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@KutuluMike He just lists "Mystery Dungeon" in the initial question
And tags it with "Pokemon-series"
no he didn't. that's part of why he yelled at you, I think.
his original title:
> General question about the starter pokemon dungeon super mystery
but this quiz guide is confusing. possibly because I've never played the game :|
"Dungeon Super Mystery" was not clearly the title of a game to me
it doesn't look like you can get whatever pokemon you want, it looks like you can basically pick from a set of 4 options.
@twobugs I figured as much. the actual title is "Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon"
I figured that "Dungeon Super Mystery" was some sort of Engrishism
And since I was wrong, the user edited it
Which was perfectly reasonable
The system works
it did.
Q: How to create an "Effect Aura" for players?

SkyCommisionI am trying to make a custom item called a "Medigun" in Minecraft. Simply put, when you hold a skull with the name "Medigun", it activates a /execute command. I am trying to make it so that when you hold it, it gives an effect of Regeneration III to every entity around it within 4 blocks. So far,...

Q: How to select which Pokemon to evolve?

Alma Ruby CarrilloI have a Ponyta cp951 36.88kg with Ember 10 and Flame Wheel 40, but then I have another Ponyta cp833 42.72kg with Ember 10 and Fire blast 100... How do I pick which to evolve? I hear go with the higher cp, but does weight and skill power make the second Ponyta a better option?

I was just pointing out that the answer Yuuki posted is for a different edition of the game, in case he wanted to update it :)
Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser and Prokofiev
@Sterno The previous @Sterno models?
I have great models. I have the best models. Everyone wishes they had my models.
@Sterno Your models are yuuge.
I want to switch my Arqade name to arda too, but loads of comments etc call me ardaozkal. Any tips?
Q: PS4 HDMI losing signal

PaulI just bought a PS4 C Chassis. I played for about 2 days for maybe 7 hours with no problem, then it started to suddenly lose the HDMI signal and get a black screen - only way to come back from it was turning off the power on my ps4 and turning it back on. And then it happened more and more and no...

@arda you gotta be your authentic self
just change it
@GodEmperorDune just did
@KutuluMike "kut" is dutch slang for vagina. That might be it?
@Arperum it complained about "tu", though.
@KutuluMike Ok, that's just insane.
@Arperum Yian Kut Ku sounds a lot more vulgar now
@twobugs Yup
well that happened
just got into an accident in a parking lot, fun times, luckily no serious damage to either cart, and neither of us plans to go through or insurance...and I don't think either of us will hear from each other
Tomorrow you'll both be dead
we backed up into each other
just some scarps on our bumpers
This graph is scary
and well if insurance does get involved, I luckily get ONE FREE ACCIDENT because I have a perfect driving record
@Wipqozn Good for you. I got into an accident last week. I ended up with a broken license plate and the other guy had some minor damage too, but he was going to poke at his insurance. And I was in error.
@Arperum pretty sure neither of us knows whose at fault, since it's Who backed up first
when I started to back up I didn't see anyone backing up, and I'm sure if asked they'd say the same thing
so either we started backing up at the same time, or they're lying...either way not interested in going through some court/insraucen hoops to figure out who if I don't need for such a small thing
@Wipqozn I was driving in a traffic jam and bumped into the other guy who was suddenly stopped. Plus wet plus recently replaced brakes so longer braking distance.
I almost killed someone once. They decided to change lanes about 15 feet in front of me in the middle of an intersection. I was going ~35 mph, they were starting from a full stop. If I hadn't slammed on my brakes and swerved out of the way, I would've gone slammed there car right were they were sitting.
Wee! Looks like my maim breaker went!
@Wipqozn I couldn't remember if I named a system "Wipqozn Sucks" on PC so now I just did it again.
What I'm I doing with my life reading macroeconomic forecast of US presidential nominee at 3am in the morning because I can't sleep?
@Sterno cc @Wipqozn on that sick burn
@Frank Maim breaker? That sounds horrible! D:
RIP @Frank, maimed by a breaker
@Fluttershy House is seriously old.
And we were not kind to it at all.
@PrivatePansy Yup, it's horrifying
And yes, I'm on mobile. Sue me.
Oct 11 '14 at 4:17, by Unionhawk
Aug 1 at 16:16, by Origami Robot
RIP @OrigamiRobot
RIP @Frank
@Unionhawk so great gems around that
@Frank My lawyers will be in touch.
Finding out that Scott Adams is a jerk sucked
I didn't learn that until last week. It was pretty jarring.
Also how I felt when I learned Adam Baldwin was a horrible person.
@twobugs headcanon rekt
@Fluttershy I'm sure.
@Fluttershy v @Frank: Dawn of Mobile Chat.
And me without power.
That's why mobile chat is dawning! Or something. Probably still makes more sense than the BvS plot. I dunno.
@fredley oh the on the point songs are too much
"don't go back to the restaurant princess carolyn"
@Dragonrage lulz
Wait, actual bug- or is joke about yellow team?
@TrentHawkins It's a joke. That's not a real tweet
Oh man, banwaves hit Pogo hard
Hopefully they test Nearby in rural areas and not just San Fransisco
Maybe it's time to break out Bob Ross again
I've been awake for nearly half an hour at 3am now
I don't want my body to readjust and wake up at 3am every night
I really hope @Wipqozn has been watching Bojack since I'm now on Season 3
@TimStone \o/
cc @Wipqozn and @fredley on @Wipqozn's terrible pace of watching bojack horseman
i guess the hare is winning this race
@TimStone That means you have seen the end of Season 2
cc @Wipqozn @fredley on that sick burn
@fredley Yes, yes I have
You can see why I needed other people to have watched Bojack now
@fredley are you going on an improv cruise?
The end of Season 2 is a damn emotional trip. Whew
Q: Candy Box 2 - Crown summoned too many octopi

Megz1331 Is there a way to clear the octopi army without restarting the level? this exact scenario is difficult to get out of with teleport and jump.

@Lazers2.0 dear god
@fredley how is halloween in january still a thing?
cc: @GodEmperorDune @TimStone
Not cc: Wipqozn
Hmm... something is weird with the network and google services, actually
I can't access calendar.google either
I can access google and calendar.google
@twobugs I know it's just me
Or maybe just this network
God damn it I spent $189 on a bag. Screw you Kickstarter.
@fredley Misery Horse bag?
How to troll @fredley: 1) link kickstarters
If not why did you spend $185
As a disrespectful user I am glad you are upset
Man the Gawker case is still fascinating
You mean vs Hulk Hogan?
Thiel is coming under huge scrutiny for privately financing an attempt to destroy a news outlet
And trying to do that in secret
@Unionhawk Yup, although there is significantly less Hulkmania than I hoped
I guess the fear is the future of journalism in a world where if you make a billionaire angry they can destroy you
Granted, I don't really feel bad for Gawker
And arguably, a billionaire can destroy you any number of ways
@twobugs yeah, with trump wanting to sue everyone and everything for libel
Hogan awarded every subatomic particle of Gawker assets.
@MadMAxJr @twoquarks
@GodEmperorDune I said 'billionaire'
@twobugs hue
Hmmm, Trump just gained a few percentage points on 538. I wonder what exactly caused that
A Trumpnomaly.
(He's still below a 25% chance to win with the polls-plus forecast)
@twobugs could be the speech where he said you could award two MVPs for the same thing
@twobugs One of the national polls had a +2 adjusted trump lead
@Unionhawk wat
Where did that come from
> National AUG. 12-13 Zogby Interactive/JZ Analytics
> Grade: C-
> Clinton: 38%
> Trump: 36%
> Johnson: 8%
> Leader: Clinton +2
> Adjusted leader: Trump +2
I also mean a kind of "where did that come from" as in "Trump's campaign has been literally on fire for the past few weeks"
He was on-message the other day apparently
I saw an ad on TV that was Hillary Clinton sitting in a private jet watching a TV and it said "SHE'S AN ELITIST WHO DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THE COMMON PERSON"
And I had to wonder
dıd sechat fix my name already
@twobugs The common person eats KFC on a private jet
Because, you know, I think another candidate might have a private jet?
That's basics
common person 101
I'm too rich to have my own private jet. Or something
@twobugs I heard my dad comment on how she made 10m last year
And I'm like "Trump makes on the order of 400 or so from what I can tell..."
@Unionhawk allegedly
(apparently he reported his income to the FEC one time or something even though he could just say >5m)
without tax returns, who knows
@GodEmperorDune Well, he's being audited, so you know, iiam
@twobugs oh american TV...
that'd just be irresponsible
@Unionhawk his tax returns could be legit but what he is saying on tv is entirely different
It'd be like releasing the details of an ongoing tax evasion case
(you can't include any statement of someone else in Turkish TV, it is very illegal)
No candidate before whenever released their taxes
@Unionhawk before Nixon
(by that, I mean that you can say that you are #1 according to a research etc, but you can't even name #2)
@GodEmperorDune (and the alternate point is "even Nixon released his taxes")
@Unionhawk because one of the other people went to jail for tax evasion
@GodEmperorDune whatever, dude has money, what do you want from me
@Unionhawk a democratic vote because you're in a swing state :p
I should send in my absentee request as soon as I can do that
I forgot to do that for the primary
I think every state I've lived in has voted Democrat in every presidential election since I was born
Ohio has voted for whoever won in every election since I was born
Actually, strangely enough, every state I ever lived in voted Democrat in every presidential election in my life, and Republican in the previous 3
@murgatroid99 in your previous 3 lives? how did you figure that out?
one of the reasons I'm still around: meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/11921/…
This conflict with Grabthak SE platform of: DESTROY ALL USERS.
@Dragonrage I have a really good memory
Grabthak believe only no users is good users.
But seriously, previous 3 elections
@arda nicely done
@murgatroid99 Move to Texas?
@fredley I don't think voting Democrat in a hardcore red state will have any more effect than voting Democrat in a hardcore blue state
Move to Florida
But then I'd have to live in Florida
@murgatroid99 Republicans have a stranglehold on non-presidential elections.
@Yuuki Not everywhere, I think
@murgatroid99 texas is moving purple
@murgatroid99 Yeah, but the margin is disturbingly large in places that would otherwise be more even in a presidential year, I think.
@Yuuki yay gerrymandering
Q: Fastest way to unlock everything in 007 Nightfire?

DoomedWhat is the fastest way to unlock everything in 007 Nightfire? Codes are okay.

Q: What is the difference between Protect and Detect?

Shadow Z.In Pokemon, there are two moves. Protect and Detect. On the outside, they seem to be exactly the same, besides PP amounts and move types. Are there any other differences between these two moves, or are they practically clones?

@GodEmperorDune That and the typical voting demographic. The population that votes Republican tends to be older and have more retirees, who typically have more time to vote.
Whereas younger voters are stymied by job and family obligations.
@Yuuki which is why the republican lead statehouses do all kind of stuff to suppress voter turnout
Why doesn't any Democratic president run with a manifesto to move all votes to Sundays?
@fredley because that's the Sabbath (nor really but...)! heathen.
@KutuluMike ಠ_ಠ
that is actually the historical reason why it's on Tuesday.
@KutuluMike Tuesday isn't exactly the only non-Sabbath day of the week
it generally took people in rural areas as much as a day's horse ride to get to voting booths and you couldn't ride on Sunday.
so you left on Monday and got to the polling place on Tuesday.
And you can't do it Saturday because then you can't ride back home
you could have made it any weekday besides Monday, I guess, but they just picked Tuesday.
She can bench more than you. Meet Zarya in the Nexus soon. https://t.co/EH65nlA5l7
> She can bench more than you.
@Yuuki More than you includes you, if you read it right!
That's offensive because I can't read.
@Sterno See, you're assuming that I can bench myself.
Flagging you because you're blind.
I'm not sure I could bench this keyboard.
Q: problem with forge1.8.9 and minecraft_stage launcheron el capitan

RebeccaUsing el capitan on my mac - and have the forge and mod set up to match. Put mod in minecraft mod folder..... but.... since i use el capitan, i don't have java, so used the usual 'minecraft_stage" launcher. Problem is, the launcher freezes on the white "Mojang" screen and never enters the welco...

Q: GTA V Gold Medal objective unavailable

fireman1600Mission, Franklin and Lamar. Objective, deliver repo car with minimal damage. I have driven so carefully as to not touch anything, three times over. The objective is greyed out in the replay screen, and I know I've achieved it at least twice. Do crashes accumulate through retries, or what's going...

@Wipqozn @fredley @TimStone done with season 3
I'm almost done season 2
so are so far behind @Wipqozn
@fredley if I don't finish by September I'll finish on the first week of September. Vacation. Your mom edition.
@Wipqozn acceptable
@Wipqozn starred so we can find it and mock you for failing later
Wow they have September in Canada?
I always thought it jumped straight from August to January.
Q: Problem logging in after update

KatrinaEvery time I open the app it prompts me to login on gmail, but my Pokemon Go account is through Pokemon, not gmail.

Q: Will bastion go back to recon mod if boosted by D.va?

Jim ThioI have a hard time fighting bastion with D.Va. My plan is to just fly through it and knock him out. Will that work? I know that reindhard pin and road hog grab will put bastion on recon mod. What about d.va?

Yip Yip https://t.co/G4g94v4ooD
@Fluttershy this summer has actually been the most summery summer we've had in a while
@twobugs and yeah we do, but it's a common mistake to assume we don't
@TimStone arbys ıs the best
i always try updating my local build right when people are checking in a bunch of things, so i have to wait like 5 minutes for them to finish
But they've got the meats
The Sky Bison meats D:
Oh, joy. Government beauracracy at its best.
They want 450 to come inspect my breaker panel after hours.
When its only after hours because I had to wait in the queue for them to answer.
Incredibly unimpressed with my city right now.
Q: Steam stays in system language

inakilbssI have Steam for Mac and every time the app updates, the language of the entire thing is set back to Spanish, my system language, and only changes after a million tries of setting the preferences. Opting out of the beta didn't help either.

And Steven! https://t.co/e2uYf2ZycJ
Q: /fill command help

Epb7304I am trying to remove a large quantatie of blocks but is there a easyer way then deleteing all of your command blocks trying to get /fill to work? I really dont want to use structior blocks either can anyone help? p.s parden my bad spelling xD

@Sterno If I'm willing to do ALL THE THINGS which I'm not
@spugsley How are you liking Seattle? :D
I haven't actually talked to you since you moved.
@Fluttershy Eh, it's up and down. I miss the people in Charlotte but I don't miss Charlotte the place at all. So I guess that's good
That's fair.
food: A++
current weather: F------ it would be fine if we had AC but we don't and no where here does and it's 90 this week
People: D+ there's too many of them and they're always everywhere all the time
People again: A+ because 90% of them aren't insensitive, bigoted trashcan humans
@spugsley Yeah... I never understood the no AC thing that they did around there. But omg the food is so good.
Q: I need help naming villagers

Minecrafter42I'm playing Minecraft, and I'm customizing a village I found. I'm trying to give nametags to all the villagers, but when I try, all I get is the trading menu. I've heard of the Nether portal method, but I'm afraid of the villager accidentally walking into the portal. Any other methods?

Q: Just how many different "photos" does the disposable camera in Tomodachi life take?

Steven SmettersIt seems to me that every time i use the disposable camera a different picture comes up. Just how many in-game photos can the disposable camera take exactly? this counts artsy photos only as "someone we know" is based off of the miis in-game and is different than the AR Camera item.

I didn't write anything there yet but I have great stories that happened between 2007 and 2014. (2014-2016 is better but still has some stories)
@arda if you want depression, what misery horse
@spugsley Wait, Seattle has no A/C?
@Yuuki barely.
Starbucks, some restaurants, none of the apartments, no local businesses
As someone who lives in Houston, this blows my mind.
it would have been impossible in Charlotte to do the no AC life. But everyone here keeps saying it's not really necessary
um it's been in the 80-90s the last month. Seems necessary to me :/
@fredley Sonofabitch
@fredley I want to get off Mr. @fredley's Wild Ride.
@SaintWacko My reaction exactly
I've been seeing this meme everywhere and don't understand it.
And don't want to.
inb4 someone posts knowyourmeme
@GodEmperorDune I like reading stuff like that because it makes me feel that I'm not the only person who suffered in school / am suffering in other parts of life. While that overall makes me feel better, it kinda makes me realize what I had to go through and how fucked up it was, also adding to my current level of depression
Or just explains it, I guess.
different meme
The Loch Ness one
So I was looking at this mod with my browser fairly narrow and it went to what I imagine is tablet mode
And I couldn't figure out how the hell to download it
I found the button once I made the browser bigger, but have no idea where it is in tablet mode
@Sterno the "tree fitty" loch ness meme?
@KutuluMike yeah
it's from a South Park episode.
(forgot my pc sounds open, I'm downstairs while pc is up - everyone is sleeping, please don't ping)
wow, that show is old.
the running joke is that Chef's parents are being harassed by the Loch Ness monster, and it keeps appearing out of nowhere (often in digsuise) but all it wants is to borrow $3.50
@KutuluMike south Park is REALLY old
13 Aug 1997
the loch ness episode is early, too, pre-Chef-hissy-fit
yeah, the improv is strong
It's just weird I'd never heard it before and then heard it 3 times in one day
@Sterno well you keep givin him tree fiddy, no wonder he keeps comin around
@fredley is this the best 4chan can come up with?
well except trump, i guess
@GodEmperorDune best 4chan is verification can
Q: What do the dots next to the fps counter mean?

BobfaceWhen I activate the performance-meter in the settings I can see my FPS in the top left corner. When the game runs smoothly, I have one dot next to the fps, like that: "FPS: 70." However, in bigger fights I get some input latency (I can feel the delay between moving my mouse and the screen movin...

@Sterno I believe this is known as the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon.
There we go. Verification can
@John It's not the sort of thing I wouldn't have noticed before, and it did come out 3 different times today. It's not that I'm noticing it because it was suddenly pointed out to me.
@Sterno Why are you noticing it then?
Because I literally got linked to 3 different things doing it today.
Unless somehow you've actually never been exposed to it before today
which would be amazing, but this is the internet
I have never been exposed to it before today.
Of course, until last week, I barely looked at reddit, and that was 2 of the instances
I feel obligated to make a "@Sterno is old" joke here, but none come to mind.
user image
cc @Frank
Q: Minecraft: How do i detect left click with commands?

Baboom1What the title says. I have already tried spawning a slime that teleports to the player's head but i don't know how I would build the syntax. Please help.

At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot and in the hope of learning something, is there a reason why you wouldn't use a switch instead?
And is there an even better way of doing whatever that looks like?
@Yuuki or even like, else if?
@Unionhawk Yeah, I was thinking that. And it's probably a better idea too since switch cascades down unless you break and following that logic might be a bit annoying.
@Yuuki switch is rather faster and IMO better, I use it whenever I can. The usecases are somewhat limited, but I haven't seen any other cons.
Q: What happens if you try to catch a pokemon when you are at your pokemon inventory limit?

TheynaIn Pokemon Go there is a limit to how many Pokemon you can have in your 'inventory' at once. This limit can be increased by buying Pokemon storage upgrades with Poke-coins etc., but the default is 250. What happens when you try to catch another Pokemon when you are at the current limit?

oh and you can only use constants, at least in C#
@Yuuki if you don't have a break in each case, most likely you are doin it wrong
but that seems like a great place for some sort of early return or something instead of chaining moar ifelseif
I also find it a bit more annoying to write than regular ifelse thanks to case and break
@Yuuki Meh no more than if (foo) {} else { if (bar) {...}}
i mean what kind of business logic requires such a monstrosity?
Yeah holy shit
hell you could just have written it if() {return X} if (){ return y}

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