Either way, I'm not saying I think he should be banned (because I don't), just that his habit of doing these things network wide is the kind of thing I would expect someone to be banned for.
@Wipqozn That may be so, but for me, the humor's rather lessened by the fact that it creates unnecessary cleanup work for the other sites and their mods.
My Mom beat one of the arcade versions of Space Invaders that could actually be beaten (it still resets you to the start, of course, but you get a pretty pixel image celebrating your accomplishment)
@Tristan Probably Wild ARMs 3. Though depending on how Trails in the Sky goes (once the next part gets localized!), it may shift.
@Wipqozn Kirby series. Naturally Return to Dreamland has the largest polish and the most recent and most entertaining experience, but I owe a lot to the series and every platforming game in its history has a place in my heart.
I got Wild ARMs 3 for $10 on a price tag that said $50. Rest in peace, CompUSA, you gave me the best deal for the best item without even knowing it.
But in general, despite its excellence, you can usually find the game for a pretty low price. And it's not nearly as hard to find as, say, any Ogre Battle entry.
I love a lot of other platformers as well, but Kirby has a special place in my heart that all of the combo-madness or crazy-ranked-skill-runs and speedrunner in me can't hope to compete against.
Bodies do not persist forever. Eventually they will be removed.
I was just beginning to think that the dragon skeleton at the College would be around forever, but when I visited it now it was gone.
Similarly, when I killed Belethor, I was surprised to see that his body had been cleaned up rathe...
The mission where you have to defuse a bomb in the sewers there are 2 hackable turrets. Has anyone figured out a way to get these outside? It would be fun to drop this outside the police station and annoy the cops.
I downloaded the Valentine's Day update, and Snoopy now has a Cupid costume and can shoot people with love arrows.
Problem is, I have no idea how to make that happen.
How can I get him to shoot people?
Im trying to find out how am i able to find spider spawners to gain exp on SMP.
Ive seen players that had found 4 spawners near each other and im looking to find out if theres and tricks or..... to help me find one.
I have an underground village all planned out on graph paper, and am ready to start building it. I have decided to have three block thick walls, with the middle being obsidian. Overall, I need a space 53 blocks long, 53 blocks wide, and 31 blocks high. What would be the most efficient way to d...
amazon's having an "encore pc download sale" for those of you who live in the US (I'm guessing?) and don't mind dealing with whatever amazon's form of DRM is.
@FallenAngelEyes Some announcement on the Fulgur site from some day that I didn't bother to read said "It's out on Steam, and will soon be on GamersGate".
As tempting as it is to just buy it, I do have other priorities for must-buys at the moment so I'd like to hold back on spending all too much money so rapidly.
The best was on SCIV, at least on xbox live, the community was so immature a lot of people would rage quit if you chose Kilik and then send you private messages calling you various names. IT was pretty funny.