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Man September is going to be a huge month, shame FF15 got pushed back
@twobugs What else good?
ign.com/games/upcoming/… does this seem broken to you as well?
Like it has no CSS.
not sure what causes that
@StrixVaria DQ7 3ds, Forza Horizon 3, Legion (okay Aug 30th but whatever), Destiny expansion
DQ7 3DS is huge, critically acclaimed remake it looked like we might never get
So, looking purely at what's coming up: Legion, Civ VI, Dishonored 2, South Park
that's for me
@Nzall When does Civ VI release?
@Nzall oh the last 2 of those sound good
@Arperum somewhere in mid-october
I believe the 21st
So quiet some time from now.
although as with any civ game, I might wait for the DLC to release
@Nzall I should start doing that.
Well, that's good news for me, because it means I have enough time to focus on Legion
Just looking at PC games between Legion and Civ VI: Bioshock, Dead Rising, Nascar, Horror, Recore, Dead Rising, Forza, Mafia 3, Moto Racing, Battlefield 1 (same day as Civ)
that's literally all the PC games between Legion and Civ VI
Civ 6 and Dishonored 2 as well? Damn September is amazing
Err, Civ isn't September
Ah, oh well
October has Titanfall 2 and Civ 6 then
And Dishonored 2 doesn't release until November 11th
I think Trump is terrified
It must suck to be @Wipqozn and not be playing Deus Ex right now.
and now he's throwing the election
@twobugs Titanfall 2 looks soooooo gooood
I think the only thing Trump could do to purposefully throw the election is to act like a reasonable person, and therefore lose his most ardent supporters.
Definitely getting that on PS4
@Sterno There are a surprising number of trump supporters
@GnomeSlice Does it have an actual singleplayer campaign this time?
@Nzall looks like it does
I'm getting it on Xbox One with my friend
@Nzall Yes, it does
I want november for doctor strange
I don't really care either way as the multiplayer campaign was great in 1
I want it to be 17:45. I want to go home. I'm tired.
And I am slightly worried about Battlefield One as they started showing anachronistic stuff like vertical grip attachments
I just think that defeats the whole point of a specific time period setting
Sounds good this time, but I'm still going to wait for it to come down in price since the only multiplayer I do is strictly PvE
@Nzall You're missing a world of fun
Also, play Destiny
Eh, to each their own
@twobugs If they would go for actual WWI experience, the game would just be sitting around in trenches for a few days, jumping out and immediately getting mowed down by machineguns
@Nzall Well yes, and dying if diseases rather than combat
@GnomeSlice You have no idea how frustrated I am with WoW PvP class balance
WoW wasn't originally intended as a PVP game was it?
But, there's a good balance between accurate and fun
@GnomeSlice 95% of PvP causes a desinterest from me.
Class update: iot class is going to be really cool
Yeah, and having been forced to partake in PvP for 2 expansions in a row now so I can compete in PvE has completely put me off PvP
@GnomeSlice It was, it's just difficult to keep two totally different types of gameplay balanced when they use the same system
oh gross, they force the pvp on you?
@Sterno :(
In MoP, I had to do PvP to get my legendary cloak
@Unionhawk Sweet
@Nzall Hmm? There has only been a vety small bit if forced PvP in mists...
we had to win 2 BGs with shit design
So both for PvE players who hated PvP, and PvP players who suddenly got an influx of PvE players who didn't care about the content, it was horrible
It was a bad idea and they agreed
and now in Warlords of Draenor, you have weekend events where you have to win 4 BGs in one of them or 10 arena skirmishes int the other
so you could get your Valor Points to upgrade your gear
But that is completely optional in Warlords...
One of these days I need to play Deus Ex with no hacking skill so that finding codes and passwords actually matters
Valor points come from a ton of PvE sources and I always had a surplus
@twobugs If you can't do mythic dungeons because of poor itemlevel, you miss out on roughly half of your valor, so that 500 VP was welcome
@Wipqozn I rode the "Naturals" train instead of the "Aug" train and the loading screen was people giving me frightened or disgusted looks
What item level are you talking?
@twobugs the WoW community expects around 700 ilvl, with many going above that
and even if you have 700 itemlevel, if you don't have any tier set bonuses or decent trinkets, you're still missing out on huge DPS
Q: How do I make a skyrim mod without creation kit?

Emo FoxI was always wondering how modders on the nexus make amazing mods without the creation kit because the update makes it incredibly confusing then what I've seen in the past. I wanted to make my own race because alot of race mods don't really suit my interests so I wanted to make my own. Anyone kn...

which makes the dungeons harder for everyone
like, the set bonuses and trinkets from LFR are just meh
they're fortunately fixing that in Legion
You can do them before 700 and get upgrades to 700 otherwise
@twobugs Good luck finding a group who will do them with you with less than 700 itemlevel
Even though they only drop 685+ gear
Apparently this is interdisciplinary with geography or something?
I have multiple times
Most people who do mythic dungeons do them for the valor and just want a fast run
And you absolutelt don't need All Valor Every Week
@twobugs yeah, that's true because 1 week is enough to almost get capped
but still, most guilds expected you to have fully upgraded gear ASAP
@twobugs indeed, it's All Mystic
@Unionhawk the IoT thing?
@Nzall Yes but after the first few weeks that isn't a problem
Pvp wasn't forced in Warlords by any stretch
Yes, and blizzard had spectacular timing by having the first 3 weekends be BG, pets and Arena's
@KevinvanderVelden yeah
@Unionhawk how does that work?
Did they mean rocks and shit by things?
I mean they are things
Crap now I want an internet enabled rock
Not certain, but I'm not a PhD in geography so
Not geology
Internet connected mountain?
@KevinvanderVelden I want internet connected toilet paper so I can wipe my ass with a live feed of donald trump's face
You know what the big issue with IoT is these days? They're adding it to everyday objects, and make it so you need internet for the everyday object to fulfill its function
Like, you have an internet connected oven, but if you don't have internet, you can't turn it on
or you have a doorbell that only rings when the internet is on
No, the problem is all of this: twitter.com/internetofshit
or you have a fork that will only pick up food when it's connected to the internet
@KevinvanderVelden all 3 of those are on that feed already
Exactly, I just linked you to the list
Q: Why sans's room is on fire?

RalshoPlaying Undertale when you visist the house of Sans and Papyrus you see the mysterious door at the right that belongs to Sans, but the room is continously on fire or lights or whatever. Does it have any hidden secret that i don't get?

Prague is too big
Maybe you're too small
Prague's too big. yeah yeah yeah I'm not too small no no no
flips desk
"We need only these type of accounts to be able to do something, you have to implement the something. We do not have a test account of said type"
@Wipqozn Do you find yourself occasionally saving the game, holding down Q to murder some particularly nasty anti-aug civilian, and then restoring, or is that just me?
innocent whistling
@Sterno why would you use save scumming for that?
Just do it in your running save
Because I don't want to continue the game as a mass murderer?
Wait, the game punishes you for killing random civilians?
I mean, then I wouldn't get a pacifist cheevo!
Define "punish"
If people see it the police come
impede you in your progress
Kind of like real life.
If you're playing a stealth game without quicksave you're doing something wrong
@Unionhawk Your face is something wrong.
Mmm, quite
@Arperum I don't see what those two have to do with each other. Aside from both being clearly correct
Guys, Battlefield 1 has a $50 season pass. This makes me sad. ;-;
> They sweat together, they sleep together: in the name of gender equality, Norway has introduced compulsory military service for women, even bunking them in mixed dorms with their brothers-in-arms.
oh boy
@KevinvanderVelden Didn't say they were related.
@GnomeSlice Why? If compulsory military service is required, it's only fair to force everyone equally.
@Arperum What do you think a bunch of physically fit young men and women are going to be doing in co-ed bunks
that seems like a dumb idea
See the article: Not have sex
@KevinvanderVelden pretty small sample size
not convinced
> But 18 percent [of women] still said they had been subjected to inappropriate comments or behaviour.
That's not too bad but it could be a lot better
@Sterno Did you get a talking to when you got off the train from a cop? Because I did, when I made the same mistake.
@Wipqozn Yeah
I just managed to break our product by adding a html comment open tag to a name field.
@Sterno I've been tempted to.
@GnomeSlice Meh, if all parties agree to the sex and it's done safely, I see no issue at all...
It's not really appropriate for brothers in arms
Plus, harassment
I feel like I'm currently in an area that will have a mission later. It's this ruined building underground. Lots of vents and stuff to go through. A bunch of laser tripmines that aren't currently armed. And pretty much nothing of note down there
@Sterno Mankind Divided? I keep running into areas like that too.
@GnomeSlice Harassment is never ok.
@GnomeSlice you will also notice there's a link there
@GnomeSlice Why not?
@KevinvanderVelden Even in a men only army, there is still a certain amount of sex happening, although a substantial part of that is rape
Boeing has a patent out for artillery shells of flame retardant to fight forest fires http://www.popsci.com/boeing-wants-artillery-to-fight-forest-fires https://t.co/tvNqeuUWmy
Why would you expect mixed bunks to be different?
Fight fire with firepower
Flame retardant? Are they going to fill those shells with 4chan users or something?
> The Norwegian Armed Forces (Forsvaret) will not make any formal rule changes despite a female soldier’s complaint that she was made to bathe nude alongside 30 male soldiers.
That's even worse
@Sterno Have you done the side job involving the Property Bank?
That could be a case of "There are already rules that forbid this, changing rules to forbid this twice doesn't change anything"
I mean I guess that's true equality but still
I just spent a Praxis point to increase inventory space so I can carry more stuff to sell so that I can afford to buy a Praxis point!
@MadMAxJr I'm standing outside it and thinking about breaking in. Don't think I have a job for it yet though.
I am a horrible season pass buyer, so I just got the aug that lets me scrap items into weapon parts.
I suppose I should do some jobs first, then explore
@KevinvanderVelden No, the officer that caused said incident has been fined, but the fine has been removed upon appeal.
@Sterno I've come across a few spots like that,
That bank is a hell of an intrusion test.
Q: What nickname should I give

Nithin M K GowdaIt is asking nickname and I tried many names but it is that name is not available

I had to try things I didn't think would work.
@Arperum Oh, well that's utterly dumb then
@MadMAxJr I'm going to be doing that bank once I get back from my current missionn.
@KevinvanderVelden If they have some rule on "All bathing should be naked"...
@Sterno Do you have the request from TF29 to investigate the hacking incident involving their cover shop?
This is making me want to play the previous games again.
I'm gonna back this
I don't know why this always happens.
@MadMAxJr I still haven't gone to TF29. That was going to be the absolute last thing I did.
Maybe I should get there.
@Sterno Going there unlocks more sidequests.
You can safely go to TF29, poke around, pick up the next major job from there.
I'm first going to play DXHR before I'm going to do DXMD
You don't get right to the next mission after going there
@Nzall that is what I'm doing as well
In fact you'll need to confirm you want to mission before you do a mission @Sterno. Based on my one use case, I think this holds true in all cases.,
I guess I could go there then. The dude from there has been whining in my ear anyway.
I made the local police mad. Turns out if you ignore the signs for directing augs and naturals in the train stations, they will detain you.
Well, that was fun.
"Sir, are you aware you just rode a naturals only train? Please show me your papers."
@Sterno yeah he complains a lot
Trying to figure out how many characters to add to a string to make it a palindrome.
@MadMAxJr Same thing happened to me
@Frank 363
@MadMAxJr time to punch a cop, then?
There are way too many cops for me to start fights.
And some of them have some serious armor.
@Wipqozn Yay for a developer test.
Only thing allowed was looking up references. No code copying.
@Frank all but the last one
BTW, does the way you behave as an aug in the game have an impact on how augs are treated in general? Like, if you are an absolute ass to everyone and don't mind collateral, does it have an impact later on?
So I tried to adhere to that as best I could.
@KevinvanderVelden Well, minimum number of characters.
@Frank oh
Still, step 1 is that =p
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, it's rough.
I split the string in half, and then compared from the outside in.
Hmm. Not sure.
If the strings are even, then the number of characters is the number that don't match.
I made an extra effort to save a guy during the intro portion, who did turn up later. I haven't seen any other impacts on the story based on my choice yet.
It's when the strings are uneven that everything just busted.
@GnomeSlice I wanted to back this, but I didn't like their reward tiers. :(
@Fluttershy Looks like they got lots of money anyway
Currently carrying a silenced pistol, revolver for heavy punch, and a sniper rifle because I'm not sure when I'll use this, but I think I need it.
Also I randomly broke into an apartment only to discover it's your BOSSES apartment from TF29. :O
I'm just gonna leave this chat if it keep being about deus ex =p
@MadMAxJr did he yell at you for it?
I don't think he's aware I was ever there.
I was snooping around at random, opened a window, went in, sat down at the computer and the image and name was your boss.
So I made sure to read all of his email, open all of his drawers, take all of his medications and batteries.
And run his microwave. Twice.
@MadMAxJr Imagine when in a dozen hours, you get to your own PC and you get an email from him saying "someone broke into my apartment. Could you go check it out and see if you can find any tracks"?
I'm still curious how Jensen fits into ducts so easily. I can only assume his body shifts into some horrible arachnid configuration.
Q: Can't get into the Aurora

user162392So the new PRAWN update is out and it recommended that i start a new game, but im pretty built up on resources and dont wanna do that so i tried to see if i could work with the already saved one, but it seems there s no way to enter the Aurora now, as the little gap on the side is gone (or hidden...

@GnomeSlice Yep. It was successfully funded.
@MadMAxJr SpiderAug, SpiderAug, does whatever a Spider can
Can he hack on the web, yes he can, he is spiderAug.
Well there is an aug to hack at range.
Oh wow. Hope Solo got a 6 month suspension.
I bet @badp is happy with the 32 degrees it is outside
@KevinvanderVelden I am content.
I'd rather deal with one day of 32°C than 130 days of rain
Give me the rain any day.
I miss Seattle. ;-;
@badp 145 days with > 1.0mm last year
that's almost 1 in 2, you monster.
There were 140 dry days
that's not even 40%, you monster.
Hey I was born here, what's your excuse? =p
@GnomeSlice Did you play the Titanfall 2 tech test this past weekend?
@MadMAxJr You monster
@badp Actually driebergen is above sea level
Oh no. It's beginning. Cries that Sean Murray is the new Peter Molyneux.
@badp Plenty of your mom south of your mom
You fools. You never considered if it was Peter Molyneux ALL ALONG.
@MadMAxJr That started when it launched
Peter Molyneux Did Nothing Wrong
Peter Molyneux has rarely done much right.
Godus was the straw that broke the camel's back for Molyneux. I loved Fable, despite its flaws. The Lost Chapters added a lot of what he left out, too. But Godus is Godawful.
See what I did there?
@Fluttershy How'd you like Curiosity?
@StrixVaria Equally stupid. And all the crap that the winner was promised didn't come to fruition because of the failure that is Godus.
@StrixVaria wasn't Godus the game that the curiosity prize was supposed to be about?
So, again, Godus ruined everything.
Anyway Godus is a complete trainwreck, agreed.
@badp That would be rather long overnight drives for me though...
@Fluttershy In fact, the lone developer just quite a little while ago.
His contract wasn't renewed, which tells me Molyneux only did it due to the immense backlash it got.
@Arperum so you'd already have moved.
Godus was a mess, Curiosity was awful, and Fable was flawed. But Black & White will always be among the best games ever made.
Is Godus officially dead or still officially in development.
@Fluttershy Black and White, to me, was a pretty decent idea but the implementation was pretty boring and unresponsive.
@badp I still have to live here for a couple years for not getting massive tax fines.
@Fluttershy Until you realize that you could either have played a strategy game or Wonder Project instead of a mash-up :P
@Arperum Dead until the internet murders Molyneux about it.
@StrixVaria I had a lot of fun on the first island and I quit by the third
@Arperum but the driving costs would have been higher and would have helped offset the fines
Super repetitive and the morality system just meant Good was annoying
@StrixVaria That's fair. It wasn't a perfect game, by any means, but it largely defined my early years of PC gaming. It's the same reason I'll always enjoy American McGee's Alice games.
@badp Possibly. To offset >€12k in fines needs a lot of driving though.

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