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<BrightHouse Tech> so, let me get an idea of your setup. What kind of router is connected to your modem?
<Me> its not a router. I have a multi-homed PC connected directly to the modem.
<BrightHouse> .... a what? is that like a router?
@KutuluMike Multiple NICs?
it's a firewall/gateway.
which I've been using as-is for about 15 years.
but every time I have to call cable support, the guy on the other end knows less and less.
oh goodie, they're calling me back for a satisfaction survey.
@KutuluMike Can you give negatives on the 1 to 5 scale?
i pressed 0 a lot.
worst part is, I know this is just because their infrastructure is garbage... IP connectivity disappears for a hour or so at a time at least 5 times a month.
@KutuluMike How long does it take to come back up?
I thought maybe if I call and ask, someone could go "oh look, that's not supposed to be like that" and fix it.
yay skype viruses
At least with my internet, they give me a modem/router
instead, I talked to this idiot for 20 minutes, then he asked me to unplug my multi-homed Linux server and plug a Windows 10 PC in just so he could tell me how to turn off the firewall
I was like "you know what dude, I'm gonna hang up and wait this out."
20 minutes later it comes back, as expected.
@Frank well, Brighthouse wants to pretend their are networking guys.
if you let them, they come in and install a DOCSIS router that is also a wifi access point.
and they hook all your PC's up to their wifi managed by their guys.
cc @Wipqozn @TimStone :(
I was like "nope, not having that", but now every time I call for support, I have to wait until the tier 1 guy figures out he's in over his head.
@KutuluMike I'd be like, "Yeah, nope, I know how to do this. Go away."
@Sterno Hey, I deserve this
You don't know what I had to go through to get this thing to run for some unknown reason
it used to be easy, because their customer service guy would pick up clues that I was beyond level 1, and they'd be all "alrighty, lemme send you up to level 2" and I'd get a networking guy.
and their networking guys are remarkably helpful and effiicent.
@KutuluMike can't you just ask to be escalated?
I tried.
I guess they don't do that anymore.
give 0 on satisfaction survey
I totally get why the dude answering the phone ain't gonna be able to help me.
I don't expect him to.
he's there to explain to grandma how to reboot her router or run IE
My only consolation is that I'll be playing it in glorious 2560x1440 while @Wipqozn probably played at 640x480 because his computer is awful
@arda note down that it wasn't their fault if there is a notes part but say that they should allow them to escalate so that it doesn't end up hurting that person's salary
urmom runs at 640x480
well, on the survey I claimed he was 4 on friendly but 0 on helpful (out of 4)
it was a phone survey.
but since I scored a 0 I'm pretty sure I'll get a follow-up email
he was really trying, but it was painful.
What's particularly frustrating is that DX seems to be stuck at 19.9/22.7 GB downloaded
I almost lost it when he asked me to ping localhost to see if my NIC was working.
See, I feel that guys pain because I am that guy
And he probably is stuck on a script of Shit he has to do before he can escalate
I wasn't mad at him for that bit.
1) they actually put that in your support script, to tell someone to "ping" and 2) IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT...
And probably only knows how to do things that they put out
@KutuluMike okay, yeah, no
But them not having any real escalation path is kinda annoying
@Ash I did not get annoyed at him until he decided that he had diagnosed my problem, and that it was my "security software"
@KutuluMike oh, boo. Yeah, no.
If I were running Windows and had one of those personal firewalls, sure, but I was like "I don't have any security software on this."
Thats like tech support speak for I don't know so let's blame something I don't have to worry about
meh, my internet is back and that guy had nothing to do with it, so ok.
Lol that's all that matters in the end
So first I couldn't start the game for no reason, and then I find out the mouse sensitivity change be adjusted in increments of 6, except when it's sometimes 7
This is so Squeenix it hurts
@TimStone For me I hit the button to finish preload and it churned the disk for 10 minutes but didn't download anything new. Stuck at 87%. Now I deleted everything and started redownloading. Got 3.1 GB and now it's doing the same thing. NOT WINNING
Oh, if it's stuck at 87% you're supposed to uncheck the Day One DLC or something?
I think that resolves it
Fuck me
Well, too late for that now
Worst yet simplest way I got escalated was with Rockstar Games and I had to kinda somewhat threaten them.

I had found a kind of dangerous security issue what was being exploited (that already cost rockstar games thousands) and I tried to contact them. It took 2 months to get a response of "Thank you for supplying the info" (I only added 2 screenshots proving that I had that info and stated that I wanted to be escalated to someone who can take action).

I replied that I'll release that info online if I don't get a response in a month and that security team can get it there if they want, and
@Sterno The lamest of sauces
@Sterno I believe that is, in fact, what is happening.
It's cool, Steam. I like redownloading 23 GB of game. Slowly.
I hear there's some mouse acceleration wackiness
I didn't enjoy doing that, but they ended up patching the exploit.
Q: What is the easiest female human spouse to get?

Chronos MythOk so I just married Camilla to test a previous question of mine. I got married to her in the temple and requested she moved into the house I bought in whiterun. Well after so I waited twelve in game hours then fast traveled to whiterun. She was not at my house. So I checked riverwood. Not there....

There's a phone app?
...That I use. To scan things in-game on the screen
@Lazers2.0 Initially read "get" as "eat" and was intrigued. After reading closer for clarification, disappointed.
@arda that was in mid 2015 btw
@Sterno You know kids better than that. They'll be up sick all night because of deus ex.
Q: Can you remove all scoreboard tags from a player at once?

Hutch MooreTo remove a tag from a player (or entity), you use: /scoreboard players tag <player> remove <tagName> [dataTag] If I potentially have multiple scoreboard tags on a player, is there any way to remove them with one command? As far as I can tell, there's no wildcard for this command: using * for ...

pebbleos 4 coming out soon
Q: Why it no let me sign in with google?

BuffaloSo I just started playing pokemon go and it asks me to sign up with my google account. So I press on sign up with google and the page will not load. I am connected to the internet and everything, so why won't it load for me? plz answer.

@RedRiderX This is where Sinning Jenny's wimple leads you (spoilers, obviously)
I need to get back into that
Except I'm waiting for the android app
The Android app is... interesting
It's not merely a thin wrapper around the web content. It has over 100MB of music and images that are not in the web version of the game
That makes it pretty cool to play, but also makes the app quite heavy in terms of performance
I wish I could tell iTunes to shuffle play the songs in a certain genre without it always playing the same song first
What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?
cc @Wipqozn
I might be able to start playing before @Wipqozn goes to bed
@Dragonrage Your mom?
@Wipqozn whoooooooosh
@Dragonrage Oh, now I get it
lol @ these non-lethal takedowns catapulting the enemies into the air for some reason
@TimStone Are you fighting against Team Rocket?
3 eggs left in egg inc
@Wipqozn messaged me in Steam and made DX crash and my computer need a hard reboot :(
@Sterno I' m so proud of myself
The Fallen London beta app is also hilariously buggy at the moment
Haha someone in my guild got banned
If you press back when it's loading the app just crashes
Uhhh @Wipqozn are there no auto-saves in the first mission thingy?
@PrivatePansy Does it give you a 404 error saying London not found in the EU?
I got a little bold jumping down at the chopper part and died and now I have to start over completely
oh nice, the site I'm writing for will get ads soon. Yay, finally some (small) income.
@TimStone I thoguht there was, but now I'm not sure.
It also wouldn't let me save manually?
@TimStone That all sounds very strange. Did you somehow turn on an ironman mode,which probably doesn't even exist?
I dunno but I suspect the game is trolling me
I get the sense the game doesn't want to you to be happy
It doesn't seem like it, no
Have you done something to offend Eidos Montreal?
Like, say, claim Poutine is dumb?
Also I still can't believe Poutine is mostly isolated to Canada
Not a fan of cheese curds myself, but I think I'd like the other parts of poutine.
I mean like any proper sort-of-Canadian I've made adequate fun of French Canada but
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh there was a log this whole time!
Not that there appears to be anything useful in it but whatever
There actually is an ironman mode but it seems disabled at the start
It's the "I never asked for this" difficulty
Also uh
What's that part at the beginning?
Where it's like "Your save data will no longer work if an update is installed"?
@TimStone yeah, that's dumb
In case you by have anymore issues
Fun times
Can't tranq seagulls. Game literally unplayable. Uninstalling.
@Sterno just fulton them instead
Too late. Game uninstalled. Sad letter complaining about it written to @Wipqozn's mom.
@Sterno My mom wanted to let you know you should just wrestle those seagulls with your hands, like a real man
but I,too, went for the tranq gun
and I assume so did @Tim "This game hates me" Stone
You know me so well
@Ash Oh, that's cool! I'm pretty sure I'd be far too self-conscious, though :P
@Sterno That's how Human Revolution was too. Sensitivity on 3: Easily manageable. Sensitivity on 4: OMGWTFICANTSEE
Yeah, the game is messing with me, ugh
Oh man they improved the taps here
@Ash Idk if you've tried, but I've been enjoying duolingo for learning French whenever I'm bored. It also has the option for Russian
@TimStone IS it not letting you save?
Yeah, I think I know why though
But lol at it just continuing on like there's no problem
@TimStone Permissions issue...?
ur a perm...err, yes
Incidentally this was probably the cause of my earlier issue too
@Chippies Yeah I've been using it for a while
"Can't do the thing" would have been too informative of an error though
"uh..." is best error message
Heh. Nygard is looking for a Senior Application Developer.
Sounded interesting, saw the company.
Q: Is there any human female spouse that won't disappear?

Chronos MythSo I've tried to get married in skyrim but after the wedding the wife disappears. Is there any female human spouses that WON'T disappear after getting married? If so who? Also I play on Xbox 360 if that helps. And does getting the legendary edition of the game fix this glitch? I'm sick of using ...

Said no way, ever.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Permissions issue
Nygard's one of those places that you hear is bad, and it's just not worth it to find it out firsthand.
Thank goodness that's sorted out though, if I had to hear that guy say "gennys" one more time I might have kicked him
There's a pokestop across the street from this bar
We're rusty at the trivia thing but hopefully so is everyone else
I kinda wanna do trivia at a bar but I don't know anyone.
Which makes going to a bar a difficult proposition in Houston.
We go as a house tradition
Pretty much
And $5 craft drafts is pretty good considering the daily special is $4 import doubles (Canadian import tho)
Q: What is the advantage of having a high CP Pokemon (such as one with CP 3000)?

太極者無極而生Let's say if I can power up a Pokemon to a CP of 3000, what is the advantage of having it? Because I thought having a high CP Pokemon is mainly to be more powerful if it stays at a gym, but isn't it true that anther player can just repeat a fight again and again, to make the Prestige point lower...

Q: Formula for Pokemon Go IV's?

CaldehydeHow are pokemon's individual values calculated? Simple question, I'm trying to make an app for personal use.

If you ever wanted to get from Toronto to Niagara Falls in 12 minutes, I guess soon you can? For a fee, of course.
(It takes about an hour and a half by car)
Q: Why aren't my dwarfs doing archery training?

David GrinbergSo I have been trying to follow this guide (also on the wiki) to get my marksdorfs to do some archery training, but haven't had much luck. I uploaded my save here so you can see the issue. My archery squad is called the Crystals of Pattrnng. On the equipment screen all of their positions unifor...

14 hours ago, by Wipqozn
@Sterno Probably the latter.
Lol, amateurs
Didn't know about the $10 minimum of cards
Also that minimum is one of the only reasons I carry cash
Lol, winning team name last round was "the trivia lady really let herself go" (it's a guy running trivia, is the joke)
(as in a different person entirely)
@Unionhawk not really
tl;dr is stuff on e3 were scripted and there is a HL2 logo
@KevinvanderVelden confirmed
@Ash that is a good idea, but I don't think that theoretically saving an hour and 18 minutes is worth 150usd
Trivia confirmed
Theoretically as there is always more stuff to deal with when flying, it'll take much more than 12 minutes
^ how player looks
IMO creepy
I'm feeling pain watching that
Maximum overpls
Last round
Damn Hillary! Damn Hillary! Damn Hillary, back at it with the education reform.
Trump hasn't even shared his gamertag!
Play of the game: Chillary.
Pokemon go to the polls! *pokemon gets hit by harambe* Do it for harambe!
*I closed the tab at this point*
Q: Are there rank/reward penalties to switch covenants?

Sean BIn DS1 there was a penalty to your current covenant if you left it for a different covenant, but it was harder to join a covenant. In DS3, it is much easier to switch via equipping. If I start ranking in a covenant and recurve a reward, then switch to a different covenant will I loose rank or the...

Hmm. It seems that vegan/vegetarian cooks are now moving towards mushrooms as the go-to meat replacement.
@RedRiderX I'm in London!
As opposed to several years ago when it was tofu.
Q: What is my error editing this game's .ini file?

user164135I'm trying to edit the game.ini file for the steam game "Ark: Survival Evolved" and I seem to have an error with my code. I'm trying to up each of my players stats and my dino stats, the leveling and the engram point are working though, if there are any mistakes, sorry this is first time on thi...

Q: Purpose of Star Icon on Trading

LoganGoesPlacesI've noticed that on occasion while browsing items for trade that an item will have a star icon on its listing. Does anyone know what it means? From what I can tell the icon has no influence on the worth of the item nor does it influence whether it is trading above or below market. Does it den...

Come on
Q: How to extract SFX from Halo Reach?

Iron-Eso I work on tons of sound design projects and always wanted to work on a halo project. So I wanted to make it authentic by using the actual sounds from Halo Reach. Only issues is that there's no PC version so I don't know exactly how to extract any SFX. I've seen people record them on youtube bu...

Well, we got second, but the first place team won twice
We might have gotten the world record for fastest fishbowl ever too
Plus it was an 11, so good enough for me
No perfect score, but meh
(14 total possible points with potential for exact number bonuses)
Q: How long does life support last indoors?

VemonusI read up on the milestones regarding surviving X sols on extreme weather planets and am aware that you are able to stand in a building, safe from the extreme external conditions while you twiddle your thumbs waiting for the milestones to hit. However, shortly after starting the wait, I realized ...

@Dragonrage flagged as offensive
cc @fredley @Wipqozn
well played
cc @Chippies for an update on our search for things people won't be offended by. current status, 0 results
Q: What is the maximal acceptable card price in the shop?

ZicaneThe price for a card gets higher the more you buy. Until which price do you buy them?

Q: What SPECIAL bobbleheads are obtainable in the beginning?

NelsonI'm planning a build for survival but I don't know what bobbleheads are obtainable at the start. I only know the SPECIAL book and the Perception is readily available. Wikia search tells me where they are, but I'm not certain all are accessible. What SPECIAL bobbleheads can I obtain as a low ...

Q: Name of a 90's game about a dark city

Travis Earl RobertsI'm curious if anyone knows the name of a game and if so where to possibly find it. I'm pretty sure it came out in the 90's. It is about a man who gets pulled into a comic book when he flips a coin. This comic book is about a city that is always dark and has recently lost the superhero protect...

Q: What are the differences if you upgrade your ship with a fake license?

AequitasI've discovered that you can now upgrade your ship using a fake license, but it seems there is another alternative method of upgrading your ship, I assume the legit way. What are the advantages and disadvantages of upgrading via the fake license or the other method? The fake license seems like ...

@Dragonrage I don't know about 'offended' (also, there seems to be a second flag on the truck that they never completely show...), but I could see how those flags could be a road safety issue...
Version number?
PHP? Perl? @badp?
@TrentHawkins the school official mentions that there were complaints about the flags being offensive and the second flag (the black one) is one for honoring POW's
@Dragonrage aah, ok, missed the info about the second flag. Although it did sound like there were existing rules against such flags, for safety reasons - they were just never enforced Until someone complained - and was 'offended' for some reason.
In the later articles the officials focus more on the safety issue, but the original problem they told the student about was that they were offensive iirc.
Q: What enemies carry plasma rifles?

BenubirdI killed a thin man, and it said "thin man plasma rifle" exploded. So I captured the next one, and only got a light plasma from it. Mutons always seem to drop plasma rifles, but what other enemies do? And are there any enemies that drop weapons other than the plasma rifle, light plasma rifle, and...

Also it still boggles me that school people are allowed to touch a students property. Like the school should not have been able to take down his flags on his truck.
Some school policies state that they can confiscate a students phone till the end of the quarter/trimester which seems a whole lot like theft. But somehow it is legal since you agree to this by going there, but it is illegal not to go.
@Dragonrage I'll have to ask my cousin and his wife how they handle things like that at their schools (they're both teachers). But on the face of it, confiscating student property beyond the current class / until end of day seems like a bad idea - if only because you are opening yourself and/or the school up to potential lawsuits.
From what I've seen from research, the court dismissed one law suit against a school saying that the school was following its policy.
Anyhow I got to go to sleep now. Have work tomorrow.
📷 jeffliujeffliu: New episode of Steven Universe this Thursday 8/25/16 at 7:00 PM on Cartoon Network!... https://tmblr.co/Z6Cfjx2B8aLPd
@Dragonrage Probably someone thought the black flag was a Daesh flag
Wait a sec, @badp wasn't anywhere near that earthquake was he?
still a very fun map to play though
@fredley ???
no, I don't THINK I know anyone who lives there
a 6.0 earthquake does that, and Japan laughs
@badp I wonder when Italy will sue the experts for not predicting the earthquake this time.
I wonder what happens if you put Zalgo in spoiler tags
I mean, does the spoiler tag only hide the line, or does it grow to encompass the entire tag, including the upper parts?
'Blessing of Elune now increases Astral Power generation by 25% (was 40%).'
@sequoiad They shifted astral power generation away from those talents to the base spells
fair enough blessing was a bit OP with haste, but that's a huuuuuge cut
if you see further, you'll notice that they buffed the generation from base spells by 25%, as well as mastery
fair enough, the blessing of Elune talent felt too mandatory
and the mastery calculation is getting buffed
Q: minecraft command block problem "snowball"

guestI'm trying to execute this code: execute @a[score_HoldSnowball_min=1] ~ ~ ~ scoreboard players set @e[type=Snowball,rm=3,r=4] Snowball 1 but it doesn't execute the code and instead says: [13:59:43] Failed to execute 'scoreboard players set @e[type=Snowball,rm=3,r=4] Snowball 1' as xXElite_Py...

shame lunar strike still casts very slow
I've found a few times that I've had to use Solar Wrath instead, even in aoe situations, because I can't stand still long enough to cast Lunar strike
and the owlkin frenzy passive is unpredictible
So yeah, Zalgo and spoilers don't mix
at least, not quite
@Nzall any idea why my threat on Invasions would jump from 3% to 250% for no reason?
our group's tank was still up and taunting
@sequoiad Maybe the boss has a threat dump mechanic?
What zone was it in?
happened in all 6 invasion zones last night, on the stage 3 bosses
there was no cast on any. and just suddenly I gained 247% threat and his threat dropped to 80% on his screen and I would have to shadowmeld until he regained threat
I wasn't highest DPS in our group either
so it confused me why the boss came straight for me every time
Might be a fixate mechanic.
I had the same thing yesterday in Azshara, where my shaman got smacked in the face a few times.
Next time it happens, check the combat log.
@fredley it's not a dupe, it's a bug report.
I'm not testing it, I'm reporting it as a bug
yes, at first I was testing it and not actually planning on posting it, but when I saw the result and how it seemed weird, I considered it a bug.
@Nzall the experts are saying there will be follow up quakes, so no.
the experts earthquake thing was about them denying the possibility that there could be follow-up quakes which then happened
Q: Can we tag a location in No man's sky?

vivek.patwardhanYeah, tagging a location so we won't get confused while flying within atmosphere of any planet. Unlike other open world games; NMS has no map (obviously, It's a procedural generated world). Still we find places like Monolith, Colonial outpost, Transmission, Shelter. Once, we find multiple places...

Q: Repair + Naming question

EvilrayquazaSo heres the problem. I need to repair my enchanted pickaxe, and it is renamed too. This makes me tryint to repair it via another unenchanted pickaxe impossible (its too expensive) If i reset my name to default, will that make the cost of repairing my pickaxe much cheaper?

Q: how to put worlds/players in terraria mobile

tykeshelp guys i Don't want to root my phone Samsung galaxy J7 to access to data/data but is there a way to put some world i have heard that you can do it using google drive but i Don't know guys: why the hell is he doing this do he want to cheat? me: no i want my item back i Accidently delete my c...

Chat I need help. I just realized I have a blender and can thus make milkshakes
Romanian language

Proposed Q&A site for teachers,students and enthusiasts of the Romanian language.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for powerShell developers. PowerShell was open sourced earlier this week and ported to Linux/OSX. We are expecting a large influx of PowerShell users and xplat questions.

Closed before being launched.

Malay Language

Proposed Q&A site for anyone who is a teacher,student or enthusiast of the maylay language.

Currently in definition.

How To ...

Proposed Q&A site for people who have a high curiosity about something.

Currently in definition.

Operations Research

Proposed Q&A site for mathematicians Management Scientists Computer Scientists Financial Engineers Logistician BI Analysts

Currently in definition.

Data Warehousing

Proposed Q&A site for data warehousing concepts and best practice.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment NOPE @NOPE
is there an existing stackexchange for cosplay/prop building/textiles stuff?
Not one that's been launched =[
Might fit
Hadn't read that one before, that's gold
@Nzall hmm, yeah that looks to cover parts of it actually
ah yeas, there is a costume-design tag that covers cosplay
@sequoiad There are also a number of more specialized sites for more specialized stuff like 3D printing and arduino components
tbf, seems like the individual things that make up cosplay cross many of the more specialised sites
would be nice to have a combined one to cover things like reference material sourcing, idea discussion and design as well as building techniques, but hey-ho
Singapore is updating it's copyright laws
This list seems... surprisingly sane
Yeah, I wonder how much of it will be scrapped
Q: Looking for a free cross platform action game

summerbulbMy colleagues and I are looking for a great game to play together after working hours. It can be any action game (my first instinct would be a FPS, but other good idea are welcome) but it must have multiplayer mode (obviously), be free and work on Windows, Linux and Mac. Any suggestions?

@renan ?
@Wipqozn Hi :D
@renan hello
What does birl mean?
@PrivatePansy Still no shorter copyright term. I presume it follows the Berne Convention right now.
@PrivatePansy #8 is interesting.
they are codifying what an "orphan work" is?
@Wipqozn Birl is a popular brazilian word for happy people :D
@KutuluMike Presumably, yes, otherwise that won't be entered into the proposal
An orphan work is a copyright protected work for which rightsholders are positively indeterminate or uncontactable. Sometimes the names of the originators or rightsholders are known, yet it is impossible to contact them because additional details cannot be found. A work can become orphaned through rightsholders being unaware of their holding, or by their demise (e.g. deceased persons or defunct companies) and establishing inheritance has proved impracticable. In other cases, comprehensively diligent research fails to determine any authors, creators or originators for a work. == Extent == Precise...
@renan oh cool, TIL
Q: How much spaces fit onto a computercraft computer screen? (1.7.10)

technikfeI am making a computercraft arcade for my friends and I would like to replicate crossy road. My questions is about computer screen (on computer item id: 1586:16384 in dw20 modpack). Thank you in advance.

ugh, I want to play Deus Ex so bad
user image
There we go
cc @Sterno at his less than an hour played
Doesn't even have a cheevo yet, tsk
How lame
I've heard that Deus Ex is actually quite disappointing to many
@Nzall Oh? Where did you hear that, and in wht way?
bugs, crashes, poor performance and a story that appears rushed
@Wipqozn steam reviews etc
@TimStone interesting, though I don't find the PS4 controller to have anything useful over my wired 360 pad
I suppose those that love the shape of the ps4 controller will love it though
Yeah, it's nice though if you're a PS Now user wanting to play games with the same controller now that it's coming to PC I guess
Q: Are there crietrias to determine if a build is endgame-viable?

FedericoI was reading about some builds on the official PoE forums and I noticed that a criteria is Atz: Atziri Viable U-Atz: Uber Atziri viable U-Lab: Uber Lab viable I am familiar with what "Atziri/Uber Atziri" refer to (and I suppose that "Uber Lab" is just another map). My question i...

user image
cc @PrivatePansy
That's very Wool-esque
Also slightly weird
@TimStone maybe if some pc games can make good use of the touchpad as well, although that hasn't really happened even on ps4 yet
most just use it as another face button
or map/inventory
@Yuuki Fake, nobody would risk their lives for Canadian Geese
@sequoiad That's because to use it, you need to remove your fingers from the buttons, which means you can't have it be needed during action sequences. Unless I'm mistaken and the touchpad is on the rear.
@Nzall it's on the front on PS4, on the PS Vita it's rear i believe?
@sequoiad exactly. if you want to use it during an intense shootout in Uncharted or something, you either lose mobility or aiming
@twobugs Am Canadian, can confirm
And because the XB1 doesn't have anything similar to it, it's unlikely a cross-platform game will use it.
@Nzall yep. strange choice to put it where it is really
unless they thought of it as just a way of having a small keyboard for chat
@sequoiad Chat implies multiplayer game. On console, that usually means a game where you don't really have the chance to take your eyes of the screen to type stuff, unless you work with a phrasebook.
@Nzall on ps4 the trackpad is used as an on-screen keyboard, so it does work sort of
but it tends to assume everyone has voice comms instead
@sequoiad Even then, text chat in a console game sounds horrible.
I mean, I play on a PC and outside of combat, I avoid typing whenever possible
and tbf the console does come with an (admittedly horrible) headset
Does it have bluetooth?
the headset?
plugs into the controller and works through its bluetooth.
the included one is really bad though, like a really cheap thing you get with a budget phone
I got a Bluetooth headset at home. Can I use that with a PS4?
not that I'm aware of
I havn't looked too into what does and doesn't connect though

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