To be marked in gbp
(that's the first hit I get on a search)
(And an ESP8266 isn't technically an arduino thing, it's just that there's arduino firmware available for it)
@badp Ah, fuck
Why would they do that?
String is something you will hate, string is something pleasant
Because it's a microcontroller and std::string makes gleeful use of the heap
@SaintWacko based on the filename, "wide chars"
Now I need to figure out how to get a substring out of that
so probably something that will break with anything that requires surrogate pairs in UTF-16
good luck
> String substring(unsigned int beginIndex) const {
@SaintWacko Suffer
@KevinvanderVelden Oh good. I was looking through it hoping I'd find that
Or they're polite
    char charAt(unsigned int index) const;
nevermind, so much for WString.h
(2 lines below that is the one that specifies start, end
unless somehow their char is multiple bytes wide?
> WString.h - String library for Wiring & Arduino
I presume it's short for WiringString
what does that even mean
Wiring is an arduino library
If memory serves
Q: Are Priests bad in just the arena or in constructed decks, too? (Hearthstone)

Tyler DurdenA number of strategy guides I have read, including Trump's Arena Rankings, say that priests are the weakest class. For example, Trump writes: Priest is in an interesting and unfortunate spot right now as it is widely considered one of the weakest classes. Is this true just in arena or is ...

@Lazers2.0 Only when @twobugs plays them
Okay, there we go
Got everything converted over to using their String
Thanks guys
@Wipqozn I actually might murder some people this time through in Dishonored just for variety. Not sure yet.
@Sterno They're actually better now with new cards
The only time I've won a game against a person as a Priest was to out-heal them until they pretty much gave up
Just frustrating to play against
Very controlling and defensive style
Resurrection priest is nasty. You killed his man? Oops, now he has two of them!
GeForce Experience requires registration now. WTF
and thierer'yre verification email has not appeared yet
@Sterno wat
imgur.com/a/W52Pk walking in kash
@twobugs last time I played Priest though was in vanilla Heathstone, no idea how it stands up now with so many legendaries out there
Apple. Selling you earplugs in 5 separate pieces for 5 times they cost they used to!
Priest has had the niche of not competitively viable but very annoying to play against for a while
Now all I need is a special case for my iPhone that adds a port which I can use to charge my airpods while I'm listening to them.
@Sterno woo! more things to have to remember to charge!
Apple: the electricity companies new best friend
Apple just laughs because 90 million people probably already preordered
@sequoiad Er, the wireless bit doesn't cost super much energy
@Sterno if the sound quality is as poor as the standard apple headphones...
It costs only a few cents of electricity to charge a phone for a year
@KevinvanderVelden stop using logic to prevent me hating it. Also, its a statistical certainty that I would forget to charge them and get more annoyed at the lack of a standard jack
Oh I'm not saying they're not horrible I'm just saying that they're not horrible for that specific reason
@fredley a few cents x several million though... wonder how much the companies actually make off phone charging per year
that would be an interesting number to see
@sequoiad A trivial amount compared to AC/heating.
Literally if everyone stopped charging their phones, the electricity company wouldn't even notice
I was just taking the mickey you know, don't try science this...
Too late, science has begun
We don't appreciate Mickey here
Ripping the Michael
poor Mickey :(
sigh I'm so tired of politics... Can't watch any footage from parliment without thinking of a group of toddlers fighting over the best toy at playtime
There is no best toy. There's only the toy someone else picked up first.
@fredley Meanwhile, in Democracy...
Tumbleweed rolls by
As an outsider, I'm unsure if I should be looking forward to November 8th or not.
It will be something, either way
@MBraedley Probably best to stay in the concrete bunker anyway
I definitely would have preferred better candidates but between the two my choice is clear
@fredley As long as that bunker has internet access so I know if it's safe to come out.
O'Malley is the Hero We Need
@MBraedley UK nuclear subs literally try and tune into BBC Radio 4 as a test for the existence of civilisation when they surface.
Actually, such a place exists about an hour away. I'm not sure they'd let me in.
@fredley So if the music is playing on loop, everything has gone to hell?
@MBraedley Book your seat early to avoid disappointment
@MBraedley Yeah. They then open a safe in the sub with orders from the PM about what to do in such a situation.
i'm heading straight to the not so secret bunker not far from me
I'd totally get lost if I didn't mark the house on Google maps lol
@fredley It's actually a secure data warehouse built into a cold war era bunker. They market themselves as secure intercontinental backup for european firms.
Pokemon go teached me some stuff
easy to find
@MBraedley Just classify yourself as a European firm.
@sequoiad The symbol to the left means 'Museum'
@fredley wat
@GodEmperorDune $20
@fredley First time I went there, thought they should have it pointing the other way. just as a really poor joke.
@sequoiad You're Scottish?
@fredley half scottish... but don't live there anymore
It's weird to load up dishonored and see saved games from 4 years ago. It didn't seem that long ago. OLD :(
@Sterno I didn't realise how old Skyrim was until the other day
It's going to be strange when we have a whole new generation of gamers who think Skyrim is ancient and dated
Maybe this is how @Sterno feels when we talk about the Bible being old
@twobugs cc @Wipqozn and @fredley on that old, sick, and tired burn
@twobugs shouldn't rip him too much, went through hard times what with the trauma of being a stowaway on the Ark and all.
sterno: the original illegal imigant
Hey, that Identification Requests Area51 just got closed!
id requests?
oh of like screenies etc?
It's over there in the star bar.
@Sterno Yeah it's weird.
@Sterno That's the mission I'm doing next
@Sterno Makes sense
let's see how chat deals with this:
@Sterno Oh my. And yeha, wasn't sureif turning them off would completely ruin the game. Because for some games if you turn off the markers you'd basically make the game unplayable. I've heard some complaints about Skyrim having this issue, with you getting so little information you couldn't even find the general area to go to/.
windows 10 is recommending me a game I already own wtf
(in my defense, windows phone didn't get minecraft for a loong time, and this thing is amazing, has loads of redstone-like stuff and surprisingly they are clearer than actual minecraft stuff)
@MBraedley poorly
@fredley who would ever look for a brit in a museum?
unless the museum was making a showing of Italian Spiderman
@wipqozn I'm playing Dishonored and keep hitting RMB to interact with things, and end up shooting them instead.
Q: Arma 3 doesn't start after loading no error message

HapWhen I try to launch arma III I get the little loading screen that says "Loading addons" etcetera, but when it's done loading and closes arma itself doesn't start, and there is no error message at all. I was playing Arma shortly before this problem started. I then installed some mods, tried to o...

Lies, just a murderer
Javascript is great!
Installing Linux... Again.
@arda wut, why?
TSA screening \o/
@Wipqozn Also, going lethal makes Dishonored way too easy. That really wasn't the case for Thief.
@Sterno Yep, the "consequences" for going lethal aren't super impactful mechanics-wise.
It's mostly a story thing
@Sterno yeah, that's true for a lot of games. Look at Deus Ex. Lethal is way easier.
@Sterno lololol
Oh god I'll probably do the same thing
@djsmiley2k FUN^TM
does the new deus ex also do the "first mission is timed so I now if you're dicking around or if this is a NG+" trick?
@Sterno You're making me want to play Dishonored even more. I'll be booting it up as soon as I finish thief 2.
@Wipqozn didn't you have 286 hours of Metal Gear Solid next in your backlog
I don't have a real reason on why I should install linux. I can do %90 of the stuff I do on windows -which is slacking- on linux too
@badp Oh zeus no.
Q: Skyrim: I can't get Wujeeta to activate the skooma dealer quest

Dragongamer UK So I wanted to be the thane of Riften because it's my favourite city. So I went to Wujeeta to give her a health potion and to activate the quest so I can become thane. But after I gave her the potion the quest would not show up, I tried waiting an hour (not in Game time) and I checked back no opt...

Whoo, interview on Thursday!
@Yuuki \o/
What's it for @Yuuki?
@SonofaSailor Dev job at an internet/phone/etc. service provider.
also today on "wtf how" series: I bought a flash drive for 3.5usd today. It costs 4.5usd on a turkish online store, 20usd on amazon US and 5.1usd on amazon india.
i canbuy bread at my local store for 30p
physical shops have various reasons they sell stuff cheap
It surprised me that I could find something cheaper IRL than online, especially worldwide.
@djsmiley2k but yeah, they likely needed space to store stuff so made a discount
u need to get out more :/
generally prices are equal here
online isnt some magic money saving trick
if it was maybe amazon would make a profit
I should. Usually gaming stuff etc costs more irl though.
youre suddenly agasinst the entire world
gaming yah, because its cutthroat business owned by a few
@arda Are you talking about buying physical copies in a brick-and-mortar vs. buying physical copies online?
@Yuuki nope, I mean hardware
Or physical copies in a brick-and-mortar vs. digital copies online?
hardware? theres very little diff here
online maybe occassionally has better offers
I can find phones online (from distributors etc, cuts a lot of people between) for around 100-300try less than phone shops or tech shops sell them for.
I don't know about flash drives, but phones are typically manufactured overseas.
Unless you live in China or Taiwan. And Chinese smartphones are cheap.
wow ur shops suck then @arda
@djsmiley2k yeah.
we used to have shops like that here @Arda
now we just hear every christmas about how retail is dying
Looks like reviews for ReCore are all over the place. I'm happy I barely knwo that game exists and have no idea what it is.
is nms cheap et?
@djsmiley2k depends if you can get a refund amiright
Or is that joke dead yet?
@RedRiderX No
Someone needs to suggest a movie for movie night I actually want to watch.
@RedRiderX get on that
@Wipqozn Angry Birds
We can talk about the fascist undertones in the plot
@RedRiderX Oh, that gives me an actual serious idea
@Wipqozn all you need to know is, when you die the game loads for 2 full minutes before you have another shot
also, it is not the Italian Spiderman
that's all I need to know anyway
A: Movie Night - October 2016

WipqoznMovie Suggestion: The Incredibles I'm sure everyone is familiar with this movie, but if you're not then it's a film by Pixar about retired super heroes. Considering it's made by Pixar means saying "it's great" is kind of redundant, but it's often considered one of Pixars best movies, which is ...

@Wipqozn I think it's by some Metroid Prime dudes, which is good. But also Inafune, which is Very Bad
@Unionhawk The first couple times I saw that gif, it was rather low-res and for the longest time, I kept thinking he had blood on his hands and that's why nobody was high-fiving him.
I know almost nothing else about it
@Wipqozn I'd upvote this now, but unfortunately I'm at work.
@Wipqozn I keep meaning to suggest this movie.
But then forgetting when I actually post the meta.
Meh, I don't love The Incredibles nor do I dislike it
well you'er welcome
yeah i dont love it
It's not my favorite Pixar
@twobugs I really wish kicking didn't actually matter
Now that it does I can't use it as a joke
what does a kick do then
@Wipqozn No I'm serious man it's a great movie
I can't believe that's been up for 3 minutes and only has 2upvotes. You guys have failed me.
@RedRiderX I'd rather be a grumpy old man and complain about how movies aren't what they used to be
@Sterno understands. He's old.
@Wipqozn Meh. I have no problem with people liking it. It's a well made movie
@twobugs yeah but youu dislike things that I like
the worst part of @Sterno getting to Dishonored before me is it makes me really want to play it, but I refuse to not finish thief 2
I bet @Sterno knew that too. The monster.
the best bit of incredables is that end
@Wipqozn Well I do dislike Bleach, which is your favorite thing
also NO CAPES!
@twobugs God I'm so happy that's over
So is the author apparently
Q: Can I stop game lag in 7 Days to Die?

C-dizzleWhile playing 7 Days to Die on my PS4, it will occasionally lag/freeze when attempting to do something. It can be when I'm building, collecting materials, etc... but it always seems to happen at the worst point, whenever I collect some murky water. Now since the game lagged and I accidentally pu...

There is a lot if evidence he was burned out as hell last few years
Wouldn't surprise me
The manga schedule is pretty messed up
A chapter a week
It sounds like there were a lot of editorial disputes
@Wipqozn Nah dude it's reasonable to demand about 4 hours a sleep with almost no vacations ever
@fredley He sure showed that bull whose boss
I don't understand how he's not dead
@fredley Because he's got heart
In Dishonored, how much of an impact does lethal have, story-wise.
@KutuluMike ?
that # doesn't include the CV queue, either, I guess, which is pretty low at only 8300
ah. SO has huge edit queue always
yeah SU isn't much better
cc: @Wipqozn for my question above.
@Fluttershy iirc if you kill someone then the game is going to have you eating babies by the end.
Also it's been too long I don't remember
Toxikk is out now, with a free edition. It's a fast-paced AFPS, very much like Quake and UT99/2004.
@djsmiley2k damn
I do know that if you go lethal that it means you're not as cool as I am cc @Fluttershy
@tombull89 are you affiliated?
@arda nope.avi, just community member who's running some servers.
OK. Just wanted to get that out the way
looks fun. I might try it.
A: Movie Night - October 2016

RedRiderXMovie Suggestion: The Angry Birds Movie This is a dark horse pick, but it's personally one of my favorite movies of the year. Good animation, a strange plot, and undertones of issues such as immigration and western power dynamics will keep your interest throughout. An island populated enti...

@RedRiderX just need someone to suggest sausage party
@djsmiley2k I'd upvote that.
@djsmiley2k Don't think that's out for home viewing yet.
@Wipqozn :)
Just moved the taskbar to the left side of the screen

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