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It can't annoy anyone if they are not here
@murgatroid99 Weeeew! Derpy!
Should I watch that show?
@Zamual05 yes
Is it on Netflix?
Also, to make this relevant to gaming chat
@Zamual05 No, but most of it is on YouTube.
@Zamual05 no, but it is on youtube
@murgatroid99 Did you see the Elder Scrolls one I posted earlier?
@Tristan Yes, and it was good
If it were on Netflix I would give a watch.
There is a whole list of them on TvTropes under youtube memes
@Zamual05 Why if it is on netflix but not if it is on youtube?
@murgatroid99 Cause then I could watch on my TV and not feel like I was somehow watching it illegally.
@Zamual05 I see.
Also I hate trying to make sure I am watching things in the right order.
@Zamual05 With this show I always just deal with that by searching by season and episode number
That makes me lol.
@Tristan You aren't playing LoL...oh wait. :P
@Tristan I love just about all of both of those episodes
@Zamual05 I am not. Because my connection went to crap. lol Origami quit, too?
@Tristan No he didn't.
That was also a fail joke on my part.
@Zamual05 Oh, he must really be enjoying it then. lol
Language warning, but it is funny
if you like Trollestia
Well, bed time. See you all tomorrow.
@Tristan Night! ^_^
@Zamual05 One thing about this show is that the episodes are not legally available to stream anywhere, and you can only buy them from iTunes.
So, if you want to stream it, you have to use youtube
@Zamual05 It always makes me feel a little better that it is basically an advertisement for merchandise (besides being a good show on its own).
Q: Playing (or buying) Starcraft 2 in Korea - tips?

grunwald2.0I am currently in Korea and will stay here for a while. I have a problem though: My SC2 account is European. And I have no Alien Registration Card right now until March. So now I wonder: Does the "Start Edition" include multiplayer-access? (I assume "SE players are also unable to use versus and ...

Q: I would like to know if Americas Army 3 can be played on Ubuntu 11.10?

calmpitbullI know that this is not serious question but i would really like to know? Play on linux provides Steam account to install, but can u install AA3? Thx for your answers

2 hours later…
@FallenAngelEyes I tried that too then I found out Backloggery required me to manually punch in every single game
Q: Looking for a side scrolling RTS I played as a kid

AnthonyI am looking for a old side scrolling RTS. As the title suggest's, this is a game I haven't played since I was a kid. You could play multiple players on the same keyboard and you could transport soldiers around in helicopters, tanks etc. When the round was over and a team won, the winners team's ...

1 hour later…
Quiet night.
chirp chirp, chirp chirp
Oh hey, @Zamual05
HI! ^_^ @Tristan
When I saw someone said something in the room, I just assumed it was Lazers posting a question, so I didn't look for a while. <.< lol
Hey @Tristan do you play Spiral Knights?
@Zamual05 I do.
I have become nostalgic for bombs...I blame Ziggs...Do you wanna play some? :)
Some Spiral Knights?
Sure! You can add me on steam. nihilistronin
when a ball boy gets applause, you know he's a bad ass:
@Wipqozn It was a pretty impressive catch.
Q: Need information StarCraft II Zerg Campaign

Sean87Does somone know a relase date for next SCII? I also like to know if they are going to use the same game engine, same units or...I mean it will be just a campaign or we will see some updates? atleast in graphics :P Thanks!

@Lazers That might be the fastest question closure I've ever seen.
@Tristan I think @Raven has done it faster once.
@Wipqozn You need to play League of Legends with us. =( And use my referral. =P
I love Flutterbitch:
@Wipqozn As much as I want to watch that, it will crash my browser. =(
@Tristan :(
I loved flutterbitch from the Season 2 premier
She goes out of her to be a bitch
it's awesome
@Wipqozn It made me sad. It was funny, but it wasn't Fluttershy.
@Tristan Oh I know, hence "flutterbitch" :P
@Tristan You might find this helpful.
Ergh, I really need to get a better gameplay capture tool.
Q: Green Fret Button sometimes "lets go"

AProughThis has been happening a while, and though I can handle the situation sometimes, I eventually forget that it is going to happen, and then it does... What happens is that while holding down the green fret, it will sometimes behave like I have let go of the button. This is very annoying when pla...

@GnomeSlice What are you using now?
I can't seem to reliably get it to keep up with the frame rate of most games though.
gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/48953/… @Mana Why you link to wikia.com instead of wiki.teamliquid? :(
@FS Because he's a terrible person
Actually, does the team liquid wiki even have that stuff?
I thought that focused on strategy, not the campaign / lore
@Wipqozn right, I just tried to find it, but no good information about these things there :/
@FS Extreme laziness
I wanted to find the liquipedia page but couldn't be arsed to look beyond the fourth google result
Q: Can i apply CoH: Going Rogue retail code after Freedom patch and still get benefits?

Major Zackcan i apply a retail code to an account that already has a retail code applied. Also to add, i only applied this code from COH GR AFTER Freedom was launched. Do i still get the same benefits as a VIP, the costume pieces,powersets and reward tokens?

@GnomeSlice what happens when the bar is full?
@badp You can use a super-duper attack
@Mana Then I guess our bar is nearly filled.
Only six hours now, roughly?
Maaaaaaaaaan I can't wait. So I won't. bbl
Man, you're really that excited? Geez.
@Mana Hey, that's a big deal.
I'm sure the others will agree.
It is, you're right.
Unless they're monsters, then it's not for them.
@Mana - I almost forgot. After you left the debacle in scifi the other day, Slytherincess came in and attempted to resolve the situation in a very diplomatic and friendly manner. I'm not sure that it matters now, but she should get credit if she ever tries to run for moderator or something.
@badp So, what's the surprise again?
Are we finally going to declare me supreme overlord of Gaming Stack Exchange?
please let that be it crosses fingers
hm, so roughly 5pm for me eh...
@Wipqozn I, for one, accept and welcome our new trolling overlord.
@OrigamiRobot I don't really have anything to do with that
It's the community's decision who becomes moderator on SciFi. That's the whole deal.
I can't give people extra credit or anything. That's just not how it works.
Feel free to bring it up if she does run by all means though. She sounds like she would make a good mod.
ugh, my body feels so heavy today. I can't drum or anything.
@Mana I wasn't implying that. I just figured I'd let you know since you were familiar with the situation.
@OrigamiRobot Oh. Sorry.
My mind's not all there right now.
No worries. I probably wont be involved in any elections there, but it would be a shame for her efforts to go unnoticed.
man it's mod city in here today
you guys really must be excited for whatever this surprise is
oh, you know about the surprise?
I know there is a surprise, but not what
I am excited for someone to invent the surprise
What if the surprise is that there is no surprise? Woah
seems like an awful lot of excitement for that to be the case though :P
everybody special has been going on for days about how cool this is gonna be
@GnomeSlice and @agent86 are the surprise!
in 6 hours, I will be 6 hours older!!!
@agent86 yeah, but you're older on the inside
like @GraceNote
@badp Area attack.
I didn't know there was a surprise: I am surprised by this information
I am surprised that @DavidB did not know!
I was also surprised this morning that we were talking about a surprise. However, I don't think it will be too terribly surprising. I think I can surprise myself with the surprise now and not be as surprised later. Surprise.
now that word looks funny.
who is being surprised?
@OrigamiRobot SURPRISE!
@ThomasMcDonald everyone, apparently. Except some people. So my first statement was not particularly accurate. My apologies.
bf3 gets more and more frustrating every time I attempt to play it
@ThomasMcDonald SURPRISE!
@JuanManuel Did I do that right?
@OrigamiRobot needs moar streamers/noisemakers
there's the neverending map loading screen and battlelog kicking me every other game
@agent86 You got my answer unaccepted on the controller turning off question. =P
@Tristan wait, I mean SURPRISE!
plus the complete lack of team balancing
@agent86 It's fine. I would've mentioned rubber banding, but, like I said, it bugged out on me.
fucks sake bf3.
this is not even funny.
It takes about 5 minutes to join and load the game.
There's only 10 tickets left on the attacking team, which you are on (fun fun fun fun)
The server changes map, and bf3 decides to go into an infinite loading state.
All three of these games are great, and it's $1 for the lot.
Looks like it might be punkbuster related.
@OrigamiRobot That made me smile. thank you.
ughh I need to figure out whether or not I can get the preorder bonus for Soul Calibur 5 if I preorder it today
@IanPugsley What's the bonus?
@AshleyNunn if I preorder from Best Buy there's a character from the Wii Soul Calibur that hasn't seen main series play before
Hm... Tried flagging a question as a duplicate, but it wouldn't let me.
@IanPugsley neat!
@IanPugsley Is it Link?
I am always a little sad because most of the more interesting pre-order bonuses for games never make it to Canada
@Tristan what is this, SC3? :P
however, preordering means driving up to Best Buy twice in two days
when I can get the CE on Amazon and get a $10 certificate and probably just buy that guy when he comes out as DLC
@IanPugsley that would work too :)
speaking of special characters in fighting games... what's up with megaman in the streetfighterVStekken ? I don't understand who that character is supposed to appeal to
Q: All the contents of my shelter exploded, killing me and leaving my shelter virtually unscathed. How could this happen?

gnoviceI finally gave in to my curiosity this weekend and bought Minecraft 1.1. I had largely avoided learning too much about it because I wanted to play through it myself and discover things without the help of guides and FAQs. However, I had a very disturbing situation happen last night. I am reluctan...

Q: The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Why has the Draugr Deathlord in Valthume stolen my sword and my shield?

turoktonyOk, so I started playing Skyrim. When I went into Valthume to find one of the shouts, I stumbled upon a Draugr Deathlord. When I started fighting him, he shouts, and my sword and my shield are gone! In the end I killed him with magic. When I checked his body though, I didn't see the weapons I was...

Q: Is there a blog or similar with indie games for mac OS X?

PetruzaIn recent years, more and more games are being ported and or released on Mac OS X, but usually blogs and sites specialized in Indie games list them regardless of the OS, which is often windows only. So is there a blog or site or whatever that lists specifically indie games that have a Mac OS X ve...

@IanPugsley Considering every Soul Calibur game has been almost identical to the one before it, it could very well be SC3.
I am super disappointed that in Canada you apparently can't get the code for the copy of the original Kid Icarus that comes with Gamestop preorders for Kid Icarus: Uprising in the States. Even Europe had a promo (albeit a different one) where you could get it. But it seems like Canada is getting the short end of the stick.
@DavidB I don't know about you, but when I think of prominent melee fighters from Capcom's line of games, Megaman is clearly the first thing that comes to mind. =P
@Tristan I will fight you directly in your face
Okay, lets see if the manual PB update has fixed the loading screen.
@IanPugsley Don't get me wrong, I still love playing them. But... They really are pretty much the same.
I've only played one of them, and I was never very good at it. Alhough I appreciated that I could mash buttons to my heart's content.
@Tristan in what aspect? Gameplay or plot/setting?
@IanPugsley Gameplay. While I realize that's not saying much from a fighting game, it's still nice to have a few tweaks here and there.
@Lazers this isn't a great question, is it?
@Tristan zomgz what game are you playing (and what characters)
tempted to VTC
@agent86 It is just going to be a list question.
@Lazers duplicate
@IanPugsley MvC2.
It's not really answerable. Possibly with a "yes, there are such things.....LIIIIIIIST"
@Tristan next you'll say MvC3 "didn't change anything" :P
@IanPugsley It didn't have as many characters as MvC2. Which sucked.
@Tristan they're adding a few in Ultimate MvC3, which pisses me off to no end
(clipped in the picture: a handheld pistol (not arm cannon))
what happened to you, Capcom...you used to be cool
@DavidB This is ridiculous, yet oddly awesome
@IanPugsley Why does it piss you off?
@Tristan it's the same game with a few characters added (see Street Fighter IV -> Ultimate Street Fighter IV)
just trying to get people to buy exactly the same game twice
@IanPugsley Sounds like any fighting game series, really...
@Tristan any Capcom fighting game series
@Wipqozn Why does it look like you didn't change a thing in my edit? Did you just want to get another Pony edit?
@DavidB this.
@Tristan you can say what you want, SC1 -> SC2 had tons of new characters, 2 -> 3 had a neat RTS-type mode and all kinds of new features, 3 -> 4 had character customization
@Tristan title and tag
on top of new characters in each iteration, and cameo characters
@Wipqozn Ooh... Well, it's still a duplicate.
@Tristan But they already jumped the shark in this respect with Mortal Kombat: Armageddon.
@Tristan Yeah, I VTC as well
Add ALL the characters!
also this needs two more VTC as dup
@IanPugsley This is a criticism I hear about nigh any Capcom game, haha.
Q: Why has the Draugr Deathlord in Valthume stolen my sword and my shield?

turoktonyOk, so I started playing Skyrim. When I went into Valthume to find one of the shouts, I stumbled upon a Draugr Deathlord. When I started fighting him, he shouts, and my sword and my shield are gone! In the end I killed him with magic. When I checked his body though, I didn't see the weapons I was...

@GraceNote It's funny because it's true.
I'm also forgetting about Soul Edge > SC1
"All the Mega Man games are just the same game! The only difference is the bosses! AUGH!"
@GraceNote Mega Man is one of my all time favourite series, but it's true.
woo it worked \o/
@GraceNote Well, if I hear anybody comparing Castlevania IV to SotN, I will kill them and wear their skin...
I know. It used to be your avatar.
it's my position that it's neigh impossible to get nostalgic anymore. If you miss a game, they're going to do 10 more in the exact same vein in the next 2 years anyhow.
It's also one of my top favorites as well.
@GraceNote you kids and your memories
@Gracenote uh, well they added the dog
@GraceNote imagine the next Mega Man game was the last one with two or three new bosses though
@agent86 I haven't seen anything entirely like Magical Pop'n for a while.
@IanPugsley Powered Up?
that's what the "Ultimate <Fighting Game>" trend is
@GraceNote I'm not much for Mega Man so I was unaware that happened
Also, repeat bosses weren't entirely unheard of in Zero 2 and Zero 3.
apparently Capcom was never all that cool
@IanPugsley I'm still waiting for Super Ultra Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Turbo Edition II
I'm personally happy for Ultimate MvsC... makes the used price on the original plummet to the point where I can pick it up without a problem
@IanPugsley I save myself the trouble by not buying those games early.
@Wipqozn in that, they add a fourth Wolverine!
After all, after the number of times they release SF2 and SF3, you realized there was a trend.
They need to give Megaman Legends a revamp.
@Capcom - learn to DLC
@Tristan You mean Megaman Legends 3? Which isn't happening?
@GraceNote it was hard not to get MvC3 after how long it was between 2 and 3
@GraceNote I thought it was uncancelled again?
@GraceNote Which is why I stand by what I said. =P
@Wipqozn It got recancelled. Again.
@Wipqozn We'll see it again, picked up by Gearbox in 14 years... And it'll be terrible.
They had a recent celebratory image of Megaman Volnut crying tears of happiness... that was in no short time revised to be tears of solemnness as the news got revoked.
Criminy, the kid even got featured in Tatsunoko vs. Capcom.
@GraceNote Which I heard was an excellent game.
I enjoyed it a lot. It has Saki. ♪
I don't own it, it's currently on loan to me from a friend.
Was Tatsunoko the company behind Power Stone (I think was the title?)?
Hey, what do you know, something I can do with a hard disk that you can't do with digital distribution! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
@Tristan No, Capcom was.
@GraceNote Thanks for reminding me! T_T
@OrigamiRobot Have you remembered the music yet?
I suspect that companies will have to beef up free demos when "friend came over with it" dies. World of warcraft is an example
Oh, I feel stupid. Tatsunoko is just an anime production company. >.>

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