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I'm pretty sure infinity plus one is still infinity.
I have a feeling I might be getting another "You've been pwned" email, this time regarding Last.fm. The good news is I think I've changed my password there in the last 4 years.
Q: Is TruckersMP safe?

GipsyDI want to play online with ETS2, am skeptical if TruckersMP is truly safe, as it is asking for me to sign using Steam. Will it monitor my purchases on Steam? Or is it just to authenicate if I have a proper copy of ETS2? Many thanks

Ooo I should stream Sonic Adventure DX
I should find my controller
Update: I found it
Truly an epic for the ages
That took about...
14 seconds?
@Wipqozn real talk, though, sonic adventure 2 soundtrack is so good
this is a great day
(apparently official from Sonic Runners)
Well, @Unionhawk has gone mad with power
Why is it not Friday yet?
Because it is Tuesday.
@KevinvanderVelden I can see you're already missing my liveblogs
Hmm, that'll require some configuration
(thanks Sonic for informing me that it wasn't running on the nvidia card though, you get a gold star)
Question: why do recruiters always bring up "they've got a real start-up like culture"?
@Yuuki hip&cool
What's not to love about drinking up and broing down besides everything about that?
@Yuuki If they use the word "real", it might be because a lot of companies say they have a "start-up" culture, but don't actually have one? Also, many people find that type of culture appealing.
I guess what it really means is "we don't have a dress code"
> Knuckles has a reputation of being 'real deal', and you are a child.
I personally don't mind the size of a company.
If you want a dress code, you're a monster
@Unionhawk points 2 and 3 are inverted
Well this is the KickStarter model
that is why you cannot have good things
@Yuuki The idea is that smaller start-ups value the opinions of individuals more, and give you more freedom to work the way that you can be more productive with less red tape, bureaucracy, and managers breathing down your neck.
What was that video @GnomeSlice linked awhile back? Bird down or something?
oh god being able to pick my own tools is so critical to me D:
Who knows how true that is for a given company, but that's what they're trying to tell you when they say that.
especially since apparently the sanest webserver debugger for perl is... vim
I can like mouse around and double click on things.
All right, I'm checking to see if Dolphin and OBS are both running on Nvidia and then do some TWW
Why? Because I am what nintendo calls a Filthy Pirate who Doesn't Own A Capture Card
@StrixVaria Okay, I guess that makes sense.
@Unionhawk and how!
Well how is actually an autoreply for the pattern *what*emulator* because I am fancy.
I don't want to know what your emulator is.
@Yuuki as a warning, sometimes "start up culture" can also mean "standardized policies and practices? we don't need no standardized policies and practices"
and your autoreplies don't work as advertised.
@badp possibly biggest issue with current job
@badp In twitch chat
0/10 Inadequate
@badp inadequatent
no, that's -0/10 Inadequaten't
Ok I think we're good?
It isn't good is it
details! details! screenshots! ranting! cmon, man, what have I taught you.
you aren't doing it right until @GnomeSlice gives his "more spam pls" Seal of Approval
Q: Is there a maximum amount of artifact power a weapon can hold?

hammythepigI've been questing, killing rares, and collecting treasure for just a day now on about 3 characters, collecting many items to upgrade my Artifact Power. Above the experience bar is another bar showing the current and total Artifact Power I have collected for my weapon: At level 100 it was a maxim...

I don't have my second monitor set up so this should be super fun
@Frank Contacted the community team.
And it doesn't want to open up dashboard on my phone because it wants to redirect to the app
@StrixVaria I almost missed the bio
@badp Yeah, I wasn't sure what the problem was at first glance.
Sorry, suppose I should have mentioned that.
I think I basically have everything ready for my roadtrip.
@Unionhawk my job here is done, also happy pings ~ I'm going home.
@badp pls, I'm way more pro much than @Wipqozn
At least 70% more pro much
Is 70% really how much pro much more you are than @Wipqozn's Adequate Stream
@Wipqozn didn't have any chat bots
I think 15% is closer to how much pro much more you might be
70% is much more pro much more than @Wipqozn than you really are
Coebot does give me some nice features that are useful, mostly !uptime
Uhhhh... 8/8?
I can probably add !modabuse that just times out a random soul
it's not random until there are two souls
Two nonmoderator souls, at that
@Unionhawk yeah it rocks
@badp I even managed to do that thing I was failing at miserablly yesterday
Turning off your ping sounds?
Q: Why are most old (around 2004-2009) PC game boxes the size of two boxes today?

JackMacWindowsI have a question about old PC games. I have a good number (~20) of Sims games. I noticed that some of my old Sims 2 boxes are as thick as two of the "normal"-size boxes. Here is an example: Notice how the boxes are much thicker than a normal box. Why were these boxes thicker? Was this a standa...

Q: How do join up with a friend in Titan Quest Anniversary Edition?

OakI want to play the updated Titan Quest with a friend, in Steam. How can I do that? Using Steam's "join game" or "invite to game" options only send me to the in-game list of multiplayer servers, and that list is completely unusable (can't search, can't scroll, can't sort). What can I do?

@Lazers2.0 because someone picked those boxes?
@Lazers2.0 Because the bigger the box, the more likely someone would see it. The more likely someone would see it, the more likely they would buy it. Then shipping costs started becoming an issue.
and costs of shelf space for that matter
> Spacecom Ltd., the Israeli operator of the Amos 6 satellite destroyed today, has not confirmed whether the spacecraft was fully insured for a loss before liftoff.
Heck yes apparently they're making a version of Yoshi's Wooly World for 3ds
It's a national treasure.
@fredley pls.
@badp ugh, we need to have a patentrexit
or not allow people to patent stupid things
@badp Wow, BT invented providing access to things, sending messages across networks, and video streaming.
@murgatroid99 ur just jelly
It's amazing what kinds of things you can invent when you don't actually have to think of anything original
guys, guys, i've just patented the concept of nouns
brb going to delaware to get all teh cash
For the record, in case an employer of mine is ever involved in something like this, my above messages are sarcastic
We get lectured about discovery quite a bit at work, and especially about how statements by people who aren't legal experts can be taken out of context to support an argument that hurts their employer
@SaintWacko So it turns out that my friend on Lightbringer is Alliance. When I get my Horde Paladin to level cap, I might roll a Death Knight on your server.
@murgatroid99 can't we all just live in a giant hippie commune and share everything and work for the betterment of society as a whole?
@GodEmperorDune that is precisely what ip laws are supposed to be
we share everything so long as the creator gets a little kick back
like, you know, 150 years or so of monopoly on written words, or 15 years or so of monopoly on ideas
chump change
what about the patent on a cartoon mouse that will never hit public domain?
@GodEmperorDune That's copyright. And until they lobby to get it extended again, they only have it for 70 years after Walt Disney died.
And the important thing is that Walt Disney is getting his fair share of the profits from his creation, so the system clearly works
@Ronan Bird Up. The worst show on television
@murgatroid99 ah right, patent vs copyright
@GnomeSlice slug up just got renewed for 6 seasons!
@murgatroid99 what you should ask yourself is, is the people giving up the minimum amount of rights that is allowing the useful arts etc.
the answer is a patent "no"
pun intended
@badp I can't parse that sentence
copyright and trademark are a tradeoff between the public and the creator. the public gives up a right to published works in the hopes that a creator will publish more.
this is why we have them in the first place.
for SOME reason this trade keeps only being reviewed in the creator's favours.
we as the public have given up too much, but it is never enough for the industries
so how do we fix it?
this is not "the system working as intended"
@badp Of course. Copyright duration in America is, by definition, 5-10 years longer than the lifetime of Mickey Mouse. The obvious conclusion from that is that nothing will ever drop out of copyright again
@GodEmperorDune we don't. international trade treaties pretty much locked in copyright as is forever
and it's only allowed to get worse from here
@murgatroid99 is the obvious conclusion that mickey mouse would never had been created forever it wasn't going to be the creator's monopoly until 2010?
something he himself had no way to know since the extension that brought it to that year only came into place way after the act?
for every year of monopoly the public gives up how much extra content is created?
@badp if it wasn't mickey mouse paving the way it would be some other company's lucrative property
Q: Boosting a Class Trial character

YuukiI got a free Character Boost for pre-ordering Legion and I was wondering how it worked in conjunction with the new Class Trial feature. According the Character Boost support article, a character that is level 60+ when boosted will also have their primary professions and First Aid skill increased....

how much of what is ever created is worth anything at all after 5 years
these messages are copyrighted. your texts are copyrighted. your photos are copyrighted. literally everything that ever been on any screen is copyrighted unless it has been produced by the US goverment, pretty much
you drop copyright to 5 years or so, you foster and legalize the existing remix culture that is already a thing and already gives 0 fucks about copyright, and you affect a 0.00000000000nought percent of works
that is my view
if you think a star wars wouldn't get produced today without copyright
"you wouldn't download a movie"
somehow despite rampant piracy over the last 10 years, the industries are healthy and generating massive profits
given that the factual lack of this government-promised monopoly is not harming them greatly
@badp Yes I would.
software piracy is a thing but Google hasn't shot down apk mirror for their "rampant theft", nor as Google really been damaged for its existence
Q: What does the "Survival Chance" in "Why you got fired" represent?

JALIn Don't Get Fired, every time you get fired for one reason or another, your survival chance for that reason increased by 10% until a certain point. "Failing the Interview" is capped at 90% for me, but I have hit 100% for "Because there's no more work to do." When survival chance is at 100% for...

well that was fun
1% of frames dropped
Q: Server successfully votes for a different map but loads the same one

Camouflaged CowOn my CSGO server, I have it so that there are two maps to vote for at the end of the game. When the vote goes, it says it will load the other map but instead picks the same one. Why is that?

I guess I could have it do 640x480 instead of whatever widescreen equivalent it was downscaling to
I need to find someone with a variable power supply
Don't you just hate people who are always so chirpy.
Just turn it down occasionally.
@Ronan I think those are birds
meet @Ronan, bird hater extraordinaire
Nobody tell @ProBirdRights
It's such a good twitter account.
Anyway it's @SaintWacko who hated the birds, or at least find some non-birds.
I like birds
> i not unerstand why eggs on twietter is so rude??? repspect youre elders.
@Ronan Is this the new horse_ebooks?
@SaintWacko You said you wanted someone with a variable powersupply.
@Ronan Yes
What does that have to do with birds?
this is too much
> do not worry Merica I for one will never indoors Dornal Drump. i not even allowed indoors
cc @Wipqozn and @fredley on that sick pun
@SaintWacko Well then I said that people who are always at full power are the worst.
Alright it was a terrible joke I'm sorry.
@ronan ಠ_ಠ
@PrivatePansy It was a response to MRAs.
Ahhh, okay
@Ronan well... actually...
So I think we're doing Oktoberfest and October Fest
@Unionhawk When do you think you'll go to them?
Oktoberfest is September, October Fest is October
Oktoberfest is a celebration of Germany and drinking, October Fest is a celebration of skeletons. And drinking.
what about urmomfest?
/remove godemperordune
ah right, @badplsfest
Q: Where do i locate the png for the sky in assets

MyTreeko78255Where do locate the file for the sky in assets for resource pack note the assets are in the pack not the Minecraft assets also what applications do i require to open pack.mcmeta get these folders at http://www.mediafire.com/download/mjn284318a623tn/Default+Resource+Pack.zip

Man, that SpaceX explosion is something.
Q: I posted a pokemon at one gym and did not collect any pokecoins

vtam1668Can someone explain this to me? I have one pokemon placed at a gymn and I collected the 10 pokecoins immediately. When I placed another pokemon at another gym, I was not able to collect any pokecoins because it has not been 21 hours yet. However, my two pokemons were defeated shortly after I pl...

@Ellesedil more like spacerekt
@Lazers2.0 Actually, I take back my duplicate flag. cc@fredley
I'm watching someone from team Instinct troll whoever is trying to take the local gym.
It was level 3 and someone took it down, but this one dude has been ninjaing it back. Happened 4 times so far.
I wonder how long it will be before Niantic adds a grace period for the attacker(s) to add a Pokemon to the gym before others.
of course it's instinct
Well, to be fair, Instinct is way under represented in my area.
the only way instinct and mystic can cap gyms is through tricks
Mystic is actually the more numerous team here.
They own the most gyms at any given time.
It's pretty rare to find more than a gym or two that's yellow.
too bad mystic is all losers cc @uni
The gym just flipped to Mystic, but it looks like someone is attacking it already.
that's a neat ship design
very millenium falcon
@GnomeSlice What game is that?
I played an alpha way back, got the full game now, pretty cool
I'm always interested in good space games.
@Ellesedil It's sort of a shmup with tower defense elements
@Ellesedil Have you played Galaxy On Fire II ?
@GnomeSlice No.
@Ellesedil Looooved that game
It's cheap now too I'm pretty sure
and check this out rockfishgames.com/games
Afaik some of the guys who worked on GOF are making that
it's so pretty
4th hit: "Galaxy on Fire 2 HD Unlimited Money/Items Glitch". Nice.
Oh cool, it was a mobile game originally.
@Ellesedil yeah its decent for a mobile game
@GnomeSlice Everspace seems cool. I'd try it.
Q: Minecraft pc Alex Problem

Short Skull333I have a zte and i downloaded the update for mcpc and I had alex skin, I picked a Diffrent skin but it keeps going to alex. I re-downloaded the skin, nothing. I uninstalled MCPC and re installed it. My app for the skin is called world of skins btw. I also unninstalled my skin app. nothings worki...

Q: Gym on pokemon go

Jeannie BrightI would like to make my home a gym in Pokémon go. I live at 313 N 9th St in Petersburg Il 62675. How can that be done. our home is on the historical home tour. Thanks Jeannie Bright. I think it would be fun for the tourist that also play pokemon go!

@Ellesedil Yeah, don't let that turn you off though
@GnomeSlice It's not. If it's a short game, I'm more likely to want an Android version.
Q: Does Hustle Affect Moves that Bypass Accuracy

IG_42The ability Hustle boosts the attack stat by 50% but reduces the accuracy of physical moves 20%. So what happens to physical attacks that 'always hit' like aerial ace? Do they receive the boost and do they become capable of missing?

@Yuuki O.o how does that even
Like I know there is a science that happens
but it's still weird
@Ash Fluid dynamics is super-complicated and that's why these machines are built.
Waves, man.
@Yuuki Huh, so this thing is made to do a science so we can figure out why it does that thing?
Fluid simulations are among the most complex simulations science does and plenty of research facilities have wave machines because it makes it a lot easier to understand and study.
@Ash Pretty much.
Neat :)
@Ash Actually, some of the comments delve into why the pool exists. "To those asking: its for testing wave energy converters & is designed to apply all types of waves from all types of directions all at once."
I kiiiiinda want to take a floaty raft into one and lie on it.
As far as my layman's understanding of it goes, the waves meet in the dead middle of the pool. Because of the symmetry, the crests and valleys of the waves match up and resonate.
Basically like pushing a pendulum when it's at the furthest point of its swing.
@Ellesedil The mobile edition got an expansion the desktop one did not
@Lazers2.0 I voted to close as off-topic, but duplicate might be more appropriate...
@GnomeSlice There's 2 and Alliances. Both are free. The Android developer is Deep Silver, though.
Developed by fishlabs
Alliance is bad apparently
it's an rts or something
Play 2

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