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@KevinvanderVelden You're not a mod, you're not even a room owner, why would you be in a position to disallow it?
Because he's a dragon
That's a dragon? I thought it was a spindly spider
Power perceived is power achieved.
Treat Williams taught me that in The Substitute 2!
@KevinvanderVelden don't worry, I'm more scared of spiders than of dragons
Or maybe not. Maybe that was the original film.
ugh, I keep installing games and not playing them...
@Nzall that's okay, one is a phobia the other is regular fear
Phobias don't have to make sense
@Chippies I used to do that. Trying to keep enough space in my hard disk was my favourite pasttime, even more than playing games
Now I have a 4TB drive, I can put my entire Steam library down and have room to spare.
I just stuff multiple 3 terabyte drives in my system
And I still don't play the games.
This is a metaphor for my life
I really hate that all drives dramatically slow down if you fill them too much.
@PrivatePansy I only have a 480gb SSD and a 3tb external (not for installing anything), so I keep having to uninstall things
I could just... not install them... as I'm not gonna play them anyway
but that's no fun
*please hold while @PrivatePansy experiences an existential crisis*
I made due with a 256 ssd. 500 should be enough :P
watchign a game download fills me with joy and anticipation
I mean, I got a 1 TB SSD, but I can only fit like a dozen games on it because if I fill the final 200 GB, it slows down
@twobugs for your 2000$ PC you got a 256ssd? YOU MONSTER
@Nzall Most of the time people in this chat are just kidding around or being sarcastic.
For my ooooooold build it was 256
When we're in caht we're not a very serious bunch, most of the time
500 is my new build
@twobugs oh, I'll allow it then
my PC doesn't have an internal HDD btw
I have a 2tb other drive for reasons
I didn't get one at first and haven't had a good reason to get one since...
I mean, it would be nice for like, recording gameplay or something, but I'm not a professional twitch streamer or youtuber like @twobugs :P
I have a 1 TB SATA SSD. When I get my new computer later this year I'm getting a 500 GB M.2 SSD as part of it
@twobugs It's for porn, isn't it?
@MBraedley You don't have to say what we're all thinking!
@PrivatePansy It's worse. It's MLP R34.
It's much more fun to leave it up to imagination
@Nzall That's still porn!
I wish steam would allow me to sort games by the amount of space they take up on my drive
@Chippies I think you can
you just need to switch to the table layout instead of the detail layout
@MBraedley It's for recording my obscene gaming prowess
@Nzall woah, that option is indeed there! awesome
@twobugs hey man, whatever you're into is cool with me
> "It's for recording my obscene ... prowess" -- @twobugs
The moral of the story is I wish I was home playing Deus EX: Your Mom Edition
man I can't wait to get home and play it before @Sterno though
Maybe I'll stream my failure just so @Sterno is forced to watch
I know @Sterno likes to watch
I need to break out of this cycle of constant builds because they're slow with this codebase, but I don't know how since I am still trying to understand this stuff
Come on Starbait
@Wipqozn Your starbait not as good as my starbait
@MBraedley It's true
@Wipqozn denied
Okay, so who is editing Lazers?
@Wipqozn, of course.
He really wants the starbait to go.
@Wipqozn Did you just censor an actual question just to troll me?
@Nzall No idea what you're talking about.
And that's hardly censoring
Maybe I should raise a meta post about those descenders getting cut off
I'm sure @Jin would love that
@MBraedley Your starbait brings all the boys to the yard?
@KevinvanderVelden His starbait clearly doesn't bring all the stars to the yard.
@fredley But his boys do bring some stars to the yard: Jackson, Cosby, Saville, Glitter,... or is that joke just wrong?
Or is it just wrong to joke about such subjects?
Man I just keep digging deeper and deeper into this code. I have to reach the bottom at some point right??
@twobugs Not if it's recursive :P
@twobugs There's a point at which you stop calling it debugging and start calling it archaeology.
@fredley And there's a point at which it stops being archaeology and becomes paleoastronomy
@Nzall There's a point where it stops being paleoastronomy and starts becoming philosophy
@fredley Well I'm not doing proper debugging because our work is abit too fuct to use a debugger
Printf is all I got. Weep for me.
@fredley there's a point where it stops being philosophy and starts being relevant
@twobugs I had this the other day. Multithreaded application doing weird stuff. Could not attach debugger. Thread.dump() all over the place
@KevinvanderVelden There's a point at which it stops being relevant and starts becoming senile
@fredley There's a point at which it stops being senile and starts being pathetic
@fredley @badp is that point
@Nzall There's a point at which it stops being pathetic and starts becoming pitiful
There's a point where we take a joke too far, but this is the bridge so we'll just keep on digging
@KevinvanderVelden Through the bridge, through Kattegat below, through the crust of the earth, all the way to the bottom of the pacific, back up out of the sea, into the sky, into space and to infinity and beyond
Because that's how we roll here in the Bridge
@Nzall The bridge is already in space though
It's the bridge of the arqade mothership, which is why we have lazers and such
@KevinvanderVelden My joke is I'm talking about the bridge between Denmark and Sweden
since I just drove over it twice
@KevinvanderVelden Is there a fridge in the bridge in space?
@fredley sure, put it in a bag and toss it out the airlock
@fredley Yes, we found it at the bottom of the sea.
oh, sorry
@Unionhawk FAr too small
Is there a ridge on the fridge on the bridge in space?
I meant a female dog
room topic changed to The Fridge: General Arqade chat wherein 2 moderators just checked to see if this was real [-fredley]
Wait will that screw up @fredley's script maybe?
Because that'd be hilarious if it did
@Unionhawk Would be kind of a fragile script if it did
@Wipqozn Now I think I'll go home for an hour at lunch just to play it before you.
@PrivatePansy I sincerely hope it looks for room topic changed to
It's 2Deus 2Ex day!
2Deus 2Ex: This time, it's cyberpersonal.
Swords for arms, shotguns for legs. Maybe I asked for that.
oh, poo
Cc @Ash. Second hand books. Priced at €1/kg
@Unionhawk nup
I got distracted halfway through a Python script and have spent the last 20 minutes writing Perl instead :(
Q: Is it possible to run a command on minecraft when a player joins the server?

RedstoneNinjaI am making a minecraft map that I want a command to run when a player joins the server or just opens the world. Is there any way I can do that? I saw it happen in a one command creation but I don't know how he did it. http://www.jpdude98.com/anti-combat-log.html Thanks!

Q: How do health boosts work?

ChaseCI have a ton of health boosts that are taking up too much inventory space. Can I use a health boost on a 1 star character to clear my inventory space and then enhance a higher star character later when I'm ready in order to transfer the stats? Does it matter that I don't match up the attribute ...

@Lazers2.0 Naruto games have the best tags
UNS and Blazing
@sequoiad So you wrote, what, one line of Perl?
@twobugs get on my level brah
do you even cobol brah
Problem 1: The built in styles for MS Word suck.
Problem 2: Trying to modify the styles to what the company uses is difficult at best.
Solution: Company provides the styles as a template.
Problem 3: The company has not provided the template.
Problem 0: Microsoft Word
Problem -1: Microsoft
@MBraedley Solution: Send an email saying that you can't do the work until they have send the template and go home
@Sterno In how many hours would that be?
Although I fixed one thing. Honestly though, they should be replacing the normal template with the one that we write all our docs in.
@Chippies Your mom
@Unionhawk it did.
Take that @fredley's script
@KutuluMike @fredley pls
room topic changed to fredley pls: fredley pls [fredley] [pls]
Solution: Change room description to undefined.
Room topic changed to:

fredley pls: fredley pls [fredley] [pls]

Previously it was:

fredley pls: fredley pls
So he's Lucio crossed with Shrek
So it sounds like some of Clinton's missing emails were found and leaked, but they're pretty meh.
@KutuluMike HOORAY
@twobugs the real news is how wikileaks is horrible people
For unrelated reasons
@Unionhawk How so? I'm out of the loop
@twobugs A couple of things -
Previously Wikileaks worked with journalists to redact private information and other sensitive (national security) information from their leaks. This time they just dumped everything straight into the open
do you people mean
Reports that WikiLeaks published data on "Turkish women" are entirely false. US election sees media standards decay. https://twitter.com/NatSecGeek/status/758059030527021056
That's pretty bad of them
AP: Wikileaks publishes names of teen rape victims, gay Saudi citizens, paternity disputes.. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/b70da83fd111496dbdf015acbb7987fb/private-lives-are-exposed-wikileaks-spills-its-secrets https://t.co/L2ZB1UvyHa
They allege there is something incredibly shady going on internally inside the Democratic party and in Clinton's campaign. When actually read the emails are just mostly embarrassing
@PrivatePansy Malice/Incompetence, etc. etc. etc.
@PrivatePansy That's been my experience with the emails so far
First this, then: Idiocracy
@Unionhawk WELP
Julian Assange truly a Bond Villain
They did also did a dump of DNC personnel's personal info. There's nothing in there that's actually newsworthy, but a goldmine for trolls to harass those people in real life
@Unionhawk Yep. Transparency is great but Assange and his lackeys are trash
What with all the anti-Semitism, disregard for the safety of others, etc
My friend who supports Trump is going hard on this Clinton health conspiracy thing
No wonder why people hate Edward Snowden, they think he's Julian Assange
@twobugs But she opened the pickle jar!
@twobugs I'm still super confused why everyone thought that the emails being deleted was particularly scandalous
@Unionhawk It's a scooby doo scenario. Pull off the Edward mask and it was old man Assange the whole time!
@fredley But there's a video somewhere of her maybe looking funny!
@TimStone right?
The lawyers went through them, found what they thought was relevant, then did the lawyery thing of making sure no one could challenge their decision by wiping them
@twobugs Yeah, that really closely cropped one with no context!
@fredley what about the milk carton
could she outdo austria?
yesterday, by arda
user image
Jack Riley has died, RIP
@badp inb4d
(he voiced Stu Pickles on Rugrats)
@fredley honestly it's the Austria overlay that makes this gif
Hmm damn
I am fairly busy
@Wipqozn might actually be able to play before me
@Unionhawk god damn
@Wipqozn 1
Whether I actually go home to play it for an hour or not, I'm going to tell you I did.
Q: Is Urban Rivals based on another card game?

TerryMy question is quite a simple one. Is Urban Rivals based on, or borrow heavily from, another game? I'm sure I remember playing a similar game when I was young.

Q: Does curing Vampirism in Skyrim remove the Vampire perks?

JohnSo, progressing through Vampirism stages gives the player special perks. But, does curing Vampirism remove its positive effects?

Q: Pokemon CP vs HP

Joe CalabrettiIs it better to evolve Pokemon with higher CP or HP? Also would you power up the higher HP's CP before or after you evolve them?

Milk is gross.
1 from now or 1 from then?
@Unionhawk <1
@Sterno Man you're a bad person
> Fact: Milk is for babies and children. If you are an adult—i.e., not a baby or child—you should not be drinking milk.
@Sterno Erm...
@arda Counterpoint: NONE
@Sterno Apparently if you place the word 'FACT:' in all caps in front of something, it becomes fact!
I offer a counterpoint that @Sterno's face is stupid
> Does diarrhea sound fun to you? Do you ENJOY that experience?
@Unionhawk Queued up to flag this in 7 hours
@PrivatePansy Fact: What you said is a fact
Also, this room has one more bed than it should and this situation annoys me
(said bed is currently dismantled)
Well, I'm lactose intolerant so I agree that drinking milk is unnatural, but I feel like I'm a bit biased here.
Drinking milk is natural and you shouldfeel bad.
@Sterno would still be young if he drank milk
I never asked for milk. </Jensen>
@MadMAxJr Age 8 and 3/4
@twobugs I do feel bad when I drink milk. It's called diarrhea.
@Yuuki You should feel bad for being inferior to us milk drinkers.
Nah the storm cloaks hated milk
That... was my joke?
Oh I thought you meant I was the storm cloaks. Carry on
I think @twobugs should be chatbanned for making fun of my milk-phobia. /s
Pls staph or I might be :(
@Sterno Shit., I forgot you can just lie
And you're a parent! Parents lie all the time! See also: Santa Claus
@TimStone man I hope I do
You probably will
Honestly even if @Sterno plays it before me it won't matter when I get to play it for much longer than he will tonight
He'll be all like "I must feed my children, and stop them from hurting themselves",a nd I'll be all like "SNEAK SNEAK SNEAK"
@Lazers2.0 That's game identification, alright. And no artifact.
@Wipqozn Yeah, but then I'll just skip work tomorrow and get waaaay ahead of you and talk about it in chat the whole time
"Hey, @Wipqozn, did you get to the part yet where you knock that one guy out? From behind? THAT IS THE BEST PART JUST WAIT UNTIL YOU GET THERE!"
@Sterno Milk rocks
@Sterno Damn it, I'm tempted to usa a vacation day now
Just so you don't do that to me
but then again you can skip work, but you can't skip parenting
I mean I suppose you could, but you seem like a responsible parent, so your ethics will get in the way
@TimStone probably just ties his children up with some rusty chains, and then gives'em a rusty hammer and some nails to play with while he goes off and does @TimStone stuff.
"Oh man, @Wipqozn, I just got to that one part where you hack a door and go in and there's some loot in there. It's good loot. Make sure you don't miss it. Man, this game is so fun. It must suck for you to be stuck at work."
How do you tie someone up with a rusty hammer?
@Sterno huh?
Mod abuse!
@Frank It probably wasn't even 2 minutes
I'm not sure though. I'm a mod now, so time holds no meaning.
@Wipqozn USA vacation best vacation
my hair keeps getting blown in front of my eye due to the fan
@arda You should probably shave your head. Or burn down your house.
@Wipqozn I'll go with hairpin
@arda That wasn't one of the choices provided to you.
@Wipqozn sigh grabs zippo
@Unionhawk I'm taking Wednesday to Friday off before it to play WoW!!!!!
I could stream my WoW but I really doubt it would interest people
That's the right word, right?
TLDR; Tim Hammer
@Sterno I think it's intracontravertible.
damn, i may have just ruined my sequential number rep
No, I was trying to make up a cool new word.
@Sterno I forsee more children in your future
I also would have accepted INCONTRACEIVABLE
Pretty sure that image just proves I'm innocent I mean
Business Intelligence

Proposed Q&A site for implementing and maintaining BI solutions.

Currently in definition.

[1] Business Intelligence
Proposed Q&A site for oxymorons and those who study them.

Currently in definition.
Q: What is the website called where you build a house and place it in your town for your sims to buy in sims 3

user164064Anyone know what website i am talking about? Youd be a big help if anyone knows the website where you build your own house, place it on a lot, and your sims can buy it but like its not on your sims like you dont waste your sims money

Q: Help! There is an item stuck in my inventory in Minecraft!

FirisandraThere is an Item in my inventory that stays in it's place and will not move no matter what. I am on a server so there is very little I can do about it. I am in creative mode. If I try to use the hotbar slot that it is in, I can't break blocks or interact with anything... can someone help me!?!?

damn it calais plugin that's dumb
@twobugs drinking milk as a child is natural
Every one of these tabs is a / contains a chat app
@murgatroid99 Tell your employer to stop trying to kill me with free pizza kthanksbye
@Wipqozn +1 for MSPAINT
Wieee, I just got a lot of individually addressable LEDs
@Sterno It was actually Pinta, but I figured you'd appreciate that
@KevinvanderVelden And as an adult!
@twobugs define natural
I mean, if I do it then it's natural
@murgatroid99 niiice
@KevinvanderVelden I still drink milk quite a bit.
@Frank I'm not saying drinking milk as an adult is wrong, just that it's not natural (which isn't really a defined thing so in this context I'm using it to mean something done normally pre-civilization)
@KevinvanderVelden Pre-domestication, really. Which is several thousand years ago.
I'm taking a, in my eyes, reasonable definition of the word natural, I'm not talking about when we started drinking milk as adults
Ah, okay
@KevinvanderVelden If I'm not supposed to drink milk it shouldn't be so delicious.
A kilo of sugar is delicious, but it's not something you should eat =p
Q: Pokémon go technical issues

PombobCan azumi A40c not run Pokémon go?? it closes itself on the garados loading screen, i have tried older versions and there either give the service humble accept messege , please help

Steam Refund Note for Cook, Serve, Delicious! #455 https://t.co/nZzdIBhaRR
@KevinvanderVelden "Unnatural" is a word people use for experiences outside their own personal expectations
And natural is used for everything under the sun
Which is why I defined what I'm talking about
Try our new, organic, all natural - ASBESTOS!
Cooked food isn't natural, by some similarly reasonable definition. Tool use isn't natural. Agriculture isn't natural
Your point being?
Why should it matter at all, for any conceivable aspect of human behavior, whether it is "natural"?
I don't know
I'm just saying it isn't. That's it
Almost nothing we do is natural. What's the point of picking out one particular behavior?
I reserve "unnatural" for things clearly not from this plane of existence.
Q: Help me find the perfect game for me. Im lost..I know what I want

CrynI really need gaming advice. I know I want something different than wow, but I liked that game. I want the nature and the "questing" side of wow, but not all the other action stuff like dungeons and what not. I dont want a action game with guns and stuff, more a cosy adventure type of game.. Is t...

@StrixVaria I have played that game and I honestly don't know what that person had been expecting
I'm pushing back on this because people often use "unnatural" as a way to demonize behaviors that they personally find discomforting or gross.
@Sterno Cook, Serve, Delicious is probably one of my favorite games.
I've only played it on iPad, where it seemed like it'd be a lot more fun
I've played it to completion on both PC and Android (on a phone, which was a little rough).
But I mean, the game is very upfront about what you do. I don't know why you'd buy it only to discover you find it boring
very very veryvery boring.
Anyway, work beckons :|
PlayStation Blog just leaked itself, PS Now on PC is coming https://blog.eu.playstation.com/2016/08/22/how-playstation-vr-worlds-was-brought-to-life-with-extraordinary-art/ https://t.co/poCjMDBECh
I spent a good part of yesterday having to pair program with a person who goes up to the Edit menu with his mouse to do copy and pastes
@PrivatePansy I finally have a box to send but you're somewhere else!
Oh, I should go back to London
Cook, Serve, Refund!
@PrivatePansy did you ever find Sinning Jenny's Wimple?
The hat?
I guess
I'm not sure if it's worth it. I don't have it, but I can definitely try for one
I have enough items to get Running Battle high enough
@PrivatePansy Is that something you need fate to get or just get enough running battle?
@badp nice, I guess
Above 7 or 8 should do the trick
7 or 8
Oh well
You probably need to sacrifice a Partial Map, which is a fairly expensive item
But some of the actions at the Festival gives you one too
@PrivatePansy Yeah that's true
I have actually gotten it up to ten before, with the use of two Partial Maps

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