If I were going to learn an Asiatic language it would be Korean at this point because I cannot imagine learning a language without learning to read/write, and I doubly cannot imagine the amount of effort it would take to learn to read/write Japanese or Chinese.
My dad's family speaks a particular brand of Chinese called "Taininghua" (literally "Taining language") and I have a much tougher time understanding it than the Nanjinghua that my mom's family occasionally speaks.
It's just wild how China has been inhabited by these powerful civilizations and empires for thousands of years and we barely hear about it in western society
In Pokemon-Go are eggs predetermined before you hatch them? What I mean is, has it already been decided what you are going to get from that egg before it's been hatched? Or is it a random selection during the hatching?
I've set up five warchiefs that look how I want them to but after changing my mind I now wish to make four of them the bodyguards of a single warchief, but to do that I need to somehow demote them to captains without killing them so they can then undergo "initiation" to become bodyguards. All of ...
Interesting note, Chinese has separate words for the word "language" to indicate which part of the language is being talked about. Hua or 话 usually refers to the spoken language whereas wen or 文 refers to written. Yu or 语 usually means both.
And it's for your own good. All the places we invaded had all this war and instability, so it was for the good of your own historical record that we took it.
Look UK, I know you and mom are having a rough divorce neither of you really wanted. But I'm America, I'm independent now. I moved out of the house a long time ago and I've got my own problems.
One time my roommate ordered Chinese food delivered to our dorm room without telling me and also not being in the room. He expected to be back in time but wasn't. So I had a guy yelling at me in Chinese because I refused to pay him for food I didn't order. I said "我不会说中文" and then he got even more mad.
Chinese has a bunch of different names. 中文 is the most common. 汉语 ("hanyu") is another (literally "Han language"). When referring to Mandarin in particular, you typically say 普通话 ("putonghua", literally "ordinary language" or "common language"). Cantonese, on the other hand, is 广东话 ("guangdonghua", "Canton/Guangdong language").
Interesting tidbit: I have trouble with written Chinese (my vocabulary is not that big) so I used to use Chinese -> Chinese translation so I can see the pinyin.
Then I know how to pronounce and often then can translate it.
I accidentally log out and now i cant log in, i made new account and it logged in then i tryed login with my main account and its just keep trying but it didn´t go loading screen and it wont log me in
I put my Fluffalo down in my ship but I now have a colony to put it on instead. Is there anyway for me to collect it and move it? Killing it with lava appears to be my only option although that is a waste of Pixels.
@twobugs @Wipqozn @fredley there are some LA refrances in here that don't add up. You can't take the 134 to the 10, they are parallel. and if you take the 134 to the 101 you can get to the beach
I really hate twitter accounts that first post good content then just post sponsored stuff.
one example being club penguin bans (nsfw text), other being stock image stories (nsfw text - still posts regular stuff, but not even close to humor level of a month ago and retweeting sponsored stuff now)
It works now. For anyone else struggling with Android/NDK/GCC/Eclipse, here's how I solved it:
Bury a dead cat at midnight when full moon
Restart the Android device emulator
Haven't verified if both steps are really necessary, and if not, which one is redundant.
But speaking of my posts, I should write up an answer for that one question that I said I was going to do that's going to be really quick and hopefully get me at least 1 closer to tag badge
> In a statement "on dishonest media" released the same day by the Trump campaign, spokesman Jason Miller claimed that Trump was actually referring to the "amazing spirit" and "unification" of gun owners.
Is it possible to send a redstone pulse as a wire turns off?
I have a machine I'm trying to build that uses a timer and I'd like for something to happen at the very end of the timer running down after it has turned off.
The only way I can think to do this is to somehow build a machine that inve...
I have a cheap mouse that has two buttons on the side. These register as mouse button 4 and mouse button 5. I was wondering if there was any way to set these so that the DPI drops when clicked and comes back to normal when released. Some people call this a "sniper" button. The mouse does not come...
I made a new Pokemon GO account but I used the same google account, so now every time I try to play it makes me use the new account instead of the lvl 17 one. I tried signing out and logging into the google account, but it makes me go into the new account instead of the old one. So now I have no ...
Looking for a top down RTS game not as in depth as Civ that will run on my macbook pro. Really looking for something that has the "build your city and army and attack/defend your opponent" style that age of empires had.
Anyone know of a game like that which will work on a macbook? (OS-X - I don'...
I haven't tried this on single player (because I never play single player) also, just quickly, I have no mods on my Mine craft, and when I left click about 5-10 times relatively quickly, my Mine craft crashes and takes me back to the launcher and the launcher displays all the chat when I was in t...