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:9464 That makes a lot more sense than your earlier comment, and matches the stated goals of the SE network.
:9464 Actually, while popularity is affected by opinions, in and of itself it's very objective
You can't argue with numbers
So it seems the two sides come down to this: One side sees added value, the other side sees information based on popularity, which is not our goal, not what we're setup to support, causing added problems.
:9466 You are jumping to the conclusion that votes on game-rec answers will actually MATCH popularity, which there is no guarantee of.
Oooo @tzenes that looks like a challenge, your comment there
I am willing to bet I can find the 84 games
:9469 Of course, but in a way, unless people actually lie, it should
and @arda you most certainly can argue with numbers, its a field known as statistics...
:9473 In a way yes, but would you like to argue that eg WoW is not popular?
if you only look at objective data available
@Arda I would argue that WoW is not very popular in comparison to games like Farmville
:9475 And who exactly is going to post/track/update all of that objective data on our game-rec answers?
Man @tzenes I'm really tempted to agree, if only because two of these are my questions and I will love more answers there :)
though I hope you don't mean all kind of strange flash games.
:9476 that's comparing apples to oranges, fairly sure they don't do that in statistics
@Arda first off, they do do that in statistics, secondly, that's an unfair analogy if what you're looking for is MMOs, thirdly, just because wow is more popular than game X doesn't mean that the votes will show that
statistics is the science of demonstrating what you can show based on the information you are given
:9481 nor does it mean they won't
:9482 You don't compare apples to oranges if you're judging apples.
Only if you're judging fruit
it is concerned with things like: sample size, sample population, and type I and type II errors
we vary easily could be in a situation where we have a recommendation to which both farmville and WoW are acceptable answers
I realize you haven't had serious statistics courses so it may seem like a single question is a decent sample, but it is not
and I don't have the time to teach you why that is the case
:9416 there's more to it than that, adult content is the highway to being filtered and Jeff esplicitly asked to have none of that
yes, I'm reading the backlog
:9489 no need to patronize me, I know that one piece of data is not a big enough sample to derive anything from
:9466 your statement here suggests the opposite
:9494 if you are comparing popularity, you judge by the amount of players it has
among other things
"Actually, while popularity is affected by opinions, in and of itself it's very objective"
of course, this will not always be expressed in votes
All Arda said is that popularity is objective. With that I happen to agree.
And I have taken a statistics course :)
Though, honestly, I remember almost nothing.
Found it not to my liking
Ok, then can you objectively determine the most popular game?
But that's not what he wrote, and I guess that's not what he meant.
or Piece of Music?
or anything related to popularity?
if popularity is objective, then it should be objectively determined
popularity is objectively equal to 95, where 95 is least popular and 95 is most popular and Portal is 96.
:9507 Objectively isn't the same as indubitably
it just means you're basing it on facts rather than opinions
I don't understand what you're getting it. Honestly. You said popularity is something affected by opinion. I agree. What I understand from Arda is that he said that popularity can be measured. With that I also agree.
If you're calling the criteria for determining popularity subjective than I can't imagine anything being objective.
@Oak I am saying you cannot determine popularity from facts, because the set of criteria which determines popularity does not exist
it is an ambiguous term
:9513 Then you cannot research anything objectively
is the most popular song the one that is played most? most purchased? most people say they like it? most people say is their favorite? etc tect etc
by comparison if I want to know if a rock is a diamond my set of criteria are well defined: is it composed of carbon with hydrogen caps? is the ratio with in specifications? is the carbon is a BCC latic?
@tzenes so use a different term, what's the matter? I don't think that was Arda's point. Then again, I'm not him
:9518 I'm working off popularity because that's the term you used :)
the problem here is the popularity is influenced by all these factors and the voting represents none of them
Besides, this is not a scientific paper; everything is loosely defined anyway.
thus we can't say that it is objective
we don't even have a ball park here
Sure we can. We can define how popular something inside a specific question as the amount of votes it gets in that question.
Anyway, I don't understand the point of this conversation.
:9524 that only shows how many people are willing to vote, not how popular it is
:9528 likewise, in your diamond example all you've shown is that the rock is composed of carbon with hydrogen caps
Quick question here
(I guess I could post this on meta, but this is really something small and quick)
:9529 + BCC lattice structure = definition of diamon
shoot @aub
Does the spoiler tag mean that I'm looking for answers with spoilers, or that my question contains spoilers (or both)?
:9532 as such, you cannot indubitably prove that it is a diamond, however we assume that it is (and can be quite sure)
my question being: why can we accept such a definition for diamond to be empirically true, but not popularity?
:9535 I can indubitably prove it is a diamond
we have a strong definition for what a diamond is. We do not have such a definition for popularity
you cannot indubitably prove anything
in what context?
without a doubt
I know what indubitably means
in what context can you not prove anything?
it is very much possible (however remote the possibility) that what you have isn't actually diamond, but just something very similar
how so?
how can I have something that is carbon capped with hydrogen in a BCC lattice and have it not be a diamond?
yeah.. I may have picked a bad example there
Is anything really gained here by debating the philosophy of proving reality (which has been debated for a few dozen centuries now)?
Even if we don't have a definition for "popularity" (or any other term, for that matter), we can define it. We only need a general consensus of our users.
:9552 Thanks
Assuming we can actually come to consensus on something
what definition is beneficial to the site?
after the domain fiasco, I'm not entirely convinced we can
:9554 good point
:9555 amount of votes is literally the only definition that can be applied to the site
ok, that's circular logic
then what?
popularity = bad
It's the only definition I could think of that is beneficial to the site
:9561 why?
we're going in circles here
Why is popularity bad?
I said that using the definition of votes is bad because the original problem is "sort by votes"
I said popularity is bad because there is no definition we can use
the definition we can use (if we can agree on a definition at all) is the amount of votes
it is an approximation of course
but as someone pointed out before, this is not a scientific paper, we don't need empirical figures
if we use the amount of votes as the definition then our statement becomes: sort by votes isn't a problem because its a sort by popularity where popularity is the number of votes
that's circular logic
that's not circular logic, that's tautology
saying sort by votes is a sort by popularity is the same thing as saying popularity is the number of votes
@tzenes So is your primary concern that people can't be bothered to read through all the answers? I came into this in the middle - I'm not clear what problem you're trying to prevent.
My primary concern is that questions of this nature do not reward expertise
sort by votes is usually a method to reward expertise
better answers "float"
in the case of game-rec people vote according to subjective opinion
if we term this "popularity" as a umbrella term for all possible subjective opinions peopel use
then we are sorting by "popularity"
a CW question does not reward expertise anyway
since all possible subject opinions does not equal expertise it breaks the system
votes matter
sort by popularity, which is incidentally, the most common used method for vote sorting in the govnement.
even if they don't convey rep
:9585 on the subject of game recommendations, subjective opinions do equal expertise
:9587 democracy is the worst possible system... except for all the others
@Arda that doesn't make any sense
I'm glad someone else said it
:9591 a game-rec question is subjective
actually it does, who game-recs Metroid: Other M
hence, whichever is the right answer is subjective
hence the expertise is subjective
Subjective things by definition cannot have experts.
Ok, @oak's point was that there is expertise which is not subjective
The answers may be objective, but the sorting will be subjective.
Fairly sure the field of statistics has experts
philosophy can't have experts?
How is statistics subjective?
@alexanderpas no, only historians
:9603 just to name one thing, the data set you use
Ok going back to your argument for "the expertise is subjective", I can't make heads or tails of what you're trying to say
you have lies, damn lies and statistics.
:9606 if there is to be any expertise for a subjective question, how can it be objective?
you just threw the word "hence" all over the place and came up with some kind of babble that doesn't even make sense syntactically
"the expertise is subjective"
i can't parse that
:9611 answer the question then?
for if something isn't objective, it has to be subjective
@StrixVaria syntax error?
ok i agree on that point
what is your question that you want me to answer
(aside: natural languages have syntaxes too)
in Bridge on Gaming Chat, Oct 13 at 19:48, by Arda Xi
@StrixVaria if there is to be any expertise for a subjective question, how can it be objective?
that question doesn't make any sense
i can't even figure out what you're asking
@tzenes said: "subject opinions does not equal expertise"
the point is, if I like game x and you like game y
who's to say who's right?
we both have our own opinions
the asker, usually
the problem with game-rec questions is
there are multiple "correct" answers
as long as a game meets the requirements in the question, it is a correct answer
so thereafter it's just sorted based entirely on popularity
because they are all correct
people are going to vote for the ones that they want others to see more, so their pet game gets more exposure
If I like game X, Y and Z, and you like game X, Y and Z, you might be more of an expert on the things I also like, compared to someone who likes A, B and C.
that makes sense too
i'll agree to that
:9632 as such, the more popular a game is, the more votes it will get
@alexanderpas unless there are other factors outside of games which matter like: what tv shows you like, where you were born, etc
exactly right arda
and since popularity is SUBJECTIVE
:9638 which was my point... a half hour ago or something
i fail to see what point you're trying to make
:9639 popularity isn't subjective, the factors effecting it are
@Strix I made the argument popularity is SUBJECTIVE half an hour ago
which is where we went with the whole Diamond conversation
the fact that something is popular or not can be objectively measured
but this is not the place to do it
@ArdaXi, playing devils advocate again?
and ultimately the reason you can't argue with @Arda on this issue is that he's using circular logic and calling it a tutology
:9647 @Oak convinced me, actually
:9648 you were saying the exact same thing twice with different wording... according to my dictionary that is the definition of tautology
i'm not saying no argument exists on the side of allowing game-rec, but arda xi makes no sense at all
this particular argument is meaningless
you're trying to argue semantics and doing it with non-questions
the question I asked wasn't meant to attack your point, I actually did want an answer
and if i understood it i would have answered it
In rhetoric, a tautology is an unnecessary or unessential (and sometimes unintentional) repetition of meaning, using different and dissimilar words that effectively say the same thing (often originally from different languages). It is often regarded as a fault of style and was defined by Fowler as "saying the same thing twice." It is not apparently necessary or essential for the entire meaning of a phrase to be repeated. If a part of the meaning is repeated in such a way that it appears as unintentional, or clumsy, then it may be described as tautology. On the other hand, a repetition of ...
Here's my attempt at the pro-game-rec point of view:
When you ask a game rec question, you are asking for others' opinions. You make the implicit assumption that if a game is popular over all gamers, it is likely you will enjoy it. You also assume that the population of gaming.se is a fairly representative subset of all gamers. Therefore, the rec answer that gets the most votes is (more or less) the most popular in this group, and presumably also popular across gamers as a whole. Therefore, it is the most "correct" answer to your question
all I asked was basically "how can a subjective question have objective answers"
@sjohnston post it on meta!
there are a number of assumptions made there, but it's a string of fairly logical jumps
and just for the record, I'm not really on one side or the other on this
all I asked was basically "how can a subjective question have objective answers"
a subjective question can't have objective answers
the questions are objective (they ask for games meeting certain requirements)
once the correct answers are identified, however, the SORTING is subjective
^ this
Posted by Robert Cartaino on September 29th, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

for reference:
Circular reasoning is a formal logical fallacy in which the proposition to be proved is assumed implicitly or explicitly in one of the premises. For example: "Only an untrustworthy person would run for office. The fact that politicians are untrustworthy is proof of this." Such an argument is fallacious, because it relies upon its own proposition — "politicians are untrustworthy" — in order to support its central premise. Essentially, the argument assumes that its central point is already proven, and uses this in support of itself. Circular reasoning is different from the informal log...
:9671 I know what circular reasoning is
and I don't agree that I was doing it
Yeah I know you don't
you don't agree you did, because you didn't? (;))
people rarely do
circular reasoning would be saying that votes are sorted by popularity because the most popular answers have the most votes
@tzenes work to do!
or: sorting by popularity isn't subjective because the number of votes is what is popular and we know what is popular by the number of votes
@alexanderpas I'm not getting dragged into the: 2v2 is not balanced debate again
I said that questions are sorted by popularity because people vote for their favourite answers, which is what I defined popularity as
that's overly explicit, but not circular reasoning
sorting by popularity isn't subjective because | the number of votes is what is popular and we know what is popular by the number of votes
no, because people vote for their favourite answers
thank you @alex
that is not the same thing
earlier you said "number of votes = popular"
you also said "sorting by popular is ok because its not subjective"
finally you said "what is popular is not subjective because we can determine it by the number of votes"
number of votes = popular = not subjective because determined by number of votes
number of votes = not subjective because determined by number of votes
of course, if you simplify it like that everything is circular reasoning
because arguments depend on definitions
usually those definitions are implicit
this is like talking to a 15 year old...
definitions are made by a good arguments
:9698 ...
:9698 correct (or something like that)
if you're going to talk about fallacies ad hominem isn't the way to go
Arda your argument makes no sense, everyone here understands that
it makes sense. sorta.
I don't agree
please don't speak for "everyone"
:9703 you're only seeing what you want to see
ok well then can someone besides arda explain it to me?
joined too late for that.
you want to see circular reasoning, so you see circular reasoning
I posted my explanation
Your explanation has its own merits and drawbacks, but it's not the same as arda's
besides, that would cause a temporal loop
i don't think anyone could coherently explain arda's stance right now
your explanation seems fully divorced
understanding is one, explaining is another thing.
do you think you understand what he's trying to say?
alright, that may be. unfortunately I can't devote my full attention to this at work :-/
I also have run out of time
I'll have to look over the last few pages later
but I would posit that while there is possibly an explanation for why game-rec should exist, the one arda just exposed makes no sense
:9717 I think i understand what she's trying to say.
can you explain it to me?
in Bridge on Gaming Chat, Oct 13 at 20:10, by alexanderpas
understanding is one, explaining is another thing.
that doesn't answer my question
I disgree...you can't fully understand something until you can explain it to someone else.
:9726 while i agree with that on technical grounds, i don't think it is valid for this type of case.
I also disagree with the statement, but I'm more curious if @alex can explain it, not if explanation implies understanding
like i said:
in Bridge on Gaming Chat, Oct 13 at 20:10, by alexanderpas
understanding is one, explaining is another thing.
so you can't?
this is a yes or no question, I kind of need a yes or no answer
@ardaxi there's a problem with "you can infer popularity from votes", if answers were sorted randomly you could be able to do that. However, people just read the first three top entries and upvote those. Just like they do with Google.
in Bridge on Gaming Chat, Oct 13 at 20:09, by alexanderpas
joined too late for that.
like i said:
in Bridge on Gaming Chat, Oct 13 at 20:09, by alexanderpas
joined too late for that.
:9733 I agree
so you joined too late to understand or to explain?
to properly explain.
so answer order skews popularity? Do you believe it drastically skews it?
:9740 Absolutely and dramatically so.
:9733 People always upvote the first three Google answers?
it does for results after the first page.
there's a great deal of complexity there though
I don't see how you could compare that, the SE engine doesn't have an objective formula to determine the questions to show on top
it does even before the first page; by the time you get 10 answers your interest level is gone before you get to the bottom. possibly not for you, but for enough people to skew the results
how likely is it that a more popular answer would also be posted before less popular answers, and therefore be more likely to be on the front page
@StrixVaria I sometimes read up to page 5, i avaraged the numbers.
how often are there going to be multiple pages of answers?
depending on how big we get it could be fairly often for these types of questions
we're trying to determine the precedent to set now for the future of the site
we can't just think in the short term
[game-rec]? highest propability all over the site.
we probably all know that any system to measure popularity is inherently imperfect, even if we agree on a definition of popularity. But an imperfect system may still be good enough, if it provides people with answers that satisfy them
[game-rec] propability == propability of all other tags combined.
:9754 he didn't just say absolutely he also said dramatically
how many times is which one more popular than the other?
I would guess the latter, but my ability to guess correctly doesn't seem to have much bearing on the current conversation. I only get one vote
:9760 yes, but by how many times? :)
also, why is there so much money going on in the SEO business? (and not in Acessibility)
Evening, anybody want to help me out?
@ThomasMcDonald go ahead!
Gaming has a WP blog right?
:9761 uh, 5 to 1?
1322/42 ~= 31
:9767 okaaaaaaaaay
:9772 does that make any sense now? :) The latter is on page 1, the former is one page fuck knows what.
I guess I'm supposed to be convinced of something?
:9772 it's the choice of dataset ;) (gotcha @badp)
:9773 that ratio doesn't matter at all, unless you can show what the ratio would be if their locations were reversed
And from what I understand, after talking to tzenes very briefly about it, there was some difficulty with getting people to contribute. Did any of you currently in chat participate, and what would make you participate?
Please nevermind the readding of the blog feed to this room and the momentary spam it will generate.
:9777 I plan to participate, but I haven't found the time yet...
(background: working on something for wordpress.se at the moment, looking to expand it to multiple sites to create an awesome SE community network)
Here's another thought, and maybe it's been brought up before, but I just thought of it.
What percentage of game-rec questions have checked answers?
:9777 learning how to creatively write more than one paragraph... ;)
if people have been satisfied with the results, is that what really matters?
:9777 I think there just is a lack of interest here.
People don't go to the SO blog to read about tech, there's CodingHorror and pals for that.
i'm a programmer and a gamer, not a writer... I solve problems (and I do LARP)
@sjohnston It's not about being satisfied. This is supposed to be a community of experts, and having correct answers should be our number one priority. Not satisfying the masses.
Yeah, you see the blog currently set up for gaming is different from the direction we were going to take with it
There's a lot of great answers emerging on the WPA site which are practically articles in themselves, and would probably drive a huge amount of traffic to the site if they were in article form (what with twitter and retweeting everybody elses blog posts being the primary job for web developers now), and so the original plan was to work with these great answers and turn them into comprehensive articles on a topic
Perhaps one per week, with a number of 'quick tips' in between
:9798 What exactly stops them from receiving traffic in their answer form?
Maybe you can't inline youtube videos or tables, but...
@badp I think in general we have fairly low traffic
:9802 I have noticed that. :/
well, WA is on par on AskUbuntu
that's not bad at all...
:9805 SuperUser?
And the WordPress people aren't particularly keen with directly affiliating with WPA, from what I can tell
@alexanderpas That was my initial thought at that question too.
:9808 WPA = Web ? Applications?
That's a shame, because the last time I had to brave their own support forums it was in no way a pleasant experience
@badp WPA = WordPress Answers
:9808 just build quality, and they will come naturally.
the important thing is you come up at first in google ;)
I guess that if it was proposed today, WP would've been closed as a tag of WA.... okay, not really.
:9818 true, but that's only the programmers, what about the users.
At the moment I reckon [wordpress] on SO gets more traffic than WP
@ThomasMcDonald Has WP been announced on the Wordpress mailing lists/forums/whatever?
@alexanderpas The site is currently being aimed more at developers
With some technical administration as well, I guess
@badp One minute, I have a link somewhere
in other news
in The Tavern (General) on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Oct 13 at 20:07, by balpha
mostly -- the only difference is that now @TheUnhandledException will match you if you've talked in the room in the past seven days, while @The will only match you if you've talked in the past two days
this should partially answer @GnomeSlice's questions on @-replies
I think as well another issue with the current public beta sites is the lack of chat
I would say that the chat was more important during the public beta, while the site is still being refined
well, we did just fine on the MSO chat @ThomasMcDonald
this was on MSO before we were moved here :)
I shall have to go have a look
I personally think WP would be better served under a different SE, but can involve that many different factors
lol @ who?
@badp I think this is the extent of the WPA discussion - lists.automattic.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2010-June/032242.html
That was dry :)
You've read the entire thread?
It's basically some official looking people with @automattic.com mail addresses (+ a few others) saying it will splinter the community, some fence-sitters, and then some people behind it
Which doesn't really make for a great start
Anyway, enough offtopic. TF2 anyone?
sure (I suck ;))

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