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So which feeds do we get in this room, anyway?
Gaming, and Gaming Meta, any others?
...Stackoverflow blog?
the general service announcements are made from over there..
True, indeed.
I'm still not 100% sure on the hierarchy of the sites. Let me see if I've got this right:
So gaming hosts questions about gaming.
Gaming Meta hosts questions about the gaming site?
What's the significance of Stack Overflow?
:8939 correct. Questions of tagging, community mores, rules and moderation, etc.
:8940 StackOverflow was the first. It's a Programming Q&A site. All the SE sites are basically the SO engine applied to different subject areas.
gaming is hosted by Stack Overflow Internet Services Inc.
and StackOverflow is also the name of the company that runs Gaming.SE
So Stack Overflow is where all of the stack exchange sites came from.
stackoverflow -> serverfault -> superuser -> stackexchange
Ok I don't follow that one...
we need a history chart!
Agreed. Do I need to know all of this to be a generally accepted member of the gaming SE community?
no. it's however required founders knowledge ;)
Nah, you don't need to know it. But basically, before SE, there were two other SO spinoffs created, ServerFault, which is for Sysadmins, and SuperUser, which is more end user geekery.
Stack Overflow is a website part of the Stack Exchange network featuring questions and answers on a wide range of topics in computer programming. The website features the ability for users to ask and answer questions, and, through membership and active participation, to vote questions and answers up or down and edit questions and answers in a wiki fashion. Users of Stack Overflow can earn reputation points and "badges"; for example, a person is awarded 10 reputation points for receiving an "up" vote on an answer given to a question, and can receive badges for their valued contributi...
Sysadmins....That reminds me of a strange comic by the same name.
So are ServerFault and SuperUser connected to SO?
they are linked in the same way askubuntu and gaming are linked.
it's all one big happy family!
Is ask ubuntu an SE site?
Posted by Jeff Atwood on October 11th, 2010

We’re pleased to announce that ubuntu.stackexchange.com, in partnership with Canonical, Ltd, has become Ask Ubuntu.

We’re excited to see this come to fruition, because:

I have to admit that I voted strongly against having both Unix/Linux and Ubuntu sites, but I deferred to the overall votes not to merge both inside and outside the company. We collectively said Fork It. It’s clear now that given the strength and self-identification of the Ubuntu community, they are the exception that proves the rule. …

So they get their own domain?
What am I looking at here.
Q: Write an Elevator Pitch / Tagline

Robert CartainoWe closed the domain naming thread (click for details). Instead, let's start with a killer "elevator pitch!" Joel will be blogging about the elevator pitch approach to naming, but to get you started: The Elevator Pitch This isn't as easy as it sounds. Imagine the user who will never read you...

Q: Last Chance -- Top domain name: pauseforhelp.com. Speak now or forever hold your peace.

Robert Cartaino Possible Duplicate: Write an Elevator Pitch / Tagline Note: We are closing this domain naming thread. It is asking the entirely wrong question. See this blog post for details: Domain Names: Wrong Question We're going to keep the name gaming.stackexchange.com. But we WILL be setting ...

Q: Suggest a domain name for this site

Andrew Possible Duplicate: Write an Elevator Pitch / Tagline Note: We are closing this domain naming thread. It is asking the entirely wrong question. See this blog post for details: Domain Names: Wrong Question We're going to keep the name gaming.stackexchange.com. But we WILL be setting ...

Information Overload. Still not sure what I'm looking at.
we fail at finding a domain name, so... also, there have been some things happening.
Posted by Robert Cartaino on October 5th, 2010

Friday night we rolled back the domain name of our first out-of-beta website. After less than 24 hours of existing on the internet, nothingtoinstall.com was reverted to its original public beta name – webapps.stackexchange.com.

We’re sorry for springing this on you at the last minute but – at least at the time – it felt like circumstances didn’t give us much choice.

With deep concerns about domain name choices for the 20+ ongoing public betas and some negative feedback about breaking up the network into smaller domains, we made the snap decision to roll back the name change we had launched barely a day before. We felt that rolling back ASAP was preferable to letting problems grow exponentially through the next week while we discussed and voted and debated. That’s not an excuse; just an explanation. In hindsight, dealing with the community and the repercussions of our decisions should have taken precedence. …

Webapps lost its domain?
there has been some heated discussion about it :D
So I've noticed.
webapps had a nice domain, but we... we just fail with the domain part!
So, AskUbuntu got a domain name because Canonical paid money to SE for it
I see.
That's a silly reason.
askubuntu.com --- Creation Date: 30-jul-2010 --- Updated Date: 06-oct-2010
Also replace "paid money" with "partnered to created with"
they paid in domain name (i think).
Slightly less silly, I suppose.
What's this Elevator Pitch business?
I think they contributed more than the domain name
assignment as official resource?
:8988 Houdini
An elevator pitch or elevator speech is an overview of a product, service, person, group or organization, or project and is often a part of a fundraising, marketing communications, brand, or public relations program. The name "elevator pitch" reflects the idea that it should be possible to deliver an elevator pitch in the time span of an elevator ride, or approximately thirty seconds to two minutes. An elevator pitch is often used by an entrepreneur pitching an idea to a venture capitalist or angel investor to receive funding. Venture capitalists often judge the quality of an idea by the ...
No, I'm aware of what an elevator pitch is.
Er, why didn't that post correctly.
tzenes > Not following.
:8997 @ (read: at, as in: directed at)
so I just say Houdini
Seems logical.
:9000 damn... wanted to star that.
last time I implied someone was being treated as a second class citizen people found it offensive
I hate having to look at game walkthroughs but I cant get any further in this one.
Offensive may refer to: * Offensive (Netherlands), a political party * Offensive (military), an attack
:9006 ask on the site, we won't spoiler you.
@alex > It's not that kind of game. Any answer would simply be a screenshot of how to solve the puzzle. I'm playing "Electric Box 2", the flash game.
man, why don't think make games like Ogre Battle anymore?
:9009 which level are you stuck at?
Can you at least tell me if the level hint is accurate?
It says to put the upward facing mirror at L,9 but I don't see how that can work...
And I'm STILL not sure about how to correctly use the Game-info tag.
People generally seem to be leery of it.
how would you expect to use it?
Well, I sort of figured that questions tagged game-info pertained to factual, statistical information from the game, say damage stats, for example.
Things that could be quantified.
ok, but how would someone use it?
Well, what do you mean, like in what type of questions?
I mean how would you use it
obviously tagging your question isn't using it
I don't follow you.
you're tagging it so that other people can use that tag
you're not using the tag
so how would people use the tag?
Well they would immediately know what kind of information is being presented.
and they wouldn't know that by looking at the information?
Say if the question is something like "Which weapon should I use for___"
if there was statistical information wouldn't that "jump" to the user?
If it's tagged [game-info] that asker is probably looking for stats on those weapons, to compare them, not "The axe because it's the sharpest"
and they couldn't just say that in the question?
It's like tagging the name of the game, it keeps users from having to read the entire question to figure out what it's about.
tagging the name of a game has a use case
I don't think I'm explaining this correctly.
if I want information on game [x] I can use the tag to guarantee my search results are about that game.
that is a well defined use case
It's the difference between game strategies, and facts that are embedded in the game.
Like the difference between character classes.
Versus how to use each one.
ok, but why do I need a tag for that
I'm not sure.
Granted I'm probably biased.
badp tells me that 4 of the 5 usages were in my questions.
I understand what you'd tag the question with, what I don't understand is why you need a tag, why just saying "I want to know the actual damage numbers" isn't sufficient
the normal use case for tags is for searching
on SO if I have a question about sockets and I want to know about perl sockets, I can search [perl] sockets
if I just search sockets I'm going to get them in every language
so having the tag really narrows down my results
I'm still going to post my thoughts in the Meta thread though, just to see what everyone else thinks. I do see your point, though.
I think you should first answer the question: what is the use case?
because if you can't answer that, then you don't have a reason for the tag
Well...see that's the thing.
Say I wanted to know about all of the weapons in Lost Planet 2.
you don't have one
But simply searching [weapons] [Lost-planet-2] turned up various different questions.
About various different things.
so there are a lot of problems with wanting to know about all the weapons in a game
that's a very bad example
But I simply wanted all of the information simply stated. You're probably right.
Let's say I want to know how much damage the AK-47 does in Modern Warfare 2
as a percentage of player health based on impact location
so you search for [modern-warfare-2] Ak-47
so you turn up all the questions about MW2 with Ak-47 in them
right now there are 0
ok, easy enough, so you ask your question
so let's say you want to know about the knife: [modern-warfare-2] knife
you get all 5 questions
a quick glance shows none of them list damage
Ask away.
And then tag yours [game-info], but Im guessing you have a reason not to.
remember we're looking for a reason you'd want the tag
not when to use it
Well what about this.
so let's say you want to know weapon damage numbers for dwarf fortress
Someone else searching [moder-warfare-2] knife would turn up all 6 questions.
so you search for weapon [dwarf-fortress]
and you get 6 answers
looks like you found your numbers!
Yes, indeed.
didn't need a tag to do it
and neither of those questions would have had the [game-info] tag
since neither of them were questions about facts in a game
No, but we're hoping this site will grow, correct?
with the tag? no
unless it has a use case its not helping anything
What if later you search [dwarf-fortress] weapon, and turn up 341 questions?
You're going to want to scan each and every one?
Until you find that information?
does [dwarf-fortress] weapon turn up 341 questions?
Not yet.
do you know that it will?
Are you going to want to retag everything in the future when the site really takes off?
:9109 I do not.
by that logic I should tag every word in every question
Not at all.
no telling which might be useful
any tag could matter, but preemptively tagging is toxic
at one point, every PC game was tagged [PC]
Even if there is only the 5 questions of [modern-warfare-2] and knife.
now we stopped tagging that
And you ask your sixth.
because having a [PC] tag only really matters when you care about a game which is on multiple systems and your question is unique to the [PC]
Everyone who sees the [game-info] tag on it will instantly know that that question is the one they need for the statistical information.
the other 99% of the time, its useless
Without having to scan the others.
@GnomeSlice and putting the word statistic* in your question/search wouldn't do the same?
Not everyone uses the same context.
what's worse, now questions which have statistics in them but aren't tagged [game-info] are being ignored
because the asker didn't care about the statistics
but the answers still included them
What do you want me to do about that? You make it sound like I'm attacking you.
Or the site.
I'm not accusing you, I'm trying to get you to think about these things
because these are the decisions that go into the creation of a tag
I agree the name game-info is ambiguous.
But I still think a tag such as this could have some merit.
I'm still not sure what the use case is
you can tag questions where you want the info, but you can also put that in the question, so that's not the use case
It depends on the type of info you're looking for.
you can search for the tag, but it might not be tagged (since the asker didn't care and we don't tag based on answers) and I can use other terms in the question to the same affect
so that's not the use case
I see your point. If the asker didn't care but answers were provided, subsequent questions could be viewed as duplicates.
I think you've got me there.
I'm not saying its a bad idea, but I just don't see how the current system doesn't support your use cases
No, I agree the merit is slightly less at our momentary userbase.
I'm still going to post on the meta question though, and see how it pans out.
I think that any time you want to change the way things are you need to consider the stock issues
:Stock issues may also refer to the offering of stock in finance. In the formal speech competition genre known as policy debate, a widely-accepted doctrine or "debate theory" states that the affirmative plan must address certain issues, called the stock issues. The first three issues must be presented in the affirmative case. The last issue, topicality, need not be included in the affirmative case, but must be defended if the negative team raises arguments. They are: *Solvency: The plan should solve for a harm in the status quo or create an advantage over the status quo *Harms: The aff...
Indeed. My bad.
I think we've taken over chat.
Or are we simply the only ones online anymore?
1 hour later…
:9015 Electric box 2 Level 32: yes, the hint is accurate, I've another one for you, don't cross your own lazor in the first part.
4 hours later…
FYI your easter egg is now active. Have fun and good luck. :)
:9159 wee, thanks.
@LessPop_MoreFizz: yes, hahahah, great fun
we were a little too quick with pushing the game live -- it had a pretty big leak
it's fixed now, though (needs F5, as it's in the JS)
also, it has a new trigger phrase now (the !!hitme thing was actually for testing)
insert coin
3 hours later…
dwarf-fortress-fun? really?
insert coin
insert coin
insert coin
I remember when the tag was just "fun" and there was a whole discussion to get it renamed. "Shouldn't all games be fun?"
:9220 you mean big rigs is fun?
sorry, wrong link
@badp Big rigs is fun for all the wrong reasons.
insert coin
that's awesome.
Good afternoon all
2 hours later…
:9230 'noon
Bug Report: Insert Coin is case sensitive.
Bug report: Insert Coin doesn't blink
have I ever told you guys how much I hate game-rec?
:9303 Many times. :P
:P Doesn't everyone?
they don't
Well they should.
A: List of games with X in the main plot? (about X)

OakIn my opinion these sort of questions should be welcome here, and I consider them both interesting by themselves and beneficial to the site. My only two (proposed) restrictions: They should be marked CW, both because the result is list-like and because these questions are far more appropriate ...

^ Indeed.
Case in Point?
On the one hand, the only truly great answer to his question is Dragon Age. On the other hand, Vote to Close as Game-Rec...
What I don't get is why people keep asking these questions if they are so strongly discouraged.
I was gonna do both.. But I just remembered I lost my close vote when we graduated
in Domain Name on Gaming Chat, Oct 13 at 16:52, by alexanderpas
lastheart.com < availble!
@alex > Meh.
Doesn't really explain anything about the site.
:9326 A great name doesn't need to explain what you are.
It just needs to be unique and memorable.
^ true enough, agreed.
lastheart sounds like a dating site for desperate people though.
Juss' saying.
untilitdies.com is availiable too.
as in, shoot at the cyberdemon...
but, meh
I'm one of the people that doesn't dislike the subdomain
so... yeah.
I just don't like the way it works in conversation: "I just can't figure out how to do this." "Go ask on gaming.stackexchange.com" "gaming what?"
I dont see the problem with gaming.stackexchange.com.
Although @Arda when you put it that way...
On more than one occasion I've wanted to refer people to an SE site but didn't because it would be too difficult
I mean, like, in real life
Agree, very bad for referrals
@Arda > *offline
:9349 I'm never offline
@Arda > I mean as opposed to "in real life"
I hate it when people mistype like that.
I don't consider that wrong at all
You don't think I'm a real person?
And/or this site is not a part of your life?
> On the Internet, "real life" refers to life in the real world. It generally references life or consensus reality, in contrast to an environment seen as fiction or fantasy, such as virtual reality, dreams, novels, or movies. Online, the acronym "IRL" stands for "in real life", with the meaning "not on the Internet".
I say 'offline life', or just 'offline'. It's a pet peeve.
one of mine is hypercorrection
By which you mean what exactly? I can guess.
In linguistics, hypercorrection is defined as usage of some rule of pronunciation or grammatical prescription that many users of a language consider incorrect, but that the speaker or writer uses through misunderstanding of these rules, often combined with a desire to seem formal or educated. Linguistic hypercorrection occurs when a real or imagined grammatical or phonetical rule is applied in a mistaken or non-standard context, so that a desire to be "correct" leads to an incorrect result: Faced with enough exceptions to a rule, the speaker might mistake the exception for the general r...
What is Jeff talking about in that starred chat message?
@Oak > Easter Egg?
Does it have anything to do with
insert coin
that's literally it
Yes indeed it does.
Grab the change, and book it. Is what I would do.
Anyway, gotta run might be on later who knows.
^ that was fast! ^
Excellent question though =D
Man I need to find something to downvote
Down vote the adult game-rec.
I thought votes on closed questions do not count?
Oh is it closed already?
That was fast.
Actually apparently they do.
they only don't count if it's deleted
@Oak why do you need to downvote?]
And why do you keep revealing my inaccurate advice? Its my only source of rep!
Oh yea sorry about that
I was just wondering if you know something I don't :)
And actually, I didn't know you can gift units to civilizations
I guess most of the times my units ventured into their territory, it was after war was already declared :)
to be honest, I tried to gift workers to other city-states too
it didn't work :/
I'm always assuming things are like Civ4, until you come along and tell me otherwise. Its actually a good system, means we find out all sorts of fun things.
ok, @Oak, if you're going to make a case for game-rec you're going to have to do better than "not too broad"
I'll be trying a couple such things tonight. I have a free night to do housework/gaming answer cleanup, so I hope to fix a lot of my "I'll clarify later" stuff.
we need to lay down some really specific rules
:9400 Yes, but you didn't try to tell the internets that you could. :)
and I'd like there to be some sort of justification for why we should support game-rec
They're awesome
that's not a reason
Say, haven't we discussed that before?
sexually explicit games are awesome too, but we don't support those
yeah, I just haven't ever seen a justification for why
nor have I ever seen a definition for what "too broad" is
I think he means "they increase traffic and the community clearly WANTS them, so we should support what the community wants, if we can reasonably"
but that's a guess.
@will well clearly part of the community doesn't want them
Yea, something like that. I also consider them relevant
so saying "some people" do isn't good enough
AND they can enjoy our expertise
:9416 True enough
some people want adult games and they can enjoy our expertise but that doesn't justify them
to be honest I forgot why we didn't like game-rec some time ago
one game per answer is a bad system
:9422 subjective.
it requires 0 expertise
and it rewards opinions
Besides, to be honest @tzenes, I gave up on reaching an agreement. Instead, currently us mods are checking whether we can force some sort of policy - for example by one final vote or whatever.
:9424 I've never seen any discussion on a game-rec question
apart from the discussion whether or not it should be allowed, that is
:9421 Adult content is one of those reasons that we could NOT reasonably support such a feature.
I have to do other things, but I'd like to see anyone make the case for why we should have game-rec
:9428 not discussion, subjective. The votes, like on most list questions, will be based on what the voter likes, not what the voter thinks is correct.
:9432 and, on a CW question, this is bad how?
:9433 I don't have a good argument for that, but I bet MSO does, and a far better one than I could come up with at that.
@Willful for me the main value in [game-rec] is not the opinion about the game, but knowledge of the game. The objective part ("here, this is a game that matches the criteria") overshadows the subjective one ("I liked this game"). Moreover, that knowledge is what I call the expertise - the community as a whole knows about a lot of games, a lot more than any one of us could.
I enjoy making points for both sides :)
And I'm aware the subjective opinions will trickle in there,
they are just secondary in my opinion.
:9437 as do I
:9436 Even if we assume that the answers are non-subjective, the votes will not necessarily follow that, and I believe there are reasons that is bad for a SE site. I'm considering looking up exactly what those reasons are...
@Willful true, the votes will not follow that. I consider that a secondary side-effect. And I actually like it.
"here's a list of all matching games. Hey, look, it also happens to be sorted by popularity, cool"
it is priceless!
Good for our traffic, very relevant in my opinion, very interesting for me.
:9442 Fair enough. and you've gotten back to @tzenes's question too.
Oh and @Willful I want to find something to downvote to round my rep :)
@oak now its 6256, which is a far better number anyway. :)
Say Willful, is Firaxis famous in supporting their games well?
Hmm, who deleted all the comments in my fight with powerlord?
"famous", perhaps not. Nothing like Blizzard. But they have released several patches/expansions for Civ4. Did they do Civ3 too? That had several of both as well.
:9451 I don't mind, much better this way.
:9443 popularity = bad
:9454 I actually disagree completely. It may not be what our site should be looking for, but it is not bad in and of itself.
Sorry @Arda, it was just very inappropriate there. For the record, I found what he wrote quite rude; but I understand that feeling that your answer was ripped from is annoying.
:9454 why?
:9456 As I said, I don't mind at all.
@Willful just asking because the game is riddled with bugs. bwarmer just point this out
And I was wondering if it will be continued to be patched until all the bugs are ironed out
@Oak interesting, and very pleasing to see. Let me put my experiences this way: by the end of Civ 4, there was only one real bug we even knew about, let alone had a problem with. It was fairly bad, but there was only one. Still, that took years.
popularity is a mater of opinion, we don't exist for opinions

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