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@Frank Maybe he thought it was a Sudowoodo?
MS must have put out a pile of updates today - I have been getting so many calls that are people whose connections are saturated by computers downloading updates.
I don't really see that as a terrible thing, to be honest. Like yeah, it's not murder or whatever, but if that's what it takes to make men stop being gross and inappropriate to ladies who are just trying to walk home or whatever...I can't say I mind
@Ash redstone?
Mind you it doesn't (as far as I've read) mention the penalties, but you know what? If they fit the crime and aren't too harsh, I say sure.
@arda Hm?
apparently some guy got hit by a car because he walked out into the street while playing Pokémon Go, and now wants to sue Niantic, Inc for his own incompetence.
other than the catcalling I suspect most of those things were already illegal... they're just now additionally classified as 'hate crimes'
Windows Redstone/anniversary update. Next big update scheduled for late june/early august
@Dragonrage I was waiting for someone to sue them for things like that.
just checked and the update is probably not that
> It means that a woman can now report any unwanted interaction with a man to the police and expect to have it treated as a crime.
@Ash Yesterday. Microsoft updates on the second Tuesday of the month.
if the lawsuit goes through, i have no hope left for humanity.
Boss: You've got a criminal record, for hate crime...? Man: Yes, I said 'cheer up, love, it might never happen' at a bus stop once in 2016
@Powerlord Ah, okay! That's really good info to have, actually. I wasn't sure if it was regular scheduled stuff ro not
> This doesn’t necessarily mean that a criminal offence has been committed, but means we will carry out risk assessments and offer support as we would to any victim of a hate crime.”
@GnomeSlice That's...not...no.
I'm surprised you work in IT and haven't heard the term "Microsoft Patch Tuesday."
@Ash yep, patch tuesdays are a thing
@Powerlord I knew update tuesday was a thing, I just didn't know it was a particular tuesday
Q: Do ghost type Pokémon appear only at night?

EllesedilI've heard it mention in various answers that ghost type Pokémon appear at night. Is this true?

Q: Pokestop name change

Raffi MekhThere is a Pokestop located at my business, however it is listed under the business that was previously located here. How would I go about fixing that?

So this makes it much clearer
@Lazers2.0 who cares
@arda I can see, as a business owner, that mattering
In a weird way, it's like an advertisement, no?
well yeah
oooh I have a great idea.
So the answer is "the owner of the current business cares because it's not showing his business" and if it brings people to his location, he will want it to be correct in hopes that the pokestop will draw customers
Get a place that is a pokestop, turn it into a cafe, make buying something mandatory to stay inside and spam lures every day
Ingress had a feature to submit updates to portals but I don't see anything like that in POGO
people will come, stay and buy stuff because of pokestop and lure
@arda the mcdonalds by my work is doing that.
@arda People are doing this.
Yeah, I've seen some headlines of restaurant/cafe owners just buying lures for their business to draw players in.
that is actually a good advertisement, and is pretty cheap. And it is a win/win
I need to go play some overwatch
@GnomeSlice dogs are better people than people.
@arda ~2$/h
@GnomeSlice Didn't know you played Overwatch
@Dragonrage less if you buy bulk
@Powerlord Obviously you don't come here very often any more
I thought about saying "non-Indie games" but...
@GnomeSlice who is this @Powerlord you speak of?
@GnomeSlice Honestly, I'd be okay with some of the verbal grossness men have spewed in my direction being dealt with. Same with the unwanted physical approaches.
A: How do I find Pokémon?

maxtry this, it doesnt cover all areas, but i believe they are building it www.allpokestops.com

it is 2am and some guy is playing songs on his car on full sound
this feels like borderline spam?
So men can't talk to women any more? Because if the woman doesn't like it you are guilty of a hate crime?
@Ash i've heard things have gotten worse with trump being in the news often
How about no
@GnomeSlice That's not what this is saying at all.
A guy cut off my bus the other day and gave the driver the finger
is that a hate crime
@GnomeSlice there is a difference between a polite conversation or saying "hi" and verbal harassment
@Ash I totally agree that verbal and other gross moves by men against women is a thing, and it needs to stop, but this law is overkill. Can (and will) be easily abused.
@GodEmperorDune Not American, so I can't tell you for sure.
because that's worse than this
is the driver a minority or a woman?
Or non-Christian or non-hetero? Or old?
Guy at the bus stop like a month ago tried to start a conversation about how he's trying to get into stand up comedy
is that a hate crime
@arda I don't think it is. Notice it makes no mention of what the repercussions are or what the actual legal wording of the law is, etc. Yes, it's subjective. Yes, okay, theoretically someone could abuse it.
@GnomeSlice It's only a hate crime if it affects "protected" classes that aren't "privileged"
That's fuct
Hate crimes can only happen to those less fortunate than those committing the crime.
But the thing is, male-identified people can be AWFUL to female-identified people and this law is not PERFECT but for the love of all that is holy and tiny fluffy kittens, I am hella glad that some place, somewhere, is actually trying to do a thing to make female-identified persons feel safer.
as with most justice system things, it doesn't feed into a computer, it goes to a human police officer and eventual a human judge to decide if its valid
@Ash I bet you the men feel a lot less safe knowing they may be put in prison for saying the wrong thing to somebody now
And I know that I can't explain clearly how often it happens or how it feels or any of that. And it's not black and white. But it just sucks
@Ash Female-identified people can also be absolutely horrible to male-identified people.
@Ash i got your back on this
I'm sorry, but awfulness isn't restricted in one way.
Any person can be awful to any other person.
with all my straight cis white male privileges, to boot
@KazWolfe I never said it was but I am so TIRED of the "Not All X" argument.
@Ash agreed, but I also have to agree with kaz and gnome
Q: In Pokemon Go, which are more rare: Stardust or Eggs?

nhouser9Assume my goal is to have one Pokemon at max strength, as opposed to multiple Pokemon that are only average strength. Also assume that I will not be spending real money. Which resource will become the limiting factor in my Pokemon's growth? Stardust or Eggs? In other words, which will I run out...

Whether that's about their gender, race, or any other thing is immaterial. People should just NOT BE AWFUL TO OTHER PEOPLE.
@KazWolfe i agree, but awful is a very subjective term
i don't want police out trying to enforce SE's be nice policy
Just to be safe I guess I will never talk to another woman
One thing that seems really odd to me about that article is this quote: "A hate crime is simply any incident, which may or may not be deemed as a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person, as being motivated by prejudice or hatred." Using "hate crime" to describe/record non-criminal activities seems disproportionate to me.
also includes phones apparently
so if the girl I message on, say, tinder doesn't like my line, guess that's a hate crime
@murgatroid99 their point is, I think, that they will investigate them as crimes, but may decide that no crime was committed.
@GnomeSlice you are being hyperbolic
He really is.
It's not too much of a stretch
@KutuluMike But it also says "If the victim feels that this has happened because they are a woman then we will record it as a hate crime. This doesn’t necessarily mean that a criminal offence has been committed..."
it's such a stretch I think I just pulled my chat muscle.
> It also includes unwanted sexual advances, uninvited physical or verbal contact and using mobile phone to send unwanted messages.
how the hell is unwanted messages a hate crime?!
It really is a good move on fixing the current problems, but it creates bigger problems on the other side.
Annoying, sure. Spam, sure. Hate crime, how the hell?!
@murgatroid99 sure, but that's how police always work. you can go in and file a complaint about anyone for anything and they'll record it.
@GnomeSlice harassment over phone is not the same thing as a pick up line through tinder
@murgatroid99 but they may investigate and decide it's nothing.
but they keep it on file in case either the accused or the accuser develops a pattern
@KutuluMike And if the police do nothing, they risk being labeled as ineffective and accomplices to crime.
police do nothing more often than not.
most of their investigations end up with no charges being filed. they might yell at someone.
The entire "privilege" concept is so useless and is just made to shame others for being different.
@KazWolfe WHAT
Over things they can't control, no less.
it's really creepy watching my pokedude walk around while I'm sitting still at my desk.
@KutuluMike That's fair. Maybe I was just misinterpreting their wording, but it kind of reads like "If you do this, it will go on your permanent record as having committed a hate crime", and with the connotations of "hate crime", that seemed disproportionate.
Just to be really evil and get flagged as offensive.
Just because I'm white shouldn't mean I should be getting flack for being "privileged". I have no control over my skin color, and I know plenty of Caucasians that have screwed up their lives.
@murgatroid99 well, you're probably right that having reports of "hate crimes" on file is probably going to attach a much bigger stigma than, say, reports of violating local zoning laws or whatever.
any law can be abused.
@KazWolfe no one is saying you should be punished for being white
@GodEmperorDune Go on Tumblr.
what the privilege concept is about is preventing people from being punished for NOT being white
it's entirely possible that some woman might decide to harass an ex by filing baseless complaints. it's up to the police to discourage that behavior as well.
@KazWolfe there is more to life than tumblr
i am glad that i don't have any problems catching a cab
one more to get flagged: Diversity shouldn't be something we aim for. Diversity should be a side effect of choosing the right people for the job and giving everyone an equal shot.
@KazWolfe Yes. We should strive for equal opportunity and not equal outcome
i am glad that i can walk up to a police officer and they will treat me respectfully and won't put their hands on their gun just because i look a certian way
@KazWolfe What you're talking about is the most radical extremists of movements like that. That sort of attitude is not common or representative
@KazWolfe how can you give people an equal shot when they are given unequal opportunity?
@GodEmperorDune See. That needs to be fixed.
@KazWolfe how do you propose to fix it?
I have as much a right to get a Master's degree as ANYONE else.
@KazWolfe there is no such thing as a "right" to a master's degree
@KutuluMike Yeah, this was my point. I don't think there's a problem with investigating those actions, and increasing punishment, but I think the stigma of "hate crime" is disproportionate for most of them.
@GodEmperorDune Simple. People see others for their skills, not their bodies and ideologies.
@KazWolfe that is super vague
@KazWolfe And how do you propose even making that begin to happen?
and how do you build a policy around that?
@Ash If someone were to figure that out, we would have a guaranteed Nobel Prize winner for the next hundred or so years
@KazWolfe It's really not that simple. People have unconscious biases that hinders their ability to judge others based only on relevant characteristics. And people have different opportunities for developing skills that compounds throughout life.
@murgatroid99 much more eloquent than what i was thinking
@GodEmperorDune I recently had to retake unconscious bias training at work, so it's fresh in my mind
@KazWolfe That's....kinda the point though - you're speaking of a very idyllic and unrealistic view of humans - it would be damn skippy if we all viewed each other that way but we really, really don't
I'm not saying there isn't a problem -- there obviously a problem, but no good solution.
@murgatroid99 the fact that your employer offers unconscious bias training is a great thing
That doesn't mean we shouldn't try, though
@murgatroid99 I like that unconscious bias training is a thing.
@Ash and here i was learning it on my own like a sucker
@KazWolfe Now I am confused because you literally are seeing this attempt to try to fix this issue and telling me it's not good, but if I say we need to try a thing, you're all for it
So how do we get there if we don't try stuff like this? Someone has to do something and I am damn grateful that somewhere, someone is trying to make stuff less shitty
Yeah. This is part of why I still really like Google, now that I see how the sausage is made (so to speak). I really feel like they actually care about people, and about the right issues.
The problem is this tilts the bias against someone else.
@KazWolfe No.
We can't shift around bias, it needs to be removed.
@murgatroid99 That's what I've heard from various Googlers, and that makes my heart happy.
@KazWolfe it is not a zero sum game
@KazWolfe How do you remove the biased idea that men of the world have where they think inappropriate advances are an okay and acceptable right that tehy have?
Because lemme tell you, that's totally a thing.
@Ash it is
@Ash and it is a superfuct thing
@Ash Inappropriate advances aren't the same at all to me saying "Hi" to someone and them screaming "HATE CRIME!"
@KazWolfe But thats.not.what.is.happening.here.
most of my feeling can be summed up by "one person's comfort cannot override another person's safety"
@KazWolfe no one is suggesting that
People are being super hyperbolic, to distract from the real issue that a lot of us (for whatever value of us) feel fucking unsafe a lot of the damn time.
And I am tired, so tired, of having to justify my fear.
@GodEmperorDune Read the article that sparked this.
@Ash and that is a horrific thing and should not be happening
The important thing here, I think, is consistent standards for "inappropriate" so that someone knows before they initiate the interaction whether it will be appropriate or not.
@murgatroid99 I think that would be a good thing, yeah :) If we could have some sort of way to be like "here's the stuff you do, here's how it's percieved, here's a better idea" thing or something
also holy damn, my sister screamed at night out of nowhere. scared the hell out of me
"You look nice today" shouldn't be inappropriate. Nor should just buying a drink for someone just because.
@KazWolfe the text of the law says that saying "hi" can be construed as a hate crime? or the article assumes that for clickbaitness?
@Ash I see that everyday... It is super gross. It is great that they are taking action, but taking action this way might be used to damage the people aren't bad too.
"Hey baby lets go back to my place and rock the casbah" IS inappropriate.
@KazWolfe No one is saying that that IS a crime. You're taking one tiny article out of context and assuming a shitload of thigns that aren't there
@KazWolfe do you say that to everyone?
@arda It's a risk I am willing to take
Q: What is the red confetti for on my nearby PokeStop?

rs232What is the red confetti for on my nearby PokeStop? It appears to have confetti flying around it.

@GodEmperorDune I never say it to anyone.
Like, I think a reasonable (basic) standard is "If it could get you sent to HR at work, don't do it to a stranger"
if you are only saying "you look nice today" to female coworkers and giving them a wink, that is a different thing
Most likely because I'm a jerk.
@KazWolfe Is it just because, though - or is it because you expect them to then talk to you/date you/go home with you/dance with you because you did a thing
@murgatroid99 i would agree, but there are some really shitty hr places
Because often, the drinks are bought without asking to then coerce someone into doing a thing for you, regardless of their desire for the drink or whatever, because "you were nice"
@Ash let's assume just to initiate a conversation. Get to know someone.
@KazWolfe Did you ask me if I wanted to get to know you? No. What if I don't feel like talking?
@Ash "Sorry, I don't want to talk. But thanks for the drink"
@Ash then it's a hate crime, apparently
If I were to keep advancing, then it could be considered inappropriate.
@KazWolfe As long as that's respected, I think we're on equal grounds. Problem is, it's not often taken that way, because you put that cost in of the drink, so people expect to get that back in social coins or whatever
“Girls are not machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out.”
@GodEmperorDune Who is given unequal opportunity?
@Ash The way I see it, it's the subsequent interaction there that would cross the line, not necessarily the initial offer to buy a drink
(or whatever you desire in place of sex)
When Trudeau hired his new cabinet, because he made it so mathematically diverse, the women in the pool had something like a 1 in 3 chance of being selected while the men had only 1 in 6
@GnomeSlice an entire class of people who have been systematically suppressed since before the US was founded
If you clearly express to me that you don't want to interact, there's no reason to do anything to change that.
@murgatroid99 Yeah thats what I mean - it's not teh drink that's the problem, it's the expectation of what comes after. If you just buy me a drink because whatever, and then allow me to thank you and then do literally nothing else, that's okay. It's the pushing for more because you started with a higher sunk cost that's frustrating
damn she screamed again (sister is having nightmare)
@Ash If I buy someone a drink, I assume the cost is lost anyway. I might just be trying to be nice and strike a conversation.
If whoever I bought the drink for doesn't want to talk, that's alright. If they do, great!
@Ash Right. I think the important thing here is that we assume good intentions up until the point that the person actually does something to challenge that assumption.
If they didn't want to talk, I would assume they would turn down the offer of a drink
@Wipqozn :(
@John i feel like you post sad faces just to get stars
now i'm legitimately sad :(
@Dragonrage They're all perfectly valid sad faces, brought about by @Wipqozn's evil doings.
and remember kids, @Wipqozn is the bad guy here.
yea, @Wipqozn is the worst.
Or going back to Gnomeslice's example. If I were to send a message on Tinder to a girl, that shouldn't be harassment.
I vote we overthrow him, and elect his socks instead.
@murgatroid99 It's hard when you have a lot of experiences that are contrary to those good intentions.
One, if she's on Tinder, she should expect it. Two, she can just say "nope, not interested"
@KazWolfe That was probably a bad example
the people who use tinder don't care about shit like that anyway
@KazWolfe No one is saying that that is, though
That's a hyperbolic example
even though it does work for this case.
Am now on the other side of the Great Firewall.
@Yuuki don't forget to change your passwords after leaving
@Yuuki It was nice knowing you
@Yuuki waves
This means that a straight man trying to hit on women can be technically described as a "hate crime" now https://t.co/MZTEVU1tPk
RIP @Yuuki
all your bank accounts are being drained
@Ash Sure, I understand that. I'm thinking more from a legal standpoint. Legally, it shouldn't be a problem until they actually cross that line. Working under that assumption, I think, would negate a lot of the hyperbole in this conversation.
Tiananmen Square is a large city square in the centre of Beijing, China, named after the Tiananmen ("Gate of Heavenly Peace") located to its north, separating it from the Forbidden City. The square contains the Monument to the People's Heroes, the Great Hall of the People, the National Museum of China, and the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People's Republic of China in the square on October 1, 1949; the anniversary of this event is still observed there. Tiananmen Square is within the top ten largest city squares in the world (440,500 m2 – 880×500 m or 109 acres...
@Ash Where did your name go?
@GnomeSlice recorded as =! prosecuted as, for one.
@KazWolfe Well, thanks for killing me.
@John I cut it off at the knees
@Ash That's... still really shitty!
Intent is everything. Sure, I may have an intent of going on a date when I buy someone a drink, but if you shoot it down, I have no right to continue going on that path.
@Ash TIL the knees of a name are between the h and the l
@GnomeSlice Until someone can point me at the actual legal wording of this thing, it's all conjecture anyhow
Also about that wolf whistling thing, that is totally fucking sexist and it does really need to stop.
So next year are we going to get arrested for The Male Gaze?
@arda how'd that even come to be associated with the graceful animals known as wolves?
-1 for Let's but still fun
@GnomeSlice While I'm not sure I agree with the "hate crime" label, it's still sexual harassment.
Also, people, this is one city in one place trying out a thing, people need to cool their jets and see how it all falls out.
@Fluttershy What is?
You wouldn't be here if you father hadn't approached your mother for the first time one day
@GnomeSlice "Wolf whistling," which is effectively cat calling.
Well, wolf whistling is terrible
@GnomeSlice The let's totally ruined it :P
Cat calling != striking up conversation.
Travel tip: do not go to China if you have a more than average concern about hygiene.
My sister is not having a good time.
@GnomeSlice Well yeah, but I can say at least for my parents, it didn't involve any harassment for them to meet....
@Yuuki Duly noted.
@GnomeSlice I think there's an important difference here between approaching someone to have a conversation and hitting on a stranger out of nowhere
Democracy, or democratic government, is "a system of government in which all the people of a state or polity ... are involved in making decisions about its affairs, typically by voting to elect representatives to a parliament or similar assembly", as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary. Democracy is further defined as (a:) "government by the people; especially : rule of the majority (b:) "a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections." According...
@GnomeSlice Also, this could be considered leering, which is also sexual harassment.
You don't have to jump right to flirting for the interaction to end with a date or relationship or whatever.
@Fluttershy I was being sarcastic
I should go
@Ash Beijing and Shanghai may be better choices, but try to avoid the other cities.
@murgatroid99 Also, not all flirting means dating or relationships or even sexytimes

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