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@OrigamiRobot Or mine.
I was really thankful for Dwarf Fortress today. At a THIMUN session we were debating aquifers, and it's really the only reason I know what an aquifer is.
@OrigamiRobot It's quite possible I hacked the Gibson
@GnomeSlice No
It's like... a layer of rock which if you dig it disperses infinite amounts of water.
@OrigamiRobot Also, not on my screen either
@ArdaXi >:O You associate with furries?!
proof of the quantum nature of puns
@Powerlord How...?
(I'm joking, the water in this area is provided via the Saginaw Aquifer)
I'm seriously confused at how you drew that conclusion.
Nobody else is going to cast any re-open votes?
aqui- ?ies
@GnomeSlice No
@GnomeSlice Wouldn't close it, but I don't like it, and am willing to defer to Juan in this case.
@ArdaXi Because aquifer looks a lot like aquafur
@ArdaXi I fixed it.
@GnomeSlice How?
@DaveMcClelland IS A WITCH!
@OrigamiRobot I've replied to future messages loads of times.
Even by accident once or twice.
@OrigamiRobot I'd assume it has something to do with the fact that you edited it. I started replying before the edit
But I'm also a 1337 C|-|47 H4X0|2
non-syncronized systems are fun. I remember chasing my gf in wow, and looking over to her screen to see her following me.
@DaveMcClelland edits dont typically change the position of a message
@OrigamiRobot I didn't say it was logical
@DaveMcClelland Me too.
@GnomeSlice There's not enough information for us to be able to viably answer that. I left a comment on the question as such.
But given that I just time travelled
@GnomeSlice Allow me to say that again. How?
@IanPugsley I've looked farther into the future and the answer is Yes. Heck, I even knew you were going to ask that question before you asked it!
@Wipqozn Grammarz.
@Powerlord You're going answer this, aren't you?
@GnomeSlice The question wasn't closed because the user doesn't know how to spell "it's"
@GnomeSlice That doesn't fix it. The supreme overlord has expressed his desire to see die
@Wipqozn The "it's" was fine.
we're murdering ITG now?
@DavidB That's always been part of the plan.
@DaveMcClelland ... =[ Commented
There was some analogy about rocks...
@DavidB We should.
@GnomeSlice But I can see in the edit history that you changed it to reply to a future message
The mods can elaborate.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah. I've done it before without doing that. But I can't find it in the transcript.
@DaveMcClelland I suddenly want ITG to stay.
this is not the case with @DaveMcClelland the Witch
may want to add to the faq... would make it clear
It was like in my first week of being here.
:3116700 Watch me reply to a future message!
:3116615 This is a response to a future message.
@Powerlord Copycat.
Doesn't work.
People have been all for murdering , but now that @JeffAtwood agrees, we're on some campaign to save it? Is gaming just Jeff's antithesis or something?
apparently I picked a number too small. :(
No wonder we'll never get meta tags, all we do is annoy Jeff
Oh hey. I found it.
@GnomeSlice Isn't it always?
Nov 8 '10 at 21:10, by Brant
You replied to a message from the future! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
@DavidB It's the kind of thing we want dead, yes.
@John As I was going to say before Firefox crashed, I got it in the correct order on the first try and with an earlier timestamp.
I guess that one got edited too.
@GraceNote What about the outcry against removing it the last time this came up?
@GraceNote Well not everyone. Just the people who have the correct opinion on this matter.
@Powerlord That's... pretty much the only reason we haven't done it yet.
@DaveMcClelland I don't think this is a site-wide sentiment
@GraceNote But what you're saying is that Jeff is going to do it anyway, regardless of what the community says?
down with ITG, off with its "I"s
(I'll leave the "as usual" comment for Arda)
@Powerlord No, I'm not saying that
@GraceNote Why... =[
You can also thank me for convincing him (for now) not to do exactly that. He's an action person, after all, so it's in his nature to get things done rather than spend 8 months in discussions that get nowhere. A nature that's actually pretty successful in the long run and in general.
@GraceNote suggest new business cards for him: Jeff Atwood, Action Person
@DaveMcClelland Jeff Atwood is like the me of StackExchange.
needs sunglasses, explosions, etc.
Whatever he says, everyone wants to do the opposite.
@GnomeSlice This is true neither of you nor of Jeff.
@GnomeSlice If I were to guess, @JeffAtwood doesn't actively attempt to get banned
@GraceNote The problem is, the more often he does this, the more people are going to argue it's not a community driven site.
@IanPugsley You know... his gravatar wouldn't be hard to make into something actiony. Give him shades, and made it look like he's driving a motorcycle or something.
so, if @GnomeSlice says one thing, then JeffAtwood must want the opposite, then the rest of us are stuck!
@Powerlord This is why I stopped him, among other things.
@GraceNote It was a joke.
@DaveMcClelland Someone should ban him. That would shut him up.
@GnomeSlice This is a good plan. I assume Joel is probably the only person with the power to do such a thing though. He'd take some convincing
@DaveMcClelland @Mana could do it.
So, how important is the store to play LOL?
@John I've never used it. I've always used the free points you accumulate
@John Cash is unimportant, but the store itself is important to actually buy champions and runes and such.
@GraceNote Hm...
@John Without using the store, you stand a minor-to-major disadvantage in statistical distribution during various phases of the game, and you'd also be stuck with only free-to-play champions that cycle every week. This is referring only to stuff that you can buy with the in-game currency you get just for playing (not even winning, though winning gets you more)
A: Why was my "identify this game" question removed?

Jeff AtwoodI was generally removing any older identify-this-game question with a score of -1 or lower, but if you want this particular one back, I have no objection to that. Longer term, this tag needs to die, with extreme prejudice..

Eep. Jeff commented back.
Someone hide me.
You should've expected that, honestly.
Hey, I was watching this youtube video and they mentioned Skeptics.SE!
@John Without using the store, you can't get hats or trade items to players. You also have a 50 item backpack instead of a 300 item backpack. Oh wait, that's TF2.
@GraceNote I need to play this game more.
@GraceNote So, is the store just for real-money purchases or is it where I would buy the champions with the in-game currency? Also, by free-to-play, are you referring to purchase with IGM or don't have to purchase at all?
Q: Can multiple gene tonics stack in Bioshock 2?

Noam GalIf I have a specific gene tonic in level 1 and level 2, is there any benefit in equipping both of them at the same time? will I get full 1+2 bonuses? somewhat over 2? or will the level 1 tonic be completely useless?

@John It's for both.
@FallenAngelEyes Ok...
@ArdaXi I'm typically free for a game every morning (here, so it'd be around noon for you or a bit after), or can squeeze things in my evening, if you're up for stuff.
It feels kinda funny googling "lol wine".
@John Store operates on two currencies - IP (gotten in game) and RP (give cash monies). You do not need the latter, but the former is what I previously mentioned.
@GraceNote Well, I'm in The Hague every day this week, and commuting, so that means I hardly have a day left.
@John You can buy Champions with either the real money currency (Riot Points) or IP (the ingame currency). You can only buy Runes with IP.
As for free-to-play - every week, 10 champions are up for anyone to play regardless of owning them from the store.
I could try after that some time.
@ArdaXi Sounds good. Free roster this week is unimpressive feeling so hopefully it'll be cool awesome crazy by the time you hop on board.
In other news, I now have a lot of respect for people who commute to work 30 miles over every day.
Alrighty. Thanks for the info. This has potential...
@ArdaXi What about me? ♪
@GraceNote Do you commute?
short by 4 miles :(
@ArdaXi The length of the traffic jams here every day boggles my mind.
I pushed the button. God help me.
@ArdaXi Depends on whether you count "Going downstairs" as a commute.
@FallenAngelEyes Well, I'm going by train obviously, but I watched the cars piling up while driving into the Hague.
@GraceNote Is your house 30 miles high?
I commute somewhere between 10-15 miles each way.
@ArdaXi I don't know what elevation we're at, but we're atop a hill.
@GraceNote I meant the distance you're commuting. ;-)
@ArdaXi I once had plans to create an underground tower as a future home, complete with a moat. In retrospect I have no idea why, but it was originally quite a thorough plan.
But I don't think even that would've extended 30 miles. I think I cut it at 10 sub-levels.
@GraceNote An underground moat?
@GraceNote That doesn't really surprise me.
@ArdaXi Think 'tower inside giant cave'.
...I think I want to blame a combination of Link to the Past and The Pretender for it.
@ArdaXi No, above ground, it'd be surrounding the entrance.
Oh, so like Aperture Science Innovators.
DF Can I disabling the Drinking labour?
@GnomeSlice Not really. It's more of just a set of conjoined basements.
@GraceNote That was one of my favorites shows as a kid, assuming you mean the series with Michael T. Weiss
@GraceNote I spent many a commute planning something quite similar. Sans moat, then.
@FallenAngelEyes I don't know the names of actors or directors, but if the names "Jarod" and "Broots" mean anything to you, then yes, the same show.
@GraceNote That's the one
and Miss Parker
@ArdaXi The entrance was just going to be a bulkhead in the middle of my lawn.
Can't forget Miss Parker
Can't forget Miss Parker, indeed.
According to Google Maps, I drive 10.4 miles to work (and less back home due to one-way streets that work in my favor on the way home)
Broots is a major one for me, though, because I inadvertently named a character of mine in a world setting after him, and they have slightly similar backgrounds.
can I request a feature that allows me to donate my_rep%5 to a random user
@OrigamiRobot Why?
(who can stop you from requesting?) :)
@DavidB Jeff can.
@GraceNote so I can keep my rep on multiples of 5
@OrigamiRobot Just downvote answers.
@John =/
@John but then the rep goes into the void
Oh hey, I have 5k reps now. There's no new abilities for that?
Oh @Lunboks is back on the front page again.
@OrigamiRobot Ask questions and get them answered. Use the +2 to counterbalance things.
rep not that valuable. my mouse is a rep factory
Either that, or suggest edits and use the +2 there to counterbalance things.
Someone slap him.
@GraceNote I cant suggest edits, I just make them.
@OrigamiRobot Tag wiki
1st time in chat now... just wanted to ask: some other dudes from playing Diablo II still/again? Just started after ~7y and look for people to play with :) /r/slashdiablo
@GraceNote I like my idea better because it requires no work on my part :P
This is so depressing.
@ArdaXi Is that your score?
@FS I played a bit after the ladder reset, but then I got into the DIII beta...
It's his graveyard.
@GnomeSlice They're coffins.
but welcome to chat @FS
@FS Welcome! Don't know of any off-hand, though, but I imagine the lot of us have all played.
@FS soon you will be assimilated
Despite the danger, I just got 20 migrants. \o/
@OrigamiRobot in? chat, D2 group or D3 beta? would love the last one most ;p
Chat, unfortunately for you. ♪
Q: The "common game mechanics" meta tag roundup 2012/01/24 edition

agent86I reviewed about the top 300 tags on the site under the criteria I submitted for review here: On the coming murder of meta-tagging And the following tags were marked for further review - I do not endorse burninating all of these outright, nor do I feel we should take any action without further ...

Q: Can I get into cappadocia after completing the ACR story?

JohnnyI have completed the Assassin' Creed: Revelations story and need to get back to Cappadocia. Is there anyway to go back?

Q: Looking for a mid to late 80s arcade game

DHayesThis was an arcade game ~1986-91, and I'm thinking more on the earlier side of that based on my age I would actually go to that arcade. This was a side scrolling game where you controlled a warrior of some sort with a sword and a shield, maaaybe a helmet. The character was large on the screen, ...

@GraceNote Why must everyone use universal statements?
@FS DIII doesn't give invitees beta invites :(
@John I said "many" with the understanding that a number of us haven't played, but judging from previous discussions, there are a number enough of us who have played which allows me to say "many" correctly.
@GraceNote appreciate that :) and spending some time on reddit will help with the D2 thing
@John Now, you might not be able to see the word "many" in that sentence, but trust me. It's there.
6 mins ago, by Grace Note
@FS Welcome! Don't know of any off-hand, though, but I imagine the lot of us have all played.
I see an "all", not a "many".
@GraceNote Oh, ok. That makes me feel better.
@John That's looking in the wrong place.
@GraceNote Where's the right place?
I see an "any", which, granted, is rather close.
@John Probably hiding in the lot or somewhere like it.
@IanPugsley Well, I think D3 won't be too big for me since GW2 will most likely hit before. And not to talk about SC2: HotS :)
@ArdaXi That's not even in the same context.
@GraceNote In another layer of reality?
You're not in the same context.
@Arda Use the m from welcome.
@John The verbal reality.
Speaking of that, Adaptception:
@FS I don't know that DIII will ever take DII's place, at least from what I've seen - it's a very different feel
Wow, just watched a video of someone playing Scout on 2fort in TFC... I never realized the flag cap point was on the Sniper deck back then.
@GraceNote I forget, which reality do we live in?
@John THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS! Do you see an implanted idea?
In TF2, the intel capture point is where your intel normally sits.
@John the one where @GraceNote is always right, of course
@RonanForman On the smallest card.
@John needs moar adapters
@IanPugsley By eloggic, it's a founding rule.
@IanPugsley Isn't that all of them?
@RonanForman It's a reference to the film Inception, not the word inception.
@John That was an afterthought, you still used it wrong.
@agent86 4 wasn't enough for you?
@RonanForman What?
@John NO.
@GraceNote somebody's president of the Tautology Club
@Arda I know, in the film inception wasn't the recursion bit.
@RonanForman So?
@agent86 Ok then. I guess you're going to be disappointed then.
also when I first told @spugsley about that XKCD comic, she thought I said "tatalogy"
@IanPugsley That... isn't a tautology.
@RonanForman The recursion was still an integral part of the film.
@GraceNote I know, I really just wanted to tell that story
I... see...
It's still not the right usage.
@RonanForman Nothing about it is wrong.
@John :(
@agent86 Sorry, it only works for me.
Until I said that.
And maybe even after.
Depending which message of mine someone wants to make wrong.
cough @Wipqozn cough
Also the -ception bit isn't the part required, or the film would be about recursive 'in's
It'd have to be called dreamception for that to work.
This will blow your mind - Process this negative with your brain: http://bitly.com/xjE1nE
@RonanForman Honestly, nobody likes nitpicking.
@ArdaXi LOL
@John Nobody likes me either, so it fits.
Its clearly the wrong use, there's nothing nitpicky about it. For nit picking it'd need to be the slightest thing wrong.
@John Oh, I get it.
@RonanForman Does it cause confusion?
@ArdaXi And with good reason.
Do you think there is anyone confused by the usage of the suffix -ception, thinking it refers to implanting ideas?
@GnomeSlice It didn't work.
No, they think it means recursion, which is wrong.
Oh, are we talking about this again?
@RonanForman And... who cares?
(Other than you, obviously)
@ArdaXi the irony is delicious!
@GnomeSlice Yes. -_-
@ArdaXi ME. Ronan. And obviously you.
What's the point of correcting people.
Who thinks -ception means "recursion"?
@GraceNote The internet thinks 'inception' means 'recursion'.
You're only doing it so you can flaunt your knowledge of language. It's just trying to make yourself seem superior.
@ArdaXi Isn't that how you survive?
@GraceNote I don't think anyone does, they just associate the film Inception with recursion.
And we all know @ArdaXi hates it when people seem superior.
@GnomeSlice Prior to just now, I don't think I've heard anyone on the net make that association.
@GnomeSlice Well, I get away with it because I am actually superior.
@GraceNote Clearly you've never been to youtube.
@Grace People who say 'adapterception' or 'minecraftception' to mean redstone games
It's just a pop culture reference.
@GraceNote, really? a meta thread from 2010?
@RonanForman Sounds really stupid to begin with, but I imagine it's based off of the movie Inception, not off of the root -ception.

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