> Free tune!!!! This is a piss take bootleg of Push It To The Limit from the movie Scar Face. This track is a piece of shit. I played it in Adelaide a few years ago and they asked for the reload but they were all on meth. We even saw this guy sniffing glue in the middle of town and a bit of glue was hanging off his nose and the glue looked at me. Take it, play it, laugh at it, rofl at it possibly while mayoing.
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After the people over at Board & Card Games made a promotional Magic card, I thought it would be fun to card-ify some of the people here. They were apparently very popular (mostly) and people were asking for more. Then I realized I don't really know much about a lot of the people here. Don...
I've never really been the type of person who does something obviously offensive for attention, so I really don't understand that type of attention. I guess I'm not a troll though... just seems like after a while, you've got to step up the response.
I would like some tips to beat the other pyro being a pyro.
What weapons should I use?
Is it more favorable to use a shotgun rather than a flamethrower?
@OrigamiRobot eh, on the one hand I don't have a trio of precognitive pre-crime fighting savants, but on the other hand, I don't know that I need them to predict something of that nature.