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@Sterno and they did it 5 times.
Q: Pokemon Go Gmail Problems

Morgan WilcoxOn Pokemon Go on my iPhone 5 ,there is a problem to do with logging in with Gmail , I already have an account which is what I am trying to sign into, Anyway when I am trying to sign in ,It would take a couple tries to sign in as every time I would sign in ,It would redirect me and make me sign in...

3 people claims that (^) it is a dupe of this (v). Am I missing something?
Q: Pokemon GO missing google sign up option

PinkPandaRecently I downloaded Pokemon GO but when I try to sign up with google account,the option isn't there. Help please. I use a LG G2 mini

no.. clearly not dupes of each other.
except in the sense that all pogo questions are dupes of "WHY IT DONT WERK GUD?"
I think that this was one of the points of the post of @StrixVaria too
@arda i voted to leave open
@Dragonrage so did I
it may be a dup of something else, but afaict it is not a dup of either suggested ones
people needs to stop marking stuff dupe of unrelated stuff
Yes, I agree
However, good luck with that :(
Why am I not suprised at the flood of PoGo on Arqade?
@FaceSavouringDeliciousFood-Pig what flood?
The flood of, I don't know... The one you have a meta open for to redirect the mass dupes appropriately?
Perhaps flood is the wrong term. I just mean the high number of questions relating to it in the recent activity feed.
It has somewhere between 50 to 100 million installs
we're lucky in concideration
So I made cheeseburger burritos out of leftovers for lunch.
@MadMAxJr oh, that flood. yea, i think I have like 3 metas about dupes for PoGo
you could be the go to place for the pogo info
but no
we can't answer much
because derp
Q: Pokemon Go need help

eddWhen I load up pokemon go non of the pokestops gyms or pokemon show up and I dont know what to do PLEASE help if you know what to do. (I have an iphone btw)

Why is Visual Studio so confusing? X_X I should really stick with my normal IDE
@arda Is this one of those dirty "third-party candidates"?
reminds me of a pic I made
what is your normal ide
@FaceSavouringDeliciousFood-Pig vs is confusing? since when?
but I'm trying to learn VS because... well... windows
I'unno, just not what I'm used to
I guess growing up on VS i'm just used to it - switching IDE's is always confusing at first
what part is confusing?
@ChaseC yeah
help my phone is a nokia 6120, I rooted it with Android 1.1 and a homebrew face swap for a 2x3 LCD screen. I live in the Principality of Sealand and it is not yet available in my country but i demand I be able to play anyway, please help
@MadMAxJr donload apk here it works for me htpp//someshadylink.scam
I used to use vim and gcc, so I guess I'm not a huge fan of IDEs to begin with (-_-)/
i gps hack to get to pokestops BUT ONLY IN MY TOWN and now nothing appears pelase fix nao my gym is about to fall
i wud liek to play PkGo on rotary telephone. halp
It's what it feels like to read these things.
how to catch haxx and mlg my gym?
(i have an iphone btw fyi brb ttyl)
It's a free app without customer service that lets you talk to a person. So this happens.
@MadMAxJr that reminds me, someone made Pogo for Windows phone
@arda Yeah, I got that one wrong, although I still think it's pretty darn close.
Q: is there limit on cards that can be bought in shop?

neogeomatI bought my first pekka card in 2000 and now the shop shows 9 cards and the cost is 4000. does this mean I will get only 9 cards. or will it refresh to 10 cards in next round?

Q: How do I buy a penthouse?

DragonrageMy Sim wishes that they could live in a penthouse, because apparently they are not satisfied with the nicely decorated and roomy apartment they bought. I purchased all the available homes that were apartments in hopes that one would be a penthouse, but apparently none of them are, so I have a bun...

Q: The first click of the KSP re-root tool, what does it do?

SumGuyIn Kerbal Space Program for the reroot tool, I know you click a part, then click another part and the second click is the new root. What is the first click for?

I think that an sms based Pogo would be possible
We have a question that it is a dupe of, though.
some of these really poor quality pogo dupes should just get closed as too broad or unclear
@arda Bzz There are 5 pokemon in the area. Send FIGHT Weedle to fight a Weedle, FIGHT Weedle to fight a Weedle, FIGHT Weedle to fight a Weedle, FIGHT Weedle to fight a Weedle, FIGHT Weedle to fight a Weedle
pogo is ruining this site for me, because its nothing but horribly worded questions asking why the game doesnt work
@ChaseC ignore the tag
@KevinvanderVelden FIGHT Rattata
Can we vtc PoGO as unclear UI?
@arda Bzz You have been banned
2 hours ago, by fredley
user image
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, but then i'd have to go unhide it when everything is back to normal...idk
Q: Question being marked as a duplicate to an out of date question

king14nyrThis question about the 'Nearby' section of Pokémon Go addresses the current state functionality (no pawprints, Pokémon are not clickable to determine direction). It was suggested as a duplicate of this question, which details the issues from the previous update with the 'Nearby' section (all Pok...

i need to build a wall to keep these pogo complaint starbaits off the starlist
throw "Thing not found!";
^^ Always throws
Pogo only needs 31 more questions to be in the top 10 tags for the site.
we'll get there by dinner time i'm sure of it
@ChaseC That's quite the conservative estimate.
@Yuuki so...in the next 10 minutes?
@Yuuki depends when dinner is
@Dragonrage Preemptively throws up whatever is going to be for dinner.
@fredley javascript the lol parts
@fredley is condition defined as function() { return false; }? that might explain it.
if(rage){throw table;}
> Foursquare found that, since Donald Trump announced that he was running for president in June 2015, foot traffic to Trump-branded hotels, casinos and golf courses has dropped. “Since spring, it’s fallen more,” the company says.
@KutuluMike Nonono, it's function() { return !true; }
Totally different
@GodEmperorDune The behavior he's describing is not the behavior of JavaScript
Unless condition is always false yeah
And I assume @fredley checked that
In which case it's the expected behavior of any language with those constructs
It might throw something else, if condition or thing or loop is undefined
I was kind of crashing so I went and got some afternoon coffee. This is cinnamon free. Excellent
mmm... race conditions are fun
That's racist
Was this posted to chat already?
3 times now
It was, but it warrants a reposting for Trump's campaign
Polls Plus is 73.3% for Clinton
That's up from this morning
It was updated mere minutes ago
As we leave the DNC in the past and the numbers don't get better for Trump he is in trouble
Yadda Yadda Yadda 3 months but you know
so you're polls aren't like ours
like... scarily accurate :D
? I'm not sure what you mean
Have you guys seen the stats when you click on each state? 538 really went to town in breaking down the formula barney style.
@djsmiley2k 73% isn't the polling, that's the odds
the polls in the UK predicted the brexit vote within like 2% iirc
There are numerous polling agencies, 538 does stats
They're saying that based on the current state of the race, Trump has a less than 30% chance to clinch the needed electoral votes
@twobugs Which is both yay and boo.
Because Clinton truly is the lesser of two evils.
the thing about trump is... if he actually got it, I think there'd be a lot more movement in teh shadows, to make sure he didn't truely screw things up
the same way bush didn't manage to
Lesser by at least 2 orders of magnitude, I'd estimate
@Unionhawk One, at best.
When it comes to tech, she is completely and utterly clueless.
I think you underestimate
But she's not batshit insane like Trump.
clueless enough to ensure that she lost a lot of incriminating emails?
@djsmiley2k I think that's too optimistic
clueless enough to ensure she had them hosted somewhere that wasn't backed up by some external agency?
obviously by 'her' I mean 'whom ever is in charge of those kind of things'
A Trump presidency would be awful
you assume that all of those were clueless decisions.
and not "if we host it off-site we can delete what we want and claim clueless later."
@KutuluMike im saying the opposite
@KutuluMike At best, they were clueless. At worst, they were deliberately criminal.
@djsmiley2k honestly, 3rd-party backup for emails is a good idea if you want to have a bad time. :|
I think it's somewhere in the middle.
shes not so clueless as to make sure she has someone who knows what they are doing
"criminal" is pushing things a bit for what amounts do "didn't follow department policy"
Keep it in house, export and send tapes to a 3rd-party is safer
I think the FBI director was pretty clear - it was a reckless move on Clinton's part, but the precedent is overwhelmingly to not prosecute under this statute
She would be the second person ever, in over 100 years of this being on the books
isnt she going to be the first fem pres?
If she is elected, yes
next time u can vote a gay one in and youll have the set
The US will finally catch up to the rest of the first world
morrissey will be proved wrong
She is, depressingly, the first female nominee from a major political party
'where the president is never black, female or gay'
i thuink thats the lyric
i guess the uk hass had a gay pm, i dont actually know tho
Dat Tony flair tho
@djsmiley2k Not that I can recall, we've also not had a non-white one either.
we suck!
Realize that despite being sold as The Most Black Human Being To Ever Live, Barack Obama is half white
Not to undercut anything, it's just an interesting point
Q: How do the special stats and other stats work?

Chronos MythSo I'm currently trying to figure out how the SPECIAL stats affect the other stats (I.e. Lock pick and science and ect.) so I can create a fallout based dnd. I don't know if all fallout games work the same or not but if not can you tell me how many special stats you get in fallout 4 and how they ...

@djsmiley2k Also they're all pretty much from one school.
@twobugs First female Presidential nominee.
Food all ready to go. Movie all ready.
Just waiting on guest to arrive.
Oh wait, "nominee".
@Yuuki From a major political party? Or just presidential?
@Ronan eton, ya
I guess vice presidents don't count since they're usually selected after the nominee is already chosen.
So not technically a "nominee".
@Yuuki No, there were nominees from minor parties
Anyone help me with 'don't starve'
I haz no clue
Can stream...
@djsmiley2k Food
Ha cha cha
@twobugs In the message I replied to you, you said "from a major political party".
He was going for "sarah palin was a vice presidential nominee" which isn't technically true because of reasons
Ah, I see what you mean
I should have clarified
@Unionhawk Actually, I was going to point out Geraldine Ferraro.
Democratic vice presidential candidate in the '84 election.
But Reagan won by such a ridiculous landslide, it's understandable that you don't remember her.
Let's not talk about Reagan lest we get depressed
And also '84
@twobugs reagan would be a much better president than trump
I will agree to that I guess
@GodEmperorDune I'll allow it
But then again he's dead, so maybe not
gave amnesty to illegal immigrants, raised taxes, made peace with the soviet union
Ballooned spending, stoked class warfare, etc.
he would never get nominated in today's republican primary
Oh Trump will make peace with the soviet union all right, probably
@twobugs oh he did a bunch of fuct stuff too
@Unionhawk Is there a clause that we're allies if our leaders kiss on stage?
@twobugs I thought that was Geneva Conventions
I wonder what Trump's favorite article of the constitution, Article 12, has to say about this
@twobugs nothing, it was too corinthians
people either seem to love Reagan or hate him. no real in-between.
I wonder if the gold star dad got kickbacks from pocket constitution sellers since Trump apparently went out and bought one to wave it around
@Dragonrage Not really, we're taking a mixed view of him right now
@twobugs ...elegibility for the presidency?
i heard sales of the pocket constitution went through the roof after that
He did a lot of fuct things, but he mixed in some intelligent forwarding thinking too
Is this a birther joke?
@Unionhawk Article 12 doesn't exist
Oh this website is just stupid
And lists ammendment 12 as [article XII] (amendment 12)
the constitution has 7 articles
so how would they list the first 7 amendments?
Why list them? They're not as important
I think it lists them all as articles of the amendments to the constitution?
@twobugs on @uni's weird website i mean
Or something?
I dunno. It might technically be correct to the text
It'd be funny if he did mean Amendment 12, since that's electoral college
Which further stacks this election's forecast against him
trump is too busy leaking fake "top secret" videos

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